Newsletter September 2013

M I L L W A L L R F C I love this! (newsletter)” “Thanks so much for put- ting this together (and even including my article!) It makes it easy to keep in touch with what’s going on with the club rather than having to subscribe the the different subject emails, many of which aren’t rele- vant to someone who is not local. Keep it up!” - Matt Shorrock Former Chairman In This Issue Chair’s update TGIS 20th Anniversary t|The Committee Urban Bar Nite Fixtures Getting warmed up at Dagenham Chair’s Message The season is well and truly under way. We have had many new member s join both the playing and social side, which is fantastic. A big warm welcome to all new members. As there are new members and there have been a number of changes within the committee we have included a photo board so you know who is doing what. Feel free to contact any member of the management team. We are open to construc- tive criticism, praise and suggestions! The New Season has begun Turn out for training is steadily increasing and its great to see so many new faces. It looked amazing on Wednesday with all the floodlights lit. Some players have experienced a few ‘friendlies’ and run outs at Dagenham and Bancroft which are already showing off players with great promise for the coming season. We would also like to say a big ‘WELCOME’ to our new volunteer Physios (from King’s) who have already caused quite a stir among the players, judging by the twitter and FB activity! Sarah MRFC Newsletter September 2013


Millwall Rugby Club newsletter September 2013

Transcript of Newsletter September 2013


“I love this! (newsletter)”

“Thanks so much for put-

ting this together (and

even including my article!)

It makes it easy to keep in

touch with what’s going on

with the club rather than

having to subscribe the the

different subject emails,

many of which aren’t rele-

vant to someone who is

not local. Keep it up!”

- Matt Shorrock

Former Chairman

In This Issue

•Chair’s update


• 20th Anniversary

•t|The Committee

•Urban Bar Nite

• Fixtures

Getting warmed up at Dagenham

Chair’s Message

The season is well and truly under way. We have had many new member s join

both the playing and social side, which is fantastic. A big warm welcome to all new


As there are new members and there have been a number of changes within the

committee we have included a photo board so you know who is doing what. Feel

free to contact any member of the management team. We are open to construc-

tive criticism, praise and suggestions!

The New Season has begun

Turn out for training is steadily increasing and its great to see so many new faces. It looked amazing on Wednesday with all the floodlights lit.

Some players have experienced a few ‘friendlies’ and run outs at Dagenham and Bancroft which are already showing off players with great promise for the coming season.

We would also like to say a big ‘WELCOME’ to our new volunteer Physios (from King’s) who have already caused quite a stir among the players, judging by the twitter and FB activity!


MRFC Newsletter September 2013


Last month we heard all about the global Millwall family and how they enjoyed the

Lions tour.

We would love to hear from anyone past and present. Tell us what your up to.

Send us a message. Send me a quote. Anything you would like to say.

Pitch Update! A pitch inspection took place with Stephen

Murray (Head of parks and events for

LBTH), Rick Bruin and Neil Sweeney (RFU)

myself and Mike Beech representing Millwall

at Millwall Park.

It was a positive meeting. There are clearly

some misguided messages within LBTH

with regards to the historic use of Victoria

Park and Millwall Park being seen as the

‘priority pitch’. He was put firmly straight on

these issues.

The outcome is everyone is in agreement

that the pitch is unacceptable and a clear

renovation and maintenance programme

needs to be put in place. The RFU has of-

fered financial support and equipment to

supplement the borough’s resources.

Stephen Murray will meet with the grounds-

man and send us and the RFU the agreed

schedule of works.

Slow progress but it’s a step in the right di-


We take your views seriously!


You said….

‘With the recent bar price increases some

of the bottled beer is more expensive than

the Thai’

We say…

After some lengthy research of the local

hostelry's we have concluded that...

We are still cheaper!

Feel free to prove us wrong!

It’s Your club…have your say

The Club along with our very own Rugby Development Officer Neil

Sweeney (now fully paid up social member) from the RFU, will be run-

ning a ‘Club Development Workshop’.

It is really important that as many members as possible attend.

It will be held at the clubhouse on Saturday 21st October when we have

3 HOME games, from 10am till 12pm.

We will provide you with breakfast and a warm welcome.

There will also be a survey coming your way at the end of the month.

Please take the time to complete it.

We face many challenges, as do other clubs and it is important that we

work together to meet them, ‘head on’.


Millwall Past and Present

I’m sure looking at the photo above has brought back fond memo-ries for some of you and raised a few questions for others.

Millwall Rugby Club is moving very quickly towards celebrating its 20th Anniversary. Yes! This monumental milestone will be met in June 2015. (I think there might be something else rugby related happening at the same time—might be able to link in?)

Memories and Stories

In preparation for this event we would like to begin to collect tales, stories (tall or otherwise), memories and maybe even a few facts from the club’s history.

No matter how small, we would like you to let us know what you remember or ‘think’ you remember. The idea is to collate all this information alongside our substantial newspaper clip collection to create a ‘History of the club’.

We need your Help

What form this will take is yet to be decided. Book, DVD who knows... Hollywood!

Please send your stories etc. to [email protected]

If you are a budding historian, archivist or someone who would be interested in piecing together the club’s history forever drop me an email. The more the merrier.

The Founding Fathers! How many can you name?

Our boys at the Bancroft

10’s Tournament


After the success of the

Millwall Calendar a

couple of years ago we

are planning to make

another one.


We are thinking a

‘cheeky’ version obvi-

ously maintaining a ru-

by theme. Maybe along

the lines of Calander

girls. A boys one and a

girls one?


What do you think?

Want to be in it? Ideas

for poses/scenes?

(keep it relatively clean


We would welcome

contributions from our

global family.

CMC will have the final

say but we would hope

to have it ready by the

end of November.

Just in time for

Christmas stocking fill-


Interested please email

Gareth or Sarah at the

usual , blah, blah,


Mission motorsport. Fundraising partner—an awesome track day for the McCabes

Woo Hoo! Some positions have been filled...a Huge

thank you to Mr Beech taking over fixtures, Paul Fisher

for taking on player registration and merchandise, Ed

taking care of safeguarding and a huge welcome back

to Antoinette who will be cooking all the home teams


BUT we still need more help...

Could you help us with…

• Be a key person for touch rugby

• Supporting the youth section

• Collecting ‘funny /interesting stories’ from players/

members past and present

• Collate ‘ruck and maul’ programmes into a book

• Planning how to celebrate our 20th anniversary

(June 2015) and the 10th anniversary of the

youth (Nov 2013)


old and new

enjoying the


of the



Contact our volunteer coordinator, Paul Fisher or email


Urban Bar @ MIllwall

Sunday 25th August 2013 by Sophie

Your Sex is on fire, It's raining men, Bye Bye Miss American Pie,

rugby balls, other balls, Jaeger Bombs, Skittle Bombs and first day

post match. Put them all together and you get 5 Bells at Millwall

Rugby for one night only on Sunday 25th August. And what a night

it was!

‘Sex Is On Fire’

Mark left nothing behind and brought his crew, his tunes and his

special tricks to us – how very affable of him.

Needless to say, the night was a great one with Mark setting his

‘sex’ on fire on the bar of the club while everyone around him was

clamouring for Jaeger bombs and Skittle bombs, wearing sequined

cowboy hats, grinning like fools and hitting the dance floor like they

were possessed. It was a vision of beauty, people covered in glit-

ter and green and orange paint.

A Vision of Beauty

A huge thank you to all of you who turned up to support Mark – I’m

sure you’ll all agree we are looking forward to the next one.

Special thanks need to be given to Gareth and Ryan for driving the event AND of course Mark!


Sponsership is an important

part of funding the Rugby


1st XV

Chattels of London ( a local

estate agentcy) have signed

as our first team sponsers.

They are committed to

providing new shirts and

water balls for the team and

on-going publicity.

Any Contacts?

We are always on the look

out for further sposors for

our second and third teams.

Do you know a local busi-

ness that might be interest-


Email: sophie Mor-

[email protected]

Continued sponsorship from two local restaurants

141 Manchester Road, Isle of Dogs, London

E14 3DN. Telephone : 020 7538 9826 and

020 7538 0393 Email :

[email protected]

12.5% discount to all Millwall Members

(eat in only)

41 Millharbour, London, Greater Lon-don E14 9NB


020 7538 4882

10% Discount for all Millwall Mem-bers

Carrying on with the momentum that was achieved with last years TGIF (Thank God It’s Fri-

day) this highly successful event has been moved to Saturdays so that we can get as many

people down to the club as possible.

The first one of the new season will be held on:

21st of September

From 7pm onwards

The aim is to encourage friends, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, housemates etc. to join in the

‘fun’ that the clubhouse has to offer as well encouraging the players to stay and ‘chill out’ after

a hard game.

Venus and social members are encouraged to come down as well to party all together right

through the night and for those with extra stamina on to the Urban Bar for glitter, hats and


This month your very own Social Secretary, Jo will be the DM ably supported by Venus bar-


There will be one each month from September onwards. Trying to have a fun theme each

time. Feel free to email [email protected] with your ideas.

This month’s theme will be rubix cube.

You come dressed head to toe in all the colours from the rubix cube and the idea is that by

the end of the night you are wearing clothing that represents one colour of the cube!

Keep an eye out for more details on Millwall Facebook page.

TGIS (Thank God It’s Saturday)

Contact Us

Send us an email for

more information about

Millwallwall Rugby Club

Manchester rd

Isle of Dogs



Visit us on the web at

Millwall RFC brings you grassroots rugby.

Oktoberfest on Millwall Park


We are still waiting to hear if the Beer Festival will gain Licensing Permis-

sion. However more importantly I can confirm IF it does go ahead Mill-

wall’s Rugby pitch will not be affected.

Games will go ahead as normal on the Saturday and Sunday.

As usual we welcome as many of you as possible to come and be specta-

tors and support your team.