News -€¦ · with high expections. News E L Volume 3 Issue 13...

Education is shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expections. School News ROLLANDS PLAINS UPPER PUBLIC SCHOOL Volume 3 Issue 13 Thursday 23 August 2018 Principal: Leanne Parker School Administrative Manager: Janice McLachlan Teachers: Leanne Parker Thomas Keane Alison Deicke School Learning Support Officer: Jenny Drage Grounds Assistant: Eian Wilson Phe:(02) 65 858274 Fax: (02) 65 858344 E-mail: rollandplu- [email protected] www.rollandplu- Quality Innovative Education in a Caring Environment Small Schools Camp: Last week, 7 Primary students along with Mrs Parker, Mrs Drage and students from the other small schools travelled to Sydney for four days. We visited many interesting and educational venues. We visited the convict built Hyde Park Barracks; the Rocks area and learnt about early Australian settlement; the Aquarium, Madam Tussords, Centre Point Tower and many more. We would like to complement the children on their outstanding behaviour throughout the entire trip. Principal’s Message: We are already half way through another busy and exciting term. Some of the upcoming events in the remaining weeks include Book Week Parade, SRC fund raising, Billabong Zoo visit, 2Way FM Radio Station and music lessons. Music Lessons commenced this week with Dave Stevens. Dave will be teaching the children guitar and drums each Wednesday. This was very popular with the children last year. Many thanks to the P&C for funding this activity. Just a reminder the P&C will be holding a Trivia night on 15 September 2018 and monies raised on the night will go towards paying for the lessons.

Transcript of News -€¦ · with high expections. News E L Volume 3 Issue 13...

Page 1: News -€¦ · with high expections. News E L Volume 3 Issue 13 Thursday 23 August 2018 ... Wednesday 29 August — 2WayFM (School’s Out) Radio Program

Education is shared

commitment between

dedicated teachers,

motivated students and

enthusiastic parents

with high expections.
























Volume 3 Issue 13

Thursday 23 August 2018

Principal: Leanne Parker

School Administrative Manager: Janice McLachlan Teachers: Leanne Parker Thomas Keane Alison Deicke School Learning Support Officer: Jenny Drage Grounds Assistant: Eian Wilson

Phe:(02) 65 858274

Fax: (02) 65 858344

E-mail: rollandplu-

[email protected]


Quality Innovative Education in a

Caring Environment

Small Schools Camp: Last week, 7 Primary students along with Mrs

Parker, Mrs Drage and students from the other small schools travelled to Sydney for four days. We visited many interesting and educational venues. We visited the convict built Hyde Park Barracks; the Rocks area and learnt about early Australian settlement; the Aquarium, Madam Tussords, Centre Point Tower and many more.

We would like to complement the children on their outstanding behaviour throughout the entire trip.

Principal’s Message: We are already half way through another busy and

exciting term. Some of the upcoming events in the remaining weeks include Book Week Parade, SRC fund raising, Billabong Zoo visit, 2Way FM Radio Station and music lessons.

Music Lessons commenced this week with Dave Stevens. Dave will be

teaching the children guitar and drums each Wednesday. This was very popular

with the children last year. Many thanks to the P&C for funding this activity. Just a reminder the P&C will be holding a Trivia night on 15 September

2018 and monies raised on the night will go towards paying for the lessons.

Page 2: News -€¦ · with high expections. News E L Volume 3 Issue 13 Thursday 23 August 2018 ... Wednesday 29 August — 2WayFM (School’s Out) Radio Program


Wednesday 29 August — 2WayFM (School’s Out) Radio Program Friday 31 August — Library Van Wednesday 5 September — Fathers Day stall Friday 7 September — Soccer Gala Day Wednesday 12 September — Movie Afternoon Friday 14 September — Scripture Saturday 15 September — Trivia Night (P&C major fundraiser) Friday 21 September — Library Van, Book Week Parade Thursday 27 September— Billabong Zoo excursion Friday 28 September— SRC fundraiser Crazy Hair and Cupcake Day. Last day of Term 3.

Positive behaviour goals: At our school it is an expectation that students demonstrate safe

and positive behaviours towards their peers and teachers. The word bullying is commonly used in the media and according to The National Bullying Prevention Centre bullying is defined as “an intentional behaviour that hurts, harms, or humiliates a student, either physically or emotionally, and can happen while at school, on the bus, in the community, or online. Conflict is defined as a disagreement or argument in which both sides express their views. Over the coming weeks, staff will be working with students addressing what bullying behaviour is and how it can impact people. Any behaviour deemed inappropriate between students in school time, on the bus or online will result in reflection time, including in- school timeout or suspension from school.

Primary Classroom News: This term, each Monday, we will be holding our Mad Mondays

Science Day which are exciting opportunities for students to conducting some interesting experiments. In science we are studying the topic of Friend or Foe and investigates native and non native species and the impact they can have on the environment. In history/geography, we are learning about Sydney as a convict settlement to a modern city. Homework continues to be given out each Monday and handed in each Friday. Reading books can be exchanged at any time and students should be bringing books home each week. Please contact me at school if you have any questions regarding homework.

Slime Making: For our first Mad Monday science day our class made slime. We used slime

making kits for monster slime, mermaid slime and coloured slime. The students enjoyed squishing

their hands through the mixture.

2018 STEM Project: This year, our STEM project will be focusing on fashion and the students

will be presenting their projects later in Term 4. As part of the process the students will be raising money to go towards purchasing materials for their projects. The students as a team have worked together to plan four easy fundraisers. The first was held on the 6.08.2018 Tim Tams in Jim Jams.

This event raised $37.30. Other fund raisers include Crazy Hair Day, Cupcake Day, Movie Afternoon and a special lunch order. We will be holding a sausage sizzle next Monday. Please complete the attached a lunch order note. Money does not have to be sent in until Monday but orders

will need to be placed for shopping purposes.

Soccer Gala Day will be held at Fairmont Gardens Wauchope on 7 September. Thank you to

the staff of Long Flat PS for organising this event. Please complete the attached permission note.

Page 3: News -€¦ · with high expections. News E L Volume 3 Issue 13 Thursday 23 August 2018 ... Wednesday 29 August — 2WayFM (School’s Out) Radio Program


Billabong Zoo: As part of our whole school science unit students are studying the animal and plant

kingdoms including native and introduced species. As a concluding activity to our unit K-6 will be

visiting Billabong Zoo. School will cover the cost of the bus travel to and from the venue. We are asking parents to only pay the entry fee. Further information and a permission note will be sent home next week. We are tentatively booking the 27.09.2018 which is the last Thursday of term.

Book Week Parade: This week is national Book Week. As a school we will be celebrating this

event on Friday 21 September. We will be holding our annual dress up parade where children are invited to come along dressed as one of their favourite book characters. Siblings are also invited to join in on the

day. More information will be sent home in the coming newsletters.

Schools Out Radio Program: Next Wednesday evening, our school will be hosting the local

radio station 2WayFM. All students are invited to attend the evening. Infants students attending will be

given the opportunity to host the radio early in the evening. If your child/ren are unable to attend they may have the opportunity to record their session to be played on the evening. Students are currently preparing their segments and selecting songs. Please complete the attached permission note.

Sport Shirt Logo : Our new school sports shirts now display our school logo to match our school

shirt. Thank you to Dyverse Designs for applying our logos. The new costing of our sports shirt’s is $ 22. This is due to an increase from the supplier.

Cupcake Day: Last Wednesday, as a part of our studies in literacy and

mathematics, students were required to read and follow a recipe, and measure ingredients, to create chocolate cupcakes. Students were then asked to create designs to decorate their cupcakes.

Happy Birthday

Callum Dale turns 9 on 22 August 2018

Nicolas Barkle turns 10 on 4 Septem-ber 2018

Page 4: News -€¦ · with high expections. News E L Volume 3 Issue 13 Thursday 23 August 2018 ... Wednesday 29 August — 2WayFM (School’s Out) Radio Program


Rollands Plains Upper Public School

Principal: Mrs Leanne Parker

Small Schools Soccer Gala Day 2018 The next major event on the school calendar is the Small School Soccer Gala Day. The carnival will be held on Friday 7 September at Fairmont Gardens Sporting Field Wauchope and will run from 10am to 2pm. Parents will need to provide transport for their children to and from the venue. If you are unable to provide transport for your child/ren, please contact us. All students will need closed-in footwear, shin pads (school can supply), long socks (to hold up shin pads), a drink bottle (labelled with your child’s name), hat and sun screen, lunch and recess. A limited canteen will be available. We are expecting all students to attend this excursion. The school will be closed on the day. Please complete the permission note below and return to school by 31/08/2018. ===================================================================

I hereby give permission for my child/ren __________________________________to attend the Small Schools Soccer Gala Day on Friday 7 September at Fairmont Gardens Sporting Field Wauchope.

I am aware that I need to arrange transport for my child/ren, and that this activity has the approval of the Principal.

I am/am not able to transport my child/ren. Please circle.

My son/daughter has the following special needs (please provide full details and include any relevant medical details).




My best contact number on the day will be ____________________________

I give/do not give permission for my child/ren to receive medical treatment in case of an emergency.

Signed ____________________ Parent/Carer

Page 5: News -€¦ · with high expections. News E L Volume 3 Issue 13 Thursday 23 August 2018 ... Wednesday 29 August — 2WayFM (School’s Out) Radio Program

Rollands Plains Upper

Public School Principal: Leanne Parker

2Way FM Radio Show

On Wednesday 29 August 2018, we have been invited to host the Schools Out session of the 2 Way FM radio program from 6 to 8pm. All the preparation for the event will be completed at school. We are inviting each student attending to bring in $5.00 to contribute towards drink and pizza. Students will do class tallies on which flavored pizzas they would like. We will meet at 5.30pm at the studio which is located next to Wauchope Pool. Parents will need to provide transport to and from this event. Parents do not have to re-main at the radio station during this time but are welcome to stay and also join us for pizza. The studio is very small and students may be outside so please remember to dress appropriately. Please complete the permission note, and return it to school by Monday 27/08/2018. Mr Keane and Mrs Parker will be attend-ing this event.


2Way FM Radio Show Permission Note I hereby give permission for my child/ren _______________________________________________ to attend the 2 Way FM Radio Program at Wauchope on Wednesday 29 August 2018.

I am aware that private transport will be required and that this excursion has the approval of the principal.

I can/cannot provide transport for my child/ren.

I am enclosing $5 per child for the following pizza and drink order.

Signed _____________________ Date _______________

Sausage Sizzle Monday 27 August 2018

Sausage sizzle order form, please return by Tomorrow Friday

24 August.

Childs / Family Name _____________________

Beef Sausage Sandwich x _____________________

Vegetarian Sausage x _____________________

Total _____________________

Cost of sausage sandwich $2.00 each

No orders will be accepted on Monday.