I am very happy to inform you the activities of John’s Ministries of December 2014. 21 st December: I am very glad to inform you that we had celebrated our Semi Christmas celebrations on 21 st for His Glory. We have started the Christmas Celebration Prayer service with the opening prayer of our Pastor Rev. Aseervadam. Our Guest speaker Rev. Francis Rebba gave the Christmas message. All the believers were touched by His Words and came to know the purpose of His Birth. Our Guests Dr. Angely Pavani Lydia and Pastor Mattiah and Rev. Aseervadam gave the Christmas greetings. My Elder daughter Janet Georgia had given vote of thanks. I spoke the ministry remarks and greetings to all. Every thing went on peacefully by His grace and all of us enjoyed His presence and Love. We have gifted Children in our Child Care Center, Widows, Old aged people and Youth members in our Church with a pair of new clothes. Some of the Pastors in John’s Ministries were also gifted with a pair of new clothes. All the believers praised God and thanked Lord for the Gift for this Christmas. Some of the Children brought up in our Child Care center has grown up and completed their schools and entered into their colleges. They were also gifted with a pair of clothes with His love. After the celebration we had a love feast and we all thanked God for provide an opportunity in our lives to celebrate His Birthday. We are very much thankful for your prayer and support.

Transcript of NEWS LETTER 2015 Dec

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I am very happy to inform you the activities of John’s Ministries of December 2014.

21 st December: I am very glad to inform you that we had celebrated our Semi Christmas celebrations on 21st for His Glory. We have started the Christmas Celebration Prayer service with the opening prayer of our Pastor Rev. Aseervadam. Our Guest speaker Rev. Francis Rebba gave the Christmas message. All the believers were touched by His Words and came to know the purpose of His Birth. Our Guests Dr. Angely Pavani Lydia and Pastor Mattiah and Rev. Aseervadam gave the Christmas greetings. My Elder daughter Janet Georgia had given vote of thanks. I spoke the ministry remarks and greetings to all. Every thing went on peacefully by His grace and all of us enjoyed His presence and Love. We have gifted Children in our Child Care Center, Widows, Old aged people and Youth members in our Church with a pair of new clothes. Some of the Pastors in John’s Ministries were also gifted with a pair of new clothes. All the believers praised God and thanked Lord for the Gift for this Christmas. Some of the Children brought up in our Child Care center has grown up and completed their schools and entered into their colleges. They were also gifted with a pair of clothes with His love. After the celebration we had a love feast and we all thanked God for provide an opportunity in our lives to celebrate His Birthday. We are very much thankful for your prayer and support.

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28 th December:

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I would like to inform you that we have gifted an AIDS affected victims family with Holy Bibles, a pair of new clothes and Bed Sheets on 28th of December. I would like to describe you about her family history. Her name is Marri.Venkateswaramma, her husbands name is Siviah. They were married 15 years ago and he left her 8 years ago. She was affected to HIV because of her husband and facing a lot of problem for their livelihood. Her Children Adilakshmi and Vyshnavi, 13 and 11 years old respectively. Both of them are studying 6th class. Marri. Venkateswaramma was a daily labor and its very difficult for her to educate her Children, family maintenance and for her medicine. She wants us to help her to meet the needs of Children and her family maintenance (Each one $30 and $10 for medicines) around $100 per month. We have preached them His Word and Love. I told them that our Mightily Lord only can do Miracles and can heal her and want her to put faith in Him and He will take care of all their needs. Please Pray and help this family to meet their needs.

29 th December: I am happy to inform you that a few weeks ago a girl from Hindu community named Rangamma , resident of our town came to me and asked me to pray for her as she is going to attend for a police interview. Today., 29-12-14 she came to me and praised our Lord for doing a miracle in Her Life. She got the job of Circle Inspector in Indian Railways. She is very happy and asked me to pray for her salvation. I prayed for her and gifted her with a Holy Bible and spoke a few words about His Love and Salvation.Praise the Lord for His miracles.

31 st December: I would like to inform you that we have gifted another AIDS affected victim’s family with Holy Bibles, a pair of new clothes and Bed Sheets on 31st of December. I would like to describe you about their family history. His name is Annam Venkateswar rao aged 41 and his wife’s name is Krishna veni aged 37, They had two kids Anil and Ravindra studying 10 and 4th classes. These couple is daily labor. They were affected with HIV from past 8 years. They are very poor and can't get buy medicines to them. I gave them Rs.2000 for their family

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maintenance for this month. Actually it costs around $150 for their lively hood and medication but because of lack of funds we gave them a small amount. They came to us and asked us to pray for them. They recently started to trust the real God and accepted Him as their personal savior. I asked them to come to Church regularly and told them that only our Almighty Lord can heal them. Please pray and help these needy people.

31 st December – 1 st January 2015: I am very happy about His Love and Grace upon us to enter into a new year. Praise the Lord!!I am glad to inform you that we had welcomed the New Year with His service. We had a morning service and we all thanked Lord for providing us an opportunity in our lives to enter into a new year. Our Pastor Aseervadam delivered his message. I greeted all our Church members a very happy new year and explained them that Lord has provided one more opportunity to change our lives. After that we have distributed Holy Bibles to some of the new comers and some believers who requested to have a new Holy Bible this year. In the evening a person named Nageswar Rao from Hindu community suffering from Cancer changed his life and took Baptism. He gave a testimony that he is trusting our Lord and He only can heal Him. Please pray for Him.

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I would like to thank you for all your Love, prayer and support towards us from the past 11 years. I want you to please continue your valuable prayers for John's Ministries for Extensive evangelism.We all are praying for you and your family. May Our Lord fulfill all your desires according to His Will, Bless and use you mightily for the extension of His Kingdom. Thanking You.In His ServiceJohn Daniel Rebba.