New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1895-10-03 [p 10]....5lO, hale,. con.pared with U7.WU baJe*.aat...

THE MARKET8, TOTAL RECEI1TS TO-PAY. Raw-Tork, nn nher 2. BBfc R. E. P-'ae. bag. ... *i 0J| ea**, pfcC* "¦"';.« Eeaiia bbla . IBI OU, Urd. bbla ..... .,''. X5. vv. flour. phB*.... Otoo. .... rka* ¦... " Oornmeal. bbla . » P.-anuta baga ... .. Commeal. bega 2.--' '."*. "." )v- Optmeal. bbla . 848 Beef. pk*TB .- . ,»** Corn, baa* .RW.<»6 Dre.aed boa* N... * Oat. buah .127.2-a I.i.i.l k*a. *.*¦ P,aa bu.h . l.loO LarA k-a* *. MaU." buah . a.«Bl Tallow. ,.kae . «« «'ottona.-ed oll. bbla. .',«*> .Jreaae. pkae . OMteav balca 8.884 Butter. pkg* . .. ; Prled frult. Pk«* ... ILjaa Fheeae |d.B« . f.lBB Hay. tona. A-' '';"". bbla . - Htrnw. tona . 80 Bg**. CMM . JB* Qraaa aeed. bnga M fUea, PfUg .. g I Hldca balea . 22 Rlce chaff. baga gj SS M. ..... gaja BaialBa. Cal.. *ack*. «* B? aeOea . 170: mae. baR*. » Le.ther, aldea. r..ika) Tol.a.-co. hhda.g Molaaaea. bbla . TaJjwrejA pbjr*. £ Moai. balea . *> \\ hlskry. bbla . ¦"« Roaln. bbla. 8.881 Wpei bale. . BJB Splrlt.a turp.. bbla 732 ObL wlnc. pka* CASB (JFtlTATIONS Ki-lN,r.n."°fV.-. : '. 2s 7:. SoCie/ OK r-r-n-. 80 Ijtt.A . 3 88 II»g*. dreeaol. 100-1b l.H Fopper. BBBM iRgaa.. 1310 Tall w. prtme. .».> Wheat. Xo 2 re.! 88 Lard. prlme. BBH .-om, No 2 mlaed.. 7'-» l'.-ik. me*a . i''<"' Oat.: No 2 mlaad.. ,, ».* Reef hama.. . 15 W Jdlnn. patent flour. .'17.. IWf. family. IIs" Fnffee. No 7. R"» EM'.'RTS TO-DAT. Whaat buah. ...4..-.4.I ReBaed pet.. r.*la --¦. .H» OaaatTWab . «S.«a Oaeolin.. g«i*.. 888 Oat*.' i.j-'i . a,in Radduvm. galB...... SBBJ jE'S,:::::::: 'X gSg^'St-tg Flour. bbla. lapB Pork. »1*. »S Flour. aarka. 1S.1..4 B-*f. bhl* . » a'ornmenl. bbla. 8M gaeon. Ib.»7.»0 Hran. tb. l.44o Hama R». ,^ « Hay. bai** Lard. rb .ninleal. Ih.120.(0. Tall.». tb.J-WJ OU cake. tb.latW ONWt ">. f-S5 riplrlta turp.. arals... 2.5a. I utter. rt.. ; Hoein. bbla. 630 Cheaa*. 1*. ,SH' Tar, bbia. tl .. ? - THE GENERAL MARKET REPORT. Bhya Tot*. Oetobajf 2. 'k'r- (DTTON-TIie early par- af the B*aalpn «na rlu.rai .i- Ited by mmp wMa and aalck .hana;.* ln pri.-e. arol ..- alderab> actlvity. The fi-ai call Iradsa WtaMl an ad^ vanoe of B*M polnt* on prlvat* caWe* f,a .''*'hB'..,'-, f pool waa up after the openlng dec ln. there t.1 JTor I iKdnta Th* pabllc cable. reealvod '.at-r iirn.. iheae reporta. and LlVerpo advaaced aboul 8 polata. but loat It later. ar.d cl *-d IrreguUr and un»«"'*d W"J'¦ n.t decline of 6*>3^ P Inta Ti .. earlj w,-«ki..-a. r. Lw,-; pool waa attrlbuta? to the renorl that Mr. S«ll Inodlft- hl« crop atlmati and Aal ap lnnera «.-i- n- aelling. The abroad. Jual bel >r* lh. cIom, ae.ii m be cn contlnt.ed he,,x% movemenl of cotton_ on in« Bldt. L,v-n,.H,: *enl buylng ordera lo thi. rnark.1 aar y m the aay. Januan opened at 8.»6«B.»7c »>id on tc f:.8lc. aalvaaead to 8.02*. and at 1 o *.»}« 8.92c, Thi. lati-r flrmnM* was due In tl..- pon. of froat In lh* Memphl* dtairlct, whlch. honai. Jack-d coaaraBBtloa. The afternoon mark.i wai l^Vve and eaaiet all aloiig lb« :in- Thi. «.«k..-, nppar.-ntlv du. Ihe hiek of en..iBy dia;..a> ¦¦.i'i ¦¦¦' >;]\ l.uV,-r.. coupl«1 wlth th- Bxeeutlon ol *om« a--...ior -r .: fn»m New-oriean.. Althougb th. local |»lc. «* »!»« . ot on wa, r»d.iced 1 1»V. th. re wai ar. lt.aa*d d -:n..i. 1 for consumptlot, aa;e. in ,i,,¦-. dir-. tl n amc.ur.t r.a b- 1300 bales Savar.nah waa l-H, lomer on IW J _ n wRh (harleator. i-artlally l-l» better, aad olhet rMT- keii generally un.-:,ar.Kcd. Th,- .na.k.t her. 2kaaJlateady. wlth a nei loa* ol 264 polnl* lal wa weiV841.."* balea. The local l.ade ls .xpv.,.t^ JOtn* raeavary al Rew-Otleaaa io-morrow. Ther* e ITmnr bf an exporl oa. agalnst purcha**. at lh* So""* ^mc'roti-' reporta can. la t. MW«»', «J South Carollna, but r... damagi r*port«l. l.-r-ipU Son. fo* tba tmrrent w. ,y. ¦:^^ al .- :-'"^.k 5lO,<Mk> hale,. con.pared with U7.WU baJe* .aat r»a on « l.aea last year. To-dav ¦ t.i.lpta nt Ton we7- 7 32T b.>. a*air.s- (..'a.7 bai.* «rr. .ilv Taat week and i 737 balea in-: year. X*w-i «45S "alea aKa .at AM8 and 8.000 b*|... IUh»WiM NeT-l.tTeaha to-..torroav ar^ -a.,.- - 5 000 £~a0M*U?*^ compared Wlth .'.,121 b.1.1 K ^mp.TedJa,l.. :.-.¦¦.. aatl balea. aaailaai l.TOJ and 2.2.3 balea. n r ..k... t&'nSar%d"l0.«2O18bSer M"m, '.^n^ranre'^olose^da, pW <*»*t, bB. IB. P-loua nlab. ar, Ja-t^* , Init *et .¦»' ". B1«! >',"T oetober .|77 j, 77 j.g aajaa|o H.I M. Rovetaber ...AM B.W - vTl,MVS, B.M ,-,.,, December .. 8.M 8.90 b.7. JW ..., VebruaT, " S^S 9M »W- b.»2^.M N.W «.}« ^'.h .o l.t .. 13 !. 00 P uSfi H 04 « o-i b 23 if. .tS P17 !"Od P.OPaW.10 1.12 6.2h S V.V:".ar aai ..». bmPlM au aaa Maxkot rk.aed Btaady at 2 to 4 dec wlYh veaterday'a cloalng prk-ea. Tranaferrlble not Total Bale*. 84».aD0 balea N^< T rk nei raceji balea- ar .aa, 8.884 balea Exp - M, »00 bai**, Oreat Fritaln. 1.881 balea. rorwarded ^..^^S"' .2.7(1. balea; apdiuier*, 1.2-. balea; atock, u....... balea. T,|(,i n.-t r^ceipta to-day. 2*t..4.!2 bai** Ihu* far lhl« week, I4«7f» bales. Expon. t.-daj Oreal MUaUkl^ Mae; .ontlnent, 4.65t. balea. Thu, far thi* w^rek: O^^r"*'" 15 276 balea: Fran^e. r. 414 bal*a; CWitbMnt « M1.237 balea. Spot ootton eaav; 11', loWW dlln« uplanJ. 1H-; mldd'.lni; K'llf. '-<'*r- **J**. -'M' '"..k Ipcludlng 1 200 balea conaumptloa, I.M0 balea '.''»tr';J'-1. Uverpool eaMe* BpJl cotton. B-K.d demand; .ale. 13.000 bal^-i ape.-iilati-n and .aport, 1.000 balaa: Amerloan. ll.iaw balea. rectpt' 1 .oo<> bale*; middl ng "P1"".: 4 11 lCd. Fulures or<.ned eaay, actlera Bl 6-e4d derline, loa-d lrreicular and unsetlled at 54 10 tl-- polnta n-t .!..- ,Hn-. Oetober, 441s. Ortober-Xov*mb*r 44..S November- laaeeaber, 440b; December-Jar.nair. 44ia. .lanuary-^"" ruary, 442b; Pebruary-Barch. 448Ha; Vnrch-Aprii.**¦'»¦ Apr.l-May. 440b. May-.lune. 447Sa. June-July. WHb, juiy-A-.ifuat. 4f*0*. MaarbaitaT Tar. Btea.iy. ctotaa r*n . drTKK Salrt made In thla market nt *>*.*. lK)inta advance, ;i.tho>j»;.. Havr. cable* w"rP.» aliaie ,-a*ier. Local operatora »a a mle manlf-at lndi n ond vlce. iluctuate in amai: buylna ..r ai-lanjr. Ix-liv.ii'« were Vnsller. and recelj-ta falr. Ha\re eloaed <jtil-< Bl J ahade bel'.w yesterdav. Octtber, 93 franca; Noyen franr-a; Daeeaber, 91.30 franra: Jaauary, 81.50 frat,. -. Februan-. PO 2.'. fiama Haniburg- dull. Oetober, .-> pfk':- Noveml'T. 71 7r, pfga; December, 74 50 pfga; Jai ia 73.88 ptga. Rlo Braa at 14..'..a. rela ror N 7; loeirf; r-celpia. 4..a»i baaj* Cleared rcr Fmi-d Btale. 4.(K*) baga. Santo» recetpt*, ir. <».» l«ga: atock. 25H.000 Market frm at 14.7t«. rela. Rlo ihipmenti lo I'nit.-d BtaU* ln^r. 1«14.00(. tiai-s. Kanto. thlpmenta, 118.- IWO baga; thlpmenta. 22.0bu Inpa. Antwerp atock, Oetober 1. IW.'-.a. baga Ootitracta ctoatd .teady at r.f, 15 polnta advance. Hal-s ld.iajO la#t. aa follows: Laat Hiah- Low- Cleart y*-r *.t. <at. 1- -day. bld. Januarv .- 15««15.06 II .80 February .. I4.W614.H0 11.20 March . 14 7.'. 14 70 14.70fJ14.75 11.13 Atlrtl . 14.454J14.B5 lil" May .11.40 14 2.'. 14.854)14.40 11.10 Oetober .15.4J 15.45 14.4r.ftl4.50 12.05 Nov«n1>er .16.35 15.80 14.304*14.3.. 1220 liecen.ter .U.15 IB.R1 14.15fJ14.20 11.88 The .tatl.tlr.: po.itlon of Rrazll cr.ff-. ia a. foHewai v Yeete lay. I^.s; week. New-York .to. k.381.887 988.874 2>'.7 2o JlaltlmT- atock. **.5*5 --7I4 M.atCi New-Orlea,r.. Btack. 88,888 31.881 81.0U0 stocit at aU aona..aafMi 843.808 K.w-York dellverlea. 8.007 11.684 ;- -- Haltlmoro 'i.llvei:'-'. l-«* '.* ..'|a X.w-OrI«an. dellye:i»«. M Trtal dellvarlc.... AfBa J3.BB3 757 »«oat . .BBXaOO 35O.008 219.000 VIolM. .uiPly.MA8I1 6«l.aoa :.-- The raarket for Rlo and Baatea growllia ls m .ra acUv. and decidedlv hfKher. cloatng wi.h IBUc lh* QlM Kio No 7 BPOt. and l&c ror Rb. No s apot. Anj ng th* fal« wete ftuo Uaa Rlo No 7 oa ap *l '.'Vv;. WO bagi Rl^No 7 to amve. per M.rlda, l«H and 1.000 baga R N«VT. to ,,,-r Aalalir PrUlC* at 16* Ttier. WM alao a Ire.r ba>« movemenl ln mlld i-radea. uhiwi reaulted in aataa of a.- ui :i.o<k. bag* Baracall ... I.WO bai aliia. and l.b'O I aga OrBtral AnBtrtaaa, all on artvata tfcFj!*.FH ANIJ MEAL- Tlie floar maik. t waa Bllghtly bttler ia ton. lo-day, althougb lt larked Inti-rest. I: .y.ira and arller* .-..ntlnue a:.-,n. «i.h. bowev.r, lh* BkoWlAB a y-ry nrm ui.d.rtone for b th stIhk BJ ter The advunre In WBaMl to-day had V.ry llttl* InllU enre ln lacwaalna trad-. aith..iigh It gav* th.- mark. a Htrong uadarton* at the c. «<- Total ialM wera "';;') 18.100 pkga, a* follow.; .Va. bbla wlnter palenta, 83 »4J libla ri-ara, M 10088 23. :att^r prlc old; 1,000 ai-ra 2a $2 4.. (focal).Bt^TCWHEAT FLOI K Ivower; g^od demand; *pol ani.-a. 800 baga, atfl TOR81 W». RTE PLOl'R Mark *al*a -;'^ bbla. at M48488388.. .CORNBEAL-Barkel *teadjr; -'¦<>. 800 Ibi*. -ii »2«o. Qaotad: Brandywln. *2;',¦; B*4Tafnore »2*/> Southern and VVe»t.rn, 82 S0«*2 »>. ..... BA«j kfRAL Market Tilet. Qii'-'.d: Flne wblte, '... RM W:.>; eoaia*. T«07(k PERD Market qulet SoUdT^B 7043T2H*'; 80-fb. TOgmHe; BO-fb, .5c; l«.- n. »c; ahfn.a. ia>«-ftr..-; h- iiilny «*O0 .. " '';n"''.'1 mea. I.2S.4'..7U,. U BMal, H 8Bg4191%; .'> feed. ¦ "iRAIX- WHEAT Th* wlieat trade waa k** a.tlve to- dav and th* inoveraeal of prire. wlthta a l*ae eatenelva rank'e than wl'ri.-Ka.-d vei*. at a ellfrht derline, due to tha w.-akr.'a. of lh* OPanlBg Llverpot.; rati-a and the allghl Mlllna bl :' '. ' - houa«a. Th.- off.nnica were *oon *aJtau*ted. however. na r*for. mldday pri.ea rxhiblied a r.rn »r unden m*. \* .. no.<n th.-re waa a rla- .,f *.fiT.c. aoeompanled by of Ir.Jury to lh. Araen'in.- crop fi..m ia\HK.a bl en awarn,. of 1 ouata. Tbe rla- found -.ulte a llttle wh-at for aale and prlce, bealtat.d. The ad\ir,a from tb* N we.t ln.liiat. a ctUlnu.-l lll/Tallty of n. i.m nt, altl >ui there ta aom* un'ertalnty aa lo Ihe probabtlltle* t lh. mov.ment In the fall. Th* -n sabe of IV.ur b>- the Northw.ati-rn miii. wlll eertalBly coawirn* a very large amoutit of wbeat and nac«a*ltat.a >- ment at the sprlnK whaal tn.-irkelr. Th- .;.. .-rnnient crop and wr-atl.r bull-tln aay. that wbcal Baedtap l* niakln^ ao-xl prorree. in M.'-hlaan. Illtnola ar.d Mlaa orl. the gr'und la dry and cmplalnta ar lo th. i'r uta ar* a*n- «ra) Th, weath,r haa l*--n fav..rabl- nla>, .!. lh* Pac4B« coa.t. Int.rlor recelpta ,f wb-at »> BjartBB Whaal market* to "-\y were Kf/i,270 bu.h (Im ludlng Chlcago 1X1'~'K. buah. l*rtly aprliia). iiaalnat .'.41.1.72 buali l«»- y. ur. »inier .'.'.' f»2 buah. .'.'j,*'.lt» buah Baabo* .Ipt* 148,428 l/ual agatn.t 84*1,646 buah total. l, B18.287 l.u.t.. .x[».rt*. iu*. .'2r, buah, agalnal 261.880 ia! ln th. afternoon ih<- maiket waa atrona, atvanrlna eu^liv c. the r.por'a af damage by I' lh* flrm tloaln« cable from Llv.rpool. rumora f holera In Huaala and ot ln Fiaaoa and al ihe waat Tba Pianch marketi lower, bea**** but no attentlon waa pald to tl la th- market rt»lna 1**" from tbe lowe.1 .f the day, Dtoatng ut lr n.t advance The rep.rta were alao turr-nt >hat a jn^ae exp'.rt bu.lneaa b.d be-n done here, althouKb Ibl. waa not conflrmed. Al tbe cb.»e of Rachang. .nly 6,«ao Ini.h wer* rvportad for eaport «.f <anal red at *,<¦ un.:-, Def'tnbtr delfvered; De<eint*i cloa.-d tt U^. He 2 r»-I in Btore wa* nuot«l at December prlc* lo ¦-,. overj Ro 1 Northern Wr over I>eceml*r t 0 b and N., I hard "Wft^rkic ov*r r o b all at.«'f)RN-Tl.. market f r "orti wa* very <iul*t Blla mornlna, I ut ..tiipaiutiv-lv ateady In prbte. Tbe g'...d aBBOH drmand of rnt.rda afternoon encourag.-d holosra. al'houyh >l - nterloi m .v. ment I. on a lar«« ,caJe ar.d the w-ather la Ma**alngl| prxiltlou. for th. drylna; of the n-w crop. »*rlc«. naro- «n*l a llttle wlth Ihe noon rally ln wheal although the.* waa no areat ln-reaae ln anlvlty. and ln tb- af>em ...i wt> of.nttnued wlth ihe rally ln wheat. but trnd- waa araall and th. wlnd up wa. gul-t at V aa* galn « a*., .n waa v.ry qulet. Reporta were oT aome npori trade, although late only 8 I »ad« were dcflnllely rep.,r.^.| at 24K^»c over Octobar t o b af! ut; Oetober cl ,',] a. 3.. a.OOO bu.h Xo 2 .old at 8*V- deilvur.-.l In Ihe .-levat r So 2 waa report-d at l*c over <>¦ tr.ber.OAT8-Tbe market for oat. wa. dull. but o-^mparatlvely aU-a/ly. harl- .nlng a Irlfle ln tb, aftern.xn with tiie linprovemeni tn %heat aad corn. Ther. waa not a gr,at daa! of lnt-reat eahlblt^, and tba rally »»* to b* mor. lympath.tlc ihnn othcrwlao. The prltnar>' rerrlpta BMthMO lota and for the rtirrent w.-ek have Bhoern a. bBBVJ *Bin r lha rorrvapondlng time i.-.a. ahi TM a* wi «M and unehanged .0 i4c n.lvanee. CBBh;OBtt «''" lil, »i n mlxed .naler Hnlea were B8.O80 bash. aa «»»".: .V,"' huat No 8 nt 28%c etevator: 1.080 toxl » '- 55.000 buah irack whllt. 2tr4Y804c. and ».080 Maaiwa- graded mlxed 24.- dellvertd; Mo 2 _»^J__I** £J£2itB ..RYE-The markel H nta nnd nomlna I; Jdead) lha kbaenct of irade. raaraded laawrled »'4.'*£ _l boat | htarketduM aad h eair for oB grade. Quoutlona man from 41.** tar pj«r g ns. .PM'K WHEAT Mnrket dull nt f-0«W fo. w.. mve f-.r eoaaaartaon the elpslng prlces of ih. pre- vloua 'inv aad for lha t-rraapoaaiBa date wai - Op-n- High- Low- < 1'"- lf** Laat .at. ing. ntgiit. MBI Wheat: InV «*. «.« .»* ........ rj-y- January .-- ... 7lll* ., BB^..:::r.v.iS.M n* ..» «« 7um- 61*j corn: r_<___ 1,1% ".ti,. aav ai aw u% OrlidxT .."1>*4 "J * -__. , ... .,.,, ... v. , o«:v t ' Sl»-A-'a nl .i'.'4 ea-a Nr.vemher .. .8t«V¦» ..' * '.'* * ,.,, n-.« aa, BT^..:::* * ¦ K .': * oatai Octobar .\o4 etnber ¦tt 2.T4 IM __i __? __: . 58 MH Ph hecember ....34 ja » .. »«}* Mav .Mi 2.v, 2..'. SM| aatj Bl = Do whlta: Octohar . - Su Mi aa November ... ¦**~ ~*- , Rerrlpta of l.readaluffa at Inierior polnta In Ihj uaand-. lalt thT- rlphera «M»> omitt-.l. Klour bbla. graln buah. aa followa: . , n.ur. wheat. Ceea. oata.. Rr».Barley. MllwaTukee.17 42 « 4 7* .1 41 III I I.I .1 Loula Totodp Detroll . a l'.orlH MinnealNilla Pulutti H Indlanapolla Totala ..'.' Bhlpmanta from li.eae i Chlcaao . ..'' Mllwaukea . ¦ St. I^.uli- 8 Totodo . . l>etio|t Peorla . Mlnneapolla . 44 nuiutti . T ,.,; .ar 4iii ejj aai - '"- Recelpta at Atlantlc o°rta: New-York . '" ".' 1(' .J,_ Phlladelphla .. J r. _ . Baltlmors -\ ,, U M Boston .. f ii '., _ _. Mew-Orleaaa .... i " _ ,_ Totala ."ea" »«» 21u ,<<7 ~ j;m- ita from AtlAntlc porta: n- ... i rk ...h . ja a Phlladelphla - ¦ B0 liiiltlmure . 1H "' '' ., Boaton .> ia '. _ . Totala.»I «el n" " METALB tin The msrhai for ita .-nttn-iea. i.rm A _»-s»^ia__r_w_,ass« ^i^%."«i?ffwrjaAa_ tctlona contlnue llght, ';'.'''- ,*«,.. .;, .:-ri;iV -vr vV;-:^^j::':":.:lV.....^v:,<^,rVl,,.- v,^;!.vvn;;v\;\.:krv;:.^:.r:..r:^;.-'-, j,,-... ,. rei «_ of a dull weak market al Bl Umim. ''^V/'assI^^.'v.'?!^*'"'-..''¦> ,¦«.-; ,;-..:.;'. ni featurea of m rlal mportan -. ihe tone belng Hoady""ilthc^renl ¦- '-;-'-' ; J',: !i'! la only roodereia. Thla appllea lo both molasa." -f1' ryrupa! We quote: Kew-Orteana '-..::. « ..r;; ..^> .- ran.-n. l.r.iHk-; cholce, 22J2oc Ne»-. n ';l n i. ne in K.>od 23&2V-; prin.e to .l-'l". -.. .!¦!-¦ I'",1" ko 2,i,:uK; itVii-iV-. -'"-'-; "»-n«l- ^rlailc f*,r' Joeiic' i!.i i_-.i 14. cholce, BtflB fancy, WOfte. viV-Ai BTOREB-Hiork Roatn, 37.23d bbla; sptritatur- oentlne 1832 bbla; tar. 887 bbla Tha markel for aplrlta Krp^une .ied nrm with a aood J-. imok .¦'-».'"»;' .;¦,',': iia-ht auoDllea th igh prlcea were unehanged and quoti at 2hVw3SV 'for n-gulars and ma. hlnes. ftoaln was qulel bui ateady snd .....-i.a...e.i r-r '-i';"";" «<> .oodu»ttra'wuh ^r,VTai.., lilaMvi 'bh .!.»« .S ¦-^^-V^^iiV^r^t-^n-, for , pera belnfl cut tmi f exp irl bu 'i:, n-l U and m. and d ... ahi nl Q _.,. \\.. nu .. Graln Mv< rp. >l. -".'i I ,«.,.' S. aatle, .". Antwerp, .".-t, Maraelllea, ,. WpfB-j 1- mburg 11 ii ,i,::,, 7- aak< '¦' '.ti ork ¦. I prompi und :in 4 forv. a -l. :,,:,:. lo 1 nlt* Klngdom, la 10 rd -1 J - 10 alse... IHARTERB The general msr- \:M r^-hnrter. Vae qulel peolally »**W«"«^: Ratei a a ..» .. rnl- unchalMjed. Chartera foli ISOOO iraln. Phlladelphla to ( foVoVdera. 2n lOHd prompt; Britlsh st*amer I.BB7 loaa (prevloualyl cotton. Qalveamn to Uverpool. Havre oi Hr.-m-n. ,.. or about 80a; Brltlah aleamer LSM ^raV^Ind'^t^rter^re.0^ ;:;;«;-,!S;;;!%;'VV'vvv^;!':;^.:;:iv;.::i ^-» ?oZ^S£%$XJZt -. Demerara, lUvea 810; achooner. 7itt lons, _|i, Turk'a Islandto ProvWence, 7.. bark ,.» lon Turk'a Iaiand to Bosion. 7c, out ... baltasi .,a. t... ... 125 loni Turk'i laUnd lo Belfast, Me.. .- barB, 317 tcms. sall Turh'a laland I Pbll id iphla 6. achooner. 344 tona. gener-.l carao. Nea i..rk i- M».'.,r a 81.--. i.,ad.,i ..nd porl chargea; i hooner, about 050 tona. coat Phlladelphla or Baltlmore to Havaaa^ e-sunxai.or cay Eranela, 11 80: ael.ner, 7-01 tona .....I. I .1 l.M- '^J/ Martlnkjue. p.lvule M-ma. Srhooner. »B tona, '""' Bavannah to New-York. M 03H: schooner, 412 lona. lum ber PensacoU to Haltlmor*. *.. .... achooner, lona. ;.;:..r. rnl..,, laland lo New-York 84 78: achooner;4.1 ,mber Brunawlck to Phlladelph a 14 .... ichoonei ... dry cypress, Ratllla BJver to WHMtni Phlla- delnhla 14 :*: ..n I rlvei towaK-"*. New-Tora IM io, V. 380 t.-,s. Piniaphate n.rk. rharleston lo ftavr. de Qraa 1235 and d^lacharfed; achooner. 4 3 toaa. ph ,,..,,,.. rock, Charleaton lo Wllmlnaton. Del.. *l « f,u< from Phlladelphla *%. achooner :i.i ton» ,- io.-k »ahley Rlvei to Wiimingti-n, Del.. *i n->. i.""-', si. t His rn pipe. Phlladelphla lo New-Bedford. 82 and . ,..,., 417 tona ooal. Phlladelphla lo .v>, ,,,,.,. ,.:.V,s a.-l.ner. 483 lona. coal Phlladelph a .,n 85, Brltlah bark, 343 tons, cora New-Yorh to Hallfa*. Be; BrltUh scl.."J- "'. » B»*;'- ' ¦. .. .> ., v h 70c Hrltiah a.-hooner. coal, |-..ik;''\v.iter lo .h N s 75c; achooner, coal, Baltlmore lo New Vi-k i:'.sii tteamer. Br.nbaugh, 12.000 qra araln New'port N'wa to Cork for ordera, _a lOHd prompi K.i s Th- markel foi cotloneeed oll Pfoaents a Rrm froni a a Ihe newa from the Bouth ia lo Ihe effect in, 'the ,,..4....',t of aoedi la atlll llght Both home and exoort buyera are glvlnf th« market » attentlon, bui their takinn* aie nol very heavy ln ihe aggTegatc, aa ... SSsUy of lota. Aa a njle. iRe^llmlts .. axportera are undet lha vhnva of aallers. rhe . prlma aummei yellow ih ailll abooi 27V. anu 1 r. auinmer yellow i. quoted at 28M,©27c. rhe nwrket 'm lard "ii ia at.e.iv to i.nii and falrly actlve ln a \4ii4 Ulnaeed '-.1 I" B~n and uin-hanaed. W ?ot,onaeed oll. prlrnj rrude. bbls.^aifiije; prlme^rrud, o h m.lla. is-i|22. oft cnide, bbls. here, ..i . hutter oll, nomlnally. ._". i*:n. summer yellow prime, .ummer yellow. rf 26V|»37c; wlnter jrel- 1...4 prlme 88633c: white prlme, 31632c; lard oll primt clty, 31632c; llnseed oll, An.erl.-an ni«, 4.H. Amerlcan boiled i' .... :... 4BC, PETROI.EI »i Eor plpe-llne eertlncatea th.- market ai qulel bui pIkhji ateady, i-loelnf »t 81 22 bM at >. ¦¦ Y..rk rhe r,-ti:. -: waa unehanged, New-York qaotcd ai BT 10 '.. market 4.-ia qulel and about aieady, , of lard al v York t- agaJnM. 15.5IW !", w ;vh we!! ,'-'V-r.- .... Th.- gtock of p .rk Ih 13.4 III iir tei 11.. nth. The Beptember re. ia wer< |106$1025; famlly. 312681^-a'. 11850 REEP Blead Q 4..; ... 4- -- W) famlly, $l»'i.M_; packet. 8«|iai". ,i.'..\l.- Qu el tl VI-'- .*!''. .ORLBHE H.Mjy II 1.1 at. iK and '-¦ hlgher; im. tl. quoted al ... and u-avy 10 llt-nt at GHttCV.'' Mr-Ai.- !-..,. r.-ii. al ''./'i7;.- f. li'ii" Ib. 1'" kle.1 .- Kirm ..t Bi PI ;!. 1 hami Bteady st '¦'''-' . ...TALIAIW Dull but Arm al IV-.bTEAHINh lard quoti 7 n qulel at <;' H .;,. 1 000,0110 rfa Chlcaao rn «'».¦ LARIi Dull and aboul ateady; aalea, i"" ica, al .¦.::¦, loalna «* 0.22'/|c clty ateady, aale ;; .',.¦.',.--. renned easler; Bouth Amerlca, 6.80c; Con Ui nt, 6.6." mpound, 4%c aakad; optlona eloaed HKKim 11- markel l* ,,uiet ln ail iiepnnrn-nia ai unchangi prl We quote: Tlm-.thy. fair gradee, |i'n 84 50; hlgh gradra »4 7f.fll5 50; .1 \.-. falr gradea 87 8044 88; hlgl gradea »s Z'<*a}s 7:.. rrlm-m clover, 83 7B4J85 HL'OAR 11 ,ynr markel la movlaa unward, prlcea iced all aronnd, and cane eloaed firm. with ......t.-i al 12- 8d, and falr reflnIng l»a Bd waa tirm. wuh Octoher i|.i I al l'ia '.<i. and No vemb r, 10a 1>»:.-1. uur markel feli th,. Influrnca of the l--iii-r.ii.-i'' abroad, an.l h--l i-ra ahow <-\--n m ir* hold Ihelr at. k f,.r hlgher prlces th n th. \ before, The baala of quotatkim li 8 0-10c fot 88 lest :ra!i- :'¦-.- for 8B leai mui vado, and 813-lBc f>.r Mi tes- t'.r Tha markel f-r ntflned augnr ia qulte ectlva aad flrm, with prlcea onchanged, i-x epi on jtf, 1 13 and 14. whloh a.. .. ... .. 1-10 Oranulated ii quoted on tlie baala of IMM 11-16 A furil.-r advance :;; reflned ruimr ls looked f .;, owiriK lo ti.e atreng poaltlon of tce raw market 0OUNTRT PRODUtTB MARKET. New-York, O. .:- S, 1886. BEANfl AND PEAB.Tha markel h ;d» qult. tirm on ,.4.. do.Ic hiik:i white beana thi wippl f which ia ati'l conslderably ahori of ihe damand. New marrow ara lohblng prettj well al 1170, and re ?. .*. could be u«e.i thar. arrlvaa. Mew red kldney bava bul llttU ,-: ,.- nd th.-re sra off.-is 10 a«-ii beal quallty Bl «i iii. ..ii r- ls ara exi «dlngl] dull, »ni ihera la ..-. f .r ail olher M.ri.i.ea excepting man .w, which b_va I....1 mon.I kf laia Oreea peaa unehanged, Wa ti Beana domeatlc IHOB, cholce, per buah, iv.,.4 fl 35681 00; do pea, I8B8, »i W; lo ., is:.:. 8188; .pea »r medlum. 1*'..* t\v>': i: ,. _, ,. | kldney. IMlS. Tl 80; do IWH ll 80; do whlta k- :.,-'-. is:n. *i ie-i',1 »i '.'.'.. -l y«llow e»-, |8B3, *;:«.. 1. .;,, illf rnla, IIM4, 83«83 13: do foralga. 1 -... IMM, < 11311 du forelgn ..-....... I8M6, II I" do forelgn |a»4, 81 15681 38; mrm poaa, bbla, !<:,.. do Iii4.'» s7'^/'.a' d N .'.'I'- ¦¦.' BCTTER The acarclty 'f fancy fr<»n ereaar.ery waa feli n. .- Mverely t...ia>. and ti.e markel unln-l allltlonal atreiiKth. 22',r becomlng .. currenl priee r.-r ihe baat offertng. Very few c.f thea- arere .m..- aad l\ ,4.iite proU. lhat a few apeclal lou wera placed evaa gher ihan Ihrae qnartera of th.- bulier from ail ¦ectlona li ahowlng nol wcothei defects, and a | od desl ,,f n ib ro faulty aa 10 t- -,:,: Coaalderabla of ibe i-at .tnr.e ht ,. u la n- "-. snd He feel ng la Brra All the Weatera pa.-kinga an- aleady. V-. quote rearn tn extras, ,-.. fl. T. ,- do Brata I8«2I do ihlrdi lo .econda, i::«il7'-.-. do June, exlraa 2o«)20Wr; i ti 16618c; Htate .|*iry. i.nif lafaa, fancy. »*, do Weleh luba, fancy, r.'iin'v dalry tui*. nrata. i.'uls', do ihi.da 10 aeooada l30IBc; Imltatloa weamery. 116 16, W.Mtein dalry, 1»^J 14. faclory, June mak., lirUlm.. I1612HC; do June, tulw, J1 _rl_a-; do freal., llrita. l<i\iill- do f.ruilha lo ae<-..nde. ewlH',. .'llKt'^E Ma.kel .,uiet bul very tirm. .N.-arl> .-.11 the forelgn ordera ara gofng lo .'anada. where Ihej ar i. i \'ii; I" than is aaked aera Ths only aale lo a alili.l'ir to-day »»a a lol of fan.-y hlgh-oolored at sS1' Job- i..i- are foUowlag lha advoaoe Sl.' l.'H th- aupply la». Ilirht thal re.eivera eoniiol the alliiiitl-ii |..-nv well. A IHtle li'.ne trade uaa .loi.e ..n ti.e l.naia "f M»c for e-ep i.-ini-. r .jiialliy. Sn.i.ll alze tull . r^aiii haa becoRM firn.U' eaubllahed al I1'*'- Parl akl.'ea al-.w ul ln llfc-i.l and i.imiy held. We quote: nt»i-. ruii craaaa, laig^, r..,,',i,».i make, clored. fancy h'tlisl,. do Auguat. fancy *V«6N'!c; do Baplaanhar, white. ta.ry, hHW»'y do Auguat, fan.y. *.'4t/hs«i do good lo rhoi.e. 7'4iie- M ..,'iinon ti. falr, ««7' do amall alze, fati.y, %%f, do Buud to cholce, »'«_KV d" common t" falr. 7«K4 part akima. imall, .'.i.,',l7. do lame rholce, 5»A< do (--.minon lo prlme, IMc; full akiina, 2}r-".<-. EGGB Reoelpta moderalg and largely of defe.-tiM- .pial- Br. 11.1a. together wltli t)i« u-eiil advuie I* t.irning attentlon lo Icehoiie.; g,*>da. aWtaada J^jJ further apward lendenc^ Ru t < >.¦ *e.n. njl Ia ft m loaa, p BO-dosen caae. Al W*6I3 « r_e_4laa I'l-riT.- FREB11 Paacy table apples of re. »«*» cnilnue acarc. and Brm There la a U " ~" ment ... greea and i.liiah f«l''.' " ';,,.,_,. ,,,,. cb3rtia?Wb_w-_«ra "«£__££ aupply. Vnl flrm. bul ,. . ».«.." »*£ '.1 -r.'ln hii.i to move « in- grapes '" ,ri4>" Mr , E__» ihan. detnand Cranberrle. more actlvs ;""'"/', Jg ....;.; Applea, " "V,",''.:"' ^ ££, 2 ' k_50: do. Klng. 1130612. ¦.. hlual. 81 ¦ "<*' °* ¦ . #, -. i'... ,,, <i'.xl !Ui .1-. f.a ti. M"*1 -.. " fn ¦' fii.l I .i''-in. >in?i.'-'. 'i'. _' _. ,...,.- letrtcit o-r Ing. 7:. M 12 mferl r, 5. ,..- :*'" "¦¦.' Pluma, per ln It. haak I, <¦.¦ Bfl. "' ", J , -,,, ,,«i ,, . 4L1 »t _>«tSI .'." do eomnioii to good, ¦¦" .»' $!i---;M-V.,";:i, ,;ik':.,.n 7- ix-T'iu:,: ;;:¦¦¦,¦.;': ware. oe ik-t KHjI.i.. do. Nlagara BB12 .!... '. .auiiH.'T.v,^k,i -i' ''k,irV'.;.v '"«.- 4WSKg®4ffi_ ai-.i'-'i. rorea and aklna !»«lc; «*.»*»*_¦ pea.h- V.V..,.,-,. I.led, ^^.."¦h5StaT M ^P^ovTmeTli. both bom. -m-i forelgn accouni Ktf'V'c? 84610 ?do._idi. prjme. W;«t.t. prlme, 560r; do, wmmoa lo Balr, .!'....«.-. ."- LTRI ILIVE Th- nly arrlvala up to a very tate hour lo-dai »...- egpreae loU from nearby polnts. The ,. ,,e fuiiy lupplled, and there waa only a ng'i.t peddllna bualneaa al B«p«rally lower prlcea wa i.i.ite- Bnrlng rhlckens, loeal. per n., 1061 lc; do,-Weal e,n M-iM.i'.. fowia, ll_114c; old rejetera. *U#7c; lurkeya 10c: ducka 006 00c; geese, llfell .¦.». ..- i:k-M'|. Ilecelpli llght, ilock cteanlna up weU wider a falr demand wid market Brmer. Chlckens and fowla Vl'i! idv_nce. bul other klnda a,.- n-t ma.ena y changed We quote: Turkeya. old. per », l" . I2« dn rounr lanxe ll'.l-. do ilralght. ftrlOc do ].r, 867c; f.^^lril--."..! K 7:7,. ^^^. ... ,is, rlo Weaten k 1, l'ni l-'v' .." a. ..i.i.-i. 1612. aprlng ducka Eaatem and Cmk laland. 4«1* do WeVtern. 6611c; Eastern geese, I8#16c; sqaaba, per doa, 'VaIie.A rood demand for prlma sound stoch pt'all klnda bui i.ipia atlll ol Irregulai qualli) snd f^lllon. an.l prl range W. at^: jodcock. per ,,,,, ::,.. »i 12; parlrldgei nearby, 75c631 12. do »est- err ':-.-/. 7.". grouie. Westem 75c6$l 12; quall. froseii per doz.-.i. 82612 25; lingllah anlpe sml goldcn Piover. fresn. U50682; graaa piover, $1 ftOBU 7&; amall yoUow-lea Mll,., :,. r,ed fllrdr, 60ti75. wlld rtucks. canvas. per patr 32633: do red head, il M>6$2; do mallard, B067B do aenl 30650c; do mmon, 9ni30r venlaon. pei m, 1^-;.^-. Iivv. AND BTRAW Haj Ughl recelpl iy fulll ,. th, atn ngth arlth «l h Ihe n.-u The whole range of quotai oni ruled Brm. and r ,i .j owlni to !. lu< -I ITerlng, aellera had to ... ;, m quall i «hsii they bave up buyera ' gi .dea off from prlme hav, ,, -¦».,., |, al lha -. ck obtalned ranglng k for v ..1 prlcea tn rule thla m..nih la favotal .' ll" "',|"1 K ,'. ntrol Irrei p Canada'a poaalble contrlh prlme i) li nol ovi rplentj after th- Iste ai tlva run upon ih. market, and prlces for fancy itaple marki are exiremel) Brm; thla demand, i. wever, haa Iti llmlts, -. iak« care of Itaelf, ai a rale. ln .the rea ourae ..f rei li la without unad d v a me comi lalnl Ipn f ,ve'r mlxed in n- niuch Im lu« n ,,'f the objectlonable dalay, Pure clover la al^.. sp. «»n ..r aa nol belng -.|- to dealrable itandard, belng fl .- alwaya .. falr apeclal d man l nol nl) for tbe uaa of nriirh --I-: iwa, but also .laa -. go l llne f Oerman cuatomera ill foi It, who foilow up aome of thelr old untry ld< aa nnected with -.;,- per im Ib. !X> No 1 S56H7' c; S v, ;; n">>6i0c; shipi ni 6" .." rlover mlxed, BTIyi n. -i'.;.. aalt lia) M»«50c; rye atraw. i|TktA.V ahort >1 37642V: ".¦' snd wheal atraw. 376 ,;;:.,' |«M. Brie. 120; t'-ni " Weal Hh. .. '¦." 1-- " J'"MI- - 885 IHTTATOEH VN'I' VEOETARLEH lil-h potatoea freely r.ffered .l"!l snd unlmproved Bweel potatoea nrmer ghter recelpl mlona .i llltl p|,, felery iteadj f >i fancy larg. ... regi ta ¦!¦ ; with. ul "... .,,! potai i Lona Island, per lil fi'.ili 25 do Jerre and Btale, 7,"..'.iJl 12; H««-et pota- toei Vlneland 82 Wi 5-7:.. do -'h-i .'¦ aey, 82 2561231\ I., Vlrglnla, II 7561 Baatern, white. IIBOO »2 yellow 1126; red II: do Orange Countj whlle, $1 «¦ all 60; yell w, 75c681 re B0675c; rsullnowers, fancy, 1268250 )-.-.r to *<.. -d. HOr«|l Wi, .-kk planta. 11681.28; peppera 75c4l|l: Kiuaah, .*,. '»7.".. tuimpa. Ruaaia, .*<;,<>>,¦, <! 25; abbagee, per 100. IB684; ,,.. '50c6H: i-elery. per ien rools, 104140 lomaloes, ,,.-r r.-.te. iiKi.".'i.. Heaa beana, i-i bag 12683 -.nng brana. Tl |$1 i.i Vi: BT9CX MARKET. New Oetober 3 IIH BEEVEB !(. ..-Ii-ta. f«1 'ira. ..r 801 head 12 .ara . n- algned dlreci ..;..'. 88 cara for ihe markel and, Includlng r, eara alreadj In ths yarda, there wera U r..ra >.n aale, of which :ti cara were .>' Jersej Clty The i-ff..r.nga were mainlv common snd medlum natlvea nnd r..u«:i aturr. with lluhl aprlnkling of r.inK.- CSltle, an.1 there were a few . 4-r\ !.. i....... The >n.-.ik.-t ruled sctlva and tinii for all «ru.:.v ol .ra an I good io boles do were lo hlghei' r-.ui.-h atuff «P T"-ra boughl '.7 head. ,- $:: r.-.-.ili 10; i. holra 1,-ers ... 83 23683 3"; "Xen and ataga al *-i.»».'". hulla ¦¦¦ 121 >-' ¦" an I 1 fat I ull la MI -v " 11 1250, and fai al 176112 pei head, Cllj f aIdei ., ,-v,. for n.itu- care issea. and ..t .". ;. for Texaa and range beef Lateai aMe advlcea repori Imerlran aleeri | al Uverpool and London al 8' 0 li.'k.-. flr-s'-i welght; Amerlcan aheep .,. t.-il"' ind refrlgefa. >r l.---f >i iVWv l--r It- Bhlpmei ta lay ln ihe New V irk, 1 .'.i" -i.a ..f beef foi tbe Baat. mana Company, and v- qra for D. ll Hherman; aia on tbe Ti n, io Demarara (30 aheep for 1.. B. Dlllenbark. Th« rj.- wlll iske uut lo-mon 44 :;i_ cattJa f-.r Ii 11. Hherman, and 1.000 aheep foi M Q Idamlth. Salei Mcl'herson t IB Ohlo ateers, I86B fb average, al 57. :«> ;.. 100 tt. !> do, 1824 tl- al 1340; <i do, I-»s. .,- j:,:;,, 16 do, 1212 tr. al *. 7n. 17 do, 1388 rt. at 84 BB 3 d 1065 Ib, al lo: |3 Vlrglnla do, 1483 R> il *:, 441' s dn 1802 Th st |3 80; 1 .! 1330 Ib. al *¦'> I". »2 (M I> ai I50B lo do, f27H th. nt fl 77.. 4 do, l_W ft' ai 1438 2 BU >. do sv. m, al 1325; 1 itag, 1330 fb. n' |4 80; 2 "x-n. 1350 Rj, ai 82; bull, sp, n,. at '82 i" 13 iws, '.i7.r. rt.. ai 83is; u ... 880 878 Bt, al |1 I08J *i to B Bandera: IB Ohlo at.-era. 1812 fb, al 14,:., 18 ttest Vlrglnla do, 1170 n>. al 83 80; ^11 do, BB3 Ih, al ».'t m, .\ 147" 11., at $4. 11 ogen i-'i7 rt.. al 88; t bull, 127.. Ih al 8330; 1 do, nm 11. si 8240; a do. M«l rt.. al *'J 13; _ do I0S3 II'. at »- 15: '.: It'ia. s.ii'. 11711 rt.. at 12 406 f.'leo li wa, WOS Ib, sl 12 15; ll do. 806 Rk Bl 11 1"; ^.1 777 fb, al fl I", 1 do, 77a. Th. ,-u II. ,\,,,' ;, ... 1. |5 Indlaiu ateera 1251 rti. at f4 7ai, 22 st' i.oui- do na.ii tv. al 1316: 18 oxen, 1831 n>, at fnfl.'.. d 1431 Ib st *7i .'ai. .'i do, 1317 rt-. al 88 08; 2 cows, :iTn Ri ,,i f.' :.>> Hherman A Culver 14 Ohlo ileers, H7s ri.. al f4 1:.. .,1111, I2tr. fb, ai 84 83: 83 do, 1231 tb. at 84 40: ;«, \\-,:.| .' 7 Bl 14 10; 'j:i .1 i, ll^s Ih, ... * 1, 3d ilf bi eda, 1501 fl il 88 -¦'. M ,; irado lurif hraeds I0B3 B>. at BSBS; 17 .: i, 1M-. fb, at 83 88. . ,, ,. s. w Bht-ni ui !'. im.'- ¦. atl n l_»1 fh. at .l> do, iimi n a. . ,, , ,.,.,, M rtlni| n | ...,-s <lXen snd llss 13» Bi. ''*-.¦" lell ., s l.ulls. K»MHI3«*o rt., at |2 20i| «¦-,,, n ,: 7:: ll- at 1208: ll do 113 n.. al *2. 2 do, hTo fb. al f'-' M wrwa, 848 Ih. al II BO: 41 do, a. fs ,,., . .. t. -j. .> i.. i2'ir, rt, a- a. f.'f 50; ',",, .,. , .. H3S ... »l f::":-.^ !... 'r'^/V. 2 .... 1683 IL. al 13 io: 2 do, 1475 1bj. al nau; II. r. TT.. bi 12 15; 500 tl. at 8225; - do. TB3 .1 .... Ri at f'-' .11 «.wa al W "o^DIUeobaekri 'oie'n TkYAJh, ai 5fci'»>^J_¥ .. ., |23s 2 lo 1123 ii -.' 12; i cowa, at 17 w* head. ,,,.-, ifuilen 2 oxen 12i« 1T-. ... t; l o 2 ; ¦. 2.5 ;i, ,,- |3 -i d 0541 " ai 1250; i buU 100 it.. al I-'--.. -..',,,, & n at 12»»; 17 cowa at 87 30 ,, r hsad n.,ii,..i.. a H at 11 per head, t aoM for * s. Judd * Oo°: B ouIk' 8*4 n.. a. V: l eow. 110 TT.. "h?2m- nv.e.. s .-,-, s.-,o tt, al ttS r-r 108 it,. ¦I >'¦ nr'! >: 4 bullf. 7.'." IT ll B3 VilI.'H COW* Iteeelpta, 211 head of whh-h l.n hea.l f.r aale Markel ilow and depreaa. f»r common eowa, ;,. ,. j ,tock aold falrl) well al UmI week'a prloaa; lha aelllna i inga waa from M ln 18 foi poor to ,.| ... rather ealra mllkera a . .ra fr tn Huffaln srrlved i Ue. ,...- 4-.- ,1.1 be aold. A BUmhM Of own -ii Btate '¦'¦. ;" "v*'r s,i V .- m- -- 7 iwa, eajyea (aetudod, at t27 5H«i845 pei I.'. I . l f' * .", ',. ,\ . - «ia MS per head. » M,, -, .. .. ,a. at IX r|43 pei ead Hume 4 Mullen I fn-ah i-owi sl IW 5i«t|:« egch ;. ii 1206837 50 per ul I ).,,. 7 .-.¦¦. al ?-..<¦ .Mu ea< h. ,', 'M,,..,,. ,n cow aad .--.if. f«t HO; l do. I r *V-ai.\i:s Recelpta l 4.m head, f which 84 h ad «. eonalaned dlr. t. and 53 hsad, ln lale yeaierda) « ., th. '. ark''. wen a tlve an Bi milka. I5A2.V hlgher, the advan. .peelalt) marked on the arae >:ra-l.-a. Tl.e i-n- «-t- ,V,..,,;, ,. i-, ,,r io prlme v.-ala aold nl S..685 .>" j extra rall ¦' *!' sraaaera in I buttrrmllks, a. 12 Wt rearllna*. al I2 12'x6l230; f"l and mlxed calves, ¦. ir.uM'e Dreaaed .1 ¦> Brm Bl B4vl2Hc for clty ii, for untry dreaaed; f. ..'.'. f ien ...i 1 buttermllka aad 8#T. r ntti* ii a ''- 41 realS, 144 Th .ivernge. «' fs SQ .,., ].a. Tt ;- 144 fb, Bl IB2B: 44 do. 134 Ih. at |s I2J4; ., ,'., l.C, Iti al H 1-' i, 117 H-. Bl 17 7.-.. In -I 1 <" TT-. .,, :; ,-,,, |2U tt a' f7. 1 d. 330 1* Bl *H. 7 do, IU3 , ,i4. -, 1H7 Ri Bl 44 23; . fed llvea, »i_ p, 25* tl', »t I.UV 34 ¦! 803 R>, n\ '|8; ls ,: -:it II al ?'-' .'" Mu,. ,\ Mullen 2K .eali 131 rt.. al fk M. ls do Us fb g| fs ;i .1 117 TT-. Bl $.'"-'. ¦-' do. IH' Ih. Bl 17. H 110 " ,i 8850 2 do, 11^ IL. ..1 88; :i do, l'J.'l Tt.. nt 15*50; 0 .' :<l R>, al 83; -'-'¦'' IT.. n f.':'.", II yvailim i and l '- '"' ielllffe Wrighl v 18 ile, IS4 TT.. m 1880; 13 ... io R. ai »-'-'"¦ 4<i lo, 188 n> al IB; 10 -1-. 100 lo IM rt at >.'.-.»7 ;i do, B2 Tt., nt f.'.. "s mlxed calyea, 104 rt. at' ** '¦" 14 fed calvea, 180 Bt, al N: -'. iraasiri aad 2U3 fh Bl »': '.". BB K. i-a.-ra. U.M TT.. at *:i _\. s ! ,. H'J t' al K- 7.'. 23 veala, 184 TT.. at fs:.... 2 .!". 138 Tt,. at 17.'." j 153 R>, at f'.. '-' do 180 " al 18 50; 4 do, 188 Ib al »¦'. .'. grasaera, n<( Ih. al 13 \". 12 do, 17S TT,. at 18374; 03 *'. ''¦", n' al 18 80; ::i do, 181 n.. .1 B8: 17 yearllnga. I«i fb at f-.'l", 10 do, i>*\ Th. at 1^25. .". .; r.-.i r> .1 13 1214. n 11,-1,1-. 1. f. ii llia: 11 v.h:-. hh n., at »h 50. : <io, 12"i TT.. Bl fs. 1 do, I0.1 TT.. al f7 .'*'. M .mav-r-. Isrt tT.. bl f.'112'v. -i» n..-'i- nti-i buttermllka, IM B), at B8IB; 21 fed alv. ' I'Js ih. ,-,. f, ,Vi a i-urtla ',-. veala i7o n, at $s;hi. 17 d.. Kki n. at fs.v. 17 -l- I1B61B8 n. ... M6I750; '.. do, IBn rt al l». 4 .I... 12s n.. ai ».^. 4 do, -" m ii $.v a do, ira it. ,. *.. I P. N. Ien 30 v-ala. I.I. Ih. ,,. *s ,', .. .1 ,1,.. I5n n.. ,il |s .1 ,: .. lai n. at |H, 3 d... MI th. al 4.V 17 giaa . r- M n. ..i fl .'a> S Bandera 11 veala. 130 TT.. at :¦'.. 13 I- 172 H. Bl fs ff; 3 do 108 TT. ,,: f 7. I do, 21" Th. at 17, 2 do, JC TT., at kl, 1 d. 186 IT. al »'¦ .". fed calvea '-?¦" Rs, Bl »l. I d >, SlN TT.. Bl 13 80; 18 grasaera, 224 Ih, al f-i 2.S M Colllni -' isato, lt- at 88; I do 180 Ib, sl f. :*>. ii graaam 383 n. sl 88 .", '."J do, IM ta Bl MM: I a, 0'7 II,. nl 12 7f. Walah, Klrby A Oo raal, !.«<. R>, at IH; 2 fed calvea. '"'V' nv '' .¦. « so'.M.-. n. a. MRR: 41 ,. , |pr, it. .i »'i .V, :. rearllngi 3ss n- al 1330 BIIRBP AND LAMR8 Recelpta, 54 ara ..r 11 172 head ara for elly t.ut.hera. « eara for ex;.. rt all\- and 42 ,.ra for lha nnrk.t <||> llirlit sappBsa lha tradlng waa ..ra r.-r ll.. (iiirKit "ti ngni awpimwa ..»- ....¦.o.R -..- derldedly hrl«k anl lha psaa were elearf.l early. g.HHl aheep ,^ll!htf ... atn ni-.'i prlrea and all gradea frni whlle lini.i - wen 18 lo M hlghei Common lo prtnw sheop aoM a. f2"ft 3B per \«" rt. rulla al fi ."" mlxed sus k al 12 7.1 618 78 One car of Canadlun lamha a..ld al $4''-''j J.rea^M.I iiiiilli,ii n.M at 4fJil'». |*r TT.; dreaaed lamba hlgher at BH60c and ex.iu cai aaaes aold a. fli-..-. !:s.rvr^r^^:r;^^.r:i^| M&££B*£gM8*&&2lt- ,.: im do, 108 th, al 82 7.'.. -7 do. S7 n ... J». BB ao, - .,, fi 88; 4.. 8Ut« ai.eep and toiabe, .2 tb. at *.... <. nni.i,.,a<k 888 iimba. 73 tl.. at 85. 1"H '¦' n ¦:. m 7, -i .io 72 ny ai M r.... isa do, sa n..... w m; i7do aaaV »> ir n euik., m ra, ai >-.. ia atat**bnep, w n L, ii rtli ,i. fa n. at 8280: «4 do, 81 ti.. a' «2 Weatern d.. Oa R>, ... *4 75 830 do, < tb at 84 .- , 7 Btat* do, Bl tb. ut 14 T8; 89 do, 8B Bv at 84 80; II o4 ti. ,| B8 7.'.. I!< State ahr*p. M tb, at 12 .... 17 80, I"" ">. ¦« ,2.wilff-. Wrlght A r. 12-1 State liiniba.J| lb. af Ul «j * 77 Th at II X71* Ha ,| 18 lb, ". *4 ,5. 0.1 80, »< ln: ,* iV.2'i. 34 .I-. lb. a, $4 2:, 81 B 83 n. al *. -. .,ii*. :.4 lb. at 82; 84 Btat* *h*ep 108 ^...*Ba5 ai |aa lb, at $2 75; 88 80, 83 ft. Bl 82*8; U 80, '¦>¦> m, Ht Newtoa * Cb.i !>» vir«ima lamba..BB,, at2438: ua do, 57 tl.. al 84; 7.1 Vlralnla ahe- p. '.'" ft, nt $- .... .< UO, llo Tb. at '2 7.'.. ,. .. ... B. Judd A «.'¦ 20 State lamba Ht Tb. "' *.' "'-.2 IT, ni 77 Th a. 88 181 do. 72 Th. a. $4*7',. I"-'- "- '2 », ai M78, 157-1... 88 tb, al 14 «2V IIR .1-.. 88 ''..'".,^' ¦_' Ir. d... 88 BA at MBTH: 321 fc. 83 ro, ft 14 35: rto, -..; ti.. ... M; 22.. Ohlo keep, hi "..;.'*-.' ** " p, at $2 2.".. 82 Btat. do, 188 B>. Bl 12 25; 8 do. 103 re, al $.! 17 do. (82 ti.. al 1388 in do, IM tb. at 13 tb, P4 ao, S'ttJ. bi 828«; 113 ao s;. n.. ... U»i -" .'". w m- at <2 25. .15 do, 88 Th. at 12 .. .,, _. M r nina: .".1 Btat. lamba 88 Tb. at 8480: n «,¦ Ri at 84 28 18 BUL ah.-p ItV Bt, »< »2 00; '¦' ''". !,-t "'. ,. 13 .V 328 Wca'-rn do, 75 IV nt F2 5<l n. RrPneraon * Oo fio Rentucky Bamba.njB.at8B, lis Kenturky aheep 88 ftel 8232: 30 do, 102* atJA Walah, Kirby A On.: 2.17 Stal.- ali--p and lamba. .-- P* *Di BcBIwm: ioo stnt* lamba f,7 rh. at (4 7<» Hallenherk A HoHIa: 440 0«Btern lamba, 72 rh. al $175; 121 Btat* do, 7.1 lb, at 84 83 « ,, *l '171-. 21 do 83 lb, nt $4 25. 41 Btat* (heep, 88 tt.. al $2 75; 28 .1... 1-2 Tt.. al *2 88; 8 do, 120 lb, ... « BO. Battaera: '.25 But* lamba. rw lb. al 8487*: 15» do, TU Th at $4*7",. 40 do. 81 1^: Bl 14 45; 12.1 do, 03 I* $125 300 p«n*vlvaBla d 88 re. al B482J|; » Penn- avlvanla Bheep 19 lb. *' 82 w; Btat* do, 89 tb. <. 88i Sao" lOOlS Bt W: 57 BUti Bhaep ar.d lamba, .21 Tt,. "', 'H7'\v,!k- ''i '22in-"-.|,l"! ah^ep. 8B Th. «. $3 25; 221 d , 78 ibV'ai l-"*'. !"' Raaiuekj. .1 .>. BB n>. at $3; 108 do, ^OOa^Reealpli .'.!"- eara, or 8,122 bead. of whlch 3 ,r, er. ..n aal-. Flrm and BBlOe hlgher at 84 Wfl »-, ¦-, farfalf baai-y lo good iight hoga, and B faney plgi Eid at 85M Cottntry-oV^Bwl 8rm «. .".i.".-.. ror heavy. f medlum ar.d TCtTWc for llghl *r»Ulhl*. ij«i£ -8 i.idd A (¦¦¦¦¦ 88 Btat* hoga. 11 Tt. av*rag*, ¦-. r.r na. B>: 12 do, 188 Tt.. al 1828; 88 do, 188 tb. Sale Bl »5 '.i',''n'be.k * HolllBi 7 Mtat* hoga. 820 B. at 88 .-.2. h Sandcri io Hiat* hoga, 302 rt. at .»». . i ','. -urtla- 20 S.ate hoaa, 174 Tt.. at *5 20, 7 do, al Mai ,-. OTBRR RfABKBTg Bt TBLBBRAPB ll.lffalo Oet. B-CattlB Itecclpta 24 houra. 1.828 i.a ..'al ror w.-ek thu* r.u. 8.740 h*ad; r V.....k :, 804 head; Ibroagh. I.T3B h*ad: .. v..« Vork' ro:... head. on aal*. na. head; BBarkei opened i,Tni «, v.ak.r an.l eloaed r**T daU, wlth four load* un- "vai .iv'-, v,-r- atrong, iight to falr. MBO«M73; 1 ,,i ..i.i... e 37«88; eatra, 88 38088 80 Hoga K.pta ^V- .'» i, 'u-- a'; iotal ror w**k thu. rar, 2.; 2... .; ..." ', nm tlm* ia-' week, 88,840 h. coi ihrouah 2.500 head; on aal,, B,800 head; ln lh* *arly mar- k"t ihe demand wa* actlv*. bul llghl grade* wretoww; mark.- cloe-d; all BOld; Bood walght I rk*« 84TO- llgh rorkera, l480»84l»0, moatly M 80«$4 85; lat* ¦aiM or Torken « r* al 848TH; nnx'-l pickera, *4 rto-ir S«j. medlum*, 84 56084 80; g. -d heavy. 84 50g$4 55; Dla," 84 754X34 M: rough*. 8850O84; itaga. WJJW 50. Hhe«p u ¦¦¦<¦¦ - Beeelpt* la*. 24 houra, 7 750 he. |; total for week thiis fnr. BS.aVl head: ror *am* ilm* laal w**k, 30500 head; conalgned througn. 1.300 head; lo New-1 .k. 3IBJ0 head on aal*, 6.350 head In lh* *arty markcl natlv* ..,:.--, ;J,d lamb. «-,.- actlv. and ...-.I5- hlgher and lanada* men Bteady to atrong; mark.l .I-...1 ftrm. all aoldTgood m\**4 »he.p. 12«»«$3; ¦' ¦- (M to W»-lbl a-,ther*. 83 1508S2S; common to ralr *hecp. 32 2o©8- M\ ,-ulla II S0fj*2: falr to good <00 lo ,"-Tt>. lamba, *>.<-. ¦¦ Itaht to falr l.n.i.a. 8850O83HB; lh, 20 load* or .nada lamba off*r*d broughi <i |t..i*i 70. aelllng moatly n. $1 .... '.j*!. in, t-ulli broughi $:.'<* $'t .'¦'.. ... ),,.,. fx j. Ratlonal 8|o«k Tarda: Cattle recelptB, 2 6.S0 hei :' Mark-t falrly actlv, anl prlc** »had« hjfn*r v -. ateera 82 30983 50 cow., 813508260; T.aa. .-. ,. 8230083 15 Hoga Recelpu, 4.74>; ii-a.i djclln* of 8 and mark*! Bt«ady. tork*ra ar* quot*d at 84w*4 30; nack.r* $8604«|4 15; butchera' and b.-a- heavl**, 84 Z3CJ «4;t5 Bh*ep Reclpap. l.27.i h*ad. Mark.l actlv* and atr .na:. Na-lv.>, 8808; Bouthweal mlxcd, 83 288*83 la; " Kaa! Llberiy Oet 3 Cattl* recelpt* llgbt, a. unchanged pr.a. .1, I--. 85 30085 40- g.a>l .84 40084 00; K.. ,| butchera', *4'iel 2.5, ronab fai. 827508375; bull*. ¦. and lUfi »l "-o'ri-.'i. frtah iwi and iprtng,**, N SO Hopa Becelpla very llghl and demand . tba market opened up Bctlve anl prlcei aleady. Crtm, medlum, -..'o.«l >5. l-at York.ra. $1 ,»l «i falr Torkei *. .v>-,.«» rf, heav: t-a Im, $4 '-, :,H 7c n.uaha *3<i$4 25 -.'¦¦.. Supply liaht and d*- bette ateadj Baporta B -'" ,83 50; cxtra Rtij as 10 v. .1, 12400.200; falr, 81; lamba, $2'.i$l 2.'., veal J.v-.r .«.; 50 heav> ¦;.. ¦¦-. 82*J82 nii -i Htork!.. Fhteago, Oci 2 Caltle R* 130.40 ii'-.i '. market lor cholc. ilrm ti Bc htghcr; oth»r :, _jg -i |n . xti.i *t,*r*. $:i."...'-..«.¦. 5". feedera $2 25ft$3«l.; row. and bull*. *1 .'MKutt 4" 83*1*0 30; Texana. 81 75«88 45; W..t*rn rangera, p't/84 10 i»-«s- Recrlpta, 31,000 head; market "...ak and v iow*r beavi im. kum and ihlpplna lota, a-'t '.anr$i \" rnmmon to cholc, mlajed. 83 8848(84 45: cholc* "-"^ I430fj8450; Iight. 83 H5034 45; plg*. 82 35B84 35 n ra-ipta, 12.000 I; markei ateedy; Inferto* lo ebolce, S150«7$3 00; lamba. I.r.ijl-". ,.a^. aaai i,.,,i Ranaaa Cltj M^ Ocl 3 Hoga Recelpt., aCflphead. ,. S'tta.',il4 15' M«a f.'.u.-l-^'- ' at'l* ".V ;;,::, nSffVM ?&¦ jp*-, M'pr; :v,s\:v B4BIV ralr to good. 8880034 50; cowa and hetrer*, beat, I'alaii falr to Bood *i 5008250; .tockera and feedera . .-,, V, - *l >.i'^. .b.-a. 84O310 Teja SnSawa aueta! Bttt>BM. Bh«a-Recelpta, 5.OO0 bead: mark't alow. --?-- IHE STATE OF THADE. :;¦.( tmb, 07'»»U67\r; llay. «Jjc aaaea."""¦" ,; ,.. ,;.-,,., I1SV Soiihrrr. by aampl-. »-rfH... OO <m grao * M-,. Btock, 482888 buah; aal-*. '2.. yon -ua K ^ '¦:V,,,;'^ SVlbV 41B42, ';'^»;;T-.-r^,-':'"2f-::2.,.^,2,v.. 1,:r;,f.",.:r»5\,$5'r,. i^-rr-i.b.adul. Coitonoule, HoBtoa. uct. - proytalona qulet. Butter qulet v"T,""' r.-^ ry '^.23.. Fh*M. flrm; Northern. -.-*?t.rX"7 »* K,2- qulet; E«..m. 18010c; We«. «l^M<\TFJK^ Oooi inqulr, r.r ,,,'w ,r,,l. No 1 hlrt il5ot: l.t-ver..Saw-V.i.k I..-J loaoa ... . ,,, fia ,. f ..ftHr.d. 'v .T.i i"', . 7 .V. ir 88V»c; So I Xorthern ap 2S ' I, No 3 Northern, BS%c »pot; alntei "V4''; I-- ,,-,,r aale* 8.SO0 buah, No 2 rad. H6S ".¦.¦. '/B:sV3V.^b^:.^^o:3fe corn'^r.tU.'o^ --¦;,- v.gml«*d 2144c track. Barley dull, unchanged ,',,,'...,.. -...¦- 2,300 bu*h; No 2. 46V More. Ploni ' .ly^n^Htiti Mlll r-d in falr demand. Ilrm. .... i-n'lcago, ". .. 2. Th* Radlag ratarea ranged aa fo Whaait Ro 2: Openlng BlgheBt, Low»st. ClOBla* ,, ,'"..' ..",... 4.i.'.'.<-; "i .¦.". ';'; - \.r.k.i .'-\ '.-". ,;¦'.-. "2 i.,iiV.oiViHii'- 88V.04»1» ,;» I ,;-' M|| Hl B01iO3O4a .!"¦'.'>...i 21.. a 804J3 2";a 3" 0-i. 27*. 2^ , ¦-- . 21 . 2- , J- 38 RBi -".' 88 is-, 18% II II IM, 18% 16'j 1 v, .20HO30H 30%839»fi RB,20%03 >,.->, purk. aar bbl: $s _., $s _. XnualrV :::.... -.-» ...,T!- '.. ¦» M Laurd, pai 188 a; Oetober . bg r,' JSJ Janu >ry . h- j " * J riba p«r 100 »: . (.. . .() . 4 uib quotalloa* »ere as followa: Plour waa qulet. B ., ab. and prlc*. auady. no * apring wneai, ¦¦ s" 3 .prlna «he»t. BUflOoiic; Xo 2 r-d. 024J ll»u' No 2 ...ii.. SlHaSUimc: No 2 oat., 18 jdlM»; No - ,,.- il No 2 baro;.. 42. n'o 1 ll..x,..-l. '.¦.. ..... no. ...,,y'-..,:. |38U rne- pork, per bbl .-.- p»8H3 ¦. .-,'.-./. atcoada 12018c Bgga wara Brm; traah !"V'in.',n"i.n'""'.'.!;i'2 Plotll market Tairly MtlVBi Wlntet ,,, '., » mi,.,;¦..*.. iprlna pacent. 83 40»S3 Oo; ry, flou. I;;:l:,:i,!...-,.'l:;..i,»:v u. ,. markei qul.i. *te.dy; s .. red ii..* "'". -... io- i"1 .... No .-. ;,,/ n;i rn markai uul*t, unchanged. Oat* qul. -V. Nol ....... irack. W-,-. No S do 2b. No 2 a, fairl} actlv,. »t*ady; me**. 80; cleai ". 811; ramlly. IU Lard Brmer; ralr demand; itea ,. ..,..-. k . lard 8 prlm* itcam, .. .". B > . -' .' ,, |, M -,. n leai uaaa, 8-4 I. i meat. 7b uldara .'.'.' too*. ihor ..... Ioo** »ht*l .¦.:';, bok meau worth -. nu.r* Kgg* Recelp - ",'..,«,.. rirra; freah n.arby, 12.. Wblakej qulet, iteady; ""iiiiatukw Oci! 2 -Wbaal ',-. tewaV, bai the export d* m' brtak! and lh, d«<lln. w. «t.. n 83 R irack I id) .... ... 'l."-« jeinand. prlce. ranglna on lh. baal. ol M .',...i.v. ..v.i -i.n'.a- »i.-at pal*nu n. «. Ulll ituffa Brm ai $ll.,$ll25 b.r BBCkid bian. Pruvlalon* drooplng, Uw purlS 8B38 ¦»"?>¦ *'"' *" ,:' 'aaaary. Prlme ueaa lara. ,.-,75 easb, and $.1 »> Januar] Mlnneup. lla. Oct. 3 Th* market »aa m. lor lu ail alde* io .. iui ii araa laactlv. a^-.- pail 'd lh. IIBS. and purilin*" IB lta i-nd.-n.-v. A.iei i, pn ih-ie »*a a bbotb buliiah tum t ihe iradinB Th* markei graduall] w.nk*d hlgner, nnd 571** tor 1.mb«r w..- 1 The laal haif ti. ur lh. mark.-t fluctuati [we.n :.r."». and 5T'v tor Deeember, and cl.i ai ..>¦-.¦ ktay i-n-d al ¦'¦!'.. and .l..a..i at Blc. Ca*h wheal '"id lt uecombei prtc. i day, wiih th- blddlna ."''4' On irack No l hard, 57V. No 1 Northern, 58%c; No 2 N irtn. .rn '.v.a«<- Corn.Th.r. wa* a allghi deaaand f"i Ro :t ,n'i ai RBfcc. (""* Barkat (taady; Bo .'. whlte, I-'..-. s., 3 17V01"Hc- Plour »aa at.uo). v.itii k.I demand; $3 25088 80 r.«r pat.nt; $2-2.'.u»2 7.". lo* bakara'. 1'ioiu.- ti.n 43 000 bbla, alupmeni... 48,888 bW. Bran and ahorta llaiket dull. bran. $h.'ai, .a.ka. $!» 5»tltl». ah.Mta. roui. ti...n. i.uik. |l.) 38; inlddllnga, $n I'hlladelphla. Oct, 2. Plotll -Prie*« aa a iui- nrml> held at ih.- recent!) advancad imnu ..f tba mllla bul buyera ¦enarally hav. ampl* atock* r.-r aaaar wanta and unwllllng t,, ii..-.-I ln* vi.-wa -.f a.-ii.-ra Ti.ui.. tlon* »ns*uu*ntly unimportaal and \.itur* larg.1) nomlnal. Rrbaal Mark. t ,,|. i,.-.| a ahude w-aker. bul afterwafd r.-.oveied uu.l-r go< 1 huylng ln Ihe Weai. and Claaad flrm on all Bl aboul re.trrda) . Baal naurea No. 3 ..-.!. Octobar, <i.i»4 ,ni.i. Nuveoiber, iMl',w"7r. Dacmbar, <.7S'a...\> Jaauary, ,. .-., r, mi upilon market ahowed lli.l- chuime. cloalng Srm bul dull Loeal .ariota dull aad waak, wlth in.,i,i ,ie bul ampl* luptdle* No 2 mi»ed Octobar, ;i7'a BMa. n< v*mbar, 4^lu:^5' : ,-mbe-. :i4\,©:i4 , laau r ;il.i M't ''"!* Ma.kel for .arlota dull v>,.li fi-.¦ ..ff.-i Itia* a' r irmer ralea Future. Inactlve. ahade «a*l.-r Ro, 2 whlle Octobar, 2tt«l2flV; Noveniher. 2>lVil2tlV; I»e- ratnber, 8218011; January. 2itV<'27'4 Fh**a* l'lim. iu falr demand. New-York factory. HfJO. part akline. 507,-. Huaara Ilrflned. fl, in and In go..d demand F-,.,1 Qulet and -aal.o wlnter bian. In bulk. $14 5o*J$)5 25 per pBB. ."Ili-i ar.l'lea unclint.g- 1. BT0UK8 GO HIGHER., UTTLE GOLD TO BE SHIVPED. ronnoM bxchamoi easy-thb debt STATEMK.VT-BOIXBR AND MONEY. UUI AT tiik sto'K BXCHAMO- W22? "" Td-AURIOI IN M..M.S ANI» RANK BTOCKI IM, r.i««» M K* F. ut.. iaaa iji '''n paai All. * TA R.ta ,,n da. 117 :¦-".' s t 8a 31HH11 I2.»i<» A :.ia.'i r,.a«. 5000 30000 2000 r.a-a. liiiia. no . d.. . do . T& S R.ta lat do . ¦>-', S24 »2S 834 17000 do U8M m a lf.1V, M n.i ¦'IH». 41 »» :i.' 1008 C r.ooi. r m r.i :it . MI do . ''t*1* ,lo . 844 do . ..«% d. . 34',; do flen la w I. H3 « ,1,. s3H .MI A T * S K Ad) U w . 884 loooo do . J5T'» IB0M 4o . .'.' 11. h \v & w 8a "..'. MM d.MWal |.a.. |l C II * N ISt.Rh , onoo Can H lst Old..111 .<». M "'I'* me 00 '"" 1000 -'of N .1 ii M fc Reg iisni boo d'.»a% ,",mm c a (i Con Ba. .-11* !<»*> do ."1'» do P M Kun.l.l".-j _, i,. l:.-a. Bl A .. R A A lat Cbo «a.... w* 11 & y Ni 1. Es 4a . Mtt '.M» liaaai c&N P lat R' IS gj ;,iaa. i|o . *'.. l.arfa, C A: N W 25-yr f.a .lo7 4ma) .' fi I, l i' l«t :>.'i'i luaai dO . Ml| B008 do . ";,'i liaal rl. . »4 2000 C H IAI' Kx BalOBtt ..aai do .WMi 7<»ni c Rl l.A P lat. .101 3ooo c c c A St I. Calro iiiv lat. t»3 2000 C .V 'Jtl. Av lat.1.1'4 liani Ii-n A RiO C, 4a. :»I»i i5iinn do .ai« B0M '1. 1,2'» 4"h> Del M A M I. O 21 insai '.1 .v 1 Rna inon do .lOOtt P«a> B T V * (1 ''in Oold Bs..sl8P.1104 rtKi) Bd Bl Hl .', of N v Cn .'.a. H1I4 .Vaa. Brll lat MtK' ..MBJ IToon c.-n Bl I-.. Ba. '-i-::- ,'Haai H X- T C C, H la 72', 2U00 lil 'eni Weat, I. I«t 4a..1094 ¦000 di .!".'!U paaai 111 S 1'o n-W ;.a. !...,, Jla.,11 do .M 10.MI lowa Cent l«t .'¦- '.'. , 2ma) il.. '..C' )i«hki K Pac Ba 1'-nver IH4 Aaat .111', 13008 do ti-t Oon K.ta 7»'3 paai Lac Oaa 1. Oo of Bt I. ist Ba.... 8TJ4 3000 I. E & W lat .'.a.!17\ 3000 dO .117'a lOOOgLeh * w B Cor _ O O M 4a ... d-.M.M 2000 N Y A 1" lat. ..10« U-iaa. N V I. B * W Naw 2d Con II,-ta Stpd .8114 2onoo do.g_ 2iaa. \ Y 0 m W 5a .»n'» MM N Y S A W Ter lat .106^ 1000 N.rf A W Md * Wssh Oiv -«4 Mai) do luO-yr 5a... «»4 paai N Pac lat C..u. .H;'a Maai do 2 1 COO..1014 i-..n r.a Rcta a**1* ;.aaai do . M ."1.11 do Col Tr Nntea M 1 LN¦ a> 11,-.- !mp tat.8M 10000 do con 8a. M 5.11) do .¦¦ jaiOfi Ore Short I. fle. RBHk MM do .jMJj MM do .I""1* laax. do R.-U .1""4 .l,a««l ,lo .1074 20000 O I I. I V I Con HrtJi . 01 .J.aa. P of Mo lat 4a.l<»44 ..aai I'eo & K.'ist lat. M4 Mifai Peo !> * ¦ W Itrta . 37 iraat P Q * C Chk 2d Otd «..lor> I.-VOOO P A R Int pf Inc 4<>S do 5oi a) l.'iaai .-.-«. 25000 10000 l.'.aa. »'<«. 10000 8000 USajO l.'alW P C 44.1 7000 30" K) do . do M pf inc. do . 4<e\ lOti 2414 ^4Vt 111 711a* rto 3d pf ln< rto .»'.. 4a. dO K.-tS ... do Kcta unatpd V7i, do .M. BT* A St L .111 do .Hl'i do h ."1 IWat P r W A C lat.140 1000 Pltta & W l»t-- N*>5» M«Hi K W A 0 Con .1174 liaai Bt L. - I MI 5a. Mtt iaaa. do . w^l 2000 st I. K * N flt Chae Bdg lat. 105 44000 st l, Bouthw lat. S2 IU00 <lo . »24 isooo do .MV ."..m iio 2d Inc.3hV 4H«ai do . .ih,,9 IkOOO S A m A P 4a. ;,ia«i s A W lat Reta liaai B P Chl 5a Con .VaW >aa» 3<aa) l.aaai do do Bo do oS MH l>3 1>2\ 83 !i2'i K'l V.dH 2i»a<. S. uth Ity lat 5a 5.ITO dO .I2..K. ). .».»»> .lo . W1 2'*a. I'.-nn C I 4% B 6a Hlrm I>lv lat. 07^ K»ai do T"r.n DIv BB I'o 1000 '11 . M .) 'on 5a. M paai -.' A*st .107'i .'«N-a L, X A A C <1 M 7X 5000 '!" . Isla oooo do Qm'".:::::io§*|i 2000 Metroi olltan lat.llii'j .nooo »i«ai Mex Int t»t 4a. 7.i\ 7000 do . T4 ]i«mi M A St I Con.1274 31100 dO '! M ia A. M naa. M 0 St Paul lat A Mlnr, Dlv.12311 2000 do -' A P W 5ill..*4 4000 .'. M PI !"' Iimmi M A St I. con 5al084 -.0.10 M K * T let 4a SO ].a., . "Hl-, 2d IKMNI T A MM T A do Oo do de r. lat 5a. U2 92\ 027a 0.1 2*4 284 2>\ M liaai Bi |0 iai .I. l.-arno 08% Bott .17 l.-.i ia. do .|*;1- "7 ;;.aai M K A Kaat 1st. H4r :a»a» do .'.»!' t'nl- n Bl lat Oe.1004 2000 d.»20F. I.a'.f 3000 do .106\ .¦iNH. r !. Kxt s fh in.'i 2000 UP D A .> lat. 42 r.iaai I' S Iie.-ither 6a. .114 luHii Vh 11,1 ti M... .1014 1'ia. do .1014 4.SMI do .102 l.aaai do tltd Stpd .102 60.10 Wabash R R lat.loii l.aio rto .lOBfj 7HS) do 2d 5a 7»4 .'tiKHi West S <ltd 4s..lfa34 1000 W N V A P Gen. 404 TIIK OENERAL LIST. I'.AII.WAY BTOCKB. AT A BFapd Atlan A l'a<- Hall A ohlo, li.v" BWpfn It A P do pl'-f '¦;,I1 S.-Utll .u Pai .ti.' nl of N .1 Ceni Paclflc. Chea A Ohlo Ch A Alton.i <lo pr.'f. cit 11 A gy Ch A K fll. do pref- C M a. Bt P pref hl. A N.-r pref ih it 1 a p BtP M * O do pref.... iVC A *t U do pref. Col II V * T do praf. Del a 11 c I.. I. a w. Den A lt <>. _) pref-1 Bv - T II. ,1 pref- i-'lmt £ P M I' d P M pf ;t Nor pref. .; B p do pref.... Illinola cent; |..\ia C B.j pref.... mi III II. I. K A W .1 pref....| i. B i M Bo. 1804 i/iiiK laland.| M4 :. 1I1 8 N., I. N A d >' do praf.... 1. .-. 1. a r. M.l-i Blsv... Illch C Bl Mo K .v f ,1 .. M I1.,. i. 8 Ohlo M nn ^' Bl 1. ,lo Iai pref j pref. \ c A Bl . SYC A; II K SYC d Bl I>' ,;,. lat pref -I 2d |»l r, NYLK4 W lp do pf 1 pd. \\sil m H N 1 *. W \ y s a w do pref. N rr A Weat de praf ...: .wuh Pae.. ,| pref-: Ohlo Bouth.. ..:.- i:y .t S l.SIi a. N I'eo H & Kv l'.,:l A Hdg.l 1'i'C A Bt li pref. ...I lt. 0 Westl d praf si 1. a w.. d praf.¦ st p a Dui. nt V M v M smith Pae... douth l(y... do pref Tea .'i Pac TAA 0 N M a " <¦¦¦ do pref... Cnlon Pac '' pn a.- c, Waboah do pref. wh a t. i- do pref- W,a Central. MISCBLLANKOI'S STOCKS. -Actuil aale*- ..;. n Migh Ii"»' Plnal. Adama Ba Aiii A Bua AiM Col 'dl. pref. Am Expreas, .v An. 'I.' 1, pref ., l: ,v Bo 111 pf ANY, Urunawlck .1 111 it a n c p 0 M nn Chlcago ''.-.a Cleve 0 P .1 al liev I f I I..J do praf. Col . H C on, Cabte..! 1'. 11 <' M 11 Cuns il Oaa.. I. M A Kt _T» '.:i '-3 m wvj ntj mu 7js ;..-, i«; Ort 1004 101 ii«. i«o CI aing- Sharea III. 1 Aak aold. 14H ITI 22% 71 2.14 124 HJO 32 1134 "3 - M11 0,h7.. <|.|\ 100 llNl 111 1324 lu8 1 2 33 TO* 714 704! TlVi s* »« :s 714 105 374' 10 _is| Bttl 5n4 100 dO ptef. I' l; T * T Co EdElI.I 1NV1 Oen Ele. it. Home Min ll ua 0 T Illinola Bleel Kan A Mlchl Keok a l' M, praf Klnga A P. I. Oaa (Bl I.i do pref ... M.ih 11. Min ll.a.l... M oal pf. Mea Central. ..¦« Nut- M.i.n Iron M.,r A Ksaea Nal l.n.a Oll] N,4< C Coal n if sou.h N.. Aiie- Nat Starch.., .1. Iai pref' do 2.1 pr.-f Oal sn Min Oragon Imptl 1'' Muil i'.-nn ooal.. P a w pref p n w a ci 144 145', 144 144\ 844 244 284 '^44 .-.i m m m :¦;. > M% 30 30 t 774l «>l> tTH M MH m,\ 2*4 134; 13 2»4 t3'« 704| 70 704! U17 107 107 2h 241 rw 8 4 lf 3 .'s MB 100 4 50 13 lV 1-4*4 841 0 I io 2i> ^r 04 85 134 2 ;.. 27.W30 luo 22,HiH S.Ma) BJM 200 SUI 772 I 410 5_« lou 4<»i VIBCRLLANFOFB BTOfKB. | .-Acloal aalea-' (Open illlah L.w Flnal. nnaine-- .haraa BM Aak. aofci a taii 33 41'. 42 41% 11*4 do r>r.f. lW N 81 . ''4 W»la F RB 1"7 188 lo7 I'* Waat tJa Tall 88* m £1 TJBUBTBD STOCR8. fj H Expreaa r ¦ Bafeber -Artual aala*- (open.'Hlgh. Low. Flnal um\ nt'a ioas m«* 101 1"IW l"l I0''"» 33'4 33'j »H r'- 2<i'4 aMi 2". 20'* ."'.oalnw r'haraa Rid Aak m,V%. .85 Bl 38*4 38*A 88* 83W .»2i, asti .. i .35 30 « .13, tn% 38 2«.. 35', &2, 0 ia m io H5 *5 BJ Total ahare. for the .,'. .1*241 8ILVRR. I-Actual **!«¦» Open Hlgtl-ILOW Flnal ruTBtiTl"«7rtr* 07', «7'» 074 87«4 <"|o«ln» Sharea lt 1 A-k aold, <17>» 87 lool SALKS AT THE CONaY>UDATBD BTOCK AJfD PKTRO LF.FM gZCHANOI .TOCBg. lOpen-i Hlgh-' !/.» -I Clo»- K;ara» Name.._I ln«. *«f. IjBBt Jnar. -. 14. Aaaer Bagar Baf....|W8« 1111*1 10M, IMH MM traar.e^^^::: A A A 4> J A. Top & 8 P.! 2244 2-j;. ^ , f LM Ark rity Imp. gj fTJi ?._. 37V4 Chleagto Oa,. *Ml .1, TOJi V% t.m Ch K I a I'ar . 7sS .!''< i^S ¦. i .11 rW »u' * q?.:::::: *js m\ ** «« ^ Ch M & at P.' Ttt ;¦'- 2* Jis '*** Daa M * Ft i> of... U H, f;« T.-at a .'»..!- F-d. 2IN' 24« »Jt -4. 8.731 (lenera! Electrl, .. £4 30*4 -;¦¦_. ¦.¦.. rdj Long laland Traetloa.) 2B« 30* »JJ < Manhattan .I1'-1', 'ifi? '.£ ««a? Mlaaonrl PaclBc...... 2M, M*a 3*4 -V. 2* Natlona: 011.) 24 24 23-. J 484 N V I. K A W .... 12S 12'-, 12', 12, an PhH a Raadlag. «« »J* - ;. a,*l I'artflc Mall.' al* ¦ Ta J .»* . Soutbern pf.' **' *" ",'** *'.' .9 k^T,.:::::! «l gj gj M _="S Total aharea aold.¦.58.7ia BONDS. "~ ' jOpen-T Hlah-I Low-j Hoi-I yt,nn. . ina Bjat eat. Ina l_ Sale* at Ta» a b r m cta ¦.. mjj m »*M .«.<» l-i-le 2d ru . .... IIH M'i ^14 "I', ¦»."*' *JrfKk.:: £ i I 5 'S . a R M ¦-'-'-'¦ S i'' io M aooo Tef IV 2d'.. .' 2V-. 21.4a 2B%I 28% MS Total amount .¦-*'' fJz BfJRTjro STOPKS. iOpen- Hlah- Ix>w- CV s- S arei Name.._' ">*" -" .,rir m'vv laicrca, . lo la 1" ¦" H Total aalea . WHKAT. L>cmb*r optlon. lOpen-J Hlah-I Lflw-, rioa-i Saiea. Ing- I e.t. le.t. Ing. B.;«h (\2\ ~H>^ «2'» 1.018.008 CLOSINO PRirKt* <>F PHII.ALKLPHI A FTOTKP Bld.Aaked. _ ,,L4;,A1".'^ ,,w,l vn 41'k 42 Electric Tra. -i\ .'% Nor Pac 10m. 5W BJ* < "" rri* * -. v^tn. K K rr!:V,i-., » S i * R .tocic MtMi i»\ WetabOLCo.. 83 P £ R OK ia." 7P*. Rlae Bt HI om. 88 ^ f hlia Traetloa.. 85 M no Pf.i. «.'. « People'a Trac OoS W4 Max . CLOSINO PBICBB OF BOSTON BTOOU Boaton. Oet. b. r 1 reBeaaajjr Ta iar T-,t^a,T<Hiiiw aaaa a Taa 22'a 23 Franklln . » Mj ^°.t ft ZlbknyifM iS*. K-araara^ . 18R H B.S ft Mnlne.170 17'l Oaceohi . -]14 » SiVaTaaTlt 121* ^{aaracV-.^tg 19 Fllnt i P B Pr- £ Boston L «o 4 S"" Li^V^tVa;':: 1% 5jx m> t-..-, .,..«.. iw* Rri Mex Cameoaa.. 12* !J» L<.r.s..t, at Ber.. 31JJ « v v o n: ¦ 122 122 ' .* '4 AlIoue^,. R^ B«* Rr;. g g BoA & bioni::: M ,* .*% v>-.-*.,Inai, aaea.. 30 85'. Fal ft He.-ia....32.) 815 closino PBicaa of CBiCAOO btocbb Fhicago. Oetober 2. URB, T*aterday To-day. I Ye,terdayT..dsr. BreVif^o..^, 9 Art-ciiV-H gl -d2 rtai'TOa' 7'. 7\ R Chlc st r R .383% MR Cnf raJ 70 7 J Bt* W I '-' L.n-. Ul« W i,amon'dMFo::i274 12dH W .hi, St Ull, 125-, THE DBBT .STATE.VENT. Wednesday, October 2.p. m. The ptiblic debt atatement of S.-ptomber places th" enttfB bOBded Indebtedness of the country at |747,M8.t», an in.-rcse Of 1210 from tho prarloiM month. Tha a«*re*aU of debt m which tnterest has ceased BtoOO maturity la si BB. m a decre-ee of $10,210 from ¦eptember. and'th-'amount of debt bearing no lnterest la 1377 448,611 a deerease of $438,479. Oertlncatea and' Tr'easurv BOtOB offact by an equal am.iunt of cash ln th" Trt-aaury decreased tn the nwnth B2.iS7.6lt. and the aggregate of debt, includlnf certinoateB and Treasury notes. now star.ds at $1 726 722.692 SurpUis cash in the Treasury ln- Lieeaart aaaJriag in a11 a »** d,< ln the debt of $1,834,683. The gold reaerve at the end of the month BtOOd at $92,911.97:1, or $7 417 864 less than it was at the end of August, Government recelpts last month from all sourcea were $27,549.67* and expendttun-s ag- gregated $24,320,481. The tota! recelpts f r the last three months or for the nrst Qliartar of the current nscal year aggregated tSS.S72.Oll, agalnst $97,848,174 for the conespondin* m nths of the precedlng year. while expendltures for the last three months were kept doWB to $»5.- 464730V or $3,000,000 lesa than for the BBJM pVriod ln 1895. The net denolt here abown for the flrst uuarter of the CtUTOat nscal >ear ia Tha foUoartaf tables are condenaatlona and comparisons of the oftVial rajp aTta OESEKAti __%-lUTIBB. Auguat 31. SevtemterBO. raai for the redemptlon of un- ,.- 177.6744 rarrsM BTatloe_l bank noua.... .*¦$"?" ._t__tS Agency aocounU. ~'2S',_? MMB_0 I.Taburatng offlcera' baUnees. .. 35.702 "4. -.540. .-. Outatanding drafts and cfcecta... M70 *.'- ¦ TolaU ..ftaJM.-M »42.2V.,38J ASSKTS G.ld coln and bulllon, leaa aa»» ltWO'1978 atandlng rertltVatea. $100..120 S5. »W*.» !.»'. L- gal-tender nof-a. leaa ...itatand- ^ ing certlflcateo . 7 t.V-a _0ls,T7« Natlenal bank notea. .¦."' Totul gold and currency. IMB IT8 01 I1W MSJd Illvai Sollara and bullion. leaa ,s n 078 ..uatanJlng certlflcatea. 2,.124.ofll I *BBB Booaa lauraat andcoupona paM, A m awaltlng relmbureementi. 7«.ai»_.. D.-poalta in Nallonal bansa.¦ 10.I-0.44J Total eaah halance.,,»BM.MT.Ma t* ***** PedttCthU K-norul liabllltlea and .. .- ;:AjjS the legal-tender reieive. 140.4JO.IJ- "- _ N.-t av.ll.Me balanee.. BBaTaTO ... I 8* «*4« Bubeldlary coln..¦.... ...;*» " «*_» Kn.otu.nil .'..m anil ourrrnc).... i'H-V.vil l 241.1*1 Lilaburalng , Itlcera' l»l*i»ea._T___ . Total avallaMe balance.IKaSMM !<*.«*. OOLD i.i-:r.Ai--Ti:NM.KHS AJfD sii.vkh. Supp.-rent.try tO the stat.-tnent ^_J. the FoUowlni alvea the ...iriictilan. ol wldjWg tendern and Art ... the rr.-iisun anl ..<«.« ¦undlna oattincataa, aaol ^PtJ**' ul endal month unlcr ravlaw; Augual Sl. LSW, tl ta tha previ.n.s month. and Ot ¦aflMBbaf M, l*i 1 year ag>>. GOLD. Ou'atnnding 4i*riin *.e- t'oln and leaa.nntl bollion on >-at.-- Bl ¦ A Ti-aaur. .,<'^'Mf s,,..ei.iH- BO. 1H04 ,8i».«at;~w l*i.ia;i«; ^'_i:Sf Aiguat :U IsW 141. 410 IOI 4l'<e.l.'v' 1 ''^ffl Beldrmlier 80. 18M.. 148.MT.BIJ 80.845,888 .».-»¦'. blCOAl.Ti:.M>KttS Notea ea outatandma ...t _Ma* hand cerllfl aM* ^f'-fia Beptember 30. IK84 $l.«r.H,42H 855 TNj «J ***St* Auguat 11, IMC IMaaSBO W.fNVUW o. ^ Beptember 80, IBM 'gWgjtt* -fJL Dollara ea hand.. 8.<O8,t)00,li» 837o.704,J7t« $3»'"*

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1895-10-03 [p 10]....5lO, hale,. con.pared with U7.WU baJe*.aat...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1895-10-03 [p 10]....5lO, hale,. con.pared with U7.WU baJe*.aat r»aTon we7-on«l.aea last year. To-dav t.i.lpta nt.ilv Taat 7 32T b.>.


Raw-Tork, nn nher 2. BBfcR. E. P-'ae. bag. ... *i 0J| ea**, pfcC* "¦"';.«Eeaiia bbla . IBI OU, Urd. bbla ..... .,''.X5. vv. flour. phB*.... ?» Otoo. .... rka* ¦... "

Oornmeal. bbla . » P.-anuta baga... ..

Commeal. bega 2.--' '."*. ".")v-

Optmeal. bbla . 848 Beef. pk*TB .- . ,»**Corn, baa* .RW.<»6 Dre.aed boa* N... *

Oat. buah .127.2-a I.i.i.l k*a. *.*¦P,aa bu.h . l.loO LarA k-a* *.

MaU." buah. a.«Bl Tallow. ,.kae. «««'ottona.-ed oll. bbla. .',«*> .Jreaae. pkae .

OMteav balca 8.884 Butter. pkg*. .. ;Prled frult. Pk«* ... ILjaa Fheeae |d.B« . f.lBBHay. tona. A-' '';"". bbla . -

Htrnw. tona. 80 Bg**. CMM. JB*Qraaa aeed. bnga M fUea, PfUg .. g IHldca balea . 22 Rlce chaff. baga gjSS M. ..... gaja BaialBa. Cal.. *ack*. «*B? aeOea. 170: mae. baR*.»Le.ther, aldea. r..ika) Tol.a.-co. hhda.gMolaaaea. bbla . E» TaJjwrejA pbjr*.£Moai. balea . *> \\ hlskry. bbla . ¦"«

Roaln. bbla. 8.881 Wpei bale. . BJBSplrlt.a turp.. bbla 732 ObL wlnc. pka* .«


Ki-lN,r.n."°fV.-. : '. 2s 7:. SoCie/ OK r-r-n-. 80

Ijtt.A . 3 88 II»g*. dreeaol. 100-1b l.H

Fopper. BBBM iRgaa.. 1310 Tall w. prtme. .».>Wheat. Xo 2 re.! 88 Lard. prlme. BBH.-om, No 2 mlaed.. 7'-» l'.-ik. me*a . i''<"'

Oat.: No 2 mlaad..,,».* Reef hama.. . 15 W

Jdlnn. patent flour. .'17.. IWf. family. IIs"

Fnffee. No7. R"»EM'.'RTS TO-DAT.

Whaat buah. ...4..-.4.I ReBaed pet.. r.*la --¦..H»OaaatTWab. «S.«a Oaeolin.. g«i*.. 888Oat*.' i.j-'i . a,in Radduvm. galB...... SBBJ

jE'S,:::::::: 'X gSg^'St-tgFlour. bbla. lapB Pork. »1*. »SFlour. aarka. 1S.1..4 B-*f. bhl* . »

a'ornmenl. bbla. 8M gaeon. Ib.»7.»0Hran. tb. l.44o Hama R».


Hay. bai** Lard. rb.ninleal. Ih.120.(0. Tall.». tb.J-WJOU cake. tb.latW ONWt ">. f-S5riplrlta turp.. arals... 2.5a. I utter. rt.. ;Hoein. bbla. 630 Cheaa*. 1*. ,SH'

Tar, bbia. tl.. ? -

THE GENERAL MARKET REPORT.Bhya Tot*. Oetobajf 2. 'k'r-

(DTTON-TIie early par- af the B*aalpn «na rlu.rai .i-

Ited by mmp wMa and aalck .hana;.* ln pri.-e. arol ..-

alderab> actlvity. The fi-ai call Iradsa WtaMl an ad^vanoe of B*M polnt* on prlvat* caWe* f,a .''*'hB'..,'-, fpool waa up after the openlng dec ln. there t.1

JTor I iKdnta Th* pabllc cable. reealvod '.at-r iirn..

iheae reporta. and LlVerpo advaaced aboul 8 polata. butloat It later. ar.d cl *-d IrreguUr and un»«"'*d W"J'¦n.t decline of 6*>3^ P Inta Ti .. earlj w,-«ki..-a. r. Lw,-;pool waa attrlbuta? to the renorl that Mr. S«llInodlft- hl« crop atlmati and Aal aplnnera «.-i- n-

aelling. The abroad. Jual bel >r* lh. cIom, ae.ii .¦

m be cn contlnt.ed he,,x% movemenl of cotton_ on in«

Bldt. L,v-n,.H,: *enl buylng ordera lo thi. rnark.1 aar ym the aay. Januan opened at 8.»6«B.»7c »>id on tc

f:.8lc. aalvaaead to 8.02*. and at 1 o *.»}«8.92c, Thi. lati-r flrmnM* was due In tl..-

pon. of froat In lh* Memphl* dtairlct, whlch. honai.Jack-d coaaraBBtloa. The afternoon mark.i wai

l^Vve and eaaiet all aloiig lb« :in- Thi. «.«k..-,nppar.-ntlv du. l« Ihe hiek of en..iBy dia;..a> ¦¦.i'i ¦¦¦' >;]\l.uV,-r.. coupl«1 wlth th- Bxeeutlon ol *om« a--...ior -r .:fn»m New-oriean.. Althougb th. local |»lc. «* »!»«. ot on wa, r»d.iced 1 1»V. th. re wai ar. lt.aa*d d -:n..i. 1

for consumptlot, aa;e. in ,i,,¦-. dir-. tl n amc.ur.t r.a b-

1300 bales Savar.nah waa l-H, lomer on IW J _


wRh (harleator. i-artlally l-l» better, aad olhet rMT-

keii generally un.-:,ar.Kcd. Th,- .na.k.t her.2kaaJlateady. wlth a nei loa* ol 264 polnl* lal waweiV841.."* balea. The local l.ade ls .xpv.,.t^ JOtn*raeavary al Rew-Otleaaa io-morrow. Ther* e

ITmnr bf an exporl oa. agalnst purcha**. at lh*So""* ^mc'roti-' reporta can. la t. MW«»', «JSouth Carollna, but r... damagi r*port«l. l.-r-ipUSon. fo* tba tmrrent w. ,y. ¦:^^ al .- :-'"^.k5lO,<Mk> hale,. con.pared with U7.WU baJe* .aatr»a on« l.aea last year. To-dav ¦ t.i.lpta nt

Ton we7- 7 32T b.>. a*air.s- (..'a.7 bai.* «rr.

.ilv Taat week and i 737 balea in-: year. X*w-i«45S "alea aKa .at AM8 and 8.000 b*|... IUh»WiMNeT-l.tTeaha to-..torroav ar^ -a.,.- - 5 000

£~a0M*U?*^ compared Wlth .'.,121 b.1.1

K ^mp.TedJa,l.. :.-.¦¦..aatl balea. aaailaai l.TOJ and 2.2.3 balea. n r ..k...

t&'nSar%d"l0.«2O18bSer M"m,'.^n^ranre'^olose^da, pW <*»*t, bB. IB.

P-loua nlab. ar, Ja-t^* ,

Init *et .¦»' ". B1«! >',"Toetober .|77 j, 77 j.g aajaa|o H.I M.

Rovetaber ...AM B.W -

vTl,MVS, B.M ,-,.,,December .. 8.M 8.90 b.7. JW ...,

VebruaT, " S^S 9M »W- b.»2^.M N.W «.}«^'.h .o l.t .. 13 !. 00 P uSfi H 04 « o-i b 23if. .tS P17 !"Od P.OPaW.10 1.12 6.2h

S V.V:".ar aai ..». bmPlM au aaaMaxkot rk.aed Btaady at 2 to 4 dec

wlYh veaterday'a cloalng prk-ea. Tranaferrlble notTotal Bale*. 84».aD0 balea N^< T rk nei racejibalea- ar .aa, 8.884 balea Exp - M, »00 bai**,Oreat Fritaln. 1.881 balea. rorwarded ^..^^S"'.2.7(1. balea; apdiuier*, 1.2-. balea; atock, u....... balea.T,|(,i n.-t r^ceipta to-day. 2*t..4.!2 bai** Ihu* far lhl« week,I4«7f» bales. Expon. t.-daj Oreal MUaUkl^ Mae;.ontlnent, 4.65t. balea. Thu, far thi* w^rek: O^^r"*'"15 276 balea: Fran^e. r. 414 bal*a; CWitbMnt« M1.237 balea. Spot ootton eaav; 11', loWWdlln« uplanJ. 1H-; mldd'.lni; K'llf. '-<'*r- **J**. -'M' '"..k

Ipcludlng 1 200 balea conaumptloa, I.M0 balea '.''»tr';J'-1.Uverpool eaMe* BpJl cotton. B-K.d demand; .ale. 13.000

bal^-i ape.-iilati-n and .aport, 1.000 balaa: Amerloan.ll.iaw balea. rectpt' 1 .oo<> bale*; middl ng "P1"".:4 11 lCd. Fulures or<.ned eaay, actlera Bl 6-e4d derline,loa-d lrreicular and unsetlled at 54 10 tl-- polnta n-t .!..-

,Hn-. Oetober, 441s. Ortober-Xov*mb*r 44..S November-laaeeaber, 440b; December-Jar.nair. 44ia. .lanuary-^""ruary, 442b; Pebruary-Barch. 448Ha; Vnrch-Aprii.**¦'»¦Apr.l-May. 440b. May-.lune. 447Sa. June-July. WHb,juiy-A-.ifuat. 4f*0*. MaarbaitaT Tar. Btea.iy. ctotaa r*n

.drTKK Salrt made In thla market nt *>*.*.lK)inta advance, ;i.tho>j»;.. Havr. cable* w"rP.» aliaie

,-a*ier. Local operatora »a a mle manlf-at lndi nond vlce. iluctuate in amai: buylna ..r ai-lanjr. Ix-liv.ii'«were Vnsller. and recelj-ta falr. Ha\re eloaed <jtil-< Bl Jahade bel'.w yesterdav. Octtber, 93 franca; Noyenfranr-a; Daeeaber, 91.30 franra: Jaauary, 81.50 frat,. -.

Februan-. PO 2.'. fiama Haniburg- dull. Oetober, .-> pfk':-Noveml'T. 71 7r, pfga; December, 74 50 pfga; Jai ia

73.88 ptga. Rlo Braa at 14..'..a. rela ror N 7;loeirf; r-celpia. 4..a»i baaj* Cleared rcr Fmi-d Btale.4.(K*) baga. Santo» recetpt*, ir. <».» l«ga: atock. 25H.000Market frm at 14.7t«. rela. Rlo ihipmenti lo I'nit.-dBtaU* ln^r. 1«14.00(. tiai-s. Kanto. thlpmenta, 118.-IWO baga; thlpmenta. 22.0bu Inpa. Antwerp atock,Oetober 1. IW.'-.a. bagaOotitracta ctoatd .teady at r.f, 15 polnta advance. Hal-s ld.iajO la#t. aa follows:Laat

Hiah- Low- Cleart y*-r*.t. <at. 1- -day. bld.

Januarv .- 15««15.06 II .80February .. I4.W614.H0 11.20March . 14 7.'. 14 70 14.70fJ14.75 11.13Atlrtl . 14.454J14.B5 lil"May .11.40 14 2.'. 14.854)14.40 11.10Oetober .15.4J 15.45 14.4r.ftl4.50 12.05Nov«n1>er .16.35 15.80 14.304*14.3.. 1220liecen.ter .U.15 IB.R1 14.15fJ14.20 11.88The .tatl.tlr.: po.itlon of Rrazll cr.ff-. ia a. foHewai

v Yeete lay. I^.s; week.New-York .to. k.381.887 988.874 2>'.7 2oJlaltlmT- atock. **.5*5 --7I4 M.atCiNew-Orlea,r.. Btack. 88,888 31.881 81.0U0

stocit at aU aona..aafMi 843.808K.w-York dellverlea. 8.007 11.684 ;- --

Haltlmoro 'i.llvei:'-'. l-«* '.* ..'|aX.w-OrI«an. dellye:i»«. M

Trtal dellvarlc.... AfBa J3.BB3 757»«oat . .BBXaOO 35O.008 219.000VIolM. .uiPly.MA8I1 6«l.aoa :.--

The raarket for Rlo and Baatea growllia ls m .ra acUv.and decidedlv hfKher. cloatng wi.h IBUc lh* QlMKio No 7 BPOt. and l&c ror Rb. No s apot. Anj ng th*fal« wete ftuo Uaa Rlo No 7 oa ap *l '.'Vv;. WO bagiRl^No 7 to amve. per M.rlda, l«H and 1.000 baga RN«VT. to ,,,-r Aalalir PrUlC* at 16* Ttier. WM

alao a Ire.r ba>« movemenl ln mlld i-radea. uhiwi reaultedin aataa of a.- ui :i.o<k. bag* Baracall ... I.WO baialiia. and l.b'O I aga OrBtral AnBtrtaaa, all on artvata

tfcFj!*.FH ANIJ MEAL- Tlie floar maik. t waa Bllghtlybttler ia ton. lo-day, althougb lt larked Inti-rest. I: .y.iraand arller* .-..ntlnue a:.-,n. «i.h. bowev.r, lh*BkoWlAB a y-ry nrm ui.d.rtone for b th stIhk BJter The advunre In WBaMl to-day had V.ry llttl* InllUenre ln lacwaalna trad-. aith..iigh It gav* th.- mark. a

Htrong uadarton* at the c. «<- Total ialM wera "';;')18.100 pkga, a* follow.; .Va. bbla wlnter palenta, 83 »4J

libla ri-ara, M 10088 23. :att^r prlc old; 1,000ai-ra 2a $2 4.. (focal).Bt^TCWHEAT FLOI KIvower; g^od demand; *pol ani.-a. 800 baga, atfl TOR81 W».

RTE PLOl'R Mark *al*a -;'^ bbla. at

M48488388.. .CORNBEAL-Barkel *teadjr; -'¦<>. 800Ibi*. -ii »2«o. Qaotad: Brandywln. *2;',¦; B*4Tafnore»2*/> Southern and VVe»t.rn, 82 S0«*2 »>. ..... BA«jkfRAL Market Tilet. Qii'-'.d: Flne wblte, '... RM .¦

*» W:.>; eoaia*. T«07(k PERD Market quletSoUdT^B 7043T2H*'; 80-fb. TOgmHe; BO-fb, .5c; l«.-n. »c; ahfn.a. ia>«-ftr..-; h- iiilny «*O0 .. " '';n"''.'1mea. I.2S.4'..7U,. U BMal, H 8Bg4191%; .'> feed. ¦

"iRAIX- WHEAT Th* wlieat trade waa k** a.tlve to-

dav and th* inoveraeal of prire. wlthta a l*ae eatenelvarank'e than wl'ri.-Ka.-d vei*.

at a ellfrht derline, due to tha w.-akr.'a. of lh* OPanlBgLlverpot.; rati-a and the allghl Mlllna bl :' '. ' -

houa«a. Th.- off.nnica were *oon *aJtau*ted. however. nar*for. mldday pri.ea rxhiblied a r.rn »r unden m*. \* ..

no.<n th.-re waa a rla- .,f *.fiT.c. aoeompanled byof Ir.Jury to lh. Araen'in.- crop fi..m ia\HK.a bl en

awarn,. of 1 ouata. Tbe rla- found -.ulte a llttle wh-atfor aale and prlce, bealtat.d. The ad\ir,a from tb* N

we.t ln.liiat. a ctUlnu.-l lll/Tallty of n. i.m nt, altl >uithere ta aom* un'ertalnty aa lo Ihe probabtlltle* t In the fall. Th* -n sabe of IV.urb>- the Northw.ati-rn miii. wlll eertalBly coawirn* a verylarge amoutit of wbeat and nac«a*ltat.a >-

ment at the sprlnK whaal tn.-irkelr. Th- .;.. .-rnnient cropand wr-atl.r bull-tln aay. that wbcal Baedtap l* niakln^ao-xl prorree. in M.'-hlaan. Illtnola ar.d Mlaa orl. altliiii.lithe gr'und la dry and cmplalnta ar lo th. i'r uta ar* a*n-«ra) Th, weath,r haa l*--n fav..rabl- nla>, .!. lh* Pac4B«coa.t. Int.rlor recelpta ,f wb-at »> BjartBB Whaal market*to "-\y were Kf/i,270 bu.h (Im ludlng Chlcago 1X1'~'K. buah.l*rtly aprliia). iiaalnat .'.41.1.72 buali l«»- y. ur. »inier .'.'.'f»2 buah. .'.'j,*'.lt» buah Baabo* .Ipt* 148,428l/ual agatn.t 84*1,646 buah total. l,05o.l.aiB18.287 l.u.t.. .x[».rt*. iu*. .'2r, buah, agalnal 261.880 ia!ln th. afternoon ih<- maiket waa atrona, atvanrlna eu^livc. the r.por'a af damage by I' lh* flrm tloaln« cablefrom Llv.rpool. rumora f holera In Huaala and otln Fiaaoa and al ihe waat Tba Pianch marketilower, bea**** but no attentlon waa pald to tl la th-market rt»lna 1**" from tbe lowe.1 .f the day, Dtoatng utlr n.t advance The rep.rta were alao turr-nt >hat a

jn^ae exp'.rt bu.lneaa b.d be-n done here, althouKb Ibl.waa not conflrmed. Al tbe cb.»e of Rachang. .nly 6,«aoIni.h wer* rvportad for eaport «.f <anal red at *,<¦ un.:-,Def'tnbtr delfvered; De<eint*i cloa.-d tt U^. He 2 r»-I in

Btore wa* nuot«l at December prlc* lo ¦-,. overj Ro 1Northern Wr over I>eceml*r t 0 b and N., I hard"Wft^rkic ov*r r o b all at.«'f)RN-Tl.. market f r

"orti wa* very <iul*t Blla mornlna, I ut ..tiipaiutiv-lvateady In prbte. Tbe g'...d aBBOH drmand of rnt.rdaafternoon encourag.-d holosra. al'houyh >l - nterloi m .v.

ment I. on a lar«« ,caJe ar.d the w-ather la Ma**alngl|prxiltlou. for th. drylna; of the n-w crop. »*rlc«. naro-

«n*l a llttle wlth Ihe noon rally ln wheal although the.*waa no areat ln-reaae ln anlvlty. and ln tb- af>em ...i

wt> of.nttnued wlth ihe rally ln wheat. but trnd- waa araalland th. wlnd up wa. gul-t at V» V aa* galn « a*., .nwaa v.ry qulet. Reporta were oT aome nporitrade, although late only 8 I »ad« were dcflnllely rep.,r.^.|at 24K^»c over Octobar t o b af! ut; Oetober cl ,',] a. 3..a.OOO bu.h Xo 2 .old at 8*V- deilvur.-.l In Ihe .-levat r

So 2 waa report-d at l*c over <>¦ tr.ber.OAT8-Tbemarket for oat. wa. dull. but o-^mparatlvely aU-a/ly. harl-.nlng a Irlfle ln tb, aftern.xn with tiie linprovemeni tn%heat aad corn. Ther. waa not a gr,at daa! of lnt-reateahlblt^, and tba rally »»* to b* mor. lympath.tlc

ihnn othcrwlao. The prltnar>' rerrlpta BMthMO lotaand for the rtirrent w.-ek have Bhoern a. bBBVJ *Bin r

lha rorrvapondlng time i.-.a. ahi TM a* wi «M

and unehanged .0 i4c n.lvanee. CBBh;OBtt «''" lil, »i n

mlxed .naler Hnlea were B8.O80 bash. aa «»»".: .V,"'huat No 8 nt 28%c etevator: 1.080 toxl k» » '-

55.000 buah irack whllt. 2tr4Y804c. and ».080 Maaiwa-

graded mlxed 24.- dellvertd; Mo 2 _»^J__I** £J£2itB..RYE-The markel H nta nnd nomlna I; Jdead)lha kbaenct of irade. raaraded laawrled »'4.'*£ _lboat | htarketduM aad heair for oBgrade. Quoutlona man from 41.** tar pj«r g ns.

.PM'K WHEAT Mnrket dull nt f-0«W fo. mve f-.r eoaaaartaon the elpslng prlces of ih. pre-

vloua 'inv aad for lha t-rraapoaaiBa date wai -

Op-n- High- Low- < 1'"- lf** ing. ntgiit. MBIWheat: InV «*. «.« .»* ........ rj-y-

January .-- ... 7lll* .,

BB^..:::r.v.iS.M n* ..» «« 7um- 61*jcorn:

r_<___ 1,1% ".ti,. aav ai aw u%OrlidxT .."1>*4 "J * -__. , ... .,.,, ...v., o«:v t ' Sl»-A-'a nl .i'.'4 ea-aNr.vemher .. .8t«V¦» ..' * '.'* *

,.,, n-.« aa,

BT^..:::* * ¦ K .': *oatai

Octobar.\o4 etnber

¦tt 2.T4 IM __i __?__: . 58 MH Phhecember ....34 ja » .. »«}*Mav .Mi 2.v, 2..'. SM| aatj Bl =

Do whlta:Octohar . - Su Mi aaNovember ...

¦**~ ~*-,

Rerrlpta of l.readaluffa at Inierior polnta In Ihj uaand-.lalt thT- rlphera «M»> omitt-.l. Klour bbla. graln buah.aa followa: . ,

n.ur. wheat. Ceea. oata.. Rr».Barley.

MllwaTukee.17 42 « 4 7*.1 41


LoulaTotodpDetroll . a i»

l'.orlHMinnealNillaPulutti HIndlanapollaTotala ..'.'Bhlpmanta from li.eae i

Chlcaao . ..''Mllwaukea. ¦

St. I^.uli- 8Totodo..

l>etio|tPeorla .

Mlnneapolla . 44nuiutti .

T ,.,; .ar 4iii ejj aai - '"-

Recelpta at Atlantlc o°rta:New-York . '" ".' 1(' .J,_Phlladelphla .. Jr. _ .

Baltlmors -\ ,, UMBoston .. f ii '., __.

Mew-Orleaaa .... i " _¦ _ ,_

Totala ."ea" »«» 21u ,<<7 ~

j;m- ita from AtlAntlc porta:n- ... i rk ...h . ja a

Phlladelphla - ¦ B0liiiltlmure . 1H "' ''


Boaton .> ia'. _¦ _ .

Totala.»I «el n" "METALB tin The msrhai for ita .-nttn-iea. i.rm <¦ A

_»-s»^ia__r_w_,ass«^i^%."«i?ffwrjaAa_tctlona contlnue llght, ';'.'''- ,*«,.. .;,.:-ri;iV -vr vV;-:^^j::':":.:lV.....^v:,<^,rVl,,.-v,^;!.vvn;;v\;\.:krv;:.^:.r:..r:^;.-'-,

j,,-... ,. rei «_ of a dull weak market al Bl Umim.

''^V/'assI^^.'v.'?!^*'"'-..''¦> ,¦«.-; ,;-..:.;'.ni featurea of m rlal mportan -. ihe tone belng

Hoady""ilthc^renl ¦- '-;-'-' ;J',: !i'!la only roodereia. Thla appllea lo both molasa." -f1'

ryrupa! We quote: Kew-Orteana '-..::. « ..r;; ..^>.- ran.-n. l.r.iHk-; cholce, 22J2oc Ne»-. n ';l n i.

ne in K.>od 23&2V-; prin.e to .l-'l". -.. .!¦!-¦ I'",1"ko 2,i,:uK; itVii-iV-. -'"-'-; "»-n«l- ^rlailc f*,r'

Joeiic' i!.i i_-.i 14. cholce, BtflB fancy, WOfte.viV-Ai BTOREB-Hiork Roatn, 37.23d bbla; sptritatur-oentlne 1832 bbla; tar. 887 bbla Tha markel for aplrltaKrp^une .ied nrm with a aood J-. imok .¦'-».'"»;' .;¦,',':iia-ht auoDllea th igh prlcea were unehanged and quotiat 2hVw3SV 'for n-gulars and ma. hlnes. ftoaln was qulelbui ateady snd .....-i.a...e.i r-r '-i';"";" «<> .oodu»ttra'wuh^r,VTai.., lilaMvi 'bh .!.»« .S¦-^^-V^^iiV^r^t-^n-, for ,

pera belnfl cut tmi f exp irl bu'i:, n-l U and m. and d

... ahi nl Q

_.,. \\.. nu .. Graln Mv< rp. >l. -".'i

I ,«.,.' S. aatle, .". Antwerp, .".-t, Maraelllea,,. WpfB-j 1- mburg 11

ii ,i,::,, 7- aak< '¦' '.ti ork¦. I prompi und :in 4 forv. a -l. :,,:,:.

lo 1 nlt* Klngdom, la 10 rd-1 J - 10 alse... IHARTERB The general msr-

\:M r^-hnrter. Vae qulel peolally »**W«"«^:Ratei a a ..» .. rnl- unchalMjed. Chartera foli .«

ISOOO Q« iraln. Phlladelphla to (

foVoVdera. 2n lOHd prompt; Britlsh st*amer I.BB7 loaa

(prevloualyl cotton. Qalveamn to Uverpool. Havre oi

Hr.-m-n. ,.. or about 80a; Brltlah aleamer LSM

^raV^Ind'^t^rter^re.0^;:;;«;-,!S;;;!%;'VV'vvv^;!':;^.:;:iv;.::i^-» ?oZ^S£%$XJZt-. Demerara, lUvea 810; achooner. 7itt lons,

_|i, Turk'a Islandto ProvWence, 7.. bark ,.» lonTurk'a Iaiand to Bosion. 7c, out ... baltasi .,a. t... ...

125 loni Turk'i laUnd lo Belfast, Me.. .- barB,317 tcms. sall Turh'a laland I Pbll id iphla 6. achooner.344 tona. gener-.l carao. Nea i..rk i- M».'.,r a 81.--.i.,ad.,i ..nd porl chargea; i hooner, about 050 tona. coat

Phlladelphla or Baltlmore to Havaaa^ e-sunxai.or cayEranela, 11 80: ael.ner, 7-01 tona .....I. I .1 l.M- '^J/Martlnkjue. p.lvule M-ma. Srhooner. »B tona, '""'

Bavannah to New-York. M 03H: schooner, 412 lona. lumber PensacoU to Haltlmor*. *.. .... achooner, M» lona.

;.;:..r. rnl..,, laland lo New-York 84 78: achooner;4.1,mber Brunawlck to Phlladelph a 14 .... ichoonei

... dry cypress, Ratllla BJver to WHMtni Phlla-delnhla 14 :*: ..n I rlvei towaK-"*. New-Tora IM io,

V. 380 t.-,s. Piniaphate n.rk. rharleston lo Qraa 1235 and d^lacharfed; achooner. 4 3 toaa. ph,,..,,,.. rock, Charleaton lo Wllmlnaton. Del.. *l «f,u< from Phlladelphla *%. achooner :i.i ton» ,-

io.-k »ahley Rlvei to Wiimingti-n, Del.. *i n->. >¦ i.""-',si. t His rn pipe. Phlladelphla lo New-Bedford. 82 and

. ,..,., 417 tona ooal. Phlladelphla lo .v>,,,,,.,. ,.:.V,s a.-l.ner. 483 lona. coal Phlladelph a

.,n 85, Brltlah bark, 343 tons, cora New-Yorh to

Hallfa*. Be; BrltUh scl.."J- "'. » B»*;'- ' ¦. ..

.> ., v h 70c Hrltiah a.-hooner. coal, |-..ik;''\v.iter lo

.h N s 75c; achooner, coal, Baltlmore lo NewVi-k i:'.sii tteamer. Br.nbaugh, 12.000 qraaraln New'port N'wa to Cork for ordera, _a lOHd prompiK.i s Th- markel foi cotloneeed oll Pfoaents a Rrmfroni a a Ihe newa from the Bouth ia lo Ihe effectin, 'the ,,..4....',t of aoedi la atlll llght Both home and

exoort buyera are glvlnf th« market » attentlon, buitheir takinn* aie nol very heavy ln ihe aggTegatc, aa

... SSsUy of lota. Aa a njle. iRe^llmlts ..

axportera are undet lha vhnva of aallers. rhe. prlma aummei yellow ih ailll abooi 27V. anu

1r. auinmer yellow i. quoted at 28M,©27c. rhe nwrket 'm

lard "ii ia at.e.iv to i.nii and falrly actlve ln a

\4ii4 Ulnaeed '-.1 I" B~n and uin-hanaed. W?ot,onaeed oll. prlrnj rrude. bbls.^aifiije; prlme^rrud,

o h m.lla. is-i|22. oft cnide, bbls. here, ..i.

hutter oll, nomlnally. ._". i*:n. summer yellow prime,.ummer yellow. rf 26V|»37c; wlnter jrel-

1...4 prlme 88633c: white prlme, 31632c; lard oll primtclty, 31632c; llnseed oll, An.erl.-an ni«, 4.H. Amerlcanboiled i' .... :... 4BC,PETROI.EI »i Eor plpe-llne eertlncatea th.- market ai

qulel bui pIkhji ateady, i-loelnf »t 81 22 bM at >. ¦¦ Y..rkrhe r,-ti:. -: waa unehanged, New-York qaotcd ai BT 10

'.. market 4.-ia qulel and about aieady,, of lard al v York t- agaJnM. 15.5IW

!", w ;vh we!! ,'-'V-r.-.... Th.- gtock of p .rk Ih 13.4 III

iir tei 11.. nth. The Beptember re. ia wer<

|106$1025; famlly. 312681^-a'.11850 REEP Blead Q

4..; ... 4- -- W) famlly, $l»'i.M_; packet. 8«|iai".,i.'..\l.- Qu el tl VI-'- .*!''. .ORLBHE

H.Mjy II 1.1 at. iK and '-¦ hlgher; im. tl. quoted al... and u-avy 10 llt-nt at GHttCV.'' Mr-Ai.-

!-..,. r.-ii. al ''./'i7;.- f. li'ii" Ib. 1'" kle.1.- Kirm ..t Bi PI ;!. 1 hami Bteady st '¦'''-' .

...TALIAIW Dull but Arm al IV-.bTEAHINhlard quoti 7 n qulel at <;' H

.;,. 1 000,0110 rfa Chlcaao rn «'».¦LARIi Dull and aboul ateady; aalea, i"" ica, al

.¦.::¦, loalna «* 0.22'/|c clty ateady, aale;; .',.¦.',.--. renned easler; Bouth Amerlca, 6.80c; ConUi nt, 6.6." mpound, 4%c aakad; optlona eloaed

HKKim 11- markel l* ,,uiet ln ail iiepnnrn-nia ai

unchangi prl We quote: Tlm-.thy. fair gradee, |i'n84 50; hlgh gradra »4 7f.fll5 50; .1 \.-. falr gradea 87 804488; hlgl gradea »s Z'<*a}s 7:.. rrlm-m clover, 83 7B4J85HL'OAR 11 ,ynr markel la movlaa unward,

prlcea iced all aronnd, and cane eloaed firm.with ......t.-i al 12- 8d, and falr reflnIng l»a Bd

waa tirm. wuh Octoher i|.i I al l'ia '.<i. and Novemb r, 10a 1>»:.-1. uur markel feli th,. Influrnca of thel--iii-r.ii.-i'' abroad, an.l h--l i-ra ahow <-\--n m ir*

hold Ihelr at. k f,.r hlgher prlces th n th. \ 1»before, The baala of quotatkim li 8 0-10c fot 88 lest

:ra!i- :'¦-.- for 8B leai mui vado, and 813-lBc f>.rMi tes- t'.r Tha markel f-r ntflned augnr iaqulte ectlva aad flrm, with prlcea onchanged, i-x epi onjtf, 1 13 and 14. whloh a.. .. ... .. 1-10 Oranulated iiquoted on tlie baala of IMM 11-16 A furil.-r advance:;; reflned ruimr ls looked f .;, owiriK lo ti.e atrengpoaltlon of tce raw market

0OUNTRT PRODUtTB MARKET.New-York, O. .:- S, 1886.

BEANfl AND PEAB.Tha markel h ;d» qult. tirm on,.4.. do.Ic hiik:i white beana thi wippl f whichia ati'l conslderably ahori of ihe damand. New marrowara lohblng prettj well al 1170, and re ?. .*. couldbe u«e.i thar. arrlvaa. Mew red kldney bava bul llttU

,-: ,.- nd th.-re sra off.-is 10 a«-ii beal qualltyBl «i iii. ..ii r- ls ara exi «dlngl] dull, »ni ihera la

..-. f .r ail olher M.ri.i.ea excepting man .w, whichb_va I....1 mon.I kf laia Oreea peaa unehanged, Wa

ti Beana domeatlc .« IHOB, cholce, per buah,iv.,.4 fl 35681 00; do pea, I8B8, »i W; lo

., is:.:. 8188; .pea »r medlum. 1*'..* t\v>':i: ,. _, ,. | kldney. IMlS. Tl 80; do IWH ll 80; do whltak- :.,-'-. is:n. *i ie-i',1 »i '.'.'.. -l y«llow e»-, |8B3, *;:«..1. .;,, illf rnla, IIM4, 83«83 13: do foralga. 1 -... IMM,< 11311 du forelgn ..-....... I8M6, II I" do forelgn

|a»4, 81 15681 38; mrm poaa, bbla, !<:,.. doIii4.'» s7'^/'.a' d N .'.'I'- ¦¦.'

BCTTER The acarclty 'f fancy fr<»n ereaar.ery waa felin. .- Mverely t...ia>. and ti.e markel unln-l allltlonalatreiiKth. 22',r becomlng .. currenl priee r.-r ihe baat offertng. Very few c.f thea- arere .m..- aad l\ ;¦

,4.iite proU. lhat a few apeclal lou wera placed evaagher ihan Ihrae qnartera of th.- bulier from ail

¦ectlona li ahowlng nol wcothei defects, and a | od desl,,f n ib ro faulty aa 10 t- -,:,: Coaalderablaof ibe i-at .tnr.e ht ,. u la n- "-. snd He feel ng la BrraAll the Weatera pa.-kinga an- aleady. V-. quote rearn

tn extras, ,-.. fl. T. ,- do Brata I8«2I do ihlrdi lo

.econda, i::«il7'-.-. do June, exlraa 2o«)20Wr; iti 16618c; Htate .|*iry. i.nif lafaa, fancy. »*, do

Weleh luba, fancy, r.'iin'v dalry tui*. nrata. i.'uls',do ihi.da 10 aeooada l30IBc; Imltatloa weamery. 11616, W.Mtein dalry, 1»^J 14. faclory, June mak., lirUlm..I1612HC; do June, tulw, J1 _rl_a-; do freal., llrita. l<i\iill-do f.ruilha lo ae<-..nde. ewlH',..'llKt'^E Ma.kel .,uiet bul very tirm. .N.-arl> .-.11 the

forelgn ordera ara gofng lo .'anada. where Ihej ari. i \'ii; -¦ I" than is aaked aera Ths only aale lo a

alili.l'ir to-day »»a a lol of fan.-y hlgh-oolored at sS1' Job-i..i- are foUowlag lha advoaoe Sl.' l.'H th- aupply la».Ilirht thal re.eivera eoniiol the alliiiitl-ii |..-nv well. A

IHtle li'.ne trade uaa .loi.e ..n ti.e l.naia "f M»c for e-epi.-ini-. r .jiialliy. Sn.i.ll alze tull . r^aiii haa becoRM firn.U'eaubllahed al I1'*'- Parl akl.'ea al-.w ul ln i.imiy held. We quote: nt»i-. ruii craaaa, laig^,r..,,',i,».i make, clored. fancy h'tlisl,. do Auguat.fancy *V«6N'!c; do Baplaanhar, white. ta.ry, hHW»'y doAuguat, fan.y. *.'4t/hs«i do good lo rhoi.e. 7'4iie- M..,'iinon ti. falr, ««7' do amall alze, fati.y, %%f, do Buudto cholce, »'«_KV d" common t" falr. 7«K4 part akima.imall, .'.i.,',l7. do lame rholce, 5»A< do (--.minon lo prlme,IMc; full akiina, 2}r-".<-.EGGB Reoelpta moderalg and largely of defe.-tiM- .pial-

Br. 11.1a. together wltli t)i« u-eiil advuie I* t.irning attentlon lo Icehoiie.; g,*>da. aWtaada J^jJfurther apward lendenc^ Ru t < >.¦ *e.n. njl Ia ft m

loaa, p BO-dosen caae. Al W*6I3 « r_e_4laaI'l-riT.- FREB11 Paacy table apples of re. »«*»

cnilnue acarc. and Brm There la a U " ~"

ment ... greea and i.liiah f«l''.' " ';,,.,_,. ,,,,.

cb3rtia?Wb_w-_«ra "«£__££aupply. Vnl flrm. bul ,. . ».«.." »*£ '.1 -r.'lnhii.i to move « in- grapes '" ,ri4>" Mr

, E__» w«ihan. detnand Cranberrle. more actlvs ;""'"/', Jg....;.; Applea, " "V,",''.:"'^ ££, 2'

k_50: do. Klng. 1130612. ¦.. hlual. 81 ¦ "<*' °* ¦ .

#, -. i'... ,,, <i'.xl !Ui .1-. f.a d« ti. M"*1 -.. " fn ¦'fii.l I .i''-in. >in?i.'-'. 'i'. _' _. ,...,.- letrtcit o-rIng. 7:. M 12 mferl r, 5. ,..- :*'" "¦¦.'

Pluma, per ln It. haak I, <¦.¦ Bfl. "' ", J , -,,, ,,«i,, . 4L1 »t _>«tSI .'." do eomnioii to good, ¦¦" .»'

$!i---;M-V.,";:i, ,;ik':.,.n 7- ix-T'iu:,: ;;:¦¦¦,¦.;':ware. oe ik-t KHjI.i.. do. Nlagara BB12 .!... '.

.auiiH.'T.v,^k,i -i' ''k,irV'.;.v '"«.-

4WSKg®4ffi_ai-.i'-'i. rorea and aklna !»«lc; «*.»*»*_¦pea.h- V.V..,.,-,. I.led, ^^.."¦h5StaT M^P^ovTmeTli. both bom. -m-i forelgn accouni

Ktf'V'c? 84610 ?do._idi. prjme. W;«t.t.prlme, 560r; do, wmmoa lo Balr, .!'....«.-. ."- '¦

LTRI ILIVE Th- nly arrlvala up to a very tatehour lo-dai »...- egpreae loU from nearby polnts. The

,. ,,e fuiiy lupplled, and there waa only a

ng'i.t peddllna bualneaa al B«p«rally lower prlcea wa

i.i.ite- Bnrlng rhlckens, loeal. per n., 1061 lc; do,-Weale,n M-iM.i'.. fowia, ll_114c; old rejetera. *U#7c;lurkeya 10c: ducka 00600c; geese, llfell .¦.». ..-

i:k-M'|. Ilecelpli llght, ilock cteanlna up weU wider a

falr demand wid market Brmer. Chlckens and fowlaVl'i! idv_nce. bul other klnda a,.- n-t ma.ena y

changed We quote: Turkeya. old. per », l" . I2« dnrounr lanxe ll'.l-. do ilralght. ftrlOc do ].r, 867c;f.^^lril--."..! K 7:7,. ^^^.... ,is, rlo Weaten k 1, l'ni l-'v' .." a. ..i.i.-i.

1612. aprlng ducka Eaatem and Cmk laland. 4«1* do

WeVtern. 6611c; Eastern geese, I8#16c; sqaaba, per doa,

'VaIie.A rood demand for prlma sound stoch pt'allklnda bui i.ipia atlll ol Irregulai qualli) snd f^ prl l« range W. at^: y« jodcock. per,,,,, ::,.. »i 12; parlrldgei nearby, 75c631 12. do »est-err ':-.-/. 7.". grouie. Westem 75c6$l 12; quall. froseii perdoz.-.i. 82612 25; lingllah anlpe sml goldcn Piover. fresn.U50682; graaa piover, $1 ftOBU 7&; amall yoUow-leaMll,., :,. r,ed fllrdr, 60ti75. wlld rtucks. canvas. perpatr 32633: do red head, il M>6$2; do mallard, B067B doaenl 30650c; do mmon, 9ni30r venlaon. pei m, 1^-;.^-.

Iivv. AND BTRAW Haj Ughl recelpl iy fulll,. th, atn ngth arlth «l h Ihe n.-u m..n.liThe whole range of quotai oni ruled Brm. and

r ,i .j owlni to !. lu< -I ITerlng, aellera had to... ;, m quall i «hsii they bave upbuyera ' gi .dea off from prlme

hav, ,, -¦».,., |, al lha -. ck obtalned ranglngk for v ..1 prlcea tn rule thla m..nih

la favotal .' ll" "',|"1 K

,'. ntrol Irrei p Canada'a poaalble contrlhprlme i) li nol ovi rplentj after th- Iste ai tlva

run upon ih. market, and prlces for fancy itaple markiare exiremel) Brm; thla demand, i. wever, haa Iti llmlts,

-. iak« care of Itaelf, ai a rale. ln.the rea ourae ..f rei li la without unad d

v a me comi lalnl Ipn f,ve'r mlxed in n- niuch Im lu« n

,,'f the objectlonable dalay, Pure clover la al^.. sp. «»n

..r aa nol belng -.|- to dealrable itandard, belng fl.- alwaya .. falr apeclal d man

l nol nl) for tbe uaa of nriirh--I-: iwa, but also .laa -. go l llne f Oerman

cuatomera ill foi It, who foilow up aome of thelr olduntry ld< aa nnected with

-.;,- per im Ib. !X> No 1 S56H7' c; Sv, ;; n">>6i0c; shipi ni 6" .." rlover mlxed, BTIyi

n. -i'.;.. aalt lia) M»«50c; rye atraw.i|TktA.V ahort >1 37642V: ".¦' snd wheal atraw. 376

,;;:.,' |«M. Brie. 120; t'-ni "

Weal Hh. .. '¦." 1-- "J'"MI-- 885

IHTTATOEH VN'I' VEOETARLEH lil-h potatoea freelyr.ffered .l"!l snd unlmproved Bweel potatoea nrmer

ghter recelpl mlona .i llltlp|,, felery iteadj f >i fancy larg.

... regi ta ¦!¦ ; with. ul"... .,,! potai i Lona Island, per

lil fi'.ili 25 do Jerre and Btale, 7,"..'.iJl 12; H««-et pota-toei Vlneland 82 Wi 5-7:.. do -'h-i .'¦ aey, 82 2561231\I., Vlrglnla, II 7561 Baatern, white. IIBOO»2 yellow 1126; red II: do Orange Countj whlle, $1 «¦

all 60; yell w, 75c681 re B0675c; rsullnowers, fancy,1268250 )-.-.r to *<.. -d. HOr«|l Wi, .-kk planta. 11681.28;peppera 75c4l|l: Kiuaah, .*,. '»7.".. tuimpa. Ruaaia, .*<;,<>>,¦,

<! 25; abbagee, per 100. IB684;,,.. '50c6H: i-elery. per ien rools, 104140 lomaloes,,,.-r r.-.te. iiKi.".'i.. Heaa beana, i-i bag 12683 -.nng

brana. Tl |$1i.i Vi: BT9CX MARKET.

New Oetober 3 IIHBEEVEB !(. ..-Ii-ta. f«1 'ira. ..r 801 head 12 .ara . n-

algned dlreci ..;..'. 88 cara for ihe markel and, Includlngr, eara alreadj In ths yarda, there wera U r..ra >.n aale, ofwhich :ti cara were .>' Jersej Clty The i-ff..r.nga were

mainlv common snd medlum natlvea nnd r..u«:i aturr. withlluhl aprlnkling of r.inK.- CSltle, an.1 there were a few

. 4-r\ !.. i....... The >n.-.ik.-t ruled sctlva andtinii for all «ru.:.v ol .ra an I good io boles do werelo hlghei' r-.ui.-h atuff .¦ «P T"-ra boughl '.7 head.

,- $:: r.-.-.ili 10; i. holra1,-ers ... 83 23683 3"; "Xen and ataga al *-i.»».'".

hulla ¦¦¦ 121 >-' ¦" an I 1 fat I ull la MI -v " 111250, and fai al 176112 pei head, Cllj f aIdei

., ,-v,. for n.itu- care issea. and ..t .".

;. for Texaa and range beef Lateai aMe advlcea reporiImerlran aleeri | al Uverpool and London al 8' 0li.'k.-. flr-s'-i welght; Amerlcan aheep .,. t.-il"'

ind refrlgefa. >r l.---f >i iVWv l--r It- Bhlpmei ta

lay ln ihe New V irk, 1 .'.i" -i.a ..f beef foi tbe Baat.mana Company, and v- qra for D. ll Hherman; aia ontbe Ti n, io Demarara (30 aheep for 1.. B. Dlllenbark.Th« rj.- wlll iske uut lo-mon 44 :;i_ cattJa f-.r Ii 11.Hherman, and 1.000 aheep foi M Q Idamlth.Salei Mcl'herson t IB Ohlo ateers, I86B fb average,

al 57. :«> ;.. 100 tt. !> do, 1824 tl- al 1340; <i do, I-»s..,- j:,:;,, 16 do, 1212 tr. al *. 7n. 17 do, 1388 rt. at

84 BB 3 d 1065 Ib, al *» lo: |3 Vlrglnla do, 1483 R> il*:, 441' s dn 1802 Th st |3 80; 1 .! 1330 Ib. al *¦'> I". »2

(M I> ai I50B lo do, f27H th. nt fl 77.. 4 do, l_Wft' ai 1438 2 BU >. do sv. m, al 1325; 1 itag, 1330 fb.n' |4 80; 2 "x-n. 1350 Rj, ai 82; bull, sp, n,. at '82 i"13 iws, '.i7.r. rt.. ai 83is; u ... 880 878 Bt, al |1 I08J*i to

B Bandera: IB Ohlo at.-era. 1812 fb, al 14,:., 18 ttestVlrglnla do, 1170 n>. al 83 80; ^11 do, BB3 Ih, al ».'t m,

.\ 147" 11., at $4. 11 ogen i-'i7 rt.. al 88; t bull, 127..Ih al 8330; 1 do, nm 11. si 8240; a do. M«l rt.. al *'J 13;_ do I0S3 II'. at »- 15: '.: It'ia. s.ii'. 11711 rt.. at 12 406f.'leo li wa, WOS Ib, sl 12 15; ll do. 806 Rk Bl 11 1";^.1 777 fb, al fl I", 1 do, 77a. Th. ,-u II.

,\,,,' ;, ... 1. |5 Indlaiu ateera 1251 rti. at f4 7ai, 22st' i.oui- do na.ii tv. al 1316: 18 oxen, 1831 n>, at fnfl.'..

d 1431 Ib st *7i .'ai. .'i do, 1317 rt-. al 88 08; 2 cows,:iTn Ri ,,i f.' :.>>Hherman A Culver 14 Ohlo ileers, H7s ri.. al f4 1:...,1111, I2tr. fb, ai 84 83: 83 do, 1231 tb. at 84 40:

;«, \\-,:.| .' 7 Bl 14 10; 'j:i .1 i, ll^s Ih, ... * 1, 3dilf bi eda, 1501 fl il 88 -¦'.M ,; irado lurif hraeds I0B3 B>. at BSBS;

17 .: i, 1M-. fb, at 83 88.. ,, ,.

s. w Bht-ni ui !'. im.'- ¦. atl n l_»1 fh. at .l>

do, iimi n a. . ,, , ,.,.,,M rtlni| n | ...,-s <lXen snd llss 13» Bi. ''*-.¦"lell ., s l.ulls. K»MHI3«*o rt., at |2 20i|

«¦-,,, n ,: 7:: ll- at 1208: ll do 113 n.. al *2. 2 do,hTo fb. al f'-' M wrwa, 848 Ih. al II BO: 41 do, a. fs ,,.,

. .. t. -j. .> i.. i2'ir, rt, a-a. f.'f 50;',",, .,. , .. H3S ... »l f::":-.^ !... 'r'^/V.

2 .... 1683 IL. al 13 io: 2 do, 1475 1bj. al nau;

II. r. TT.. bi 12 15; 500 tl. at 8225; - do. TB3 .1.... Ri at f'-' .11 «.wa al W"o^DIUeobaekri 'oie'n TkYAJh, ai 5fci'»>^J_¥

.. ., |23s 2 lo 1123 ii -.' 12; i cowa, at 17 w* head.,,,.-, ifuilen 2 oxen 12i« 1T-. ... t; l o 2 ; ¦. 2.5

;i, ,,- |3 -i d 0541 " ai 1250; i buU 100 it.. al I-'--..-..',,,, & n at 12»»; 17 cowa at 87 30 ,, r hsad

n.,ii,..i.. a H at 11 per head, t aoM for*s. Judd * Oo°: B ouIk' 8*4 n.. a. V: l eow. 110 TT..

"h?2m- nv.e.. s .-,-, s.-,o tt, al ttS r-r 108 it,.

¦I >'¦ nr'! >: 4 bullf. 7.'." IT ll B3VilI.'H COW* Iteeelpta, 211 head of whh-h l.n hea.l

f.r aale Markel ilow and depreaa. f»r common eowa,;,. ,. j ,tock aold falrl) well al UmI week'a prloaa; lha

aelllna i inga waa from M ln 18 foi poor to,.| ... rather ealra mllkera

a . .ra fr tn Huffaln srrlved i Ue.,...- 4-.- ,1.1 be aold. A BUmhM Of

own -ii Btate '¦'¦. ;" "v*'r

s,i V .- m- -- 7 iwa, eajyea (aetudod, at

t27 5H«i845 pei I.'. I . l f' * .",',. ,\ .- «ia MS per head.

» M,, -, .. .. ,a. at IX r|43 pei eadHume 4 Mullen I fn-ah i-owi sl IW 5i«t|:« egch

;. ii 1206837 50 per ulI ).,,. 7 .-.¦¦. al ?-..<¦ .Mu ea< h.,', 'M,,..,,. ,n cow aad .--.if. f«t HO; l do. I r

*V-ai.\i:s Recelpta l 4.m head, f which 84 h ad «.

eonalaned dlr. t. and 53 hsad, ln lale yeaierda) «

., th. '. ark''. wen a tlve an Bimilka. I5A2.V hlgher, the advan.

.peelalt) marked on the arae >:ra-l.-a. Tl.e i-n- «-t-

,V,..,,;, ,. i-, ,,r io prlme v.-ala aold nl S..685 .>"j extra rall ¦' *!' sraaaera in I buttrrmllks, a. 12 Wt

rearllna*. al I2 12'x6l230; f"l and mlxed calves,¦. ir.uM'e Dreaaed .1 ¦> Brm Bl B4vl2Hc for clty

ii, for untry dreaaed; f. ..'.'. fien ...i 1 buttermllka aad 8#T. r ntti*

ii a ''- 41 realS, 144 Th .ivernge. «' fs SQ.,., ].a. Tt ;- 144 fb, Bl IB2B: 44 do. 134 Ih. at |s I2J4;., ,'., l.C, Iti al H 1-' i, 117 H-. Bl 17 7.-.. In -I 1 <" TT-..,, :; ,-,,, |2U tt a' f7. 1 d. 330 1* Bl *H. 7 do, IU3

, ,i4. -, 1H7 Ri Bl 44 23; . fed llvea,»i_ p, 25* tl', »t I.UV 34 ¦! 803

R>, n\ '|8; ls ,: -:it II al ?'-' .'"Mu,. ,\ Mullen 2K .eali 131 rt.. al fk M. ls do Us

fb g| fs ;i .1 117 TT-. Bl $.'"-'. ¦-' do. IH' Ih. Bl 17. H

110 " ,i 8850 2 do, 11^ IL. ..1 88; :i do, l'J.'l Tt.. nt

15*50; 0 .' :<l R>, al 83; -'-'¦'' IT.. n f.':'.", IIyvailim i and l '- '"'

ielllffe Wrighl v 18 ile, IS4 TT.. m 1880; 13... io R. ai »-'-'"¦ 4<i lo, 188 n> al IB; 10 -1-. 100 loIM rt at >.'.-.»7 ;i do, B2 Tt., nt f.'.. "s mlxed calyea, 104rt. at' ** '¦" 14 fed calvea, 180 Bt, al N: -'. iraasiri aad

2U3 fh Bl »': '.". BB K. i-a.-ra. U.M TT.. at *:i _\.s ! ,. H'J t' al K- 7.'.

23 veala, 184 TT.. at fs:.... 2 .!". 138 Tt,. at17.'." j 153 R>, at f'.. '-' do 180 " al 18 50; 4 do,188 Ib al »¦'. .'. grasaera, n<( Ih. al 13 \". 12 do, 17S TT,.at 18374; 03 *'. ''¦", n' al 18 80; ::i do, 181 n.. .1 B8:17 yearllnga. I«i fb at f-.'l", 10 do, i>*\ Th. at 1^25. ."..; r.-.i r> .1 13 1214.n 11,-1,1-. 1. f. ii llia: 11 v.h:-. hh n., at »h 50. : <io,

12"i TT.. Bl fs. 1 do, I0.1 TT.. al f7 .'*'. M .mav-r-. Isrt f.'112'v. -i» n..-'i- nti-i buttermllka, IM B), at B8IB;21 fed alv. ' I'Js ih. ,-,. f, ,Vi

a i-urtla ',-. veala i7o n, at $s;hi. 17 d.. Kki n. atfs.v. 17 -l- I1B61B8 n. ... M6I750; '.. do, IBn rt al l».4 .I... 12s n.. ai ».^. 4 do, -" m ii $.v a do, ira it. ,. *..

I P. N. Ien 30 v-ala. I.I. Ih. ,,. *s ,', .. .1 ,1,.. I5n n.. ,il|s .1 ,: .. lai n. at |H, 3 d... MI th. al 4.V 17 giaa. r- Mn. ..i fl .'a>S Bandera 11 veala. 130 TT.. at t» :¦'.. 13 I- 172 H. Bl

fs ff; 3 do 108 TT. ,,: f 7. I do, 21" Th. at 17, 2 do, JC TT.,at kl, 1 d. 186 IT. al »'¦ .". fed calvea '-?¦" Rs, Bl »l. I d >,SlN TT.. Bl 13 80; 18 grasaera, 224 Ih, al f-i 2.SM Colllni -' isato, lt- at 88; I do 180 Ib, sl f. :*>.

ii graaam 383 n. sl 88 .", '."J do, IM ta Bl MM: Ia, 0'7 II,. nl 12 7f.

Walah, Klrby A Oo raal, !.«<. R>, at IH; 2 fed calvea.

'"'V' nv ''.¦. « so'.M.-. n. a. MRR: 41

,. , |pr, it. .i »'i .V, :. rearllngi 3ss n- al 1330BIIRBP AND LAMR8 Recelpta, 54 ara ..r 11 172 head<¦ ara for elly t.ut.hera. « eara for ex;.. rt all\- and 42,.ra for lha nnrk.t <||> llirlit sappBsa lha tradlng waa..ra r.-r ll.. (iiirKit "ti ngni awpimwa ..»- ....¦.o.R -..-

derldedly hrl«k anl lha psaa were elearf.l early. g.HHlaheep ,^ll!htf ... atn ni-.'i prlrea and all gradea frni whllelini.i - wen 18 lo M hlghei Common lo prtnw sheop aoMa. f2"ft 3B per \«" rt. rulla al fi ."" mlxed sus k al 12 7.1618 78 One car of Canadlun lamha a..ld al $4''-''jJ.rea^M.I iiiiilli,ii n.M at 4fJil'». |*r TT.; dreaaed lamba hlgherat BH60c and ex.iu cai aaaes aold a. fli-..-.

!:s.rvr^r^^:r;^^.r:i^|M&££B*£gM8*&&2lt-,.: im do, 108 th, al 82 7.'.. -7 do. S7 n ... J». BB ao, -

.,, fi 88; 4.. 8Ut« ai.eep and toiabe, .2 tb. at *....<. nni.i,.,a<k 888 iimba. 73 tl.. at 85. 1"H '¦'

n ¦:. m 7, -i .io 72 ny ai M r.... isa do, sa n..... w m;i7do aaaV »> ir n euik., m ra, ai >-.. ia atat**bnep, wn L, ii rtli ,i. fa n. at 8280: «4 do, 81 ti.. a' «2

Weatern d.. Oa R>, ... *4 75 830 do, < tb at 84 .- , 7

Btat* do, Bl tb. ut 14 T8; 89 do, 8B Bv at 84 80; II o4 ti.

,| B8 7.'.. I!< State ahr*p. M tb, at 12 .... 17 80, I"" ">. ¦«

,2.wilff-. Wrlght A r. 12-1 State liiniba.J| lb. af Ul «j* 77 Th at II X71* Ha ,| 18 lb, ". *4 ,5. 0.1 80, »< ln:,* iV.2'i. 34 .I-. *» lb. a, $4 2:, 81 B 83 n. al *. -.

.,ii*. :.4 lb. at 82; 84 Btat* *h*ep 108 ^...*Ba5 ai|aa lb, at $2 75; 88 80, 83 ft. Bl 82*8; U 80, '¦>¦> m, Ht

Newtoa * Cb.i !>» vir«ima lamba..BB,, at2438: ua

do, 57 tl.. al 84; 7.1 Vlralnla ahe- p. '.'" ft, nt $- .... .< UO,llo Tb. at '2 7.'.. ,. .. ...

B. Judd A «.'¦ 20 State lamba Ht Tb. "' *.' "'-.2 IT, ni77 Th a. 88 181 do. 72 Th. a. $4*7',. I"-'- "- '2 », ai

M78, 157-1... 88 tb, al 14 «2V IIR .1-.. 88 ''..'".,^' ¦_'Ir. d... 88 BA at MBTH: 321 fc. 83 ro, ft 14 35: 1» rto,-..; ti.. ... M; 22.. Ohlo keep, hi "..;.'*-.' .» ** "p, at $2 2.".. 82 Btat. do, 188 B>. Bl 12 25; 8 do. 103 re, al

$.! 17 do. (82 ti.. al 1388 in do, IM tb. at 13 tb, P4 ao,S'ttJ. bi 828«; 113 ao s;. n.. ... U»i -" .'". w m- at

<2 25. .15 do, 88 Th. at 12 .. .,,_.

M r nina: .".1 Btat. lamba 88 Tb. at 8480: n «,¦Ri at 84 28 18 BUL ah.-p ItV Bt, »< »2 00; '¦' ''". !,-t "'.,. 13 .V 328 Wca'-rn do, 75 IV nt F2 5<ln. RrPneraon * Oo fio Rentucky Bamba.njB.at8B,

lis Kenturky aheep 88 ftel 8232: 30 do, 102* atJAWalah, Kirby A On.: 2.17 Stal.- ali--p and lamba. .-- P*

*Di BcBIwm: ioo stnt* lamba f,7 rh. at (4 7<»Hallenherk A HoHIa: 440 0«Btern lamba, 72 rh. al

$175; 121 Btat* do, 7.1 lb, at 84 83 «,,

*l '171-. 21 do 83 lb, nt $4 25. 41 Btat* (heep, 88 tt.. al

$2 75; 28 .1... 1-2 Tt.. al *2 88; 8 do, 120 lb, ... « BO.%¦ Battaera: '.25 But* lamba. rw lb. al 8487*: 15» do,

TU Th at $4*7",. 40 do. 81 1^: Bl 14 45; 12.1 do, 03 I*$125 300 p«n*vlvaBla d 88 re. al B482J|; » Penn-

avlvanla Bheep 19 lb. *' 82 w; 2« Btat* do, 89 tb. <. 88iSao" lOOlS Bt W: 57 BUti Bhaep ar.d lamba, .21 Tt,.

"', 'H7'\v,!k- ''i '22in-"-.|,l"! ah^ep. 8B Th. «. $3 25; 221 d ,

78 ibV'ai l-"*'. !"' Raaiuekj. .1 .>. BB n>. at $3; 108 do,

^OOa^Reealpli .'.!"- eara, or 8,122 bead. of whlch 3,r, er. ..n aal-. Flrm and BBlOe hlgher at 84 Wfl

»-, ¦-, farfalf baai-y lo good iight hoga, and B faney plgiEid at 85M Cottntry-oV^Bwl 8rm «. .".i.".-.. ror heavy.

f .¦ medlum ar.d TCtTWc for llghl *r»Ulhl*.ij«i£ -8 i.idd A (¦¦¦¦¦ 88 Btat* hoga. 11 Tt. av*rag*,

¦-. r.r na. B>: 12 do, 188 Tt.. al 1828; 88 do, 188 tb.SaleBl »5

'.i',''n'be.k * HolllBi 7 Mtat* hoga. 820 B. at 88 .-.2.h Sandcri io Hiat* hoga, 302 rt. at .»». .

i ','. -urtla- 20 S.ate hoaa, 174 Tt.. at *5 20, 7 do,

al Mai ,-.

OTBRR RfABKBTg Bt TBLBBRAPBll.lffalo Oet. B-CattlB Itecclpta 24 houra. 1.828

i.a ..'al ror w.-ek thu* r.u. 8.740 h*ad; rV.....k :, 804 head; i¦ Ibroagh. I.T3B h*ad: ..

v..« Vork' ro:... head. on aal*. na. head; BBarkei openedi,Tni «, v.ak.r an.l eloaed r**T daU, wlth four load* un-

'« "vai .iv'-, v,-r- atrong, iight to falr. MBO«M73;1 ,,i ..i.i... e 37«88; eatra, 88 38088 80 Hoga K.pta^V- .'» i, 'u-- a'; iotal ror w**k thu. rar, 2.; 2...

.; ..." ', nm tlm* ia-' week, 88,840 h. coi

ihrouah 2.500 head; on aal,, B,800 head; ln lh* *arly mar-

k"t ihe demand wa* actlv*. bul llghl grade* wretoww;mark.- cloe-d; all BOld; Bood walght I rk*«84TO- llgh rorkera, l480»84l»0, moatly M 80«$4 85; lat*¦aiM or Torken « r* al 848TH; nnx'-l pickera, *4 rto-irS«j. medlum*, 84 56084 80; g. -d heavy. 84 50g$4 55;Dla," 84 754X34 M: rough*. 8850O84; itaga. WJJW 50.Hhe«p u ¦¦¦<¦¦ - Beeelpt* la*. 24 houra, 7 750 he. |; totalfor week thiis fnr. BS.aVl head: ror *am* ilm* laal w**k,30500 head; conalgned througn. 1.300 head; lo New-1 .k.3IBJ0 head on aal*, 6.350 head In lh* *arty markcl natlv*..,:.--, ;J,d lamb. «-,.- actlv. and ...-.I5- hlgher andlanada* men Bteady to atrong; mark.l .I-...1 ftrm. allaoldTgood m\**4 »he.p. 12«»«$3; ¦' ¦- (M to W»-lbla-,ther*. 83 1508S2S; common to ralr *hecp. 32 2o©8- M\,-ulla II S0fj*2: falr to good <00 lo ,"-Tt>. lamba, *>.<-. ¦¦

Itaht to falr l.n.i.a. 8850O83HB; lh, 20 load* or .nadalamba off*r*d broughi <i |t..i*i 70. aelllng moatly n. $1 ....

'.j*!. in, t-ulli broughi $:.'<* $'t .'¦'..... ),,.,. fx j. Ratlonal 8|o«k Tarda: Cattle recelptB,

2 6.S0 hei :' Mark-t falrly actlv, anl prlc** »had« hjfn*rv -. ateera 82 30983 50 cow., 813508260; T.aa..-. ,. 8230083 15 Hoga Recelpu, 4.74>; ii-a.i djclln*of 8 and mark*! Bt«ady. tork*ra ar* quot*d at 84w*4 30;nack.r* $8604«|4 15; butchera' and b.-a- heavl**, 84 Z3CJ«4;t5 Bh*ep Reclpap. l.27.i h*ad. Mark.l actlv* andatr .na:. Na-lv.>, 8808; Bouthweal mlxcd, 83 288*83 la;"Kaa! Llberiy Oet 3 Cattl* recelpt* llgbt, a.

unchanged pr.a. .1, I--. 85 30085 40- g.a>l .84 40084 00;K.. ,| butchera', *4'iel 2.5, ronab fai. 827508375; bull*.

¦. and lUfi »l "-o'ri-.'i. frtah iwi and iprtng,**, N Hopa Becelpla very llghl and demand .

tba market opened up Bctlve anl prlcei aleady.Crtm, medlum, #» -..'o.«l >5. l-at York.ra. $1 ,»l «i

falr Torkei *. .v>-,.«» rf, heav: t-a Im, $4 '-,

:,H 7c n.uaha *3<i$4 25 -.'¦¦.. Supply liaht and d* bette ateadj Baporta B -'" ,83 50; cxtra Rtijas 10 v. .1, 12400.200; falr, 81; lamba, $2'.i$l 2.'., veal

J.v-.r .«.; 50 heav> ¦;.. ¦¦-. 82*J82nii -i Htork!.. Fhteago, Oci 2 Caltle R*

130.40 ii'-.i '. market lor cholc. ilrm ti Bc htghcr; oth»r:, _jg -i |n . xti.i *t,*r*. $:i."...'-..«.¦. 5".

feedera $2 25ft$3«l.; row. and bull*. *1 .'MKutt 4"83*1*0 30; Texana. 81 75«88 45; W..t*rn rangera,

p't/84 10 i»-«s- Recrlpta, 31,000 head; market "...ak andv iow*r beavi im. kum and ihlpplna lota, a-'t '.anr$i \"rnmmon to cholc, mlajed. 83 8848(84 45: cholc* "-"^I430fj8450; Iight. 83 H5034 45; plg*. 82 35B84 35n ra-ipta, 12.000 h« I; markei ateedy; Inferto* lo ebolce,

S150«7$3 00; lamba. I.r.ijl-". ,.a^. aaai i,.,,iRanaaa Cltj M^ Ocl 3 Hoga Recelpt., aCflphead.

,. S'tta.',il4 15' M«a f.'.u.-l-^'- ' at'l* ".V;;,::, nSffVM ?&¦ jp*-, M'pr; :v,s\:vB4BIV ralr to good. 8880034 50; cowa and hetrer*, beat,I'alaii falr to Bood *i 5008250; .tockera and feedera

. .-,, V, - *l >.i'^. .b.-a. 84O310 TejaSnSawa aueta! Bttt>BM. Bh«a-Recelpta, 5.OO0bead: mark't alow.





07'»»U67\r; llay. «Jjc aaaea."""¦" ,; ,.. ,;.-,,.,I1SV Soiihrrr. by aampl-. »-rfH... OO <m grao *

M-,. Btock, 482888 buah; aal-*. '2.. yon -ua

K '̂¦:V,,,;'^ SVlbV 41B42,

';'^»;;T-.-r^,-':'"2f-::2.,.^,2,v..1,:r;,f.",.:r»5\,$5'r,. i^-rr-i.b.adul. Coitonoule,

HoBtoa. uct. -

proytalona qulet. Butter quletv"T,""' r.-^ ry '^.23.. Fh*M. flrm; Northern. -.-*?t.rX"7 »* K,2- qulet; E«..m. 18010c; We«.

«l^M<\TFJK^ Oooi inqulr, r.r

,,,'w ,r,,l. No 1 hlrt il5ot: l.t-ver..Saw-V.i.k I..-Jloaoa ... .,,, fia ,. f ..ftHr.d.

'v .T.i i"', . 7 .V. ir 88V»c; So I Xorthern ap2S ' I, No 3 Northern, BS%c »pot; alntei"V4''; I-- ,,-,,r aale* 8.SO0 buah, No 2 rad. H6S ".¦.¦.'/B:sV3V.^b^:.^^o:3fecorn'^r.tU.'o^--¦;,- v.gml«*d 2144c track. Barley dull, unchanged,',,,'...,.. -...¦- 2,300 bu*h; No 2. 46V More. Ploni' .ly^n^Htiti Mlll r-d in falr demand. Ilrm. ....

i-n'lcago, ". .. 2. Th* Radlag ratarea ranged aa fo

Whaait Ro 2: Openlng BlgheBt, Low»st. ClOBla*,, ,'"..' ..",... 4.i.'.'.<-; "i .¦.".';'; -\.r.k.i .'-\ '.-". ,;¦'.-. "2

i.,iiV.oiViHii'- 88V.04»1» ,;» I ,;-'

M|| Hl B01iO3O4a .!"¦'.'>...i21.. a 804J3 '» 2";a 3" 0-i.27*. 2^ , ¦-- . 21 . 2- , J-

38 RBi -".' 88

is-, 18% II IIIM, 18% 16'j 1

v,.20HO30H 30%839»fi RB,20%03>,.->, purk. aar bbl: $s _., $s _.

XnualrV :::.... -.-» ...,T!- '.. ¦» M

Laurd, pai 188 a;Oetober . bg r,' JSJJanu >ry . .» h- j " * J

riba p«r 100 »:. (.. . .() . 4

uib quotalloa* »ere as followa: Plour waa qulet. B., ab. and prlc*. auady. no * apring wneai,

¦¦ s" 3 .prlna «he»t. BUflOoiic; Xo 2 r-d. 024Jll»u' No 2 ...ii.. SlHaSUimc: No 2 oat., 18 jdlM»; No -

,,.- il No 2 baro;.. 42. n'o 1 ll..x,..-l. '.¦.. ..... no.

...,,y'-..,:. |38U rne- pork, per bbl .-.- p»8H3 ¦.

.-,'.-./. atcoada 12018c Bgga wara Brm; traah

!"V'in.',n"i.n'""'.'.!;i'2 Plotll market Tairly MtlVBi Wlntet,,, '., » mi,.,;¦..*.. iprlna pacent. 83 40»S3 Oo; ry, flou.I;;:l:,:i,!...-,.'l:;..i,»:v u. ,. markei qul.i. *te.dy;s .. red ii..* "'". -... io- i"1 .... No .-.

;,,/ n;i rn markai uul*t, unchanged. Oat* qul.-V. Nol ....... irack. W-,-. No S do 2b. No 2

a, fairl} actlv,. »t*ady; me**. 80; cleai". 811; ramlly. IU Lard Brmer; ralr demand; itea,. ..,..-. k . lard 8 prlm* itcam, .. .". B >


.' ,, |, M -,. n leai uaaa, 8-4 I. i meat.

7b uldara .'.'.' too*. ihor ..... Ioo** »ht*l.¦.:';, bok meau worth -. nu.r* Kgg* Recelp -

",'..,«,.. rirra; freah n.arby, 12.. Wblakej qulet, iteady;

""iiiiatukw Oci! 2 -Wbaal ',-. tewaV, bai the export d*m'.« brtak! and lh, d«<lln. w. «t..

n 83 R irack I id) .... ... 'l."-«jeinand. prlce. ranglna on lh. baal. ol M .',...i.v.

..v.i -i.n'.a- »i.-at pal*nu n. «. Ulll ituffa Brm ai

$ll.,$ll25 b.r BBCkid bian. Pruvlalon* drooplng, UwpurlS 8B38 ¦»"?>¦ *'"' *" ,:' 'aaaary. Prlme ueaa lara.,.-,75 easb, and $.1 »> Januar]Mlnneup. lla. Oct. 3 Th* market »aa m.

lor lu ail alde* io .. iui ii araa laactlv. a^-.-pail 'd lh. IIBS. and purilin*" IB lta i-nd.-n.-v. A.iei i, pnih-ie »*a a bbotb buliiah tum t ihe iradinB Th* markeigraduall] w.nk*d hlgner, nnd 571** tor 1.mb«r w..-

1 The laal haif ti. ur lh. mark.-t fluctuati[we.n :.r."». and 5T'v tor Deeember, and cl.i ai ..>¦-.¦ktay i-n-d al ¦'¦!'.. and .l..a..i at Blc. Ca*h wheal '"idlt uecombei prtc. i day, wiih th- blddlna ."''4' Onirack No l hard, 57V. No 1 Northern, 58%c; No 2 N irtn..rn '.v.a«<- Corn.Th.r. wa* a allghi deaaand f"i Ro :t

,n'i ai RBfcc. (""* Barkat (taady; Bo .'. whlte, I-'..-.s., 3 17V01"Hc- Plour »aa at.uo). v.itii k.I demand;$3 25088 80 r.«r pat.nt; $2-2.'.u»2 7.". lo* bakara'. 1'ioiu.-ti.n 43 000 bbla, alupmeni... 48,888 bW. Bran and ahortallaiket dull. bran. $h.'ai, .a.ka. $!» 5»tltl». ah.Mta. roui.

ti...n. i.uik. |l.) 38; inlddllnga, $nI'hlladelphla. Oct, 2. Plotll -Prie*« aa a iui- nrml> held

at ih.- recent!) advancad imnu ..f tba mllla bul buyera¦enarally hav. ampl* atock* r.-r aaaar wanta and unwllllngt,, ii..-.-I ln* vi.-wa -.f a.-ii.-ra Ti.ui.. tlon* »ns*uu*ntlyunimportaal and \.itur* larg.1) nomlnal. Rrbaal Mark. t

,,|. i,.-.| a ahude w-aker. bul afterwafd r.-.oveied uu.l-rgo< 1 huylng ln Ihe Weai. and Claaad flrm on all Bl aboulre.trrda) . Baal naurea No. 3 ..-.!. Octobar, <i.i»4 ,ni.i.Nuveoiber, iMl',w"7r. Dacmbar, <.7S'a...\> Jaauary,,. .-., r, mi upilon market ahowed lli.l- chuime.cloalng Srm bul dull Loeal .ariota dull aad waak, wlthin.,i,i ,ie bul ampl* luptdle* No 2 mi»ed Octobar, ;i7'aBMa. n< v*mbar, 4^lu:^5' : ,-mbe-. :i4\,©:i4 , laau r

;il.i M't ''"!* Ma.kel for .arlota dull v>,.li fi-.¦ ..ff.-iItia* a' r irmer ralea Future. Inactlve. ahade «a*l.-r Ro,2 whlle Octobar, 2tt«l2flV; Noveniher. 2>lVil2tlV; I»e-ratnber, 8218011; January. 2itV<'27'4 Fh**a* l'lim. iufalr demand. New-York factory. HfJO. part akline. 507,-.Huaara Ilrflned. fl, in and In go..d demand F-,.,1 Quletand -aal.o wlnter bian. In bulk. $14 5o*J$)5 25 per pBB.."Ili-i ar.l'lea unclint.g- 1.



ronnoM bxchamoi easy-thb debt


UUI AT tiik sto'K BXCHAMO- W22? ""

Td-AURIOI IN M..M.S ANI» RANK BTOCKIIM, r.i««» M K * F. ut..

iaaa iji '''npaai All. *

T AR.ta

,,n da. 117:¦-".' s t 8a

31HH11I2.»i<» A




no .d.. .

do .T & S

R.ta latdo .


17000 do

U8M m a


¦'IH».41 »»


1008 C


r mr.i :it. MI

do . ''t*1*,lo . 844do . ..«%d. . 34',;do flen la w I. H3 «

,1,. s3H.MI A T * S K Ad)

U w . 884loooo do . J5T'»IB0M 4o . .'.'11. h \v & w 8a "..'.MM d.MWal|.a.. |l C II * N ISt.Rh ,

onoo Can H lst Old..111.<». M "'I'*me 00 '""1000 -'of N .1 ii M fc

Reg iisniboo d'.»a%

,",mm c a (i Con Ba. .-11*!<»*> do ."1'»

do P M Kun.l.l".-j_, i,. l:.-a. BlA .. R A A

lat Cbo «a.... w*11 & y Ni 1. Es4a. Mtt'.M»

liaaai c&N P lat R' IS gj;,iaa. i|o . *'..l.arfa, C A: N W 25-yr f.a .lo74ma) .' fi I, l i' l«t :>.'i'iluaai dO . Ml|B008 do . ";,'iliaal rl. . »42000 C H IAI' Kx BalOBtt..aai do .WMi7<»ni c Rl l.A P lat. .1013ooo c c c A St I.

Calro iiiv lat. t»32000 C .V 'Jtl. Av lat.1.1'4liani Ii-n A RiO C, 4a. :»I»i

i5iinn do .ai«B0M '1. 1,2'»4"h> Del M A M I. O 21insai '.1 .v 1 Rna let.lolinon do .lOOttP«a> B T V * (1 ''in

Oold Bs..sl8P.1104rtKi) Bd Bl Hl .', of

N v Cn .'.a. H1I4.Vaa. Brll lat MtK' ..MBJIToon c.-n Bl I-.. Ba. '-i-::-,'Haai H X- T C C, H la 72',2U00 lil 'eni Weat, I.

I«t 4a..1094¦000 di .!".'!Upaaai 111 S 1'o n-W ;.a. !...,,Jla.,11 do .M10.MI lowa Cent l«t .'¦- '.'. ,

2ma) il.. '..C')i«hki K Pac Ba 1'-nver

IH4 Aaat .111',13008 do ti-t Oon K.ta 7»'3paai Lac Oaa 1. Oo of

Bt I. ist Ba.... 8TJ43000 I. E & W lat .'.a.!17\3000 dO .117'alOOOgLeh * w B Cor

_ O O M 4a... d-.M.M

2000 N Y A 1" lat. ..10«U-iaa. N V I. B * W

Naw 2d ConII,-ta Stpd .8114

2onoo do.g_2iaa. \ Y 0 m W '«

5a .»n'»MM N Y S A W Ter

lat .106^1000 N.rf A W Md *

Wssh Oiv -«4Mai) do luO-yr 5a... «»4paai N Pac lat C..u. .H;'aMaai do 2 1 i-..n r.a Rcta a**1*;.aaai do . M."1.11 do Col Tr Nntea M

1 LN¦ a> 11,-.- !mp tat.8M10000 do con 8a. M5.11) do .¦¦jaiOfi Ore Short I. fle. RBHkMM do .jMJjMM do .I""1*laax. do R.-U .1""4

.l,a««l ,lo .107420000 O I I. I V I

Con HrtJi . 01.J.aa. P of Mo lat 4a.l<»44..aai I'eo & K.'ist lat. M4Mifai Peo !> * ¦ W

Itrta . 37iraat P Q * C Chk

2d Otd «..lor>I.-VOOO P A R Int pf Inc 4<>S

do5oi a)l.'iaai.-.-«.2500010000l.'.aa.»'<«.

100008000USajOl.'alW P C

44.1700030" K)

do .

do M pf .


711a*rto 3d pf ln<rto .»'.. 4a.dO K.-tS ...

do Kcta unatpd V7i,do .M. BT*

A St L.111

do .Hl'ido h ."1

IWat P r W A C lat.1401000 Pltta & W l»t-- N*>5»M«Hi K W A 0 Con .1174liaai Bt L. - I MI 5a. Mttiaaa. do . w^l2000 st I. K * N flt

Chae Bdg lat. 10544000 st l, Bouthw lat. S2IU00 <lo . »24isooo do .MV

."..m a» iio 2d Inc.3hV4H«ai do . .ih,,9IkOOO S A m A P 4a.;,ia«i s A W lat Retaliaai B P Chl 5a Con.VaW>aa»3<aa)



oSMHl>31>2\83!i2'iK'lV.dH2i»a<. S. uth Ity lat 5a

5.ITO dO .I2..K. ).

.».»»> .lo . W12'*a. I'.-nn C I 4% B 6a

Hlrm I>lv lat. 07^K»ai do T"r.n DIv BB I'o1000 '11 . M

.) 'on 5a. M



A*st .107'i.'«N-a L, X A A C <1 M 7X5000 '!" . Islaoooo do Qm'".:::::io§*|i2000 Metroi olltan lat.llii'j .nooo»i«ai Mex Int t»t 4a. 7.i\7000 do . T4]i«mi M A St I Con.127431100 dO '! M ia A. Mnaa. M 0 St Paul lat

A Mlnr, Dlv.123112000 do -' A P W 5ill..*44000 .'. M PI !"'Iimmi M A St I. con 5al084-.0.10 M K * T let 4a SO].a., . "Hl-,





r. lat 5a. U292\027a0.12*42842>\M

liaai Bi|0 iai .I.l.-arno


l.-.i ia. do .|*;1- "7;;.aai M K A Kaat 1st. H4r:a»a» do .'.»!'

t'nl- n Bl lat Oe.10042000 d.»20F. I.a'.f3000 do .106\.¦iNH. r !. Kxt s fh in.'i2000 U P D A .> lat. 42r.iaai I' S Iie.-ither 6a. .114luHii Vh 11,1 ti M... .10141'ia. do .10144.SMI do .102l.aaai do tltd Stpd .10260.10 Wabash R R lat.loiil.aio rto .lOBfj7HS) do 2d 5a 7»4.'tiKHi West S <ltd 4s..lfa341000 W N V A P Gen. 404


AT A BFapdAtlan A l'a<-Hall A ohlo,li.v" It A Pdo pl'-f

'¦;,I1 S.-Utll.u Pai .ti.'nl of N .1

Ceni Paclflc.Chea A OhloCh A Alton.i

<lo pr.'f.cit 11 A gyCh A K pref-

C M a. Bt Ppref

hl. A N.-rpref

ih it 1 a pBtP M * Odo pref....

iVC A *t Udo pref.

Col II V * Tdo praf.

Del a 11 c

I.. I. a w.Den A lt <>._) pref-1

Bv - T II.,1 pref-

i-'lmt £ P MI' d P M pf;t Nor pref.

.; B pdo pref....

Illinola cent;|..\ia C

B.j pref....mi III II.I. K A W

.1 pref....|i. B i M Bo. 1804i/iiiK laland.| M4:. 1I1 8 N.,I. N A d >'do praf....

1. .-. 1. a r.M.l-i Blsv...Illch C BlMo K .v f

,1 ..

M I1.,. i.

8 OhloM nn ^' Bl 1.

,lo Iai prefj pref.

\ c A Bl .


,;,. lat pref-I 2d |»l r,NYLK4 W lpdo pf 1 pd.

\\sil m HN 1 *. W\ y s a wdo pref.

N rr A Weatde praf ...:

.wuh Pae..,| pref-:

Ohlo Bouth....:.- i:y .t Sl.SIi a. NI'eo H & Kvl'.,:l A Hdg.l1'i'C A Bt li

pref. ...Ilt. 0 Westld praf

si 1. a w..d praf.¦

st p a Dui.nt V M v Msmith Pae...douth l( pref

Tea .'i PacTAA 0 N M

a " <¦¦¦do pref...

Cnlon Pac'' p n a.- c,Waboahdo pref.wh a t. i-do pref-

W,a Central.


-Actuil aale*-..;. n Migh Ii"»' Plnal.

Adama BaAiii A BuaAiM Col 'dl.

pref.Am Expreas,

.vAn. 'I.'

1, pref.,l: ,v Bo 111 pfANY,

Urunawlck .1111 it a nc p 0 M nn

Chlcago ''.-.aCleve 0 P

.1 al lievI f I I..Jdo praf.

Col . H Con, Cabte..!

1'. 11 <' M 11Cuns il Oaa..I. M A Kt 1»

_T» '.:i '-3 mwvj ntj mu 7js

;..-, i«; Ort u«1004 101 ii«. i«o

CI aing- ShareaIII. 1 Aak aold.14HITI22%71



1134 "3 -

M110,h7..<|.|\ 100

llNl 1111324lu8

1 233

TO* 714 704! TlVi

s* »« :s ;«






dO ptef.I'l; T * T CoEdElI.I 1NV1Oen Ele. it.Home Minll ua 0 TIllinola BleelKan A MlchlKeok a l' M,

prafKlnga A P.I. Oaa (Bl I.ido pref ...

M.ih 11.Min ll.a.l...M oal pf.Mea Central...¦« Nut-M.i.n IronM.,r A KsaeaNal l.n.a Oll]N,4< C Coaln if sou.hN.. Aiie-Nat Starch..,

.1. Iai pref'do 2.1 pr.-f

Oal sn MinOragon Imptl1'' Muili'.-nn ooal..P a w prefp n w a ci

144 145', 144 144\

844 244 284 '^44.-.i m m m:¦;. > M% 30 30 t

774l «>l> tTH M

MH m,\ 2*4

134; 13



704| 70 704!U17 107 107




















| .-Acloal aalea-'(Open illlah L.w Flnal.

nnaine-- .haraaBM Aak. aofci


41'. 42 41% 11*4do r>r.f. lW N 81 . ''4

W»la F RB 1"7 188 lo7 I'*

Waat tJa Tall 88* m £1 .»


fj H Expreaar ¦ Bafeber

-Artual aala*-(open.'Hlgh. Low. Flnal

um\ nt'a ioas m«*101 1"IW l"l I0''"»33'4 33'j »H r'-2<i'4 aMi 2". 20'*

."'.oalnw r'haraaRid Aak m,V%.

.85 Bl38*4 38*A88* 83W.»2i, asti

.. i

.3530 «



i« ia m ioH5 *5 BJ

Total ahare. for the .,'. .1*241


I-Actual **!«¦»Open Hlgtl-ILOW Flnal

ruTBtiTl"«7rtr* 07', «7'» 074 87«4

<"|o«ln» Sharealt 1 A-k aold,

<17>» 87 lool


.TOCBg.lOpen-i Hlgh-' !/.» -I Clo»- K;ara»

Name.._I ln«. *«f. IjBBt Jnar. -. 14.

Aaaer Bagar Baf....|W8« 1111*1 10M, IMH MM

traar.e^^^::: A A A 4> JA. Top & 8 P.! 2244 2-j;. ^ , f LMArk rity Imp. gj fTJi ?._. 37V4 .«Chleagto Oa,. *Ml .1, TOJi V% t.mCh K I a I'ar . 7sS .!''< i^S ¦. i .11rW »u' * q?.:::::: *js m\ ** «« ^Ch M & at P.' Ttt ;¦'- 2* Jis '***Daa M * Ft i> of... U ;» H, f;« -¦T.-at a .'»..!- F-d. 2IN' 24« »Jt -4. 8.731(lenera! Electrl, .. £4 30*4 -;¦¦_. ¦.¦.. rdjLong laland Traetloa.) 2B« 30* »JJ <Manhattan .I1'-1', 'ifi? '.£ ««a? *£Mlaaonrl PaclBc...... 2M, M*a 3*4 -V. 2*Natlona: 011.) 24 24 23-. J 484N V I. K A W .... 12S 12'-, 12', 12, an

PhH a Raadlag. H« «« »J* - ;. a,*lI'artflc Mall.' al* ¦ Ta J .»*.Soutbern pf.' **' *" ",'** *'.' .9

k^T,.:::::! «l gj gj M _="STotal aharea aold.¦.58.7ia

BONDS."~ ' jOpen-T Hlah-I Low-j Hoi-I

yt,nn. . ina Bjat eat. Ina l_ Sale*

at Ta» a b r m cta ¦.. mjj m »*M .«.<»l-i-le 2d ru . .... IIH M'i ^14 "I', ¦»."*'

*JrfKk.:: £ i I 5 'S. a R M ¦-'-'-'¦ S i'' io M aoooTef IV 2d'.. .' 2V-. 21.4a 2B%I 28% MSTotal amount .¦-*'' fJz


iOpen- Hlah- Ix>w- CV s- S arei

Name.._' ">*" .« -" .,rir m'vv

laicrca, . lo la 1" ¦"HTotal aalea .


L>cmb*r optlon.

lOpen-J Hlah-I Lflw-, rioa-i Saiea.Ing- I e.t. le.t. Ing. B.;«h

(\2\ ~H>^ «2'» 1.018.008

CLOSINO PRirKt* <>F PHII.ALKLPHI A FTOTKPBld.Aaked. _ ,,L4;,A1".'^

,,w,l vn 41'k 42 Electric Tra. -i\ .'%

Nor Pac 10m. 5W BJ* < "" rri* * -.

v^tn. K K rr!:V,i-., » Si * R .tocic MtMi i»\ WetabOLCo.. 83P £ R OK ia." W« 7P*. Rlae Bt HI om. 88

^fhlia Traetloa.. 85 M no Pf.i. «.'. «

People'a Trac OoS W4 Max .


reBeaaajjr Ta iar T-,t^a,T<Hiiiwaaaa a Taa 22'a 23 Franklln . » Mj^°.t ft ZlbknyifM iS*. K-araara^ . 18R HB.S ft Mnlne.170 17'l Oaceohi . -]14 »

SiVaTaaTlt 121* ^{aaracV-.^tg 19Fllnt i P B Pr- £ Boston L «o 4 S""

Li^V^tVa;':: 1% 5jx m> t-..-, .,..«.. iw* RriMex Cameoaa.. 12* !J» L<.r.s..t, at Ber.. 31JJ «

v v o n: ¦ 7» 122 122 ' .* '4

AlIoue^,. R^ B«* Rr;. g gBoA & bioni::: M ,* .*% v>-.-*.,Inai, aaea.. 30 85'.Fal ft He.-ia....32.) 815

closino PBicaa of CBiCAOO btocbbFhicago. Oetober 2. URB,

T*aterday To-day. I Ye,terdayT..dsr.

BreVif^o..^, 9 Art-ciiV-H gl-d2 rtai'TOa' 7'. 7\ R Chlc st r R .383% MRCnf raJ 70 7 J Bt* W I '-' L.n-. Ul« Wi,amon'dMFo::i274 12dH W .hi, St Ull, 125-,

THE DBBT .STATE.VENT.Wednesday, October 2.p. m.

The ptiblic debt atatement of S.-ptomberplaces th" enttfB bOBded Indebtedness of the

country at |747,M8.t», an in.-rcse Of 1210 from

tho prarloiM month. Tha a«*re*aU of debt m

which tnterest has ceased BtoOO maturity la

si BB. m a decre-ee of $10,210 from ¦eptember.and'th-'amount of debt bearing no lnterest la

1377 448,611 a deerease of $438,479. Oertlncatea

and' Tr'easurv BOtOB offact by an equal am.iunt

of cash ln th" Trt-aaury decreased tn the nwnth

B2.iS7.6lt. and the aggregate of debt, includlnfcertinoateB and Treasury notes. now star.ds at

$1 726 722.692 SurpUis cash in the Treasury ln-

Lieeaart aaaJriag in a11 a »** d,<

ln the debt of $1,834,683. The gold reaerve at

the end of the month BtOOd at $92,911.97:1, or

$7 417 864 less than it was at the end of August,Government recelpts last month from all

sourcea were $27,549.67* and expendttun-s ag-

gregated $24,320,481. The tota! recelpts f r the

last three months or for the nrst Qliartar of

the current nscal year aggregated tSS.S72.Oll,agalnst $97,848,174 for the conespondin* m nths

of the precedlng year. while expendltures for

the last three months were kept doWB to $»5.-464730V or $3,000,000 lesa than for the BBJM

pVriod ln 1895. The net denolt here abown for

the flrst uuarter of the CtUTOat nscal >ear ia

Tha foUoartaf tables are condenaatlona andcomparisons of the oftVial rajp aTta

OESEKAti __%-lUTIBB.Auguat 31. SevtemterBO.

raai for the redemptlon of un-,.- 177.6744

rarrsM BTatloe_l bank noua.... .*¦$"?" ._t__tSAgency aocounU. ~'2S',_? MMB_0I.Taburatng offlcera' baUnees. .. 35.702 "4. -.540. .-.

Outatanding drafts and cfcecta... M70 *.'- ¦

TolaU ..ftaJM.-M »42.2V.,38JASSKTS

G.ld coln and bulllon, leaa aa»» ltWO'1978atandlng rertltVatea. $100..120 S5. »W*.» !.»'.

L- gal-tender nof-a. leaa ...itatand- ^ing certlflcateo .

7 t.V-a _0ls,T7«Natlenal bank notea. .¦."'

Totul gold and currency. IMB IT8 01 I1W MSJdIllvai Sollara and bullion. leaa

,s n 078..uatanJlng certlflcatea. 2,.124.ofll I *BBB

Booaa lauraat andcoupona paM, A mawaltlng relmbureementi. 7«.ai»_..

D.-poalta in Nallonal bansa.¦ 10.I-0.44J

Total eaah halance.,,»BM.MT.Ma t* *****PedttCthU K-norul liabllltlea and

.. .- ;:AjjSthe legal-tender reieive. 140.4JO.IJ- "-


N.-t av.ll.Me balanee.. BBaTaTO ... I 8* «*4«Bubeldlary coln..¦.... ...;*» " «*_»Kn.otu.nil .'..m anil ourrrnc).... i'H-V.vil l 241.1*1Lilaburalng , Itlcera' l»l*i»ea._T___.

Total avallaMe balance.IKaSMM !<*.«*.OOLD i.i-:r.Ai--Ti:NM.KHS AJfD sii.vkh.Supp.-rent.try tO the stat.-tnent ^_J.

the FoUowlni alvea the ...iriictilan. ol wldjWgtendern and Art ... the rr.-iisun anl ..<«.«

¦undlna oattincataa, aaol ^PtJ**' ul endalmonth unlcr ravlaw; Augual Sl. LSW, tl ta

tha previ.n.s month. and Ot ¦aflMBbaf M, l*i 1year ag>>.

GOLD.Ou'atnnding4i*riin *.e-

t'oln and leaa.nntlbollion on >-at.-- Bl ¦ Ti-aaur. .,<'^'Mf

s,,..ei.iH- BO. 1H04 ,8i».«at;~w l*i.ia;i«; ^'_i:SfAiguat :U IsW 141. 410 IOI 4l'<e.l.'v' 1''^fflBeldrmlier 80. 18M.. 148.MT.BIJ 80.845,888 .».-»¦'.

blCOAl.Ti:.M>KttSNotea ea outatandma ...t _Ma*hand cerllfl aM* ^f'-fia

Beptember 30. IK84 $l.«r.H,42H 855 TNj «J ***St*Auguat 11, IMC IMaaSBO W.fNVUW o. ^Beptember 80, IBM 'gWgjtt*-fJLDollara ea hand.. 8.<O8,t)00,li» 837o.704,J7t« $3»'"*