New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-07-16 [p...

Amnocmrnto arti meetings *£o-2Cigl,t. Ono o'* GABOR*. Minstrels. ¦ABLsas Fssark TiiSATKB--" Haie' Kirke." EosTRF A- Pi vt CowcBsrr ii.vii OoBetrl iBaTReroi.ii an com tm ll vu nc, rt. fatal lo ^Otternormems. AvisrviM* "W iaoe Wi eoiuwi Baskim, Rocas* and rt ask kr* 7f* I'mqe.Mn column. Roabbanp Rooms- 94 fas** X. rmni Roakd Wavtko. 3d /'soe.'iii column. Resist ss ham gs 7i.'i/set Otb eeloBB. lismiss NoTtrss 4ft Tate. l«t ramah Carpets. Ac.34 P*ae-3<1 col iain. QsaiBBAiioB RoTrCM RM Abb Mb ntwWSSB PlVBlNi. Ni-iii jcs TIA Emge ftth and tfib cs.umt.S, LxiiSm. \.JW racc-flin ewinsii. ¦ESABi iti 7lA Rms*- 4ti- mut .Vb culumns. Bur Wtxi: i.Sd /"Age 2rt estrams Boksi.s. CaRBLaobs ac.EM Pm n M* column iMirti ii,»s- (WA /'aar-SM an* cid .-..Iuiiiua USfRTIBBt AWI Vo.niM.-- A>l Psm Sta co.Ullin. Legal Rem sa Sd P*ge-f} .< eolaaw. I-OST *BD f il'Vl (WA Faqs -Elk ro'tnnn ¦ smsas* am, dsaim- Ma I'nge Rtfi column. Misivs- (,'A rmi* 4tb and Mb eolntnw*. alis" ti i avi-oi s od r*#f*-(i(h (-cluain. 8fA Page. Otb ci'li.mi. Baw ruin iTioya- r,tA pm** lal sad jM notassBS 1'OUi'K ai Von BS.O'* r-atie.Otb column. l*Bor~i*al« 6f, r<\ae 3 nun:'. Lyal l*»TATi- 3rf foge- Int god Od minions. 8aVINH« Lank* od PtHSt l-l raiBBBB. fcniAiiiNs H'm i-Mui- 3rf .'ave.2d column; FlWAii*- I'd Taii< H aSSBBBB f-initi Ni in >s niA I moe (in sm-mn Btiamboais anb KAii.r.a-Ds 3d />ii{/r-2a' arni 4th garamm Bil as-rns Ockan TIA ^oor O'h (-limn. BrWMER RCSOBTf ."¦;' PWOS .'>-u and Clb cuiuoins. tl a. eal SIS rtaar.Sd wmism . iHI Ttl r- 3rf /Vf .('b minmi!. IttuinrcB Scutes "Alderney I?i:ani>" Buy ilwsva rtMrnBttSB IflLS IKBMo OE THE TRIBUNE Po'tnne tree in Ike Culled Stain. flAR TTf.ll INK. 1 veir.*1200 lAlLY'ipiKiNi (wttbnntfeu.idajs). 1 year.... leno H'M'A Vi i.niM.r year. 2 no Bjl-lklA IKIPL'NK. 1 rear. 2<i'» HA VII Ll.Y 1 1 il li IN I 1 vi ii. SOU Ju s it bj P. o. order arin renatured li uer. Adciriss lill, iiili.l M.. New-York. Sfett^ttk Daily tlxibixnt. FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY. FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1880. JUE NEWS TINS MOliXJXG. FoRFTON..A coliiery (xidnsii.T) at Rises* Booth Watas. baa ceased a loss of 118 lives,- rat Guatemala liuilriiail bSSbSBB opened lor fr:.llif from t-aii Ju. rn i-(i: ,i :. = Mr. Qladstone la urn*-.! in tbeadoa tim 1: it CompeaaattaB bill. » Thete lins b-eii neut mg b tween a band of Albanians aad Maatenegriaa Tho eolleetive nats was to have been presented te tbs Ports yss- terii.iv. I' .: -in-.. Tbs cotton, i ii., ami w heat cr-.p re¬ ports to tbe Agricultural Department uro fawn* Lie.:. li is now eonttraied that Mr. Tibbies was BfttBted while vtsitiog Ibe Petrea indian*..- The rsporti sbonl Senator Ci merou's ill-besltfa wen- txsEcerated, = Pana sad timber lands Have iacraaeed la ralas innwifhpnl thu eoaatry dnrm_- tbs .sf fi- .1 fear. ===== Tbe lillie book shows 97,000 Oovernaenl ottciara. TLe tun,nie:.. cu.eiit axerciaes st tbe In v.r- aiiy ed t1 B sta ol New-York t(«.i< pim c y. iterday. ¦ Thc University Convocal ion elosed itt es on. Hi- National Educational A nt,.ni bald itt saaaal slaettan foi o_Bcers.===== Thc lu,li Rrpnblieaa National Convention el sod Ita sessiant al ladtaospolia vestsrday. = = Chair- muii Ji w.-'l ol tht Naftanal Bepablioan Committee IsttraatljT pb ti with theeaapaMpi prospeeta ClTT am* rBcBOBEAN. Qt> reports of Repabll can i tn ni _cli"u the eonntry were ra Mired nt the headquarters in Fiftb-ave, yester¬ day. Dr. launer pained iii flesh, rrrr.. Chastise Cox distiiiiy.-,! little emotion. Jerome, Patchell and llcOibbon wera examined. a Brooklyn mea wets beaten by tbs Canadians pt Lacrosse, A prise fight took place In Central Park. ===== Tba plas of eonaolidatl'ip tbs elevated Nada was disc weed. Gold r due of tin- lc_;ii- laadet nlvei dollar i-lH.'1. grains), S'.t.'Jl.' cents. b fii iM.ik, but lat et recovered, and ¦ . \. it. tl and lunn lin Weather..Trirorr lo. al observatioBt ib- dieate cloud) weather, arith ebaaeet "f liahtrain, followed b. partly elondy and clear weather sad lovt.i U-mp raturra. Thermometer yesterdayi lin.-..-st, s i lowest. 71°, averaae 7.,"» Tin- feminine propensit] tn keroneM BEklde seems incurable, lu Btooklyn, yesterday, a Bt'rvnnt in iv io Um conni ry and freak fratn waiiiiniis iioi. to ase oil ia -Baking ber tins, repeaii-d tin.' old experiroen, A\ith Um obj ro- suit. Tl.e leonie of New-York trfll F(-nn havft an .pportaoity ofjodp^ap th approprtateReat nnd \\is.!oiii of iapurtiflR the t/'.H-!is,k. Tin* Deasouk. v.nicli innis tin: Needle, ia looked for now every day, tboojr/k bo anxiety loi ber safety Reed bc Wt if she docs not arrive be¬ fore August 1. If the testimony brought ont yesterday in one ol lin- . emu is true, tte freest beary judfrnient agoinal the Third Avenue Railroad Coin | ia ny W*M the re-ult ol as pretty a eon- apiraey ns ever figured in the pa^e* <»f fiction. Tbe verdiit mi for fl5,000 dEMBajet for niim ii ir over a boy. It is now charged that the. boy's father, the driver and corniuctor of the ear, and other perSfR.- inUieil mio a conspirucy by which lal-e te*iiiiioiiy was iriveu, heicliti ni nj. the responsibility of em¬ ployes of the company. Tbe testimony yesterday in the matter of tbe ki eui Hies ol I vi 8 Co. showed that the Iosa was unuoui ced on every stock indicator in ten mirtna* after it bad occurred. Notice was immediately j,'iven to the transier ofliees of thc various stock*, u.lverti-i nn-nt- were iusirted in the jut pera of tbe next day, and on Tuesday 400 circulars were distributed. Bt> Bides this some ni the securities were indorsed .with the firm name. If the persons who had pois-essimi of tl eui bud been anxious to re- Store them to their rightful owners, theie were abundant facilitiea for discovering who tbe rightful owners iveie. The right of the cheap Italian to perch upon ©ur curbstone*, und street-eoiueis and obstruct travel with stands for the sa'e of everything tinder the sun from nock ins tooiange*, il not Very clear ; but the righi of one of this class to take it ni on himself to punish mischievous lioys by hurling his ttiletto alter them through the air is milch less clear. This is au excel¬ lent BEBB to make an example ot, especially SA the would-be assassin iu his rage wounded tbe wrong boy, one who was entirely inno¬ cent of anv connection with the adair. New- York btreet-hle it in no need of the addition Of the stiletto, picturesque though lt be, and tbe suletto-carriers may as well tuke prompt vrarning on ihe subject. There is a strange inconsistency between two reports which Indian Agent Whiting has made to the Indian Bureau concerning the alleged arrest of Mr. Tibbie*, for attempting to communicate with the Tout-as as the agent of their counsel. When The Timbi nf. first published its statement of ibis allan, dcm.-il from private sourc-eH, tbe Indian Depailint nt put out a report from Agent Whiting, dated June 24, in which he said he bad made every effort to arrest Mr. Tibbies, who bad, how- ever, duded him and escaped lo the State line. Now conies 'inolher report, dated July 1. in which Mr. Whiting savs he arrested Mr. Tibbies, aud conducted him to thc State linc, and wained him not to return to the Kesci val ion.which was Want I'm: Tuir.rxK otif-mally charged. Evidently we nie to he- lieve the lejiOit. of ,Tuly 1 ; but whv did not Agent Whiting tell the truth on June 21 T The terrible explosion in South Wales yes¬ terday, by which nt bast 11K lives were ln-t, adds another to that lone line of disasters whick tbe inventive genius of Davy and BtepbettaOB 1ms lu en poweileaa to In honor this colliery incident SPpSOBObea nearly to that of I.undhi!!, whci ', in L807| lsd millers perished, or to tile calamity at Hartley, when .Ol? nien were bured alive by the destruction of tim shaft. The rOSpontrtbiUty in this instance may never ba known, but there is a certain timel'inEt in the news that the Briti-h employers mid workpeople have come to terms in regard to the bill to determine the (legree of liability Ir the eveiiWof nccidints. In rn-coiilance with this agK-eii.i tit a system ol' insurance may l*e established by employers which ivill prove of mutual advantage to them and thc laborers. Senator McDonald was brought face to face yesterday with one loaf from the record of the party which, he says, underst.'oil "the true "theory of our Government,'" and vv,iii-h struggled for twenty years " to maintain "the. fires of true Democratic sentiment "upon the altars of our country." The evidence betas tbs Wallace Committee included the reading by Colonel George Bliss of his testimony in the Lawrence investiga¬ tion of 1869. In Judge McCuna'a court natura'i/.atioii papen weie ItSRSd at the r?te of three a every twenty seconds. Of sonne there was no attempt to comply with anything more than a hasty routine, the whole proceeding being an open and thsmslsss violation of the law, sad tbe Judge admitting ns mitch hy declaring that he did no: propose to make any suth "admissions." This was a time when the "fires of true Democratic isn- " limciit" weis buming very brightly upon thc local altars of Tammany Hall. William ll. 1 weed thi n«ht he under¬ stood the " line tiieniv of our Government.'1 He did.the Democratic theory, that is. Ile ri gi.-tt red himself Oil Blackwell's Island as " -man," ami certainly do Democral tbould dispute his right to that title. He Knew how t-i stuff' ballot-boxes with one hand and empty the Tn isury with the other. How it nm-: have pleaaed Benator McDonald to ba ra* minded yesterday that thia eminent Democrat wa- nu behind his party ia understanding "the tine timmy of our Government," and that he, too,hui "Btruggled to maintain" fby fraudulent majoritiea) "ihe tires ot traaDem- " oerat ic tenthnent upon the altar., of our "eouutty." __________________________ ////: same OLD in; ur. The burden of tbe love-song sritb whieb as¬ sistant Democratic editors ate wooing the In¬ dependent voter seems to be, when tranaUtted Into unemotional prose, " is bo a "Hal difference between the belieft and doo- "trinet of tba two parties. Tbe old "baltic erics ,-iic all oiitAvorn Ol outgrown. "Therefor* rote for Hancock and b fresh deal, "aad tbow Um world that we arc not afraid to "trust the Democracy.'1 To thia seductive strain it might well be answered, that even if the par.y doctrines and promises were identical, there yet would remain sufficient reason to vote for General ld.whose comprehensive knowledge of public affairs and whose Bound opinions upon id) subject- which the representativea of a free Government sn called upon to dis¬ cuss, have bet n il. moiisrati (1 by bit vote- and sptec'ues during seventeen years of public terrica, rather than for s man who baa no opinions wliatevir, so far as anybody bas evil beard, sud whose opportunities for ac¬ quiring any knowledge of practical statea- tua ship have been of the tlendei St, inas¬ much as hit entire life has been spent in a service the nm t remote Crab any civil duties and responsibilities. lt could bs SEBwered further that it can iisrdly be set down to the credit of the D* m- oc.i'.s that they have been driven year after y<-:ir from one position alter another in which tiny bad intrenebed them¬ selves, until the hading principles foi which the Republican parry wes uga ized have all been so firmly established thal no one dans aasail them openly. The Demo¬ cratic party no longer as an adversary ©on- frsats tli" BepublicsR patty, as it did in 1860, on the h'll.jei I ol' slaveiy, li* cause the land is frasd from the curse of slavery in spite ol D( un .eratic efforts to perpetuate it. Therslt no longer any qn-*tion between tin- parties, ns there tvns in 18fi4, as to whet her the war wits a fat-tan.simply because the Nation triumphed over tho SSOasskti of Southern Democrats- lu tins way the cen¬ tral issue of every political canvass for thc past twenty years could be taken up in order with the same result. There is no open mid active difhreii -c noAv between the two parties rn regard to tbsCsEatititionol am-ndments, tho reconstruction acts, the taxation of the bonds, or the resumption of specie payment-, limply because the suth logic of events has demonstrated that, upon thestA and ot "er com¬ manding questions which touched the Nation's honor and satety and its very life, thc Kcpnb- lieau party was radically right and thc Demo¬ cratic party was essentially witing. And if this outward acquiescence in the in¬ evitable is tho sole basis upon which chari¬ table souls are willing to be persuaded that the party of slavery aud dirunion ano repudia¬ tion has met with a change of heart, i! may bs well for them to sit down in some secluded place and reflect fur a season. What guarantee have we that the pul ty which could not be trusted iu JbGO, or 1MJ-1, or 18G8, is worthy of confidence to-dityT T his party was swept trom power in 1860 bi (WSMM it was under the control of the South, and the country feared the predominance of Southern sentiments. The same party is under the domination of the MUM giasping pow er to-day. Has the South given any proof since 1S60 that the country's fears mats gioundh-ssT Was the attempt at scce.-sioo sud the cons quent civil war calen! ito i to li¬ ston- confidence in Southern rub f Docs thc fact that linea tire war the South ha- repudi¬ ated 0300,000^000 of State and municipal in¬ debtedness encouiage (lie people to intrust the National finances to the keeping of Southern financiers 1 Is it equitable, to say nothing of its being safe, that the expenses of the Gen¬ eral Government should he subject to the dic¬ tation of the bection which contributes next ta nothing toward the general revenue? Dil the recent attempt of the South iu tbe extra session to bully the Executive uini compel tin- Feudal Government to abdicate its supremacy convince anyone that the spirit of nnHtfiostiog and secession was dead T Does the present attitude of the South toward th. freedmen show that tbe temper which made slavery poa aide was changed when slavery wa* abolished T Nothing can lie more evident than the fact that the parties in Unit membership, theil tendencies, tieir dominating principle-, an .tinily the same panics Wblcb confront) I eiic'n other in lSOO. They clash on the same vila! que-tions. A vote for Han¬ cock is a vote lo surrender the principles he fought for. It i* a vote to help Btoekbon maka good his threat that all war IfB.latERl should be blotted (rom the st itato-book. It it a vote ta put the (.uiiiiry back Roda the Mipieiiiacv ol South¬ ern ideas and Bouthern sivflisation, with all the reactionary iind dtl|R0SSiBg re-ultg of such ii transfer. The count ly is not likely to grow cSRtlfSI simply because it has grown prosperous under Republican mle, and aban¬ don nil its glorious gains through twenty years of strenuous effort in the cause of Na¬ tional honor and National unity. TBOHi BUNA > III l NEB. Titf, TniRt'NB printed several (lavs ago a statement bom one of tts Washington (ones pondfmta concerning certain documents on file in ihe office of the Attorney-General with icferi-nee to the existing condition of allans in some BBOttaOSOf the South, and the lieBtBEBRI to which Republicans are -'. The doc- unMots ware not peppered fur political c fleet, bul simply sent forward for use in the At- toaney-Gsnonl'a department in prosecuting the offenders. As t was feared that the publi¬ cation of names and details in full might give tho culprit! notice of the coate notated proceed¬ ings, and by giving them time to escape de¬ feat UM ends of justice, it was thought best to publish Un-, ban- facts without the names of placet or Individuals, these being left blank. Wo are glad upon tho whole that this was dona, and the publication WM imperfect, for it attracted attention sad esused comment in certain quarters av ii-ie il would have been un noticed otherwise. Had all the facts been published, with namee, datea sad places set forth in full, rn nc nf our Democratic contcni- poianes WOQli hav ever given auv rigel of bating seen lbs statement 01 beard the reports. Wu bout exception they would have calmly lifted up Uk ii uncoil.letona ooaea ind ignored it utterly. Hut tba blanks Rt once arrested their attoa- tmi. In tin- bianka they aurffed deceit and fraud. The blank-, wen- evident-¦ Rumistak- able that tbe reports wen- groundless fictions, ami that the Whola tUng bsd been mai tared foi politic il put ima of them b okooul in ;i broad guffaw at the absurdity of sach an attempt to anil Um imbin-, said the st) mpted Imposition was alt sgetber too thin, ami called for names, da is. iind places. This tiny did witta that confident air with which fools w'uo an iu the habit ol lying j imp, np n lighten! pro. tcation, ta thc conclusion th .1 other people li*- a.-> easily and foolishly as themselves Anybody who is in the habit of thinking, or eau Bea an inch beyond his nose, would have !. lins nae toeonsider the prob¬ abilities' in the r nc; whether tr was liki ly that The TrIRCTEB would commit such an affront to the intelligence ol itt readers, and so abosa their o i publiaii a pure fiction ol that ><' td, to ceri tin io be fo tod oul if fabe, and if false BO BUIS to discredit' the pap i and datnace the Republican party. '*'" the gudgeons who were caught by tbe blanks dal not atop io think so far sa ih.s. Tony just lifted up their chins in a haw-haw, and called for name-. Well, they gol them. A few (hiv* having elapsed in which fat-witted ¦.m. era were permitted to he boisterously hila¬ rious over tbe blanks, Tr ive the names, dates, sud place from the documents in I fc« Attorney-General's otHoe. Their eal] waa red. They gut the infotmation they clamor il for. Tbe details new tarnished, and the opportunity afforded them to make their i\t - l.ii'ioii ai (I show Rp the Specific false- a y IR |',e t .!. somehow they SOI lil lo have losl till il IOU :>".'. Wt- gRVu them tbe Specifications t,,ey di inainli il, they bare said aol a wot 1 npou the sabjec . The, blanks ti u, m words ol' the Tammany ll ll iiiml.t.ot. "tickled "in io death," have a to be I un ny. They are all witta one Record talking about .-un 'thing else. We have Baited several days for them ti tua th.- information they ('.lied foi'. Whick We have gi viii them, lilt they niii." oo sign. We venture to remind tIniii c. the IK-'., .ml di cd iheir attention to the opportunity afforded them to expose what they have denounced aa a "campaign "fiction." So good a j kr as tiny eateemed this to be ought not to be los-,; such boisterona mei' linea! ou_lit n ll lo sto;i BO bhoit. It looks as though sihieiliihg had gol stuck lu their tin na:.*.. Mi 'uptime tin y may bc Interested m the ex- pi rance ot a young aw \e w OOBSSal one led hun lo ask one Qttestio tu many. A shrewd oldgentlemsoob the witness st nd. testifying in ii cnaa ot aaaanlt, ams a ry careful an Ina duce: rxaminatlon to say that it wes trie * hn- " j.nsbion v the def. ,.dan' stnick the com¬ plainant wi haelnb. Tba tntrsRateaa and ru- certainty with which ba stated thia "impiee- " s.ou " in itu ed ii tbe young lawyet'a m nd tbe belief that Ik- could worn tbs old i;eu- lIi in ni on his cr. s-i-ex immat on. So when the witoeaa waa turned orel to him he began: u You say. Mr., that you Rave au imprea- "mm that the defendant Btru:-k this com- "ph.i.iant with a club. Nnw will you plaass "tel mi' what reason you have for any -uch " iwprissionV "Why, hleSE fWOj soul, Squire u Mro;,g." -aid the Ult wea. " I teed it with my "own eyes." " Ibnl aallldo," said Squire Btreog hastily, . iou cpu stop down;*1 sod toratagta his associate be added) k" I'd lie ter have let hun '. .linne." I'he moral are sappi te is that there ara l i.e whi n it .squiio rtTlBSlMs to draw out ino inlicit ;iif(imatioii en .. cio-s-cxamination. Ws Commend t to our friends who ueic lately so ebuUOlOOB foi the fibing of the blanks. BBBDMtPTlOA a\i> ,,hod times. Tbs Ke|.ubliean pally Rppools to tact.*, for its just,Icaitaa. It cannot fuk better proof of the wisdom of its course UlSS events huve given. It declared that slav* ry wis wa. temi, and now largi r crops of cotton are gTOWfl by free limn ever weir grown by slave labor. It Iclaied thu: PMimptl ill aud fideliiy to public hitit would inc*, the conn I ry ; mid behold a grander pio-pciily than the country bas ever m-e\\ conic* ms thc Bwift result of resumption, lt declared the Deeracram wets tn tt-i ly in error in predicting that general bankruptcy und lan ibis di»- trr-st wotihl follow if resumption should lie accomplished. And the Statist-OS ot The Mere uitilc Ag--nc,', Just published, abon that thc failures during lae lum hull ul 1878 wert¦ more BURtaTOUt by about forty pac cent ihan HW08 of the first I.all' of 1*7'.', und more numerous by about 100 per cent than those ot the first ball of lsbo. Tne*e statis ic- dsostTS silention. They me pit pared for the information of business men only, and by agents whose political lean¬ ings, it they have any, are wholly unknown. The ncciiiacv of tbe statistics published quarterly bv the Agency has never been dis- puted, anil they hive been cvnywbcic ac¬ cepted as the mot complete and tins'.voil hy rec id sttslssbleof commercial dissstors. Bot the number of failurea thus reported, and fha Emount of liabilities of firms failing, fur the filBl half of the psst three years, compare thus : Hrs. dr.t li.If.. ism. first liiill.. Issn. in*, 'n.If limn -. 1. ibllltn a ".."I B130,S3'_.7flO 4.0 .s 6.\779.300 11,497 aj.sss ,',,;i In niimbitr, the disasters of the lirsl hall <»f L880 nra only shoot one-half those ol the tiist half or thu year preoodiBff res**mptiou. In Importance, or Emount of liabilities, the failurea n. thc first half of isw<» sra leas thea one-(|ti,irier thom of the first half of L878. Thc decrease ha*- been reuiaikably general, as it has Ihm-ii very rapid. In fact, but lor the b.ilure of one or two bigs concerns in New- York and riiil-iilelphia, flu-re. ord would have been more favorable to 1880 by many mil¬ lions. Some surprising changes uro worth noticing, as follows : Sufi Franc svii. OoBBBStteai. ('lilt.lill). 1 tull ina. Lonlsim Pallaraa issn ls7il I 22 S3 so 7D ansel ts. lt ton. JIM Br. I..,ni*. :m Raw-York. '^-":i ohio. SS Cu,cum,ni. HO I'enn sylvan in. iris Kinnie lsimu. SS Wisconsin. *4o 171 no a:t 509 l"'i BO :ii7 r.s BS I lilllie*. iago I97S. .; 074 70ols3 019 ",,n 030,734 2.093 082 i- omi 1,340.900 ::i7 139 1.138 391 BOB !>7Mi 4.a 19 4H4 «i.....:: 1 3 is::.lion 1,473 BOW 2-504 ooo (il l -:i. i,stn imh) ._¦ (lil US 6.070,301 (130.802 2S.M6.82t 2 ¦- 981 1,44767« 8429.634 i.iii-- 2.011 :*¦".«» 314.OO0J 001-13 The contrast would be even more striking if tbs failures for the Ur>t half of the yeal before resumption were compared with those of the Iii st half ol 1880. The record, how- eve;. shows ii wonderful change for the bet¬ ter during tbe lest yeer sad during tbs lari two years, and it shows most clearly that the Rt 'publicans were not in the wrong when they maintained, in spite of strong popular hostility, shel resumption would bring beek good times ami restore bsjeineae tt» health. Tfiey were restated, with most ma¬ lignant / ul, try Democrats who claimed thal disasters any OTef then witnessed would surely follow resumption. Tew Intelli¬ gent men have forgotten lim speeches of lia -i-. IL anim ks aad Vot.i', of Indiana, ami Me-sis. Thurman and -wing, of Ohio, on tins subject. Bul the Republican party bravely persisted in tbe path ol honesty and duty, and tbe magnificent proaperity which tbe country now enjoys i- ita reward. What reason Rt tin-re for turning over the Government to tbe Democratic party, For five yean prior to the panic ol l-7n il in¬ sisted upon every wild, winton and rei re which inf] ition prompted, or diatom could tuggeet. Ii created tba crazy outcry foi inflation before which some Repub¬ licans bowed, in just and natural dread of Democratic tucet --. Alter the panic it a i I to t ie fronl Its wildesl and most devp men, proposed measures by the dosen which would hav 1 tbe raited Slat's for¬ ever, resisted tbeB ramption Act at the outset and for mole liian year after ita execution bad resulted In glorious triumph, and allied itself with Greenback voters in order to make Ita hostility to tbe Republican policy nun.' effective. Now, when Um wisdom ol thal Republican policy baa been magnificently vindicated by events, thc Democratic puny prole- r- it has been in favor of hard- nion.y and resumption all the time, and bega that n may be trusted to maintain the wise es which Rcpublicana framed and exe¬ cuted in tpite of Democratic hostility! IN THE PRES! NCR OP DRATS. There ha- been a ari st <'¦ tal of mawk! h ai placed sympathy with the man who dies noon Me¬ ll may be well to consider t In tbe case, in no spirit ol hostility to the wu ot, but tn order that the professional senti¬ mentalists niny uni caine tbe public to tote tight of tli" righteous launs .il josi ne. li ma' ba admitted thal Cbaatine Cox baa bad the approaches to the tomb made ss ph .is.n.t aibia. Jastice, thoosb inexorable, has not been importunate .ml baa nol been discourteous. Grave lodges ht-.e watched Ihe investigation of srailt. Aa boase) jun ha* bestial d ovet tbt verdict. Every iatricate question ot law has beenconskl- i-i eil. Ail fa,,li; ie* of defence nave been accorded. lin -.1 at ii 11- h.t.s been challenged al f\i'\ point by an advocate acute if nol laarasd la tin- law, Hean- while, the sympathies of lin- paulie have bass evoked. Werneu have soaabt tins felon in his cell, and have tenderly assured hun nf tiieir regard. He bss been made u lion, albeit a lion andsi eonvMtion af murder. Petitions In bia bsball bsra baan ecrcnlated aad signed. Oates and delicacies to tempt the appetite jailed liv r infinemenl Bat bees forwarded to him ; ami wh n it la found al last thal tbe fates of mere, have bees shat, aveiybody approaches nun with at least an air of cnuccrii, aad strengthens Rta lunatic impression that he isa marivr. I Ins not Uta (lentil which BON Mrs. Bail died. What assn of tbeaghl or tentibtlity can fail t.o mai k the (liff.-renee, with pity if Bat with irener- oas indltrasttsa 1 Wo may leak arith aadnem apoa the execuOofl ni tn dav; bet a bal sarbida rn n* look ¦la into that chamber of leineuiher that ti st, Bling awnv from tin- hOBSS wtiich hs desolated, va uh tie patty apatiaot kia wi ate, and then t-timiv seeking rafaga m a saiaRbonag euy, where bs feuud a pious diversion in attending religious BMStingll l-BCS la B duty to the liviag, aa lhere i*. a limy BB the dead, lhere is a Invo.ous slam natl. Bl Btty nine tl tBgSgt In a work, which may hung notonetv. There another class which has ii. verm tim leant consuli nil the nature ot gtarn al Jus iee, tbe sanctity "f human lite, thu read lt lent w iirh malic seetatj possible. As the curtain fall*, BBaa tall traaj-odv teak ha* received a rebuke, and, Jet us trtis:. a lesson. Mr. Stockton, of Kew-Jsraty, aeeoja to bare an extiastaly goodepiataa of biaasetf ami Ins associ- _tt_ Ia sba iatrodastary tociaalitiasBt Gov«_sr\i Isiaad be said to Osearal Rauaaski "One ni the ablest, wisest and atoat i.flasaUal bodua af y.mi .-ouiilrynicii ever aaseasbtad baa niven you tin nom¬ ination." Then he added : "Dines thal C.inven¬ tion it*lj iarne I, SM, tks m mmbsrt nf il tbtsst, wisc-;., Bte), havel.Bte oat h..mes; we have seen mir co!isi|iiieiiis," i-i .-., eic. I bm is just a little ahead ol I'm it -Sammy's modest " (ne p-ople sro looking for l.'clotlii; tba) 'iud lt here," four Vents ago. Stork- ton laapBaraatly n rapid mun. leo| he say* the Com- mittee bara aaaa " tba Dataearatio massaeaedtbs eenaarvetiva peseta ai tin* eoontry" sine.- thsCsu- vciitinii adjoerasd, un.i thai " mtb na aoootd taay t.ihfi tbt BS! of tile t'o.ivenlion." lhey tniitt havo raitletl mend preitv lively, ll.iv.nji found th!* out, ba mya tharwa no deuht ab ml Baoeeek'a elf.tum, ami lu* silts too Unit, ni the ii lief ni the Commit tee, " rt'lii-n thc sisal JOB is over, the mat principle* ol Aumin au libel ty will still BS Uta ta- bstttaaas af tin* people, aad shall in. i.never."'s vc v af tim DSmmlttea ; ami likewise of -tiickt"ii. lin* Baeam to bara been a lamarbabts OseamltSaa ; and fitaakata, lae, .t lamaikabla brm. Tba De-Bocratte auutag rt hive not y.-t bsaasa eearajred by say stnkiua senecas in their sftorl ta "argaaiaatha astdiaa v,.t.:' ;,,r Ransack. Jan why a party with a saaafttBtleaaftaad ajraatrtaal drvad of M ravtvtag war BBBtaa" abeald ml to troth tvith m luin-li circtiiiiHtiim-e to BMke I SMtiBCtivsly OBI mi v.i.,. by Un* slltlilim innl in, timmi Ulsplay of love for " bluet.In's hireling* " ,|, c-m'i ap pi BUT. I he ¦aastftfa should mmsmbsrthsl los greet bod] ri Democratic soldiers wera fighting on tba otbar side. It would ba un easy tldug to ornum*, ihe buys iu gray for Hancock. Hut if the managers object to going- *o far South for war material, they nan he te- ecmmsdatsd nearer hom hv orgaabjiag Demoerana etabafrom BBMBg thavstaraas af tbe Dr itt Biota, lt is aafa Kt ht I " sandia ' ai sea that not a simile- ballia aearrcd draft miter who survive* to rota is afton a.* tim Baited Bi ilea KafShsIa will r"'""'1 him 1., tm- Til trill casi as much as ono ballot for (Ju: li.lil and Arthur. Tin-wa* the remark ol sn eminent Deawerat, dele* pata t" tba last twa Nattansl Oeavserioaa tnemtier of tbe C inn uti.-*- -ni Resolution*, timi one of the most sodve sad iafissntlsl btadan of the party t "Tbs Bepabltcaa party it tba masoeat party sa earth i the Democratic psrty lt iii M»,,f< smsnef than the BepBhUSBO, a.ul lia- I ir n, ¦... kc rs BIS not Wattb iiientioniinr. I've a gnat rmiid to ko to Europe aad saar td] tbit blanked aaosmBM is all ever." And he looked ycarnmirlv Ifni tba Matihat- tan lh-ach piazza over tbstembUBR BBB, trying to forest tbs -snail of polities sad poUtiemae behind hun. Haoaly expressed the gsasrsl sens.- of dis¬ gust anning the h adata Ami yet fresh Daasorraiir sd .i, iii the int. nor ire k ickinL'up their heels in tbs hebel that tbs party is harmonious and enthusi¬ astic, and ha* a chan S. a Wa lead ta a Dsasaeratie newspaper the predic¬ tion tba! " betwe: n tins time ami November next thoaaasde of Osassrvativs BsirablioaiM, who voted ti,r Hayes and fo whose viev.s for a short tune in ]S7<! ami ni ls77 Mi. Hav cs deferred tu Ins policy, will be found swelling the BaOCOCk prOOSBStoe." Tbe word " processtaa " seenis well ch sen. Ho doubt thousands of Republicans will swell if. And we presume Ihe Democratic party, after having c. u-t tl ihe poor man's gaeta, will Dtish itself for¬ ward and take tbs mourners' Wtimlet if th*-Di-imi.-r its imagine that all th.-tr mammary is uoum to make a faimrable imfsssrisa on the people I _ Tbs Industrial League, whisk has itt btndqeer- lam ta Pbfladalpbta, has sent oura circular sst*. (bally Indorslag tbe t adidacj "i Qsnsral (Jartield. Tbs liseami is eompoaad of aaasa ol thstasssl prami- nenl business mm rn the Union, and well nader stand* the necessity of keeping tba Qoverataaat in tbe bands of tbs party that has (lone so much to fostar tbe industries af tits country. It is in a position to apeak with authority aoaasraing the views of piib'ic men, foi its alembert have bads long and intimate intercourse sri h th- leaders in Congress ol nm li parti.-s. Aid .-my statementfran ita officers wUlcarry moro than ordinary weight with thinking men. I he claim of tue Demo. Pennsvlvanin that Hancock ns the champion of homeinun tries will ba contemptuously brushed aside wherever thia circular ol tba industrial League ia n sd. _ Ii ip tbs Deasocrstla ecmaatttssa le-tvo town without calling oa John Kelly there promlssa to ba trouble ia November._ Tl Idea baa got bia resolution of condolence, and ss that ie as far aa tba Demoeraey can es toward vindicating hun bs trill denbtlem make a pretty losi calculation of itt ralni to bim when he ls called in "ii to eoatribate ta tbe eampaign fuud. It will begin to dawn soon up in lin- I'lhleii crowd, who sra Just now bsviog everything their own wsy, that tbs Tammaay cicero:;.i ticket ta kept in tbe Held for a purpose. _ Dr. Felton, tbe Independent member of Consms*: from tbs Tilth Georgia District, in s ipseeb at Maratta, in that stat'-, last week referred to G'-u- eral Oartk bl SS follows : " I know (i neral (i.trlield personally, have baan an the sams committee with him, and ha ta a gentleman of "r.i.'.l morals, social, clever, and hat s Brand Intellect; intellectually he bas na superior ia the House. He is a imtwl man, mind of inexhaustible resources, sad 1 bava not a word to say to detract from lu* integrity." tVben his political opponents refer to bau in -uh wrords of generous prai e isn't it about time for the Blander-mongers t<> in v.» over the hopeless task ol trying to vouvince the pc.plc that QeneralGarfield ,,.; eal mau f The Democrats are making their third attempt to bamboozle tbe soldier vote. They will fail, uo they rv nun- 1. The I>- moerata sra apparently desirous of making Mr.Tilden a proi ira in ti.o campaign. Nothing would please the tte mblieana better. to electing Gsrfield President the chief ob¬ ject ot the present camps sn is to ch ,..>.- a Republi¬ can in the Xl.ViIih Congress. It will -¦nally lighten tbe task of tbs party ii the Con- in ii con! :sta air ki ,>l fn a 'una p sues. It is not em >oraBing. therefore, to soe mea who have eaaaad division sad weakness heretofore ri in be fi int and demanding thai the party sm ll tam aside f i in its greet object aad mdrem what they conceive to be their pewonsl wr .hrs. In twooftbe Minnesota districts the si Batieatafai from satisfactory, fwo candidates are running in ni', niiil m tie .-tl",-! the man w..o succeeded tn ; a strong li puMican distriot io tie Uemo- cratatwo years ago la asalu io tba field. Minne¬ sota alioulri is nd a solo! K pnbliean delegation to toe next Congress, and doubtless will if the men arno oaly wish ta serve their selfish ambition aie uni eremoniously >ei aside. Ur. Willism H. fc.nglBir'i friend bsd better gel bun ont of town as soon ss possible. Be is showing tbs dan oralisiag effect of tbs ezeitemeat bs has gone throngli the psst few dava, lu fart, ho is proving linns lt |0 be oue of those, statesmen Who " sion over." Well,tba* have been makings good (leal ot mose ihe past few days, but they haven't scared (in- Republicans any. That was a seat IBVeogs Mr. Tildso t.eik wh'-n he s -ned up that collation tor tue obituary committee. He gave same oi the -Bomborafrom the rural (lis¬ na isa t.miali/ na ia*t«s of what they lost when tiley Qafeatsd his iiomini'inii. PBBSONAL M. Victorien Bardon lt said to have already re¬ ceived 884,000 as the ci..cecils ot " Danial J.<>- chai." Triune Leopold will arrive ia Portland on Satur- day BBsraMtg aad precast" directly to Bostao. Ina Custom House offlciala bars base ordered to puss lu* laggags winnini examinattaa. Pmsidsnt Itaysadaeaaatstag, but Mrs. Hayes is said to have a btreal, abt-fssbioaad voles, Avtnr.n she uses iii chun h. Mic ai it av -. wa,ks ts ehiireh, believ¬ ing, it is nooned, thai it is wrani IO rule there. General Hancock is reported to be a rich man. H.-.siiles all his other property in Missouri, ho has seana excellent seal iuiu.-s, winch ha refuse* to sell, ann do * imt at prost-ni car,* ;,. op n Mr. Thiiina* BhatmaR, ie -on al tim ti-neral, and Mr. I ln-uia-Keinan, the son of |hs tlnaslm. BIS, il is reported, about to return from and enter tba tebolasticats ol the .society of Jesus at Woodstock College, Mary ia. il. I'ap'am Kilda, Cal.form t's new Consulting En.i- naer, has gone to th it Sate, aad will begin his weah hy makiag a moronga sEEsaieattoa of the BaeramsntoMirer. Babes deettaed tho proposi¬ tion ot Dam Padra ta seeopt tbs oharas of Tie Bra* / Eamaaaiiag Dapa tment, laaoatflBaadine; bawavar, an Assaris in aatiaaar, abo baa boaa ,i|>- pointod. Oaptata Bads espeets ta return from cJJ. Uornia iii Auuust, amt vvnl peattbty uo tu bis work in i'oi'iuixiii iii the Auiiiiuu. Victor Bega hus lost bm greyboanda Mme. Bago posssatsd tbaaabnelfarMTsatssa years; ie .as burn in Bslgtem, aad Vu tor Hage had nnuiesl inn! s.iiai. ile dud at Beetovitis Bmtm. wbich h. mid aatleftsiieetba death af kts mtatiaan On bm nilla, was aaaxassd the rollowtng dwttab t Je voiii'.is . qii'tiu io.l* um- tin'mi ne r.,mei.flt, MoiiCnt Cutta, -luu uis.iii: I lltiiiti. Mon nnin t seimt. His wa* buried in tbe narden of the poet's Summer ivsitli iioe, ll.ii n J, J. Van deu WyiiKaert, president of tbe liiTiiian Millers' Association, is visiting this conn. try ai tm rageeat oi tin- QsiBMR Qovsmmant to in¬ spect tba var.ou* WBSSt-frowtag IBgRRN and tho maaaada m mtttieg. Ha pastern Hlnamala sun Ni.itin ru Dakota a* tba beet BtOsat glQWlaa States. Bsi vtaUed several farmers la Minnesota lust week wini Oeueral Rbartasu. ami la quoted as savina: . 'lue bills iindci.ijiiiil thu injury Haslem aratB marehautaand slevator _soa sra d. lan you Tour wie.ii .niics ia ii* so uiixt-il wilta tutertar aradoa that lt in useless, and we uro forced to iuu a Kunian wheat nm iieailv to goad ta give tbs-hsii strength loom tl .ur*.' ' lnucA, N. Y. July 15 .A dmpafeh received here Huh luoiniiii. saneeoem the marriage at Btrtia pas* tenlay nf Miss Jennie MetIraw, daughter of the late Bea. John Mctiraw, of Ithaca, to _»rofassor Willard ilasMvafCaseell LWorsiiy. Tbs sarsmom took ?! I iee at t'"- r s -lenee of A. D. White, (Tatted States burster to Jt -rliii. IiOvdiv, July I". A Norlin dispatch ta lag a .lame* tlnzflr s iy<: "The EstpSrSfB of Au*r,» anil tierm inV will probably -BSOtBl flBBtlilB. at M the wav ilniher." I'i, R. I. Julv IB. Btarttsry John ni and party were entertained th a afternoon bv Roaster B inside at hit settees Ri Bristol. Men. stor Anthony and two or three other gimtleine* from PraridSBSS wer- nn-aeiit. ','".' BAL BOTES. Sallie Martha Brown Washington Kine Q violet Ade Moule laaaspsse, tea seiydaaghMr (.f u, aged sviarsd niau iu theMstnralRrMgedistnst v. min i. la it." ta le In Itu sr . nt Oula IB Ress* ...,', The rate of teeMSSO in pogPlattoS ofsevsata. two cubs in Ita I'mt-'i slates Sanaa taedesaesh ai HI) per cent. DSBVOTSbOBSI.I Ul ix,iii nu/. per cent. The gain In San Fr*tic:»co ia nearly fi,if ^ wwii ns tinit of Rrooklyn, ann" that of N.'w-YorkR (j ni-.i inuit' teas tin- winne pupuiuiinti sf San Fraasfata I'tie following is a table shu win* absolute gains lu pop* , Bsa Vi>rk . _S4._09 Baltimore. Cse? -'(ilils. liiT. '7S (.-m. eni»U. . Mal! llriMi-iyn . l.W..v>t -eu .'rau.isc'i. 77J.7? IT,,"'.". I" tahune. ft.9 L m. Iimli . B-1 -_2 Bsstsa. 101.4741 lot*; .bisiiSM Lord Dunraven la the course of a long kiter to nts Times (I. 'ii'l'.in annie* last t'i« p.op.e w-iU inter Sj lin pt ipusa GeamSBsaiwin for In-tu mun ce,*, -if tn- laadtarda sat ao rants thej inntsaratar labor; a.condiv, beaaasa it will eaahle mea t»_o_r, air. a Ii in "1 til uti.* la involve themselves Iii touipi^t, ruin; ami thirdly, lt will taevltebll , ,ic,ur.w Hiern io ci|i. ci that the Atty ls not far (lntjiit wttsm laurte r.asm anil rent will be aSobaScd altogetasr. Tbs |ienple, will not lie lliankful for tins imnsote, th-..- «n] merely taBR-l at tho weakueas o: lU.- (iov. Mm i.t, .mia io aee them doing th. work of the Land L< am.¦, **4 loss thai Rifle respect fur law tiny at pretests* ler'.nn. If tbe 0,» ve rn tm-rtt *eeU to avert om urUstip or evil.nsmeiv, the partial Oepopalattaa af r.-r:»hi dis- tiicta, ts aasarad tbev are only postponing it. ita ru ht IO ti--i-t tm ii to lui.' over IimI (uni* if (tn-re ls *n- poa-i nilli y ol their evciiliiallv *-n|< yon.' rea-.>nutile (,r^. petitv. Rat there are localitlei ia Ireland in anita euQ-irrstion is tbe ouly cure. «inl Hi.-G vt-n encourage and ait-i*t miarattaa ie Britni eetaajes. The laws by which evictions for noe-pag* un ut nf reut are amhurizs.-.l have been on thc st auls, liook* In lid.inti only Unity years, lt wi- not mug ISQOthat't) i irter Session* were empowsred lo Saessi (.vu tl,nut foruoii-paymeiit sf Rat, aa Ht ¦» -t-* n ISOOtbal tho same power wa* siv<-u to other courts. I'"I'- Al lol ucl OoBStal for Ireland ii a reeeal .lehats I .ni itreaa sa t.- fact that by Ma I', sosa rll i.iw, amt even the law Sf Scotland, if, tlirou*ll som siiperve-iltif a- sstrasaa RMtsaseacy ...¦ asattaer, 4 tea- ain't asap doe* a. it repat hi* ia.or and his * 11, be u BStRaata roi therein. Iiiouea basti crop li 11 hf. i>-a tretu.-ii Inna (all nf bul, tafe snarls BeM that hs hal not parlag bis rent. T/,e gtaeoooteods .. lbs Sap -ii.'.ct ,il Db ssa bi 'I ippitas ta ¦'>..: i c.I, is ai ua- jflStlBW, It Kites tha landlord a ri to no other cn-.iitiir, (oe tt pansltt fetas, bj mesas of a shirt, BBS! un i iBBMDary pro. c.*-., to ont .in las r, ..t* 'virbnot I- ii-i m :,y sf Legal pre atunga. Bat RR seneroeitylti i with nisii sadar tbs lilsh nves. miii-u a linn* ii- ejv it nt lorita non cai ni-iii of rant is aakaawn to tl .asd, Rjr tue te ,n of the contract between lau i ttipalataS to observe tbeearenani; nut. anBo lhere l- a ivenaal t't.r )i sba tl tie >¦) -. t. a iiicni ni I. io, ba eaanot be lumea oat, rv, -nt nip i tm mtual uni .-. .sm ii as, lo lr,mut!, prov id >) Be :* , rm .i urie rs, or four (youth* heb nd tin-tim hi ri ul (.ran a. i,\ pani, nc il Thc report OD -pelling tcfonn read iIii- neck. .it t't h. l.n.- ol in-- Ann rican P f hilt,tin..: ic-oluli- ii - n favor of a nt.- i- pbl had ', p il bv ihe -til ri.i.i-'. iatlom >.f PeBBsyli i : fork.New J rscy, Ohio, Iowa. Missouri anti VlrKima, ai sell as i-y ita Am il. un IsslRata af Inatrnetloi and otbei ....» st eta. E' Okmtamm tribune bad adopted the r. forst lyatam. rho rotas preoertbed by r\eii.i.- i bera fallowed by Th* Wt* BsraU.Tke Toieoo rinds. Ihe liurhnytiii tl'vl.tye. The ( lt c Um I Iea-ier n 1 in .nj paps a /'e. l.l'i'r.iyt r, Vhs Type. Pommitr ami its Eleetroi ,/>e Jammwt l) ft sorliei aseuded th r ways. ,.'«. / .'.''i,/ir T e >.tir Eiyasi Journal of /.''.¦ ilism i ir |oaraala admit iiuiriid. il articles, oh r papers stteutly sfea-uri tba n ur .1 v.,«r,l rr i .v... a.- ihe 9pr*ntfjti ll gian fiROBB printsetlquetandprosrsas. ttl*stated lunmala aud perludlrals ta this cooa I less Dumber of tfeese eorreel tl ip Hines. .' : rolO*) il .,i- 1--: tl iii' 1S( .a favor ,.f a iiricfei spollnurtroas loo rapcBaautative _MB.aathafe isra, ii. .u .lit-' tweatj rivi mir i-titleg * a,.d rei Main "(' ron. THeChl j 11. i h al ',« bu ve pt bi i Ot i.p..a .".-. I...- Ji ai--- tn,una.f i. Labu, a: Washington i em po .ita ubi ac >aiuiu-ioii !¦> m.1 report upon th apelllu. ol !i i view tu its ump.ifiuaiion. soda |oiiit eoim i-i-- QOVertlDI li: n: ii.'ll.l ll. lil -U)..., % lassa bas been prof a .- PUBLIC UPI MON. The Democratic party of New-York (it/rs too po w. i .i: ,.. [sin ela Iii li ini.ii on.mi',, is mn ni ional dl*(Brboi.ce. li .. or rib gs uuder the name ol hals. |R.cbesiLi ii.ra.t (ind.) Tue idea of speaking of Mr. Li :nl;'i " lin kv i Xi e n-ine m nh ai- .,1 soveiiiiiii bi " niy bi .ut-sui.-mn nfl rene- lo H.* '" stead'a de- vut,on io L». iinnr.itic principles au I Un* mn -ii ->f lils pl.V.l.r C ll 11., rt ..'- lIOdlailBpoliS J 'IllUilt (I Possibly Mr. buglish i^ nut upon the i rkri tv i.., t. ral Hancock (o serv.- u- .i 1 .i ?... l .', ot thc .on.oin. in wealth a tuan bsboi bj bloated bondi.older and owner ol Nuiioia»i :,. t... -:t>il ami a i'luci o; uioimy.-I'll \ -laud Harald (ttap.) THE DEMO! RAI I' -tECORD DI--K III) AV.ns u /. tter in Ike DstraU Patt and Teihun* SSS > It is amusing just now lo hear sonn gentle* men here noa-img ni tupir pniuapii , amii i-g *S! rn.i cise wltu a want of ii. iiu-y have nm tueme pat lien.a; ui rte past. I I -Ul nu-} supported a p atfoiiii watch d eel a red H linl.iw ii n nt ice a State. lu HtiJ .bcj lice, i: t-.i fr a, elves in lat or of a ViWW otis io rt alii.n nf the wai. In bill lui 1 tuij.itttl unit tbs '.var waa a falluie. tn i --till tuey retained ia Ita ni I 1 -ll- (.i.-.t opp. sod (bc coiisCumional iiinentUP* D'S III l-7o, SJ .in rpied Ihelu a.- Lt-ti. s.i,i->, at..! .li WJ Itt a pu % >i tiieau a* wl.-e. N.,r ,v tuey always (mhiu a.) tc.ii lu ly boticst ou _S mom v nm s ion. li I *t,_ n. y deuouuet-d the I. k n-teinicr ac! ss un- c<"n-i inm n.ii. I lsti- l.ei sliiiutesl tUel_l«ili-tis ll..arse, III favni nfS Incl,,,. ... i ((I'l-cohacua lal inoio ri: rc me ii,an Br. rieluV. iii i."*7_ they pledged Btaaatatvaa o le-iinpuou nf ass- StS p.t.v uSBISi Ia 1870 I I ieiite.1 the reia-al i>f n. I. -mil,', ai act. B ed sis ii' been the " tun "In noted I'liiirt- p " s ii. . ftamaararw aartj. au ihiubs ut u.i mt-u. ,n out om-, nat that an iiiiilyin^' iii t nt.ou ll" itaVory BBd Haired ol iibertr. AX IRDEPRRUENT OTJTLOOg. From a OhshS-flM linter Ut TK* EmSSO llsrald /*S.I Tlirle ale BOMie pi opie in iVaah.ngtoii vviiO think .11,1 (. Ill .li lilliiUUCs « I. Ol cn l ,' in .> VSSBBSfi but tueio is aa aaa who aaa ano w p i, r bow li -.-. in* io napp n. lum iain i. e i a n|,.uii tte h.ivesa Bxteasin rn pafetieaa emiorji m 0 eauo und a diviaioa in th.- li, m.i.antic linty lu Vr.niu, ouleb wss i. ri* sud mi,ons oeioca sad ts now mssi ,.111111, m. 1 m .s man h.iif in-nvc Ul il Indiana will KO Re bbiieau, S f M" Di niot Tain I Ceri iii f no b iU< t *'.. ls nun'.1 Ri-tawBap beiWtieu ih" trleads in Mi'iisior Re- l'uiiultl mil Slr. Heiiancka. Mi. MiTloti .1.1 lia- bera very kii.ii O.i» tisauiU. If he were a fai'.ilian ?Ult**' maa he it.nil.1 prut,.,niy i.H'.c ii tl, I ¦' lh. sulSS M-'- Rng.isfe, in" laudidste lor Viv. PrasMaat, i- .. i-srd- Sstad neis,tu, wno uoiniiiu uou-wt.r.hy tu tr ti en rears,. ant lu salient bi* roam sun v e tar it** uoisilti t.e.ici. \t i,al lhere io take i.Lynne io ll il " I tl ul i alibi nm rat* Bars sra u**- iuk in, ii ii in a al snasesa laix*ay *.n toe tapp* mb -' ii.** aaS m. ixipin nity sf tne 1; pu; lieu t-si.ill SSj ahtah stawws a srwaasH, so ta *pi-.ii>. Rrw-ToiS at ll i.h.nan r-iam, taila a K, .n Ma e *,.i- ' i,nu. Tao areas wraas of las cvua.rj.tae,n.s iiiipiira.ini.*, tba Btaaasm sshmTsiasBtu .na tb., ns-a BStahopfS are stlb mi tue Rrpiibnc ni *i.a- TBS 1>*IU' nc, ...s i u na a sooil ssas toy Ptvsldesl, sad ptopsSi BOlBlBKBt-youd They probably nco lu Tola BSm tuey iipett io draw sirei.atb Ixl. ibo otb.-r ...-c. . A LULU (ULL POI Jilli. K lil.M IC in Rt 'HISS- /lom Hit Albany Jua, nut ig.-j'.i The lui,nu mg cable il s|.in, n explains iiaewI uovaeaoa'a isi.anii, j ... n, i">so. Ukak JRRBT. luse ibe u. _ oi..uni, imui,, »i.n. * Ut cn i. u i,.tilly, rta liomin amii WO* turua.¦>' laaosSOB ur )isicrdat, ui U 1--.ii ii is lo nay 11 ll uiu-1 * ».* * .Silvio iii'tsunlauee p.sill BOOB. I hsTi im i.tu-i .-** io saj , ti buw to »ay u ; bm, or cilia ¦, tost ui -*M "* dlitei'i-iii-u. I'R siga ahaisvar you, aud mo S_JJ lions usse-l. Tbe biter lu sOSch i s ii wsS lindi nd uie, cunlaiiia, ll I'm ant' pint;, sa "':,l\J_7 an.uuin ol Wual you would si) ie lUu uuai).o.< ra:*< fl ndn, tile, buall we rip;> l>, fla,ul .sin- a il il ii"l ">l' ¦ si.i*., wt- uei ( h.isii wi,b bosu t 1 ,.tte ii si n V S '. .say, un 1 sta lbs elsy and you are thc patter, am 1U* unisi luaicii b us lu.u yuu may aeneid inc ' ''¦"* * m.i ttini iiiiien lae ethel da>. ii.- \> m-i .-i - -. ,u .' car nu lesvlas. " I'oin manoa sverj bbiiIbboo ul J sst liar with *..m.-innis aboai t-"r.tii.., vi ..>in isaBoai i eiii.tliiaimu " 1* thu SdViSS nomi I 1 SoB'l Sa** llUl, ut linn se. Ve,. Will kl.,,* Jerry, <l- ar I. it. SBSM bOBM Rt m* now, Ami lh« Mumer rea I sase -il ih* beiwr. Fur. uh 1 ala vainly a ainiii.i. nit hrtiw, 'io Un uk tt ual lo *_j lu Vt'tira, WiBBtete e. it-*. /<) Juan lu ii a. Jfajor Oewrrui io mum nd nm WHY HAM Ol E. -SHOULD UK ELRiTKR. Inn us /> in The st /.K..i« Wists Plot -'")' A visit WM matin to Mr. 8. il. i.atbti, of tje 1. .ft 11 4 Rand IV.wu..i UMSBBBB- ** RSSsBSaSt i

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-07-16 [p...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-07-16 [p 4] · pimc y. iterday. ¦ ThcUniversity ... natura'i/.atioii papen

Amnocmrnto arti meetings *£o-2Cigl,t.Ono o'* GABOR*.Minstrels.¦ABLsas Fssark TiiSATKB--" Haie' Kirke."

EosTRF A- Pi vt .« CowcBsrr ii.vii OoBetrliBaTReroi.ii an com tm ll vu nc, rt.

fatal lo ^Otternormems.AvisrviM* "W iaoe Wi eoiuwiBaskim, Rocas* and rt ask kr* 7f* I'mqe.Mn column.Roabbanp Rooms- 94 fas** X. rmniRoakd Wavtko.3d /'soe.'iii column.Resist ss ham gs 7i.'i/set Otb eeloBB.lismiss NoTtrss 4ft Tate. l«t ramahCarpets. Ac.34 P*ae-3<1 col iain.

QsaiBBAiioB RoTrCM RM Abb Mb ntwWSSBPlVBlNi. Ni-iii jcs TIA Emge ftth and tfib cs.umt.S,LxiiSm. \.JW racc-flin ewinsii.¦ESABi iti 7lA Rms*- 4ti- mut .Vb culumns.Bur Wtxi: i.Sd /"Age 2rt estramsBoksi.s. CaRBLaobs ac.EM Pm n M* columniMirti ii,»s- (WA /'aar-SM an* cid .-..IuiiiuaUSfRTIBBt AWI Vo.niM.-- A>l Psm Sta co.Ullin.Legal Rem sa Sd P*ge-f} .< eolaaw.I-OST *BD f il'Vl (WA Faqs -Elk ro'tnnn

¦smsas* am, dsaim- Ma I'nge Rtfi column.Misivs- (,'A rmi* 4tb and Mb eolntnw*.alis" ti i avi-oi s od r*#f*-(i(h (-cluain. 8fA Page.Otb ci'li.mi.Baw ruin iTioya- r,tA pm** lal sad jM notassBS1'OUi'K ai Von BS.O'* r-atie.Otb column.l*Bor~i*al« 6f, r<\ae 3 nun:'.Lyal l*»TATi- 3rf foge- Int god Od minions.8aVINH« Lank* od PtHSt l-l raiBBBB.fcniAiiiNs H'm i-Mui- 3rf .'ave.2d column;FlWAii*- I'd Taii< H aSSBBBB

f-initi Ni in >s niA I moe (in sm-mnBtiamboais anb KAii.r.a-Ds 3d />ii{/r-2a' arni 4thgaramm

Bil as-rns Ockan TIA ^oor O'h (-limn.BrWMER RCSOBTf ."¦;' PWOS .'>-u and Clb a. eal SIS rtaar.Sd wmism .

iHI Ttl r- 3rf /Vf .('b minmi!.

IttuinrcB Scutes

"Alderney I?i:ani>"Buy ilwsva rtMrnBttSB IflLS

IKBMo OE THE TRIBUNEPo'tnne tree in Ike Culled Stain.

flAR TTf.ll INK. 1 veir.*1200lAlLY'ipiKiNi (wttbnntfeu.idajs). 1 year.... lenoH'M'A Vi i.niM.r year. 2 noBjl-lklA IKIPL'NK. 1 rear. 2<i'»HA VII Ll.Y 1 1 il li IN I 1 vi ii. SOUJu s it bj P. o. order arin renatured li uer.Adciriss lill, iiili.l M..


Sfett^ttk Daily tlxibixnt.FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY.

FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1880.


FoRFTON..A coliiery (xidnsii.T) at Rises* BoothWatas. baa ceased a loss of 118 lives,- ratGuatemala liuilriiail bSSbSBB opened lor fr:.llif fromt-aii Ju. rn i-(i: ,i :. = Mr. Qladstone laurn*-.! in tbeadoa tim 1: it CompeaaattaB bill.» Thete lins b-eii neut mg b tween a band of

Albanians aad Maatenegriaa Tho eolleetivenats was to have been presented te tbs Ports yss-terii.iv.

I' .: -in-..Tbs cotton, i ii., ami w heat cr-.p re¬

ports to tbe Agricultural Department uro fawn*Lie.:. li is now eonttraied that Mr. Tibbies was

BfttBted while vtsitiog Ibe Petrea indian*..-

The rsporti sbonl Senator Ci merou's ill-besltfawen- txsEcerated, = Pana sad timber landsHave iacraaeed la ralas innwifhpnl thu eoaatrydnrm_- tbs .sf fi- .1 fear. ===== Tbe lilliebook shows 97,000 Oovernaenl ottciara.TLe tun,nie:.. cu.eiit axerciaes st tbe In v.r-

aiiy ed t1 B sta ol New-York t(«.i<

pim c y. iterday. ¦ Thc University Convocal ion

elosed itt es on. Hi- National EducationalA nt,.ni bald itt saaaal slaettan foi o_Bcers.=====Thc lu,li Rrpnblieaa National Convention el sodIta sessiant al ladtaospolia vestsrday. = = Chair-muii Ji w.-'l ol tht Naftanal Bepablioan CommitteeIsttraatljT pb ti with theeaapaMpi prospeetaClTT am* rBcBOBEAN. Qt> reports of Repabll

can i tn ni _cli"u the eonntry were ra

Mired nt the headquarters in Fiftb-ave, yester¬day. Dr. launer pained iii flesh, rrrr..

Chastise Cox distiiiiy.-,! little emotion.Jerome, Patchell and llcOibbon wera examined.a Brooklyn mea wets beaten by tbs Canadianspt Lacrosse, A prise fight took place In CentralPark. ===== Tba plas of eonaolidatl'ip tbs elevatedNada was disc weed. Gold r due of tin- lc_;ii-laadet nlvei dollar i-lH.'1. grains), S'.t.'Jl.' cents.b -¦ fii iM.ik, but latet recovered, and¦ . \. it. tl and lunn

lin Weather..Trirorr lo. al observatioBt ib-

dieate cloud) weather, arith ebaaeet "f liahtrain,followed b. partly elondy and clear weather sadlovt.i U-mp raturra. Thermometer yesterdayilin.-..-st, s i lowest. 71°, averaae 7.,"»

Tin- feminine propensit] tn keroneM BEkldeseems incurable, lu Btooklyn, yesterday, a

Bt'rvnnt in iv io Um conni ry and freak fratnwaiiiiniis iioi. to ase oil ia -Baking ber tins,repeaii-d tin.' old experiroen, A\ith Um obj ro-suit.

Tl.e leonie of New-York trfll F(-nn havft an

.pportaoity ofjodp^ap th approprtateReatnnd \\is.!oiii of iapurtiflR the t/'.H-!is,k. Tin*Deasouk. v.nicli innis tin: Needle, ia lookedfor now every day, tboojr/k bo anxiety loi bersafety Reed bc Wt if she docs not arrive be¬fore August 1.

If the testimony brought ont yesterday inone ol lin- . emu is true, tte freest bearyjudfrnient agoinal the Third Avenue RailroadCoin | iany W*M the re-ult ol as pretty a eon-

apiraey ns ever figured in the pa^e* <»f fiction.Tbe verdiit mi for fl5,000 dEMBajet forniim ii ir over a boy. It is now charged thatthe. boy's father, the driver and corniuctor ofthe ear, and other perSfR.- inUieil mio a

conspirucy by which lal-e te*iiiiioiiy was

iriveu, heicliti ni nj. the responsibility of em¬

ployes of the company.

Tbe testimony yesterday in the matter oftbe ki eui Hies ol I vi 8 Co. showed that the Iosawas unuoui ced on every stock indicator in tenmirtna* after it bad occurred. Notice was

immediately j,'iven to the transier ofliees of thcvarious stock*, u.lverti-i nn-nt- were iusirtedin the jut pera of tbe next day, and on

Tuesday 400 circulars were distributed. Bt>Bides this some ni the securities were indorsed.with the firm name. If the persons who hadpois-essimi of tl eui bud been anxious to re-

Store them to their rightful owners, theiewere abundant facilitiea for discovering whotbe rightful owners iveie.

The right of the cheap Italian to perch upon©ur curbstone*, und street-eoiueis and obstructtravel with stands for the sa'e of everythingtinder the sun from nock ins tooiange*, il notVery clear ; but the righi of one of this classto take it ni on himself to punish mischievouslioys by hurling his ttiletto alter them throughthe air is milch less clear. This is au excel¬lent BEBB to make an example ot, especiallySA the would-be assassin iu his rage woundedtbe wrong boy, one who was entirely inno¬

cent of anv connection with the adair. New-York btreet-hle it in no need of the additionOf the stiletto, picturesque though lt be, andtbe suletto-carriers may as well tuke promptvrarning on ihe subject.

There is a strange inconsistency betweentwo reports which Indian Agent Whiting hasmade to the Indian Bureau concerning thealleged arrest of Mr. Tibbie*, for attemptingto communicate with the Tout-as as the agentof their counsel. When The Timbi nf. first

published its statement of ibis allan, dcm.-ilfrom private sourc-eH, tbe Indian Depailint nt

put out a report from Agent Whiting, datedJune 24, in which he said he bad made everyeffort to arrest Mr. Tibbies, who bad, how-

ever, duded him and escaped lo the Stateline. Now conies 'inolher report, dated July1. in which Mr. Whiting savs he arrested Mr.Tibbies, aud conducted him to thc Statelinc, and wained him not to return to theKesci val ion.which was Want I'm: Tuir.rxKotif-mally charged. Evidently we nie to he-lieve the lejiOit. of ,Tuly 1 ; but whv did not

Agent Whiting tell the truth on June 21 T

The terrible explosion in South Wales yes¬terday, by which nt bast 11K lives were ln-t,adds another to that lone line of disasterswhick tbe inventive genius of Davy andBtepbettaOB 1ms lu en poweileaa to

In honor this colliery incident SPpSOBObeanearly to that of I.undhi!!, whci ', in L807|lsd millers perished, or to tile calamity at

Hartley, when .Ol? nien were buredalive by the destruction of tim shaft.The rOSpontrtbiUty in this instance may never

ba known, but there is a certain timel'inEt inthe news that the Briti-h employers midworkpeople have come to terms in regardto the bill to determine the (legree of liabilityIr the eveiiWof nccidints. In rn-coiilance withthis agK-eii.i tit a system ol' insurance may l*eestablished by employers which ivill prove ofmutual advantage to them and thc laborers.

Senator McDonald was brought face to faceyesterday with one loaf from the record ofthe party which, he says, underst.'oil "the true

"theory of our Government,'" and vv,iii-hstruggled for twenty years " to maintain"the. fires of true Democratic sentiment"upon the altars of our country."The evidence betas tbs Wallace Committeeincluded the reading by Colonel George Blissof his testimony in the Lawrence investiga¬tion of 1869. In Judge McCuna'a courtnatura'i/.atioii papen weie ItSRSd at the r?teof three a every twenty seconds.Of sonne there was no attempt to complywith anything more than a hasty routine, thewhole proceeding being an open and thsmslsssviolation of the law, sad tbe Judge admittingns mitch hy declaring that he did no: proposeto make any suth "admissions." This was a

time when the "fires of true Democratic isn-" limciit" weis buming very brightlyupon thc local altars of Tammany Hall.William ll. 1 weed thi n«ht he under¬stood the " line tiieniv of our Government.'1He did.the Democratic theory, that is. Ileri gi.-tt red himself Oil Blackwell's Island as" -man," ami certainly do Democral tboulddispute his right to that title. He Knew howt-i stuff' ballot-boxes with one hand and emptythe Tn isury with the other. How it nm-:

have pleaaed Benator McDonald to ba ra*minded yesterday that thia eminent Democratwa- nu behind his party ia understanding"the tine timmy of our Government," andthat he, too,hui "Btruggled to maintain" fbyfraudulent majoritiea) "ihe tires ot traaDem-" oerat ic tenthnent upon the altar., of our

"eouutty." __________________________

////: same OLD in; ur.The burden of tbe love-song sritb whieb as¬

sistant Democratic editors ate wooing the In¬dependent voter seems to be, when tranaUttedInto unemotional prose, " is bo a"Hal difference between the belieft and doo-"trinet of tba two parties. Tbe old"baltic erics ,-iic all oiitAvorn Ol outgrown."Therefor* rote for Hancock and b fresh deal,"aad tbow Um world that we arc not afraid to"trust the Democracy.'1 To thia seductivestrain it might well be answered, that even ifthe par.y doctrines and promiseswere identical, there yet wouldremain sufficient reason to vote for General

ld.whose comprehensive knowledge ofpublic affairs and whose Bound opinions uponid) subject- which the representativea of a

free Government sn called upon to dis¬cuss, have bet n il. moiisrati (1 by bit vote- andsptec'ues during seventeen years of publicterrica, rather than for s man who baa no

opinions wliatevir, so far as anybody basevil beard, sud whose opportunities for ac¬

quiring any knowledge of practical statea-tua ship have been of the tlendei St, inas¬much as hit entire life has been spent in a

service the nm t remote Crab any civil dutiesand responsibilities.

lt could bs SEBwered further that it can

iisrdly be set down to the credit of the D* m-

oc.i'.s that they have been driven year aftery<-:ir from one position alter anotherin which tiny bad intrenebed them¬selves, until the hading principles foiwhich the Republican parry wes ugaized have all been so firmly established thalno one dans aasail them openly. The Demo¬cratic party no longer as an adversary ©on-frsats tli" BepublicsR patty, as it did in 1860,on the h'll.jei I ol' slaveiy, li* cause the land isfrasd from the curse of slavery in spiteol D( un .eratic efforts to perpetuate it.Therslt no longer any qn-*tion between tin-parties, ns there tvns in 18fi4, as to whet herthe war wits a fat-tan.simply because theNation triumphed over tho SSOasskti ofSouthern Democrats- lu tins way the cen¬tral issue of every political canvass for thcpast twenty years could be taken up in orderwith the same result. There is no open midactive difhreii -c noAv between the two parties rn

regard to tbsCsEatititionol am-ndments, thoreconstruction acts, the taxation of thebonds, or the resumption of specie payment-,limply because the suth logic of events hasdemonstrated that, upon thestA and ot "er com¬

manding questions which touched the Nation'shonor and satety and its very life, thc Kcpnb-lieau party was radically right and thc Demo¬cratic party was essentially witing.And if this outward acquiescence in the in¬

evitable is tho sole basis upon which chari¬table souls are willing to be persuaded thatthe party of slavery aud dirunion ano repudia¬tion has met with a change of heart,i! may bs well for them to sit downin some secluded place and reflect fura season. What guarantee have we that thepul ty which could not be trusted iu JbGO, or

1MJ-1, or 18G8, is worthy of confidence to-dityTT his party was swept trom power in 1860bi (WSMM it was under the control of the South,and the country feared the predominance ofSouthern sentiments. The same party isunder the domination of the MUM giaspingpow er to-day. Has the South given any proofsince 1S60 that the country's fears matsgioundh-ssT Was the attempt at scce.-sioosud the cons quent civil war calen! ito i to li¬

ston- confidence in Southern rub f Docs thcfact that linea tire war the South ha- repudi¬ated 0300,000^000 of State and municipal in¬debtedness encouiage (lie people to intrust theNational finances to the keeping of Southernfinanciers 1 Is it equitable, to say nothing ofits being safe, that the expenses of the Gen¬eral Government should he subject to the dic¬tation of the bection which contributes next tanothing toward the general revenue? Dil therecent attempt of the South iu tbe extra session

to bully the Executive uini compel tin- FeudalGovernment to abdicate its supremacyconvince anyone that the spirit of nnHtfiostiogand secession was dead T Does the presentattitude of the South toward th. freedmenshow that tbe temper which made slavery

poa aide was changed when slavery wa*

abolished TNothing can lie more evident than the fact

that the parties in Unit membership, theiltendencies, tieir dominating principle-, an

.tinily the same panics Wblcb confront) I

eiic'n other in lSOO. They clash on thesame vila! que-tions. A vote for Han¬cock is a vote lo surrender the

principles he fought for. It i* a vote tohelp Btoekbon maka good his threat that allwar IfB.latERl should be blotted (rom thest itato-book. It it a vote ta put the(.uiiiiry back Roda the Mipieiiiacv ol South¬ern ideas and Bouthern sivflisation, with allthe reactionary iind dtl|R0SSiBg re-ultg ofsuch ii transfer. The count ly is not likely to

grow cSRtlfSI simply because it has grownprosperous under Republican mle, and aban¬don nil its glorious gains through twentyyears of strenuous effort in the cause of Na¬tional honor and National unity.

TBOHi BUNA > III l NEB.Titf, TniRt'NB printed several (lavs ago a

statement bom one of tts Washington (ones

pondfmta concerning certain documents on file

in ihe office of the Attorney-General withicferi-nee to the existing condition of allans in

some BBOttaOSOf the South, and the lieBtBEBRIto which Republicans are -'. The doc-

unMots ware not peppered fur political c fleet,bul simply sent forward for use in the At-

toaney-Gsnonl'a department in prosecutingthe offenders. As t was feared that the publi¬cation of names and details in full might givetho culprit! notice of the coate notated proceed¬ings, and by giving them time to escape de¬

feat UM ends of justice, it was thought best

to publish Un-, ban- facts without the names of

placet or Individuals, these being left blank.Wo are glad upon tho whole that this was

dona, and the publication WM imperfect, forit attracted attention sad esused comment incertain quarters av ii-ie il would have been un

noticed otherwise. Had all the facts been

published, with namee, datea sad places set

forth in full, rn nc nf our Democratic contcni-

poianes WOQli hav ever given auv rigel of

bating seen lbs statement 01 beard the reports.Wu bout exception they would have calmlylifted up Uk ii uncoil.letona ooaea ind ignoredit utterly.Hut tba blanks Rt once arrested their attoa-

tmi. In tin- bianka they aurffed deceit andfraud. The blank-, wen- evident-¦ Rumistak-able that tbe reports wen- groundless fictions,ami that the Whola tUng bsd been mai

tared foi politic il put ima of themb okooul in ;i broad guffaw at the absurdityof sach an attempt to anil Um imbin-, said thest) mpted Imposition was alt sgetber too thin,ami called for names, da is. iind places. This

tiny did witta that confident air with whichfools w'uo an iu the habit ol lying j imp, np n

lighten! pro. tcation, ta thc conclusionth .1 other people li*- a.-> easily and foolishly as

themselves Anybody who is in the habit ofthinking, or eau Bea an inch beyond his nose,

would have !. lins nae toeonsider the prob¬abilities' in the r nc; whether tr was liki lythat The TrIRCTEB would commit such an

affront to the intelligence ol itt readers, andso abosa their o i publiaii a purefiction ol that ><' td, to ceri tin io be fo tod oulif fabe, and if false BO BUIS to discredit' thepap i and datnace the Republican party. '*'"the gudgeons who were caught by tbe blanksdal not atop io think so far sa ih.s. Tonyjust lifted up their chins in a haw-haw, andcalled for name-.

Well, they gol them. A few (hiv* havingelapsed in which fat-witted¦.m. era were permitted to he boisterously hila¬rious over tbe blanks, Tr ive thenames, dates, sud place from the documentsin I fc« Attorney-General's otHoe. Their eal] waa

red. They gut the infotmation theyclamor il for. Tbe details new tarnished, andthe opportunity afforded them to make theiri\t - l.ii'ioii ai (I show Rp the Specific false-

a y IR |',e t .!. somehow theySOI lil lo have losl till il IOU :>".'. Wt- gRVuthem tbe Specifications t,,ey di inainli il, theybare said aol a wot 1 npou the sabjec . The,blanks ti u, m words ol' the Tammany ll ll

iiiml.t.ot. "tickled "in io death," have a

to be I un ny. They are all witta one Recordtalking about .-un 'thing else. We have Baitedseveral days for them ti tua th.- informationthey ('.lied foi'. Whick We have gi viii them, liltthey niii." oo sign. We venture to remindtIniii c. the IK-'., .ml di cd iheir attentionto the opportunity afforded them to exposewhat they have denounced aa a "campaign"fiction." So good a j kr as tiny eateemedthis to be ought not to be los-,; such boisteronamei' linea! ou_lit n ll lo sto;i BO bhoit. It looksas though sihieiliihg had gol stuck lu theirtin na:.*..Mi 'uptime tin y may bc Interested m the ex-

pi rance ot a young aw \e w OOBSSal one ledhun lo ask one Qttestio tu many. A shrewdoldgentlemsoob the witness st nd. testifyingin ii cnaa ot aaaanlt, ams a ry careful an Inaduce: rxaminatlon to say that it wes trie * hn-" j.nsbion v the def. ,.dan' stnick the com¬

plainant wi haelnb. Tba tntrsRateaa and ru-

certainty with which ba stated thia "impiee-" s.ou


in itu ed ii tbe young lawyet'a m nd tbebelief that Ik- could worn tbs old i;eu-lIi in ni on his cr. s-i-ex immat on. So whenthe witoeaa waa turned orel to him he began:u You say. Mr., that you Rave au imprea-"mm that the defendant Btru:-k this com-

"ph.i.iant with a club. Nnw will you plaass"tel mi' what reason you have for any -uch" iwprissionV "Why, hleSE fWOj soul, Squireu Mro;,g." -aid the Ultwea. " I teed it with my"owneyes." " Ibnl aallldo," said Squire Btreoghastily, . iou cpu stop down;*1 sod toratagtahis associate be added) k" I'd lie ter have let hun'. .linne." I'he moral are sappi te is that therearal i.e whi n it .squiio rtTlBSlMs to draw out ino

inlicit ;iif(imatioii en .. cio-s-cxamination. WsCommend t to our friends who ueic lately soebuUOlOOB foi the fibing of the blanks.

BBBDMtPTlOA a\i> ,,hod times.Tbs Ke|.ubliean pally Rppools to tact.*, for

its just,Icaitaa. It cannot fuk better proof ofthe wisdom of its course UlSS events huvegiven. It declared that slav* ry wis wa. temi,and now largi r crops of cotton are gTOWfl byfree limn ever weir grown by slave labor.It Iclaied thu: PMimptl ill aud fideliiyto public hitit would inc*, the conn I ry ; midbehold a grander pio-pciily than the countrybas ever m-e\\ conic* ms thc Bwift result ofresumption, lt declared the Deeracramwets tn tt-i ly in error in predictingthat general bankruptcy und lan ibis di»-trr-st wotihl follow if resumption shouldlie accomplished. And the Statist-OS otThe Mere uitilc Ag--nc,', Just published, abonthat thc failures during lae lum hull ul 1878wert¦ more BURtaTOUt by about forty pac centihan HW08 of the first I.all' of 1*7'.', undmore numerous by about 100 per cent thanthose ot the first ball of lsbo.Tne*e statis ic- dsostTS silention. They

me pit pared for the information of businessmen only, and by agents whose political lean¬ings, it they have any, are wholly unknown.The ncciiiacv of tbe statistics publishedquarterly bv the Agency has never been dis-

puted, anil they hive been cvnywbcic ac¬

cepted as the mot complete and tins'.voil hyrec id sttslssbleof commercial dissstors. Botthe number of failurea thus reported, and fhaEmount of liabilities of firms failing, fur thefilBl half of the psst three years, comparethus :

Hrs. dr.t li.If..ism. first liiill..Issn. in*, 'n.If

limn -. 1. ibllltn

a ".."I B130,S3'_.7flO4.0 .s 6.\779.30011,497 aj.sss ,',,;i

In niimbitr, the disasters of the lirsl hall <»f

L880 nra only shoot one-half those ol thetiist half or thu year preoodiBff res**mptiou.In Importance, or Emount of liabilities, the

failurea n. thc first half of isw<» sra leas theaone-(|ti,irier thom of the first half of L878. Thcdecrease ha*- been reuiaikably general, as it

has Ihm-ii very rapid. In fact, but lor theb.ilure of one or two bigs concerns in New-York and riiil-iilelphia, flu-re. ord would havebeen more favorable to 1880 by many mil¬lions. Some surprising changes uro worthnoticing, as follows :

Sufi Franc svii.OoBBBStteai.('lilt.lill).1 tull ina.Lonlsim


issn ls7il

I 22S3so7D

ansel ton. JIMBr. I..,ni*. :mRaw-York. '^-":iohio. SSCu,cum,ni. HOI'enn sylvanin. irisKinnie lsimu. SSWisconsin. *4o




I lilllie*.

iago I97S..; 074 70ols3 019 ",,n

030,734 2.093 082i- omi 1,340.900

::i7 139 1.138 391BOB !>7Mi 4.a 19 4H4«i.....:: 1 3 is::.lion

1,473 BOW 2-504 ooo(il l -:i. i,stn imh)

._¦ (lil US 6.070,301(130.802 2S.M6.82t2 ¦- 981

1,44767« 8429.634i.iii-- 2.011 :*¦".«»314.OO0J 001-13

The contrast would be even more strikingif tbs failures for the Ur>t half of the yealbefore resumption were compared with thoseof the Iii st half ol 1880. The record, how-eve;. shows ii wonderful change for the bet¬ter during tbe lest yeer sad during tbs laritwo years, and it shows most clearly thatthe Rt 'publicans were not in the wrongwhen they maintained, in spite of strong

popular hostility, shel resumption wouldbring beek good times ami restore bsjeineaett» health. Tfiey were restated, with most ma¬

lignant / ul, try Democrats who claimed thaldisasters any OTef then witnessedwould surely follow resumption. Tew Intelli¬gent men have forgotten lim speeches oflia -i-. IL anim ks aad Vot.i', of Indiana,ami Me-sis. Thurman and -wing, of Ohio, on

tins subject. Bul the Republican partybravely persisted in tbe path ol honesty and

duty, and tbe magnificent proaperity whichtbe country now enjoys i- ita reward.What reason Rt tin-re for turning over the

Government to tbe Democratic party, Forfive yean prior to the panic ol l-7n il in¬

sisted upon every wild, winton and reire which inf] ition prompted, or

diatom could tuggeet. Ii created tba crazyoutcry foi inflation before which some Repub¬licans bowed, in just and natural dread ofDemocratic tucet --. Alter the panic it a i Ito t ie fronl Its wildesl and most devpmen, proposed measures by the dosen whichwould hav 1 tbe raited Slat's for¬ever, resisted tbeB ramption Act at the outsetand for mole liian :¦ year after ita executionbad resulted In glorious triumph, and allieditself with Greenback voters in order tomake Ita hostility to tbe Republican policynun.' effective. Now, when Um wisdom olthal Republican policy baa been magnificentlyvindicated by events, thc Democratic punyprole- r- it has been in favor of hard-nion.y and resumption all the time, and begathat n may be trusted to maintain the wise

es which Rcpublicana framed and exe¬cuted in tpite of Democratic hostility!

IN THE PRES! NCR OP DRATS.There ha- been a ari st <'¦ tal of mawk! h ai

placed sympathy with the man who dies noon Me¬ll may be well to consider t

In tbe case, in no spirit ol hostility to the wuot, but tn order that the professional senti¬

mentalists niny uni caine tbe public to tote tight oftli" righteous launs .il josi ne.

li ma' ba admitted thal Cbaatine Cox baa badthe approaches to the tomb made ss ph .is.n.taibia. Jastice, thoosb inexorable, has not beenimportunate .ml baa nol been discourteous. Gravelodges ht-.e watched Ihe investigation of srailt.Aa boase) jun ha* bestial d ovet tbt verdict.Every iatricate question ot law has beenconskl-i-i eil. Ail fa,,li; ie* of defence nave been accorded.lin -.1 at ii 11- h.t.s been challenged al f\i'\ point byan advocate acute if nol laarasd la tin- law, Hean-while, the sympathies of lin- paulie have bassevoked. Werneu have soaabt tins felon inhis cell, and have tenderly assured hunnf tiieir regard. He bss been made u

lion, albeit a lion andsi eonvMtion af murder.Petitions In bia bsball bsra baan ecrcnlated aadsigned. Oates and delicacies to tempt the appetitejailed liv r infinemenl Bat bees forwarded to him ;ami wh n it la found al last thal tbe fates of mere,have bees shat, aveiybody approaches nun with at

least an air of cnuccrii, aad strengthens Rta lunaticimpression that he isa marivr.

I Ins not Uta (lentil which BON Mrs. Baildied. What assn of tbeaghl or tentibtlity can failt.o mai k the (liff.-renee, with pity if Bat with irener-

oas indltrasttsa 1 Wo may leak arith aadnem apoathe execuOofl ni tn dav; bet a bal sarbida rn n* look¦la into that chamber of leineuiher that

ti st, Bling awnv from tin- hOBSS wtiich hs li.nldesolated, va uh tie patty apatiaot kia wi ate, and thent-timiv seeking rafaga m a saiaRbonag euy, wherebs feuud a pious diversion in attending religiousBMStingll l-BCS la B duty to the liviag, aa lhere i*.

a limy BB the dead, lhere is a Invo.ous slamnatl. Bl Btty nine tl tBgSgt In a work, which mayhung notonetv. There i» another class which hasii. verm tim leant consuli nil the nature ot gtarnalJus iee, tbe sanctity "f human lite, thu read ltlentw iirh malic seetatj possible. As the curtain fall*,BBaa tall traaj-odv teak ha* received a rebuke, and,Jet us trtis:. a lesson.

Mr. Stockton, of Kew-Jsraty, aeeoja to bare an

extiastaly goodepiataa of biaasetf ami Ins associ-_tt_ Ia sba iatrodastary tociaalitiasBt Gov«_sr\iIsiaad be said to Osearal Rauaaski "One ni theablest, wisest and atoat i.flasaUal bodua af y.mi.-ouiilrynicii ever aaseasbtad baa niven you tin nom¬

ination." Then he added : "Dines thal C.inven¬tion it*lj iarne I, SM, tks m mmbsrt nf il tbtsst, wisc-;.,Bte), havel.Bte oat h..mes; we have seen mir

co!isi|iiieiiis," i-i .-., eic. I bm is just a little aheadol I'm it-Sammy's modest " (ne p-ople sro lookingfor l.'clotlii; tba) 'iud lt here," four Vents ago. Stork-ton laapBaraatly n rapid mun. leo| he say* the Com-mittee bara aaaa " tba Dataearatio massaeaedtbseenaarvetiva peseta ai tin* eoontry" sine.- thsCsu-vciitinii adjoerasd, un.i thai " mtb na aoootd taayt.ihfi tbt BS! of tile t'o.ivenlion." lhey tniitthavo raitletl mend preitv lively, ll.iv.nji foundth!* out, ba mya tharwa no deuht ab ml Baoeeek'aelf.tum, ami lu* silts too Unit, ni the ii lief ni theCommit tee, " rt'lii-n thc sisalJOB is over, the matprinciple* ol Aumin au libel ty will still BS Uta ta-bstttaaas af tin* people, aad shall in. i.never."'s vc v af tim DSmmlttea ; ami likewise of-tiickt"ii. lin* Baeam to bara been a lamarbabtsOseamltSaa ; and fitaakata, lae, .t lamaikabla brm.

Tba De-Bocratte auutag rt hive not y.-t bsaasaeearajred by say stnkiua senecas in their sftorl ta"argaaiaatha astdiaa v,.t.:' ;,,r Ransack. Janwhy a party with a saaafttBtleaaftaad ajraatrtaaldrvad of M ravtvtag war BBBtaa" abeald ml to trothtvith m luin-li circtiiiiHtiim-e to BMke I SMtiBCtivslyOBI mi v.i.,. by Un* slltlilim innl in, timmi Ulsplay oflove for " bluet.In's hireling* " ,|, c-m'i ap pi BUT. I he¦aastftfa should mmsmbsrthsl los greet bod] riDemocratic soldiers wera fighting on tba otbar side.It would ba un easy tldug to ornum*, ihe buys iugray for Hancock. Hut if the managers object to

going- *o far South for war material, they nan he te-

ecmmsdatsd nearer hom hv orgaabjiag Demoeranaetabafrom BBMBg thavstaraas af tbe Dr itt Biota,lt is aafa Kt ht I " sandia ' ai sea that not a simile-ballia aearrcd draft miter who survive* to rota is

afton a.* tim Baited Bi ilea KafShsIa will r"'""'1 him

1., tm- Til trill casi as much as ono ballot for(Ju: li.lil and Arthur.

Tin-wa* the remark ol sn eminent Deawerat, dele*pata t" tba last twa Nattansl Oeavserioaa tnemtier

of tbe C inn uti.-*- -ni Resolution*, timi one of the

most sodve sad iafissntlsl btadan of the party t

"Tbs Bepabltcaa party it tba masoeat party sa

earth i the Democratic psrty lt iii M»,,f< smsnefthan the BepBhUSBO, a.ul lia- I ir n, ¦... kc rs BIS not

Wattb iiientioniinr. I've a gnat rmiid to ko to

Europe aad saar td] tbit blanked aaosmBM is allever." And he looked ycarnmirlv Ifni tba Matihat-tan lh-ach piazza over tbstembUBR BBB, trying to

forest tbs -snail of polities sad poUtiemae behindhun. Haoaly expressed the gsasrsl sens.- of dis¬

gust anning the h adata Ami yet fresh Daasorraiirsd .i, iii the int. nor ire k ickinL'up their heels in

tbs hebel that tbs party is harmonious and enthusi¬astic, and ha* a chan S.


Wa lead ta a Dsasaeratie newspaper the predic¬tion tba! " betwe: n tins time ami November next

thoaaasde of Osassrvativs BsirablioaiM, who votedti,r Hayes and fo whose viev.s for a short tune in

]S7<! ami ni ls77 Mi. Hav cs deferred tu Ins policy,will be found swelling the BaOCOCk prOOSBStoe."Tbe word " processtaa " seenis well ch sen. Hodoubt thousands of Republicans will swell if. Andwe presume Ihe Democratic party, after havingc. u-t tl ihe poor man's gaeta, will Dtish itself for¬ward and take tbs mourners'

Wtimlet if th*-Di-imi.-r its imagine that all th.-tr

mammary is uoum to make a faimrable imfsssrisaon the people I


Tbs Industrial League, whisk has itt btndqeer-lam ta Pbfladalpbta, has sent oura circular sst*.

(bally Indorslag tbe t adidacj "i Qsnsral (Jartield.Tbs liseami is eompoaad of aaasa ol thstasssl prami-nenl business mm rn the Union, and well naderstand* the necessity of keeping tba Qoverataaat in

tbe bands oftbs party that has (lone so much tofostar tbe industries af tits country. It is in a

position to apeak with authority aoaasraing theviews of piib'ic men, foi its alembert have badslong and intimate intercourse sri h th- leaders inCongress ol nm li parti.-s. Aid .-my statementfranita officers wUlcarry moro than ordinary weightwith thinking men. I he claim of tue Demo.Pennsvlvanin that Hancock ns the champion ofhomeinun tries will ba contemptuously brushedaside wherever thia circular ol tba industrialLeague ia n sd.


Ii ip tbs Deasocrstla ecmaatttssa le-tvo townwithout calling oa John Kelly there promlssa to batrouble ia November._TlIdea baa got bia resolution of condolence, and

ss that ie as far aa tba Demoeraey can es towardvindicating hun bs trill denbtlem make a prettylosi calculation of itt ralni to bim when he ls

called in "ii to eoatribate ta tbe eampaign fuud.

It will begin to dawn soon up in lin- I'lhleii crowd,who sra Just now bsviog everything theirown wsy,that tbs Tammaay cicero:;.i ticket ta kept in tbeHeld for a purpose. _Dr. Felton, tbe Independent member of Consms*:

from tbs Tilth Georgia District, in s ipseeb at

Maratta, in that stat'-, last week referred to G'-u-eral Oartk bl SS follows : " I know (i neral (i.trlieldpersonally, have baan an the sams committee with

him, and ha taa gentleman of "r.i.'.l morals, social,clever, and hat s Brand Intellect; intellectually hebas na superior ia the House. He is a imtwl man,

mind of inexhaustible resources, sad 1 bavanot a word to say to detract from lu* integrity."tVben his political opponents refer to bau in -uhwrords of generous prai e isn't it about time for theBlander-mongers t<> in v.» over the hopeless task oltrying to vouvince the pc.plc that QeneralGarfield

,,.; eal mau f

The Democrats are making their third attempt tobamboozle tbe soldier vote. They will fail, uo they

rv nun- 1.

The I>- moerata sra apparently desirous of makingMr.Tilden a proi ira in ti.o campaign.Nothing would please the tte mblieana better.

to electing Gsrfield President the chief ob¬ject ot the present camps sn is to ch ,..>.- a Republi¬can in the Xl.ViIih Congress. It will-¦nally lighten tbe task of tbs party ii the Con-

in ii con! :sta air ki ,>l fn a 'una psues. It is not em >oraBing. therefore, to soe mea

who have eaaaad division sad weakness heretoforeri in be fi int and demanding thai the party

sm ll tam aside f i in its greet object aad mdremwhat they conceive to be their pewonsl wr .hrs. Intwooftbe Minnesota districts the si Batieatafaifrom satisfactory, fwo candidates are running inni', niiil m tie .-tl",-! the man w..o succeeded tn ; a strong li puMican distriot io tie Uemo-cratatwo years ago la asalu io tba field. Minne¬sota alioulri is nd a solo! K pnbliean delegation totoe next Congress, and doubtless will if the menarno oaly wish ta serve their selfish ambition aieuni eremoniously >ei aside.

Ur. Willism H. fc.nglBir'i friend bsd better gelbun ont of town as soon ss possible. Be is showingtbs dan oralisiag effect of tbs ezeitemeat bs hasgone throngli the psst few dava, lu fart, ho isproving linns lt |0 be oue of those, statesmen Who" sion over."

Well,tba* have been makings good(leal ot mose ihe past few days, but they haven'tscared (in- Republicans any.

That was a seat IBVeogs Mr. Tildso t.eik wh'-n hes -ned up that collation tor tue obituary committee.He gave same oi the -Bomborafrom the rural (lis¬na isa t.miali/ na ia*t«s of what they lost whentiley Qafeatsd his iiomini'inii.

PBBSONALM. Victorien Bardon lt said to have already re¬

ceived 884,000 as the ci..cecils ot " Danial J.<>-chai."Triune Leopold will arrive ia Portland on Satur-

day BBsraMtgaad precast" directly to Bostao. InaCustom House offlciala bars base ordered to pusslu* laggags winnini examinattaa.Pmsidsnt Itaysadaeaaatstag, but Mrs. Hayes is

said to have a btreal, abt-fssbioaad voles, Avtnr.n sheuses iii chun h. Mic ai it av -. wa,ks ts ehiireh, believ¬ing, it is nooned, thai it is wrani IO rule there.General Hancock is reported to be a rich man.

H.-.siiles all his other property in Missouri, ho hasseana excellent seal iuiu.-s, winch ha refuse* to sell,ann do * imt at prost-ni car,* ;,. op n

Mr. Thiiina* BhatmaR, ie -on al tim ti-neral, andMr. I ln-uia-Keinan, the son of |hs tlnaslm. BIS, ilis reported, about to return from andenter tba tebolasticats ol the .society of Jesus atWoodstock College, Mary ia. il.

I'ap'am Kilda, Cal.form t's new Consulting En.i-naer, has gone to th it Sate, aad will begin hisweah hy makiag a moronga sEEsaieattoa of theBaeramsntoMirer. Babes deettaed tho proposi¬tion ot Dam Padra ta seeopt tbs oharas of Tie Bra*/ Eamaaaiiag Dapa tment, laaoatflBaadine;bawavar, an Assaris in aatiaaar, abo baa boaa ,i|>-pointod. Oaptata Bads espeets ta return from cJJ.Uornia iii Auuust, amt vvnl peattbty uo tu bis workin i'oi'iuixiii iii the Auiiiiuu.Victor Bega hus lost bmgreyboanda Mme. Bago

posssatsd tbaaabnelfarMTsatssa years; ie .asburn in Bslgtem, aad Vu tor Hage had nnuiesl inn!s.iiai. ile dud at Beetovitis Bmtm. wbich h.mid aatleftsiieetba death af kts mtatiaan Onbm nilla, was aaaxassd the rollowtng dwttab tJe voiii'.is . qii'tiu io.l* um- tin'mi ne r.,mei.flt,MoiiCnt Cutta, -luu uis.iii: I lltiiiti. Mon nnin t

seimt.His wa* buried in tbe narden of the poet's Summerivsitli iioe,

ll.ii n J, J. Van deu WyiiKaert, president of tbeliiTiiian Millers' Association, is visiting this conn.try ai tm rageeat oi tin- QsiBMR Qovsmmant to in¬spect tba var.ou* WBSSt-frowtag IBgRRN and thomaaaada m mtttieg. Ha pastern Hlnamala sunNi.itin ru Dakota a* tba beet BtOsat glQWlaa States.Bsi vtaUed several farmers la Minnesota lust weekwini Oeueral Rbartasu. ami la quoted as savina: .

'lue bills iindci.ijiiiil thu injury Haslem aratBmarehautaand slevator _soa sra d. lan you Tourwie.ii .niics ia ii* so uiixt-il wilta tutertar aradoathat lt in useless, and we uro forced to iuu a Kunianwheat nm iieailv to goad ta give tbs-hsiistrength loom tl .ur*.' '

lnucA, N. Y. July 15 .A dmpafeh received hereHuh luoiniiii. saneeoem the marriage at Btrtia pas*tenlay nf Miss Jennie MetIraw, daughter of the lateBea. John Mctiraw, of Ithaca, to _»rofassor WillardilasMvafCaseell LWorsiiy. Tbs sarsmom took

?!I iee at t'"- r s -lenee of A. D. White, (Tatted Statesburster to Jt -rliii.IiOvdiv, July I". A Norlin dispatch ta lag a

.lame* tlnzflr s iy<: "The EstpSrSfB of Au*r,»anil tierm inV will probably -BSOtBl flBBtlilB. at Mthe wav ilniher."

I'i, R. I. Julv IB. Btarttsry Johnni and party were entertained th a afternoon

bv Roaster B inside at hit settees Ri Bristol. Men.stor Anthony and two or three other gimtleine*from PraridSBSS wer- nn-aeiit.

','".' BAL BOTES.

Sallie Martha Brown Washington Kine Qviolet Ade Moule laaaspsse, tea seiydaaghMr (.f u,aged sviarsd niau iu theMstnralRrMgedistnst v.min i. la it." ta le In Itu sr . nt Oula IB Ress* ...,',The rate of teeMSSO in pogPlattoS ofsevsata.

two cubs in Ita I'mt-'i slates Sanaa taedesaeshai HI) per cent. DSBVOTSbOBSI.I Ul ix,iii nu/.per cent. The gain In San Fr*tic:»co ia nearly fi,if ^wwii ns tinit of Rrooklyn, ann" that of N.'w-YorkR(j ni-.i inuit' teas tin- winne pupuiuiinti sf San FraasfataI'tie following is a table shuwin* absolute gains lu pop* ,

Bsa Vi>rk . _S4._09 Baltimore. Cse?-'(ilils. liiT. '7S (.-m. eni»U. . Mal!

llriMi-iyn . l.W..v>t -eu .'rau.isc'i. 77J.7?IT,,"'.". I" tahune. ft.9 L

m. Iimli . B-1-_2Bsstsa. 101.4741 lot*; .bisiiSMLord Dunraven la the course of a long kiter

to nts Times (I. 'ii'l'.in annie* last t'i« p.op.e w-iU interSj lin pt ipusa GeamSBsaiwin for In-tu mun ce,*,

-if tn- laadtarda sat ao rants thej inntsaratarlabor; a.condiv, beaaasa it will eaahle mea t»_o_r,air. a Ii in "1 til uti.* la involve themselves Iii touipi^t,ruin; ami thirdly, lt will taevltebll , ,ic,ur.wHiern io ci|i. ci that the Atty ls not far (lntjiit wttsmlaurte r.asm anil rent will be aSobaScd altogetasr. Tbs|ienple, will not lie lliankful for tins imnsote, th-..- «n]merely taBR-l at tho weakueas o: lU.- (iov. Mm i.t, .miaio aee them doing th. work of the Land L< am.¦, **4loss thai Rifle respect fur law tiny at pretests*ler'.nn. If tbe 0,»vern tm-rtt *eeU to avert om urUstipor evil.nsmeiv, the partial Oepopalattaa af r.-r:»hi dis-tiicta, ts aasarad tbev are only postponing it. itaru ht IO ti--i-t tm ii to lui.' over IimI (uni* if (tn-re ls *n-poa-i nilli y ol their evciiliiallv *-n|< yon.' rea-.>nutile (,r^.petitv. Rat there are localitlei ia Ireland in anitaeuQ-irrstion is tbe ouly cure. «inl Hi.-G vt-n

encourage and ait-i*t miarattaa ie Britni eetaajes.The laws by which evictions for noe-pag*

un ut nf reut are amhurizs.-.l have been on thc st auls,liook* In lid.inti only Unity years, lt wi- not mugISQOthat't) i irter Session* were empowsred lo Saessi(.vu tl,nut foruoii-paymeiit sf Rat, aa Ht ¦» -t-* n

ISOOtbal tho same power wa* siv<-u to other courts.I'"I'- Al lol ucl OoBStal for Ireland ii a reeeal .lehatsI .ni itreaa sa t.- fact that by Ma I', sosa rll i.iw, amteven the law Sf Scotland, if, tlirou*ll som siiperve-iltif

a- sstrasaa RMtsaseacy ...¦ asattaer, 4 tea-ain't asap doe* a. it repat hi* ia.or and his * 11, be uBStRaata roi therein. Iiioueabasticrop li 11hf. i>-a tretu.-ii Inna (all nf bul,

tafe snarls BeM that hs halnot parlag bis rent. T/,e gtaeoooteods .. lbsSap

-ii.'.ct ,il Db ssa bi 'I ippitas ta ¦'>..: i c.I, is ai ua-

jflStlBW, It Kites tha landlord a ri to noother cn-.iitiir, (oe tt pansltt fetas, bj mesas of a shirt,BBS! un i iBBMDary pro. c.*-., to ont .in las r, ..t* 'virbnot

I- ii-i m :,y sf Legal pre atunga. Bat RRseneroeitylti i with nisii sadar tbslilsh nves. miii-u a linn* ii- ejv it nt loritanon cai ni-iii of rant is aakaawn to tl .asd,Rjr tue te ,n of the contract between lau

i ttipalataS to observe tbeearenani; nut. anBolhere l- a ivenaal t't.r )i sba tl tie >¦) -. t. aiiicni ni I. io, ba eaanot be lumea oat, rv, -nt nip i tmmtual uni .-. .sm ii as, lo lr,mut!, prov id >) Be :* ,

rm .i urie rs, or four (youth* heb nd tin-timhi ri ul (.ran a. i,\ pani, nc il

Thc report OD -pelling tcfonn read iIii- t't h. l.n.- ol in-- Ann rican P fhilt,tin..: ic-oluli- ii - n favor of a nt.- i-

pbl had ', p il bv ihe -til ri.i.i-'. iatlom>.f PeBBsylii: fork.New J rscy,Ohio, Iowa. Missouri anti VlrKima, ai sell as i-y itaAm il. un IsslRata af Inatrnetloi and otbei ....» st

eta. E' Okmtamm tribune bad adopted the r. forstlyatam. rho rotas preoertbed by r\eii.i.- i

bera fallowed by Th* Wt* BsraU.Tke Toieoo rinds.Ihe liurhnytiii tl'vl.tye. The ( lt c Um I Iea-ier n 1 in .njpaps a /'e. l.l'i'r.iyt r, Vhs Type. Pommitr ami itsEleetroi ,/>e Jammwt l) ft sorliei aseuded th r ways.

,.'«. / .'.''i,/ir T e >.tir EiyasiJournal of /.''.¦ ilism i ir |oaraala admitiiuiriid. il articles, oh r papers stteutly sfea-uri tba

n ur .1 v.,«r,l rr i .v... a.- ihe 9pr*ntfjti ll gian fiROBBprintsetlquetandprosrsas. ttl*statedlunmala aud perludlrals ta this cooa Iless Dumber of tfeese eorreel tl ip Hines. .' :

rolO*) il .,i- 1--: tl iii' 1S( .a favor ,.f a

iiricfei spollnurtroas loo rapcBaautative _MB.aathafeisra, ii. .u .lit-' tweatj rivi

mir i-titleg * a,.d reiMain "(' ron. THeChlj 11. i h al ',« bu ve pt bi iOt i.p..a .".-. I...- Ji ai--- tn,una.f i.Labu, a: Washington i empo .ita

ubi ac >aiuiu-ioii !¦> m. 1report upon th apelllu. ol !i i

view tu its ump.ifiuaiion. soda |oiiit eoimi-i-- QOVertlDI li: n: ii.'ll.l ll. lil -U)..., %lassa bas been prof a .-

PUBLIC UPIMON.The Democratic party of New-York (it/rs

too po w. i .i: ,.. [sin ela Iii li ini.ii on.mi',, is

mn ni ional dl*(Brboi.ce. li ..

or rib gs uuder the name ol hals. |R.cbesiLi ii.ra.t(ind.)Tue idea of speaking of Mr. Li :nl;'i

" lin kv i Xi e n-ine m nh ai- .,1 soveiiiiiii bi " niybi .ut-sui.-mn nfl rene- lo H.* '" stead'a de-

vut,on io L». iinnr.itic principles au I Un* mn -ii ->flils pl.V.l.r C ll 11., rt ..'- lIOdlailBpoliS J 'IllUilt (IPossibly Mr. buglish i^ nut upon the i rkri

tv i.., t. ral Hancock (o serv.- u- .i 1 .i ?... l .', otthc .on.oin. in wealth a tuan bsboi bjbloated bondi.older and owner ol Nuiioia»i :,. t... -:t>ilami a i'luci o; uioimy.-I'll \ -laud Harald (ttap.)

THE DEMO! RAI I' -tECORD DI--K III)AV.ns u /. tter in Ike DstraU Patt and Teihun* SSS >

It is amusing just now lo hear sonn gentle*men here noa-img ni tupir pniuapii , amii i-g *S!rn.i cise wltu a want of ii. iiu-y have nm tueme

pat lien.a; ui rte past.I I -Ul nu-} supported a p atfoiiii watch d eel a red H

linl.iw ii n nt ice a HtiJ .bcj lice, i: t-.i fr a, elves in lat or of a ViWW

otis io rt alii.n nf the wai.In bill lui 1 tuij.itttl unit tbs '.var waa a i --till tuey retained ia Ita niI 1 -ll- (.i.-.t opp. sod (bc coiisCumional iiinentUP* D'SIII l-7o, SJ .in rpied Ihelu a.- Lt-ti. s.i,i->, at..! .li WJ

Itt a pu % >i tiieau a* wl.-e.N.,r ,v tuey always (mhiu a.) tc.ii lu ly boticst ou _S

mom v nm s I *t,_ n. y deuouuet-d the I. k n-teinicr ac! ss un-

c<"n-i inm n.ii.I lsti- l.ei sliiiutesl tUel_l«ili-tis ll..arse, III favni nfS

Incl,,,. ... i ((I'l-cohacua lal inoio ri: rcme ii,an Br.rieluV.

iii i."*7_ they pledged Btaaatatvaa o le-iinpuou nf ass-StS p.t.v uSBISiIa 1870 I I ieiite.1 the reia-al i>f

n. I. -mil,', ai act.B ed sis ii' been the " tun "In noted I'liiirt-

p o« " s ii. . ftamaararw aartj. au ihiubs ut u.i ,n out om-, nat that an iiiiilyin^' iii t nt.ou ll"itaVory BBd Haired ol iibertr.

AX IRDEPRRUENT OTJTLOOg.From a OhshS-flM linter Ut TK* EmSSO llsrald /*S.ITlirle ale BOMie piopie in iVaah.ngtoii vviiO

think .11,1 (. Ill .li lilliiUUCs « I. Ol cn l ,' in .> VSSBBSfibut tueio is aa aaa who aaa anow p i, r bow li -.-.

in* io napp n. lum iain i. e i a n|,.uii tte h.ivesaBxteasin rn pafetieaa emiorji m 0 eauo und a diviaioain th.- li, m.i.antic linty lu Vr.niu, ouleb wss i. ri*sud mi,ons oeioca sad ts now mssi ,.111111, m. 1 m .sman h.iif in-nvc Ul il Indiana will KO Re bbiieau, S M" Di niot Tain I Ceri iii f no b iU< t *' nun'.1 Ri-tawBap beiWtieu ih" trleads in Mi'iisior Re-l'uiiultl mil Slr. Heiiancka. Mi. MiTloti .1.1 lia- beravery kii.ii O.i» tisauiU. If he were a fai'.ilian ?Ult**'maa he it.nil.1 prut,.,niy i.H'.c ii tl, I ¦' lh. sulSS M-'-Rng.isfe, in" laudidste lor Viv. PrasMaat, i- .. i-srd-Sstad neis,tu, wno uoiniiiu uou-wt.r.hy tu trti en rears,. ant lu salient bi* roam sun v e tar it**uoisilti t.e.ici. \t i,al l» lhere io take i.Lynne io ll il " I tl ul i alibi i» nm rat* Bars sra u**-iuk in, ii ii in a al snasesa laix*ay *.n toe tapp*mb -'

ii.** aaS m. ixipin nity sf tne 1; pu; lieu t-si.ill .» SSjahtah stawws a srwaasH, so ta *pi-.ii>. Rrw-ToiS atll i.h.nan r-iam, taila a K, .n Ma e *,.i- '

i,nu. Tao areas wraas of las cvua.rj.tae,n.siiiipiira.ini.*, tba Btaaasm sshmTsiasBtu .na tb., ns-aBStahopfS are stlb mi tue Rrpiibnc ni *i.a- TBS 1>*IU'nc, ...s i u na a sooil ssas toy Ptvsldesl, sad ptopsSiBOlBlBKBt-youd They probably nco lu Tola BSmtuey iipett io draw sirei.atb Ixl. ibo otb.-r ...-c. .

A LULU (ULL POI Jilli. K lil.M IC in Rt 'HISS-/lom Hit Albany Jua, nut ig.-j'.i

The lui,nu mg cable il s|.in, n explains iiaewIuovaeaoa'a isi.anii, j ... n, i">so.

Ukak JRRBT. luse ibe u. _ oi..uni, imui,, »i.n. *Ut cn i. u i,.tilly, rta liomin amii WO* turua.¦>' laaosSOBur )isicrdat, ui U 1--.ii ii is lo nay 11 ll uiu-1 * ».* *

.Silvio iii'tsunlauee p.sill BOOB. I hsTi im i.tu-i .-**io saj , ti buw to »ay u ; bm, or cilia ¦, tost ui -*M "*dlitei'i-iii-u. I'R siga ahaisvar you, aud mo S_JJlions usse-l. Tbe biter lu sOSch i s ii wsSlindi nd uie, cunlaiiia, ll I'm ant' pint;, sa "':,l\J_7an.uuin ol Wual you would si) ie lUu uuai).o.< ra:*<fl ndn, tile, buall we rip;> l>, fla,ul .sin- a il il ii"l ">l' ¦

si.i*., wt- uei ( h.isii wi,b bosu t 1 ,.tte ii si n V S '.

.say, un 1 sta lbs elsy and you are thc patter, am 1U*unisi luaicii b us lu.u yuu may aeneid inc ' ''¦"* *

m.i ttini iiiiien lae ethel da>. ii.- \> m-i .-i - -. ,u .'

car nu lesvlas. " I'oinmanoa sverj bbiiIbboo ul J sstliar with *..m.-innis aboai t-"r.tii.., vi ..>in isaBoai

i eiii.tliiaimu " 1* thu SdViSS nomi I 1 SoB'l Sa**llUl, ut linn se. Ve,. Will kl.,,*

Jerry, <l- ar I. it. SBSM bOBM Rt m* now,Ami lh« Mumer rea I sase -il ih* beiwr.

Fur. uh 1 ala vainly a ainiii.i. nit hrtiw,'io Un uk tt ual lo *_j lu

Vt'tira, WiBBtete e. it-*./<) Juan lu ii a. Jfajor Oewrrui iomum ndnm

WHY HAM Ol E. -SHOULD UK ELRiTKR.Inn us /> in The st /.K..i« Wists Plot -'")'

A visit WM matin to Mr. 8. il. i.atbti, of tje1. .ft 11 4 Rand IV.wu..i UMSBBBB- ** RSSsBSaSt -«
