Transcript of NEW MOON IN LEO - · NEW MOON IN...

Page 1: NEW MOON IN LEO - · NEW MOON IN LEO—CYCLE OF CREATIVITY. Astrology By Beverlee ... Now you are going to align yourself

Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 1


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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


In this Meditation, Leo, the Cycle of Creativity, you will learn to

tap in to your unique gifts and talents. You may use this

Meditation at any time, but for the best results, I suggest using it

while the Sun is in the sign of Leo. The most powerful benefits

will come from using it as a ritual during the New Moon Phase –

when both the Moon and Sun are in the sign of Leo.

"Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate"Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate"Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate"Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate

through you and out into the world." ~ through you and out into the world." ~ through you and out into the world." ~ through you and out into the world." ~ A Course in MiraclesA Course in MiraclesA Course in MiraclesA Course in Miracles

"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between

his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and hishis work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and hishis work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and hishis work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his

body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion.body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion.body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion.body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion.

He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision ofHe hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision ofHe hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision ofHe hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of

excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decideexcellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decideexcellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decideexcellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide

whether he is working or playing. To him he's always doing both."whether he is working or playing. To him he's always doing both."whether he is working or playing. To him he's always doing both."whether he is working or playing. To him he's always doing both."

~ James A. Michener~ James A. Michener~ James A. Michener~ James A. Michener

Now you are going to align yourself with your unique gifts and

talents as you prepare to connect to your creativity which comes

from your Higher Self or Divine Self.

Your Higher Self is the part of you that interacts with Universal

Consciousness. Because so much of our mental energy is

focused in physical reality, we've conditioned ourselves to

screen out the messages our Higher Self offers us. But the

channels to receive those messages are open to us whenever we

choose to tune into them.

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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


"What we are today comes from thoughts of yesterday, and our"What we are today comes from thoughts of yesterday, and our"What we are today comes from thoughts of yesterday, and our"What we are today comes from thoughts of yesterday, and our

present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is thepresent thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is thepresent thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is thepresent thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the

creation of our own mind."creation of our own mind."creation of our own mind."creation of our own mind."

~ The Buddha~ The Buddha~ The Buddha~ The Buddha

Affirmations are an effective technique for connecting to your

Higher Self. They can help quiet those "chattering voices" within

you so that you are able to articulate and concentrate on your

vision—that which you most want to create during this cycle.

You can actually program your mind to act in a particular way by

using affirmations.

An affirmation is a statement of your belief which, through the

act of repetition, becomes implanted in your subconscious mind

and influences external forces to manifest a change in your life.

By working with affirmations, you begin the process of changing

negative and unproductive beliefs into positive life-supporting

beliefs that remove the barriers to creating your world just the

way you want it. Here are a few affirmations to help you get


� I am willing to experience my creative energy.

� I am willing to use my creative talents.

� I am confident and competent in my creative work.

� I deserve a rewarding creative life.

� I have a constant flow of new and interesting ideas.

� I trust my feelings and unconscious thoughts.

� My creativity always leads me to truth and love.

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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


Affirmations Help You Create Your Dreams

Many top athletes, entrepreneurs and other successful people

use affirmations and visualization to help achieve their dreams

and goals.

Affirmations are statements of your belief that you can have, do,

or be whatever you are willing to take responsibility for creating

in your life.

You "affirm" every day, but like many people, perhaps you affirm

in the negative. For example, "I don't have enough time," or "I'm

not good enough," are two phrases many people tell themselves

or "affirm" every day. Nevertheless you can displace these

negative thoughts and beliefs with positive thoughts and beliefs.

You can also take affirmations a step further to help imprint

them in your unconsciousness by:

Writing down your goals and dreams.

Always stating or writing your affirmations in the present tense

and making sure they are positive. "I will not eat fattening

foods." anymore," is a negative affirmation and will not work. "I

am slim, fit and healthy," is a positive affirmation and is much

more effective.

Affirming your beliefs every day, using the words "I am."

Visualizing your success. See yourself living your dreams and

achieving your goals.

"By words the mind is winged.""By words the mind is winged.""By words the mind is winged.""By words the mind is winged."

~ Aristophanes~ Aristophanes~ Aristophanes~ Aristophanes

The Astrological ruler of the sign of Leo is the Sun. In your

birthchart the Sun symbolizes your process of becoming. During

the Leo Cycle of Creativity it's quite natural for you to become

more aware of your creative potential.

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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


Leo is a fire sign, so it brings with it a lot of spontaneity,

enthusiasm, and originality. This is the time to take a cup of each

of those ingredients and whip up a whole new recipe for making

your life deliciously fulfilling.

Leo rules love affairs, children, and having fun –including

gambling. It’s time to step out and take a risk. Think about it:

don’t you do that when you fall in love, have children, or gamble?

It’s time to take responsibility for re-creating your life the way

you want it to be. If you don’t complete the job during this Leo

cycle there’ll be another one coming around in a year.

Just as beginning a new love affair, having a new baby or

gambling on the stock market add an element of excitement to

our lives, the same is true of our other creative outlets such as

painting a picture, playing music or writing a story.

Common to each of these activities is our need to trust in our

ability to succeed at what we are undertaking. We begin each

new venture trusting that it will turn out well, and based on that

trust, we see it through to the end.

Every year we have the opportunity during the Leo Cycle of

Creativity to experience a wonderful re-awakening to our own

magnificence. As we repeat the process of learning to trust our

individuality, we naturally spiral upward in our journey toward

evolution, and we do it on a higher level each year.

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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


Invocation to Creativity

I bubble with Divine Expression.

The spark of creativity

Is the spark of Life.

I sculpt realities like fine clay.

I AM the Master artisan of my life,

I create Visions of the planet in light

And, behold, the Light is there.

I paint portraits of kind persons

And, behold, more Love is in the world.

I sing of the movement of Spirit

And, behold, I AM soaring.

We often speak of the "Higher Self". But what is it? Your Higher

Self is the guide within, your intuitive mentor, your spark of


By beginning to focus your awareness on your Higher Self, you

will gain admittance to its treasure trove of wisdom about your

inner truth. You will discover why you've created your life the

way you have, where you're headed if you stay on your present

path, but most important, you'll learn about the alternative

possibilities available to you. The following visualization process

is designed to help you tune into the wisdom of your Higher Self.

� Arrive at a deeply relaxed, meditative state by whatever

means are most comfortable to you.

� Visualize a brilliant white light enveloping you, washing

through you, feel your inner light expanding, nourished by the

outer light, glowing more brightly, merging with the outer light

until they are one. This light will stay with you throughout the

process, guiding and soothing you, opening your awareness,

and protecting you.

� Focus your attention on the brilliant white light emanating

from within and without. Expand it to include your entire

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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


setting within its protective field. Then focus on an area of the

white light that most draws your attention and ask your Higher

self to come to you through the area of light that holds your

attention and make its presence felt.

� Ask your Higher Self to become visible. The form it chooses to

take may be human, animal or plant, ethereal (such as cloud-

like or a field of bright colors). It could even appear in the form

of a trusted advisor, fictional or historic figure.

� Once your Higher Self's form is apparent within the white light,

ask it to come closer. Ask your Higher Self to assist you in

making your connection to it stronger.

� Feel the radiance of its love surrounding you and embracing

you. Feel lines of light coming to you from your Higher Self,

and from you to your Higher Self.

� Visualize yourself merging with your Higher Self's energy

pattern. Remind yourself that your Higher Self is part of you,

and you are part of it.

� As the sense of oneness grows stronger, begin exploring the

expanded realms open to you. You now have access to all that

your Higher Self has access to.

� Imagine the realms of knowledge you have access to as fields

of different colored light.

1. Golden light for knowledge of your future.

2. Pale green light for knowledge of your past.

3. Bright green light for knowledge of abundance.

4. Bright blue light for knowledge of your gifts.

5. Pale blue light for knowledge of your potential.

� Choose one area to enter first. See that field brighten and

expand. Feel your entire awareness enter the field and

become one with it.

� From within the field, begin a dialogue with the essence of the

field. Think of a situation within that field you want guidance

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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


about. The essence of the field (which is part of your higher

self, which is part of you) can advise and guide you.

� When the dialogue is complete, move onto the next field you

want to access and repeat the process of total immersion and

dialoguing with the field's essence.

� Before you leave your visualization, ask your Higher Self to

help you become more receptive to its messages in the course

of everyday life.

� When you are ready to emerge from your visualization,

let your higher self know you are returning your focus to

physical reality. Thank it for its generosity, for being part

of you. Ask it to continue to be with you, to help you

keep the connection open and clear.

� As you emerge, ask the brilliant white light to stay with

you, to protect and heal you as you go about your day-to-

day living.

� And finally, tell yourself that you will remember the

dialogues you had within the colored fields. After you

emerge, write them down, it'll be helpful later to be able

to refer to the insights and advice you received.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has

genius, power and magic in it." ~ Goethegenius, power and magic in it." ~ Goethegenius, power and magic in it." ~ Goethegenius, power and magic in it." ~ Goethe

I tend to think of the Leo Cycle of Creation as Play Time…or

recreation time, first of all because creating is my favorite thing

to do, and secondly, because play is re-creation, right? You can

imagine my delight when I came across an interesting process

offered by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who channel the wisdom of

Abraham. It seems to reflect perfectly what we're exploring

during the Leo Cycle. I want to share the process with you,

channeled by Esther Hicks from Abraham:

AbrahamAbrahamAbrahamAbraham: "We want to give you a new game—we call it the

Creation Box Process—it will serve you in two very powerful

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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


ways. One, It causes you to use your power of observation more

constructively and be a better visualizer.

The other thing it does is help you to be aware of how many

things you're bringing to your Creation Box that you really don't

mean to bring there.

"Imagine that you are sitting in a chair, and next to your chair is

a fairly good sized box and you accept that this box is your

creative arena. You are like a giant and you have the ability to

reach out anywhere in the Universe and anything you see that

you like, you can just pluck it and bring it back to your box -- and

as you do so, it will vibrate there, and then the Universe will

match it with a physical vibrational equivalent.

"What this Creation Box Process will do for you is cause you to

purify your vibration. Now, what do we mean by "purify your

vibration?" Well think about it. The Law of Attraction is

responding to your vibration. So if you're thinking, "I would like to

have lots of dollars," you are vibrating in that desire, and the

Universe is responding to that desire. But when you say, "I don't

have any dollars," that's in the Box, too. So your vibration in the

Box is not pure. You're offering a contradictory vibration, and the

Law of Attraction, which always responds to everything, is

responding to both of those vibrations. It is responding to more

money and to no money, and that leaves you standing pretty

much where you were.

"Start purifying your vibration so that you are consistently

visualizing... Now, friends, the thing that you've got to do even

though it's very hard and you don't want to, you've got to stop

facing reality. In other words, you have to begin to say, "It

doesn't matter what-is, I'm working in my Box."

Have you ever awakened from a dream that was so magnificent

that when you woke up you were disappointed to be awake and

you wanted to go back to sleep and dream that dream some

more? That's the way we want you to feel about this Creation


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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


It's a place you go for fun, a place that soothes you, a place that

you go to often, a place that you go to with the singular intent of

purifying your vibration. As you begin to play in your Box, you will

be knocked over by the speed and efficiency with which the

Universe responds to your purer vibration in the Box. These are

the rules:

� Your vibration does not have to be strong. It just has to be


� You just have to think about it purely.

� You just have to not contradict it with your own vibration."

That's the process. Esther and Jerry say you can speed up the

process by actually finding pictures of what you want to create

in your life and tossing them into your Creation Box. Don't you

love it? Try it!

In the Cancer Cycle preceding this one, you returned to home

and family, seeking security. Having assured yourself that you

are safe in the world based on a strong foundation, you are now

ready in the Leo Cycle to send forth your creative gifts and make

your presence felt in the world. It just feels good, for one thing,

and for another, as Pablo Picasso has pointed out:

"The important thing is to create. Nothing else matters; creation"The important thing is to create. Nothing else matters; creation"The important thing is to create. Nothing else matters; creation"The important thing is to create. Nothing else matters; creation

is all." ~ Pablo Picassois all." ~ Pablo Picassois all." ~ Pablo Picassois all." ~ Pablo Picasso

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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


I cannot urge you strongly enough to discover what it is that you

most love to do, and to do it to the best of your ability, finding the

reward in the process of simply doing it. Eastern philosophies

teach us this, and I think we must trust in their ancient wisdom.

Before God manifested Himself,Before God manifested Himself,Before God manifested Himself,Before God manifested Himself,

When all things were still hidden in Him...When all things were still hidden in Him...When all things were still hidden in Him...When all things were still hidden in Him...

He began by forming an imperceptible pointHe began by forming an imperceptible pointHe began by forming an imperceptible pointHe began by forming an imperceptible point;;;;

That was That was That was That was His own thought.His own thought.His own thought.His own thought.

With this thoughtWith this thoughtWith this thoughtWith this thought

He then began to constructHe then began to constructHe then began to constructHe then began to construct

a mysterious and holy forma mysterious and holy forma mysterious and holy forma mysterious and holy form

...the Universe. ~ Zohar...the Universe. ~ Zohar...the Universe. ~ Zohar...the Universe. ~ Zohar

Let’s consider the Tarot Card that corresponds with the Sign of


Affirmation to the Tarot Card Strength

My natural energies are gently held, clearly focused, and wisely

applied. Therefore, my actions bring no harm to me or to others.

My effectiveness is assured. I am accurate and reliable. Although

I channel strong energies (physical, emotional, mental, and

spiritual), I do not need to fear that they will overpower me or

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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


burn me out. I know how to measure out what is needed for any

given purpose. All my energies come into alignment, directed by


To familiarize yourself with the Tarot archetype of Strength, and

how its essence resonates within you at every step of your

journey through the Leo Cycle, why not take a few moments to

explore these questions and write down any feelings or thoughts

they may provoke:

� Do you recall a time when you made the effort to reign in a

beast within your own nature?

� How did that make you feel?

� Could you profit from exercising such discipline in a similar

way again?

In her book, "The Complete Book of Tarot", Juliet Sharman-Burke

has this to say about the Tarot card Strength:

"The lion stands for instinctive desires and wishes, which,

although they should not be denied or repressed, sometimes

need to be controlled."

The Leo Cycle of Creativity reminds me of the wonderfully

exuberant and undisciplined energy of a young child. A child, as

Ms. Sharman-Burke points out, "does not have this sense of self

control from birth; it is something which is acquired during the

development of personality."

We, childlike and ebullient in our creative enthusiasms, must

learn to control these energies and channel them into productive,

harmonious outlets. Discipline constitutes our strength,


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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


Invocation to Awakening

I call the child that I AM

To take my hand and teach me Joy.

I call the child that I AM

To show me the delight of discovery

In all the worlds that I AM

I take my hand and dance

With the patterns of the Galaxies.

I open my heart and sing

With the patterns of Mastery.

I AM the child that I AM

And I awaken all that I can be.

I awaken I AM.

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Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life


"The source of all creation is pure consciousness...

pure potentiality seeking expression from the unmanifest

to the manifest. And when we realize that our true Self is

one of pure potentiality, we align with the power that

manifests everything in the universe."

~ Deepak Chopra

Now it is my prayer that Creativity–-as you envision it, as you

direct it, and as you manifest it—will continue to enrich your life

from this day forward.

