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Meaning and Definitions of Teaching


Meaning,Principles and Maxims of Teaching


Teaching in its simple meaning is refered to either as occupation or profession of a community known as teacherIt is an activity or activities of a group undertaken to help an individual to learn or acquire some knowledge ,skill,attitude or interest

DEFINITIONS OF TEACHINGTeaching is an intimate contact between a more mature personality and a less mature one which is designed to further the education of the latter:-H.C Morrison(1934)Teaching is a system of actions intended to produce learning:-B.O SmithTeaching is a task of teacher which is performed for the development of a child:-Thomas .F. GreenPRINCIPLES OF TEACHING Principle of Definiteness of goals or Objectives Principle of planning Principle of flexbility and elasticity Principle of utilizing past experiences Principle of child centredness Principle of linking with actual lifePrinciple of correlating with other subjects

Principle of effective strategies and Instructional Material

Principle of active participation and Involvement

Principle of Conducive environment and proper controlPSYCHOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF TEACHINGPrinciple of motivation and Interest

Principle of Repetition and exercise

Principle of Change,Rest,Recreation

Principle of Feedback and Reinforcement

Principle of Sympathy and Co-operation

Principle of providing Training to SensesPrinciple of Utilizing Group DynamicsPrinciple of Encouraging Self-LearningPrinciple of Fostering Creativity and Self ExpressionPrinciple of Remedial Teaching

MAXIMS OF TEACHINGProceed from the Known to the Unknown

Proceed from Easy to Difficult

Proceed from Simple to Complex

Proceed from Concrete to Abstract Proceed from Particular to the General

Proceed from Analysis to Synthesis

Proceed from Whole to Parts

Proceed from Empirical to Rational

Proceed from Psychological to Logical

Proceed from Actual to the RepresentativeREFERENCES Essentials of Educational Technology and school management by K.K Bhatia and Jaswant SinghTHANK YOU CINCY JOHNPHYSICAL SCIENCE