Page 1 of 19 NEPHILIM ARE HERE Part Seven: ALIENS, WHISTLEBLOWERS, DUMBS, LOOSH FOOD FOR ALIENS/DEMONS “The Invaders – TV Series ran from 1967 to 1968” The Invaders, alien beings from a dying planet. Their destination: the Earth. Their purpose: to make it "their" world. David Vincent has seen them, for him it began one lost night on a lonely country road, looking for a short cut that he never found. It began with a closed deserted diner, and a man too long without sleep to continue his journey. It


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“The Invaders – TV Series ran from 1967 to 1968” The Invaders, alien beings from

a dying planet. Their destination: the Earth. Their purpose: to make it "their"

world. David Vincent has seen them, for him it began one lost night on a lonely

country road, looking for a short cut that he never found. It began with a closed

deserted diner, and a man too long without sleep to continue his journey. It

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began with the landing of a craft from another galaxy. Now, David Vincent knows

that the Invaders are here, that they have taken human form. Somehow he

must convince a disbelieving world that the nightmare has "already" begun."

Back to Phil Schneider and William Cooper:

Phil worked on 13 different bases. He spoke about the government phasing into

the UN and that (the UN) phasing into the NWO (new world order) and that all of

this was being driven by entities (aliens/demons).

E.T. – 1982 William Cooper stated that this movie was based on the only live alien

that the government discovered in 1949 after two discs crashed near Roswell,

New Mexico. They were combing the crash site when they found him. They

called him EB – extraterrestrial biological entity. He got ill and they wanted to

save him and began broadcasting out into space hoping to contact other aliens of

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his same species and hoping they would consider us friendly. EB died in June of

1952, there was no answer from space. Project Sigma was “ET call home.” Didn’t

they portray ET to us as such a lovable alien??

William stated that the government has been putting info. in movies and books

right in front of our faces.

**Karen Hudes, the World Bank Whistle Blower said that the “coneheads” who

are aliens/demons sit in the meetings and make all the decisions and give the

orders. **

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**Edward Snowden said we are being run by a shadow government of

aliens/demons. The United States government has been secretly run by a

“shadow government” of space aliens since 1945. Yes, space aliens. The alien

government is based out of Nevada and had previously run Nazi Germany. It adds,

for timeliness, that the controversial NSA programs are actually a tool for the

aliens to hide their presence on Earth and their secret agenda for global

domination. This is reported by Iran’s “Fars News Agency.”**


Phil worked in over 70 countries and had a level 3 clearance for NATO. He said

the DUMBS are there in case of martial law. When he gave this speech there

were 131 DUMBS at that time. The DUMBS are being used against us. He talked

about how our military was training foreign troops on American soil. Phil stated

that there were 39 prison camps – they are being called “boot camps.” We know

them now as FEMA camps.

**Play this clip please**

Prov.26:18-19 – As a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death, so is

the man that deceives his neighbor, and says, Am not I in sport?

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At one time they were building 2 DUMBS a year and they cost anywhere from $17

– 26 billion dollars. If we are wondering where this trillions of dollars of debt

came from – it is from our “Black Projects.” Each DUMB employs 1800 – 10,000

workers. Black Projects or Black Ops means “secret” or “hidden.” He stated that

the DUMBS are underground prison camps and slave labor.

He said the UN takes orders from the grays/demons.

Why did our Presidents make deals with aliens? How are they seated in power?

2 Cor. 4:3-4 – But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. In whom the

god of this world (satan) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest

the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine

unto them.

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When the world fell into sin because of Adam and Eve, we lost our dominion over

the earth. satan is openly setting up his authority out in the open now and when

our leaders and others made and make treaties and sign their names and shake

hands and have an agreement, at that moment they have come into covenant

with satan. Remember those that serve him believe he created this world. They

believe that they will win and have victory and kill God and Holy Spirit during the

tribulation. They say Jesus is chained up in hell. However, those are nothing but

lies. We have the victory over satan and all of his kingdom in Jesus’ name.

If our leaders and those in power were Godly men and women, then they would

have prayed before making any treaties with demons.

Matt.6:33 – But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all

these things shall be added unto you. **Especially those in leadership positions

should be doing this.**

He had 13 attempts on his life in one year. In the Denver Airport, the DUMB is 8

levels deep under the tarmac. Asked about hollow earth and he said he’s never

run into that.

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All DUMBS are connected by road and by magneto trains. Al Bielek had traveled

on the train from coast to coast in an hour and a half. He said the regular enlisted

military guy doesn’t know all this stuff, but the higher levels do. He stated that

Sweden was building a DUMB for 2 trillion dollars and the money was all being

funded by the UN. When asked where the DUMBS are he said wherever army,

marine and air force bases are located there are DUMBS. Even at that time (1996)

the police were being trained by the military.

There are cities underground in these bases. He said these cities have all the

accoutrements of life. They asked about seeing these aliens/demons and he said

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Val Thor who worked directly with the government had 2 hearts, 6 fingers on

each hand and 6 toes on each foot and his bones are bigger than ours.

2 Samuel 21:20 - And there was yet again a battle in Gath, where there was a man

of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes,

four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant.

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Newspaper Rock, UT

Someone asked him if he thought the alien agenda and the NWO agenda go

together and he said, you better believe they sure do. He said they were going to

do an ethnic cleanse of the planet by using

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biological weapons and then they would enslave the rest.

In regards to the aliens, he said we are considered bags of food to them. They use

our glandular secretions, our blood and stuff like adrenochrome to feed off of.

They don’t eat us like cannibals eating a hunk of meat.

**Alfred Webre had several guests on an interview show recently and the title is “Panel: Pedophile network includes 2016 Trump, Clintons, CIA, Popes, Monarchs – Cannabinoids solution”

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In this interview Peter Kling mentioned something called loosh. Peter is an author, a scientist and has studied the Bible most of his life and has found so many answers to his Biblical questions in science. He explained that loosh is the actual “capturing of the soul” as the infant child is being bled to death by cutting genitals and hanging them on an upside down cross and letting the blood run down the body and collecting it. They prefer children for this process. Loosh is sold on the intergalactic market as the most powerful drug in existence. He stated that loosh contains adrenochrome. He explained how the “elite” and the Zionist call us goyim which means human cattle. The Catholic church full of Jesuits and masons are using their 8,000+

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orphanages and 11,000+ children’s homes which they have total access to, for sacrifices. These “elite” are all wealthy because they sell loosh, they are all connected to interdimensionals/alien beings which are demons/high priest and priestesses.** **A third source saying the same thing about adrenochrome is

Ted Broer. This is Ted and his wife Sharon. He is a university-trained biochemist, exercise physiologist and licensed nutritionist. In a radio interview on “The Common Sense Show” with Dave

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Hodges he shared the same information that Phil Schneider stated as well as Peter Kling.**

Let’s not forget Donald’s testimony about Queen Elizabeth eating roasted babies. Nor should we forget that she and the pope and several others were wanted for rape, murder, molestation, sacrifice of children. SRA survivors have been speaking out about the horrors they are made to participate in. Someone I am currently speaking with shared that at a young age they were doing MK Ultra and SRA on her. She was made to watch the satanic ritual of the two goats (one sacrificed and one goes free) this was done by two women giving birth on alters at the same time. One baby was spared and one was sacrificed. She was made to drink the babies blood and eat some of the baby and the satanic priest raped her by the alter as a form of worship to their god – lucifer. Enoch 7:3-6 - These giants consumed the produce of all the people until the

people detested feeding them. 7:4 So the giants turned against the people in

order to eat them. 7:5 And they began to sin against birds, wild beasts, reptiles,

and fish. And their flesh was devoured the one by the other, and they drank

blood. 7:6 And then the earth brought an accusation against the oppressors.

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Lev.26:27-29 – And if ye will not for all this hearken unto Me, but walk contrary

unto Me; Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even Il, will

chastise you seven times for your sins. And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and

the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat. THIS WAS A CURSE FOR NOT OBEYING


Ezekiel 5:10 – Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of thee, and

the sons shall eat their fathers; and I will execute judgments in thee, and the

whole remnant of thee will I scatter into all the winds. THIS WAS A JUDGMENT


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The child eater of Bern, Switzerland Remember Donald Marshall talking about little children being scared by the vrill first and then sacrificed to them. That was so that their adrenaline would be raised before they were eaten. This all ties in to what Phil, Peter, and Ted are saying.

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Statue of cronus who was a Titan (nephilim) eating his children as they were born because he feared they would overthrow him.

This is real and is happening all over the world. The top leaders all over the world are participating in these type of rituals. They are masons and have pledged an allegiance to satan. I am including a link about the case with the pope and the queen and on this site there is a very telling video of a woman who has survived. The 9th Circle is something they participate in which means they sacrifice babies and drink their blood and do all of these satanic acts. They get away with it because the police and courts etc. are part of this. Otherwise, they just kill the witnesses. ***PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE THESE THINGS AND LET THIS WOMAN’S PERSONAL TESTIMONY SPEAK FOR ITSELF**** Pastor Philip in Liberia had a man in his church tell him that the catholics were eating babies and also a lady at the nursing home said she saw them cut the genitals off of a baby boy and eat them.

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Luke 18:15-17 – And they brought unto Him also infants, that He would touch

them: but when His disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them

unto Him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not:

for of such is the Kingdom of God. Verily, I say unto you, Whosoever shall not

receive the Kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.

CLOSING According to Carolyn Hamlett, who was raised in the Illuminati, they are told that they are not of this world. That they are of the nephilim bloodline. The elite have worked to keep this satanic bloodline pure by inbreeding. She was working with “ascended masters” – which are aliens/demons. The elite are many times possessed, or cloned and housing these demons which feed off of human blood for more satanic power. satan always copies God

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In the beginning when there was only Adam and Eve and God told them to be fruitful and fill the earth, then we can assume their offspring would have had to sleep together to have children. Same thing with Noah after the ark came to rest and they left the ark. His sons children would have had to sleep together to begin filling the earth again with their offspring. However, Lev.18:6 – None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD. **God made an ordinance against incest. The reason incest is so strongly discouraged in the world today is the understanding that reproduction between closely related individuals has a much higher risk of causing genetic abnormalities. In the early days of humanity, though, this was not a risk due to the fact that the human genetic code was relatively free of defects.** satan is encouraging incest to keep a purer presence of evil alive. Heb.11:13 – These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

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PRAYER Pedophile network: 5 people – “loosh” and adrenochrome RADIO INTERVIEW WITH TED BROER – ADRENOCHROME



powerful-hour-of-radio-in-2015-overcoming-evil-with-dr-ted-broer Carolyn Hamlett a former illuminati

Pope and queen and many others – raping/molesting/sacrificing/eating babies

Donald Marshall’s website