NEPHILIM ARE HERE Part Nine: OBAMA - Three Hearts...

Page 1 of 25 NEPHILIM ARE HERE Part Nine: OBAMA You may be wondering why Obama is in a series on the nephilim. The next two messages will tie in with this weeks message and show us better why I am speaking on him, just bear with me. Tehran | The Minister of Defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran has revealed yesterday that he was in possession of documents containing undeniable proof that United States President Barrack Hussein Obama had taken part in a top secret military cloning facility program. 2015 The Iranian government has long proclaimed that the American president was of non-human origin, but it is the first time it alleges having proof to back up their claims. “Our secret services have fallen upon critical information about the cloning of American presidents going back 20 years. He is not the first nor is he the last” he told Iranian journalists. “Obama is not of human origin, he was created by scientists” explained Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan on national television, yesterday. Although the claim sounds outlandish, it is not the first time Obama has been accused of being of ‘non-human origin’ by top international officials, claims Larry Silver, a political analyst based in New York city.

Transcript of NEPHILIM ARE HERE Part Nine: OBAMA - Three Hearts...

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You may be wondering why Obama is in a series on the nephilim. The next two

messages will tie in with this weeks message and show us better why I am

speaking on him, just bear with me.

Tehran | The Minister of Defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran has revealed

yesterday that he was in possession of documents containing undeniable proof

that United States President Barrack Hussein Obama had taken part in a top

secret military cloning facility program. 2015

The Iranian government has long proclaimed that the American president was of

non-human origin, but it is the first time it alleges having proof to back up their


“Our secret services have fallen upon critical information about the cloning of

American presidents going back 20 years. He is not the first nor is he the last” he

told Iranian journalists.

“Obama is not of human origin, he was created by scientists” explained

Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan on national television, yesterday.

Although the claim sounds outlandish, it is not the first time Obama has been

accused of being of ‘non-human origin’ by top international officials, claims Larry

Silver, a political analyst based in New York city.

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“North Korea has been saying this for years. More recently, a NASA astronaut has

claimed on his deathbed that Obama was the “produce of human and extra-

terrestrial gene splicing” he explains. “Theories abound about this kind of subject”

he adds.

Although the story went practically unnoticed in major western media outlets, the

press release created a shockwave in countries of the Arab world. Photos leaked

to the Iranian press allegedly show a secret laboratory where the clones are

supposedly mass produced.


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In their video “Technology and Great Deception in the Biblical End Times,” they

were shown a pharaoh in Samaria and Egypt. They could see that he was a

pharaoh and they killed him and there was a woman who ran away. In Egyptian

tradition, they would bury the servants with the pharaohs. The DNA from that

pharaoh is what they used to make Barack Obama.

Anthony Thompson, former NASA Astronaut died at the age of 98 had this to say

on his deathbed.

“He was being operated for a tumor in his lung, but the operation was too much

for the old man” explains his only son. “He wouldn’t take any painkillers, he

wanted to stay awake during the whole operation” he recalls.

During the 4-hour long operation, a lung was punctured and complications led

the famous astronaut to his untimely death.

“He grabbed me by the hand and held my ear next to his mouth. He then told me

all about how Obama was not human, but a hybrid being: half-human, half-alien”

he explains, still visibly under the shock of such a revelation. “I never believed in

aliens, but my dad went to the moon and worked for NASA all his life. He worked

in Area 51 for more than 20 years. I don’t know what to think, but I had to tell the

World, just in case it’s true”.

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This picture was tweeted in 2014 “As a joke”

Obama is sitting on a throne (this is from Game of Thrones) holding a crown and

there is a bow without any arrows. Looks like the pinecones were painted to

represent the 4 horses in Chapter 6 of Revelation – but I can’t see the black pine


Rev.6:2 – And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow;

and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

There was a revelation given to Mr. James that the “White House” is symbolic of

the white horse that the antichrist rides in on.

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2008 – Denver Stadium – Election Speech – White Horse Symbolism

This points to Rev.6:2 – symbolically showing the white horse above the platform

where they would be standing.

The presence of evil on this earth has been stepped up for the last phase of "The

Plan". This presence is greater than a supernatural evil presence one may sense,

but not see. We now have among us evil representatives in physical forms that do

indeed look human, but are not. They are a combination of the human and

"supernatural" that are able to operate in both realms. I know that at face value it

sounds like fantasy, but in time you will be shown that it is not fantasy at all.

These evil forms are all in preparation for this last phase of "The Plan", which is

much more than a physical plan for global dominance over humanity. - Carolyn

Hamlett – former illuminati – raised in the illuminati.

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The Pergamom Altar, the seat of satan

This seat of satan was shipped to Berlin from Turkey in the late 1800’s and was

rebuilt bigger in the 1930’s.

Rev. 2:13 – I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where satan’s seat

is: and thou holdest fast My name, and hast not denied My faith, even in those

days wherein Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where

satan dwelleth. *This was spoken to the church of Pergamos which was in


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Replica of the zeus altar(Pergamom altar) in Berlin. This was built per Obama’s

request after he visited the altar in Berlin. He made his Presidential acceptance

speech at “Mile High Stadium in Denver, Colorado on this altar in 2008. ON


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Obama spoke in front of the Brandenburg Gate in 2013. Alongside is Angela

Murkel the chancellor of Germany. The nazi’s used this gate as a symbol of their

party. Notice the 4 horses on top of the gate too – like the 4 horses of the

apocalypse which is chapter 6 of Revelation. There is significance to the locations,

colors, symbols and people present that are chosen by the elite when they carry

out things like speeches. This is all satanic and done to serve their god – satan

and gain more power from him and to continue to fool the public and draw us

more and more under their control.

I want to thank Lynne C. who shared an article with me that was packed with

information that needs to come out. I will be speaking from this article in the

upcoming messages as well.

People not familiar with biblical eschatology may find this idea fantastic, that the

being who becomes the Antichrist was once alive, then was dead, and returns

from the grave to rule the Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Order of the Ages). But this

is exactly what Revelation 17:8 - seems to be saying: The beast that thou sawest

was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:

and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in

the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast

that was, and is not, and yet is. Further, the mythos of the Eye of Horus on the

Great Seal, represents this very concept of deity incarnation into the "King" that is

to rule. In ancient Egypt where this Great Seal symbol originated, each Pharaoh

"became" the incarnation of the falcon god Horus during his lifetime, and at

death, the Osiris—the divine judge of the netherworld.

As biotechnology and synthetic biology advance to the degree that we can now

realistically anticipate reviving long-dead species, I have been able to convince a

few scholarly minds that the Man of Sin could in fact be the return of a deceased

Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod who arrives via biotech resurrection. Even Chuck Missler,

raised the appropriate question not long ago in an online article about the

Antichrist: "Could it be that this final world dictator will be, in some sense, a

return of Nimrod?"


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In Lady Gaga’s video G.U.Y. – they clone: Jesus, Gandhi, John Lennon & Michael


*They are currently attempting to clone Jesus from the blood on the spear that

was thrust into His side.*

This DNA is unmistakably human, but does posses several small differences that

have never before been seen. Several genes are present in the DNA extracted

from the spear that do not exist in any other human, and their function is

completely unknown. Scientists at W.I.T. feel that it is necessary to make a human

clone utilizing this DNA so that observational data can be gathered regarding

these new genetic markers

W.I.T. is excited to note that an agreement was made last December with the

Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea to host this potentially ground

breaking project. An initial test batch of five embryonic clones has been created

and are currently developing in host mothers. If they remain viable birth should

occur no later than April of 2015.

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Please play from 1:16 – 1:27 – Christopher Walken – Cloning Jesus


“The Second Coming Group” in the USA aims to clone Jesus Christ to realize his

second coming. The group believes that cloning Jesus Christ will fulfill the

prophecy in the Bible, which calls for the use of technology to achieve the second

coming and not prayers and worship. The group publicized their need for a virgin

to act as a surrogate. After the birth of the baby she will be known as the “second

technological virgin.”


Just received this testimony: My daughter had a dream in 2013 that Obama was

giving a speech and his eyes grew big and black like an alien and then they turned

green like a reptile and then he turned into a lizard man. And she said he wanted

to kill all Christians and he was after her. Obama is something, I do believe he’s

not completely human. End of Testimony.

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Of course this is just a picture to give us an idea.

Please play clip: Obama speaking of reptilian brain

He can certainly be a cloned or created being as well as house the demonic, no

telling what kind of mixture he really is.


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There is research out there that shows his real name as Barack Hussein Soebarka.

This was shown when Ann Dunham (his mother) was trying to apply for a

passport. He has had several name changes: Barack Hussein Obama, Barack

Obama, Barry Obama, Steven Dunham , and Barry Soetoro. Soetoro is supposed

to be Obama’s adoptive father.

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Loretta Fuddy, Hawaii State Health Director who approved of the “birth

certificate.” Mysteriously died in a plane crash. She and Obama’s mother were

both linked to the Subud cult which originated in Indonesia.

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The religion of Subud was founded by Mohamed Subuh.

This cult has around 20,000 (10,000 according to Wikipedia) members worldwide.

World Subud Organization is based in Chicago. Subud was introduced to Hawaii

in the 1960’s. Obama’s mother was linked to Subud by her biographer and NY

Times Reporter Janny Scott. Fuddy was installed in her office in Hawaii just a few

months before the release of the birth certificate. The followers of Subud would

often change their names for spiritual reasons.

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Obama Sr. and Obama

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Mohammed “Pak” Subuh

Obama and Subud

Who does Obama really look like?

What if Obama’s mother could not produce a birth certificate to include Obama in

the renewal of her passport and the Subud name “Soebarka” did not suffice

legally. We don’t see Soebarka anywhere else in any of Obama’s documentation.

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Coincidences?? Fuddy is in Subud and in Hawaii to approve the birth certificate

Obama’s home state is Chicago which just happens to be where the World wide

base organization of Subud is located.

Obama’s mom was in Subud, Fuddy was in Subhud, and this all originated in

Indonesia where Obama grew up. Seems to be questions as to if he was really

born in Hawaii. Kenyan authorities say he was born there. His mother took him

to Indonesia where he studied islam and was probably in the Subud cult under

Mohammed Subud who is linked to his mother, Fuddy, and Chicago. There are no

coincidences when you serve the Lord, He plans all the things we think are

coincidence. So too, we must question all of these “coincidences.”

Please play this clip – muslim faith of Obama

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Islam is the only religion that prophesies that the sun will rise from the West,

instead of rising from the East, in the the End Times, before Day of Judgment.

Both the Quran and the Hadith affirm that this phenomenon will take place. The

occurrence of this phenomenon is considered in Islam as one of the major signs

that indicate the Day of Judgment is close. **Also the sun is there for sun

worship. Since Obama is President in the West – this logo hints at the sun rising

from the west.*

Ex-CIA agent Clare Lopez just went on the record to The Examiner and World Net

Daily stating that Obama is a radical muslim. She said many top officials know this

but only whisper it and will not go on record stating it. Obama, on the other

hand, was raised a Muslim, and went to Islamic school in an Islamic country

(Indonesia) from the ages of six to eleven. He was tops in his quran class. Obama

was “previously quite religious in Islam.” Lopez believes that the Muslim

Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other

branches of the federal government.

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As WND reported, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan declared in October

that when Obama talks, “the Messiah is absolutely speaking.” **Islam is not a

nation but a religion.**

Rev. 13:2 – And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were

as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave

him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Some say that the leopard fits Obama because he is racially a mix. A leopard also

has spots – as in not righteous – but sin.

In the book “Dreams From My From My Father” by Barack Obama page 372, he

says “I began to notice that people were looking behind me fearfully, rushing into

their huts as I passed.” The antichrist comes with an appearance of peace,

however when the identity of the antichrist will be revealed during the

Abomination of desolation, people will fear him according to the bible.

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Daniel 11:24 - He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the

province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers'

fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches:yea, and he

shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.

Obama then describes about his dream, “I heard the growl of a leopard and

started to run into the forest, tripping over roots and stumps and vines, until at

last I couldn't run any longer and fell to my knees in the middle of a bright

clearing and a giant figure looming as tall as the trees, wearing only a loincloth

and ghostly mask. The lifeless eyes bored into me, and I heard

a thunderous (linking to lightning, leading to satan) voice saying only that it was

time, and my entire body began to shake violently with the sound, as if I were

breaking apart. I jerked up in a sweat, hitting my head against the wall lamp that

stuck out over the bunk. In the darkness, my heart slowly evened itself, but I

couldn’t get back to sleep again.”

Obama was also born as under the Horus-cope (horoscope) of Leo which is a lion.

1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring

lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

He attempted to run from his destiny, he saw the ‘day turn into night’. He was

engulfed in darkness. The figure wearing a ghostly mask was satan telling him he

was the chosen one. "Shaking violently” is disturbia, going through demonic

possession and “hitting my head against the wall lamp” is foretelling the deadly

head wound of the Antichrist which he receives. Similar to the scars from wounds

on the back of his head. His heart than evened out which means he accepted his

role as the antichrist in his heart by his father, satan who gave him these dreams.


Now we know that they have been cloning animals as well as people, research

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Dr. Beter on this. We also know that satan has been making bodies to house his

hierarchy and his army. Through research we have learned much about secret

societies and that our world leaders are participating in these societies all linking

to freemasonry, which is not new – it is the ancient mystery religion of Babylon.

We know they have come into covenant with satan. This means they have

welcomed his demons into their lives and bodies and have even signed

agreements with them. The more we look into these things the more we learn

that they plan what they do, what they say, who says it, colors, numbers, dates,

speeches, artwork, buildings, monuments, books, movies, video games – all of it.

We have to quit dismissing it as just crazy, or “I can’t believe they did that” or

“man, the things they are getting away with” or “things are really out of control.”

We have to stop not getting it, not seeing it. It is pure evil on display. We have to

look back in the Bible to the time of Noah and realize that Jesus laid it all out for


Matt.24:37 - But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of

man be.

We know that by the time God sent the flood that fallen angels had already

mated with human women and that their offspring, (giants) nephilim, were on

this earth (Gen.6). We know they were sinning against everything, plants,

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animals, birds, humans – all of it. The nephilim were eating humans and were

dominating us. We had to fight them.

King David fought Goliath who was a nephilim. Now we are still fighting them


We are awakening to the fact that we have part human and part animal in

DUMBS and labs all over the world. To the fact that demons have manifested in

the form of “aliens” that we can talk to, touch and interact with. They are

inhabiting the earth beneath us in abundance and now openly coming more and

more out where we are too. We have now studied and learned enough to know

the “elite” are working to keep satan’s bloodline pure. The aliens/demons are

working to change our atmosphere and us by chemtrails, gmo’s, water, dna,

nanobots, and are targeting us with directed energy weapons.

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When we look at the Israelites we always think they did such a poor job in staying

true to God. But we aren’t seeing our present situation. WE HAVE TO WAKE UP


Testament about them worshipping baal (nimrod) and asherah (isis) and idols.

That is the “ancient mystery religion of Babylon” and it is alive and well today.

Look around in society and you will see the sun in everything and especially the

catholic church and big corporations. You see isis, in Columbia Pictures lady,

Statue of Liberty etc. The flor de leis represents the false trinity of nimrod, isis,

and tammuz or osiris, isis, horus. Third eye, all seeing eyes are everywhere.

Pyramids on everything. We have to realize just as the bad kings in Israel who

made the land sin against God, we still have that kind of leadership today. The

monuments which are symbols of nimrod’s phallus are everywhere. Satanic

churches and freemason lodges and underground sacrifices and rituals are still

going on today. WE ARE IN THE DAYS OF NOAH. It really is an us against them

thing. Only, we are not to be ignorant of what they are doing and who they serve

and we are to pray for them and warfare against this evil. Do not approve of it or

participate in it and educate your family and friends about what is happening

right now. Lift Jesus up! He said, if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.

Luke 21:28 - And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift

up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

This is speaking of His second coming. If we see the things already taking place,

then shouldn’t we be looking up? It means His coming is even closer for His bride.


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satanic connection between Obama, Berlin, and “satan’s seat”

Astronaut says Obama is an alien


Obama’s logo rising sun from the west

So many facts about Obama – but there is a freemason symbol here too


Article on Cloning Jesus

Second article on Cloning Jesus


At the Door Revelation 1:18-19 - channel

Carolyn Hamlett a former illuminati

Tomb of Nimrod / nephilim being revived **excellent article**


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Youtube research on the birth certificate of Obama

Info. on Obama’s names and fathers


More on Subuh the founder of Subud