Natalia Lazorenko Creative problem solving

Creative Problem Solving

Transcript of Natalia Lazorenko Creative problem solving

Creative Problem Solving

3B Theory




Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. But later on they have been substituted with books on algebra and physics…

Hugh MacLeod


Learning objectives

To develop the awareness and the skills necessary to solve problems creatively.

Workshop Outline

A. What is creative problem solving?

B. Why don’t we think creatively more often?

C. How can we be more creative?

D. What is the creative problem solving process?

E. What are some other specific creative problem solving tools and techniques?

F. Application of learning.


Define creative problem solving.

Be familiar with common mental blocks to creative thinking process.

Explore ways to be more creative.

Know the steps to the creative problem solving process.

Be familiar with: Random Word Method & Reverse Assumptions Techniques

Apply tools to solve a problem.

Creative problem solving

What is

creative problem solving?


Creative Thinking is breaking down & restructuring our knowledge about the subject in order to get new insights into its nature.

What is a PROBLEM?

1. A problem is an opportunity for improvement.Any new awareness you have that allows you to see possibilities for

improvement brings a "problem" for you to solve.

2. A problem is the difference between your current state and your goal state.

When you know where you are and where you want to be, you have a problem to solve in getting to your destination.

What is a SOLUTION?

Problem Solution is management of a problem in a way that successfully meets the goals established for treating it


Stop It Mop It

Prevent It

Eliminate It

Reduce It

Treat It

Tolerate It

Redirect It

Let’s talk about:

Why don’t we think creatively more often?

What are the barriers that get in our way?

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 2красныйчерныйжелтыйголубойкрасныйзеленый



Exercise 2red




Problem Solving Process

Problem Statement

Facts Analysis

Idea Generation

Idea Selection

Action Plan Development

Problem Statement ALWAYS write down your problem!!

State your problem in the form of the question

Your problem should not have limitations

Every time one’s brain “sees” a question, it looks for the answer.Use “How to..?”, “How might….?”, “In what ways might…?”

Clearly defined problem might contain solution, when it’s written/drawn down. You can use 6 WHYs technique. The better you know what you want, the more chances you have to get it.

Do not combine several problems

Limitations are barriers to idea generation.e.g. How can I become a millionaire not working?

Trying to solve several problems at a time you only put more limits.e.g. How can we attract more customers and increase our profits?

Idea Generation

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands,

but seeing with new eyes"Marcel Proust

Random Word MethodUsing external stimulus to get new ideas.

1. State the problem

2. Pick up a random word

3. Find connections between the problem and the random word by thinking of its attributes

What do you see here?


Reversed Assumptions

1. Identify the problem

2. List all assumptions associated with it – aspects of the outcome or process, aspects of the relationships between involved parties, aspects of the intentions or understandings of those involved.

3. Reverse the assumptions one by one. Write down all of the opposite or different perspectives you can generate for each assumption.

4. Review the reversed assumptions and discuss:

- Which reversals represent solutions?

- What new ideas are emerging from the reversals?

Reversing assumptions is a powerful technique for rapidly generating new perspectives on old problems. Here’s how to start:

Idea Selection

Annex 1Creativity Prompts

Type your problem in a different font!!

For more fonts visit:

Annex 2Some creative solutions


2 3



Annex 3 Exercise 1 Solution

Annex 4Generate when framing the problem

1) Write down your first statement.e.g. In what ways might we attract new customers?

2) Underline or circle the verb (attract) and under it write as many verbs as might be. Write as many verbs as come to your mind.

3) Underline or circle the objective (the customers) and do the same.

Annex 55 WHYs Technique

If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll find yourself somewhere else.

In this example, the problem is that your client, Hinson Corp., is unhappy. Using the 5

Whys, you go through the following steps to get to the cause of the problem:

1) Why is our client, Hinson Corp., unhappy? Because we didn't deliver our services

when we said we would.

2) Why were we unable to meet the agreed-upon timeline or schedule for delivery? The

job took much longer than we thought it would.

3) Why did it take so much longer? Because we underestimated the complexity of the job.

4) Why did we underestimate the complexity of the job? Because we made a quick

estimate of the time needed to complete it, and didn't list the individual stages needed to

complete the project.

5) Why didn't we do this? Because we were running behind on other projects. We clearly

need to review our time estimation and specification procedures

Annex 6Random Word Method Example

You need to create a new learning approach which would encourage students to study more.

1) How to encourage students to study more?

2) Random word: toothbrush3) How can school and toothbrush be combined?

Students get intense must learning 3 times a day, rest of time they can learn preferable subjects or do whatever they want. Time frame can be shorter or longer depending on students’ efforts

2) Random word: match3) How can school and match be combined?

Students could work in several small groups, each of which is independent and organizes learning process itself, sometimes joining or inviting other groups. Each group is accountable for its own learning process.

2) Random word: pipe3) How can school and pipe be combined?Pipe end is usually somewhere high. So participants with higher results /better expertise can teach

participants with lower results. Each participants could be involved both in learning and teaching

Annex 7Reversed assumptions: Example1. List all your assumptions about your subject

A. Restaurants have menus, either written, verbal, or impliedB. Restaurants charge money for foodC. Restaurants serve food

2. Reverse each assumption. What is the opposite?A. Restaurants have no menus of any kindB. Restaurants give food away for freeC. Restaurants serve food

3. Ask yourself how to accomplish each reversal. How can we start a restaurant that has no menu of any kind and still have a viable business?A. A restaurant with no menuIdea: The chief informs each customer what he bought that day at the meat, fish, and vegetable markets. He asks the customer to select items that he or she finds appealing and creates a dish with those items, specifically for that customerB. A restaurant that gives away foodIdea: An outdoor café where customers pay for that time instead of food. Use a time stamp and charge by the minute. Select food items and beverages are free or sold at cost.C. A restaurant that does not serve foodIdea: Create a restaurant with a unique décor in an exotic environment and rent out the location. People bring their own food and beverages (picnic baskets, …) and pay a service charge for the location.

4. Select one and build it into a realistic idea.For example, we can decide to work with the restaurant with no menu reversal. We’ll call the restaurant the creative chef. The chef will create the dish out of the selected ingredients and name the dish after the customer. Each customer will receive a computer printout of the recipe.

2 things to remember

Generating ideas is not just a chance process. Ideas appear to rise by chance only when people are actually looking for them. It

does not happen to people who are not curious or inquiring or who are not engaged in a hard search of opportunities, possibilities,

answers or inventions.

Not all problems require the use of Creative problem solving process. In some cases Creative problem solving process would not be as useful as an existing routine or ready-made solutions.

These kind of solutions generally exist for recurring problems, and when it is possible to use one is much quicker and more practical.

"You cannot teach a man anything;you can only help him to find it within

himself." Galileo

Thank You!