Name: Class: Date: Study Guide Chapter 5 Ancient Egypt...

Name: Class: Date: Powered by Cognero Page 1 Study Guide Chapter 5 Ancient Egypt and Kush Key Vocabulary Terms: 1) cataract: a waterfall or rapids in a river 2) delta: a fan shaped are of silt near where a river flows into the sea 3) shadoof: a bucket attached to a long pole used to transfer river water to storage basins 4) papyrus: a reed plant that grew wild along the Nile 5) hieroglyphics: a writing system made up of a combination of pictures and sound symbols 6) dynasty: a line of rulers from one family 7) theocracy: government by religious leaders 8) pharaoh: ruler of ancient Egypt 9) bureaucrat: a government official 10) embalming: the process of treating a body to keep it from decaying 11) pyramid: great stone tomb built for an Egyptian pharaoh 12) incense: a material that produces a pleasant smell when burned 13) envoy: a government representative to another country 14) savanna: a flat grassland, sometimes with scattered trees, in a tropical or subtropical region 15) textile: woven cloth

Transcript of Name: Class: Date: Study Guide Chapter 5 Ancient Egypt...




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Study Guide

Chapter 5

Ancient Egypt and Kush

Key Vocabulary Terms:

1) cataract: a waterfall or rapids in a river

2) delta: a fan shaped are of silt near where a

river flows into the sea

3) shadoof: a bucket attached to a long pole used

to transfer river water to storage basins

4) papyrus: a reed plant that grew wild along the


5) hieroglyphics: a writing system made up of a

combination of pictures and sound symbols

6) dynasty: a line of rulers from one family

7) theocracy: government by religious leaders

8) pharaoh: ruler of ancient Egypt

9) bureaucrat: a government official

10) embalming: the process of treating a body to

keep it from decaying

11) pyramid: great stone tomb built for an

Egyptian pharaoh

12) incense: a material that produces a pleasant

smell when burned

13) envoy: a government representative to

another country

14) savanna: a flat grassland, sometimes with

scattered trees, in a tropical or subtropical


15) textile: woven cloth




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Lesson 5-1 The Nile River

Multiple Choice

Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Which is a reason that the Nile has been called “the lifeblood” of Egypt?

a. It borders two of the largest deserts in the world.

b. It has dangerous cataracts.

c. It is the longest river in the world.

d. Its valley and delta provide fertile soil for farming.

2. How did the Egyptians take advantage of the Nile’s yearly spring flooding?

a. They became successful farmers.

b. They created hieroglyphics.

c. They grew papyrus.

d. They irrigated during the dry season.

3. Which best describes the type of government in Egypt after 3100 B.C.?

a. a democracy

b. a dynasty

c. an independent city-state

d. constitutional monarchy

4. What was the effect of increased farming and trade?

a. A complex writing system was created.

b. An organized government developed.

c. Geometry was developed.

d. The deserts became populated.

5. In what two ways are Mesopotamia and Egypt the same?

a. Farming surpluses meant people could become artisans, merchants, and traders. Both economies grew as a


b. Both civilizations had the same types of government and religions beliefs.

c. Both had natural defenses and floods.

d. Both had major rivers and dependable floods.




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Match each item with the correct statement below.

A. cataract

B. delta

C. dynasty

D. hieroglyphics

E. papyrus

_____ 6. a reed plant used to make paper

_____7. dangerous, rocky, fast-moving water

_____8. a fan-shaped area of fertile marshland formed where the Nile River meets the Mediterranean Sea

_____9. a line of rulers from one family

_____10. the Egyptian writing system that uses thousands of picture symbols representing objects and ideas

11. Why was Egypt such a well-protected land?

12. Why and how did the first kingdoms in Egypt form?




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Lesson 5-2 Study Guide: Life in Ancient Egypt

Multiple Choice

Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. The Egyptians willingly served their all-powerful leader because they believed

a. the leader appointed officials.

b. the leader had an afterlife.

c. the leader’s wealth meant power.

d. unity came from a strong leader.

2. To learn how to obtain life after death, the Egyptians studied the

a. Book of Life After Death.

b. Book of Prayers.

c. Book of Spells.

d. Book of the Dead.

3. The ancient Egyptian civilization was the first to publish books describing advances in the field of

a. astronomy.

b. mathematics.

c. medicine.

d. irrigation.

4. While building the pyramids, the Egyptians developed

a. a 365-day calendar with 12 months.

b. a new social class.

c. geometry.

d. hieroglyphics.

5. The Great Pyramid in Giza was built for which pharaoh?

a. King Hapi

b. King Khafre

c. King Khufu

d. King Re




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Enter the appropriate word(s) to complete the statement.

6. In a(n) ____________________, the ruler is both a political and religious leader.

7. Government officials appointed by the pharaoh, called ____________________, carried out his orders.

8. Knowledge learned from ____________________ helped Egyptians develop medical knowledge.

9. Archaeologists study the ____________________ to learn about life in ancient Egypt.

10. Traders, artisans, and scribes made up ancient Egypt’s ____________________ class.

11. Describe Religion in Egypt, and the most important gods in Egypt.

12. Describe Egyptian Families.




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Lesson 5-3 Study Guide: Egypt's Empire

True / False

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

1. The pharaohs had a canal built connecting the Nile to the Red Sea, opening up trade routes to Arabia.

a. True

b. False

2. The Egyptians learned how to steer horse-drawn chariots from the Hittites.

a. True

b. False

3. The Egyptians traded goods, such as wheat, gold, and tools to the Phoenicians for much needed wood.

a. True

b. False

4. During the New Kingdom, pharaoh Thutmose III’s armies conquered many areas, and slavery became more widespread

in Egypt.

a. True

b. False

5. The New Kingdom pharaoh Amenhotep was successful in establishing a new religion based on the worship of Aton, the

sun god, as Egypt’s only god.

a. True

b. False




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Multiple Choice

Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

6. During the Middle Kingdom, Egypt conquered new territories, the pharaohs made many improvements, and

a. a civil war divided Egypt.

b. many pyramids were built.

c. Memphis became the capital.

d. the arts flourished.

7. What was the main reason the Middle Kingdom ended?

a. A woman pharaoh, Hatshepsut, came into power

b. Nubia conquered Egypt

c. The Hyksos, warriors from western Asia, conquered Egypt.

d. Trade decreased greatly.

8. This ruler avoided military conquests and expanded Egypt´s economy.

a. Hatshepsut

b. Nefertiti

c. Ramses II

d. Thutmose II

9. Which Egyptian ruler built many new temples during the new Kingdom period?

a. Amenhotep IV

b. Ramses II

c. Seti I

d. Tuthankhamun

10. What caused the decline and fall of the Egyptian empire?

a. The people were too interested in their religion.

b. The Egyptians were attacked by neighboring peoples.

c. Egyptian crops failed because of drought

d. The people built too many temples and ran out of money.

11. If King Tut only played a small role in the history of Egypt, why is he the most famous of all the pharaohs?




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Lesson 5-4 Study Guide: The Kingdom of Kush

Multiple Choice

Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. The Nubian people came from the African savannas south of the

a. Arabian Desert.

b. Eastern Desert.

c. Red Desert.

d. Sahara.

2. This Nubian kingdom was formed when the stronger villages overtook weaker ones.

a. Kerma

b. Kush

c. Napata

d. Sudan

3. As a result of being conquered by Egypt, Nubians

a. accepted many Egyptian beliefs and customs.

b. gave up their previous way of life.

c. refused to accept any Egyptian beliefs and customs.

d. stopped worshiping their own deities.

4. Why was Napata a favorable location for trade?

a. A powerful king ruled the city.

b. A strong army afforded protection from bandits.

c. There were many merchants and artisans in the city.

d. Trade caravans crossed the upper Nile there.

5. After breaking away from Egyptian rule, Kush eventually

a. conquered Egypt.

b. gave up all Egyptian customs and beliefs.

c. refused to trade with Egypt.

d. signed a peace treaty with Egypt.




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Match each item with the correct statement below.

A. Assyrians

B. Meroë

C. Napata

D. Nubia

E. Piye

______ 6. took over the rule of Egypt from Kush

______ 7. a region that later became known as Kush

______ 8. capital city set up for a royal court, resembling an Egyptian city

______ 9. the first city from which the earliest Kushite kings ruled

______ 10. founded a dynasty that ruled both Egypt and Kush

11. How did the Kushites learn to make iron?




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Chapter 5 Lessons 1-4 Study Guide (all sections)

True / False

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

1. Imhotep was the first great engineer who built the pyramids.

A) True

B) False

2. During the Old Kingdom the capital city was Memphis.

A) True

B) False

3. Incense is a material used to make furniture.

A) True

B) False

4. Savannas are fertile marshes.

A) True

B) False

5. Pharaohs and other rulers exchanged envoys to maintain close ties.

A) True

B) False

Multiple Choice

Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

6. This ruler united Upper and Lower Egypt.

A) Ramses II

B) Piye

C) Narmer

D) Tutankhamen

7. The natural barrier that protected Egypt in the south was the

A) Sahara.

B) cataracts.

C) Red Sea.

D) Sudan.

8. The Nile River’s flooding could be described as

A) unpredictable.

B) destructive.

C) gentle and predictable.

D) rare.




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9. The king who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt was

A) Amenhotep.

B) Meroë.

C) Amon Re.

D) Ahmose.


Match each item with the correct statement below.

A) Amenhotep IV

B) Axum

C) Hapi

D) Re

E) Thebes

_____10. invaded Kush and destroyed Meroë

_____11. pharaoh who tried to start a new religion based on one deity, Aton

_____12. capital city of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom

_____13. Egyptian sun god

_____14. Egyptian river god

Subjective Short Answer

15. Why did the Egyptians build pyramids to honor their pharaohs?




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16. In which social class did farmers belong, and what were their lives like?

17. Why is “King Tut” one of the most famous pharaohs in spite of the fact that he played such a small role in the history

of Egypt?

18. How was Meroë different from a typical Egyptian or Kushite city?

19. What rights did ancient Egyptian women have?