n Topic - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1963-catholic-courier... · The...

.'•?.*;,, «•* s > i^ && J '$'. i Ofr«<aK&*,J fr ~~»J I on Racial Issue 'MU^'tToBe Read Sunday to mg (lie present racial crisis isor bsradaJ discussions of mW CKtoei^ IwftpOBi yafMtta^ |ot<|1^ Jo* Individual Catholics ami muiat! problems and eon- JllV^to^lS me^i^t« *l ttte««ft qplftist £offen^m&ny^|«r-,Chure|» groups shoald s p i ^ cern^, the bisfaops said. mrngmmmin ,nii»tyumm*mmm^iMij jum,.;iu< n III\ ><iwi < IJJIHII i L ,, n n mm n n 4$. ) ^4 mmim H!i -~k Topic I'Mfeiii Goto On/y /n U.S. "3Th« "aVonjgeaJ archdiocese; with sara* 1.3 naillion Catliolles, . .. IIMB WWltprlos**. MadridE. With, ftmt* ,»r*ft>K them? h Bel« ?.et million CaftfiUc^ ha*~3,349 .7 mil- *4= n-. ^ „ <- * , - v- i * .u ¥.^,«^ ». . .„ i "5HW •W'dH picture la Ihe ttwrtatM^sihalj^^Mt*' J t a l t e J W t W Stales, while'ckaifcli te one of vocation ihort- ttta-ot todiy-.-thej-l'unttfica] Of- ths raUo is 820. to 1. thai figure tm , to Elir0{W! ,h e caUliolic flea for Religious Vocatloiw in-4« rapidly clanging, for the pomuimiqaj hm b*en lacr«Mlttg sttlte^. a JtfMVAC cOtB^uttjr Catholic fiopnl^Uoa Uiere. Has deadly, wirfhsfl, e MMI,,,, 0 f isver a xe*r 3go-#row» the sit hiweased 3541 per cent in the prfarsU Ins beea decreastai, In uation 4a bold relief, |?a§tdecadfi,*»d during the samo;u«|ii America ffie popolalloa ^J 6 !".! ^? sto Jl av * lncreascd Inca^jiB * « beea explosl**, for in Che fast five years the Cslho- Ics htve doubled perceaiUge- /|9« orear the •nmher of itra- Inkxiim. l 3E1ie.(e«r figures «\*ailable for Africa ftrnd Asis show the begin- nlrtxn of ilmltar phenoomen^. Spjaae rcgiom of Africa ha-vc il- rciody Attained a condition Ilka thfcS of X-atln America. Only In (he Uslted States his llieare bre»a in facrease ba the nuoahcr »*" vocsttoiu. The e-airoll- nicacl In <J.S. icmlnarlcs lodiy tolatls vitme 41.990. All mX the fesC of tlae Catliollc worM ie> coi&Hti f<*r only some 56.IM icnainarlans, m the Uaitcd 8laC«3, wxih less thaif IV per ccn-C of ttt« total Catholic yopth 1ttf«a>n, icctitinti far almost half the semlimry itanUata. •ccqna HHIM- oikJHift oceejia Ta«^«^-BB«W«*i, r i atJcB. beie'to *• Sepjemfer 2$j - <N,C.W.C. Jfewi Service! „ l t k Jarftii^rles^ artd^smM li ao acute in many parts of the Why are there IUCJJ differ- only 22.2 per" cent "i ai Newton, Mass. —(RNS)~ Rolcrt ^nieMoli, a Boaton artlsi, eoacliucis « clasi in vlsualizaitJon for newly filinded adults at tlie St. Paul'l JfciaWJl.titioa Center for ihe Blind in Newton, mtii St Paul'l was founefedfcyFatter Thomai 3: Cirroll, its present director, in 1954 under auspfcei of Bfoston's Ca|holle Guild for All the Blind, Admission' to the center li open ta blind persons of any religious belief. St. Paul's has a staffer 40 tfienpists and in- structors. They in! hefflcd by 0r. Thomas E. Caalffcid, one of the nation's leading experts in the psychology of blindness. The center wiH be the sub- ject ef a documentary and dramatic ittin Sept. 8 on the "look up and tPie" program over the CBS-TV net«ork. The film, shot on location at Newton, U being produced in cooperation with the National Coancfl of Catholic Men. r*pr]tMJs r cUwdnf 4»j'i «rt |h# fine -imm # u» temmM TeJbhlsliogp of Wallnet-Brnxstli. t»«a ivtraFone pre«nt a copy of , Jfcoiathe h«dp««pircdan tbt« cli|««jrJri)tconditian.5ot r d i s l o w : wastulll Ifl the leodem m?«ild. ^ ]l) lud tilled tMS Study **Th» Nurn Jn Ths* Modern World." but Imaaedlaie'Sy qualified iL "When w# *alk <*£ nuns." he said, "we havae ilso in mlnti ail souls ' (JodleatcdVto God whose o*Jfcl l! visible apostolic pro^ijcatlon . , -such as brothers ... and" lay apoitl«s of all kinds." Kfost or (he recipients hod times- only * o pack the book wlih counscil documents before lot- ting cut f o r their home dioceses. But diirfcfflg th» interv«»iilnj monili! »n have now had a chacaccto rend «nd c\aluate Car- dinal Sueaiens' appeal foT a mone nto4#rn approach \o Ihe idea of tia* religious llf° lie *«nS5s lo «xtcnd the Churrh'a spnsSOlnte to new dimensions. and makes some startling sup- ffitgons.Enr utilizing present pcrs*annfl aaore pftectlveiv. ^Conttasmed «a Pajte 2> l e t Fan the Barriers' \ to Cast Grattaftrrata w-|NCJ-. "t«t| SjK>akiftS!,^ithout a text. Pope invitation, and would that weth* a=ry bewom* a prayer. Let fart ft)* harrjettl Jltojt senafstie Paul «ddresred " a salutation of coud truly make our voice like us paray ihsat, if not in our age tfsi't JPOpe i^Ut VI pleaded fa A hdHcir to the old and great the truriipet of an angel which at leasttosucceeding ages, the ats\rt6 th* anelcftr -SaltcafS-Essterh Churdhey' and said: "if says: Cornel unitrrtujrBe reccraiposcd a€ nil ehurcbes. II were to> aate my feeling of, „ , » , , * ' , . . . ..-* «lw are ttQQ authentically Cferis- * i..^_—«._ ,» _. ... . .... ...i Let fall the barriers that n a „ and let us pray especially aarith th# most veacr- reoly Oriental Chitrch- n6tba1 that an the Kartfaayethe ffier- vffl* at CateUrandotfo, ^ a u t h o S - f t S y " ^ to *» artlcibte airt eonqnssiour same ItfWlpriaaw'baule ff&F9*tmmfr_ |JJ Sf^Stta^Jerarthiai union. 'SZjLSSbjBBSSLSt m^BJSSTs^SBi k -V****P*Wtai WgmtiWtoWjto i^imwn&mg eity areseMpiferfjirMstorical mum **NM***m r«» ***f»-(.« ..... _ ..«•_.. ._ r ^ ^ ^ ».— '"•—$ tt but We 4 „d atothiaatjtpisalNi; they aft, . J&$.«tagie twevet, JtindtiaieHtaily .and : etirist liV,iubst»tiaii^ ; ippiri- ^ He asked if ; ffi'l:4e1aV toward roimfssrt m^ht i y^5'"W d ' W* w i&^eo:ue^io»:Wai««||f^Bbr s UODBS oraaea &ok «f .ur«lefslbWl«r on the 'jHhuU^gita- '-4viaBttBalA~ 'BB^^K^aattfNaaaalLAJitt aM^Ma^£aaaua' '" # 'y*/?Ofififef* So/e /rom Danger' VtluHt St. Mtcbmel, ln*r my roll As through lbt sky I suifily fall... Si. Mitbtel, help tbit iky-ttnger To mmki * Undlmf itrft from dinger. A paratrooper priest who made an archangel his patron waj entrusted this week to the cotnpany of angels for eternity. Father Joseph Natale, husky and widely acclaimed as a priest who best filled the hazardous role of a U.S. Army chaplain, ended an bonor-studded military career in death Friday, August 16, 1963. Three bishops, scores pf priests, hundreds of nuns and lay people at- tended his funeral at Sacred Heart Cathedral this Wednesday morning He had more than a hundred parachute jumps to his credit and yet despite an apparent bravado he admitted — "When I was ready to make ray first jump, 1 was scared to death. Every jomp after that, I was more scared : ' t His courage was not in a lack of fear but that he overcame it to be a f inest to that hardy breed of men whp face death in every step they take rom airplanes streaking high above the earth. Father Natale, 42, ordained in 1946, organized the St, Michael's Society for Catholics in the paratrooper corps of the U. S, Army The organization. maintains rigid religious requirements for its members and St.Michael, war rior angel, is their patron. A portion of the prayer-poem to the saLnt com-' posed by Father Natale is at the head of this article. Bishop Kearney offered the Requiem Mass at the Cathedral. Text of his eulogy will be in next week's Courier Joiirnal. Auxiliary Bishop Philip J. Furlong of New York represented Cardinal Spellman, spiritual shepherd of the nation's armed forces. Auxiliarv Bishop •t»a=w*eiH»-Btr Casey offtochester-assiStetTat the Mass. AIT three blsfiops also presided at final grave-side rites in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. jThcy urged similar action •mwasms b> civic associations. It ts ojjty by op«n and free esch*Ji?e of ideas that we can orderatand the rigfets and obli- gations that prevail on both tides. Sach knowledge Is a prelude to action that will remove ar- tificial! barriers of rate," Ibey uid The bishops Amm the heads of small, iltuost-mission- ary diocese* to th,« five U.S. Princes of the? Church — issued their appeal in a historic Joint pastoral letter addressed to t ne nation's 43 million Catholics. Released here rfarough the National Catholic Welfare Con- ference, the letter also wUl be read from the pulpit of Catho- lic churches throughout th» country this Sunday. Aujuat25. (Full text, p*x« 4) It bluntly says tha3 the nation must remove ineqEutles artero- ming from race, that public authorities must help correct the evils of discrimination, that no good Catholic eaa fall to re- cognlws the rights of all citizens In vote and that the racial ques- tion confronts the conscience of every American. "The moat crucial teat of lov» of God Is love of neighbor," uid the bishops. The pastoral noted that the hierarchy has condemned racial i dlsirlmination twice In the past IMS and 1958 Put it uid that In the "present cmLs." thf blah- oprs rfcsh to offer "sc*sne pastoral suggestions for a Calholic ap- proach to racial harmony." Cond>mning all forms of dis- crimination and srgrcgation bawd on prpjudne, the bishops rounst-ifd Cathollrt It u our strict duty lo re»pec-1 the basic human rights of every person.'* "We know" they said, "that public authority is obliged to help correct the evtLs of unjust discrimination practiced against any group or clasv We also re- cognize that eiery minority group in America seeking Its lawful rtBhta has the obligation of respecting the lawful rights of others. "No Catholic with a good Christian conscience."" they add- ed, "can fall to reoognue ih« rights of all citizens to rote rf&nttt-tiif rivalry 9»-y&$M? ^y\S- 8s ?T .»_,,*<. -i-' part o f Catiiollcs tlieMeiVcEE, ov "btezse of an fnadfequate knowl' etlge of imatual historical and 1 T«ltm~tNG|-* , ftjeCattelIi* (CoHi'muii an Wigt Tut>) -Moreover, we mutst prtrvid* for »U equal opportunity for employrocot, full participation in our public and private edu- cational facilities, proper bon«- • ng »nd adequate *e-I(sre assis- tance when needed "* APrTEAUVG FOR anion tff Increjse knowledge of the atti- ludci among both r»*-ei bWor« adion is taken lo <-orre>-t in- equities, the Bishops said "We ran show our Christian rhanly by a quirt »r»<l tourage- uu* determination lo> mske lh» nirial harmony a matter of per- sonal iJ3vol\etncnt We murt go beyond aiogans and generalna- tlrms about color asid rea'.ii* that all of as arc human belngn. men, women and ctaHdren. all sharing the same human natura and dlcnitv. with ihe same de- sires, hopes and reeling* He should try to know msd under- stand one another" Catholic parish IB«3 dioman socrjlle-n, along wills soMUral jstheriTixs in-6 r)v?-« a»ar|>- tlons, ran provtde Ihe "crframos meeting grounds." ttea prelates uid. We may art thmuj^l Ulf vari- ous lay oriranrzalioraa of th» Chun-h as well as «fth rmc croups of every type," they said. "Ii many parts of t h e nation, there are intprxacial c-ommlttee* representing th# majo-r religious fatthi as well as Important a»- pects of rivir Irfe. We West and cndorie such efforlj . ,-•. " Liturgy «ind Little Brothers SatttfaRo, ChUe—the litur- gicaf movement received some new advice from a young pu- pil here. "What is the nest way to assist at Mass?" asked Father Joseph H. English. M.M-, of ISewbursh, N.Y., during a dlsstadcices which: an had eAmmtyti&mim, art- no* tifofetker Inaehirott-: Mite?** .. ft """-••"—i">"e—»»». »«•»»•«._ , ,. _ • ijifwBursn, 4-«.i., uuimz a "^ 's»|o*l Itt^rititeideat km hW W | a d « t o i«ffl» 1 tOpem, .^teehism class in the Mary- .ei|ied ^p'e *m *&wa&.'g*fi ** ^t^.^^M^^MtM^^m ffl&& b ; uf ^ t a un^blfi- # ; •«#<#'*«»' **' f***or*. eBtBinlUajt open «iir &$$£$# mi) XMU, y T«S» to laue ™ fr ^^g|^^fiy»™•>. ; . \ . f aTcwte to Avoke tpgettier -Mil ^•^gmimit f|t:'.ipfe-«he spirit, «taf daf? wili b * a m^'m^^i ^im^-^i^ ta Mib^t om earth of our pari'' * x ^aMife-will iaatk<a' proper f»>eoJ*^vi«;.toe^«<tv^ tlessi. ta«t^ O^n^ry ^ rp.m.{>^ history of mwkind '""'" ' " tin fiftaxa." ' proper ^iMtlerta^vM,. ^ 1« I - ^ AT* Fre* p a r t i ^ f b* idd^i^ ifttptcially, leaving your Bd broth- jej3Jiife;hoineT" came the reply =5^1ti#^p.crwtng girt itr the .Saatk of the class. fW% DIAMON-DS Inspect e » shst eteafied. No Charge. Vtritllarri S, Thor/ie Jevmef it$ SIsjBi St EJUt—Adf. tt*ay Se#nleHS»s, alto better u»ytoch(rt*« r a monumeii't Is ttaj^GKliKL asrr. Sudan Muslems Ousf Three More Nuns Rome, —(NC>— The gi/vernment of the Sudan has expelled three more Catholic missionaries —all of them Verona Sisters. The three said on arrival here that a ^Verona Fa- ther had also been ordered expelled from the Sudan, but was now in jail for refusing to sip a document stating that he was leaving the country because his work had been completed. The nuns bring to 113 the number of Catholic' missionaries ousted by the Muslim regime of Presi- | Tnir fruitful action will be more ihe Bishops srald. If ail citizens "openly and eiplii-ttl? predawn the r^ligiou-s basis of racial Justice and lor*." Race Hate \ Nation's Top ' Problem . Newark, N_f.~<\C>—Racism was cliai-aetertred as tfee nation'* most serious domestic esil fa - Dec 1«ration of .Conscience Is. ' sued by religions leaders, at ths ! first Greater Nesrar* C*on*er> dent Ibrahim Abboud since the latter part of 1962. {*"*«•• Re'»g»««« *oi Face. About 50 Protestant expelled. missionaries have also been The missionaries were working among the p'ri- i The declaration wats drafted t>y Catholic. Protestant and J*«r- • ish clcrgytnen and niwi read sortte iGO participants Is ths StontimeBitxs^MaTfkiraTte? marily Negro tribes of the southern part of the Su- conferestee at Ewes Catholic i*^ o^ub ««.- ».i«j^i nrJair, w^iere^here are now about SOO.OtW Cbristians in m & StAoal by Father Aloysius a predominantly pagan population of around four "^J 1, wdtoator «' t«»>r- ttifiioa. The country is dominated by tfee Maslim " S ^ C S ' l ^ Arate of tis* Borthem n#&*te constitutr about :STVn\Jt^2SS iTth Jl .two-thii-dj of m,mmtU^smm^^^m. v . ifiaff \- \ f. ntLityS-* ^__4- »:•- tfw & ?'•, - : ' " *

Transcript of n Topic - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1963-catholic-courier... · The...

Page 1: n Topic - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1963-catholic-courier... · The e-airoll-nicacl In

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I on Racial Issue 'MU^'tToBe Read Sunday

to mg (lie present racial crisis isor bsradaJ discussions of mW CKtoei^ IwftpOBi yafMtta^ | o t < | 1 ^ Jo* Individual Catholics ami muiat! problems and eon-JllV^to^lS me^i^t« *l ttte««ft qplftist £of fen^m&ny |«r-,Chure|» groups shoald spi^ cern^, the bisfaops said.

mrngmmmin ,nii»tyumm*mmm^iMij jum,.;iu< n III\ ><iwi < IJJIHII i L ,, n „ n mm n n

4$. )

4 mmim



Topic I ' M f e i i i Goto On/y /n U.S.

"3Th« "aVonjgeaJ archdiocese; with sara* 1.3 naillion Catliolles,

. .. IIMB WWltprlos**. MadridE. With, ftmt* ,»r*ft>K them? h Bel« ?.et million CaftfiUc ha*~3,349

.7 mil-*4= n-. ^ „ <- * , - v- i * .u ¥.^,«^ ». . . „ i "5HW •W'dH picture la Ihe t twr ta tM^sihal j^^Mt* ' J tal teJWtW Stales, while'ckaifcli te one of vocation ihort-ttta-ot todiy-.-thej-l'unttfica] Of- ths raUo is 820. to 1. thai figure tm, to Elir0{W! ,he caUliolic flea for Religious Vocatloiw in-4« rapidly clanging, for the pomuimiqaj hm b*en lacr«Mlttg sttlte^. a JtfMVAC cOtB uttjr Catholic fiopnl^Uoa Uiere. Has deadly, wirfhs fl,e MMI,,,, 0f isver a xe*r 3go-#row» the sit hiweased 3541 per cent in the prfarsU Ins beea decreastai, In uation 4a bold relief, |?a§tdecadfi,*»d during the samo;u«|ii America ffie popolalloa

^ J 6 !".! ^ ? s t o Jlav* l n c r ea scd Inca jiB * « beea explosl**, for in Che fast five years the Cslho-Ics htve doubled perceaiUge-/|9« orear the •nmher of itra-

Inkxiim. l3E1ie.(e«r figures «\*ailable for

Africa ftrnd Asis show the begin-nlrtxn of ilmltar phenoomen . Spjaae rcgiom of Africa ha-vc il-rciody Attained a condition Ilka thfcS of X-atln America.

Only In (he Uslted States his llieare bre»a in facrease ba the nuoahcr »*" vocsttoiu. The e-airoll-nicacl In <J.S. icmlnarlcs lodiy tolatls vitme 41.990. All mX the fesC of tlae Catliollc worM ie> coi&Hti f<*r only some 56.IM icnainarlans, m the Uaitcd 8laC«3, wxih less thaif IV per ccn-C of ttt« total Catholic yopth 1ttf«a>n, icctitinti far almost half the semlimry itanUata.

•ccqna H H I M - oikJHift oceejia Ta« « -BB«W«*i,r'«

iatJcB. beie'to *• Sepjemfer 2$j

- <N,C.W.C. Jfewi Service! „ l t k Jarftii^rles^ artd sm M li ao acute in many parts of the Why are there IUCJJ differ- only 22.2 per" cent



Newton, Mass. —(RNS)~ Rolcrt ^nieMoli, a Boaton artlsi, eoacliucis « clasi in vlsualizaitJon for newly filinded adults at tlie St. Paul'l JfciaWJl.titioa Center for ihe Blind in Newton, mtii St Paul'l was founefed fcy Fatter Thomai 3: Cirroll, its present director, in 1954 under auspfcei of Bfoston's Ca|holle Guild for All the Blind, Admission' to the center li open ta blind persons of any religious belief. St. Paul's has a staffer 40 tfienpists and in­structors. They in! hefflcd by 0r. Thomas E. Caalffcid, one of the nation's leading experts in the psychology of blindness. The center wiH be the sub­ject ef a documentary and dramatic ittin Sept. 8 on the "look up and tPie" program over the CBS-TV net«ork. The film, shot on location at Newton, U being produced in cooperation with the National Coancfl of Catholic Men.

r*pr]tMJsr cUwdnf 4»j'i «rt |h# fine -imm # u» temmM TeJbhlsliogp of Wallnet-Brnxstli. t»«a ivtraFone pre«nt a copy of ,

Jfcoiathe h«dp««pircdan tbt« cli|««jrJri)tconditian.5ot rdislow : wastulll Ifl the leodem m?«ild. ^ ]l) lud til led tMS Study **Th» Nurn Jn Ths* Modern World." but Imaaedlaie'Sy qualified iL "When w# *alk <*£ nuns." he said, "we havae ilso in mlnti ail souls

' (JodleatcdVto God whose o*Jfcl l! visible apostolic pro^ijcatlon . , -such a s brothers . . . and" lay apoitl«s of all kinds."

Kfost o r (he recipients hod times- only *o pack the book wlih counscil documents before lot­ting cut f o r their home dioceses. But diirfcfflg th» interv«»iilnj monili! » n have now had a chacaccto rend «nd c\aluate Car­dinal Sueaiens' appeal foT a mone nto4#rn approach \o Ihe idea of tia* religious llf° lie *«nS5s lo «xtcnd the Churrh'a spnsSOlnte to new dimensions. and makes some startling sup-ffitgons.Enr utilizing present pcrs*annfl aaore pftectlveiv.

^Conttasmed « a Pajte 2>

l e t Fan the Barriers'

\ to Cast

Grattaftrrata w-|NCJ-. "t«t| SjK>akiftS!, ithout a text. Pope invitation, and would that weth* a=ry bewom* a prayer. Let fart ft)* harrjettl Jltojt senafstie Paul «ddresred " a salutation of coud truly make our voice like us paray ihsat, if not in our age tfsi't JPOpe i Ut VI pleaded fa A hdHcir to the old and great the truriipet of an angel which at least to succeeding ages, the ats\rt6 th* anelcftr -SaltcafS-Essterh Churdhey' and said: "if says: Cornel unitr rtujr Be reccraiposcd a€ nil ehurcbes. II were to> aate my feeling of, „ , » , , * ' , . . . ..-* «lw are ttQQ authentically Cferis-* i..^_—«._ ,» _. ... . .... ...i Let fall the barriers that na„ and let us pray especially

aarith th# most veacr-reoly Oriental Chitrch-

n6tba1 that an the „ Kart faaye the

ffier- vffl* at CateUrandotfo, ^ a u t h o S - f t S y " ^ to *» artlcibte airt eonqnssiour same ItfWlpriaaw'baule ff&F9*tmmfr_ |JJ Sf^Stta^Jerarthiai union. 'SZjLSSbjBBSSLSt

m^BJSSTs^SBi k-V****P*Wtai WgmtiWtoWjto i^imwn&mg eity areseMpiferfjirMstorical mum **NM***m r«» ***f»-(.« ..... _ ..«•_.. ._ r ^ ^ » . — '"•—$tt but We 4„d atothiaatjtpisalNi; they aft, . J&$.«tagie twevet, JtindtiaieHtaily .and : etirist liV,iubst»tiaii^;ippiri- ^

He asked if ;ffi'l:4e1aV toward roimfssrt m^htiy^5'"W d'W* w

i&^eo:ue^io»:Wai««||f^Bbrs U O D B S o r a a e a &ok «f .ur«lefslbWl«r on the

'jHhuU^gita- '-4viaBttBalA~ 'BB^^K^aattfNaaaalLAJitt aM^Ma^£aaaua' '"


So/e /rom Danger' VtluHt St. Mtcbmel, ln*r my roll

As through lbt sky I suifily fall...

Si. Mitbtel, help tbit iky-ttnger

To mmki * Undlmf itrft from dinger.

A paratrooper priest who made an archangel his patron waj entrusted this week to the cotnpany of angels for eternity.

Father Joseph Natale, husky and widely acclaimed as a priest who best filled the hazardous role of a U.S. Army chaplain, ended an bonor-studded military career in death Friday, August 16, 1963.

Three bishops, scores pf priests, hundreds of nuns and lay people at­tended his funeral at Sacred Heart Cathedral this Wednesday morning

He had more than a hundred parachute jumps to his credit and yet despite an apparent bravado he admitted — "When I was ready to make ray first jump, 1 was scared to death. Every jomp after that, I was more scared :'

t His courage was not in a lack of fear but that he overcame it to be a

finest to that hardy breed of men whp face death in every step they take rom airplanes streaking high above the earth.

Father Natale, 42, ordained in 1946, organized the St, Michael's Society for Catholics in the paratrooper corps of the U. S, Army The organization. maintains rigid religious requirements for its members and St.Michael, war rior angel, is their patron. A portion of the prayer-poem to the saLnt com-' posed by Father Natale is at the head of this article.

Bishop Kearney offered the Requiem Mass at the Cathedral. Text of his eulogy will be in next week's Courier Joiirnal.

Auxiliary Bishop Philip J. Furlong of New York represented Cardinal Spellman, spiritual shepherd of the nation's armed forces. Auxiliarv Bishop •t»a=w*eiH»-Btr Casey of ftochester-assiStetT at the Mass. AIT three blsfiops also presided at final grave-side rites in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

jThcy urged similar action •mwasms b> civic associations.

It ts ojjty by op«n and free esch*Ji?e of ideas that we can orderatand the rigfets and obli­gations that prevail on both tides.

Sach knowledge Is a prelude to action that will remove ar­tificial! barriers of rate," Ibey uid

The bishops — Amm the heads of small, iltuost-mission-ary diocese* to th,« five U.S. Princes of the? Church — issued their appeal in a historic Joint pastoral letter addressed to t n e nation's 43 million Catholics.

Released here rfarough the National Catholic Welfare Con­ference, the letter also wUl be read from the pulpit of Catho­lic churches throughout th» country this Sunday. Aujuat25.

(Full text, p*x« 4)

It bluntly says tha3 the nation must remove ineqEutles artero-ming from race, that public authorities must help correct the evils of discrimination, that no good Catholic eaa fall to re-cognlws the rights of all citizens In vote and that the racial ques­tion confronts the conscience of every American.

"The moat crucial teat of lov» of God Is love of neighbor," u id the bishops.

The pastoral noted that the hierarchy has condemned racial

i dlsirlmination twice In the past IMS and 1958 Put it uid that In the "present cmLs." thf blah-oprs rfcsh to offer "sc*sne pastoral suggestions for a Calholic ap­proach to racial harmony."

Cond>mning all forms of dis­crimination a n d srgrcgation bawd on prpjudne, the bishops rounst-ifd Cathollrt It u our strict duty lo re»pec-1 the basic human rights of every person.'*

"We know" they said, "that public authority is obliged to help correct the evtLs of unjust discrimination practiced against any group or clasv We also re­cognize that eiery minority group in America seeking Its lawful rtBhta has the obligation of respecting the lawful rights of others.

"No Catholic with a good Christian conscience."" they add­ed, "can fall to reoognue ih« rights of all citizens to rote

rf&nttt-tiif rivalry 9»-y&$M?

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part of Catiiollcs tlieMeiVcEE, ov "btezse of an fnadfequate knowl' etlge of imatual historical and

1 T«ltm~tNG|-*,ftjeCattelIi*

(CoHi'muii an Wigt Tut>)

-Moreover, we mutst prtrvid* for »U equal opportunity for employrocot, full participation in our public and private edu­cational facilities, proper bon«-• ng »nd adequate *e-I(sre assis­tance when needed "*

APrTEAUVG FOR anion tff Increjse knowledge o f the atti-ludci among both r»*-ei bWor« adion is taken lo <-orre>-t in­equities, the Bishops said

"We ran show our Christian rhanly by a quirt »r»<l tourage-uu* determination lo> mske lh» nirial harmony a matter of per­sonal iJ3vol\etncnt We murt go beyond aiogans and generalna-tlrms about color asid rea'.ii* that all of as arc human belngn. men, women and ctaHdren. all sharing the same human natura and dlcnitv. with ihe same de­sires, hopes and reeling* He should try to know msd under­stand one another"

Catholic parish IB«3 dioman socrjlle-n, along wills soMUral jstheriTixs in-6 r)v?-« a»ar|>-tlons, ran provtde Ihe "crframos meeting grounds." ttea prelates uid.

We may art thmuj^l Ulf vari­ous lay oriranrzalioraa of th» Chun-h as well as «fth r m c croups of every type," they said. "Ii many parts of the nation, there are intprxacial c-ommlttee* representing th# majo-r religious fatthi as well as Important a»-pects of rivir Irfe. We West and cndorie such efforlj . ,-•. "

Liturgy «ind Little Brothers

SatttfaRo, ChUe—the litur-gicaf movement received some new advice from a young pu­pil here.

"What is the nest way to assist at Mass?" asked Father Joseph H. English. M.M-, of ISewbursh, N.Y., during a

dlsstadcices which: an

had eAmmtyti&mim, art- no* tifofetker Inaehirott-: Mite?** . . ft """- • •"—i">"e—»»» . »«•»»•«._ , ,. _ • i j i fwBursn, 4-«.i., u u i m z a

• "^ • 's»|o*l Itt^rititeideat km hW W|ad«to i«ffl» 1 tOpem, .^teehism class in the Mary-.ei|ied ^p'e *m *&wa&.'g*fi ** ^t^.^^M^^MtM^^m ffl&& b;uf t a un blfi- # ; •«#<#'*«»' **' f***or*. eBtBinlUajt open «iir &$$£$# mi)

XMU, y T«S» to laue ™fr^^g|^^fiy»™•>.;• . • \ . fa» aTcwte to Avoke tpgettier -Mil

^•^gmimit f|t:'.ipfe-«he spirit, «taf daf? wili b * a m^'m^^i ^im^-^i^ ta Mib^t om earth of our pari''

* x aMife-will iaatk<a' proper f»>eoJ*^vi«;.toe^«<tv^ tlessi. ta«t^ O ^ n ^ r y ^ rp.m.{>^ history of mwkind '""'" ' " tin fiftaxa."

' proper ^iMtlerta^vM,. ^

1« I - ^ AT* Fre* p a r t i ^ f b* i d d ^ i ^ ifttptcially,

leaving your Bd broth-jej3Jiife;hoineT" came the reply

=5^1ti#^p.crwtng girt itr the .Saatk of the class.

fW% DIAMON-DS Inspect e » shst eteafied. N o Charge. Vtritllarri S, Thor/ie Jevmef it$ SIsjBi S t EJUt—Adf.

tt*ay Se#nleHS»s, alto better u»y to ch(rt*«ra monumeii't Is

ttaj^GKliKL asrr.

Sudan Muslems Ousf Three More Nuns

Rome, —(NC>— The gi/vernment of the Sudan has expelled three more Catholic missionaries —all of them Verona Sisters.

The three said on arrival here that a Verona Fa­ther had also been ordered expelled from the Sudan, but was now in jail for refusing to s ip a document stating that he was leaving the country because his work had been completed.

The nuns bring to 113 the number of Catholic' missionaries ousted by the Muslim regime of Presi-

| Tnir fruitful

action will be more ihe Bishops srald. If ail

citizens "openly and eiplii-ttl? predawn the r^ligiou-s basis of racial Justice and lor*."

Race Hate \ Nation's Top ' Problem . Newark, N_f.~<\C>—Racism

was cliai-aetertred as tfee nation'* most serious domestic esil fa •

- Dec 1«ration of .Conscience Is. ' sued by religions leaders, at ths ! first Greater Nesrar* • C*on*er>

dent Ibrahim Abboud since the latter part of 1962. {*"*«•• Re'»g»««« *oi Face. About 50 Protestant expelled.

missionaries have also been

The missionaries were working among the p'ri-

i The declaration wats drafted t>y Catholic. Protestant and J*«r-

• ish clcrgytnen and niwi read f« sortte iGO participants Is ths

StontimeBitxs MaTfkiraTte? marily Negro tribes of the southern part of the Su- conferestee at Ewes Catholic i*^ o ^ u b ««.- ».i«j^i nrJair, w^iere^here are now about SOO.OtW Cbristians in m& StAoal by Father Aloysius

a predominantly pagan population of around four "^J1 , wdtoator «' t«»>r-ttifiioa. The country is dominated by tfee Maslim " S ^ C S ' l ^ Arate of tis* Borthem n#&*te constitutr about :STVn\J t^2SS iTth Jl .two-thii-dj of m,mmtU^smm^^^m. v . i f i a f f

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