ille Mer ury - Glenville State · PDF fileille Mer ury ... a&IIIIID YOUI To ... Ten West...

Mercury 371207-1.psd ille Mer ury ... a&IIIIID YOUI To Ba dae Jlew W•tkr l'eatw.n Wblelo-a .. -dy Official Weekly Student Publication of Glenville State Teaclaera College io. Tlala PaP«. PLAYERS WD.L BE HERE ON WEDtm;DAY. FEB. 2 ...,.anaee of the Jitaey ...,_.. DOW oD tbeir fifteenth an- si'NnU7 tour, will mark third ef tlae CoUere'• artiiCI' series of thto preaeat .chool JUT. Both Douafu Bewlud aa Bob Aern aad Mlsa Dllel Jiarorploft Colt as Laey ia "'""''te IUYala" were. reeeiYed entll,.- here lut y•r and both .e.... ,. ill the JitDQ' P!Qen' troupe ..-.uon. The Pla,en ha<re cut Boucieaul\.'a comedr of manners, "Lon· •• to and the)' wUI use it for a ciiT· __. raiser to the matinee perform· --. of "Lady Audley'a Secret," an .w.fuhioaed tbriller which is beiDa ...t as a to the ..... _ ''MuTder fn the Old Red Bam." la the eYeai.Dg the Players .m present Sardou'• drama , "Diplo- - ·" ---o--- lG WGH SCHOOLS REPmENTED AT SCIENCE MEmNG · :olleae Ia Ha.t to Viaitora from Neichborinc CoUDti• Oa Saturday L••et..o• F-t•re Da1'• Aeti•iti .. a, EUZABETii LEWIS Ten West Virginia high + schools were represented at the annual science teachers' winter meeting here Saturday. Edaol IJUTJ"a.•- Colt. appv left, .,..;..- 0 £ tM The was called to or- •taa-e aad aiece of Joa. -c1 lJ•••I Ban7mote, wiD ••- ._. Fobraa 17 der by Mr. John R. Wagner 2 - a ... ta_ •••rae--• witlr. tlae Jit.c17 Pla,-.n. Al•o tlae ... -.. and was presided over by wiD be o-ra.• R...taotl, •ppor rirht, who will be --a.Mrocl •• Dean H. Laban White. Talks, iac played tbe ,.n of Bob Acre• Ia s...nd-'• "TM Ri•at., " , ..... ,... open forums. and a noon lun- u- .... cheon featured the day 's pro· Members of College Faculty to Benjamin Tattereon, A. B. Serve on Curricula Revision Committees Teacher" and made the fol- L. the fow at8iped to Underwood aiLd Earl R. Botrcs av taarht. laborat.orJ work mast be tended a meetinC of the committee! o'clock ill the senate at l:lbe conneeted with topica discussed in appointed to revile the cunicula o! CapitoL Satardar momiBC at I dass. and tbene ia no general know!· o'clock the four met aad &dp u to what to teaeh aetuat" details of ebaalrinw " O=onH. !::r of at the Capitol in Charle.kta. in f• ehinr" was tbe .. used by Dr. Harpe.r, instructoT ia physieal science, eduution and .oclal studie.a, was appoiated by the Policy ' studies. The groups set a date ill Committee on the Study of West April for their next meet:i'ng, Virginia Education to Dr. Harper was on a th So · 1 s d c · ambitious than paat. had :::v:no; o:. ::: s :':::;u;: teamed to use methods in edaeatioa and chemistry, and Kr. , majors. and individual wolt IUCCesafully, and had observed tba& •eienee courses =:::i . i:f often are made too for the £dqeatioa Committee. ris of Marshall CoUege, a former high schooi fiudent. There waa a re-neral meetinl' of instructor in the Collese. MISS BRAND : yo ' Prof R E Fr d S k "Ed · Tmbon." He ..,...,,.. that SPONSOR . . . ee pea son ucatton .,, .... ,..,,., ohould •• mm open Kias Willa Brand wDI entertain o( the C.nterbury Club at a Christmas, party Saturday even- iDe. Dec. 18, at 7:30 o'clock. For Pea,ce" at Glenville p_J.A. that •· ..... ,. '"'" .. t• on- ... -a fdiBsiisrii., c"'l\eerfullieu aad coopera- a ,. JA,M£5 MUSSER -----:;;;ns, not take sidea, stay out of tlon. urged Parents and teachers should show international conferences, and edu- -o- ' __ __ children the need and the- cate its masses !or peace. He also ages of pe:tce, Raymond E. Freed, mentioned several things ttiat the A. F. ROHRBOUGH instructor in social sciences in t he ...HAS BUSY WEEK College. said Thursday night in an Commandments on how to geL along address before the Glenville P.-T. A. with othen." Association. Coldie Reynolds, a sen ior in the r. Speaker at Athletic Ban· queta in Richwood, and Ct.rkaburc COLLEGE STUDENT WILL PRESIDE AT STATE CONVENllON Deazel Gan-ett to Take Put iD Sizteenth AIJpual WVIP Coaf.... ,ce DR. HYDE WILL SPEAK T•• or More R...... -tati .... of ... lilei"CCI'7 Sta.l Will C. F.m...t Glenville State Teachers College will have ten or more representatives at the abt- teenth annual meeting of tbe West Virginia lfltercol1ea1ate Press Association which will JACK WATKINS TO Thursday evening at PLAY FOR DANCE ----- d ay afternoon. 1 Aluma.i Forma: Studeata Denzel Gsrrett. a senior ill IDYited to Hohday the College, who is presideftt DaDCe of the association, will leave J ack Watkins' orchestra of Park- ersburg will plaJ: for the College's aunaal holiday dance on Friday niaht , Dec. 17, from 9 until 1 o'clock in the gymnasium, announces John Barnett, chairman of the social com- mittee. A committee to arrange for the decorations includa Suaan Smmmers, Lucille Spray and Tulsa Hinkle. Approxmiately 100 announcement-S wil l be sent to alumni aud fonner &tudents. Admis.sion price will be ninety·ftve eent.s per here Thunday in order to be in Fairmont to assist with pre- liminary program arnnae- ments. Nine of tbe staff and Linn B. Hickman, instructor in and journalism, will leave Fri- day momin1. Statr metabtrn ..... plan to go are John Ropn, Noel Bash, John Cooper, Sexton J-ma Woofter, Lucy Browa, Kar-- mel Brown. Ernestine Harri10a. Mabel Elly•on and RH::haTd o,.r. Two h&tionaUy known ne ... s-PU men, a Waahineton ne..-.paper woal· an. a rroup o( northe.m Wut Vlr· REV. J. C. MUSSER SPEAKS IN CHAPEL hirhlirht• or the two-<ta, , • .,.._. Dr. Grant M. Hyde, dire;r of the. School of Journaliam, Univeftllt7 of Wl.-on1iD, will be the prindpat •peaker. Also a.cheduled to ad.,_ the conference is Harold K. Pbllipt.. dinet.or of pub!ie nlations witb G;• National BituminoDI! Coal Saya Real M...U.c of Chriot· maa fa Oftea Overlooked By Stud ... ta The ruJ meaning of Christmas is Bn. J. C Musser, putor of the Glenville tist Church, s uggested Wednesdo)' in an asscombly addre!IS following an in- troduction by Dr. E G. Rohrboug-h, president of the College. Confining his speech to the life of Jesus :1nd the a! His comi r>g, the Rev. Ml'. Musser ex- plained that "we h&\'e been celebrat- ing Christmas for more than 200 years and that people looked for- ward to His coming longer than we - (Confl'iuaed DEAN WHITE IS GUEST SPEAKER Talka at Ganaway aad at Sutton; Min White, Miaa Olaen Fun:Uah Muaic Stories tb be told are: "Christmas Carol."' Charles Dickens, by Clifford "The Other Wise Man," Bary Va.n Dyke, by l l arjorie Crad- eock; and "'The Bird'a Cbristma;; ICanJ." Kate Douglass Wiggin, by Leone vlut, Spe2k!ng to the group in the high College, sang "The Manger of Beth· school auditorium, Mr. FTeed de· lehem," foll owing devotionals by cla red that "the places to start work- Mrs. J ohn R. Wagner. Anothtt "St u- ing for peace are the home and in dent, May Beat, a member of the the school.'' He reviewed the peace Mercury editCirial staff. interpreted situat!on and that "will' is a sketch •picturing a small boy show. ine\>i.t.:.ble under the present set-up." ing his report to hi s father. Last week was a busy one for ·-'- have looked back at Hi s life." Dean H. Laban White, ied by his d3ughter. Miss Eleanor C. White, violinist, and Miss Bertha E. Olsen, College instructor in music, presented an &!.Sf'mbly ]trogram at Gassaway High Sc.hool WMnud&,J dtt'rnoon at 2 o'clO(.k, Plans for the party have not been completed, but they will all be in 'keepfor. with the Christmas auounces Miss Brand. As bas been "Japan and Italy are overpopulat- Other numbers on the program were: ed and lack natural resources, and Two French carols, by the high they will not stop until these are 1chool Choral Club; two readings, gained," he said. Communi&m and ''I Am Your Communit)'" by Doro· Fascism were denounced as probable thy Bush, and "A Dillar A Dollar'' causes of war. br Edwin McFerrin. Mrs. Earle Ar- F. Rohrbough, coach and director of He 'explained the significance of athletics in the College. Highlights Christ, born of a virgin. th-e signifi- of his week's activities weN! three .:ance of His birth in the manger in Apeeches at three athleti c banquets the t c. wn of Bethlehem and the four in three cities. major prophesies concerning His Dean White explained ''The Mean- ing of Chri!'!tmaa" and reJerred t• the v•rious intel'pretation11 whlcll have been attached to the day frorp +.;imc to time. Be his ad· :tress with the story, "An Unupect.- ed Christmas Gift." which will a p.. pear in this paper next week. Tu ndsy evening Mr. Rohrbough coming. 'Ute custom for many years, the p!l.rty will indude the singing or Qriatmas carols at midnight. was the principal speaker at a ban· hi s address. the Re\". CJUet in Ri chwoorl in ho:1or of Coach Mr . Musser. who is the father of Mr. Freed declared that the Unit· buckle interpreted a sketch, "The &d Stntes could stay out of war if President." Mrs. Homer Moore. pres- FI,:pte.. Walk to Fifth Sectiota it would not trade with warrinJ: ident, presided at the meeting. ,llola,.od tM Put w-• 'NEW DORMITORY IS PAINTED Paul ({'Babe") Jones, A. 1\ '36. and his high school football squad. Ll oyd Jones. College financial secretnry, Nathan Callahan, Porter- llehl and Paul Collins accompan ied Coach Rohrbough to Richwood. COLLEGE STUDENT GETS VORLEY .. REXROAD IS SPEAKER On Wedn e.sda)• eveni ng Mr. Rohr- bough and Carl Ke ister, student. went to Clarksburg to attend the an nual football banquet at Victor)' High Sehool. The follo"';ng niJrht Mr, Rohrbough spoke at a .si mil ar banquet in Weston in honor of the Minutemen. "HUNTER'S ITCH" BUT BRINGS BACK THE BEAR The west end and two sections of 'tbe froat of the new dormitor)' were pai1ded with a waterproof .substance Ue 'put week. under supervision Here is a big bear story which .of C. W. Lon, p100jeet foreman for may nob 00 ,10 popular among Col- ller.::o;:s;r:. junior in the, Col- .fiftla., or E eeetiOn of the building, I lege obtained sick leave but [ailed was relaid. t;o explain that what he really had ---o---- was "hunter"s itch." He drove to At the college., kiM-stealing now County and there jofned U known as petty Jarceny.- New a of thlrLy friends who also York Worid. complamed of the same illness. The result of all this was a good meu of bear meat at Kanawha Ha!J Tile weather . . . . . . . and some interesting comments as Beginning in this issue and cpnti n- foll ows: Walter Mullens, " I like deer aiag hereafter the Mercury will give meat. better." Gory McLaughlin, "'It its reade rs a weekly weather column Wa!S pretty good." John Rogers, " It 1 m whtcA will ap- .. : 'Pear datly t:- ILke tt " Dewey .Bury, "l,got mostly :.d: fat. but tt was good." ;:;i7:, Club Gin• T•ta Dollar. to Y-rboolo of a year ago. The Canterbury Club eontnbuted The readmgs are ten tbe opast week to the fund supphed through pay a yearbook debt the court.uyl of Denzel Ganett, preatdent of the 'Gtll local of the Unit- student bodr , his appre- atl St.te. Weathf'r lbluau. cialion for the money given and stated that the Canterbury Club waR the Mrta OrgablUtion on the campus to contribute, Mr. Gurett expects to receive dooation.s from other this wuk. ........ FortbeW-.It 1838 1937 "'Jiu. Min. Date Jlax. Min. ..f& H Nov. 29 67 2'7 41 16 Nov. 30 4'4 !5 '" 11 Dec. 1 •2 17 -41 33 Dec. 2 43 20 ...2 84 Dee. 3 4& u ... 88 4 tl 18 .. 11 Dec. & .1 88· Dee. as '17 Jolm Browtl, A. B. '37, of Bunuville , aad Mn. Brown, a stu- dent in {be collqe. s pent Thank .. civinc bolidap with Mrs. Brown'• pareDts, Mr. ud Illn. Joha Rader. of GaaadaJ. Student Addrer..e• Curreal £,.etah Club oa Subject of "Peaee" " We don' t. think enough about VorJey Rexroad, ,, senior in the College, iu a speech before the Current Events Club, Tuesday night in the College lounge. He emphasized the fact .tha't prop- aganda is trying to create a war :1pirit and in or:der · to this tendency, people should look for means of offsetting wu propaganda Priday, Coach Rohrbough and Dr. K G. Rohrbough were in Clarks- bl!rJ (o.r the annual Winter meeting of the West Virginia Intercollegiate Athletic ConfNence, of which Dr. RohrboUgh is president. cmd think of ways to create peaeeful WARREN B. HORNER HONORED relationships among countries. . Following talk, Johr. 1. Mad• Member of N• tioa•l Aaaocia- Rogers gave a brief Teview of • tio .... •f AutboT• -c1 Jo.irUli•b Brot hers by 1. J. Singer. Warren B. Hornet, professor of After the program, Miss Bessie English at Shepherd State Teacheu Boyd Bell. sponsor of the club, and Gollege, Shepherdstown, was recent· Ruby Lamb, secretary-t reasunr, ly- elected to honorary membership served Tefreshments. in the National Association of Auth· ors and Journalists. When Cupid hits his ma.rk, he gen- Mr. Horner's published work and era.l\y Mrs. it. -Green Gander. contributions to folk literature en- II •. dre.l ia CJetaYiUe with tlae C Cia\. -.e.mben - pa.racle ia thei:r. fo•rth •-•al produc· . tioa. The eur.taio:o •lid.. •t a P. m. i• tl:ae- Coller• au,..torhua. aod a&miuioo pri-• &1'0 15 _.. 25 ceah. s- ....... popalat- •o•.. iD cola.Pat• •r,.M. lltJ.clr.fa_,. - -...eli ... ' • ,_ .... wit, •. -;., ao ..... iac of .............. .... title him to men1bership in the SO· ciety. A" honorary certificate has been awarded him. Aniong other honorary members are Mayor FioreUo LaGuardia of New York and Mrs. Frinklin D. . Roosevelt. Mr. Horner, a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Horner, of Weston. was an instructor in English bere in tbe spring ana summer of 1929. ltf" lSst , Mi.rie El}f80n, A. B. "3't "Carlin Ellyson, A. B. '3'7, and Miu .. abil Ellyson, student in the Col. te.e. visited relativn in Cowen the ·----------..:. I!"' ......... . James Musser, student in the Co l- lege, announced to several members o! the facu lty that he had decided to remain 1n Glenville and that he would not a ccept the Spencer ate which had been offered to him recently. Mr. Mu.sser has been past· or of the Glenville Baptist ChuTch for the pal!lt e)eveJ) years. ---o--- - STUDENTS WILL HEAR MR. KIRBY Secretary of State Board of Education Ia Guest of College Today Mi sa White, acc.ompanied by Mi.- Bertha E. Ol&en, presented the fol- lo wing violin so los: "'La Media Noebe," by Aniles: "'Poeme."' by Fib- ich; ''Waltz in A,'' by Brahms; donderry Air''; '' Rondim," by Beet- hoven and Kreisle.r; "Spanish Sere-- nade," by Charninode ar:td Kreialer; " Liebeafe.nd," by Kreider. Wednesday e•;cning Dean White waa the guest speaker at a joint meeting of the Sutton Rotary Clal:t and Woman'!'! Club. His subject w- "Community Betterment." KiM White MiM Ol sen also fumbbe4 Mr. Da' d Kirby, secretary of the State Board of Education, arrived special music for the Sutton meetinc. ---o----- Art Stadoah D-i•• Clrui.tmu Canla here today for • series o! individual conferences with members of the faculty. Thi! afternoon he is atte nd- ing a faculty meeting in Room J 0 1 The art elasaes in the Colli!lfe are at which curriculum revisions are designing and opaintin,g tMir o_.. being considered. Christmas cards this year, &nnounc• Mr. Kirby will remain here to- Mi u Margaret Chri•tie, instructor night. a nd will !:peak to the faculty This unit of work U a study of col· and students in as.sembl)• tomorrow or harmony. Each card c:arries oul at lO o'clock. announCes Pres. E. G. one of the eight major harmonie!l. Rohrbough. ---o---- FACULTY TO ENJOY CHRISTMAS PARTY TONIGHT The Faculty Club will be enter- Wined with s Christmas pa'rt)' ibis evening at 8 o'clock in the rec.rea- tion room of the new dormitoey. There will bo a Christmas tree. Cb.ri5tmas deeorations,and Chrit.trrias games will be played. Hosts and hos-- tesses will Mr. and Mrs. A.. F. Mr. Mn.. R. E. Freed. Miss Gold-ie C. Jame.a. Mias Bertha E.- a'"'nd· Miss Laai'•Ann }1;1es. · :.. · You can't expeet a lh•inc .,..e if Campus Calendar TODAY : Social Committee. 6:16 p. m. , Collece Lounge; Chemiltry Cl ub. 6 :30 p. m.. Pb)'sic.s Labora· to.-y. TOMORROW : ASI!Inthlr. 10 a. m. Speake-r, Mr. David Kirby, 5ec· retary of the State Board of E'du · cation. THURSDAY: G Club minatn-1. 8 tp. m. , College a'Uditoriom. FRIDA.l' : Y. W. C. A. Silver Tea, 3 tcr 5 p. m.. MOl"'t'DAY : Student 6 :30 p. m.. .Loance. JOU an a dead oae.-Da)'t.OB Newa.' -----------

Transcript of ille Mer ury - Glenville State · PDF fileille Mer ury ... a&IIIIID YOUI To ... Ten West...

Mercury 371207-1.psd

ille Mer ury ... a&IIIIID YOUI To Ba dae Jlew W•tkr l'eatw.n

Wblelo-a .. -dy Official Weekly Student Publication of Glenville State Teaclaera College io. Tlala PaP«.


...,.anaee of the Jitaey ...,_.. DOW oD tbeir fifteenth an­si'NnU7 tour, will mark third ef tlae CoUere'• artiiCI' series of thto preaeat .chool JUT. Both Douafu Bewlud aa Bob Aern aad Mlsa Dllel Jiarorploft Colt as Laey ia "'""''te IUYala" were. reeeiYed entll,.­~ here lut y•r and both .e....,. ill the JitDQ' P!Qen' troupe ..-.uon. •

The Pla,en ha<re cut Boucieaul\.'a comedr of manners, "Lon·

•• to min~

and the)' wUI use it for a ciiT· __. raiser to the matinee perform· --. of "Lady Audley'a Secret," an .w.fuhioaed tbriller which is beiDa ...t as a to the mel~ ....._ ''MuTder fn the Old Red Bam." la the eYeai.Dg the Players .m present Sardou'• drama , "Diplo--·" ---o---


SCIENCE MEmNG ·:olleae Ia Ha.t to Viaitora from

Neichborinc CoUDti• Oa Saturday

L••et..o• F-t•re Da1'• Aeti•iti ..

a, EUZABETii LEWIS Ten West Virginia high

+ schools were represented at the annual science teachers' winter meeting here Saturday.

Edaol IJUTJ"a.•- Colt. appv left, tw-• .,..;..- 0 £ tM The se~ion was called to or­•taa-e aad aiece of Joa. -c1 lJ•••I Ban7mote, wiD ••- ._. Fobraa17 der by Mr. John R. Wagner 2 - a ... ta_ •••rae--• witlr. tlae Jit.c17 Pla,-.n. Al•o tlae ... -.. and was presided over by wiD be o-ra.• R...taotl, •ppor rirht, who will be --a.Mrocl •• ~a... Dean H. Laban White. Talks, iac played tbe ,.n of Bob Acre• Ia s...nd-'• "TM Ri•at.," ,.....,... open forums. and a noon lun­u-two~ .... cheon featured the day 's pro· ~~~~--~~~~--~--~--~~------------l ~am. Members of College Faculty ~amed to Benjamin Tattereon, A. B .

Serve on Curricula Revision Committees :!~::i::se~~e~, Y~~~~ 0&;:~!'; Teacher" and made the fol-

D~~ ;h~:~s~~N:a::r~R~~-0~- L. the fow commi~ at8iped to ~:'.::n~epoef~:::e ~:!:!":~~t~!st; Underwood aiLd Earl R. Botrcs av :~:!::u~~e:a!n ev~n a~i~ taarht. laborat.orJ work mast be tended a meetinC of the committee! o'clock ill the senate d~A~Dbu at l:lbe conneeted with topica discussed in appointed to revile the cunicula o! CapitoL Satardar momiBC at I dass. and tbene ia no general know!·

o'clock the four ~ommitteea met aad &dp u to what to teaeh •

:~ ~~::~:~e~nesLb~eft= c~:~ di.c~qed aetuat" details of ebaalrinw "O=onH. !::r S~=" of

at the Capitol in Charle.kta. ~~;~!=~y. in blot~e;eal re:::~::~ f•ehinr" was tbe .. used by

Dr. Harpe.r, instructoT ia physieal science, eduution and .oclal :~:~e ~-.:e~ie~~~d~e;::;esaw~: studie.a, was appoiated by the Policy ' studies. The groups set a date ill Committee on the Study of West April for their next meet:i'ng, =~~r::!!':!e:;;t~::! .~:~~e;; Virginia Teach~Cn' Education to Dr. Harper was n~med on a sub~

th So · 1 s d c · ambitious than i~_J.ean paat. had :::v:no; o:. u:enr~~~ins~=o~ ~::;:i!~e~et:n~=~ ::: s:':::;u;: teamed to use ~di9ldual methods in edaeatioa and chemistry, and Kr. , majors. • and individual wolt IUCCesafully, and

had observed tba& •eienee courses =:::i. ~::i:~m~ t~'=!~ on"!~~ Sci~~~e ~~:~~:~ i:f 0/h~- E.~c~:~ often are made too ~baical for the £dqeatioa Committee. ris of Marshall CoUege, a former high schooi fiudent.

There waa a re-neral meetinl' of instructor in the Collese. ap~~le0:'::'~eA.~~u:!5·f:: ~:::n: MISS BRAND :yo ' Prof R E Fr d S k "Ed · Tmbon." He ..,...,,.. that t~• SPONSOR PAR~ . . . ee pea son ucatton .,, .... ,..,,., ohould •• mm open

Kias Willa Brand wDI entertain o( the C.nterbury Club at

a Christm as, party Saturday even­iDe. Dec. 18, at 7:30 o'clock.

For Pea,ce" at Glenville p_J.A. Meetina l,o.,;,.d~·· that •· ..... ,. '"'" .. t• on­... -a fdiBsiisrii., c"'l\eerfullieu aad coopera-

a ,. JA,M£5 MUSSER -----:;;;ns, not take s idea, stay out of tlon. ~~:n~;n:~ed:!edpa;end4 , urged Parents and teachers should show international conferences, and edu- -o-' __ __

children the need and the- advant~ cate its masses !or peace. He also ages of pe:tce, Raymond E. Freed, mentioned several things ttiat the A. F. ROHRBOUGH instructor in social sciences in t he ::::.a~~~~ ~~:1~~: ~t~u;.t~;: ...HAS BUSY WEEK College. said Thursday night in an Commandments on how to geL along address before the Glenville P.-T. A. with othen." Association. Coldie Reynolds, a sen ior in the

r. Speaker at Athletic Ban· queta in Richwood, W~ton

and Ct.rkaburc


Deazel Gan-ett to Take Put iD Sizteenth AIJpual

WVIP Coaf....,ce


T•• or More R......-tati .... of ... lilei"CCI'7 Sta.l Will C.


Glenvi lle State Teachers College will have ten or more representatives at the abt­teenth annual meeting of tbe West Virginia lfltercol1ea1ate Press Association which will

JACK WATKINS TO op~n Thursday evening at

PLAY FOR DANCE f.~;";.~'dt c~'::i~u~~~~i~Sa~~: ----- day afternoon. 1

Aluma.i ~d Forma: Studeata Denzel Gsrrett. a senior ill IDYited to Hohday the College, who is presideftt

DaDCe of the association, will leave

J ack Watkins' orchestra of Park­ersburg will plaJ: for the College's aunaal holiday dance on Friday niaht, Dec. 17, from 9 until 1 o'clock in the gymnasium, announces John Barnett, chairman of the social com­mittee.

A committee ~pointed to arrange for the decorations includa Suaan Smmmers, Lucille Spray and Tulsa Hinkle.

Approxmiately 100 announcement-S will be sent to alumni aud fonner &tudents. Admis.sion price will be ninety·ftve eent.s per ~ouple.

here Thunday in order to be in Fairmont to assist with pre­liminary program arnnae­ments. Nine memb~n of tbe Mer~ury staff and Linn B. Hickman, instructor in EDclia~ and journalism, will leave Fri­day momin1. Statr metabtrn ..... plan to go are John Ropn, Noel Bash, John Cooper, Sexton W~ J-ma Woofter, Lucy Browa, Kar-­mel Brown. Ernestine Harri10a. Mabel Elly•on and RH::haTd o,.r.

Two h&tionaUy known ne ... s-PU men, a Waahineton ne..-.paper woal· an. a rroup o( northe.m Wut Vlr·

REV. J. C. MUSSER ~=~ ::!~:r~o~t::::~~tp!::::~ SPEAKS IN CHAPEL hirhlirht• or the two-<ta, , • .,.._.

Dr. Grant M. Hyde, dire;r of the. School of Journaliam, Univeftllt7 of Wl.-on1iD, will be the prindpat •peaker. Also a.cheduled to ad.,_ the conference is Harold K. Pbllipt.. dinet.or of pub!ie nlations witb G;• National BituminoDI! Coal

Saya Real M...U.c of Chriot· maa fa Oftea Overlooked

By Stud ... ta

The ruJ meaning of Christmas is ~o Qfi~~Jb.e Bn. J. C Musser, putor of the Glenville Bap~ tist Church, suggested Wednesdo)' in an asscombly addre!IS following an in­troduction by Dr. E G. Rohrboug-h, president of the College.

Confining his speech to the life of Jesus :1nd the prophesi~ a! His comir>g, the Rev. Ml'. Musser ex­plained that "we h&\'e been celebrat­ing Christmas for more than 200 years and that people looked for­ward to His coming longer than we

- (Confl'iuaed -on~:,=-....~="-'


Talka at Ganaway aad at Sutton; Min White, Miaa

Olaen Fun:Uah Muaic Stories tb be told are: "Christmas

Carol."' Charles Dickens, by Clifford "The Other Wise Man," Bary Va.n Dyke, by l larjorie Crad­eock; and "'The Bird'a Cbristma;; ICanJ." Kate Douglass Wiggin, by Leone vlut,

Spe2k!ng to the group in the high College, sang "The Manger of Beth· school auditorium, Mr. FTeed de· lehem," following devotionals by cla red that "the places to start work- Mrs. J ohn R. Wagner. Anothtt "Stu­ing for peace are the home and in dent, May Beat, a member of the the school.'' He reviewed the peace Mercury editCirial staff. interpreted situat!on and de~lared that "will' is a sketch •picturing a small boy show. ine\>i.t.:.ble under the present set-up." ing his report ~ard to his father.

Last week was a busy one for ·-'- have looked back at His life."

Dean H. Laban White, ac~om~a­ied by his d3ughter. Miss Eleanor C. White , violinist, and Miss Bertha E. Olsen, College instructor in music, presented an &!.Sf'mbly ]trogram at Gassaway High Sc.hool WMnud&,J dtt'rnoon at 2 o'clO(.k, Plans for the party have not been

completed, but they will all be in 'keepfor. with the Christmas api~it, auounces Miss Brand. As bas been

"Japan and Italy are overpopulat- Other numbers on the program were: ed and lack natural resources, and Two French carols, by the high they will not stop until these are 1chool Choral Club; two readings, gained," he said. Communi&m and ''I Am Your Communit )'" by Doro· Fascism were denounced as probable thy Bush, and "A Dillar A Dollar'' causes of war. br Edwin McFerrin. Mrs. Earle Ar-

F. Rohrbough, coach and d irector of He 'explained the significance of athletics in the College. Highlights Christ, born of a virgin. th-e signifi­of h is week's activities weN! three .:ance of His birth in the manger in Apeeches at three athletic banquets the t c. wn of Bethlehem and the four in three cities. major prophesies concerning His Dean White explained ''The Mean­

ing of Chri!'!tmaa" and reJerred t• the v•rious intel'pretation11 whlcll have been attached to the day frorp +.;imc to time. Be ~oncluded his ad· :tress with the story, " An Unupect.­ed Christmas Gift." which will ap.. pear in this paper next week.

Tu ndsy evening Mr. Rohrbough coming.

'Ute custom for many years, the p!l.rty will indude the singing or Qriatmas carols at midnight.

was the principa l speaker at a ban· his address. the Re\". CJUet in Richwoorl in ho:1or of Coach Mr. Musser. who is the father of

Mr. Freed declared that the Unit· buckle interpreted a sketch, "The &d Stntes could stay out of war if President." Mrs. Homer Moore. pres­

FI,:pte.. Walk to Fifth Sectiota it would not trade with warrinJ: ident, presided at the meeting. , llola,.od tM Put w-• ;:;:;-;::;:;:-=::==::=-=::::.::...-::::::::~:;::::.:::...:::_:=~::_--


Paul ({'Babe") Jones, A. 1\ '36. and his high school football squad. Lloyd Jones. College financial secretnry, Nathan Callahan, Ru~ell Porter­llehl and Paul Collins accompan ied Coach Rohrbough to Richwood.

COLLEGE STUDENT GETS VORLEY .. REXROAD IS SPEAKER On Wedn e.sda)• evening Mr. Rohr­bough and Carl Keister, student. went to Clarksburg to attend the an nual football banquet at Victor)' High Sehool. The follo"';ng niJrht Mr, Rohrbough spoke at a .similar banquet in Weston in honor of the Minutemen.


The west end and two sections of 'tbe froat of the new dormitor)' were pai1ded with a waterproof .substance Ue 'put week. under th~ supervision Here is a big bear story which .of C. W. Lon, p100jeet foreman for may nob 00 ,10 popular among Col-

1l-::o~ t~0:'.':t:!e~;::n~:n·~be ller.::o;:s;r:. junior in the, Col-

.fiftla., or E eeetiOn of the building, I lege obtained sick leave but [ailed was relaid. t;o explain that what he really had

---o---- was " hunter"s itch." He drove to At the college., kiM-stealing now County and there jofned

U known as petty Jarceny.- New a grou~ of thlrLy friends who also York Worid. complamed of the same illness.

The result of all this was a good meu of bear meat at Kanawha Ha!J

Tile weather . . . . . . . and some interesting comments as Beginning in this issue and cpntin- follows: Walter Mullens, " I like deer

aiag hereafter the Mercury will give meat. better." Gory McLaughlin , "'It its readers a weekly weather column Wa!S pretty good." John Rogers, " It

1m whtcA will ap- ~sat!:t~~r ~=rna ~~:~na~=~ .. : a~::.; 'Pear datly t:-ILke tt " Dewey .Bury, "l,got mostly

~l'l•;:tu;:d :.d: fat. but tt was good."

~:~dt~;r ;:;i7:, Club Gin• T•ta Dollar. to Y-rboolo of a year ago. The Canterbury Club eontnbuted The readmgs are ten tbe opast week to the fund supphed through ~~emg raised~ t~!" pay a yearbook debt the court.uyl of Denzel Ganett, preatdent of the

'Gtll local r~prese-ntative of the Unit- student bodr , express~d his appre­atl St.te. Weathf'r lbluau. cialion for the money given and

stated that the Canterbury Club waR the Mrta OrgablUtion on the campus to contribute, Mr. Gurett expects to receive dooation.s from other or~~iutions this wuk.

........ FortbeW-.It 1838 1937

"'Jiu. Min. Date Jlax. Min. ..f& H Nov. 29 67 2'7 41 16 Nov. 30 4'4 !5 '" 11 Dec. 1 •2 17 -41 33 Dec. 2 43 20 ... 2 84 Dee. 3 4& u ... 88 ~. 4 tl 18 .. 11 Dec. & .1 88·

Dee. • as '17

Mr~ Jolm Browtl, A. B. ' 37 , of Bunuville, aad Mn. Brown, a stu­dent in {be collqe. spent Thank .. civinc bolidap with Mrs. Brown'• pareDts, Mr. ud Illn. Joha Rader. of GaaadaJ.

Student Addrer..e• Curreal £,.etah Club oa Subject of "Peaee"

" We don' t. think enough about peac~.'' de: VorJey Rexroad, ,, senior in the College, iu a speech before the Current Events Club, Tuesday night in the College lounge.

He emphasized the fact .tha't prop­aganda is trying to create a war :1pirit and in or:der · to coun te ra~t this tendency, people should look for means of offsetting wu propaganda

Priday, Coach Rohrbough and Dr. K G. Rohrbough were in Clarks­bl!rJ (o.r the annual Winter meeting of the West Virginia Intercollegiate Athletic ConfNence, of which Dr. RohrboUgh is president.

cmd think of ways to create peaeeful WARREN B. HORNER HONORED relationships among countries. .

Following ~xroad's talk, Johr. 1. Mad• Member of N• tioa•l Aaaocia­Rogers gave a brief Teview of "Th~ · • tio .... •f AutboT• -c1 Jo.irUli•b Brothers Ashkenazi~· · by 1. J . Singer. Warren B. Hornet, professor of

After the program, Miss Bessie English at Shepherd State Teacheu Boyd Bell. sponsor of the club, and Gollege, Shepherdstown, was recent· Ruby Lamb, secretary-treasunr, ly- elected to honorary membership served Tefreshments. in the National Association of Auth·

ors and Journalists. • When Cupid hits his ma.rk, he gen- Mr. Horner's published work and

era.l\y Mrs. it.-Green Gander. contributions to folk literature en-

II ~~::~ •. ~~.&~~~.~. dre.l ia CJetaYiUe with tlae C Cia\. -.e.mben - pa.racle ia thei:r. fo•rth •-•al produc· . tioa. The eur.taio:o •lid.. •t a P. m. i• tl:ae- Coller• au,..torhua. aod a&miuioo pri-• &1'0 15 _.. 25 ceah. s- ....... popalat- •o•.. iD cola.Pat• •r,.M. lltJ.clr.fa_,. - -...eli ... ' • ,_ .... wit, -· •. -;., ao .....iac of .............. ....

title him to men1bership in the SO·

ciety. A " honorary certificate has been awarded him.

Aniong other honorary members are Mayor FioreUo LaGuardia of New York and Mrs. Frinklin D.

. Roosevelt. Mr. Horner, a son of Mr. and Mrs.

H. M. Horner, of Weston. was an instructor in English bere in tbe spring ana summer of 1929.

• ltf"lSst , Mi.rie El}f80n, A. B. "3't "Carlin Ellyson, A. B. '3'7, and Miu .. abil Ellyson, student in the Col. te.e. visited relativn in Cowen the

·----------..:. I!"' ......... .

James Musser, student in the Col­lege, announced to several members o! the facu lty that he had decided to remain 1n Glenville and that he would not accept the Spencer pastor~ ate which had bee n offered to him recently. Mr. Mu.sser has been past· or of the Glenville Baptist ChuTch for the pal!lt e)eveJ) years.

---o--- -


Secretary of State Board of Education Ia Guest of

College Today

Misa White, acc.ompanied by Mi.­Bertha E. Ol&en, presented the fol­lo wing violin solos: "'La Media Noebe," by Aniles: "'Poeme."' by Fib­ich; ''Waltz in A,' ' by Brahms; "Lon~ donderry Air''; '' Rondim," by Beet­hoven and Kreisle.r; "Spanish Sere-­nade," by Charninode ar:td Kreialer; " Liebeafe.nd," by Kreider.

Wednesday e•;cning Dean White waa the guest speaker at a joint meeting of the Sutton Rotary Clal:t and Woman'!'! Club. His subject w­"Community Betterment." KiM White :~nd MiM Olsen also fumbbe4 Mr. Da' d Kirby, secretary of the

State Board of Education, arrived special music for the Sutton meetinc. ---o-----

Art Stadoah D-i•• Clrui.tmu Canla here today for • series o! individual conferences with members of the faculty. Thi! afternoon he is attend-ing a fac ulty meeting in Room J 01 The art elasaes in the Colli!lfe are at which curriculum revisions are designing and opaintin,g tMir o_.. being considered. Christmas cards this year, &nnounc•

Mr. Kirby will remain here to- Miu Margaret Chri•tie, instructor night. a nd will !:peak to the faculty This unit of work U a study of col· and students in as.sembl)• tomorrow or harmony. Each card c:arries oul at l O o'clock. announCes Pres. E. G. one of the eight major harmonie!l. Rohrbough .


The Faculty Club will be enter­Wined with s Christmas pa'rt)' ibis evening at 8 o'clock in the rec.rea­tion room of the new dormitoey . There will bo a Christmas tree. Cb.ri5tmas deeorations ,and Chrit.trrias games will be played. Hosts and hos-­tesses will ~ Mr. and Mrs. A.. F. ~hrbo.ugb, Mr. ~nd Mn.. R. E. Freed. Miss Gold-ie C. Jame.a. Mias Bertha E .- 01~ • a'"'nd· Miss Laai'•• Ann }1;1es. · :.. -· · •

You can't expeet a lh•inc .,..e if

Campus Calendar TODAY : Social Committee. 6:16

p. m., Collece Lounge; Chemiltry Club. 6 :30 p. m .. Pb)'sic.s Labora· to.-y.

TOMORROW : ASI!Inthlr. 10 a. m. Speake-r, Mr. David Kirby, 5ec·

retary of the State Board of E'du · cation.

THURSDAY: G Club minatn-1. 8 tp. m., College a'Uditoriom.

FRIDA.l' : Y. W. C. A. Silver Tea, 3 tcr 5 p. m.. Colle~ LO~

MOl"'t'DAY : Student Cou.n~ il .

6 :30 p. m.. Colle~ .Loance.

JOU an a dead oae.-Da)'t.OB Newa.'-----------

Mercury 371207-2.psd

Pabll:abel ....., T11eeclaJ' b7 the 0.... ia J"OGTDalifDI of Gle-mtie 8IMe Teachen CoUegoe. BllWred at the po.t ol!lk:e at GJe-nille, Wellt 'YirPaia. u aeeo1HI dA8I mail matter. SubseriptioD price for 1131-38 U OMta. AU COIDJIIauicaticma sMvld be addrebed to The Editon, Tile .,_rille llerft.f'J', -----.... -~-" ............. Sonice,IIIC. .............. _

•aoiiiA•-AYIL NIIWYOII .. N .T. ~.- ..... &Htcn •t .. -

DITORIAL STAF)"-Kq Beal, Bieha.rd [)yft-, .loha W. Ko'tn'q, h-. LeU Btalaalr:er, • ., Leone Wut, laad Newto-a CoopeT. . . . . DORTS EDITOR . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . • . . . .. . .. . • . • Ri..,. Drer PICTVU EDITOR ........................ l""" W .•• .._. ir. rtAn CARTOONIST . ........ . . . ... . . ....... III.Wy Leo ... ... ADVDftSING llANA.GER . ....... . .... .... ......... Noel Ba.h «liAJIINIST . . . . • . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lolta a.e-• . . . IIIBWSSTAFF-lllertia Aodonoa,--~ -- .. ......_ -.r K. Browe, Loq Bf'OWII, KarmeJ an .... NMI ...._ hie Ca'IT, Jelao <:oo,er, Sterllq c ... •lqh- ._ 1111rooa. CU.I<I ea.-. a...cme, lla&eJ Hftsmaa,. ~ Lewla. Lola .._.._ ...... Uhr, IAICiDe SpraJ, LDb Stala'-, .z. ... Woofter, ld'toa ~ ad Harold Whiten.

FACULTY ADVlSEil . ... . .. . ..... . ........ 'Lia" 8. lllt­TELEPIION& te

•ember of


-olleo!ata ...._ Aaeoclatioa

1,, Meeba- • • ,,.

~soci!Ed Olleeide Pren .............. ColleeDe Ditle5l


·-of ·w-. VifliaJa

N......, ...


There is nothing better tha~ recommends an individual than his attention to his pareats. How can ch!Jdren ever repay parent& for their love, loyalty and labol'IJ!

At times-new thoughts. "'new associations ~and new cares Ill the mind and heart of individuals and in this manner ln-e for the parenta is thrust aside. It probably would be better if childten would remember that many times the. ellan&"e Ia within them and not within their parents. When ehDdren ao away they nevu know, until they experience it theftlaelvea, just What a vacancy is left behind.

We should make it our businesa, even when far away, to

t' a~:;~;u~g:::~ J:~~~~1f':o: ~i:ee Uo~ti~~ h~~r: eoatributed aomethiug to tho comfort au~ delight of father and mother.

Our conotant lltudy should be the prumotion of happineBO and eontentlltellt for thooe who brought us Into this world. -Leah l!talubr.


prorreuea and the varioua campus or. out tbeir respective propa~~~a,

is cteated. Support. not only -members, but from the town•

proper •;.:::.':::o:::,:=~~~~th~: .. :!'!~l~u;ni:. entirely necessary

Sutely, everyone living within the bounds of thls commun .. Dit.y ia aware of the fact that the presence of the College here II of a .deeided advantage to 1all concerned. Do not students Uvlq m the dormltol'letl and those who drive back and forth aid tlae various businesses with their continuoUs patronage throqhout the school year? So why can't the-busine88 units reeiproca~ by lending ~~eir support in every way poaaible. whether 1t be ~Y advertising or by patronage in other ways?

True, GtenvJlle State Teachers College is a state·mllin· tained institution, but this is no indication that it can con· tlnue to be maintained without local backing. Many per .. 80118 have the erroneous belief t hat campus org-anizations aad activities do not need support, other than what the state pro~ide~. Re~ard.!~ of this .(.a llacy, Glenville's campus or-

. \ J::~r!~:O~k~ ~h"!i~8~x~~::n~! i!ht~r ::~~~~~i~u:~~~ ~!~ and time again many Joyal Glenville citizens have lent sup­port to campuus activities. And, likewise, these loya l friends llave found that cooperation pAys. Proper cooperation can and will be fostered if those that have already helPed will continue to do so, and if those who have been skeptical wilJ fall in line and make an adjustment.-Richard Dyer.


U we were to be suddenly offered a magic wand by which all disease and the sorrow and economic loss resulting from Jt could be wiped out. we would be quick to grasp it, or so we think. The way to conquer one disease has been found , but the work goes on with comparative slowness. Medical 11cience has been able to spread the good news that t ubercul­oels is both preventable and curable. Such news ought to be received with the greatest rejoicing, and it has been. Yet in apite of the fact t hat great strides have been taken in the prevention and cure of the disease, the work of stamping it oat goes on more slowly than it

Doctors and nurses give hopeful interpretations of the aituation, but always end by aaying that more equipment and fDDda are needed to handle the situation properly. They are handicap~ ill their work There are now about 950 beds iD btberc:ular hoapitala in West Virginia. but there are al­ways more thaJI 200 on the waiting list.

The method of raiaina f unds for such a great work is a aood one--one which pl~ces no burden on a nyone and elves neryone who ls able a chance to share in the work. When a person bu.ya Christmu Seals he hu made a worthwhile coatribaticm, .hut there ia something eli"e- he can do " ·hjch in tile pat has o~ beetl neglected. He can use tht! seals on hia tetten and packages. If people who bought seals would always use them it would be the means of educating other people to their U5e. Their purchase of seal~ 'wouta in turn tncreue the ronda avaUable for the work.

Stamps have been sent to each membe.r .of the faculty of Glenville state Teachers' College and will be distributed to the atuclenta. Altho.agh the amount asked from st.udents i& very uaall. it will amount to a substantial sum if each one d-loiaput.

t'be story of the good Saman"tan has been told so many mae. that we kno'W it bJ heart, yet orten by iDditrerence or we too pue by on the other side in ca~ of opJMIIt~ aad aeed. Will it be so this year? -May Beal.

vrrt1a t1ae r ..... c-•-- ; .. , tlae ~-. I C&8 ,.._

oal7a--t to .. Ye pa tfae ,._ _ ...................... ... Clll.llqJOI ••• E.-.tia• ao--chaar• ._ lut .... . . . BatQ leU. wla.. .. .... wi.. Aaick . . . ·--- _.. o..-,. .rt _ .. talk .• . s-.nt .. ..t. are ca .. lat -·~to .... tWr li•,_,.­ptift ..... ... Acl&rlt.._...._ .. tiUalu.CWC.hiM.artiao ... prett7 1aair ••• Marth t.- I..Jb rat. ._. f...wl ••• • . . Ho Ia aoaeotla.otlaaa n .. Ha••- • •• FLA.SH I o-te.- U. Mee•hlr a w.-.. hr • . . He tri• e. ..... a , .... ,. - IIi• daadaa putaen .... a ... _ .. w.,.,_. __...... .... --' ... ,......__ p.a. ........ W..titJ' .... .nu _ ...... ... o__,.. ... two pichre• -.i .......... -... Wil_ .... ... ..__,_......_., ....... .... .lo.... . . . SOPHISTICATES ABROAD I HaMtf' piteba• a little -- 1a a ....... n •. .. c...,. ... -~~ Hall •pead ,._ a.iPt pl.

. li ... atlq tow-.. -d 1 ... Law ... a._,. ~.,_ i • · Backlaaa­••• .•• He ~ •• ,... widro two w ... le,.aa.i ... , -• of wfalch laU at.oat tlroe ••• tn~ck ia thi• Yicia.it7 . •• Paal _., Fritsia ret-1'11 fer a tvief ...Uit • •• A .. aace at a pictue taJwa ... pe1t J'-T of Dorb D ... N..tadl-aofTut.a . .. ~·· .... aad ............ i• ... •' th

.... - tM -··· . .. Eartle ... Ci••7 - .. '"' Mttled • •• ·­ad ,_ aN ia ... -- pt-. at

tM .... ti•e t" oft- to .. • ..,. coiacillea.ea ••• Bill'• .,.... eoce at tlroe lha.n ..... I••••• u-~. ceaapi,•JN• •• • ...__. aMpt. • •bt doll •.• P&I"IJ' datr&l

~~-=~-·~=~th '-;,~ ... ~ ..... u. -- ..... ,.__. .. . ,.._ .... .._ ..... .......... 1M ....... of ad..-.... ,oeiai .dae- ... r ... ac~.-. ,, •. ._ --fi ., i_ ....... . ia.....,... .. ·~ fl)...__ _.. __ __. _ ........... ...... uu-..--. .. ~~· •• life - ....._di- ef lifo • •• A ._. MCi&l ,..._;_ .t.U ~~- ,.W.. ,..._ to .... -- of ~UICO • • •

Bt.t. ..... ., .... •edal --.......................... _..,_eat .. .a-- ... '-~. ....... .,. ........ " ....... .. "",......,.._,_..., _ _ . lAM ...... ......, ......

He ...... 't-'-••·· -. 1 .nut,.....--. .,. .... ,p ........ ,

........ -~ --- ... rood ai.-lat. I'• •'waa te ltad.-THE I"· NOCENT ABRO~.

Robert F. Kidd · Library ....•

t The !:~ IGdd Lib•uy ... • Maidens' Movie MOments

ftiiiDbeT of booka aeleded b)' \be ON Book Cllni< of tho Ameriea• mot!- SCREEN SHOWINGS, CURRENT' AJIID COMING

=~::io~.rap~: ::d::. -:=~~c:~ .'------- S, L lluoa aad E. """'"•·----~"-"Ji merit in design, v:.ecutioD, pai•liDI, As ChriRmal drawa near i.D WW ltopD 9I'Oftl ~ binding, paper, type, aad illutra~ BoUpood, atan are studinc mWDa fu aad rutace bdo ._ tio..a. kaee-deep Ia artiftclal mow, sweat.- joyoua pn.erip&in IN ---

Books boz:~ored which are aull- inc ••tier far coa\&, aad cllniQ taiament In •"BudJ ADIJ," .._ &ble in the librat7 an TBE NILE, a. prorideac:e tUt. maket it .o aa· iq SaaclaJ' aDd lloDda.J' • Emi1 Ladwig; lto~H>rable ment.io1t ift. •otlii' tiD eara .. t~ tt,&OO .f.o Do ,... bow t .. l: ...,.,. a. eludes LAWRENCE: TBE LAST $&000 a week in t!ril ~ • , , ten owu oDe n it of c~ CRUSADE.. anll TRll SUNPAPERS The aonh CoUep RQdeat.l are rest of <hia ovtftta eout.t of 111acb OF BALTDIORE. Behtn Cbe~tey. DOl U.e ••lr oaes who bave troabo- and •--ten . . . Boplde 'hcbr

'l'wo ~er boob wlri.O Uve re- I• to IN owr • • • Bpakhlc of gave llinaift&' IeDOU to tt.e ast Is ceiftlt aW*tllllPe reeeatl)' bean .. ,.. who w01 not aane U.t ••aroniwar MetodF .t till" .• ~ o~. TBE SBVEN "WIIO FLED, JQQ Gutac1 wllo .-q in '"ltroacl· J"ac:k BeDQ'a 'tine ._.. ......._ Frodrit .........,,_ ud THE LIFE - ·~·r 19S8," ._., ... - 0 , 0 (I) his two.....,_.. elalldJa.. AND DRAN 0P A SPANISH i .... t.atare altnd! ' (2) contract brldp. dd (3) ...,. TOWN, BBiott PAL Botlr received CUftllt ~ atlftdt... u.a brands ot dp'r& honorable illeadR.. ailbt _. -Offt"W tataM Ill Glea· w e namllaate ru tk belt ~

Do You Know That 'rille : •ate Cftr," ftarriat Spacer tare of the put ..Wt: ......_ • • tukt.h ~. ucl Two Womee." Out' cholee of 1111 t..t. 8lahter u m. J~t best bldl'ridua1 .n:iac f'd the ,.-

That lltl ptere0111 ta WeA Vir-- :: .. :· =.: ::~:; ::.. . ;:k=.:~.~ ~:be;:,;::-; Wfi.Ma died ~ tabetnlosil 4\U'lba: Ill tftt ..,.. toflet1ter • • • • Ankta lege eo--eb .een at tJMo -~ tile 1936 '! and Ko41el .. ' fflluriq J•k a.. pirtlt wed: L. ll.o~~ .... E. Jbr..

That ICC of them wen: ia tbe lm· a, &Dd lda LQI.ntJ WID t'OIDt to rL-on. -,ortant age :period fTom 2D to 49 Ute local aenen Thur.sdar. Frida' :rean! and S..turda,o • . • Jack Benn,.

Christmas Seals I abo~t -.':'ne:e = brlnp laqhs aad Sandra Storme, ~RE ~s tive easee foT Encla.nd'e m• perfect model, ~ v e 9 e r., eaauaJ makes her debut in this pieture.

1 death! . . . She baa been ftamed "Y'isa That tubercu· Perfec:tioa" by six of the world's

jg~!-;;;:!:!!'::!::!1 =ima talc:~ ~m:::;_::":..'::•:::m:::..._=-:""'=:=-c:..-v---.... --luy oncl U1e Tt.a•from J'OUDI

I women ·between 20 aad ao ,eart.. Gilmer CouDty &ehoo~ will c.loS:C working mea betwftn 25 and so for the C"hrlstmas vacation oa Fri­)'Um, a nd Negroe.a of ell .... ! Ida}', Dec. a&, aad will resume daues

That more people die fnun ta•· oa KaD~. Jaa. 3~ &ldllllf:I'CIII c,rl t:u1oaiB than ft'om aay other diMue K. ll'eCUlDia, 1111penz:~teadeat. betwft~ 16 aad 40 Tftts!

That tubercutin te.stiac and X-ny~ .li• Cl•• •• S..-- .,.._._. Part,. ing of positive ruetot:l are tmdin~; ~0 per cent of infected bo1a aDd Kirla before dii8U6 bas a ehaace to de<relop!

That 'the ftncUq of lalection helps the docton aad nunea to cliaeon r tbe aoaree of illf'ectioa at home?

That &he Gilmer County Chriltmu Seal program is uYiD&" IIWI1 Una for health aDd uaefuluea aad wi!l help dec:reue the aaaual ha"e!t of!

Thoughts This M'eek .....

Kember. of the Trm Club aDd th~r1 ~oDIIOI'II will visit Pictarel&ad Theater for a party before Cbrbt­mu hOliclar•. It wu decided at a fwetiq ia the Robert ¥ . IU4Icl Li· bra.TJ' the put llondq eftJiille. A committee wu appoiDted to 1Mke a ,urve-, of comiae attraction& aad to aeleet the bnt pietore.

Wh:lt ID&IIJ' a utomobUa aeed il aot four-wheel ......_ 'ht tOft. eiP,ted chi'fera.--Omaha &-.

Al-n....,. .. H ..... Chw WMMN "The Pnirie Crooaers." a radio

Pntr~ lacladiDI' the foDo,JPN .ver-\Vhat ia man'1 wont pablle won-. Teddr Taylor, A. B. '37, the

hemJ! 1ft maay ~irclu the common Rev. 111'. ilftd lin. J . 9. Saner, Ber· eokt takes this ihODbr, and u cion nice Woofter, 8eulah Woofte-r, Thel· Hccn,da to the commoa eold come ma Davia. Jb,e Etta lloon and WU­tlte criPJJe and thit flu. liam Wataon . may be heard onr

Tbb is the time of pear whea peo- ~ Station WKIIN. Fairmont, 8 :10 to pt. euilr su.eeptible to colds are '7 :00 a. m., Cadi dar e:r.cept Satur-lnfeeted, aad in maDJ inata11eea a daJ and SaadaJ. ' cold which starts in the nrly part of tiJe wia~r l&st3 uDtil 5priac. 1

.~:u:~!;;s;s ~:eei•;:oe :;e'~: -See-

,_.-.... ·-_.j,.. L JACK aENNY ................. a.~~~\!!!

.. ~!A~ 1 S. RNILUE ...

JUDY CN«NA ,.._._.._.. ... ' --..YACHt CLUI 110'11 ..... ~ ..... 7-!ef!~

............ L-MA~1 9.-KOSIEIANEIZ ...... ~

II. JUDY, ANNE & Z8C1 -.... -fec:Wd 11re at all timu exhaliDI: live LD.EDWARDS 8\bbographa~ complied by .stu dents such people, especa3 1!J 1f he i ! go1ng (On Root• 5 .._r Ha:r• CitF)

I a, MARMEL BROWN eenns But one eannot always avoad

1n L1bra1"7 &1enee, 221, to !cht~el. dunnt the past year are now on t.h~ The anawu to the que!t!On IS aheNes 1D the readntg room of the "just ~ommon sense " The latest

-For -

Fresh Meal<~, Gro-

12. CONNIE IIOSWBI. ..... _ 11. SIX Mit SWING~

., __ ~~~.a~; i:;~ ~~~~:RYT~~ !:ee: ·~::S~h~n t~~;k•::· tO::::~~~:~~ c'reies, Candy & I Robert F K1dd L1braey The.lle b1b- med1~al theor,; !!I that 1n sp1t.e of

AMERICAN FRONTIER, 1607- tlng chtlled In other words, keep

I ~~~6MbJ.J;~';,~TEt~';:~~~~Mtt~- :;:p1~rt; :!:t~:!ma~d0 ::~ g~ r ~~~: ~~~==T:o:ba=:c:c:o:.===\ ERATURE, by Lucille Spny; the cold air when' perspiring wit.h·l CHILD PSYCHOLdGY, by Tbomu I out putting on a ~oat or jaeket. At L. Dotson.; ADOLESCENT EDUCA- any time or 'P ia~e that you feel a TtON, by EHa Summers; ARCBt 8 udden chill or shiverintr. ~oveT up TECTURE SCULPTURE PAINT- v.-ith somethinJ' extn. a.nd get warm. GOVERNMENT, by Avon Elder: A ve-ry simple Jormula, but it is just l NG, by Cleva. Hick; AliERIOAN ~ommon sense.- Newton Cooper.



M . .

1IE lffiSII1EIIFT I OF STUDY, by Eliu.betl!. Marple: FOl'tJ'·'tWO commutinJ Collep stu. MATERIALISM IN PHILOSOPHY, denbl, if tbeir pre.se11t tran1in1 .. THE BATH ROBE

........... DioPW".,. .. ~~.::.::...~\ ............. ~ ..........


1'1ouraday-Friday-lla-.lay D£C£MB£a 1·10.1 I

I by Paul Carr: HISTORY OF THE ap.ed continues, will go the diatanee WITH THE HANGER" BIBLE AND THE BIBLE AS LITr of eirht times around tlle world du1'· H' UB CLOTHING CO.

I I:RATURE, by Ima Wtbon: and Inc the n•:rt four Je&'ra, or 193,880 Picrureland Theatre

I ARGEN'~~· by T~dy Ta~Jor. .Uiea Ia 34,&10 hoan. Tbat will be t===·=E::N';':;S::T::oa=E===;;;=========~ These b1bltoeraphres ~In what another .orld's ~ord. th6 n.:. on the aubj«t aelecl-- 'the .rtudents 968 miiH p.r ed with tM eompiten' DOtles deecrlb- o1' 173,140 -mil.,. ia oo. J'ftf'. me the book, or hia opinio'rl of it aDd &ft!N.,e fD!t74tight boura of •• w.r No~ i\e probable WliefalDe& tra'Vel~ ~r daJ', o"f 1640 boon a 1U a p .,.

._ ..... ~ J"U, wWt11 will total 1UO daya ill Bibli.,aphi81 DOW IMiq eom- f•r .,..,..

piled by "lltachtlta ia Librarr Science To make the Joac '"'PP the hua­inc:lude I J"OURNAl.dSM, STUDY u which eart'7 the fort}'-two ft.a · AND TEACHING, bJ' llary LeoH cfeat:ll ..01 f'e4'1 iN 11120 pllou of West; WEST VIRGINIA HISTORY. per tear, or 7680 pllon.s ill by Reth Bash; RADIO EDUCA· TION . .by llarmel R. Brown: PHIL­OSOPHY OF EDUCATION, bJ hp Can: ADULT EDUCATION, bJ' Ha.liel BerltmaD ; CHIL.DREN'S LITERATURE TEACHING, b)' Loaise Boso; HISTORY OF UNIT· ED STATES CONSTITUTIONS, by Gra«; PUBLIC SCHOOL IIUSIC, b)' llaJ"jom BanteU.; VIS.. UAL EDUGATroN, b,- Edaa RJSTO&Y OF EDUCA.nON. Betl; MENTAL HYGIENE. hare. Baulaaa; PUBLIC IN"'niE UNI1"ED STA tzs. .. Ill- _, SCULPTUIIE, .. -

Yardley Gift leta and Compacts $1.10llp

Box of D Symplleny Cards 39c

Box of 14 for 19c

SCHIIAFFT'S CHOCOLATES · &Octo $1.50 per pound


$2.50 to $6.50

..-rsoN'S REXAll STORE -......w.v ..

Mercury 371207-3.psd

received in the

li il'"""''"''"" football pme. Bow· e JOpecta to be read7 to ro

aeuon open&. Two m~· year's e:racll: team, Wil­

ceatei-, and Junior forward, aft DOt in ac.bool


WaJ'IIesbu.ra and St. ViDcent Cet Leadine Rec~ion ; - Selectiona Listed.

Aa aU-opponent football eleven , .eJ«ted by the P ion«rs. gi.vea the Wapebv.rc Yellow Jac:kets and the St. Vin~at Beareats predominatin& ....,.Utioa. Both cluba 'Placed tbl"'!e men o• the fi rst team. Bethany waa Included in the Pioneers' nest wtth two men, followed ·bY Fair- basketball schedule for 1938 mont, lilorriJ Barvay and Lib- are a pair of court engage· erty, all of which lnded one eacll. ments with Glenville's arch ri-

On Glenville's seoond aU-opponent \'ils, the Salem Tigers. Athletic ~m, ~t. Vincent W headed the l ~st relations with &I em were eev­With ree mefl. ayn&sburg, P'~lr- ered last year. but the rupee­moat and Ube~ were tied . ti\'e baaketbell teams of the for second -honors 11nth two men two institutions met in the final each. lfonts R an-ey Bethany round of the state inter-tolleg­placed one eacll. . iate basketball tournament last

The two ae~~:= .as foUowa: wir.ter. and from all indica-

L. E.-Senior . .•. . . . . WaJ!Ie.ebuTK l~o'h~!~ev~~:h~J.eeling seems L. T.--Cummins . Wayne.ebuTK c-elt. A. F. Rolt.rboa1h. Natbaa L. G.-Trickett •• . · · · · · · Bethany Callallt.-, R•••ell Port.r6old aocl

C. -Ware . •• · · · ·• · · · Fairmont Paul Colli•• __.. a qoartot of R. G.-G. A manti .. . .. St. Vincent e&.nrillo ,..,...eot•t.i~- at tlt.e ro­R. T.-Roecoe · · · · · · West Liberty coat Ridawaod Hia1a Sdaool foot­R. E.-san-att . . . . . Morris BaTVey hall haoqoet. c-elled. by Paal Q. B.-Koepb · · · · • · Waynesburg Jooce, fona- Pioaocr f-tMII L. H.- Strouer . . . . . . . St. Vinceat and h .. lr.OI!tball dar, tho Lomher­~ U.-Culli.10• . . . . . . Bethany F. 8 .- Seni . St. Vine:ent

jack. oojoyH a ••cccnful •-·-· aocl ·h-Id ba•e - •tber •h·-• T-a loans io 1938. Oaly four mcmhcn L. E.- -Cawthom e . We~t Liberty of Ike • ..-ad will ho loct by •r•cl•-L. T.-\'•urht .. . .. MoTTle Haney ali-. L. G.-Weir Waynelburg, Another high school team

0 . -Renea · · • • · · · · St. Vincent I ing credit Is the Weston High School R. G.-Crouahore. · • · B~bany I Minutemen, who breezed throcgh a R. E.-Enns · · · · · · · · · St. V~ne:ent 1 ditfie:ult eigbt.-pme K-hedule, •-in­Q. B.-Bann · • · · · · · St. V•ncent j nine snen cont.Hts and losinc one. L. B:--JieGlumphy · · Wayu~bUTI' Boward Hutson is bead coach, and ft. B.-Kaleum · · · · · · West ~Jberty , Paul Fulka, ex-P ioneer football, bas-­F. B.-Fults · • · · · · · · · · · Fairmont ketUU and baseball oplayer, is the

All-State Honors

Frieada at Ow- Store..

Glenville Midi&Bd Company

Dioa_., 40c-88c

BROOKS FURR, ...... or

Vari~d lnter~sts Shown by Faculty At •Annual Thanksgiving Vacation

By HAZEL HERSMAN Members of the Coli~ f.c:ulty

apent the Thanksgiving vaeation in varied and int.etestin.g waya as the following comment.& indleate:

Prea. E. G. Rohrbough : "The molt interutln.c tbiDC I did was attenJ the Army and Navy footbaD pme at Philadelphia. Theft ,...,. a blc crowd and 11lenty of raifl ."

Miu Beuie Boyd Bell : "I waa at home all tlle time."

Cany Woofter : " I warned the ed ­itors of the MeT"CUry I unaider

White Thank.sgivinr Day. Miss Laun Ann lliles : "I qeat a

~ery !pleasant va c-a tion at my home in Huntiapn."

Or. John C. Shn ve : "I stayed at ltome nd d id aotbinr rtrance or unusual."

Linn 8 . B.icll:ma11: "We .pent OUt' yaeation at home."

Miu Karpret. Chriatie : "1 aaw the lntern.tioul Art Exhibit Ia Pituburwh. w)l,ere 2000 can......­from all parU of the world were Oft.

dlaplay." A. F . .~tom-bough : " I atttndt-d U..

Army-NaY}' footbaU pme In P\il .. delphia."

Vrs. Leni Bo~ : "We wia ited mr father, J. H. Rohnbaucb at BeJ.iDc. ~on and also visit-Ad in Elkin!."

ll iu Gtwce Lol"enll, CoUere dieti .. t ian, .-.,. it1 Glenville for the boli­.:!a:ra and Mn. Nora V. Robarts, J)re­

ceptresa at Kanawha Hall, spent tbe .,eek~nd in otmrJuton.


Soft Driaka, Caady,

Pool Tol»aceo, Billiards,

w ...hi, rot JIOII Joum~



~ amdlbUlC ... ..;.... ~pi&...,....----Wfolber Uld &aiD .......... .. d JOG. dorl't forpl 1M ... ,.. dlcti'IC....,WIII..,.IIII­whJI.el&. diUNt .... ,. ... ,. aetMUDe•..._


Dry Cleaning


No Bladee.

Men u.eed to wear loftg beards. bat now tMJ bpe only mustaches. b it that they are. pttiq better JooJtinc--u· •bat!


Student. and Facult:rl


Get Your PermaneotWa•n


... utr lllop ...



Thea Are a Few of tlt,e Many Groceriea fP'IIld ..

._.. •• Food store A. H. MOORE, o..­




--........ 05oe



Glenville, We.t Viremia

No Brw~b

No La.ther


Tbe Electric WAS Fint Tlt.e Schick Electric IS F in t

Sold Ool,- 8,.

THE GRILL Phone 9009


Ideal Gifts For Men and Women!

WOMEN E•eniac iD Paris Set. t.. CroN Manicure Seta Boyer Vanities Bos Caady Dreuer Seta

MEN Yardley ShaviDc Sets Military Seta Electric Razor

( Mot-ba,.,-)


KANAWHA UNION BA141, Weot v-. .......

~ .._... FetleraJ ~.u,....:• CenoNtilllll

A cotmSki-11 CHI , wt'v e luard it Slliil, Wdrds off dull wi•ds frr~m luel tD luJ; In which reJptcl iiJ chiifvoullitn,'s M•<h like N • Dr•/1 f/mtilaJin's,

E. take such things as No Draft Venrila­

tion as a matter of course now that all OM

cars have this improvement. But when you

add Knee-Action, the Unisteel Body, the

Turret Top, improved Hydr.aulic Brakes aDd a steady parade of beuennents-you see how

a great organization moves ahead-using Us resources for the benefit of the public -

giving greater value as it wins greater ala.

GENERAL HoToas MaANS ~••• MaAsiJaa

Mercury 371207-4.psd


Mt.a Alice Arh.W. I• H_,.tal I T•t.• HI-lde t. Diwedlq ~ I "Y. W: CIIAPI'a 'tO Gl\'&.. --- --- IILV&a TEA 011-Y

lliu Alma Arbuekle aaaooacee ''FareweU Cnel World," W\ l ---that her Sl&teor', M18B Alice Anodtle, Kimball'• ODe-ad comeQ. will_ be Tlu! '""U... Qapter of tAe ts C'on.nJeacing m a Baltimore b-. ~resented by Tulu Rutile- .. a !!Ia• W., o.'l!. ~Cb"""¢1ab

[SOCIEJYICLUBS~ C00D ATTENDANCE AT DANCE REGINA DROPPLEMAN p1tal where she went. recently for ttrodttctlon 1n Speech 201, Thursday. , f,or the lffrn tinle in tl:ll!! .uro oPEN HousE PARTY Social Calendar MARRrEo oN Nov . .. observatioo and treatment. Dee 9, at 3 :15 p m 1n the Colletre too~ of the new

lluditortum. The east meludes Wi! Thu -vlay nuJ'ht at 8:30 A larger crowd than usual attend­

ed the week--end dance Saturda:r night in the College c:vmnaaium from 8 until 11 o' dock. Chaperons were lliu Willa Brand and Mise Ivy ~e B:ren..

Friday night about sevnt)'-five d:udents were present for the open boaae party in the ~creation room of the. nev.· donnitoty. Linn B Hick­man was the chaperon.


Announcement was made recently Of the maniage of Miss Letha Lane Starcher, S. N. '32, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin S. Stan:her, of Ber­lin~ and Paul S. Nutter, S. N. '35, .on of Mn. Edna C. Nutter, of Au­burn, (illmt>r County. The marriage ceremony wu read by the Rev. F . E. Smith November 25 at the Metho­dist Protestant Church in Berlin.

Jln. N.atter has been employed as a \e&cber in the Lewis County «boola the past five yean. Hr. Nut­ter hu been. te&ching for eight years ~ Gilmer County.


1 ---A.Jlaouneement hu been made of

the marria,p of Jabn D. EUiott, Jr. , of, Clay C,ou~ty, to Miss Vir-· Ala Reed, of Belle, Kanawha Coun­ty. Tbe eeremony wu performed the put month. ,

Elliott, who waa an athlete in both lllch school and college, is a former stadat here and is a brother of Llo,.d EUiott. A. B. '3'7. Mr. Elliott. alao attended· West Virginia Uni­•enilJ', the University of Alabama. and Brldrewater '( Virginia) Collcoge.

Tile eouple will live. at Belle, when Mr. Elliott b employed by the cta:Pont ~crmpany.

Press Meeting , ..... . (Coatined from page 1)

aioa, aad lliu . Lucy Salamanca, of Washington, D. C.

State newa,.:per men who will speak are Jl. G. Rhawn, editor of the Exponent, Cl~rksburg; Broob

editor of The Morgantown Po!.t; ("Bill") Hart, editoz· of The Domini'oa-News, Morgan~ town: Joseph A. An"')'ll , Jr., manag,.. inc editor ot The Fairmont Timee: L. G. Bogga, editor of The Wes,t Vir­~niaa; George Egbert, A1111ociate1 Preu editor of The Weat Virginian , ~!'d William Corwin, editor of The Monongahela News, Fairmont,

C . .E. Slpith. editor of The Fair­mont Timu, and a member of the National Bituminoua Coal Commia-4ion, will be toa!tmuter at.. the ban· quet Friday night.

Studt>nt leaders iaelude Denzel Garrett, Glenville, president of the UEO~ia tion; Philip Vogel, Concord, vic.e-president : Lawrence Brown, Fairmont, secreta ry-treasurer: Leigh­ton Watson, West Virginia Univer­aity; J oseph Bowen, Salen1: Ardell McClung, New River; Pa ul H. Beck­er, Marshall; Bu.: I Sha111, Davi! an.i !:!kin~ 3nd a number of others.

Science Meeting . .... (Continued from page 1)

tenort and r etirement legislation {ol' teachers.

Prof. E. R. Gro•e Spealu Pro!. E. R. Grose, of the. College

Jaeult)', and T rell Reger, A.. B. ' 33, of 'Walketl!Vi lle, both discussed the queation of whether or not othe r de· ~artments apply the 'Principles of aeience. Both agreed that a know:­t>dge of sden« a essential for • foundat lon of other subjects.

An open forum followed the reg­ola.r prol"fam, aJter whi ch Mr. Wag­ner announced t bat the Colle.g.e's an­n tta.l Chemistry Day would be held ~the.r the fi rst or second Satu r day m ApriL

Thot.e Who Att~ Tholt who attended were: M )·ra

Lyn ch H ick. Glea~llle.: George G. Ke.rr, Clendenin ; Roy D. Byrd, l\ ... B. ' ll6, Elkview; Benj amin Tatterson, Spe.ncer; Purl 'piC'kens aud J . A. P irll:ey, T-roy; J ohft Shreve and Don­ald Young, Normanl.Own ; Kyle Bush, Tanner: Dwirht L. Stewart, Ca iro; Flo)' Allman. Nonnant.own; TTell Jlea'er. Walkersvilh:: H\l.l"h H urst, Wul, Union: and Shirle)' 1. B ill, .Ruth Phillips, Clara Layfield, Gail Carpenter Herbert Shar,~ , nu­llo'-! ill! Cairo Hieb Sc.bool. Members i)f tbC' Collese faculty •bo attended wen:: E. R. Grose, Dr. J ohn C. Shnv.!, Jl r. J ohn. R. ..J'ac-er. Mie 1.,- Let Mren. Dr. C. a, Unde i"W...e,o ud Oeaon H. L. Whi~. ~

llisa An~a Sta.rk .sper~t the week­..r at bo.r in. .Uum Bridp..

Rota.., Club n1eets Thun day at 12:15 p. m., Whiting Tea Room. Speaker, District Governor H. Roy Waugh of Buckhannon. Woma~t'• Club meets !olonday,

Announcement has been made of the marriage o f Miss Regina Drop­pleman, a daughter of Mrs, Clan. Dr.opplems.n of St. Claz·a. to Clement L. Kreyer.buhl, of Bridgeport.

Dec. 13, social room of Methodist The m:u;,riage cercm..,ny waa rearl "Eh1iseopa l Church.. Topic, "The hy the Rc''· Fathe r O'Re iUy. P.&sto ~· Story of the Constitution .'~ Miss of St. Cl~(a's Church, November 25, Be.ssi~ Bo)'d Bell. chairma n; ?ili s~ iollowed by a nuptial maas. .1

May Bea l and M rs. John R. Wag- The bride is. a graduate of St. Jo ner, hostesses. :eph's academy of Clarksbu.r.g .. and

Junior w--·· Club mee!s a ll~o is a former stu de nt I ' the. Col­next Monday. Dee, 13, social room· lege. S he ha! t3ught in · the Dild· ofl.he Methodist' Episcopal Church. dridge County school!! for.six ye:lrs. Chairman, Mrs. E. N. MeFer11in. Mr. KreyenbuhJ, a son of Mr. and G• oup Rl<'etings : Homem3king, \I rs. Leopold Kreyen bu hl , of jtudr. ''Health," Mrs. H. Y. Clark, St. Clara, is empl~yed, by the Ho;a· el:ai rman, Mildred Thompson. hos· Natural Gas Company of Bridl(e ·

Mr. W,tben L--~ For Florida ona Bran~ford , Sally Lou Sm1th; G'! r· P lan• •ere made for a ~. ]dine McClain, Annabel Withers ; I h be I'IVen in the

Mr. Eve.rett Withers, in!ti'uctor in ,\nd Q.obut But.eher, Charlie Hunt. ,. P~day aftemoon. 10, Eng!i!.h and journalism, who ia no• to 6 o'clock. on !~ave o r abunce because of ill· Notice Rerardi•i N. Y. A. Reporttl The foDowin.c committee. ueu , will leave thi5 week .for Fort · --- i!l Ct'.Af'l'e of tlae tea: LIL\Iderdale, Fla.. where he wili Dl'. Charles P . Huner, director of) : "'ll'h•H• Doril .. ,-. Olive epend t he wznter Mr Wtthers came' N Y A • uks that College lns tru::t..-


Gwendolyn Shrive-r ; iet c last month· for a V1s1t w1th h1s on br1ng N Y A monthly repor.u Ann ' BeJI and Blanebe 1arenh:, lh and Mrl H H 'fltll to has room on Friday, Dec 10, be-- ndve.rtunng, Bealah Piekft!S "rt He Will be acco!Dpa.nzed to Flor· tween 10 and II 15 a m or be Rp by Co nley ' ufa. hy M i'!!'i Dor zs Home~ , of Ann !.ween- 3 10 ar.d 4 30 i) m I WJlm.m Bran.dor~ triO haYe 4. 1 bor 1\hch , who hr the pas t fe" I of regutrat1on • ·- · • ''" ! bat>n a house guu l at the The only d1ft'erenee. 'between a , , .. · WJthers ~~--- freshman and a senzor "mJgl-.t" be ' Aln t natu;~ ::'d, rlll&l~~~ ,:Ceouta Sue Strother Bora Saturday three yean • ~~d h~:t ~~:;et~;phJnt. II '

te>.'l , u s!sted by the Misses Freda port, where the coupl e ate now Mr. an rl !I rs. Kendell Strother, of J.r.d O:'!eta Arnold . Literary group, li\'ing. Lumberport·, an~ounee the a rrival

o;:tud,•, " Ibsen's Dramas/' M rs. Carl. -o--- o ! P daughte r, Kenna Sue, boz·n Sat· McGinnis, chainnan, Lucy Wolfe, Mr. Po•t to Speall: to •y , W.' urda)', Dec. 4, at the St. ldary'a hos· hostes.s. I ___ f)ital. Mrs. Strother is the fo rmer Sewi•c Cir£le meets Thursday, l\1 C W p . . ~Miss Teresa Davi! or, Glenville. Mr.

2 p. m. Hoste~s. Mn_. E. G. Rol- geo;;,., ;,.ilL ::~re;;s:~~c.~;IJ~: ::~tll~~·th~h~!~l:r eare former •tl\• lysoo and Mn. J . Wdbu.r Beall. chaopter or the Y. M. C. A. Wednes- g · Ghris tmas party. day evening at 6:30 p. m. Mr. Po!lt I ~

wftl talk on some phase of ·Christrnas. , One must .be careful In telling a Mildr~d Snyder Merrie• Cbarle• Po.t ---rt- 1 ~o!e c~=~eh~h:~~u~h.of tht' joke do~

Mrt. Willi•, Re... Laa.-ford Married ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; M.iss lli.ldren Snyder , S. N. ' 35, of Clt>ndenin, and Charles A. Post, of Wtishir.gton , Pa.~ were married the pas~ Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents. The couple will n.side in Clende.nin 111here Mr. Post is employed by the Hope Natural Gas Company.

Mn Rosie Willis and the Rev. J . V, Langford, both · of Cox's Milia, were married Sunday by the Rev. W. A. L;,-dick of Troy. M-1'5. Wihis is the mother-in-law of Page Carr, a senior in the College.


Me's Place Pool and Billi:arda

C..-oer Maia A Court Streeh



BaakU.. Ho\:n 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.