Mystik Way Magazine 19

Issue 19 - November 2012 All you need to know about Spiritualism Be Thankful with TAROT Seasonal Affective Disorder EXPLORING THE SPIRITSCAPE: PART 2 Read: “The City of Light” by Anthony John It is what it is and all is as it should be inspired writing, ANimal and Plant Totems, Readers page, POEMS and more... the Mystery and history of crop Circles


The Mystik Way Magazine is a monthly read, produced by an open spiritual group centered in but not limited to Portsmouth England/Avalon, focusing on the development of the human spirit towards enlightened living experience.

Transcript of Mystik Way Magazine 19

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Issue 19 - November 2012

All you need to know about Spiritualism

Be Thankful with


Seasonal Affective Disorder


“The City of Light”by Anthony John

It is what it is and all is as it should be

inspired writing, ANimal and Plant Totems, Readers page, POEMS and more...

the Mystery and history of crop Circles

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Contents3 Welcome to issue nineteen

4 Exploring the Spiritscape - Part 2 Chakra Spaces

8 The Mystery of Crop Circles

10 Crop Circle History

10 All you need to know about Spiritualism

12 It is what it is and all is as it should be

13 Mystik Way Healing Link

16 Be Thankful with Tarot

16 Poem - Sweet Soulful Nectar

18 Animal of the Month - Racoon

19 Plant of the Month -Reed

20 Seasonal Affective Disorder

23 A real life ghost story experience

24 Poem - Ode To Autumn

25 State of Being

26 Book - The City of Light by Anthony

John - Chapter 3

EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | [email protected] MAGAZINE DESIGN Simone Schreck

ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck

CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Lyn Thurman, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Peta Panos, Alma Joyce De La Cruz Gossman, Michelle Mahoney, Jennifer Adele, Angela H. Penn, Von Siemens Dawn, Anthony John, If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine,

please consider a small donation to help us along the Path.

Crop Circles | 8

Tarot | 17

Animal of the month| 18

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Welcome to issue nineteen

As you read these words, we will all have celebrated Halloween & I trust everyone had a truly magikal time. Here in the northern hemisphere we are firmly heading into the dark winter months (no problems here as we have made 12 gallons of assorted wine, meade,blackberry, elderberry &the list goes on) with which to aid us for the coming parties &rituals during the long dark winter months.

We have now introduced a readers page where you can have your say, send in small articles on any subject or your personal experiences. This month we have a Ghost story experience.

I would also like to hear from people as to what sort of subject matter they would like to see more of, please email me.

As we head nearer to the year 2013, keep those lights burning brightly in every dark fear, hatred &greed have nowhere to hide.....the world as well as mother earth is going through some vast changes &not without great turmoil....all the more reason for us to stay calm/balanced ready to assist those in need. Do try & join us on our 9pm evening healing link, even for just a few moments to keep the spiritual ener-gy high. See healing page for details.

Enjoy every moment of your journey along this Magikal highway we call life, remem-bering “It’s the journey not the destination”

Many BlessingsMystikMaster

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by James Middleditch


“If you could flick the switch and open your Third Eye,

You’d see that we should never be afraid to die.

So come on –

Rise up and take the power back.”

(Muse – Uprising)

The Old Places of the Spiritscape

In the first part of this series, we looked at the imaginary space that can be explored and even constructed within our meditations. While in that first part, the emphasis was on creating our own, new spaces, using the elements as an example, we are now going to find the Old Places of the Spiritscape – places that have been built through the meditations of thousands of people back through time.

These places relate to the seven major chakras of the body, and offer a chance for us to immerse ourselves in their energies, in order to achieve balance and receive wisdom from an appropriately stimulated state. They are archetypal, relating to aspects of our lives, emotions and bodies that each chakra is focal point for.

While they have been firmly established in the Spiritscape for many years, and can be common to groups all across the world, each location will appear differently to each person. Think of them as ‘customisable’, and able to shift to become more personal to you, while maintaining their basic form and thus linking you to the collective unconscious of the whole human race.

You should aim to visit one at a time, during a meditation, depending on the types of energies you could benefit from. Allow your mind to fully explore the place, discovering its unique features and fixing it firmly into your own psyche.

The Chakra Temples

The Crown Chakra is located on a calm lake, which you approach via a gentle, grassy incline. Ten stepping stones lead you to the manifestation of this Chakra, which is a huge white lily, with infinite petals. As you walk across the stepping stones and approach the lily, it glows whiter and whiter. You should reach out and touch the lily when you reach it, to feel its warmth and power. To fully immerse yourself in the energy of the Crown Chakra, and to receive wisdom from your higher consciousness, step inside the lily and let it close its petals around you. Sit down in its soft centre, allowing the light to penetrate your body. Let your mind clear, so that the wisdom you seek can arrive. Trust that it will, even if you are not aware of it; for in this place, wisdom can pass straight into your subconscious, ready for the moment it is needed.

The Third Eye Chakra is an impressive sight in the centre of a vast desert, windswept sands stretching off in all directions. It takes the form of a huge glass pyramid, which shines in the hot sun, reflecting prismatic colours of the rainbow, which glint and shift as you approach it. The main doors to the pyramid are reached by ascending ten stone steps. They open easily, into a huge room lit by the sun. The main focal point for the Third Eye exists right below the apex of the pyramid, where the midday sun shines, casting the coloured lights downwards. Stand beneath the apex, looking upwards, letting the light fall on your forehead, allowing your Third Eye to receive the psychic wisdom it needs.

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crown chakra visualisation

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The Throat Chakra is to be found inside a cave, which you enter from the side of a mountain. The cave slopes downwards into the earth, and you must descend down ten stone steps to reach the manifestation. It exists at the bottom of the steps, where an underground waterfall rushes past. It takes the form of a stone bench, upon which you should sit and listen to the water. Feel the cool air of the cave flowing around you, cleansing you. As your eyes adjust to the gloom, you will notice signs and symbols carved onto the stone walls; these are messages and communications that your subconscious will understand, and they will remain stored inside, ready for the moment they are needed, when you will find yourself uttering exactly the right words at exactly the right time.

The Heart Charka is located amid a lush green field, where roses, poppies and cornflowers grow wild and sway in the gentle breeze. It is a small temple, on a hill that rises from the green fields. It is reached by walking up the hill, where ten steps are cut out of the side. At the top of the steps, the door can be unlocked and opened, and you can go inside. The focal point for the Heart Chakra is in the centre of the temple, where, upon a simple stone alter, a fire burns inside a golden bowl. You should approach the flame, and watch as it grows in intensity and brightness, opening you up to feelings of unconditional love and understanding, for others, for yourself, and for the whole Earth.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is in a place that, according to physical laws, you could not go. No such laws exist in the Spiritscape. You reach the Solar Plexus Chakra by stepping into a perfectly clear lake, which reflects a deep blue sky. Without any fear, you allow the water to hold you, stepping downwards into the water, down ten steps, one at a time. With the tenth step, you are completely submerged, but are able to breathe normally. Under the water it is utterly peaceful and calm. The focal point for the chakra takes the form of a gently swirling whirlpool, which you can just make out. Watch it spin gently, knowing that all of your fears are under control, and feeling supported by your own soul.

The Sacral Chakra is found in a twilight space, amid a strongly scented garden, the air heavy with perfumes and gently chiming bells. You are drawn to

the Sacral Chakra by the sound of voices. The voices are happy, and you can hear the chink of glasses and instruments playing music. To reach the focal point of this Chakra, you must pass through a corridor, ten steps long, where people dressed in fine clothes and in half-masks move gently around you. The focal point itself is a soft sofa, in an opulent room of deep velvets and dark drapes. As you relax upon it, you feel the pleasure of the place, and open yourself to the enjoyment of life, with good company, good food and drink, and the warmth of friendship and affection.

The Base Chakra is reached by entering a woodland area, from a clearing, down a pathway where the trees and plants thicken with every step. The sunlight flickers through the canopy, catching flecks of dust, which dance in the air. Ten steps lead downwards into a small clearing amid the huge tree trunks in the centre, and the focal point of the Chakra is found in the middle – the biggest trunk of all, with roots that spread into the ground and deep down beyond sight. Around the tree, magical creatures from fantasy and legend play. To connect with the Chakra, sit down against the tree, feeling it breathing gently behind you, healing your body and extending its solidity to all physical aspects of your life.

Time to Explore

You can use these imaginary locations as the starting points for many meditations, hopefully ones that will always be able to serve a need in your life. At the end of each meditation, it is always a good idea to return to the physical world by the way you came, re-tracing your steps, and counting back the ten steps that are always there as part of the pathway to the inner worlds. Whenever you leave one of your Chakra temples, know with certainty that you can return any time, and feel comfort and confidence in the fact that an ancient inner landscape, made solid and reliable by time, but fluid and changeable to your own needs, is always there, waiting for you.

In the final part of this series, we will explore how you can also incorporate real places from your past into your Spiritscape, to enable you to safely visit your memories and reconcile yourself to history in a healthy and happy way.

Chakra Temples based on teachings of Ed MystikMaster Biggs

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solar plexus visualisation

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A powerful & controversial subject indeed, over the past few decades many all over the globe have appeared

with due regularity….many have been proved a hoax, whilst many have not. Governments via the media go out of their way to de-bunk them…there is also a great deal of evidence from reliable scientific persons that without a doubt many of them could not have been made my human hands (of which there are several reports available.)

My own experiences are more interesting because of the length the British ministry of defence went to in preventing me from seeing a certain crop circle rather than the circle itself. Salisbury Plain & the majority of land in Wiltshire is controlled by the Military & most of the time groups of circle hunters are left in peace to pursue their pastime but with the ever present Military keeping an eye on them at a safe distance.

Over the years & several trips to this area of Salisbury plains (to those not familiar with the area, it also contains Stonehenge ) on my own and also with a friend have experienced deliberate blocking & being warned off by the said Military.

My phone would be blocked and also my friends (both on different networks) even to the extent of the camera being unable to operate, a helicopter shadowed us all the time (what was even more interesting was both phones would again work once we were out of the area & the helicopter no longer in our company. All of this has prompted me to think either they are hiding something to do with the circles or some other aspect related to them.

I have witnessed & seen first hand some very elaborate circles, have meditated/tuned into the energies whilst sitting in the very centre of them, felt some unusual and powerful energies, seen some very unusual lights/beings of which I will go into further detail in a latter issue of the magazine.

Next year 2013 I intend to organise guided field trips & a crop circle hunt of which I will post dates/times etc soon on our page in facebook.


Mystery of Crop Circles

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Mystery of Crop Circles

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If you happen to live in the southern counties of England you probably won’t be a stranger

to crop circle phenomenon. The counties of Wiltshire and Hampshire are the most popular locations for the 70 or so annual UK crop circles to appear. Wiltshire leads the way with circles popping up, or beaming down depending on your views, around the famous ley lines and ancient sites such as Stonehenge and Avebury

Since the late 1970s crop circles have been appearing regularly in fields but the first recorded crop circle was not quite so recent. In 815 CE the Bishop of Lyon in France wrote to a priest, who was about to take over a parish just outside of Lyon, to warn him of the ‘devil worship’ that had been taking place. Parishioners were taking seeds from flattened circles, caused by ‘magical storms’, in fields to use in fertility rites.

Crop circles kept a very low profile and do not appear again in any literature until 1678, when the story of a ‘mowing devil’ appeared in a Hertfordshire publication. A disagreement broke out between a farmer and a mower over the cost of harvesting the farmer’s field. The farmer stormed off shouting that he’d rather the devil himself mow the field. That very night the farmer witnessed strange lights over his oat field and when he went to investigate in daylight, he found circles in his crop that had been ‘neatly mowed by the Devil, or some infernal spirit’. It was reported at the time that each stalk had been placed at such ‘exactness that it would have taken above an age for any man to perform what he did in that one night’. The farmer was understandably spooked by this formation that he abandoned any attempts to harvest the mysterious crop markings.

During the 19th century, several scientific journals

made reference to flattened circles and storms. The theory at the time being that crop circles were formed by swirling vortices of ionised air or an unexplained process similar to ball lightening. However, an account of 1871 tells of two disc shaped objects with flashing lights hovering over a field near Plummer’s Hill in Buckinghamshire. The next morning there was a circle of bent, flattened grass in the field. This mysterious sighting was not given any consideration by the scientific community because, as late as 1880 when an article was published in Nature scientific journal, they were still considering the storm theory.

However, these flattened circles of grass refused to go away. A lady who grew up in a farming environment on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire recalled seeing circles ‘flattened so firmly that it could not be lifted without springing back down again’ appear on her grandfather’s land between 1900 and 1910. During this time, and probably for centuries before, these circles were usually attributed to the fairies because nobody knew what caused them. One account was collected in the Reading Post newspaper in the early 1990s from a lady, Mrs Wheeler, who said:

“I was eight years old when I first heard of fairy circles. My uncle, Teddy Lawes, came into tea laughing. It was a Thursday market day and he had been with his farmer friends at the Bear Hotel in Devizes market place. There they had met a farmer who had been swearing like a trooper because he had found four big circles and some small ones in his corn’. The farmer was shouting what he would do with the person who had made them. But Mr Lawes told him jokingly he would never catch them because the fairies had made them. He explained that he had seen a spate of them 20 years previously and his family

crop Circle history by Lyn Thurman

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had tried to make the corn stand up again but could not.”

When researching this fascinating history I was shown photographs from a man’s private collection of a crop cirlce formation that happened in Guildford, Surrey in the early 1990s. The gentleman, a journalist, just chanced into the crop circle that was being observed closely by military personnel. He later learned that the area had been experiencing crop circles since at least 1880.

To our knowledge, circles in crops have been happening for at least 1,200 years. From eyewitness accounts, these circles appear usually overnight with the crop flattened very tightly to the ground. Lights are sometimes seen during the night before a crop circle is reported. These crop circles seem to have credibility as being an unexplained phenomena and not a fanciful hoax made by circle-makers.

Strange occurrences in the land are not limited to

the southern counties of England. I interviewed a lady, Tammy, who lived for a while in north Ohio in the States. During her time spent there, she heard tales of an area on a patch of farm land which had a ‘crop circle’ burnt into the land after something crashed. Nothing would grow on that particular patch and when she went to see the reports for herself, she felt a presence that was watching her as she drove. It was the only time she visited the crop circle and to this day, the thought of the place still gives her ‘the creeps’. The farmer who owns the land reported the circle to authorities when it happened and as far as Tammy knows, it’s still there to this day.

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To the Spiritualist, creation comprises of not only the physical world, but also the multi-dimensional worlds of spirit. The majority of humanity concentrates on our universe and physical existence, and ignores the possibility of previous and future existence in the world of spirit. Spiritualism attempts to provide evidence which proves that we survive physical death, and brings to humanity the spiritual teachings received from the masters and guides who exist in the spirit world. Although there are a number of different traditions, they all reflect a basic understanding which has been transmitted to earth from the world of spirit.

In its simplest form, which I refer to as Universal Spiritualism, we are required to accept the following three propositions. They are – 1) That we are first and foremost spiritual beings housed for this lifetime in a physical body, and that spiritual consciousness is eternal and part of the Great Spirit, the source of creation. 2) That this spiritual part of ourselves survives physical death and takes up an independent conscious existence in the world of spirit. 3) That it is possible for spiritual beings in the spirit world to communicate with us on earth, through the use of mediumship.

These ideas are not in themselves religious, for Spiritualism is an understanding of the extended nature of creation, based on personal experience and certain knowledge derived from evidence received from spiritual sources. For some, this leads to a more religious outlook, accepting the nature of deity and the need to live in harmony with

the rest of humanity and the natural world. Perhaps the greatest gift that the creator has given humanity is the gift of mediumship. Without it, there could be no proof of the survival of our loved ones beyond death, and no philosophy or teachings received from the world of spirit.

In fact mediumship, which relies on developed psychic awareness and being able to lift consciousness to a higher level of perception, opens the possibility for communication between all levels of consciousness. If we accept that the whole of creation is comprised of consciousness at different levels of vibration, it is possible to communicate, not only with deceased loved ones, but with angelic beings, spirit guides, elementals, nature spirits, animals, plants and even rocks. Such a concept encourages the belief that all creation is one, united by divine consciousness – a true universal integrated fellowship of existence.

In Spiritualism, mediumship is used to communicate with a person’s deceased loved one, to bring through evidence which should include descriptions of the person’s appearance and character, their name or relationship, along with personal information that demonstrates that the medium is in contact with the person’s loved one. Once proof has been established, this would then be followed by a message from the loved one to the person they have left on earth. This process is demonstrated in Spiritualist Services, and by Spiritualist mediums in private sittings.

All You Need To Know About SpiritualismBy Richard Hayes


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Mediumship can also be employed to make contact with healing guides, and in so doing create a link through which the healing powers of the spirit world can be channeled to a patient on earth, to provide physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing. This process attunes the patient to spiritual energies, which can bring greater spiritual consciousness and psychic development.

Mediumship can also take the form of a link with a spirit guide or teacher, and enables the medium who is often in trance, to allow the communicator to speak through them to bring new ideas and spiritual philosophy. All the ideas taught in Spiritualism concerning the nature of the spirit world, communication with spirit, mental and physical mediumship, and the most appropriate way to live a spiritual life on earth, have been received from those informed souls who have lived on earth, who are now living a life in the world of spirit as spiritual teachers and guides.

Spiritualists form small groups called

circles, within which aspiring mediums train under an experienced medium, by practicing meditation, spiritual attunement, and spiritual development exercises, including clairvoyance, clairaudience , clairsentience and inspired speaking. The aim of these circles is to develop psychic awareness, which we all possess to a greater or lesser extent, to enable us to see and hear spirit and act as a channel for spirit communication.

As a practicing platform medium and spiritual teacher, I endeavour to provide evidence to those searching for proof that their loved ones have survived death, and are alive and well in the spirit world. I also try to explain the teachings which have been given to humanity by those in the spirit world, to encourage a greater vision of human existence and spiritual awareness.

I hope that this brief introduction has opened your awareness to Spiritualism, and to a greater vision of the nature of creation, which includes many levels of spiritual existence.

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I am a Spiritualist Medium who tunes in to the world of spirit asking for communication and guidance, which I receive through In-spired Writing. Here is an example, which I hope you find spiritually uplifting.


We so look forward to the times when we can communicate through you, and we know that you look forward to your circles as much as we do, when our two worlds are able to come together and touch each other. We know that you feel touched by the spirit when this happens, but remember too, that we also feel this! You wish to help us by bringing the truths of spirit through to earth, and we are able to bring our love and guidance for your earthly lives so that you may remember that you are first and foremost spirit.

There are many too who need your help, help to recognise that they are no longer of the physical body and must now look to the light, meet again with loved ones and leave aside their physical and material concerns, to face not only themselves but also the great power of love which surrounds them in spirit.

We are pleased too, that we can bring your loved ones to you – bringing their love,

guidance and support, and the awareness that they know how you are coping with your life on earth. They bring the reassurance that as they continue to live in their spiritual surroundings, so they can come and share their love and concerns about those they have left behind on earth.

All we ask is that, individually and in your groups, you send your love to us, for that is what joins the two worlds together. Then we can come close in many different ways, to bring the knowledge and love of spirit, and the power of the Great White Spirit into your lives. This, we hope, will bring joy, knowledge and upliftment into your lives, that you may share it with those you speak to.

We are so thankful for the dedication that you give to this communication, as otherwise – how could we communicate all the knowledge and wisdom, the love and the reassurance that is there to help you all on your spiritual journey on your earth. Your love is so important to us, and we thank you all for being the channel for our communications, as we help to alleviate the problems, often created by the ignorance of Man, and try to bring guidance and upliftment to those who are able to open their minds to receive that assistance. Keep up the good work, and we thank you all.

God Bless You!


By Sue Hayes

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MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINKEvery evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS”

The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing.

Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.



We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds…their bodies….and their souls.

This is our mission….our work.

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What a glorious expanded world we live in, full of contradictions, clichés, duality and life

lessons - and yet, most of us fight the process, try to control as much as possible, stay in our comfort zones and hold onto a rigid (usually limited) worldview. A wise person once said – there are only two types of control freaks – those that admit it and those that don’t!

We know that life is short and have an inbuilt acceptance that one-day we will die, so why then do we spend so much time focusing on the small things and obstacles that are irrelevant in the big picture. A way to get clarity on this is to ask yourself how important an issue would be if you knew you only had 1 month left to live.

The good news is, we have a choice – fight life as it happens or flow with it through surrender and acceptance.

True surrender means releasing any attempts to force your agenda on life. It means opening your heart, trusting and accepting the direction of the unseen – your higher self and spirit.

Accepting life as it is and adopting the belief that all is as it should be, takes great courage and the simplest way is to shift your perception. Remember that what you resist persists meaning that the more you resist something, the more it will show up in your life.

When you believe something should be different to how it is and try to control and change the world to match your thoughts and expectations, you struggle and suffer. The more we resist, the longer we take to learn and grow from it. The moment we accept our circumstances, we become calm, focused and feel peace. This doesn’t mean you condone or like everything that happens, just that you are at ease that it has happened and react and make decisions on the next step from a place of acceptance (without resistance and the confusion of inner struggle) When we stop opposing reality, life becomes more gentle, simple and fluid.

A good exercise to do when you find yourself stepping into resistance is to take a step back, take 3 deep breaths and ground yourself by imagining

It is what it is and all is as it should beby Peta Panos


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thick roots growing out through the souls of your feel deep into the earth and wrapping around a big rose quartz crystal. Now imagine a pillar of white light coming down from Source (whatever that is for you: God, the universe etc) and going around and through you deep into the earth. As the white light moves through your body and energy field, imagine that it is dissolving your resistance, irritation, dread and avoidance of the issue or situation. Now imagine the white light being radiated out from your heart chakra until it surrounds you in a cocoon, which gets bigger than the place you are in, bigger than your city, and then your country and see it getting even bigger until it surrounds the whole world. You are now connected to the mass consciousness of the planet and can ask for solutions or to be shown your next step. Knowing that it is what it is and all is as it should be, you can open your eyes and plan or take your next step.

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Jour-neys

Email: [email protected]

Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Twitter: questjourneys

LinkedIn: Peta Panos

Alma Delacruz Gossman

Sweet Soulful Nectar dance of hummingbirds in constant search of nectar

flowered fragrance found flittering in fields abound magically still they hover partake as they do become One with each other pass on the sweetness like the law of attraction simply flourish in the flow partake lovingly aware Nature’s beauty in your vast circle share and swirl with soulful bliss abundance we shall all reap Alma Joyce De La Cruz © October 16, 2012 In the form of a triple Tanka, with

a 5 / 7 / 5 / 7 / 7 scheme for each verse.

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This time of year sees the leaves change, a crispness in the air, and the light

fading much earlier. At least in the Northern Hemisphere.

It is a time to slow down, ponder your life, and curl blissfully into yourself. It is also a time to consider what you are grateful for in life. The practice of gratitude has gained a lot of popular with mainstream books and media coverage, but it’s really an ancient tradition that ties people from nearly any culture to their roots.

In the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving. Many people these days want to protest the holiday, point out the negative aspects of our pasts, and put the day into general disarray and unhappiness. My family, on the other hand, prefers to spend the day reassessing our lives and focusing on what we are grateful for.

But it wasn’t always this way.

You see, I come from a sordid past and a broken home full of people who hated one another, told each other they were worthless, and did whatever they could to make the other people miserable. There was alcohol abuse, hard-core drug use with needles, and a lot of violence. If Thanksgiving was celebrated,

grandma would pass out drunk before dinner was even served, and there was always at least one fist fight.

So what, you may ask, should I be thankful for?

The first time I celebrated Thanksgiving dinner with my husband’s family, everyone was nice to one another. There was smiling, laughter, and people made it to the dinner table without passing out or fighting. The situation was so beyond my norm that I ended up crying and throwing a dinner roll at my father-in-law.

Fast-forward a few years, and happy Thanksgivings have become the new normal. Before dinner, we say a prayer and then take turns stating at least one thing that we are thankful for. Because I always say indoor plumbing (how could you NOT be thankful for indoor plumbing??!!), I have been relegated to giving at least two answers each year.

Over time, remembering to be thankful has become a practice before each meal. Blessing your food and infusing it with gratefulness before it enters your body is an easy way to not only boost your health, but to remember to be thankful each and every day.


Tarot Art: by Michelle Amethyst Mahoney


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I have tried keeping Gratitude Journals in the past, or to wake up each morning and express gratitude, or to name three things I am grateful for each night before going to bed. These practices can feel forced over time, and let’s face it, some days we just don’t feel like being grateful.

So what do you do instead? Draw a Tarot card, of course!

On days when I am feeling down, I practice Tarot Gratitude. I like to draw a card from a deck that just feels happy or makes me laugh. Today’s card comes from the Faerie Tarot by Nathalie Hertz: the 5 of Pentacles.

The five of Pentacles is one of the most difficult cards in the Tarot for me. In many decks it pictures 2 people, one of whom is usually on crutches, battling against the cold in the winter snow. This card is especially difficult for me because it is astrologically related to my birthday.

In this deck, however, we see a beautiful woman sitting on a hillside. You can practically feel the sun shining down and the breeze in the air. It seems that the grass is starting to turn, and the days are getting colder. This card is a reminder that money, as all things in life, are easy come, easy go. There is no reason to be overly tied to the physical world, as it is always changing.

This card also reminds us that if we are going through hard times today, the seeds we plant are spreading.

They will take root and grow somewhere, often in ways that we are not even aware of. The good we do in the world makes a difference.

In this card, I am reminded to be grateful for cycles and the impermanence of life. I can choose my attitude and my beliefs no matter what the outside circumstances appear to be.

Now it’s your turn. Draw a card from your Tarot deck and look for the gratitude there. If you keep a gratitude journal or have another gratitude practice, you may wish to add a Tarot card to the mix to see what insights you gain.

Until next time: Be grateful. Be thankful. Do good.

Amethyst Mahoney

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November Animal of the Month:Raccoon

One of the key components to the energy of the raccoon is the “mask” they wear. Raccoon energy allows for us to use the power of masks and disguises to navigate well through life. We all wear masks... whether at work or in certain social circles. The raccoon can teach us to wear these masks well and the benefit from the proper and powerful workings. This animal is also known for the transformations that can go on behind that mask and for balancing all aspects of our life with the amazing dexterity this tenacious creature portrays in nature.

Raccoons are also natural explorers, and they seem to be curious with just about everything. Sometimes that curiosity can

lead them into trouble, and sometimes it leads into new learning. The trick is to know the difference. Consider what might help or harm you in your life when a sudden urge of curiosity hits.

Secrecy helps raccoon totem people with the new transformations that take place in their lives, and it can help to balance curiosity with caution. And, again, in referring back to masks, another skill raccoon lends is a sense of socializing and the ability to see the nature of illusions that others hide behind. Raccoon will show you how to transform yourself, if you are willing to work with the energy this animal brings, and it will bring awareness about how you act differently with the various people you encounter each day.

Symbology: disguise, transformation, tenacity, inward knowing, secrecy, dexterity, purity, cleanliness.

Animal of the month with Jennifer Adele

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November Plant of the Month:Reeds

In polyphyletic botany, a reed is a type of tall, grass-like plant of wet places, and it is also ironically very flammable. The namesake vegetation of reed beds, they are all members of the order Poales and include: common reed, giant reed, Burma reed, reed sweet-grass, and small reed.

Reed is typically and historically used to make wind instruments, and this time of year, its haunting sounds are thought to be heard when the souls of the dead are being

summoned to the Underworld. The Reed Moon was called Negetal, pronounced nyettle by the Celts. Reed symbolizes the life-death-life cycle above all things and the wonderful transformation that can occur in an inward turning, hibernation, sleep, and death.

Symbolism: harvest, abundance, communication, magic, mysticism, turning inward, rest, life and death.

by Jennifer Adele

Plant of the month

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I find myself cringing at the thought of another winter approaching. The darker days, less sunlight, cold

temperatures, ice, putting on the parka and boots, does not make me feel overjoyed with the idea of winter. Many of us are affected by the lack of sunlight and with the time change approaching quickly, one will be getting up in the dark and arriving home in the dark. For many years melatonin appeared to be the one option that seemed to alleviate the problems associated with SAD.

For those of you not familiar with what SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), it is describes as such:

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is an extreme form of common seasonal mood cycles, in which depression develops during the winter months.

How seasonal changes cause depression is unknown, but most of the research into mechanisms and treatment has focused on changes in levels of the brain chemicals melatonin and serotonin in response to changing exposure to light and darkness.

SAD is characterized by typical symptoms of depression, such as sadness, hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide (in some cases), and atypical depressive symptoms such as excessive sleep, lethargy, carbohydrate cravings, overeating, and weight gain. The symptoms usually occur the same time of year, typically fall and winter, and disappear with the onset of spring and summer. (1)

There are several treatment options available other than pharmaceutical drugs.

Light Therapy Light boxes used to treat SAD produce artificial daylight. They filter out ultra-violet (UV) rays, which

can be harmful to your eyes and skin. Light intensity may vary, which affects the amount of time you need to be exposed to it. In other words, it will take a longer time for a light box with low intensity to produce any effects. Light boxes can help increase your mood and regulate your sleeping, which is often disrupted during periods of depression. According to the Mayo Clinic, you need to be within 2 feet of the light box with your eyes open for a minimum of 30 minutes for it to have any impact on your depression. (2)

I have found light therapy to be advantageous on days that are overcast and cloudy limiting sun exposure. It is easy to site in front of a lamp for 30 minutes per day while you read, write, watch television, blog or peruse the internet.

Alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs for treating Seasonal Affective Disorder

Angela H. Penn © October 2012


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AromatherapyEssential oils are extracted from plants and have strong aromas. Due to their potency, they are often not suitable for use directly on your skin. However, their fragrant scents can be inhaled. Candles, sprays, reed diffusers and oil warmers can all emit the aromas. Smelling jasmine, lavender, rose and sandalwood can be therapeutic if you have mild depression, according to Holistic Online, because these scents have soothing qualities. Bergamot, lemongrass and rosemary also can be beneficial. (2)

Yoga I seem to be writing a great deal about yoga and I can say that it has helped me a great deal all year round. If you suffer from stiffness in your body or suffer with arthritic conditions this is the type of activity for you. With the different styles of yoga available there is one for every person. Restorative yoga is one that I find beneficial in my daily life. It also appears that yoga slows down the aging process and I have met people in their 80s and older that would put me to shame

Yoga is a relaxation technique for your body and mind. It consists of controlled breathing, posing and meditation. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, yoga may help with depression by improving your mood and well-being by fighting off stress and helping your muscles to relax. In the September 2010 issue of “The Journal of Family Practice,” researchers state that the meditative aspect of yoga as well as the physical component reduces self-reported symptoms of patients with depression as effectively as anti-depressants or cognitive behavioral therapy and

more effectively than light therapy. (3)

Coffee is not often considered herbal in nature, but in fact, it is. The caffeine contained in coffee is a stimulant and has a mild antidepressant effect. It can cause agitation and insomnia in large doses.

Kava kava, an herb used ceremonially in the South Pacific, contains kavalactones which provide sedative and anti-stress properties. It has been shown to have anti-anxiety potential, but it should be used with caution due to possible liver toxicity.

Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet According to the University of Maryland Medical Center in the article Omega-3 Fatty Acids, people who do not eat enough omega-3 fatty acids on a regular basis are at more risk of suffering from depression than those who do eat enough. Omega-3 fatty acids are important components of nerve cell membranes and help nerve cells communicate with each other. Without proper communication between the nerve cells, mental health can suffer. You can add omega-3

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fatty acids to your diet by eating cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, herring or mackerel. Canola oil, flaxseed oil, flaxseeds and walnuts are also good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Supplements are also available if you cannot get enough omega-3 fatty acids through the foods you eat. (4)


Herbal and Nutritional Supplements for SADSome herbal and nutritional supplements can help to alleviate the symptoms of SAD. The herbal supplement St. John’s wort can be effective in treating mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Another supplement, SAMe, can be effective in increasing serotonin and dopamine in the brain which affects mood. Melatonin, a natural hormone, also works well to regulate mood. Talk with your doctor before taking herbal or nutritional supplements especially if

you are taking any prescription medications.(4)

Never underestimate the power of exercise in the treatment of SAD. Even a brisk walk, dancing or doing some stretching exercises can be effective by releasing endorphins in your body that create a “natural high”.

Even if the sun is not shining perhaps one or more of these suggested therapies will find you

Images: Angela H. Penn © 2012

References: (1).

(2). Holistic Online: Depression – Aromatherapy

(3). National Center for Complementary and Alter-native Medicine: The Status of Yoga Research


Angela H. Penn is a freelance writer with degrees in psychology and journalism who is also pursuing de-grees in herbology and holistic therapy. She resides in Canada and primarily writes blogs on wellness. Her blog is located at

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Readers Page

When I repeated the experience/ story they said I had an over active mind. I was hurt and went back upstairs to tell her. Since then I’ve had many experiences with ghosts. Some good some not so good. My not so good experience. I was sitting in my little apartment in Vernon BC on East Hill watching tv. Enjoying a nice relaxing night. When all of a sudden I felt some male energy coming up the walk way to my front door. I could feel his negative energy like an ooze. I instantly said it was not allowed in my home and to go away. It pushed again and again wanting in. I had to call on Archangels to help send white light and to protect me. Once they came the entity decided move on to my back door. Finally it gave up and moved on. To my poor neighbor since they were not protected like I was. Within 5 min he came running to my door exclaiming something is in his house.

I first apologize because I didn’t send it there and felt bad. So I told him to stay at my place while I took care of the entity. I took my smudge and Archangels with me and went over to chase it off. The entity was a person who lost their life drinking and didn’t believe they were dead. He was angry and lost. Not sure if Angels took him over to the light. I guess they did. It was one of my requests. This occurred in 2003/ or 04.

A real life Ghost story experienceby Von Siemens Dawn

I remembered my first ghost clearly. I was 7 yrs old and it was a grade 3 Halloween field trip.

It was to one of the oldest plantation houses in the Steveston area of town. Not many homes like this still stood. It was very impressive. Not many places like this one were still standing in perfect condition. The tour guides decorated the house for Halloween and hid peanuts and candy for us to seak out after the tour. While seeking out candies and peanuts I noticed none of the kids wanted to go upstairs.

As I looked up I saw an older lady in Victorian dress and she motioned me to follow her into a sun lit room left of the stairs. It was an old bedroom. Furnished with stuff from that time period. I found her in the rocking chair smiling at me. She looked solid. Except when the sun hit her, she would cast no shadow.

She went on to tell me how for years ahe has tried to talk with everyone but they wouldn’t listen. She reminded me of my grandma and how she would complain often that no one listened to her. I was still clueless it was a ghost. She then went on to explain how happy she was to hear and see children in her house once again. How it had been years since little children ran in the house. She asked me to carry the story downstairs to the teachers and guides.

Would you like to share your story? Have a say or just let us know what is happening of interest in your neck of the woods….so please drop us a line…at [email protected]

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ODE TO AUTUMNBy Richard Hayes

As this season comes alongFeel that you will soon belongTo the earth and to the sky,As the seasons pass you by.

For this season of the yearIs the time to shed a tear

For time lost and time remembered,As the summer suns have ended.

Think ahead to time to comeAnd the glow of winter sun.

As the trees are standing bareDo not shed a soulful tear.

Think again of all that’s newAs each season sheds it’s hue,

For the seasons pass with time –A true reflection of all that’s Divine.

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There is a state of being that resides within and without us all that neither exists nor non exists yet is eternally present in all layers of energy. The invisible to the human eye light, which scientists call dark matter is the bridge to what is termed the un seen world. This hitherto world may be glimpsed under certain conditions, a differing state of perception that the mind can be trained to perceive.

What we first have to come to understand and realise is that which we see whilst in our present state of consciousness is merely a reflection of the Light on our physical eyes…and they are only perceiving that which they are physically capable of seeing, for instance a machine is only capable of performing the tasks for which it was built for. Over the millions of years of human existence we are evolving and refining ourselves to an ever greater degree…as we improve spiritually so does our physical equip-ment, thus our senses, brain power etc are becoming far more refined, thus becoming able to glimpse and understand far more of the fantastic Universe in which we reside....we will eventually be able to see all the wonderful worlds of existance peviously denied to us.

We are as we evolve creating our own inner worlds, spirit realms, heaven, whatever way you want to label it....over many thousands of years with continual thought. The fabric of the Universe is indeed pliable, moulded by feelings (emotions ) and thoughts....In fact we are the Creators !!! We invented God and we also created God, we are the Gods/Goddess’s.We have very much a blank canvass with which to paint our own creation, alas it is a very slow process as there are so many conflicting idea’s on the mass concious level that it muddles and confuses the energies, also most of the thoughts of the average individual are far to weak to actually take form. Eventually more and more individuals will begin to share the same ideal and as this occurs the collective thought patterns will start to gell with which we will create a much more civilised way of existance, forming different layers of being. We will then be able to walk between each realm as and when we wish, thus ending the birth and death cycle, each individual will be able to create his/her ideal world whatever form that may take, like will attract like without infringement of the way of life of others.

MystikMaster 2012

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Anthony John (Founder of the ‘City of Light Project UK’)

Donations To The City of LightProject<>

Telephone +44 (0)1458 831 640Mobile +44 (0)7926 604133

Click Here to get ‘The City of Light Book’ onAmazon<>

ReadingFor the next couple of issues we are publishing the complete book “The City of Light” written by Anthony John. The city of light is about creating an eco-society that lives with both ethical and spiritual values in Glastonbury, UK.

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Chapter 3 – We Are Not Alone

One of the lowest of the ego fears is ‘aloneness’. If we look at this from a dimensional viewpoint we as humans are able to gain access and experience five dimensions yet the daily waking life for the average human being is only that of the third dimension. In essence, in this third dimension, as the un-awakened look out at the world they see themselves as separate and alone and so they have a desire for their need for love and connec-tion to be met by others. This need, when it is met from the outside, gives them the illusion of love, what you might call intellectual love. This causes many, in fact most, to end up living a hu-man ‘victim’ experience as they, instead of living at cause, unintentionally put themselves at effect of what they see as others and the world „doing to them”. The conscious ‘victim state’ feeds the ego self as it continually utilises its past experi-ences as references in the vain hope of staying safe. The ego attempts to utilise these old past re-ferences, stored in the first and second dimensional unconscious self, to stake out a fu-ture that is safe and secure. This is simply ‘the 3D game’ that many came to play here on Mother Earth. In essence the third dimension is a dimen-sion where we experience duality and separation in order that we experience ‘what love is not’ and so that we learn more of what ‘love is’.

The fourth dimension and all sub parts of it become our human sleep time consciousness; this is a time when our physical body closes down to the 3D world consciousness and becomes ‘unconscious’ in the process, giving itself time to rejuvenate and regenerate. The 4D paradigm has different rules, so ‘dream time’ seems very different to us yet it’s through here that we need to travel to find our way to the fifth dimension; the place of truth and unconditional love in which ‘The City of Light’ holds its energy.

Here in the fifth dimensional City we are never ‘alone’ as we live and share the oneness of all life together, where all is perfect, where all is exactly as it’s meant to be, and where we are guided in, and trust to, life. Our channels that communicate with those in the dimensions beyond assist and help us all on our journeys whilst here on Mother Earth.

Chapter 4 – Seed Community

It is said that the 8 million seeds are spread far and wide across Mother Earth and that the time has come for them to gather and work together.

Many have already started their work, sharing the message of a conscious life and empowering oth-ers towards mankind’s destiny and a new path.

Yet many find themselves challenged by the people around them; their colleagues, their friends and even their own families are often in fear of what they see as a somewhat outlandish view of the future and many even view it as ridiculous.

The seeds that grow and burst forth through the soil of consciousness withstand this ‘pulling back’ by others and they continually walk through their own uncertainties guided into certainty by their own inner power, knowing that this is their path, their future, their destiny.

As the seeds gather together they share everything of themselves; they share their resources, both spiritual and physical; they share their love, their wisdom, their openness and their joint vision of a new life, of a new way forward.

They know they will face difficult times ahead yet they are at peace within, knowing they are guided and that this is their divine Earthly Mission; they give of themselves totally without fear and without doubt, and without any judgement of those unable to do likewise.

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The seeds pool their physical energies and give their time freely, they share their knowledge and skills openly and they also share their accumu-lated wealth. Their 3D monetary resources are much needed to build the foundations of the City within the current 3D world environment. These re-sources are also needed to purchase all that is necessary for the City, during the transition between the dimensions, and during its evolution from needing outside resources to self sufficiency. We envisage a future when we finally integrate the changes to a full 5D experience for all of its citizens, free of the need for money or externally sourced supplies.

The community comes together at the outset across the current 3D airwaves and eventually, as the City develops and its people learn the art of communication through 5D telepathy, the inhabitants read each other’s auras and thoughts through the sharing of energy. The first seeds come because of a knowing inside of themselves, they feel drawn; many have already awoken sufficiently to join in intuitively. Others, who may be slightly less awakened souls, join in more cautiously yet they feel the calling and are open to grow and expand their consciousness.

They have become willing to give of themselves freely to be amongst the founder pioneers of this great new ‘City of Light’ where our children and future generations can grow and develop together in harmony, peace, love and truth. The founder seeds commit openly and with truth and trust in their hearts. They stand ready and pre-pared to be called into action at anytime because their per-sonal resources are needed or simply that they are needed to hold the space, to hold the energy, for those working on getting the City’s foundations dug and the first stones laid in readiness for the first settlers to take up residence.

Do you feel a spiritual calling? Are you ready to commit? Then read on...more will be revealed as to the different ways you can get involved and support the cre-ation of ‘The City of Light’.

Chapter 5 – 2nd Step – The Ascension Team

For certain, those that get involved are con-sidered to be on the ‘Ascension Team’. The core team or “Founders”, they are few in number yet crucial to the physical realisation of the City on Mother Earth. They are the channels and the grounded ones through whom the foundations take place on paper before the building begins.

Their task is a huge one, yet knowing this is their mission they give generously, helping to build a bigger team, openly doing all the preparation work that needs to be done in the current 3D en-vi-ronment to bring the City to fruition.

They look to enlist seeds with specific skill sets learned through their lifetime in the 3D world. The list is long and the work to be carried out vast and varied. If you feel the calling please check the list below to see if your skills are need-ed on ‘The Ascension Team’.

Founders: These are an initial team of four which grows to greater numbers as is needed. Two are channels, two are visionary pioneers. Together these four people lay the first foundations out on-to paper as well as getting the message out to alert seeds ready and willing to participate.

The City of Light Families: Many people with great skills sets are required to bring the City to life, they fall into three sections outlined below. Do you fall into any of these brackets?

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Planners Fund Raisers Supporters

City Planners Small Donor

Managers PR Experts

Project Managers Medium Donor Managers TV Documentary

Land Experts Large Donor

Managers Articles

Site Suitability Experts Corporate Donor Managers Presenters

Architects Government Fund-ing Experts Coordinators

Eco Experts Lottery Funding Experts Facebook Manager

Surveyors Fund Managers Web Site Masters

Designers Accountants Photographers

Artists Tax Experts Twitter Manager

Garden/Food Ex-perts Record Keepers Team Leaders

Building Experts Team Organisers Committed Crew

‘City of Light Families’

Also on the Ascension Team are our Families; we believe there will be tens of thousands of peo-ple in our support family who, as spiritual support-ers give their energy and help the project into the physical just by being involved at whatever level feels right for them. These people represent a great groundswell of humanity today, they are open and willing and looking to support the cre-ation of this new way of living.

One of the biggest outcomes of the City is for those who are enlightened to support those seek-ing enlightenment. To meet this outcome, a Family ‘Membership’ Programme has been cre-ated so no matter where you are in the world you can participate in growing through the sharing of infor-mation, education, wisdom, and of course love and light itself. The “Founders” have all agreed to share the depths of their knowledge and wisdom directly with you our ‘Family’ on a monthly basis in exchange for a monthly dona-tion that will go to help create, plan and build ‘The City of Light’.

Family members feel at one by belonging to ‘The City of Light Foundation’ knowing that they are never alone as they connect with other family members through the internet and by building local or national groups of likeminded people who can share and grow towards living a 5D ex-perience.

Family Members can also place their names on a list of people wishing to be considered for ‘The First Settlers Group’ thus creating the oppor-tunity of making ‘The City of Light’ their new home.

The future of humanity could depend on your decision to participate, are you ready?

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hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back. We are now able to offer advertising space in our magazine to help with the running costs.

The magazine will always be free to read and download.

Costs are £5 per half page £10 per full page per month.

Please email me on [email protected]

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Brace-let as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know

which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at [email protected] your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my on-line shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 (very competitive price – check out other sites, these attractive macramé bracelets can sometimes be quite overpriced!), plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x

Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers - Get one custom made!

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Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine!

If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs.Any small contribution is greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide this platform for spiritual growth.

...Issue 20 will be out in December 2012