mySAP CRM Overview Presentation: Mobile Client Technology

1 mySAP CRM Overview Presentation: Mobile Client Technology (Release 4.0)

Transcript of mySAP CRM Overview Presentation: Mobile Client Technology



Overview Presentation:Mobile Client Technology(Release 4.0)


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Overview – Mobile Client Technology

Mobile Client Technology within mySAP CRM

Mobile Client Application

Mobile Client Synchronization

SAP Mobile Application Studio



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Overview – Mobile Client Technology

Mobile Client Technology within mySAP CRM

Mobile Client Application

Mobile Client Synchronization

SAP Mobile Application Studio



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mySAP CRM Release Roadmap 2002 / 2003

mySAP CRM 3.xmySAP CRM 3.x

mySAP CRM 4.0mySAP CRM 4.0

Complete operational multi-channel CRMSupport of Connectedcustomer-centric end-to-end processes across e-Business platformLeading CRM AnalyticsPeople-Centric CRM - Ease of use through preconfigured roles forEmployees, Customers, Partners

Leading Edge scenarios fornumerous IndustriesIndustry-specific People-Centric RolesEnhanced CRM CoreFunctionality for Marketing, Sales, Service and AnalyticsInteraction Center Web ClientCollaborative ChannelManagement scenario

Industry-Specific Processes

Industry-Specific Processes


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Customer-Centric E-Business with mySAP CRM

The Solution is completeRich functionality and supporting capabilities

Today’s complex customer problems require a deployable CRM solution that can directly address specific challenges regardless of where or when they occur in the cycle of interacting with, selling to and servicing an organization’s customers.

mySAP CRM blends deep functional capabilities in the core areas of Marketing, Sales and Service with award-winning Analytics that are directly embedded into the primary interaction channels with which organizations engage their customers.

All of this enables the closed loop interaction cycle, underlined mySAP CRM‘s unique valuepropositions.

mySAP CRM is built on an open, reliable, secure and scalabe technology platform

The strong and complete services offering of SAP helps to quickly implement mSAP CRM and supports the ongoing optimization of the solution environment.


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Multi Channel Customer Interactions with mySAP CRM

Mobile Client Technology

Laptop solution for disconnected mode scenarios

Mobile Client Synchronization

SAP Mobile Application Studio

Easy software distribution

mySAP CRM Technology and ArchitectureDrives mySAP CRM as the Most Advanced CRM Solution in the Market

The CRM server with the CRM middleware and CRM applications is at the core of the mySAP CRM system landscape. It takes advantage of all the benefits of SAP Web Application Server, including load balancing, high availability, integration, and security. The CRM server can run as a stand-alone solution or with various back-end systems. If SAP R/3 is the back-end system, only a plug-in is needed to handle data exchange with the SAP CRM server. CRM middleware handles data exchange with third-party systems.

mySAP CRM supports thin clients for user access. Without additional software installation on the client side, all relevant functions are accessible in a standard browser. You can also use SAP GUI for Windows.

mySAP CRM supports two types of mobile scenarios: laptops and handheld devices. Laptops employ the solutions for mobile sales and mobile service, which are synchronized via the CRM middleware with the SAP CRM server applications. Handheld solutions can be accessed in online or offline mode.

mySAP CRM is integrated with various other SAP solutions. For example, SAP® Business Information Warehouse increases the value of each CRM installation with reporting and data warehousing tools for analytical CRM. Efficient marketing planning and accurate ROI calculations are great advantages. It is also integrated with SAP® Advanced Planner & Optimizer (SAP APO), which allows service to the customer along the whole supply chain. Quick available-to-promise (ATP) checks for configurable and nonconfigurable products, production on demand, and delivery in time help satisfy customer needs.

The exchange of information between mySAP CRM and other components, such as SAP BW and ERP back-end systems occurs over the CRM middleware.


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Overview – Mobile Client Technology

Mobile Client Technology within mySAP CRM

Mobile Client Application

Mobile Client Synchronization

SAP Mobile Application Studio



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Solution Map - CRM Architecture & Technology

User Interface Portal Clients Configuration

Communication Channels Telephony E-Mail Letter / Fax Internet

Mobile Technology Mobile Clients Synchronization Service Development Tools

Business Integration Business Scenarios Integration Technology Web Services

Platform Technology ... based on SAP NetWeaver


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Challenges in Field Applications - Mobile Client Technology

All relevant customer relationship data needs to be available in an offline environment so you can gather information directly at the customer’s site.

The client for the field force working offline needs to be seamlessly integrated into the other CRM components to guarantee integrated processes between in-house and fieldusers.

The offline client has to support the field representatives in their daily work.

The information has to be shared with other online and offline users and supported by intelligent replication services.

The Mobile Client Application needs to be easily deployedto and automatically installed on the laptops in the field.


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Business Value of mySAP CRM - Mobile Client Technology

Enable users to work anytime and anywhere

Powerful synchronization services for largemobile field forces

Enhance Mobile Client Applications to yourbusiness requirements or develop entirelynew applications


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Analyst and Customer Quotes

Companies are mobilizing. The number of mobile workers continues to rise, with rapid growth expected over the next two years.

Forrester Research, 5/2001


For complete e-business integration, the front office must coordinate with back-office business functions as well, such as finance, operations, supply chain, logistics and human resources. Furthermore, the enterprise needs to

link to external partners, suppliers and distributors.”Meta Group, 3/2001

An increase of 5% in customer loyalty can increase profitability by 25-80%.

Harvard Business School Datamonitor, 6/2002“


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mySAP CRM for Laptops and Tablet PCs

Offline OperationMobile Client Application with separate database on the laptopWorkgroup SolutionGroupware IntegrationLocal Pricing and Configuration Engine

Data Synchronizationwith CRM Middleware

Filtered and unfiltered replicationDependencies between objectsTerritory ManagementRealignment

Solution ManagementFast deployment with automatic installation processBackup and recovery


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Mobile Clients withMobile Client Application

mySAP CRM System Landscape - Mobile Scenario

CRM ServerMiddleware

Permanent communicationfacilities

Temporary dial-up facilities

Communication Station

Field Head officePeriodically, the Mobile Clients

dial into the Middlewareand exchange data.

The Mobile Client Application (MCA) is the application running on the Mobile Sales or Service employee’s mobile device. The mySAP CRM Mobile Sales and Mobile Service components support a company’s mobile sales and mobile service employees, respectively, providing full access to all required data on laptop computers. This data is kept up to date through regular data exchange using the Middleware component of the central CRM System. (NOTE: There is no Middleware Server as such; the Middleware is a component of the CRM Server.)

Mobile Sales and Service users carry a full-blown PC application, including an application database, on their laptops. They connect to the CRM System as necessary via phone or network to exchange data accumulated and stored in queues at both ends. In the Communication Station, DCOM calls from Mobile Clients are transformed into remote function calls (RFCs) that go to the Middleware. This data distribution follows a flexible set of replication rules, where business objects are assigned to Mobile Clients according to values in criteria fields.

The Middleware has an RFC connection to an OLTP R/3 System, and possibly to other systems such as SAP Business Information Warehouse or a third-party application. Up to Release 3.0, these third-party systems were connected via ASCII adapter; as of 3.0, they can also be connected via XML adapter.

The CRM Middleware has a Consolidated Database (CDB) which houses the Client-related business data and application-specific metadata for the enterprise (or portion of the enterprise).

The SAP Mobile Application Studio (MAS) is a set of tools used for developing and/or customizing the mySAP CRM Mobile Applications. During replication between the MAS and the Middleware, application-specific upgrade data is sent. This upgrade data is then distributed from the Middleware to the Mobile Clients.


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Overview – Mobile Client Technology

Mobile Client Technology within mySAP CRM

Mobile Client Application

Mobile Client Synchronisation

SAP Mobile Application Studio



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Mobile Client Applications - Context of Use

Professional userNeeds many sophisticatedfunctionsPerforms detailed analysisWorks with a large data volumeRequires easy text input

InformationUp-to-date, but not real-time

Offline useNetwork coverage not alwaysavailableIntegration with head office required

Disconnected for long periods

User-managed intelligent synchronization when necessary


SAP CRM Mobile SalesSAP CRM Mobile Service


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Mobile Client Application - Features

Offline usageMobile Client Application with local database

Ease-of-useOverview and easy access to details Backward and Forward buttons for fast navigationHyperlinks to related informationSupport of Tablet PC features

Integration ofPricing and Configuration EngineGroupware (Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes)Seagate Crystal ReportsMicrosoft ExcelBackWeb

Workgroup solution


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Example: Screenshot of Mobile Sales


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Extended Features to Support Tablet PC

Ease-of-useHandwriting recognition: writing, drawing and erasing like on paper Combining ink input and keyboard support for fast and easy data input and navigationChanging Screen orientation from portrait to landscape modeSpeech navigation andcontrol


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Mobile Client Application - Benefits

Relevant customer relationship data are available in an offline environment

Quick identification of most important information

Easy creation and update of business data on themobile client


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Overview – Mobile Client Technology

Mobile Client Technology within mySAP CRM

Mobile Client Application

Mobile Client Synchronization

SAP Mobile Application Studio



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Mobile Client Synchronization - Features

Replication via publications / subscriptions

Filtered und unfiltered replication

RealignmentAutomatic realignmentScheduled realignment

Support of dependencies between objects

Backup and recovery of mobile clients

Fast deployment of laptops


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Mobile Client Synchronization - Benefits

Mobile users receive only the data that they really need

Fast data synchronization for mobile users

Temporary assignment of one or more stand-ins

Fast deployment of the Mobile Client Application


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Overview – Mobile Client Technology

Mobile Client Technology within mySAP CRM

Mobile Client Application

Mobile Client Synchronization

SAP Mobile Application Studio



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SAP Mobile Application Studio - Features

Visual Development Environment

Visual modeling reduces manual coding to a minimumChange management andsoftware logisticsModification supportMultilingual and translationcapabilityEffortless generation of Mobile Client Application

SAP Mobile Application Studio

Mobile ClientApplication

Design Tools


Mobile Application Repository


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SAP Mobile Application Studio - Benefits

Easy enhancement and new development of Mobile Client Applications

Easy-to-use tools for modeling both the business logic and userinterface designGenerate the application without further programming

Multi-user development: two or more users can access the sameobject and continue developing simultaneously withoutinterfering with each other’s work

Version management to ensure that no information is lost whencollisions occurComplete change historyIsolated development through change listsCollision detection and merge support

Software logistics supportTransport of development objects between system landscapesEasy deployment of new or enhanced applications to the laptopcomputers in the field

Fully integrated into the CRM system landscape


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Overview – Mobile Client Technology

Mobile Client Technology within mySAP CRM

Mobile Client Runtime

Mobile Client Synchronization

SAP Mobile Application Studio



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not assigned


















mySAP CRM - Customers By IBS

SAP CRM Customer Statistics

Source: CMI, January 8, 2002




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Further Information

Information for Customers and PartnersSAP Service Marketplace : Alias MAS: CRM Mobile Technology

Link to Documentation & Glossary: → Cross-Industry Solutions →

mySAP Customer Relationship Management →Architecture and Technology →

Mobile Technology →SAP Mobile Application Studio

Business Integration →CRM Middleware


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