My top 3 cellulite how to get rid exercises


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My Top 3 cellulite how to get rid Exercises

So what are these Top 3 cellulite busting exercises you may be asking yourself

well I will tell you, but first I just wanted to tell you some good news is that

with the RIGHT exercises (anti cellulite exercises) – you can get your muscles

to respond. And by stimulating these muscle layers directly - a natural toning,

shaping and lifting effect occurs - resulting in the smoothing of each layer of the

'dermis' - which ultimately shows as a 'levelling' effect on the outermost layer of

the skin - the one you see when you look in the mirror.

The un-toned state of the underlying muscle layers - basically leaves the skin

'hanging' and without a firm base, the uneven texture is a natural side effect that

is commonly known as cellulite.

So, we now know what the cause of cellulite is and it’s directly tied to the

condition of the muscle layers - the only proven way to reverse it is through a

targeted and focused exercise routine. An anti-cellulite exercise routine that

stimulates muscle toning, firming and lifting – which will naturally result in a

beautiful smoothing and tightening effect on the outer layer of your skin.

The response action of a muscle is the same no matter how old you are or how

young you are there are no age exclusions.

Let’s just look at some of the exercises you shouldn’t be doing.

If you are a regular to the gym you have probably been told by your personal

trainer to do the next 3 exercises and you have been disappoint because instead

of your cellulite improving it’s getting worse so you give up.

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It’s not your fault that you start to feel despondent and you stop going to the

gym or you stop doing your home exercise routine.

Today this is going to change and we will get rid of that cellulite. It’s going to

take some time but it will be worth it in the end.

So the 3 exercises that will not help are…….

1. Leg Extensions

2. Bar Squats

3. Hamstring Curls

They should work but they don’t because they are building up the wrong sets of

muscles the Top 3 cellulite busting exercises that will work are………….

1. Symmetrical Hip Extensions

2. Low Tempo Leg Lift

3. Bilateral Touch-Downs

So here is your step-by-step guide to each of these exercises

1. Symmetrical Hip Extensions

Here is a step by step guide to a Symmetrical Hip Extensions exercise.

Get on all fours and support yourself on your elbows and just one knee.

The other knee should be lifted slightly off the floor and behind the

supporting leg.

Contract your gluts’ while you fully extend your leg in a slow steady


Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times in all.

Then repeat using the other leg.

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As you move your leg up breath out and as you bring your leg back

breathe in.

Warning: Do Not Bring the knee of the working leg parallel with the supporting

leg or bring it to your chest, if you do this you will not keep your gluts’ under

constant tension and you will not get the benefits from these Cellulite Busting


Low Tempo Leg Lift

So to start with get on all fours with both your knees on the floor.

Extend your left leg out to the side

Make small circle movements clock wise and make ten circles

Then make another ten circles anti-clockwise.

Change legs and repeat.

Things to remember: DO NOT lock your knees keep them loose and slightly

bent and try and point your toes. As your legs get stronger make the circles

bigger but make sure your movements are slow and smooth.

And the third and final exercise that we will look at today is the walking lunge

touchdown. This is the easiest version to start with but as you progress you can

move onto the harder version

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Firstly you need to be standing up for this.

Take a step forward

Lower your body until you feel comfortable

Touch your hands on your shin just below your knee

Then slowly pull yourself up back into the standing position

Then walk forward again with the other leg and repeat

Do 10 reps each side.

Warning: Make sure your knees don’t go forward over your toes and keep your

foot flat on the ground.

If you find this easy then again walk forward but this time try and touch the

floor in front of your foot. As your legs get stronger you will be able to put your

hands flat on the floor, but if you can just manage to touch the floor with your

finger tips that fine.

If you are serious about getting rid of your cellulite and you are willing to

devote just 22 minutes on Exercises to lose your Cellulite - then you should get

started today.

Click here: NAKED BEAUTY Cellulite Reduction Program Details

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