My Research Presentation


Transcript of My Research Presentation

Magicians Con Artists

1. According to the latest offi-cial figures, 84,078 people are currently in prison in the UK.2. Male prisoners outnumber female prisoners by more than 21 to one.3. The word ‘criminal’ has been in the language since around 1400 but ‘policeman’ arrived only in 1788 and ‘detective’ in 1843.4. The word ‘gangster’ was first used in 1884 in a reference to US presidential candidate Gro-ver Cleveland as “the creature of a combination of gangsters and cranks”.5. The word ‘mobster’ is nearly 200 years older than ‘gangster’. The latter became popular when ‘mobster’ was strongly associated with the Mafia.6. The first reference to “gang-ster rap” was in 1986 and “gangsta rap” was seen three years later.7. According to a report in 2009 the cost of organised crime in the UK is £40billion a year.8. There were an estimated 8.6 million crimes in England and Wales in the year ending March 2013.

1. The word magic is derived from the Persian word “magus” which designated a priestly class.2. Charles Dickens was an en-thusiastic amateur magician. 3.David Copperfield is the high-est paid magician being named on fortune 500’s list4. The worlds fastest magician is Eldon D. Wigton (Dr. El-doonie). He performed 255 tricks in 2 minutes5.The worlds strongest magi-cian is Ken Simmons,6. David Copperfield is the first living magician to have a star on the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame. The only other magician so honoured is Harry Houdini, who received a star after his death.7.The Levitation Illusion was first performed in Greek dramas as early as 431 B.C8. This brilliant magician and escape artist was the first man to fly an airplane in Australia -March 16, 1919.9. The ancient Greeks were great admirers of magic, erect-ing statues of their favourite magicians.

Peter from London, Age 23“Hang him or the electric chairs for scams like him ! All the money must be returned to the people!” Josh from Newcastle, Age 27“Those are worthless people that don’t deserve a LIFE”Nigel from Leeds, Age 25 “I hope that all of this scam-mer’s ill-gotten gains will be confiscated; if not, they should be. “No response” condi-tions, also called “opt out “, should be made illegal. Even if someone agrees to them, they should be legally null and void.’

Russkijjm from Manchester Age 40“He is the Don. Massive respect to the guy. Tosser though.”Frenzy from Manchester Age 43“Saw his show in Vegas and he was fantastic !!”Doris Decker, United King-dom, Age 33“I don’t like this use of ani-mals for entertainment.”