My posterous document

Escuela Nacional Preparatoria Plantel No. 1 “Gabino Barreda” Diana Laura Alejandra Muñoz Ortíz 413 Inglés Posterous Document


contains the work I did during the school year

Transcript of My posterous document

Escuela Nacional Preparatoria

Plantel No. 1

“Gabino Barreda”

Diana Laura Alejandra Muñoz Ortíz



Posterous Document

First published my presentation about my life.

Then publish a small paper on my family.

Published five poems

These poems came out of my imagination

Published a small paper on my little cat

Published my survey complete.

Published the results of Ellis Basic and Ellis Intro.

And these are the results of Ellis Intro

These are the results of Ellis Basic

I wished upload these dialogues to posterous but I hadn’t time.