My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

8/9/2019 My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider 1/35 MALAYSIA My father would be shocked, says Nazir Razak BY THE MALAYSIAN INSIDER Published: 14 January 2015 6:59 AM Malaysia's second prime minister Tun Abdul Razak with Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad (third from right), who was his political secretary, and Tun Rahah (right). – File pic, January 14, 2015. The youngest son of Malaysia’s second  prime minister Tun Abdul Razak, who died on this day 39 years ago, has called for the setting up of a national consultative council 

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MAL AYSI A My father would beshocked says NazirRazak


Published 14 January 2015 659 AM

Malaysias second prime minister Tun

Abdul Razak with Tan Sri Abdullah

Ahmad (third from right) who was

his political secretary and Tun Rahah

(right) ndash File pic January 14 2015

The youngest son of

Malaysiarsquos second prime minister Tun

Abdul Razak who

died on this day 39

years ago has called

for the setting up of

a national

consultative council

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to bring Malaysians

together just as his

father did after the

1969 race riots

Banker Datuk Seri Nazir

Razak said this when asked

by The Malaysian Insider

(TMI) what message his

father would convey if he

could speak to Malaysians


ldquoI think he would say that it

is time to set up another

national consultative

council like he did in 1970

to discuss critical issues

around preserving harmony

and fostering unity

amongst Malaysiansrdquo says

Nazir ldquoI think he would beshocked that it is 2015 and

race and religion divide

Malaysians even more

today than during his time

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replying to questions posed

to him and his other

brothers Johari Nizam

and Nazim about their

father as part of a series of

articles The Malaysian

Insider will be publishing

over the next few days to

mark the death of Razak who died of leukaemia in

London in 1976 to the

shock of the nation at the

age of 54

Razak and his wife Tun

Rahah had five sons and the

eldest is of course PrimeMinister Datuk Seri Najib


Taking over as prime

minister in 1971 Razak

formed Barisan Nasional to

include erstwhile

opposition parties like PAS

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the Gerakan and SUPP as

part of his national

reconciliation efforts

Abroad his biggest

achievement was

establishing diplomatic

relations with Communist

China in 1974 ndash the first

member of Asean to do so

Beijing had till then

supported communist

insurgencies in many southeast Asian countries

Historians say that it was

unfortunate that Razak died

too soon as he was only into

the fifth year of

implementing key policies

introduced post 1969 likethe New Economic Policy

(NEP) and the National

Education Policy that led to

the conversion of the

medium of instruction in

national schools from

English to Bahasa Malaysia

Despite the fact that radical

policies were introduced to

stabilise the country post

1969 and were opposed by

some as being pro-Malays

those who knew him well

and even his political

opponents say that Razak

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was a strong advocate of

moderation and multi-


ldquoAs the most outstanding

leader among our founding

fathers it was Tun Razak

who wished our country to

be the multi-religious

multi-racial one that would

be to the well being of all

Malaysiansrdquo says Tun

Musa Hitam who back inthe early 1970s was deemed

as a young turk of Umno

and a prodigy of Razak

DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang

says that together with

Tunku Abdul Rahman and

Tun Hussein Onn Razakmade sure that Malaysia

stayed as a strong secular

and multiracial society in

the first 25 years after


ldquoDuring their premierships

from 1957 to 1981 the basisof Malaysia as a multi-

racial democratic secular

state where Islam is the

federal religion was not in

questionrdquo he told TMI

Tan Sri Ramon

Navaratnam then a youngcivil servant says Razak

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Tun Abdul Razak seen here with a young Nazir

Razak was a busy man but he still had time for his

children ndash File pic January 14 2015

was an inspiration to civil

servants as he led by

example ldquoAs a prime

minister he touched all our

lives by his wonderfulexample And at that time

we took it for granted

because such was the ethics

of civil service then he


Another trait of Razak that

was legendary was hisfrugality and his careful use

of public money and this

was something he had

always impressed on his


ldquoHe made sure of the

distinction between privatefunds and public fundsrdquo

says Nizam ldquoSpending on

family was always private


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Below is the full QampA with

Johari Nizam Nazim and

Nazir Over the next few

days TMI will be carrying

the interviews with Musa

Lim Ramon Kassim

Ahmad Tan Sri Abdullah

(Kok Lanas) Ahmad and

Tan Sri Michael Chen on

their thoughts on Razak

and his legacy

TMI January 14 2015

would be the 39th

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anniversary of the passing

of your father Tun Abdul

Razak How would the

family be marking the


Nizam As with every year

for the last 38 years we are

holding tahlil prayers to

mark the occasion This is

one day of the year that the

family locks in the calendar

We invite family friendsrelatives and the friends

who were his


Nazir This year it will be

held at the Ar Rahah

Mosque in Bangsar South

TMI 39 years is a long

time ago but what do you

remember of that day in

January 14 1976 and the

days leading to his passing

We understand the children

were not aware of how ill he

was Where were you thenand when were you told

that the illness was


Johari I was with my

father in London during his

last days there I was

studying law at LincolnsInn and it was during the

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Christmas holidays that he

came to London I was told

that it was only for a check-

up and I was not aware that

it was for anything moreserious I remember that

after he arrived we went

straight from the airport to

the hospital and remember

thinking that it was strange

that we went straight to the

London clinic If it was only

a check-up there seem to

be no reason why we had to

rush there without checking

into the hotel

I was only told by the

doctor a week before he

died that he had been

suffering from leukaemia

and that he was diagnosed

around September 1969 In

fact the doctors had at that

time told him that he had at

the most two more years

left You can imagine the

shock I felt when I was told by the doctor It was almost

unbelievable since as far as

I knew he was never sick

and to suddenly be told not

only that he had leukaemia

but also that he did not

have much longer to live

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In my naivety I asked the

doctor how many more

years did he have left The

doctor replied without

mincing any words that it was not a matter of years or

months or even weeks It

was only a matter of days

He never told the family

The doctor told us not to

discuss with him as he

might be upset that we had been told This might also

indicate to him that he

might not have longer to

live and might adversely

affect him Till today I am

not sure why he did not

want the family to know but

my guess is he did not want

us to worry He also did not

want any political

instability which would

probably arise if other

people knew of his

leukaemia and that he

might not live much longer

He kept working right up to

the end and did not stop to

take time off as many

people would have if they

were suffering from a

terminal disease

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Page 2: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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to bring Malaysians

together just as his

father did after the

1969 race riots

Banker Datuk Seri Nazir

Razak said this when asked

by The Malaysian Insider

(TMI) what message his

father would convey if he

could speak to Malaysians


ldquoI think he would say that it

is time to set up another

national consultative

council like he did in 1970

to discuss critical issues

around preserving harmony

and fostering unity

amongst Malaysiansrdquo says

Nazir ldquoI think he would beshocked that it is 2015 and

race and religion divide

Malaysians even more

today than during his time

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replying to questions posed

to him and his other

brothers Johari Nizam

and Nazim about their

father as part of a series of

articles The Malaysian

Insider will be publishing

over the next few days to

mark the death of Razak who died of leukaemia in

London in 1976 to the

shock of the nation at the

age of 54

Razak and his wife Tun

Rahah had five sons and the

eldest is of course PrimeMinister Datuk Seri Najib


Taking over as prime

minister in 1971 Razak

formed Barisan Nasional to

include erstwhile

opposition parties like PAS

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the Gerakan and SUPP as

part of his national

reconciliation efforts

Abroad his biggest

achievement was

establishing diplomatic

relations with Communist

China in 1974 ndash the first

member of Asean to do so

Beijing had till then

supported communist

insurgencies in many southeast Asian countries

Historians say that it was

unfortunate that Razak died

too soon as he was only into

the fifth year of

implementing key policies

introduced post 1969 likethe New Economic Policy

(NEP) and the National

Education Policy that led to

the conversion of the

medium of instruction in

national schools from

English to Bahasa Malaysia

Despite the fact that radical

policies were introduced to

stabilise the country post

1969 and were opposed by

some as being pro-Malays

those who knew him well

and even his political

opponents say that Razak

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was a strong advocate of

moderation and multi-


ldquoAs the most outstanding

leader among our founding

fathers it was Tun Razak

who wished our country to

be the multi-religious

multi-racial one that would

be to the well being of all

Malaysiansrdquo says Tun

Musa Hitam who back inthe early 1970s was deemed

as a young turk of Umno

and a prodigy of Razak

DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang

says that together with

Tunku Abdul Rahman and

Tun Hussein Onn Razakmade sure that Malaysia

stayed as a strong secular

and multiracial society in

the first 25 years after


ldquoDuring their premierships

from 1957 to 1981 the basisof Malaysia as a multi-

racial democratic secular

state where Islam is the

federal religion was not in

questionrdquo he told TMI

Tan Sri Ramon

Navaratnam then a youngcivil servant says Razak

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Tun Abdul Razak seen here with a young Nazir

Razak was a busy man but he still had time for his

children ndash File pic January 14 2015

was an inspiration to civil

servants as he led by

example ldquoAs a prime

minister he touched all our

lives by his wonderfulexample And at that time

we took it for granted

because such was the ethics

of civil service then he


Another trait of Razak that

was legendary was hisfrugality and his careful use

of public money and this

was something he had

always impressed on his


ldquoHe made sure of the

distinction between privatefunds and public fundsrdquo

says Nizam ldquoSpending on

family was always private


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Below is the full QampA with

Johari Nizam Nazim and

Nazir Over the next few

days TMI will be carrying

the interviews with Musa

Lim Ramon Kassim

Ahmad Tan Sri Abdullah

(Kok Lanas) Ahmad and

Tan Sri Michael Chen on

their thoughts on Razak

and his legacy

TMI January 14 2015

would be the 39th

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anniversary of the passing

of your father Tun Abdul

Razak How would the

family be marking the


Nizam As with every year

for the last 38 years we are

holding tahlil prayers to

mark the occasion This is

one day of the year that the

family locks in the calendar

We invite family friendsrelatives and the friends

who were his


Nazir This year it will be

held at the Ar Rahah

Mosque in Bangsar South

TMI 39 years is a long

time ago but what do you

remember of that day in

January 14 1976 and the

days leading to his passing

We understand the children

were not aware of how ill he

was Where were you thenand when were you told

that the illness was


Johari I was with my

father in London during his

last days there I was

studying law at LincolnsInn and it was during the

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Christmas holidays that he

came to London I was told

that it was only for a check-

up and I was not aware that

it was for anything moreserious I remember that

after he arrived we went

straight from the airport to

the hospital and remember

thinking that it was strange

that we went straight to the

London clinic If it was only

a check-up there seem to

be no reason why we had to

rush there without checking

into the hotel

I was only told by the

doctor a week before he

died that he had been

suffering from leukaemia

and that he was diagnosed

around September 1969 In

fact the doctors had at that

time told him that he had at

the most two more years

left You can imagine the

shock I felt when I was told by the doctor It was almost

unbelievable since as far as

I knew he was never sick

and to suddenly be told not

only that he had leukaemia

but also that he did not

have much longer to live

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In my naivety I asked the

doctor how many more

years did he have left The

doctor replied without

mincing any words that it was not a matter of years or

months or even weeks It

was only a matter of days

He never told the family

The doctor told us not to

discuss with him as he

might be upset that we had been told This might also

indicate to him that he

might not have longer to

live and might adversely

affect him Till today I am

not sure why he did not

want the family to know but

my guess is he did not want

us to worry He also did not

want any political

instability which would

probably arise if other

people knew of his

leukaemia and that he

might not live much longer

He kept working right up to

the end and did not stop to

take time off as many

people would have if they

were suffering from a

terminal disease

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




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highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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replying to questions posed

to him and his other

brothers Johari Nizam

and Nazim about their

father as part of a series of

articles The Malaysian

Insider will be publishing

over the next few days to

mark the death of Razak who died of leukaemia in

London in 1976 to the

shock of the nation at the

age of 54

Razak and his wife Tun

Rahah had five sons and the

eldest is of course PrimeMinister Datuk Seri Najib


Taking over as prime

minister in 1971 Razak

formed Barisan Nasional to

include erstwhile

opposition parties like PAS

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the Gerakan and SUPP as

part of his national

reconciliation efforts

Abroad his biggest

achievement was

establishing diplomatic

relations with Communist

China in 1974 ndash the first

member of Asean to do so

Beijing had till then

supported communist

insurgencies in many southeast Asian countries

Historians say that it was

unfortunate that Razak died

too soon as he was only into

the fifth year of

implementing key policies

introduced post 1969 likethe New Economic Policy

(NEP) and the National

Education Policy that led to

the conversion of the

medium of instruction in

national schools from

English to Bahasa Malaysia

Despite the fact that radical

policies were introduced to

stabilise the country post

1969 and were opposed by

some as being pro-Malays

those who knew him well

and even his political

opponents say that Razak

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was a strong advocate of

moderation and multi-


ldquoAs the most outstanding

leader among our founding

fathers it was Tun Razak

who wished our country to

be the multi-religious

multi-racial one that would

be to the well being of all

Malaysiansrdquo says Tun

Musa Hitam who back inthe early 1970s was deemed

as a young turk of Umno

and a prodigy of Razak

DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang

says that together with

Tunku Abdul Rahman and

Tun Hussein Onn Razakmade sure that Malaysia

stayed as a strong secular

and multiracial society in

the first 25 years after


ldquoDuring their premierships

from 1957 to 1981 the basisof Malaysia as a multi-

racial democratic secular

state where Islam is the

federal religion was not in

questionrdquo he told TMI

Tan Sri Ramon

Navaratnam then a youngcivil servant says Razak

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Tun Abdul Razak seen here with a young Nazir

Razak was a busy man but he still had time for his

children ndash File pic January 14 2015

was an inspiration to civil

servants as he led by

example ldquoAs a prime

minister he touched all our

lives by his wonderfulexample And at that time

we took it for granted

because such was the ethics

of civil service then he


Another trait of Razak that

was legendary was hisfrugality and his careful use

of public money and this

was something he had

always impressed on his


ldquoHe made sure of the

distinction between privatefunds and public fundsrdquo

says Nizam ldquoSpending on

family was always private


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Below is the full QampA with

Johari Nizam Nazim and

Nazir Over the next few

days TMI will be carrying

the interviews with Musa

Lim Ramon Kassim

Ahmad Tan Sri Abdullah

(Kok Lanas) Ahmad and

Tan Sri Michael Chen on

their thoughts on Razak

and his legacy

TMI January 14 2015

would be the 39th

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anniversary of the passing

of your father Tun Abdul

Razak How would the

family be marking the


Nizam As with every year

for the last 38 years we are

holding tahlil prayers to

mark the occasion This is

one day of the year that the

family locks in the calendar

We invite family friendsrelatives and the friends

who were his


Nazir This year it will be

held at the Ar Rahah

Mosque in Bangsar South

TMI 39 years is a long

time ago but what do you

remember of that day in

January 14 1976 and the

days leading to his passing

We understand the children

were not aware of how ill he

was Where were you thenand when were you told

that the illness was


Johari I was with my

father in London during his

last days there I was

studying law at LincolnsInn and it was during the

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Christmas holidays that he

came to London I was told

that it was only for a check-

up and I was not aware that

it was for anything moreserious I remember that

after he arrived we went

straight from the airport to

the hospital and remember

thinking that it was strange

that we went straight to the

London clinic If it was only

a check-up there seem to

be no reason why we had to

rush there without checking

into the hotel

I was only told by the

doctor a week before he

died that he had been

suffering from leukaemia

and that he was diagnosed

around September 1969 In

fact the doctors had at that

time told him that he had at

the most two more years

left You can imagine the

shock I felt when I was told by the doctor It was almost

unbelievable since as far as

I knew he was never sick

and to suddenly be told not

only that he had leukaemia

but also that he did not

have much longer to live

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In my naivety I asked the

doctor how many more

years did he have left The

doctor replied without

mincing any words that it was not a matter of years or

months or even weeks It

was only a matter of days

He never told the family

The doctor told us not to

discuss with him as he

might be upset that we had been told This might also

indicate to him that he

might not have longer to

live and might adversely

affect him Till today I am

not sure why he did not

want the family to know but

my guess is he did not want

us to worry He also did not

want any political

instability which would

probably arise if other

people knew of his

leukaemia and that he

might not live much longer

He kept working right up to

the end and did not stop to

take time off as many

people would have if they

were suffering from a

terminal disease

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




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highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Page 4: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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the Gerakan and SUPP as

part of his national

reconciliation efforts

Abroad his biggest

achievement was

establishing diplomatic

relations with Communist

China in 1974 ndash the first

member of Asean to do so

Beijing had till then

supported communist

insurgencies in many southeast Asian countries

Historians say that it was

unfortunate that Razak died

too soon as he was only into

the fifth year of

implementing key policies

introduced post 1969 likethe New Economic Policy

(NEP) and the National

Education Policy that led to

the conversion of the

medium of instruction in

national schools from

English to Bahasa Malaysia

Despite the fact that radical

policies were introduced to

stabilise the country post

1969 and were opposed by

some as being pro-Malays

those who knew him well

and even his political

opponents say that Razak

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was a strong advocate of

moderation and multi-


ldquoAs the most outstanding

leader among our founding

fathers it was Tun Razak

who wished our country to

be the multi-religious

multi-racial one that would

be to the well being of all

Malaysiansrdquo says Tun

Musa Hitam who back inthe early 1970s was deemed

as a young turk of Umno

and a prodigy of Razak

DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang

says that together with

Tunku Abdul Rahman and

Tun Hussein Onn Razakmade sure that Malaysia

stayed as a strong secular

and multiracial society in

the first 25 years after


ldquoDuring their premierships

from 1957 to 1981 the basisof Malaysia as a multi-

racial democratic secular

state where Islam is the

federal religion was not in

questionrdquo he told TMI

Tan Sri Ramon

Navaratnam then a youngcivil servant says Razak

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Tun Abdul Razak seen here with a young Nazir

Razak was a busy man but he still had time for his

children ndash File pic January 14 2015

was an inspiration to civil

servants as he led by

example ldquoAs a prime

minister he touched all our

lives by his wonderfulexample And at that time

we took it for granted

because such was the ethics

of civil service then he


Another trait of Razak that

was legendary was hisfrugality and his careful use

of public money and this

was something he had

always impressed on his


ldquoHe made sure of the

distinction between privatefunds and public fundsrdquo

says Nizam ldquoSpending on

family was always private


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Below is the full QampA with

Johari Nizam Nazim and

Nazir Over the next few

days TMI will be carrying

the interviews with Musa

Lim Ramon Kassim

Ahmad Tan Sri Abdullah

(Kok Lanas) Ahmad and

Tan Sri Michael Chen on

their thoughts on Razak

and his legacy

TMI January 14 2015

would be the 39th

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anniversary of the passing

of your father Tun Abdul

Razak How would the

family be marking the


Nizam As with every year

for the last 38 years we are

holding tahlil prayers to

mark the occasion This is

one day of the year that the

family locks in the calendar

We invite family friendsrelatives and the friends

who were his


Nazir This year it will be

held at the Ar Rahah

Mosque in Bangsar South

TMI 39 years is a long

time ago but what do you

remember of that day in

January 14 1976 and the

days leading to his passing

We understand the children

were not aware of how ill he

was Where were you thenand when were you told

that the illness was


Johari I was with my

father in London during his

last days there I was

studying law at LincolnsInn and it was during the

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Christmas holidays that he

came to London I was told

that it was only for a check-

up and I was not aware that

it was for anything moreserious I remember that

after he arrived we went

straight from the airport to

the hospital and remember

thinking that it was strange

that we went straight to the

London clinic If it was only

a check-up there seem to

be no reason why we had to

rush there without checking

into the hotel

I was only told by the

doctor a week before he

died that he had been

suffering from leukaemia

and that he was diagnosed

around September 1969 In

fact the doctors had at that

time told him that he had at

the most two more years

left You can imagine the

shock I felt when I was told by the doctor It was almost

unbelievable since as far as

I knew he was never sick

and to suddenly be told not

only that he had leukaemia

but also that he did not

have much longer to live

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In my naivety I asked the

doctor how many more

years did he have left The

doctor replied without

mincing any words that it was not a matter of years or

months or even weeks It

was only a matter of days

He never told the family

The doctor told us not to

discuss with him as he

might be upset that we had been told This might also

indicate to him that he

might not have longer to

live and might adversely

affect him Till today I am

not sure why he did not

want the family to know but

my guess is he did not want

us to worry He also did not

want any political

instability which would

probably arise if other

people knew of his

leukaemia and that he

might not live much longer

He kept working right up to

the end and did not stop to

take time off as many

people would have if they

were suffering from a

terminal disease

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




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highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Page 5: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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was a strong advocate of

moderation and multi-


ldquoAs the most outstanding

leader among our founding

fathers it was Tun Razak

who wished our country to

be the multi-religious

multi-racial one that would

be to the well being of all

Malaysiansrdquo says Tun

Musa Hitam who back inthe early 1970s was deemed

as a young turk of Umno

and a prodigy of Razak

DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang

says that together with

Tunku Abdul Rahman and

Tun Hussein Onn Razakmade sure that Malaysia

stayed as a strong secular

and multiracial society in

the first 25 years after


ldquoDuring their premierships

from 1957 to 1981 the basisof Malaysia as a multi-

racial democratic secular

state where Islam is the

federal religion was not in

questionrdquo he told TMI

Tan Sri Ramon

Navaratnam then a youngcivil servant says Razak

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Tun Abdul Razak seen here with a young Nazir

Razak was a busy man but he still had time for his

children ndash File pic January 14 2015

was an inspiration to civil

servants as he led by

example ldquoAs a prime

minister he touched all our

lives by his wonderfulexample And at that time

we took it for granted

because such was the ethics

of civil service then he


Another trait of Razak that

was legendary was hisfrugality and his careful use

of public money and this

was something he had

always impressed on his


ldquoHe made sure of the

distinction between privatefunds and public fundsrdquo

says Nizam ldquoSpending on

family was always private


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Below is the full QampA with

Johari Nizam Nazim and

Nazir Over the next few

days TMI will be carrying

the interviews with Musa

Lim Ramon Kassim

Ahmad Tan Sri Abdullah

(Kok Lanas) Ahmad and

Tan Sri Michael Chen on

their thoughts on Razak

and his legacy

TMI January 14 2015

would be the 39th

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anniversary of the passing

of your father Tun Abdul

Razak How would the

family be marking the


Nizam As with every year

for the last 38 years we are

holding tahlil prayers to

mark the occasion This is

one day of the year that the

family locks in the calendar

We invite family friendsrelatives and the friends

who were his


Nazir This year it will be

held at the Ar Rahah

Mosque in Bangsar South

TMI 39 years is a long

time ago but what do you

remember of that day in

January 14 1976 and the

days leading to his passing

We understand the children

were not aware of how ill he

was Where were you thenand when were you told

that the illness was


Johari I was with my

father in London during his

last days there I was

studying law at LincolnsInn and it was during the

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Christmas holidays that he

came to London I was told

that it was only for a check-

up and I was not aware that

it was for anything moreserious I remember that

after he arrived we went

straight from the airport to

the hospital and remember

thinking that it was strange

that we went straight to the

London clinic If it was only

a check-up there seem to

be no reason why we had to

rush there without checking

into the hotel

I was only told by the

doctor a week before he

died that he had been

suffering from leukaemia

and that he was diagnosed

around September 1969 In

fact the doctors had at that

time told him that he had at

the most two more years

left You can imagine the

shock I felt when I was told by the doctor It was almost

unbelievable since as far as

I knew he was never sick

and to suddenly be told not

only that he had leukaemia

but also that he did not

have much longer to live

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In my naivety I asked the

doctor how many more

years did he have left The

doctor replied without

mincing any words that it was not a matter of years or

months or even weeks It

was only a matter of days

He never told the family

The doctor told us not to

discuss with him as he

might be upset that we had been told This might also

indicate to him that he

might not have longer to

live and might adversely

affect him Till today I am

not sure why he did not

want the family to know but

my guess is he did not want

us to worry He also did not

want any political

instability which would

probably arise if other

people knew of his

leukaemia and that he

might not live much longer

He kept working right up to

the end and did not stop to

take time off as many

people would have if they

were suffering from a

terminal disease

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


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ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Page 6: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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Tun Abdul Razak seen here with a young Nazir

Razak was a busy man but he still had time for his

children ndash File pic January 14 2015

was an inspiration to civil

servants as he led by

example ldquoAs a prime

minister he touched all our

lives by his wonderfulexample And at that time

we took it for granted

because such was the ethics

of civil service then he


Another trait of Razak that

was legendary was hisfrugality and his careful use

of public money and this

was something he had

always impressed on his


ldquoHe made sure of the

distinction between privatefunds and public fundsrdquo

says Nizam ldquoSpending on

family was always private


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Below is the full QampA with

Johari Nizam Nazim and

Nazir Over the next few

days TMI will be carrying

the interviews with Musa

Lim Ramon Kassim

Ahmad Tan Sri Abdullah

(Kok Lanas) Ahmad and

Tan Sri Michael Chen on

their thoughts on Razak

and his legacy

TMI January 14 2015

would be the 39th

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anniversary of the passing

of your father Tun Abdul

Razak How would the

family be marking the


Nizam As with every year

for the last 38 years we are

holding tahlil prayers to

mark the occasion This is

one day of the year that the

family locks in the calendar

We invite family friendsrelatives and the friends

who were his


Nazir This year it will be

held at the Ar Rahah

Mosque in Bangsar South

TMI 39 years is a long

time ago but what do you

remember of that day in

January 14 1976 and the

days leading to his passing

We understand the children

were not aware of how ill he

was Where were you thenand when were you told

that the illness was


Johari I was with my

father in London during his

last days there I was

studying law at LincolnsInn and it was during the

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Christmas holidays that he

came to London I was told

that it was only for a check-

up and I was not aware that

it was for anything moreserious I remember that

after he arrived we went

straight from the airport to

the hospital and remember

thinking that it was strange

that we went straight to the

London clinic If it was only

a check-up there seem to

be no reason why we had to

rush there without checking

into the hotel

I was only told by the

doctor a week before he

died that he had been

suffering from leukaemia

and that he was diagnosed

around September 1969 In

fact the doctors had at that

time told him that he had at

the most two more years

left You can imagine the

shock I felt when I was told by the doctor It was almost

unbelievable since as far as

I knew he was never sick

and to suddenly be told not

only that he had leukaemia

but also that he did not

have much longer to live

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In my naivety I asked the

doctor how many more

years did he have left The

doctor replied without

mincing any words that it was not a matter of years or

months or even weeks It

was only a matter of days

He never told the family

The doctor told us not to

discuss with him as he

might be upset that we had been told This might also

indicate to him that he

might not have longer to

live and might adversely

affect him Till today I am

not sure why he did not

want the family to know but

my guess is he did not want

us to worry He also did not

want any political

instability which would

probably arise if other

people knew of his

leukaemia and that he

might not live much longer

He kept working right up to

the end and did not stop to

take time off as many

people would have if they

were suffering from a

terminal disease

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


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ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Below is the full QampA with

Johari Nizam Nazim and

Nazir Over the next few

days TMI will be carrying

the interviews with Musa

Lim Ramon Kassim

Ahmad Tan Sri Abdullah

(Kok Lanas) Ahmad and

Tan Sri Michael Chen on

their thoughts on Razak

and his legacy

TMI January 14 2015

would be the 39th

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anniversary of the passing

of your father Tun Abdul

Razak How would the

family be marking the


Nizam As with every year

for the last 38 years we are

holding tahlil prayers to

mark the occasion This is

one day of the year that the

family locks in the calendar

We invite family friendsrelatives and the friends

who were his


Nazir This year it will be

held at the Ar Rahah

Mosque in Bangsar South

TMI 39 years is a long

time ago but what do you

remember of that day in

January 14 1976 and the

days leading to his passing

We understand the children

were not aware of how ill he

was Where were you thenand when were you told

that the illness was


Johari I was with my

father in London during his

last days there I was

studying law at LincolnsInn and it was during the

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Christmas holidays that he

came to London I was told

that it was only for a check-

up and I was not aware that

it was for anything moreserious I remember that

after he arrived we went

straight from the airport to

the hospital and remember

thinking that it was strange

that we went straight to the

London clinic If it was only

a check-up there seem to

be no reason why we had to

rush there without checking

into the hotel

I was only told by the

doctor a week before he

died that he had been

suffering from leukaemia

and that he was diagnosed

around September 1969 In

fact the doctors had at that

time told him that he had at

the most two more years

left You can imagine the

shock I felt when I was told by the doctor It was almost

unbelievable since as far as

I knew he was never sick

and to suddenly be told not

only that he had leukaemia

but also that he did not

have much longer to live

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In my naivety I asked the

doctor how many more

years did he have left The

doctor replied without

mincing any words that it was not a matter of years or

months or even weeks It

was only a matter of days

He never told the family

The doctor told us not to

discuss with him as he

might be upset that we had been told This might also

indicate to him that he

might not have longer to

live and might adversely

affect him Till today I am

not sure why he did not

want the family to know but

my guess is he did not want

us to worry He also did not

want any political

instability which would

probably arise if other

people knew of his

leukaemia and that he

might not live much longer

He kept working right up to

the end and did not stop to

take time off as many

people would have if they

were suffering from a

terminal disease

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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anniversary of the passing

of your father Tun Abdul

Razak How would the

family be marking the


Nizam As with every year

for the last 38 years we are

holding tahlil prayers to

mark the occasion This is

one day of the year that the

family locks in the calendar

We invite family friendsrelatives and the friends

who were his


Nazir This year it will be

held at the Ar Rahah

Mosque in Bangsar South

TMI 39 years is a long

time ago but what do you

remember of that day in

January 14 1976 and the

days leading to his passing

We understand the children

were not aware of how ill he

was Where were you thenand when were you told

that the illness was


Johari I was with my

father in London during his

last days there I was

studying law at LincolnsInn and it was during the

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Christmas holidays that he

came to London I was told

that it was only for a check-

up and I was not aware that

it was for anything moreserious I remember that

after he arrived we went

straight from the airport to

the hospital and remember

thinking that it was strange

that we went straight to the

London clinic If it was only

a check-up there seem to

be no reason why we had to

rush there without checking

into the hotel

I was only told by the

doctor a week before he

died that he had been

suffering from leukaemia

and that he was diagnosed

around September 1969 In

fact the doctors had at that

time told him that he had at

the most two more years

left You can imagine the

shock I felt when I was told by the doctor It was almost

unbelievable since as far as

I knew he was never sick

and to suddenly be told not

only that he had leukaemia

but also that he did not

have much longer to live

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In my naivety I asked the

doctor how many more

years did he have left The

doctor replied without

mincing any words that it was not a matter of years or

months or even weeks It

was only a matter of days

He never told the family

The doctor told us not to

discuss with him as he

might be upset that we had been told This might also

indicate to him that he

might not have longer to

live and might adversely

affect him Till today I am

not sure why he did not

want the family to know but

my guess is he did not want

us to worry He also did not

want any political

instability which would

probably arise if other

people knew of his

leukaemia and that he

might not live much longer

He kept working right up to

the end and did not stop to

take time off as many

people would have if they

were suffering from a

terminal disease

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



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middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Christmas holidays that he

came to London I was told

that it was only for a check-

up and I was not aware that

it was for anything moreserious I remember that

after he arrived we went

straight from the airport to

the hospital and remember

thinking that it was strange

that we went straight to the

London clinic If it was only

a check-up there seem to

be no reason why we had to

rush there without checking

into the hotel

I was only told by the

doctor a week before he

died that he had been

suffering from leukaemia

and that he was diagnosed

around September 1969 In

fact the doctors had at that

time told him that he had at

the most two more years

left You can imagine the

shock I felt when I was told by the doctor It was almost

unbelievable since as far as

I knew he was never sick

and to suddenly be told not

only that he had leukaemia

but also that he did not

have much longer to live

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In my naivety I asked the

doctor how many more

years did he have left The

doctor replied without

mincing any words that it was not a matter of years or

months or even weeks It

was only a matter of days

He never told the family

The doctor told us not to

discuss with him as he

might be upset that we had been told This might also

indicate to him that he

might not have longer to

live and might adversely

affect him Till today I am

not sure why he did not

want the family to know but

my guess is he did not want

us to worry He also did not

want any political

instability which would

probably arise if other

people knew of his

leukaemia and that he

might not live much longer

He kept working right up to

the end and did not stop to

take time off as many

people would have if they

were suffering from a

terminal disease

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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Page 10: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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In my naivety I asked the

doctor how many more

years did he have left The

doctor replied without

mincing any words that it was not a matter of years or

months or even weeks It

was only a matter of days

He never told the family

The doctor told us not to

discuss with him as he

might be upset that we had been told This might also

indicate to him that he

might not have longer to

live and might adversely

affect him Till today I am

not sure why he did not

want the family to know but

my guess is he did not want

us to worry He also did not

want any political

instability which would

probably arise if other

people knew of his

leukaemia and that he

might not live much longer

He kept working right up to

the end and did not stop to

take time off as many

people would have if they

were suffering from a

terminal disease

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




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highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Nizam I was 17 at the

time studying in England

We were excited when we

received the news of our

father coming to Londonduring our Christmas

holidays for a rest I did not

have any plans for

Christmas except to stay in

London so his visit was a

welcome treat

I was taken aback when Isaw him alight from the

plane He looked terribly

gaunt and not at all well but

as we had been told he had

been unwell and was

coming to rest I thought

this was a normal sick and

then recover situation

My father was hospitalised

for some days After he was

discharged I thought

everything was going to be

normal My mothers

sudden appearance was not

a surprise and did not set

off any alarm bells We had

some memorable days in

London with many walks in

the parks and nostalgic

visits to his favourite

restaurants and shops

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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In less than a week after his

discharge he had a relapse

and was readmitted to the

hospital It was then that I

was taken aside by thedoctor who informed me

that my father was seriously

ill Like any child I didnt

want to consider any

eventuality other than a

recovery However his

condition steadily worsened

and within a few days after

being told he was seriously

ill he passed away I was by

his side when he passed

away as it was my shift

early that morning

One unforgettable incident

when he was out of hospital

was his insistence on

buying me a present which

was unusual because

buying things for the

children was normally my

mothers domain My father

actually followed me to buy a present I eventually

settled for a squash racquet

Little did I know that this

was his farewell present

He had bought something

for everyone Needless to

say this racquet is treasured

and has never been used

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Nazim I was unaware of

the seriousness of the

illness neither was I told

that it was terminal

However when I was topostpone my return back to

school when term started I

realised that it was more

serious than I had thought

Nazir I was 9 years old I

remember being left at

home alone for a long time while he was being treated

in London but I had no

inkling of how ill he was A

few days before he died

Najib came back to KL so

even more reason not to

think of the worst

Then one day I was told to

pack my bags as he (Tun

Razak) wanted to see me

and that Najib and I would

be flying that night itself

Initially I was thrilled as I

had never been overseas

and I was going all the way

to London I became a little

worried when it dawn on

me that something must be

very wrong we were

breaking family protocol

that said we only get to

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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travel overseas after turning

10 But I still did not think

he was dying

Then some hours later

before we left for the

airport the phone rang for

Najib I was next to him

and listened as he reacted

to the news that Dad had

died I was in complete


TMI What was Tun Razak

like as a father politician

and prime minister

Johari He was a loving

but stern father who

emphasised the importance

of studying and getting a

good job He told us to

always be humble and to

help other less fortunate

people He sent us to

boarding school so that we

could learn to stand on our

own two feet He always felt

that we might be spoiltstaying at home with so

many servants and other

people being nice to us

because we were the

children of the prime

minister He was always

very busy but had time to

talk to me whenever I asked

him any question

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


+148(httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman)Dap man (httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman) 153p



ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Nizam Despite being very

busy as a prime minister

my father always kept a

watchful eye over me

especially on my academicperformance He never

missed a report card

Quality time with him was

limited though but we tried

to make the most of what

we had which was normally

the lunches and dinners

when he ate at home and

post-dinner family time

Holidays did not always

present good opportunities

to spend time with him

because there were always

an entourage of people who

followed him on trips and

as a young childteenager I

was always in the


Nazim As a father he was

caring and was always very

concerned about our well

being and most of all ourstudies He charted my

education and that became

a target for me to complete

them in the years to come

TMI What were the values

that he as a father tried to

inculcate into you as hisson

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


+148(httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman)Dap man (httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman) 153p



ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Page 16: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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Johari To work hard to

be humble and to respect

and help other people

Nizam My way of learning

his values was to observe

the things he stood for

Humility simplicity

honesty hard work and

frugality were some of the

more important values I

learnt from his conduct in

life and in politics I cannever forget how careful he

always was with

government spending on

himself and family

He made sure of the

distinction between private

funds and public fundsSpending on family was

always private

Additionally my father

never forgot that he was

there to serve the people

His ultimate purpose was to

uplift and improve the

quality of life of the people

He never forgot where he

came from and the

hardship he had gone


He sent me at a young age

to study in England because

he knew that was the way I

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


+148(httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman)Dap man (httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman) 153p



ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


Login or signup (httpintensedebatecomsignup) now to comment

middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


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I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

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(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


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could grow up without

being sheltered and having

an easy life

Nazim He always stressed

the importance and value of

education strong

discipline honesty and

hard work He always

undertook his tasks very

seriously be it studies

sports or the positions he

served in

TMI As his son how are

you trying to live up to

those values now that you

are a father with children of

your own and with

responsibilities of your own

whether in private or publicservice

Johari Of course as a

son I do try to live up to his

values and to inculcate the

same values in my children

Nazim I try to measure up

to his dedication

determination and above all

his loyalty and hard work

He was passionate about

his work and passionate

about his goals in life

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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



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TMI As the prime

minister your dad was

obviously a very busy man

but on the occasions when

there was family time didhe ever talk about his job

and what he was trying to

do and achieve for the


Johari We were a

relatively young family He

did not discuss his jobdirectly with us as he

wanted us to concentrate

on our studies and not be

distracted by political

issues We did listen to

many discussions that took

place in the house when

other people were present

We also talked to his

advisers and others

working with him and by

talking to them we learnt

about his job and what he

was trying to achieve for the


Nizam Given that I was

very young at that time (17)

it would have been

inappropriate to discuss

serious national issues with

me In any case I was away

studying in London fromthe age of 13 so there was

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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Page 19: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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not much occasion to do so

even when I was older and

able to understand national

issues better I do

remember two occasions when he talked to me on

national issues The first

was during the May 1969

incident He was very upset

at what had happened I

was 11 at that time and I

remember he told me that

fighting had broken out in

the streets He just couldnt

fathom how the situation

could have deteriorated to

that extent

The second again an

upsetting incident

concerned an aid that was

offered to the country It

was obvious that he did not

agree with the terms of the

aid He was furious saying

that he didnt care if we

didnt get colour TV in

Malaysia as long asMalaysians remained in

control of its own destiny

TMI Your father took over

as prime minister in the

aftermath of the 1969 race

riots and one of the first

things he did was to stitchtogether a new coalition in

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


+148(httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman)Dap man (httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman) 153p



ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


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middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

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I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

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892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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Page 20: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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Barisan Nasional by

bringing in parties that

were in opposition to the

Alliance eg Parti Gerakan

the Peoplersquos ProgressiveParty PAS SUPP just to

name a few The coalition

that he founded is today

under a lot of stress and

facing a lot of challenges

Do you have any thoughts

about this

Nazim The coalition was

the best solution in the

aftermath of the riots It is

now 39 years and society

has changed (and) the

world has changed

Nazir It was a very different time and set of

challenges He was a

democrat When he had

dictatorial powers in the

aftermath of May 13th he

chose to return power to

Parliament as soon as

possible even though many

people around him tried to

convince him to maintain

NOC rule He formed a

bigger coalition of parties

with BN as a legitimate way

of lessening political

tensions while preservingparliamentary democracy

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2135

I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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razakidc-container)LoginSort by Date Rating Last Activity

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


+148(httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman)Dap man (httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman) 153p



ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


Login or signup (httpintensedebatecomsignup) now to comment

middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

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Page 21: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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I think he would have

realised that the BN

formula would change and

evolve over time I believe

that he had hoped that in20 years (by 1990) the NEP

experiment would have

succeeded in eradicating

poverty and closing the

wealth disparity between

races and create the

foundations for more

conventional democratic


TMI How do you think

your father would be

remembered by Malaysians

39 years after his death

What do you think will be

his enduring legacy

Johari As an honest man

who worked tirelessly and

selflessly for the country

He abhorred corruption

and self-aggrandisement

His thoughts were always

for the people Their

welfare was his priority His

focus was on the

development of the country

Politics took a backseat for


Nizam Of his many

achievements I believe

rural development is his

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2235

most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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Comments 73 (httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlemy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-

razakidc-container)LoginSort by Date Rating Last Activity

403K 331 8Google + 9 11

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


+148(httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman)Dap man (httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman) 153p



ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


Login or signup (httpintensedebatecomsignup) now to comment

middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3035

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 22: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2235

most enduring Hence of all

the titles accorded to

former leaders his was

Bapa Pembangunan

Although prime ministerssince then have not placed

as much emphasis on rural

development as he had

done the strategies and

institutions he put in place

have continued and

endured long after his

death The restoration of

democracy and uniting the

country after 1969 and the

formation of Barisan

Nasional were his two other

major achievements

Nazir Tun Razak should

be remembered for

dedicating his life to the

nation When he knew he

was dying he pushed

himself harder at work He

was not interested in

personal material gain and

was in fact even more frugal when it came to

government finances So

even those who disagree

with his politics or policies

tend to respect the person

He has been aptly dubbed

the Father of DevelopmentHe was deputy PM from

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2335

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2435

Comments 73 (httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlemy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-

razakidc-container)LoginSort by Date Rating Last Activity

403K 331 8Google + 9 11

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2535


Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


+148(httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman)Dap man (httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman) 153p



ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


Login or signup (httpintensedebatecomsignup) now to comment

middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2635


BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2735



samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2835

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2935



crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3035

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 23: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2335

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2435

Comments 73 (httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlemy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-

razakidc-container)LoginSort by Date Rating Last Activity

403K 331 8Google + 9 11

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2535


Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


+148(httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman)Dap man (httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman) 153p



ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


Login or signup (httpintensedebatecomsignup) now to comment

middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2635


BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2735



samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2835

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2935



crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3035

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 24: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2435

Comments 73 (httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlemy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-

razakidc-container)LoginSort by Date Rating Last Activity

403K 331 8Google + 9 11

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


+148(httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman)Dap man (httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman) 153p



ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


Login or signup (httpintensedebatecomsignup) now to comment

middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2635


BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2735



samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2835

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2935



crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3035

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 25: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2535


Juztiz_Bao (httpintensedebatecompeopleJuztiz_Bao)




hohoho2u (httpintensedebatecompeoplehohoho2u)142p



highhorse4444 (httpintensedebatecompeoplehighhorse4444) 151p



ashomarb (httpintensedebatecompeopleashomarb)139p


+148(httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman)Dap man (httpintensedebatecompeopleDapman) 153p



ChuaTK (httpintensedebatecompeopleChuaTK)


Login or signup (httpintensedebatecomsignup) now to comment

middot 1 day ago

Its nice to know that we did have some honest and capable leaders in our history Tun Razak deserve the respectand honourable place in our history no matter what his offsprings did long after he died

1 reply middot active 3 hours ago

middot 8 hours ago

You think only your father will be shocked We are all shocked and nobody is giving a damn

middot 1 day ago

Great man who left too soon sad we r left with only his shadow

middot 1 day ago

Tun Abdul Razak will be shocked to see racism amp extremism amp the zero tolerance by certain muslims towardsnon Muslims not to forget the Allah issue which is laughable as its stated clearly in the Quran that Allah is forall

middot 1 day ago

But Razaks son Najib doesnt seem to be shocked at all Isnt he responsible for the current problems What hashe done than to keep quiet


1 day ago

Seriously what use are all these talks nostalgic

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2635


BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2735



samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2835

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2935



crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3035

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 26: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2635


BolehBoleh (httpintensedebatecompeopleBolehBoleh)149p



white_lilies (httpintensedebatecompeoplewhite_lilies)132p



Bodoh101 (httpintensedebatecompeopleBodoh101)147p



Singhkris (httpintensedebatecompeopleSinghkris) 149p



David (httpintensedebatecompeopleDavidota)



cktai6137 (httpintensedebatecompeoplecktai6137) 125p

middot 1 day ago

I guess Najib Razak did not learn anything from his father Pitiful that he did not learn from such a capable rolemodel otherwise his prime minister ship would be soectacular Alas all we have is just hope that is diminishing

as time passes

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

I am more shock that Najibs brothers are indifferent about the whole thing If they are sincere and truthful theyshould haul Najib and demand that he takes steps to bring about a transformation and weed out corruptioncronyism extremism and poof i believe there was an article that one of the brothers also made use of Najib asa finance minister to further his interest hey with a huge mansion in London

1 reply middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

PM Najib I hope your father will come to you in a dream and guide you along these difficult times in Malaysiagive you courage to act and most of all give you wisdom to do the right things for Malaysia to be peaceful and

happy and proerous

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago

middot 1 day ago

HOw Tun Razak get such a weak son known as Najib

2 replies middot active 20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Its even shocking that there are 47 of Malaysians would still vote for regime that made this nation so divided

Suffice to say the regime has done worse than the Britishs divide and rule policy

middot 20 hours ago

Shock here shock there

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2735



samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2835

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2935



crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3035

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 27: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2735



samng2 (httpintensedebatecompeoplesamng2)



(httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam)sputjam (httpintensedebatecomprofilessputjam) 107p



Subhas Chandra Bose (httpintensedebatecompeopleYuvaN07) -116p



Gotrob_real (httpintensedebatecompeopleGotrob_real)135p



Trusstedd (httpintensedebatecompeopleTrusstedd) 78p


Shocked he shocked she

At the end shoik sendiri

middot 1 day ago

You father would have told Najib to always honor his words and not to simply go globe trotting with the rakyatsmoney

middot 1 day ago

I think I am living in a dreamland because i do not see any racial divide sure there is pro and anti gomenmovement but when there is a project to complete we all sit down and sort out our problems irrespective of race and religion to complete our tasks

middot 1 day ago

pls respect his contribute for the nation Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein lebih dikenali sebagai Bapa

Pembangunan Malaysia oleh rakyat yang menyanjunginya kerana jasa dan sumbangan beliau untukkemakmuran dan kemajuan rakyat serta negara Malaysia

1 reply middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

Wonder if Nazirs late father Tun Razak would be shocked to know that at present day PDRM sends 20 policepersonnel to pick up one miserable lawyer but the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Finance must

seriously look into this as its a WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS to send a big force to do a small job One phone callwould have been suffice to get the lawyer going to the police Wonder what went in the heads of the planners orwas it designed to give an impact to the legal fraternity

2 replies middot active 1 day ago

middot 1 day ago

More than a perfect vision is needed to see the importance of the rural development in curtailing the rural-urban migration With that squatters which are used to be the common pictures in all the developing worlds

unsurprisingly it is a rare events in most of the major cities in the peninsula

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2835

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2935



crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3035

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 28: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2835

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2935



crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3035

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 29: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 2935



crux decussata (httpintensedebatecompeopledugem) 114p



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p



Guballu (httpintensedebatecompeopleGuballu)



ManaLogik (httpintensedebatecompeopleManaLogik)139p


+19(httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) FNH (httpintensedebatecompeopleFNH) 138p

After masterminding the race riots with that hard-core megalomaniac Harun and forcingthe helpless Tunku to give up his PM post Razak did not earn the love and the admiration like the Tunku butinsteadforging a path to destruction by recalling Mahathir back What we see today are the results of his short-sightedview of race relationship wrong judgement and erratic unproven economic stewardship

middot 1 day ago

The children of the father of racism actually think that their late old man would be shocked Give me a breakTun M was a pet of this man and one the henchmen and architects behind the god forsaken NEP that allowed agroup of robbers to emerge at the top of the pile with ease

middot 1 day ago

Shock What an understatement May 13 riot He know the truth He knows who caused it

1 reply middot active 1 day ago


1 day ago

More words would not mean anything without admission of liability and responsibility by Najib Actions areneeded

middot 1 day ago

Malaysian has been shocked for more than 20 years And continue to do so with never ending issues amp evenmore brainless ways continue to be stirred up Now even KPop is haram

Our endless possibilities

middot 1

da a o

One garners the impression from the late PMs sons that they confuse history with contemporary reality whenthey believe rehashing their fathers solutions to be a prudent step to solve the current political climate Theunbelievable incompetency of BNist-UMNOist rule have left them bankrupt of any meaningful leadership role ina national consultative council in fact the political treachery that followed that period have ingrained bitterlessons to the non-BN coalition partners of letting BNist-UMNOist free policy reign in this Age of Corrupt

Imbecility They think there is still credibility in UMNO but the credits have been frittered away far too much forthat globe-trotting jet have flown off

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3035

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 30: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3035

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 31: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3135

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3535

Page 32: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3235



abu_bin_bangang (httpintensedebatecompeopleabu_bin_bangang) 127p



leealex24 (httpintensedebatecompeopleleealex24) 134p



aine14 (httpintensedebatecompeopleaine14)



(httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)kooky (httpintensedebatecomprofileskookymonsta)




ubikayu3 (httpintensedebatecompeopleubikayu3) 141p



marvin_jkt (httpintensedebatecompeoplemarvin_jkt)139p


Razak will forever be seen as the Father of Racial Division in Malaysia

middot 1 day ago

i am not shockedmy father also not shockedneither are my neighbors and friends

nonowho will be shocked

middot 1 day ago

So what happened Who was the govt after that caused all this

middot 1

day ago

Never mind your father we are shocked too and we have to live with it

middot 1 day ago

Dinner time between all the brothers must be interesting

middot 1 day ago

The DIVIDE was done by those in power to try to hold on to power It is very obvious Right wing groups can callfor bloodshed and yet nothing done by police Time people realise the smoke they are creating

middot 1 day ago

Every PM that came up has his personal agenda Its a matter of how ruthless and how far they go to achieve it

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3335


osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmy-father-would-be-shocked-says-nazir-razak-the-malaysian-insider 3435

Related News

Bill on militancy to be tabled in March says law minister(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlebill-on-militancy-to-be-tabled-in-



Daim says will cooperate in MACC probe into his banking business(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticledaim-says-will-cooperate-in-macc-probe-of-his-banking-business)


Menjawab Kadir Jasin ndash Al-Azharri Siddiq(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercomrencanaarticlemenjawab-kadir-jasin-al-azharri-siddiq)


More from Malaysia

I know who is behind media spotlight on me says Daim(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlei-know-who-is-behind-sudden-focus-on-me-says-daim)

Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


Home Ministry warns of action against contentious writers ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticlehome-ministry-warns-of-action-against-contentious-writings-bernama)

Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



Crowdynews More News (httpwidgetbreakingburnercomfullscreenk=MalaysianInsidermalaysia-page-widget)

Tweets For This Article

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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Page 33: My Father Would Be Shocked, Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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osai1939 (httpintensedebatecompeopleosai1939) 139p



Refired007 (httpintensedebatecompeopleRefired007)-139p



WoodPecker (httpintensedebatecompeople1BNer) -164p



luckylemak (httpintensedebatecompeopleluckylemak)146p



wirebug (httpintensedebatecompeoplewirebug)



Rottenfishhead (httpintensedebatecompeopleRottenfishhead) 140p


middot 1 day ago

Good let us get into a talk-fest while the nation slides further down the sink hole

middot 1 day ago

He is telling the truth most know it also but dont want to act on it but instead believe in untruth for their self interests

middot 1 day ago

Very touching interview with Tun Razakrsquos offspringsLooking forward to TMIrsquos interview with Mukhriz and Mokhzani soon Say like next week

middot 1 day ago

Nazim you dont know what you are talking about If there is another May 13 The biggest loser is UMNO andGLCs themselves

middot 1 day ago

Yea yeahe will setup another NEP to further divides Malaysian I dont know about others but this is what

happening isnt it

middot 1 day ago

We are shocked that they are shocked

1 2 Next raquo

892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

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892019 My Father Would Be Shocked Says Nazir Razak - The Malaysian Insider

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Concert organisers must adhere to Jakimrsquos guidelines says minister ndash Bernama(httpwwwthemalaysianinsidercommalaysiaarticleconcert-organisers-must-adhere-to-


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Talk of the Web

My father would be shocked says Nazir Razak - themalaysianinsidercommalaysiaartichellip

(httptco0hoiELCssM) Razak be shocked tt Chinese supported PAS in full force

Jan 14 (httptwittercomHoHoFattstatus555155614641315840)


Mr Chow

Michael Vatikiotis



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