My Arguement 6 12 09

Neil Doyle O‟Donnell. In early November 1996, I had my contract with British Aerospace Systems Security and Defence terminated after being accused of an assault on another employee in a company-sponsored bar, whilst working in Riyadh, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. My belief is that I have been unfairly treated I have had my good name and character criminalized by some elements within British Aerospace management, as well as members of the Military Survey Team in Riyadh. This was after a period of fourteen years of good and loyal service to the Company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. My contention is that I was Set-up, this is a belief of many ex-work colleagues as well as me, and I totally believe that they or I are not being subjective when stating this belief. One guest who was in the company that evening believed that there was a certain degree of undercurrent directed towards me from one particular individual. In her statement this guest was aware that the individual mentioned seemed to be on a collision course with me and I being totally unaware of the fact. Unfortunately this witnesses exact memory recall was affected by the strength of the Libation, which is sold over the counters in Company sponsored bars in compounds in Riyadh and elsewhere in Kingdom. I myself had overheard a comment directed at me from behind from a group who were strangers to the compound and its bar. It was an uncomplimentary one, which I ignored. Now in hindsight remember that it came from a person who I had been introduced to earlier in the evening. I dismissed this comment as silly and of no consequence as I was used to racist remarks. Being Irish I quietly suffered many similar remarks over a period of twenty-six years, whilst a member of The Royal Air force and British Aerospace: a person tries to ignore the minority of bigots. I now firmly believe that a degree of personal discrimination has been directed against me by management within British Aerospace Headquarters staff at Bilad in Riyadh, and element with in the Military Survey Department Riyadh: as the result of this incident. The evening in question when the incident happened was the last day of October 1996, in the early hours of the 1st. November 1997. I was asked on the afternoon 31st. October,



Transcript of My Arguement 6 12 09

Page 1: My Arguement 6 12 09

Neil Doyle O‟Donnell.

In early November 1996, I had my contract with British

Aerospace Systems Security and Defence terminated after

being accused of an assault on another employee in a

company-sponsored bar, whilst working in Riyadh, Kingdom

Of Saudi Arabia. My belief is that I have been unfairly treated

I have had my good name and character criminalized by some

elements within British Aerospace management, as well as

members of the Military Survey Team in Riyadh. This was

after a period of fourteen years of good and loyal service to

the Company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. My contention

is that I was Set-up, this is a belief of many ex-work

colleagues as well as me, and I totally believe that they or I

are not being subjective when stating this belief. One guest

who was in the company that evening believed that there was

a certain degree of undercurrent directed towards me from one

particular individual. In her statement this guest was aware

that the individual mentioned seemed to be on a collision

course with me and I being totally unaware of the fact.

Unfortunately this witnesses exact memory recall was

affected by the strength of the Libation, which is sold over the

counters in Company sponsored bars in compounds in Riyadh

and elsewhere in Kingdom. I myself had overheard a

comment directed at me from behind from a group who were

strangers to the compound and its bar. It was an

uncomplimentary one, which I ignored. Now in hindsight

remember that it came from a person who I had been

introduced to earlier in the evening. I dismissed this comment

as silly and of no consequence as I was used to racist remarks.

Being Irish I quietly suffered many similar remarks over a

period of twenty-six years, whilst a member of The Royal Air

force and British Aerospace: a person tries to ignore the

minority of bigots. I now firmly believe that a degree of

personal discrimination has been directed against me by

management within British Aerospace Headquarters staff at

Bilad in Riyadh, and element with in the Military Survey

Department Riyadh: as the result of this incident.

The evening in question when the incident happened was the

last day of October 1996, in the early hours of the 1st.

November 1997. I was asked on the afternoon 31st. October,

Page 2: My Arguement 6 12 09

would I attend the club in the Company compound where I

resided. I really did not wish to attend but was persuaded to as

a good turn out was expected. Bodies were required to make

up numbers as a disco was arranged for that evening, nurses

would be arriving from the numerous hospitals in Riyadh. I

really wasn't interested as I was trying to come to terms with

the end of a long-term relationship but promised to look in

later in the evening. Earlier in the evening I met up with

friends in the married family‟s compound to talk to them

about my plans to finally decide to leave Saudi Arabia &

BAE. I knew that I would be able to trust these friends so I

discussed the reasons for my decision. I had no faith in the

Company's confidentiality system gained from experience of

others, I was clearly aware that it leaked like the Proverbial

Sieve: so needed to talk to people who were completely trust

worthy. Having spoken to my friends I arrived at a decision,

that the time had come to leave Saudi Arabia as having

completed fourteen years of continuous service I believed I

really had enough of the place. My final decision I didn't

disclose then to them, I also neglected to tell them that I had

been invited to a social later in the evening knowing my state

of distress this would have been frowned on: they believed I

was going straight back to my villa. I arrived at the club in the

Company compound at around 22.20hrs. Things were in full

swing and I joined some friends at the bar. As the evening

proceeded some strangers joined the group I was introduced

to them, one of them took offence when I joked “Oh you‟re

one of them” innocently meaning HQ, when he introduced

himself as employed at Al-Bilad Headquarters as member of

the Military Survey Team. This person for some unknown

reason seemed have taken a dislike to me for what I had said

in jest when introduced earlier. He definitely had an attitude

problem and was quite sourly. I have since been informed that

he had been asked to leave a party (Bonfire: A Guy Fawkes

Night!) in one of the Company's married family‟s villas

earlier in the evening because of this negative and sourly


A number of us remained around the bar chatting and

drinking locally produced beer and wine, the main body of

guests had left as it was well after midnight so only a small

group remained. The person who I mentioned earlier was also

there it then became clear to me that this person had taken a

definite dislike to me shown by his attitude and demeanour.

Remembering this was the person who made the remark

earlier in the evening directed towards me. I felt under a

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certain amount of threat from him this feeling of unease was

quite alien; one not expected as people tend to mix well in

expatriate circles. I believe that this person imported his own

personal prejudices into the company that evening. The

discussion came around to N. Ireland and the events

concerning „Bloody Sunday‟ an incident that happened in

Derry/Londonderry (at that time) twenty-five years ago. I had

returned recently from Derry after attending the 25th


anniversary of the original march, which I was a member of in

October 1968. Only recently have I been openly going back to

Derry whilst on company leave keeping a low profile but

some times going to places only a few years ago I would have

been putting my life on the line. On one previous leave I was

stopped and detained by armed „RUC‟ officers with automatic

weapons who detained me for a number of hours: seeming I

was mistaken for someone else (informed later from a local

source) they were slightly embarrassed when I showed my

passport with many years of various stamps and visas, plus an

British Embassy insert.

When asked a question at the bar about the then situation in

the city, I believe myself to hold a somewhat moderate

viewpoint in all matters political being very aware of people‟s

sensitivities also aware of certain developments at the time. I

give a reply, a reasonable one, "that when the truth finally

emerged it would defuse the anger felt by a great deal of

people at home and maybe the chance for a lasting peace".

The person I already mentioned, the one with the attitude

problem took exception to this reply and started to verbally

attack me. He had been hostile from the time he was invited to

join the group at the bar clearly showing it through out this

time he was someone clearly bent on causing trouble. He then

became agitated again towards me in an aggressive fashion;

he insulted me with a racist remark saying "That we didn't kill

enough of you Irish Bastards that day”. I was flabbergasted by

this personal attack I became justifiably angry over the

blatantly racist remark having experienced in February 1972

after the Bloody Sunday incident when as a young airman

stationed in England was baited by other Royal Air Force

personnel, "On how we taught you Bogsiders a bloody

lesson" some thing's and attitudes have not changed much in

twenty five years. I had a disagreement with this person for

what he had said. There were heated words said, I eventually

returned to my accommodation. What I remember clearly was

this person was quite pleased with the outcome he seemed

content maybe achieving what he had set out to do: at my

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expense. Due to this incident I was dismissed, the Company

refusing to pay me accrued Severance owing for a continuous

period of Fourteen Years of good and honourable service in

the 'Kingdom of Saudi Arabia'. I have been always been a

loyal employee supporting my Line management and

Company, and the Customer: 'The Royal Saudi Arabian Air

force' plus in the long run The British Government, who are in

the end the main benefactor with regards to the Al Yamamha


I have always involved myself in helping and assisting my

fellow expatriates, was active in committee work for a

number of years have held the posts as the chairman of two of

the most successful Company Residents Committees In

Kingdom, these positions were voluntary and of a secondary

nature. I took my responsibilities seriously following the

Company line that the integrity of the compound security and

of its personnel and guests was of prime importance. To

protect the compounds I enforced a strict admission policy for

the many successful functions which where held in these

accommodation areas: The Shark Hotel & Izdihar Four

Compound in Riyadh. The adherence to a strict admission

policy was of serious importance due to the environment

where these compounds were situated. This due to the anti-

Western stance taken by some local religious authorities. Due

to the endeavours of myself and an excellent committee group

we never suffered any great problems from the authorities,

this was to our credit as we enjoyed as near a Western

lifestyle as possible within our accommodation areas during

our off work periods. This was also due to good logistics in

supplying the demands for vast quantities of certain beverages

plus the ability to provide live music and other entertainment:

therefore we became popular venues with company staff and

the western expatriate community in Riyadh: an outside it. I

and my committee would only admit outside guests if they

were invited by a resident of the compound and had their

names entered into a guest list and if they agreed to a cut off

time for admission: 22.00hrs. Most people adhered to the need

for such a guest list and a cut off admission point: but every

week there were the exceptions. Especially some personnel

from Head Quarters Bilad, who would profess their

indignation when politely, refused admission to a function

after turning up unexpectedly late in the evening with an

uninvited entourage in tow. On many occasions I and other

committee members would be threatened with various dire

consequences by persons purporting to be some one of

Page 5: My Arguement 6 12 09

importance because this person was a manager who held great

sway in Bilad Headquarters: their way of dealing with a

refusal of admission. I was lucky to have many friends

amongst the expatriate medical they warned staff of the local

hospitals who always had their ear to the ground regarding the

„Riyadh‟ social scene on many occasions that certain elements

in British Aerospace Headquarters staff disliked me. This was

re-enforced when some nursing colleagues who were

girlfriends of headquarters staff constantly berated a personal

friend as in the past had been refused entry to various

functions in The Shark or Izdihar Four, when were unable to

obtain tickets for functions.

Basically a gulf existed and still does between British

Aerospace Headquarters staff and the employees on the Bases

especially Riyadh Base, this believed by many continues right

up through management levels as well. I remember asked to

have dinner in Izdihars Fours restaurant with some managers

one of which was new to the Kingdom and had come over

from BAE. Warton on a Company visit. During the

conversation being aware that I was from an ex-service

background, was surprised by the fact that I came from a

Nationalist part of Derry (The Brandywell). He was quite

surprised as well as been allowed to be in charge of the

resident's committee that I was employed on a military

contract in the first place as I came from that particular area of

Derry/ Londonderry. This person before joining Aerospace

informed me that he had come over from England to attend

Magee University College in L/Derry to study. It was

disappointing to see that he suffered from an allusion that

every catholic from the city was a potential terrorist, (the

British press could be quite reactionary in it‟s views when

referring to the nationalist community in those days) I found

this quite insulting the comment showing the limits of an

ability to understand personnel. The main reason I enjoyed

my job and position in Saudi Arabia is the friendship and

respect I received from my Saudi friends and colleagues,

allowing me to believe that the job I was involved in was of

importance and I truly believed in my role 'The Kingdom of

Saudi Arabia'. For many years I felt a feeling of transience as

a member of the armed services: always doing my job to the

best of my ability but not really part of it and to an extent not

being accepted as part of it. This is around the time I and

others became aware of a change of management types and

attitudes could clearly foresee the demise of the old ex-

services type of manager. They I believe had a better

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understanding of the on-base workforce due their ability and

insight for the wider view of things, unlike the management

system imported from Warton in Lancashire who dictated

their own particular style of management.

BAE‟s refusal to pay severance owing to me is unfair in any

moral sense; account must be taken of 'Natural Law'

governing any degree of a Balance of Fairness in an

individual's contract. What has to be considered is the

Company‟s history of inconsistencies with regards to its

treatment of others who have been dismissed and others who

have not: depending on their positions within the company.

Especially the case of a serving Royal Air Force officer a pilot

seconded to Aerospace as a flying instructor, who assaulted a

manager during a party in a villa in Riyadh by striking the

manager for no reason at all in front of a multitude of guests.

This serving officer was allowed to remain in Saudi with the

company the action taken against him was: a Written Final

Warning. This decision believed by all was, if this Royal Air

Force Officer were sent back to U/K, he would have been

court marshalled. Which would have had a detrimental effect

on his career: an exercise in damage limitation I believe?

Other well known and talked about incidents concerning

assaults which have happened in the workplace, notably in

Bilad, British Aerospace‟s Headquarters. These events

brushed under the proverbial carpet but the names of

individuals concerned are of general knowledge to many

personnel. What also beggar‟s belief is how individuals who

were implicated in illegal actions such as a telephone billing

scam concerning international billing charges were dismissed:

all but one I believe received their due severance. It is

strongly felt by the workforce that the investigation into this

affair became embarrassing that management terminated it by

calling an amnesty allowing those concerned to pay back

charges owing, others believing that to pursue it any further

may have caused a great deal of embarrassment to certain

senior individuals.

I am being objective in my view for I believe in fairness and

justice, raised in the tradition (within my own community) of

a belief in fairness, a great emphasis was the respect for a

work ethic a norm in my up bringing in my native city of

Derry (an area of high unemployment and institutionalised

discrimination against we Nationalists). The belief in fairness

preached to my contemporaries and me in our schools and

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churches in what the media describing as the Bogside area of

the city. "Not to give what was required in your workplace: a

good degree of work input and loyalty to an employer was

deemed morally wrong". Taught also that an employer was

also morally responsible to a good employee and reciprocate

in every: Degree of Fairness. An edict I always believed in

one I have followed: as my record with Aerospace must

clearly show. The company on the other hand shows itself to

be dishonourable and seen to be dishonest in retaining accrued

severance which I have worked hard and long for. To be

penalised by the Company with such a degree of viciousness

is surprising for as a supervisor I believe I give to the

Company more than most in my position: my record clearly

shows that. My argument is that I have been discriminated

against by elements within management of British Aerospace

Saudi Arabia. I believe with help a strong argument for this

can be put to a others enabling my case new light and

therefore projecting it into the open arena: hopefully with help

from the media. I have a strong belief that the rights of an

individual must be protected especially those who work on

overseas contracts for it seems their rights are denied to them.

I originally attempted to take my case through the channel of

ACAS via an appeal to a tribunal only to be informed that as I

was employed to work in Saudi Arabia I had no right to the

appeal process in England as I was employed to work outside

the United Kingdom. This surprises me as this was a British

Government/ Ministry of Defence Sponsored Contract the

lack of regard for the rights of so called British Citizens

causes concern as I was originally recruited in the United

Kingdom in September 1982: under the then: British Aircraft

Corporation on a contract construed under English Law. I've

since been informed by letter by the DTI London by a Mr.

Mitchell that via legal advice I will be able to take a case

against the company: this kind advice came about by initially

writing to the Prime Minister Blair's Office London. Checked

to here so far nod

I fully intend to fight my case and show that especially: Mr.

Paul Dugan, the K.F.A.A. Business Team Manager did not

give due concern to my appeal against dismissal. I believe the

appeal was not given its correct consideration due to the fact

that his time was taken up by a more political matter, a near

riot by the local Saudi populace, because of a bonfire and

party in one of the Company Married Compounds which

upset local sensitivities. Therefore I believe little time and

consideration was given to my appeal. I also appealed to the

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Managing Director of Systems Security and Defence Mr.

Steve Mogford to no avail as the Company sat on the matter

for a period of weeks do to this delay, I almost missed the

twelve week dead line set by ACAS for appeal to a tribunal. I

finally received a reply a negative one, he the M.D. quoting

the Company line, supporting his management team‟s

decision. The Company arguing that they had a right to the

non payment of accrued severance as laid down in the

Conditions of Service an escape clause, in some cases used in

a discriminatory fashion depending who one is and position

held. I believe that I have been punished more than most, the

loss of my job, salary and bonuses, as well as loss of position

as a supervisor has and therefore of self-esteem, the

Company's vindictiveness surprised a great many of the

workforce. Changes to the before mentioned Conditions of

Service over the years since have be undertaken by Executive

Decision Making, under what could be deemed as a form of

authoritarian management with a workforce governed under a

system of tutelage. The system employing the tools of

misinformation and disinformation constantly confusing the

ever changing workforce including long time employees such

as myself, as we never really knew where one stood with

regards to contractual conditions. These changes where

promulgated every so often, times there would be a feast then

a scarcity of information, as great chunks were quickly

withdrawn for cosmetic repairs. Requests form employees

employed on air bases for clarification of changes to the

Management Manual were always replied to by the statement

that a copy was available with Line Management. This easier

said than done, as one who worked on an air base: King Fisial

Air Academy in Riyadh, information was not readily

available, until there would be a crisis. As had happened in

one of the technical areas recently where a political dismissal

occurred: now a manual is available in that particular work

area. The tools for communicating and downloading

information to the workforce are readily available when one is

employed in a purpose built headquarters, but not for

personnel working in a completely different environment: a

Royal Saudi Arabian Air force Base.

Aerospace tried to implement a British Quality System on the

bases but failed, due to the customer‟s satisfaction with the

existing American one. The British system easy enough to

establish in the cosy confines and environment of their

prestigious Head Quarters building but not on the workfare

Mr. Paul Dugan the Base Business Manager finally had to

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inform us at a meeting of supervisors of the customer‟s

rejection of the British system. Informing us that it was found

to be unsuitable for implementation on an air base work

environment, he with tongue in cheek described us as: 'The

Men behind the Wire'. Stress which is a hidden problem in the

workforce, especially those employed on the air bases, a

group of people mostly recruited from the Armed Forces, who

would be the last to admit that they may be suffering from the

results of stress. The build up of stress manifests itself in the

abuse of alcohol, which there is abundance of in different

strengths and varieties, readily available in Company Clubs

These clubs with their various bars are important to the work

force in Saudi Arabia especially the single unaccompanied

bachelors, who's main interest is to build up an nest egg. In

the hope in allowing them to leave Saudi as soon as possible,

so a great deal of leisure time is spent in these areas.

Unfortunately, separation from family usually has a

detrimental effect on relationships/marriages; there is a high

degree of divorce amongst the workforce. Therefore an

employee remains in Kingdom to pay for the property

settlement that usually follows: adding again to the increase in

stress. I like many of my work colleagues, employed on the

air bases, have experienced this situation resulting from

separation from families and the ensuing trauma of divorce. I

have attended counselling since returning from Saudi Arabia,

have been told that I have and still am experiencing the

typical symptoms of stress: surprise was expressed that it had

not been highlighted and acted upon. It is a well-known fact

that In-Kingdom Executive Management has no sympathy for

anyone who is considers as having a problem: their answer is

“if there is a problem get rid of it”. Therefore problems with

stress are not recognised as the culture forbids it.

As civilian supervisor who was involved in Desert Shield and

Desert Storm, awarded The Gulf Medal and Clasp probably

having more involvement than most personnel in K.F.A.A.

Riyadh, can see how stress and separation brings to the

surface the cracks in relationships. This was just as bad for the

part of the workforce which was sent home at their own

request, during the Gulf Crisis and others who were unable to

return to Saudi due to the cessation of air travel to the Middle

East. Experiencing through a protracted stay at home, feeling

totally out of place due to the effect of de-coupling, a

recognised symptom related to separation from family over a

long period of time. I add at this point, that at on the

24th. Of January 1991, the workforce was called to a meeting,

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held in the K.F.A.A. hanger's crew room. Personnel given the

option of either repatriation to U/K or remaining at the work

place due to an understandable fear of injury or death from

Scud missile attacks on Riyadh at that time. Two other

supervisors (J.Grant & Flash Rush) and I were taken to the

side by Mr. Paul Dugan then the deputy K.F.A.A.

Maintenance Manager before this meeting, we were requested

to stay due to a shortage of line management. These managers

had to remain at home in U/K unable to return to Kingdom

due to the cessation of international air travel to the Middle

East at the time of the Gulf Crisis. We agreed to remain for

the sake of the contract, as the customer, the Royal Saudi

Arabian Air Force mistakenly may have believed that the

British Aerospace workforce in K.F.A.A. was about to leave

them to their own devices. I agreed to stay as did the other

two supervisors as well as forty plus personnel to fulfil the

Customers Requirements. Others decided to opt for the cosy

option and decided to return to the UK and other places

including Israel via another country and awarded on return a

medal & clasp for their brave affords in kingdom. The main

reason put forward to we three supervisors was that jobs in

U/K could very well depend on the good faith been shown to

the customers needs, also this may be reflected in the future

contracts and sales.

I believe that I was fundamental in creating a programme that

may have saved at least one KC135 Aircraft if not others

belonging to the United States Air force. These aircraft were

of great importance during and after the Gulf War 1: used in

refuelling tasks supplying in-flight aircraft with fuel. A

serious problem existed (Vicious Cycling or Thermal

Runaway of the Aircraft's On-Board Ni Cad. Battery systems)

that could have caused a catastrophic condition in a worst-

case scenario: if an aircraft had crashed in any of the

populated areas surrounding the base at KFAA. This threat

measured by a response from an American at RSAAF HQ,

finally grasping the seriousness of the situation contacted me

on a number of occasions introducing himself as

understanding the need to take assertive action to push for the

correction to the numerous fault conditions in case of

potential worst-case scenario situation occurring. My belief is

if I had not acted (supported by my Senior Training and

Maintenance Manager at the time), that there were a number

of serious problems with the USAF KC135's and other

aircraft‟s Ni-Cad. Battery charging systems, a situation may

have arisen that would have put Saudi /USA relations beyond

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repair if a serious air incident had happened over the city: (A

Pre.9/11. Situation) The U.S. Forces at the time unable to

comprehend the danger of a major incident over Saudi

Arabian territory: cities and towns that could have led to such

a situation: A Total Catastrophe. We were told not to allow

the customer any information on what we were doing: a little

difficult if you have Saudi Nationals working for you and

surrounded in the workplace by Royal Saudi Arabian Air

force personnel. I was awarded a number of good shows for

my endeavours as well as recognition in the form of a

company video for my involvement. A copy of this can be

viewed as part of this web page to explain the extent of my

endeavours in always involving myself in the company's

interests, needs and requirements. I had to push the issue to

have the job completed: asking staff to go for that extra afford

to complete an ever increasing work load; this significantly

increased by the numerous problems to the USAF aircraft

battery problems.

An issue I did push was with a similar fault condition on

newly arrived Pilatus PC9 Aircraft, which superseded the old

trainer aircraft we had at KFA.A. Pilots experienced problems

during flight and had to return to base due to overheating

battery conditions. At least one situation was quite serious

resulting in a „Board of Inquiry‟ involving senior „Royal

Saudi Arabian Air Force‟ officers: representing the customer.

Of course this was the talk amongst the BAE staff on base and

compound bars. Blame was automatically pointed at my bay

personnel and me by other sections of „The Avionics Flight‟,

this I knew to be wrong and unfair as my bay staff produced

work of an excellent quality: as was their norm. I investigated

the situation and created a report that was accepted by the

„Board of Inquiry‟ who fully supported my finding as did

BAE Head Quarters Bilad (Engineering). It transpired that

during the Commissioning of the PC9 that the Air Electrical

Section (Part of The Avionics Flight) failed to adjust the on-

board voltage control requirements to suit the high ambient

temperature levels experienced in the 'Hot Climate' conditions

experienced in Middle East. My then Senior Maintenance

Manager: Mr. Fred Collins congratulated me nothing more

was said as things were laid to rest, to avoid embarrassment to

others who jumped the gun in the 'Blame Game'.

Trying to settle back into a normal life away from the Middle

East is difficult, it presents its own problems and trauma's.

Especially if a person is in danger of losing his home, due to a

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reliance on a hoped for severance. The myth of big money in

Saudi Arabia is incorrect for as a family man and divorced

who supported his children through their teens as a distant

single parent, it is quite financially demanding. Fine if one

enjoys the huge salaries that say pilots earn: may I add

deservedly so. The main recipients of huge benefits from

contracts such as the Al-Yamaha today are the main players in

the system: BAE. Executive Management. I have tried to find

employment in main land U/K; I even attempted to settle in

my native city of Derry knowing that it would be difficult. I

will not easily be forgiven for having joined the services in

1969: I am „Beyond the Pale‟ in some minds, even changes to

an accent after years away can lead to difficulties therefore

the need for long drawn out explanations.

In a place such as Derry depending on the where you are and

who you meet, a person such as myself will always be looked

on as an ex-member of the „Crown Forces‟: even though I

never served in N. Ireland or would have done as I was

classed as „Current Condition Nil‟. It was clear to me that this

was an unsuitable attempt at settling there at that period of

time as it put great stress on my family due to the fact that it

was never mentioned to others outside the family that I and

my brother had been members of the Royal Air force: I later

employed by British Aerospace Saudi Arabia on a military

contract. In company it is extremely difficult to hide your last

twenty-nine years of past life unless one is an accomplished

liar. I must add at this point I have returned to live and work

in the UK (January 2005) after working in the Republic of

Ireland for a number of years after my time in the Middle

East. It is from here in the U.K. with the help I will endeavour

to claim right to my due „Severance Pay‟ for a period of 14

years of honourable employment.

I intent to write to the 'Company's' main office in London.

The Prime Minister's Office.

The First Minister and First Deputy Minister of the

Northern Ireland Exec.

The Ministry of Defence.

His Majesty King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

The United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom.

The European Commission.


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As a closing note it is only recently I have been able to put together

in writing my side of the story of this particular time in Riyadh. I can

now clearly see this was a period when I experienced a type of house

arrest (Passport withheld and Saudi ID Agama taken off me)

isolated, unable to think clearly. I was unable to comprehend my

situation therefore could not to form an adequate defence; this was

accommodating to the BAE Managing Team.

Sincerely Neil O‟Donnell.

Nottingham, England.

[email protected]