Read My Blog, Damnit! - wcpdx '09

Read My Blog, Damnit! from oblivion to validation to venerated to viral to victory.


the presentation/unconference break-out session given at wordcamp portland '09, on increasing readership on blogs. includes notes from the unconference session suggested by attendees to garner more readership. includes web links. hosted by faddah yuetsu wolf. wcpdx, september 2009

Transcript of Read My Blog, Damnit! - wcpdx '09

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Read My Blog, Damnit!from oblivion to validation to venerated to viral to victory.

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it’s an unconference, damnit.

moderators @ front of room may appear more knowledgeable than they actually are.

this guy doesn’t even have a published blog, yet, man!

moderator actually scamming to suck knowledge from your delicious brains.

Moderator: faddah or @yuetsu

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Real Info (#srsly)The BasicsContentAppearance/Readability (Themes/Design)A.B.E. (shameless theft!) —>humorpersonal/anecdotalgo to the... visual, music, movie, animated, interactive

Comments, Respond, Moderate, Accept Feedback

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What then ...?

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... Storm The Heavens!


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i can haz restraining order??

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i can haz restraining order??


Avoid Pushing to Annoyace?

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What does Wordpress© have to offer?

Show-My-PageRank Commenters Watching

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Your Turn.

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Unconference Suggestionstho’ it hurts, and goes against the whole “live in your mother’s basement & blog” ethos, do get out, be social, meet other bloggers, f2f! http://beerandblog.comcomment on the blogs of other people to drive people to your blog (@yuetsu warns: be cautious with this, can work in your favor, or if done to much, you can be considered the forum/comment equivalent of spam).check out the tools @ regular relationships with other bloggers who have similar themed blogs/like-minded. guest blog w/ them & they for you. do/publish interviews with each other.check out “art of non-conformity”: , also his book, 279 Days To An Over-Night Success, blogrolls/fave links side bar widgets - exchange links (you link to their blog, they link to you).use RSS in blog (learn to lubz you sum RSS).

easier to read from RSS readersaggregates your blog w/ other similar topic blogsease of use keeps the readership you have

post to social network sites — linked-in, biznik (business, financial, professional theme), myspace, facebook (art, social, culture themed).get mentions on similar themed social/niche network sites, web sites, forum/groups & list-servs.

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Unconference Suggestions (cont’d.)

use Brevity & Consistency - it’s a blog, not a thesis, and keep posting.mix it up — use “theme of the week,” use previews & teasers (“next post i’ll be talking about...”).don’t bait / flame / link bait in posts, comment responses, forums. comes back to bite you in the long term. (but @yuetsu mentions, while i’d never do it myself, it has made the careers of Robert Scobble, John C. Dvorak, and most of FoxNEWS.)use WP plug-ins that post your new post titles to microblogs (twitter, facebook, friendfeed, statusnet, etc.). do use humor and challenge yourself to be a bit edgy like your for favorite blog sites (@yuetsu: be careful of pushing it too far.)do bring the thunder & spice the site up with media: stuff from YouTube, metacafe, vimeo, seesmic, stickam, ustream, livestream, etc.

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Faddah Steve Yuetsu Wolf

[email protected]

@yuetsu & @140moviereview on twitter (under construction) (under construction - coming soon!)