Muse double page spread analysis

Alex Thorpe Kicker the kicker is in the terminal optical area which is where the readers’ eyes will drift after the secondary area, the way its written is informally which to Pull quotethis pull quote is in the primary optical area, meaning it will be the first thing the reader sees, the content of the quote will make the reader want to read further into the article as it is taken out of context and is intriguing” one day im going to get a huge zeplin to land Caption - describes the contents of the Headline and Pun the word size is enlarged because headline talks Gutenberg design principle –the reader’s eye is drawn to the pull quote first, then their eyes go across the page until they meet Matt Bellamy (muse’s lead singer) once they see him, their eyes are drawn to the rest of the band. This shows the reader who is in the article and

Transcript of Muse double page spread analysis

Page 1: Muse double page spread analysis

Alex Thorpe

Kicker – the kicker is in the terminal optical area which is where the readers’ eyes will drift after the secondary area, the way its written is informally which to some readers makes the article easier to read.

Pull quote– this pull quote is in the primary optical area, meaning it will be the first thing the reader sees, the content of the quote will make the reader want to read further into the article as it is taken out of context and is intriguing” one day im going to get a huge zeplin to land in a stadium” this make the reader ask follow up questions such as “why he wants to do this so badly” to which they could only get the answer by reading on

Caption - describes the contents of the image and provides context

Headline and Pun –the word size is enlarged because headline talks about size matters

Gutenberg design principle –the reader’s eye is drawn to the pull quote first, then their eyes go across the page until they meet Matt Bellamy (muse’s lead singer) once they see him, their eyes are drawn to the rest of the band. This shows the reader who is in the article and entices them to read the rest of the spread to find out why he wants to land a blimp in a stadium

Page 2: Muse double page spread analysis

Alex Thorpe

Pull quote – a quote lifted from the article

Drop cap – used to guide the reader trough the important parts of the article

Pagination- the page numbers

Images – showcases some of muses work

Captions (containing pull quotes) – a quote lifted from the article to help describe the images and provide context.

White space – the white borders surrounding the article.

Gutters – the white margins between the columns

Headline – the word glory is juxtaposed with the word madness