Mtf>fHtiiLmutM^l*m>^ l.. I.HI.IIII >l]lll]»l...

f®\% ;«fe •£ am!®" Mtf>fHtiiLmutM^l*m>^ <X)Wim-pX3MA£, JBJPAY. JWJ.Y 385,1*». Rochester, N. Y," l.. I.HI.IIII >l]lll]»l AOVKRTlgKHlCTt P*w*W>W*>—*•"" ii "Ji i"""""ll' )""))"" ni«)nl|ii tL~ * l iwyi'iiiC%.ini/i>ii | yi'ii"ipi"ii'iiuu iiiMM i JI i m i in t ""' [ yjH''"""" Mew Sickness and Accident Benefits Include s 25 Payment IN MSGR. BOPPEI/S MEMORY -n - Dost* OJII* $IS a Y«ar«P©wit P a p wit «2 ASBS 60 to 69 Only $18 a Year - Ages Tfcto78 Only $24 a Year * lift ^der 31m #re* the harder it is to get pro*** tfoa a|*ln 8 fr I n s ^ a l woirics that comewfcerii * « £ M tfjrfdfaHttfltiito* Waft why the whalMartt A*«W.A«dicfft F r a n c e Company of Cftago . fits & J M * i s $ M Jfltitf for men ox women up to 7B yearns of *f£ t i M p s meet sudden doctor »d hospital4Mfe w . M ' t h e cost is only $12 a year for either men ay jKptpt from 15to 59 years old...jaoh m*yearfcoul6©to69years..-fromages70to 78 Mr $# * yw&'Mm pai^ent plan if desired, Lag tit D©"" Hot weattisr of tis$ . ^ I ' i e w weeks and the .s:«8Jm# ; '^e&(W spason have taken ltd!*' tall on the Rochester Regioiaji Re4 Cfos^s Stood Program a t » l d j p | ^ l h e Blood Program o&e3air * : >.this. .weefe, '- • . '-'•; x •:? . • Peter Barry, Ch9teti«ifJ of thse |£oqJiestep Red Cross 33k*o4 i f»ro* grain, said the present dqnm*lag seriously affecting the weekly quotas assigned to the Regional t Program by the Defense Depart- ment as well as the quotas used I by the 42 civilian hospitals in this 122-county area, ] "At the present timej" he said, i "we are 550 pints short In meet-. | Ing the Defense Department's^ quota for the current month. Only the "active participation of I every person able to give blood can help us mak«s oar necessary committments—defense and civ- ilian." "We must 'eoncech? . thsa,t the (identical in number and sacred- .n^^rpjjjiMs ||!thi.f'.3f!l#«!,?i*'e fuess to the" righte $' white 'per- sons."—Rev, Francis J. GUIisjan, M?8 "A" 4#SAU •'¥Wifi ip IE TURKEY IMF 59* i % OLIVE LOAF 39* i lb. ROCHEST1MI.Y. %*. 3r CH0IS6 BONELESS IIAK II If AST U. S. CHOlCfe VEAL ROLLETTS 89* lb. U. S. CHOICE RUSSER'S BAKED BUTTS CORMED BEEP LOAF 59* \ lb. SWISS PICKLE and PIMENTO < t* !: * W**ii^£eM3filBoii reqiured,ftierely"Wr atemewi;iisi% your i»e|ent Jb«^th. AB^< f T PJ IfEDGGTON IN BENEMIS BH- ^}|? A^EBsptecfeyoa 24 hoars a.dbv. : SCiSOtAB^Dirs in memory of the !*te 3fonsltnor'John F, DopfeMl ire ptesMBted hy the Kev. Dr. lV«ltest-J. KoM, pwrttir of St. KotiUfcee Ch«ich to pinners In h i s parfeb. With iheirip*r- enls »r« Otft) John t^rBsfc f»ther «nd l*eoii Cr«elr» ^ a n e r ; Fulhwer Kofel, Jo«» H*tg*rt, Moaner area her mother l&s* lieon* •rd SUIihdt. Grfcals a r e for Catholic high school of winner's cliole* ind? ar» sponsored by St. Bohif^ce C^onimandcry 2 5 and Amxlllary 4% KnighfaB of St. Johij, CArtJior PeraBr 1 Photo.} ,fhe Blood Centet'. V76 Clinton Avenue South, is open ejach week day, Monday through Friday, from 12 noon until 6 p.m., and on Thursday evenings until 8 p.m. J No appointment is necessary. RUSSERS VEAL BREAST L O A F 39* 1 49^lb. SKIHLESS EVISCERATED LONG ISLAND STEAMERS DUCKLINGS 59* lb. 55* lb. National KC To Opes Contention, Jluij. 18 Extensiv? plans ar» being neaade here to •welcome the Knight* of Qriumfcus Supreme. ^^^^ m6 ^ ^ Q{ ^ ConvoiK&on to Los Angeles Au- American Imdlans are Catholics. Fast 1S-21. I few have been graced by the df- It wSQ be the ilrst interna- ' vine call to a religious life. One Indian lad Gounts Collection As Takes It Op -•&8M *AMOT**itf'$£im'fen& irfttch fho«»an# a :M^#W^im^&lkmWmi^ all «T«r the ecumtcy 5 - 3t|»ylW* y^fa&inmfytisMi disability - rwiOtinr from certain «p*ciSed accidents and tick n«a^:A^ AJ3DITI0NAL $25 A WEEK for 4 vfteis ^ ^i*eti(*-r*qmri»r fw^italcoofine^ w ^ *»ca«h f«r ^wto* » (at the rateof $3 per>i»it) «»w for xmiawraeddefrtauch i s a cutfinger.Incase f ^ ^^»Sick^ ben*filg effective 30 day* from da.1c . lat^tio^th«!W*cy <»Ttm»any.Bicluae^« in- tfcwHot* »n«un««ia, cjutccr, diahetes, tuberculaeHa, pditt, uloeT »frtewichor intestines, and opciatioii - for rtsnoral ^apfjerid^ heifk>rrhoid6, j;att fcladder, " idda^aBd prostate, paying tic -weeily benefits'affcei the frit »»ve« ItjrreC confifownent to either Jioa»e *~»jtev<>r" '•• > .,.»*•-•, v.* /, ,. ' . > . - - . * - , * ' . » - . . ' ' - " « ^ . . . has a doubfe Indemnity fea- trwd aeddenta. You receiTc $5» a i^aowdent in a bw, taxicafe, tra&i, and $75 a uredl II 1 ^Mt accideait The death benefit by a traTel accident. S^colt, SO, promlnejit Cttoolic lay- raan and matny times knighted f o r his outjtjmdlnj -work for the C5iuurcJb, who wil£ be Jdanored djarlnf the convention. i&otfc wu the first territorial'impressed \with the Indian lad. a&eputy and t i i e first ttate> deputy says ante hudlcation that he will 'utter. 3r4dm:0^^m--ih^ugk- faftm ^Bm f mm Cto^f^ii^mi^d :'wam 4mxti^m thatm $01 need this-*UcUl!c*mi} mm^4\ t i&tih&,ym&i coxfmUto your hone vr ii tS«nsl Wi. of C convention heldlfTT; fca the City af Angels since 1905. BCeadqtsaulsrs win be located at t £ u Bilxmore HoteL D15L1EQAT3ES &ND visitors weill .re^jfesertt evexy state andj I puDsscssaon of the union, accord- tcag to Edwin C Boehler. general cSialrmaan, The -«event markas the Golden X&bllee celebration o l the Knights kat CidCfornl*. The order was ttKtsWlsiied la California in 1902. twrenty' years alter the Knights wnerc cbrsanlzsd 'in the United Spates; of two Indians w ho entered, Santa Fe's Im- naaculatft Heart I of Mary Semin- j ary ls*t Sep- 1 tember is Fran-' cis Louis Olfuln. Thlssununer Prancls, whose Indian name is Little Pine Tree, is earn- LI tie JPlno Xree \ng money for accessories a t the ^mlriarjif by) Inatramentspl In the organic-jworMttg In the Marquette tSM Int Cldli%ftia .wai Joseph U*iiue*« Ne-w York office. *— t He accoirt-pantes the Rev. Ber-1 nard A. CuClen, director general of the Leapue, on lecture dates ; to pass the collection basket. The ] priest, who Is moat favorably odC the 3£nlgixfs in California. He beau u;e>rkcd tintirirjgly for the become a good pastor is Ftancis" hiteresEt in the collection. He oatrder trvtr 50 years and has con- ! knows to ttse last cent the total tadbuted to its development and 'amount before the counting—he pexmth. &Qht- top Drivers Efrue Jit Falngrounds > Tho s«tock car section of Pro- rbBoief Otto Is .a01*far triple- from at t h e 'Moaroe Counts? Rs«lrgto«hdj Wt\t*$? hlgljt and " fenaare e^ght at fte 10 top> irl-JnJf^^SosdkL Staler *e*-. foardlng- to point standings just reSfeasedE by thie ^a't&onal Associa- tion for- Stfldfc Car Auto racing. "3ttie e3aht h o t »*<> slJ zsgular p«*form«« itt the ~ Fairgrounds VSBA, ImctJjqe- four Syracuse per- toracniets, Ufflaia Swtit, wlio ^tops (iasetoSrstiitpsdiilgsr second place BaraWgrOiatley- ^arry, thiru* isa& Pl«t ten!, stoh. tr* fourth .ce iass BuWEt, t.<tmg, vletorlcaisj' wveSa of &ghl feaatores? eselits ftaew^^ .season/- ic-Howea by r<o^^l(irteB«,-ot3E'io«w only teem-to? "iatiar^te *aeil4sH*, Ittjwdlce oMilkt'Jart of Cathr oaaeWttto-it larrte 1 to ^ecpn- **ett!bnr ' ^ i t e Kefro WM » frM m iif^mr^him. •£)$& of the jpaii«itaB m is licciaacd i state* and tiic ;ti>«JoriVert; adds it up ass each person drops his contribution into the basket. *No sEponsor tor brands'* edu- cation has been fdund as yet— the cost is SCO a year or $43 a month- "Wlay not," asks Father Cullen. "bo a godfather (or god mother) to ehis most worthy and lovable aspdrant to the Holy EriesttacOQ?"" —'. ~. o - Engagements Geneva— Mr. and Mrs. Jame» ICctSoreiti, JEW High St.. have an? tioWiced jhes marriage of th$r daughper, Htelen Matrle, to Rajr- mond Eralce, son of Hr. and Mm. Peter Rowssta, Far Roctawayi Bnfr «(oubt* ring cseremony Wat perforamed JPuane 28. by the Rev. J, F. Battle in Belrvflle, m Mr. Drakas 1«s formerly sta> tioncoV at Sampson Air Force Base,jHels isow taidng' a special course in el«fctronlcs at Bedlviile- Mr. a»nd Wts. f>ral£e plaa to rt> ttirn to GelwetWJn Augtst f- Summer Resorts 'ClMfdt,, Iff, ffci5 a«d Ori* w a a ^ iw«»»aaiy •* -. * -1, Kortli American li|i| f%P^|#ii|fi^,.7;;:;.t-;.;; _;;,;>. - ; : » / ' - : l^ttsafdbiiir;' - ...;.:- ', ' v mofiM*. $\# mist*** mm **f3s#**w .... ;/. .^»^ ...-. ASM|i^JS#ivmte' mtemr ,*i.-^#; ^*jw*^^^rtW*.f*rt««*r«S'w^i)(W^*rfai;j|i, .»4ip(**.*—«*n«w^»j,>* .1 .1^*N«. .*«•». "I •i*«-i3i|»*^Hh*-*< i 9, 10. tt ajfc,. tZ Owe life- «f tl* t«jn, ld»i • -tain? -C#ifc- •§«*«* '^ *^' ^ * l *•** i' ( 'Sfc -]oijp**^-(C*3re^ -|«|^:|Wtl#.' ; H«Mt* -tjtlSi «iwiyt^r»»> -tte-ia.' gaaawfc if=iria^-.a^& f - h (f £?f & «WW^ § MENUS f r LESS/ . SERVE ICED OR ROT C0FFEE IN MINUTES! MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE ilrili.i aJ FOOD i STORES PREMr CATAIOGI S-AVE PREMIUM OUffCNS! , BORDIHS NON^ApiEALTHFUt <JRY MHK DAWN BREAD c T 4 PIflP UNDER WHITE LOAF! ^g4j£9k I I f l | f% f \ L g\ || 17c SLICID L0AT SUCED t. DATED LOAFI HOME5TYU RANCH _ RAISIN OR DATE & NUT COOKIES '"tea! OF 6 TENDER FWrTY BRAN MUFflNS ^EVltSFUWSE CAXER CAKES EA. 31* 59* Pfe. PKG.MA#5 s QWARtS! KRAH AMERICAN, BRICK Oil PIMENTO DELUXE CHEESE SLICES PKG. OF « SLICES 29 i«filrTY LUNCHEON SPREAD CUa^scM^MUi 5 * Jo^ei*^ C*.|?*«8ld0iit.sC^rotteis- AUer wh» v: ,' !> "M'/,D: / -- ". X m v*-^'^t«--»^*i-^..=»^-^ i ifa^#A* , V?«.**^'»^-^-^: * , -'*-*«it**'5^*W*f •W*-^**#-^-f'*^ '^i**«J' --^-^ w . f ,^#^ , rtW^SF. WV^-t ' •*V.^^.>^ J ^'^y^^^^^V^^j^ < ^4« -* .^« rf»«.«. :-4U*ai>Hr«>W«UM«rt.- ,I„^ „ „ , *,.*""•= t .J tw «->*'.. >*• -^ V#»•*-*"—*- •'•! 1 n r , .- ^-^ 4J**-s'V,* - K -*"^ --• >.W^» fl tl --: % :V';I| »«-v-.j(B •^K* *"-?« *- »• I, ^.«H,.*„ .*»~>m,-Vf^-»-s-'^^. 1 * <«<>u*t+;* •--.-Wj

Transcript of Mtf>fHtiiLmutM^l*m>^ l.. I.HI.IIII >l]lll]»l...

Page 1: Mtf>fHtiiLmutM^l*m>^ l.. I.HI.IIII >l]lll]»l · trwd aeddenta. You receiTc $5» a i^aowdent in a bw, taxicafe, tra&i, and $75

f®\% ;«fe •£ am!®"

Mtf>fHtiiLmutM^l*m>^ — <X)Wim-pX3MA£, JBJPAY. JWJ.Y 385,1*».

Rochester, N . Y,"

l . . I.HI.IIII >l]lll]»l

AOVKRTlgKHlCTt P * w * W > W * > — * • " " ii "Ji i " " " " " l l '

) " " ) ) " " n i« )n l | i i

tL~ *l

iwyi'iiiC%.ini/i>ii|yi'ii"ipi"ii'iiuu iiiMM i JI ii mi in t""' [yjH''""""

Mew Sickness and Accident Benefits

Include s25 Payment


-n -

Dost* O J I I * $ IS a Y«ar«P©wit P a p wit « 2 A S B S 60 to 69 Only $18 a Year

- Ages Tfc to 78 Only $24 a Year

* l i f t ^der 31m #re* the harder it is to get pro*** tfoa a|*ln8fr I n s ^ a l woirics that comewfcerii * « £ M tfjrfdfaHttfltiito* Waft why the w h a l M a r t t A * « W . A « d i c f f t F r a n c e Company of Cftago

. fits &JM * i s $ M Jfltitf for men ox women up to 7B yearns of *f£ t i M p s meet sudden doctor » d hospital4Mfe w . M ' t h e cost is only $12 a year for either men ay jKptpt from 15to 59 years old...jaoh m*yearfcoul6©to69years..-fromages70to 78

Mr $ # * yw&'Mm pai^ent plan if desired,

Lag tit D©""

Hot weattisr of tis$ . ^ I ' i e w weeks and the .s:«8Jm#;'^e&(W spason have taken ltd!*' tall on the Rochester Regioiaji Re4 Cfos s Stood Program a t » l d j p | ^ l h e Blood Program o&e3air *:>.this. .weefe, '- • . '-'•; x •:? . •

Peter Barry, Ch9teti«ifJ of thse |£oqJiestep Red Cross 33k*o4if»ro* grain, said the present dqnm*lag \» seriously affecting the weekly quotas assigned to the Regional t Program by the Defense Depart­ment as well as the quotas used I by the 42 civilian hospitals in this • 122-county area, ]

"At the present timej" he said, i "we are 550 pints short In meet-. | Ing the Defense Department 's^ quota for the current month. Only the "active participation of I every person able t o give blood can help us mak«s oa r necessary committments—defense and civ­ilian."

"We must 'eoncech? . thsa,t t he (identical in number and sacred-.n^^rpjjjiMs ||!thi.f'.3f!l#«!,?i*'e fuess to the" righte $ ' white 'per-

sons."—Rev, Francis J. GUIisjan,

M?8 "A"

4 # S A U •'¥Wifi ip IE


39* i lb. ROCHEST1MI.Y.

%*. 3r CH0IS6



U. S. CHOlCfe






< t*

! : * W * * i i ^ £ e M 3 f i l B o i i reqiured, ftierely" W r atemewi;iisi% your i»e|ent Jb«^th. AB^< f T P J IfEDGGTON IN BENEMIS BH-

^}|? A^EBsptecfeyoa 24 hoars a.dbv.

: SCiSOtAB^Dirs in memory of the !*te 3 fons l tnor ' John F , DopfeMl i r e ptesMBted hy the Kev. Dr. lV«ltest-J. KoM, pwrttir of St. KotiUfcee Ch«ich t o p i n n e r s In h i s parfeb. With iheirip*r-enls »r« Otft) John t^rBsfc f»ther «nd l*eoii Cr«elr» ^ a n e r ; Fulhwer Kofel, Jo«» H*tg*rt, Moaner area her m o t h e r l&s* lieon* •rd SUIihdt. Grfcals a r e for Catholic high school of winner's cliole* ind? ar» sponsored by St. Bohif^ce C^onimandcry 2 5 and

Amxlllary 4% KnighfaB of St . Johij, CArtJior PeraBr1 Photo.}

,fhe Blood Centet'. V76 Clinton Avenue South, is open ejach week day, Monday through Friday, from 12 noon until 6 p.m., and on

• Thursday evenings until 8 p.m. J No appointment is necessary.



STEAMERS DUCKLINGS 59* lb. 55* lb.

National KC To Opes Contention, Jluij. 18

Extensiv? p l a n s a r» being neaade here to •welcome the Knigh t* of Qriumfcus Supreme. ^ ^ ^ ^ m6 ^ ^ Q{ ^ ConvoiK&on to Los Angeles Au- American Imdlans are Catholics. Fast 1S-21. I few have been graced by the df-

It wSQ be the ilrst interna- ' vine call to a religious life. One

Indian lad Gounts Collection As

Takes It Op


*AMOT**itf'$£im'fen& irfttch fho«»an# a :M^#W^im^&lkmWmi^ all «T«r the ecumtcy5-3 t | » y l W * y^fa&inmfytisMi disability

-- rwiOtinr from certain «p*ciSed accidents and tick n«a^:A^ AJ3DITI0NAL $25 A WEEK for 4 vfteis

^ f» i*eti(*-r*qmri»r fw^italcoofine^ w ^ *»ca«h f«r wto* » (at the rateof $3 per>i»it) «»w for xmiawraeddefrtauch is a cut finger. Incase

f ^ ^ ^ » S i c k ^ ben*filg effective 30 day* from da.1c

. lat^tio^th«!W*cy <»Ttm»any.Bicluae^« in-tfcwHot* »n«un««ia, cjutccr, diahetes, tuberculaeHa, pditt, uloeT »f rtewich or intestines, and opciatioii

- for rtsnoral ^apfjerid^ heifk>rrhoid6, j;att fcladder, " idda^aBd prostate, paying tic -weeily benefits'affcei the frit »»ve« ItjrreC confifownent to either Jioa»e

* ~ » j t e v < > r " '•• > . , . » * • - • , v.* /, ,. ' . • • > . - - . * - • , * ' • • • . » - . . ' ' - " « ^

. . . has a doubfe Indemnity fea-trwd aeddenta. You receiTc $5» a

i^aowdent in a bw, taxicafe, tra&i, and $75 a uredl II1 Mt accideait

The death benefit by a traTel accident.

S^colt, SO, promlnejit Cttoolic lay-r a a n a n d matny t i m e s knighted f o r his outjtjmdlnj -work for t h e C5iuurcJb, w h o wil£ be Jdanored djarlnf the convention.

i&otfc wu the first territorial ' impressed \with t h e Indian lad. a&eputy and t i i e first ttate> deputy says ante hudlcation that he will

'utter. 3r4dm:0^^m--ih^ugk- faftm ^Bmf mm Cto^f^ii^mi^d

:'wam 4mxti^m thatm $01 need this-*UcUl!c*mi}

mm^4\ti&tih&,ym&i coxfmUto your hone vr ii

tS«nsl Wi. of C convention heldlfTT; fca the City af Angels since 1905. BCeadqtsaulsrs win be located at t £ u Bilxmore HoteL

D15L1EQAT3ES &ND visitors weill .re^jfesertt evexy state andj I puDsscssaon of the union, accord-tcag to Edwin C Boehler. general cSialrmaan,

The -«event markas the Golden X&bllee celebration o l the Knights kat CidCfornl*. The order was ttKtsWlsiied la California in 1902. twrenty' years alter the Knights wnerc cbrsanlzsd 'in the United Spates;

of two Indians w ho entered, Santa Fe's Im-naaculatft Heart I of Mary Semin- j ary l s * t Sep-1

tember i s Fran-' c i s L o u i s Olfuln.

Thlssununer Prancls, whose Indian name is L i t t l e P i n e Tree, is earn-

LI tie JPlno Xree \ng money for accessories a t the ^mlriarjif by)

Inatramentspl In the organic-jworMttg In the M a r q u e t t e tSM Int Cldli%ftia .wai Joseph U*iiue*« Ne-w York office.


t He accoirt-pantes the Rev. Ber-1

nard A. CuClen, director general of the Leapue, on lecture dates ; to pass the collection basket. The ] priest, who Is moat favorably

odC the 3£nlgixfs in California. He beau u;e>rkcd tintirirjgly for the

become a good pastor is Ftancis" hiteresEt in the collection. He

oatrder trvtr 50 years and has con- ! knows to ttse last cent the total tadbuted to i t s development and 'amount before the counting—he pexmth.

&Qht- t o p Drivers Efrue J i t Falngrounds > Tho s«tock car section of Pro-rbBoief E » Otto Is .a01*far triple-from at t h e 'Moaroe Counts? Rs«lrgto«hdj Wt\t*$? hlgljt and

" fenaare e^ght at fte 10 top> irl-JnJf^^SosdkL Staler *e*-.

foardlng- to point standings just reSfeasedE by thie ^a't&onal Associa­tion for- Stfldfc Car Auto racing.

"3ttie e3aht h o t »*<> slJ zsgular p«*form«« i t t the ~ Fairgrounds VSBA, ImctJjqe- four Syracuse per-toracniets, Ufflaia Swtit, wlio tops (iasetoSrstiitpsdiilgsr second place BaraWgrOiatley- ^arry, thiru* isa& Pl«t ten!, stoh. tr* fourth

.ce iass BuWEt, t.<tmg, vletorlcaisj' wveSa of &ghl feaatores? eselits

ftaew^^ .season/- ic-Howea by r<o^^l(irteB«,-ot3E'io«w only teem-to? " ia t iar^te *aeil4sH*,

Ittjwdlce oMilkt'Jart of Cathr oaaeWttto-it larrte1 to ^ e c p n -**ett!bnr ' ^ i t e Kefro WM » frM m iif^mr^him. •£)$& of the

jpaii«itaB m is licciaacd

i state* and tiic


adds i t up ass each person drops his contribution in to the basket.

*No sEponsor tor b r a n d s ' * edu­cation has been fdund as yet— the cost is SCO a year or $43 a month- "Wlay not," asks Father Cullen. "bo a godfather (or god mother) to ehis most worthy and lovable aspdrant to the Holy EriesttacOQ?""

—'. ~ . o -

Engagements Geneva— Mr. and Mrs. Jame»

ICctSoreiti, JEW High St.. have an? tioWiced jhes marriage of th$r daughper, Htelen Matrle, to Rajr-mond Eralce, son of Hr. and Mm. Peter Rowssta, Far Roctawayi

Bnfr «(oubt* ring cseremony Wat perforamed JPuane 28. by the Rev. J, F. Batt le in Belrvflle, m

Mr. Drakas 1«s formerly sta> tioncoV at Sampson Air Force Base,jHels isow taidng' a special course in el«fctronlcs at Bedlviile-

Mr. a»nd Wts. f>ral£e plaa to rt> ttirn to GelwetWJn Augtst


Summer Resorts 'ClMfdt,,

Iff, ffci5

a « d Ori* w a a ^ iw«»»aaiy

•* - . * - 1 , Kortli American l i | i |

f%P^|#ii|fi^,.7;;:;.t-;.;; _;;,;>. - ; :» / • '

-: l ttsafdbiiir;' - ...;.:- ', 'v

mofiM*. $\# mist*** mm * * f 3 s # * * w . . . . ; / . . ^ » ^ ...-.

ASM|i^JS#ivmte' mtemr

,*i.-^#; ^*jw*^^^rtW*.f*rt««*r«S'w^i)(W^*rfai;j|i,

.»4ip(**.*—«*n«w^»j,>* . 1

. 1 ^ * N « . . * « • » . "I •i*«-i3i|»*^Hh*-*<

i 9, 10. tt ajfc,. tZ

Owe life- «f t l*

t«jn, ld»i

• -tain? -C#ifc-

• •§«*«* ' ^ * ^ ' ^ *l *•**

i'('Sfc -]oijp**^-(C*3re^

-|«|^:|Wtl#.';H«Mt* -tjtlSi «iwiy t^ r»»> -tte-ia.' gaaawfc • if=iria^-.a^&f -h(f £?f&



INSTANT COFFEE i l r i l i . i aJ







DAWN BREAD c T 4 P I fl P UNDER WHITE LOAF! ^g4j£9k I I f l | f% f \ L g \ | |














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