MravZs Roman Trifid Phalera Pendant in FSCH Yearbook 2008

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  • 7/28/2019 MravZs Roman Trifid Phalera Pendant in FSCH Yearbook 2008


    Klnlenyomat / Separatum

    Mrv Zsolt

    Fmberakssal dsztett kora csszkori phaleracsngBiatorbgyrl (Pest megye, Magyarorszg)

    Roman trifid phalera pendant with metal inlay decoration fromBiatorbgy (Pest County, Hungary)

    In: Kvassay J. Szerk./Ed. vknyv s jelents a Kulturlis rksgvdelmi Szakszolglat 2008. vifeltrsairl. 2008 Field Service for Cultural Heritage Yearbook and Review of Archaeological

    Investigations. Budapest, 2010, 139162.

  • 7/28/2019 MravZs Roman Trifid Phalera Pendant in FSCH Yearbook 2008


    Fmberakssal dsztett kora csszr-kori phaleracsng Biatorbgyrl (Pestmegye, Magyarorszg)

    Mrv Zsolt

    1. Bevezet

    szakkelet Pannoniban, a Rmval mrAugustus alatt szvetsges, de legalbbis fggviszonyba kerlt Eraviscitrzsi terlett a rmaihadsereg csak a ks-Tiberius-Claudius korbanszllta meg. Korai importruk (Gabler 1979,204 215; Gabler 1997, 88 90; Gabler 1999),feliratok, kztk aktv katonk srfeliratai (Mcsy1959, 64; Burger 1956, 191 197; Lrincz 2001,

    57 76; Beszdes 2001) s nem utols sorbankatonai kontextusbl szrmaz militaria leletek(Mrv elkszletben) alapjn ma mr viszonylagsokat tudunk a Kr.u. 1. szzadban itt llomsozcsapatokrl, azok katonirl s llomshelyeirl(Gabler 1997, 88 90; Gabler 1999).

    Lnyegesen kevesebb adattal rendelkeznk acivitas Eraviscorum terletn ebben az idszak-ban letelepedett helyi vagy idegen szrmazsveternokrl. Jelenltkre eddig kt, csapatukllomshelyrl szrmaz srfelirat (CIL III 10514;RIU 1022), nhny katonai diploma (RMD 80

    [Intercisa]; CIL XVI 47 [Budapest]; Lrincz 1999[Vetus Salina]; taln RMD IV 205 [Kr.u. 71. prilis5.] = Roxan 2000, amennyiben Eraviscus birto-kosa hazatrt szlfldjre) s kt Nagyttny(Budapest, XXII. ker) hatrban feltrt temetke-zs utal (Beszdes s Szilas 2006; Beszdes sSzilas 2007; Zsidi [szerk.] 2009, 111 kat.294 298; Beszdes s.a). A helyi trsadalomban

    jtszott szerepk azonban a rjuk vonatkoz for-rsok szmnl lnyegesen nagyobb volt (ld.albb), ezrt fontos, hogy a korai vetern telepe-sekre vonatkoz szrvnyos ismeretanyagunkategy j forrscsoport, a vidki teleplseken talltkatonai felszerelsi trgyak bevonsval sikerlttovbb bvteni (Mrv 2008; Mrv s.a). A Dunahatr kzvetlen htorszgban ugyanis egyretbb olyan, vidki telepls vlik ismertt, ame-lyek terletrl veternokhoz kthet Kr.u. 1.szzadi katonai felszerelsi trgyak kerlnek el(Mrv 2008; Mrv s. a). Legjellemzbb pldjtadja ezeknek a falvaknak a Budars Kamara-erdei-dlben, kzelmltban feltrt vicus (egyen-lre: Gabler 2005, 133 175; Ottomnyi 2005a,361 368; Ottomnyi 2005b, 67 75; Ottomnyi2005c), amelynek fmleletei kztt tbb, fleg

    Roman trifid phalera pendant withmetal inlay decoration from Biatorbgy(Pest County, Hungary)

    Zsolt Mrv

    1. Introduction

    In North-East Pannonia the territory of the CelticEraviscans that had already become allied withRome under the rule of Augustus or at leastdependent on Rome was occupied by the Ro-man Army only in the Late Tiberian-Claudian period.Relatively lot is known about the troops garrisonedin North-eastern Pannonia in the first century ADand about their soldiers and forts on the basis of

    early import wares (Gabler 1979, 204 215; Gabler1997, 88 90; Gabler 1999) and inscriptions whichincluded grave inscriptions of active soldiers (Mcsy1959, 64; Burger 1956, 191 197; Lrincz 2001,57 76; Beszdes 2001), moreover militaria finds(Mrv in preparation) deriving from military context.Significantly less data are known about the local orforeign veterans settled in the territory of the civitasEraviscorum in this period. Their presence is indicat-ed only by two tomb inscriptions from the base oftheir troop (CIL III 10514; RIU 1022), some militarydiplomas (RMD 80 [Intercisa]; CIL XVI 47 [Buda-

    pest]; Lrincz 1999 [Vetus Salina]; maybe RMD IV205 [5 April 71 AD] = Roxan 2000, if its Eraviscanowner returned to his motherland) and two burialsthat were excavated in the periphery of Nagyt-tny (XXII. District, Budapest) (Beszdes and Szi-las 2006; Beszdes and Szilas 2007; Zsidi 2009,111 kat. 294 298; Beszdes in press). Theirsocial role was more significant than the number ofthe sources implies (see below). For this reason itis important that the sparse knowledge about theearly veteran settlers was extended incorporatinga new group of sources: the military equipmentfound in non-military contexts in the countryside(Mrv 2008; Mrv in press). More and more ruralsettlements become known from the direct hinter-land of the Danube limes where military equipmentof the first century AD related to ex-soldiers wasfound (Mrv 2008; Mrv in press). The vicus thatwas excavated at the site of Budars Kama-raerdei-dl recently, represents the most charac-teristic example of these villages (so far: Gabler2005, 133175; Ottomnyi 2005a, 361 368;Ottomnyi 2005b, 67 75). Among the metal findsof this settlement several horse harness fittingswith niello inlays and military belt mounts were also


    Tanulmnyok / Essays

  • 7/28/2019 MravZs Roman Trifid Phalera Pendant in FSCH Yearbook 2008


    Flavius-korra keltezhet niello beraksos lszer-szmveret s katonai vlemez is megtallhat (ld.albb s Mrv s. a. cf. Mrv 2008) (7. bra).Ilyen slakos falu lehetett a Budars szomszd-sgban fekv, Miklsity Szke Mihly vezets-vel 2008-ban a biatorbgyi Kukorica-dlben fel-

    trt rmai kori telepls is (MRT 7. 36/ 19. lel-hely: Torma 1986, 346), ahol egy kora csszr-kori katonai lszerszm-garnitrhoz tartoz,fmberakssal gazdagon dsztett phalera-csngt talltak (3. bra). A lelet jelentsgenemcsak abban ll, hogy ez a csng egy szak-kelet Pannonibl eddig mg alig ismert, ritka ko-rai militaria tpushoz sorolhat, hanem ltala jadatokat nyerhetnk a civitas Eraviscorum ter-letnek katonai megszllsra s romanizcij-nak kezdeteire, illetve az slakossg s a vete-rnok kapcsolatra vonatkozan.

    2. A vrsrz-beraksos phaleracsng(3. bra)

    Lelkrlmnyek: 2008. szeptember 26-n aBiatorbgy Kukorica-dlben fekv lelhelyen,az n. Tparkban (MRT 7. 36/ 19. lelhely: Tor-ma 1986, 346; KH lelhely azonost: 57703),a II. szm plet terletn (szelvnyszm: SNR401) kerlt el (2. bra), fmkeress kutats so-rn.

    Mretek: m: 5,32 cm; sz: 5,85 cm; teljes v: 0,55

    cm; az ntny v: 0,25 cm.

    Tpus: Az n. hrmas tagols vagy hromleve-les csngk (ang.: trifid pendant; nm.: Dreiblatt-anhnger) kz tartozik, amelyek M. C. Bishop t-pusbesorolsban az 1. tpust alkotjk (Bishop1988, 142145 cf. Lawson 1978, 151). A for-ma vltozatossga miatt pontos analgija nemtallhat az ltala elklntett altpusok kztt, dehasonl tlgyfalevele van az 1ab. s ij. altpu-soknak. A biatorbgyi csnghz hasonlan az1ab. altpushoz sorolt csngk kt szls, fl-

    szv alak levleleme alul palmettba fut t.

    Lers: A csng kzprszt egy fgglegesen,lefel ll csipkzett l, hromszorosan tagolttlgyfalevl alkotja, amelynek leit s fert kidu-dorod, keskeny peremmel hangslyoztk, le-mezt fmberakssal dsztettk (ld. albb). A le-vl nemcsak a csng als ktharmadt foglaljael, hanem a kt flszv alak szls levelet egy-mstl hatrozottan elvlasztva kzel a teljesmagassgt. Az osztott, hegyes bemetszsekcscsban egy-egy pontot tallunk, amelyet a

    found that can be dated mainly to the Flavian peri-od (see below and Mrv in press cf. Mrv 2008)(Fig. 7). The rural settlement excavated under thelead of Mihly Miklsity Szke in 2008, situated inthe neighbourhood of Budars at BiatorbgyKukorica-dl (MRT 7. Site 36 / 19: Torma 1986,

    346) could have been such a native village. Aphalera pendant richly decorated with metal inlaybelonging to an early imperial military horse gear(Fig. 3) was found in this village. It is unique, notonly because this pendant can be classified into arare early pendant type that is little-known fromNorth-East Pannonia so far, but also because newdata may emerge concerning the military occupa-tion of civitas Eraviscorum, the beginnings of itsRomanization and the relationship of the nativesand the veterans.

    2. The phalera pendant with red copper inlay

    (Fig. 3)

    Context of discovery: The piece in question wasfound at the site situated in Biatorbgy Kukori-ca-dl at so-called Tpark (MRT 7. Site 36 / 19:

    Torma 1986, 346; National Office of CulturalHeritage site identifier: 57703), at the area of thevilla estate in the course of a metal detectionresearch (SNR 401) (Fig. 2).

    Measurement: height: 5.32 cm; width: 5.85 cm;whole thickness: 0.55; the thickness of the ingot:

    0.25 cm.

    Type: It belongs to the trifid or three leafed pendanttype (in German: Dreiblattanhnger), this is the firsttype in the classification of M. C. Bishop (Bishop1988, 142145). Because of the diversity of the form,

    an exact analogue cannot be found among thesubcategories, but the subtypes 1ab. and ij havea similar oak leaf. The two outer, half heart-shapedleaf elements of the 1ab subtype tum into a pal-mette below, similarly to the pendant of Biatorbgy.

    Description: The middle of the pendant constitutesof a vertical, downwards standing, triply articulatedoak leaf with serrated edge. The edges and themain rib of the leaf are emphasized by a bulging,narrow rim. The sheet of the leaf is decorated withmetal inlay (see below). The leaf occupies not onlythe lower two-thirds of the pendant, but definitelyseparating the two half heart-shaped, outer leafsfrom each other also almost its whole height. Onedot can be found at each tip of the split, pointednotches, also the rim goes round these. The oakleaf slightly bulges from the plane of the mount and


    K..SZ. vknyv / F.S.C.H. Yearbook 2008

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    perem is megkerl. A tlgyfalevl enyhn kidom-borodik a veret skjbl, htoldala az ntvny l-land falvastagsga miatt homor. A veret a levlnyelnek kt oldaln szimmetrikusan elhelyezett,szablytalan, velt oldal trapz alakban ttrt. Atlgyfalevlhez, annak kt oldaln egy-egy flszv

    alakban kiszlesed levllemez kapcsoldik,amelyek alul szimmetrikusan kifel visszakunko-rod, tbbszrsen tagolt palmettkban vgzd-nek. A palmettk vgei rsimulnak a flszv alaklevelek leire. A lemez homlokzati fellett ka-csos indbl legaz szlleveleket s szlfr-tket brzol fmberaks dszti (ld. albb). Aflszv alak szls levllemezek kls leitugyancsak keskeny kidudorod perem ksri. Eza kontrvonal a palmetta tvnl lefel fordul, dekerek hurkot lerva nem makkban vgzdik mintpldul a Xanten-i (Jenkins 1985, 143146 fig.

    2, 7) vagy a Doorwerth-i (Brouwer 1982,189 191) csngk, hanem hromtag levlrebomlik.

    A dsztmotvumok szmra kialaktott fsz-kekben helyenknt megrzdtt a beraks,amely niello helyett vrsrzbl kszlt (3. bra).

    A csng teteje a tlgyfalevl nyelnek tvnlletrtt gy nem tudjuk, hogy milyen mdon kap-csoldhatott a phalerhoz. Prhuzamok alapjna zsanros rgzts a legvalsznbb (4. bra12).

    A biatorbgyi csng eredetileg egy olyan l-szerszm-garnitra rszt kpezhette, mint avltozatos s nagyszm fmberaksos veretblll, kzel teljes Xanten-i (Jenkins 1985,152 153; fig. 1516). 5,32 cm-es megmaradtmagassga alapjn azonban nem a Xanten-i leletegyetlen, 12,8 cm magas szgyel csngjvel,hanem a vllon vagy a faron fut szjak kisebbphalerihoz kapcsolt, 6,2 6,7 cm magascsngkkel feleltethet meg. Amennyiben a Xan-ten-i veretek egyetlen garnitrt alkottak (cf.Bishop 1988, 112 ld. itt a 4. bra 4 5) ezekblegy teljes garnitra akr 16 darabot is tartalmaz-hatott. (M. C. Bishop lszerszm-rekonstrukci-

    jban azonban csak 7 darab csngs phaleraszerepel: Bishop 1988, 114 115).

    Ksztstechnika, mhely: Az M. C. Bishop ltal 1.tpusba sorolt phaleracsngk kszts technik-

    jukat s dsztsi mdjukat tekintve kt f csoport-ra oszthatk. Az egyikbe a viaszveszejtses tech-nikval nttt, cinezett vagy ezstlemezzel bor-tott felleten vrsrz- illetve nielloberakssalgazdagon (Ia) vagy egyszerbb motvumokkal,kevsb gazdagon dsztett s tagolt (Ib) daraboktartoznak. (Az utbbiak ltalban kisebb mret-

    its back is concave because of the even wall thick-ness of the mould. The mount is reticulated withsymmetrically placed irregular curve-sided trapezi-um-shapes, at the two sides of the leaf stem. A leafsheet widening in half heart-shape is attached tothe oak leaf on its two sides. These leaf sheets

    below terminate in symmetrical, outwards back-curling, multiple articulated palmettes. The ends ofthe palmettes merge into the edges of the half-heart-shaped leaves. The frontal surface of thesheet is decorated with a metal inlay depictinggrape-leaves and bunches of grapes that branch offfrom a cirriform tendril (see below). The outsideedges of the half-heart-shaped leaf sheets are fol-lowed by a narrow, bulging rim. This contour turnsdownwards at the stem of the palmette. But after around loop it does not terminate in an acorn as inthe case of the pendants of Xanten (Jenkins 1985,

    143146 Fig. 2, 7) or Doorwerth (Brouwer 1982,189191), but it breaks up into a tripartite leaf.Some inlay made of red copper instead of niel-

    lo was preserved in the grooves shaped for thedecoration motifs (Fig. 3). The top of the pendantis broken off at the stem of the oak leaf, thus itcannot be known how it joined the phalera. Onthe basis of analogues hinge fastening seemsmost likely (Fig. 4. 1 2).

    The pendant of Biatorbgy could have beenpart of such a horse gear set as the one of Xan-ten (Jenkins 1985, 152 153; Fig. 1516) orDoorwerth (Nicolay 2007, 186 fig. 5.11) whichconsists of diverse and numerous mounts ofmetal inlay and is almost complete. Neverthelesson the basis of its remaining 5.32 cm height, thependant in question cannot correspond to thesingle 12.8 cm high, breast-strap pendant fromthe finds of Xanten, but to the 6.2 6.7 cm highpendants attached to the smaller phaleras of thestraps running on the shoulder or rump of thehorse. If the mounts of Xanten constituted oneset (cf. Bishop 1988, 112 see here Fig. 4. 4 5),such set should contain some sixteen pieces.(Nevertheless, the harness reconstruction of M.C. Bishop contains only seven phaleras withpendant: Bishop 1988, 114115).

    Production technique, workshop: The phalera pen-dants classified into the first type by M. C. Bishopcan be divided into two groups on the basis of theirproduction technique and the decoration method.

    The first group contains the pieces cast with lostwax technique, articulated and decorated richlywith niello-inlays (la) or less richly with more simplemotifs (lb), on the tinned or silver sheet plated sur-face. (The latter were usually manufactured in small-


    Tanulmnyok / Essays

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    ben is kszltek) Az Ia csoportba Pannoniblegyelre csak a biatorbgyi csng (1. bra: kat.3; 3. bra), mg az Ib-be kt ismeretlen lelhelydunntli (1. bra: kat. 12; 5. bra 4) mellett talnmg egy sisciai darab (1. bra: kat. 14; 5. bra 3)sorolhat. A msik, II. csoportba a formailag az

    elzvel azonos tpus, azt imitl, de egysze-rbb kivitel, s gy olcsbb darabok kerlnek,amelyek egy rszt mindssze viaszmodellbekarcolt, tagoltsgukat jobban kiemel vonalakkaldsztettk, vagy mg azokkal sem. Ezek lehetnekntttek (IIa) vagy csak bronzlemezbl kivgottlemezcsngk (IIb). A csoportot Pannonibl ed-dig hrom carnuntumi (1. bra: kat. 6 8; 5. bra5 7), egy budarsi (1. bra: kat. 4; 5. bra 9), egyarrabonai (1. bra: kat. 2; 5. bra 8), egy albert-falvi (Budapest, XI. ker) (1. bra: cat. 1) s egypontos lelhely nlkli, dunntli darab kpvise-

    li (1. bra: kat. 13; 5. bra 10).A biatorbgyi csngt viaszveszejtses eljrs-sal ntttk (Oldenstein 1985, 87; Rabeisen1990, 75), majd fmberakssal dsztettk. A

    Xanten-i lelet phaleri s csngi homogn soro-zatokat alkotnak, ezrt a veretek sorozatgyrt-st is meg tudtk oldani. Dsztstechnikjukkapcsn a szakirodalomban kizrlag niello bera-ksrl trtnik emlts, egy battinai phalera(Sellye 1939; Taf. IV/ 7 8) (6. bra 1) s a biator-bgyi csng azonban bizonytjk, hogy a korailszerszmvereteken a niello mellett a vrsrz-berakst is alkalmaztk, br lnyegesen ritkb-ban. A mhely azonostsban a formai saj-tossgok mellett a vrsrz beraks s annakmotvumkincse segthet.

    A korai fmberaksos lszerszmveretek gyr-tsa kivtelesen magas technikai felkszltsgets tudst ignyelt, amelynek csak nagy gyakor-lattal rendelkez fmmvesek voltak birtokban(Oldenstein 1985, 87). A dszes lszerszm-gar-nitrk ezrt nem kisebb, alacsony produktivit-s, hanem inkbb a hadsereg elltst clz, na-gyobb s ersen specializldott mhelyek ter-mkei lehettek. J. Oldenstein ezeket a mhe-lyeket Italiban s / vagy a galliai-germaniai pro-vincikban felttelezte (Oldenstein 1985,86 87). Azta Alsiban (Alise-Sainte-Reine,Cote-dOr, Franciaorszg) sikerlt egy korai l-szerszm-garnitrk, kztk phalerk s a hoz-zjuk tartoz Bishop 1. tpus csngk gyrts-ra specializldott mhelyt azonostani (Rabeisen1990, 94, 80 fig. 7), ahol az elkerlt negatvoks rontott pldnyok alapjn az egyszerbb, d-sztetlen vltozatok mellett niello beraksos vere-teket is gyrtottak (Rabeisen 1990, 84). Term-szetesen az egyszerbb, nagy szaktudst nem

    er size.) For the time being only the pendant of Bia-torbgy (Fig. 1: cat. 3; Fig. 3) can be classified intothe Ia group from Pannonia, while apart from twopieces of unknown sites of Transdanubia (Fig. 1:cat. 12; Fig. 5. 4) one piece of Siscia (Fig. 1: cat. 3;Fig. 3) may belong to the lb group. The other, the

    second group contains the items identical with theprevious group and copies it in terms of form, butthese are of simpler manufacture and cheaper. Apart of the second group is decorated only withlines incised into the wax-model that emphasize itsarticulation; but sometimes even these are missing.

    These can be cast (IIa) pendants or sheet-pendants(IIb) simply cut out of a bronze sheet. The group isrepresented in Pannonia by three items of Carnun-tum (Fig. 1: cat: 6 8; Fig. 5. 5 7), one item of Bu-dars (Fig. 1: cat. 4; Fig. 5. 9) one item of Arrabona(Fig. 1: cat. 2; Fig. 5. 8), one item of Albertfalva (XI.

    District, Budapest) and one item of Transdanubiawithout exact site (Fig. 1: cat. 13; Fig. 5. 10).The pendant of Biatorbgy was cast with lost

    wax technique, then it was decorated with metalinlay (Oldenstein 1985, 87; Rabeisen 1990, 75).

    The phaleras and pendants of the finds of Xantenand Doorwerth construct a homogeneous series tofacilitate the standardized production of themounts. In connection with the decoration tech-nique, literature mentions exclusively the niello inlay,nevertheless a phalera of Battina (Sellye 1939; Taf.IV/ 7 8) (Fig. 6. 1) and the pendant of Biatorbgyprove that in the case of the early horse gear thered copper inlay was applied besides the nielloinlay, though more rarely. The red copper inlay andits motifs apart from the features concerning theform can help the identification of the workshop.

    The manufacture of the early horse gear withmetal inlay required exceptionally high technicalpreparedness and knowledge; only very experi-enced craftsmen possessed such knowledge(Oldenstein 1985, 87). The decorative harnesssets could be therefore products of larger, highlyspecialized workshops that supplied the armyand not smaller workshops with lower productiv-ity. J. Oldenstein suggested that these were situ-ated in Italy and/or in the Gallic-Germanicprovinces (Oldenstein 1985, 86 87). Since thena workshop has been identified in Alsia (Alise-Sainte-Reine, Cote-dOr, France) specialized inthe production of early horse gear sets, amongthese phaleras and attached pendants of theBishop 1 type (Rabeisen 1990, 94, 80 Fig. 7). Onthe basis of the excavated moulds and defectitems, the mounts with niello inlay were alsomanufactured besides the simpler, unadornedvarieties (Rabeisen 1990, 84). Naturally, the sim-


    K..SZ. vknyv / F.S.C.H. Yearbook 2008

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    ignyl II. csoport veretei mr szlesebb krben,helyi, akr pannoniai mhelyekben is kszlhet-tek.Dszts:A biatorbgyi csng dsztse az ezsts a vrsrz-beraks kontrasztjnak polikrmhatsra pl. A csszrkori fmberakssal dol-

    goz dsztmvszet ersen trgytpus-specifi-kus iparmvszeti g. Az egyes trgytpusokonalkalmazott fmberaksok mind technikjukat,mind motvumkincsket tekintve nagyban kln-bzhetnek egymstl, br tfedsek nha elfor-dulnak. Ms stlus s gyakran eltr technikjberakssal tallkozunk pldul bronzednyeken,btorokon, kocsialkatrszeken vagy orvosimszereken, amely ersen specializldott m-helyekre s trgytpusonknt eltr dszt ha-gyomnyokra utal. Ugyanez igaz a fmberaksoskatonai felszerelsi trgyakra is, amelyek cso-

    portjn bell ugyancsak tbb, lnyegesen kln-bz dszthagyomnyt mutat trgytpusklnthet el. A lszerszmvereteket dsztfmberaksok motvumkincse pldul eltr agyalogoskatonk felszerelsn (pldul korai v-lemezeken [Deschler-Erb 2000, 387 388] vagytrhvelyeken [Obmann 2000]) megjelen mot-vumoktl. Jl mutatja ezt a szakosodst azalsiai mhely, amelyben csak lszerszmverete-ket gyrtottak (Rabeisen 1990, 94, 80 fig. 7). Ahromleveles csngk fmberaksos dszt-repertorja szinte kizrlag nvnyi motvumok-bl ll, figurlisra csak egyetlen pldt hozhatunka Nawa-i garnitrbl, amely szreti jelenetet b-rzol (Boube-Piccot 1964, 151 Pl. III). A motvu-mok s a kompozci elkpt M. Brouwer a 3.pompeji falfestszeti stlus IIb fzisban (Kr.u.35 45) ismerte fel (Brouwer 1982, 164 165,167). A csngk formjban s tagolsban atlgyfalevl illetve a makk (Brouwer 1982, 164),fmberaksos dsztsnek tmiban viszont leg-gyakrabban a szl (inda, levl, frt) (Bishop1988, 115), ritkbban a palmetta motvumok do-minlnak. (A csngk dsztse ltalban harmo-nizl a hozzjuk tartoz phalerkval s a lszer-szm-garnitra tbbi veretvel.)

    Jl illik ebbe a motvumkincsbe a biatorbgyicsng vrsrz-beraksos dsztse. A fmbe-rakshoz a kt flszv alak levl lemeze knlta alegnagyobb felletet, ezek azonban szokatlanmdon a tlgyfalevl fltt nem futnak ssze, ha-nem a tlgyfalevl s az ttrt felletek hatro-zottan elvlasztjk ket egymstl. A dsztskompozcija ezrt nem a gyakori kzprl kifelvel, hanem kt klnll, egymssal szimmetri-kusan felfel ksz indahullmra pl. A sz-lindk fll ktfel gaz kacsokban, alul lefel

    pler mounts of the second group without greatexpertise may have been made in a larger circle,in local, even in Pannonian workshops.Decoration: the decoration of the pendant of Biator-bgy is based on the polychrome effect of the con-trast of the silver background and copper inlay. The

    decorative art working with metal inlay is quite anobject-type specific branch of the applied arts. Themetal inlays applied on individual object types candiffer from each other in terms of technique andmotif, though overlaps sometimes occur. Inlays ofdifferent style and often different technique occur forexample on bronze vessels, furniture, chariot com-ponents, or surgical instruments. This implies quitespecialized workshops and different decorative tra-ditions in the case of different object types. Thesame is true in the case of the military equipment ofmetal inlay, and within this group several object

    types of essentially different decorative tradition canbe defined. The motif tradition of the metal inlaysdecorating the horse gear differ from the motifs onthe equipment of the infantry soldiers (for exampleon early belt plates [Deschler-Erb 2000, 387 388]or on dagger scabbards [Obmann 2000]). The

    Alsian workshop manufacturing only horse gearsexemplifies this specialization well (Rabeisen 1990,94, 80 Fig. 7). The metal inlay decoration repertoryof the trefoil pendants exclusively consists of floralmotifs; only one example of figural motif can bementioned: the set of Nawa, which depicts a vin-tage scene (Boube-Piccot 1964, 151 Pl. III). M.Brouwer recognized the archetype of the motifs andthe composition in the IIb phase of the third Pom-peian mural painting style (35 45 AD) (Brouwer1982, 164165, 167). The form and the articulationof the pendants are dominated by oak leaf andacorn (Brouwer 1982, 164), while in the case of thethemes of the metal inlay decorations, grape (ten-dril, leaf, bunch) is the most dominant (Bishop1988, 115), and rarely the palmette motifs domi-nate. (The decoration of the pendants usually har-monizes with the decoration of the attachedphaleras and the other mounts of the horse gearset.)

    The red copper inlay decoration of the pendant ofBiatorbgy belongs to this motif tradition. The twohalf heart-shaped leaf sheets provided the largestsurface for the metal inlay, nevertheless, these donot meet over the oak leaf, which is unusual, but theoak leaf and the openwork surfaces clearly sepa-rate them. The composition of the decoration there-fore is based on the two separate tendril waveswhich creep upwards symmetrical with each other,and not on the common form, curving outwardfrom the middle. The grape tendrils terminate in


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    ll lndzss levlben vgzdnek. (Az als leve-leknek csak a kontrvonalt jelzi fmberaks,amelynek vrsrz szlai a levelek cscsbannem futnak ssze.) Az indrl rvid kacsok s le-fel visszakunkorod vben szllevlbe illetvefrtbe vgzd oldalhajtsok gaznak le, ame-

    lyek a fmberaks alapmotvumait adjk (3. b-ra). A levelek hrmas vagy ngyes tagolsak,mg a szlfrtk szemeit, frtnknt eltr sz-m, 3 6 vrsrz korongbl komponltk. Az in-dkrl egy-egy keskeny levl is legazik, amelyektaln oldalrl brzolt szllevelek lehetnek. Atlgyfalevl lemezt, a levl tagoltsghoz alkal-mazkod vrsrz beraksos levelekkel tltttkki. Ezt hrom sorba rendezett kt, ellenttes ll-s keskeny levlmotvum alkotja, amelyek kzl afels kt levlsor egy-egy indahullmbl gazikle, mg az alsk a flttk lev inda tvbl. A

    fels inda pr a meredek hullm utn felfel mgegy vet rajzol, vgn ponttal vagy levlkvel.Prhuzamok: A biatorbgyi lszerszmot tago-

    lsa, dsztsnek gazdagsga s minsge alegszebb ismert garnitrk, mint pldul a Door-werth-i (Hollandia) (Brouwer 1982), Xanten-i (N-metorszg) (Jenkins 1985), Newstead-i (Anglia)(Crule 1911) vagy a Nawa-i (Szria) (Abdul-Hak1953) phaleracsngi kz sorolja. Formjnaks dsztsi smjnak pontos analgija azon-ban mg ezek kztt sem tallhat. A biatorb-gyi csng klnbzik tlgyfalevelnek tlhang-slyozott mretvel s a makk helyetti hrmas le-vl alak nylvnyval, valamint az ttrt felletekpozcijval s alakjval. Br a fmberaksszlmvelssel kapcsolatos tmja mindegyi-kknl megfigyelhet, a biatorbgyi darab felfelhullmz szlinda kompozcija mgis prhu-zam nlkli. A vrsrz-beraks alkalmazsa isklnsen ritka, hasonl technikt eddig csak aMagyar Nemzeti Mzeum gyjtemnybenrztt Battina-i (Kiskszeg, Horvtorszg) phale-rn (6. bra 1) sikerlt megfigyelnem.

    Elterjeds: Bishop 1. tpus phaleracsngkfleg Britannibl, a galliai-germaniai provincik-bl s Raetibl ismertek, ezek elterjedskneks minden bizonnyal gyrtsuknak is a legfbbterletei. A rmai hadsereg intenzv Kr.u. 1. sz-zadi, fleg Flavius-kori csapatmozgsaival acsng tpus birodalom szerte elterjedt (Bhme1978, 212 213 s 225 79. trkp; Brouwer1982, 158 164; Bishop 1988, 142 143 Fig. 43;kiegsztve Rabeisen 1990, 94 [e csngtpusalsiai gyrtshoz 80, fig. 7]; Mackensen 1991,175 Anm. 43; Unz s Deschler-Erb 1997, 43 [to-vbbi lelhelyekkel]), szak-Anglitl (Newstead)Hispanin (Boube-Piccot 1964, 159 fig. 1, 6) s

    bifurcating shoots on the top and in downwardspointing, spear-shaped leaves below. (Only the con-tour of the lower leaves is marked with metal inlay,its red copper threads do not meet in the tip of theleaves.) Short shoots and side-shoots that end in adownwards back-curling curve, terminating in a

    grape leaf or a bunch of grapes branching out of thetendril. These give the basic motifs of the metal inlay(Fig. 3). The leaves are divided into three or four sec-tions, while the grapes of the bunches consist of anumber of small red copper disks (3 6) various inevery bunch. One narrow leaf branches off fromeach tendril as these may be grape leaves depictedsideways. The blade of the oak leaf is filled withleaves with red copper inlay adjusting to the articu-lation of the oak leaf. This is constructed by twoopposite standing narrow leaf motifs arranged inthree rows. The upper two leaf rows branch off from

    a tendril wave, while the ones below branch fromthe stem of the tendril above them. The upper ten-dril pair draws a curve downwards after the steepwave terminating in a dot or leaflet at the tip.

    Analogues: The articulation, the richness and thequality of its decoration rank the harness of Biator-bgy among the phalera pendants of the finestknown sets, for example the set of Doorwerth (Hol-land) (Brouwer 1982), Xanten (Germany) (Jenkins1985), Newstead (England) (Crule 1911) or Nawa(Syria) (Abdul-Hak 1953). However, the exact anal-ogy of its form and decoration pattern cannot befound even among these. The pendant of Biator-bgy is special because of its overemphasized oakleaf and its tripartite leaf-shaped extension thatsubstitutes the acorn, and because of the positionand the shape of the openwork surfaces. Althoughthe themes of the metal inlays are connected toviticulture in every case, the upwards waving grapetendril composition of the item of Biatorbgy iswithout analogue. The red copper inlay is alsoespecially rare, I have only observed a similar tech-nique in the case of the phalera of Battina (Fig. 6.1) (Kiskszeg, Croatia) in the collection of the Hun-garian National Museum.Distribution: The phalera pendants of Bishop 1 typeare mainly known from Britannia, the Gallic-Germanic provinces and Raetia. These are theareas of their distribution and in all probability theirmanufacture. Owning to the intense troop move-ments in the first century AD (mainly during the Fla-vian period) this pendant type spread all over theEmpire (Bhme 1978, 212 213 and 225 Map 79;Brouwer 1982, 158164; Bishop 1988, 142143Fig. 43; completed with Rabeisen 1990, 94 [for themanufacture of this pendant type in Alsia 80, Fig.7]; Mackensen 1991, 175 Anm. 43; Unz and


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    a mauretaniai provincikon t (Volubilis, Thamusi-da: Boube-Piccot 1964; Mackensen 1991,166 175) egszen Keleten Szriig (Dura Euro-

    pos, Nawa). A Kzp-Dunavidk provinciibansem ritkk, gy Noricumban Magdalensberg(Ausztria) (Deimel 1987, Taf. 83 / 2 3), Lauri-

    acum (Lorch / Enns) (Kloiber 1957, 88; Taf. 53,7ab); Maribor (Szlovnia) (Sagadin 1979, 324kat. 169170 T. 10 / 10 11) az ismert lelhelyei.

    A Flavius korban mg komoly hadervel ren-delkez Dalmatibl ngy darabot kzltek ed-dig: kettt Salonbl (Ivcevic 2009, 86 87 n.3 4) egyet-egyet Tiluriumbl(Gardun, Horvtor-szg) (Separovic 2003, 243 T. 5 / 2; Ivcevic2004a, 172 n. 19; 166 Tab. 1 / 19) s Naronbl(Ivcevic 2004b, 237, 241 fig. 9). 15 eddig ismertpannoniai elfordulst elsknt az albbi tbl-zat foglalja ssze (1. bra):

    Pannoniban a leletek tbbsge az egysze-rbb s valamivel tovbb hasznlatban maradt II.csoportba sorolhat (1. bra: kat. 1 2, 4 8, 13,15), a biatorbgyihoz hasonl, dszes kivitel,kvalitsos darab mg nem kerlt innen kzlsre.Carnuntumblazonban ismert mg legalbb ktkzletlen, azonos tpus dszes csng (1. b-ra: kat. 910). Pannoniai lelhelyei fleg Kr.u. 1.szzadban ltrehozott auxiliris castellumok(Carnuntum,Arrabona, Albertfalva, Burgenae) shtorszgban fekv vidki teleplsek (Budars,Biatorbgy) (ld. albb).Keltezs: A magdalensbergi elfordulsa alapjna forma legksbb Kr.u. 40 krlre mr kialakult(Mackensen 1995, 174). Hasznlata Claudiusalatt indul, Nero s fleg a Flaviusok uralkods-nak idejn a legjellemzbb (Bhme 1978, 213;Oldenstein 1985, 87; Mackensen 1995,174 175; Radman-Livaja 2004, 105 106). Jlmutatjk ezt a csngk lelhelyei is. Katonai kon-textusbl ugyanis leggyakrabban olyan castel-lumokbl szrmaznak, amelyek vagy a Flavius-kori katonai terjeszkeds f terletein (szak-

    Anglia, Wales) vagy az j flaviusi hatrvdelmikoncepci keretben pltek (Bhme 1978,213). Kt leletnek, a Xanten-inak s a Dooren-werth-inek az elrejtst a Kr.u. 69 / 70-es batavusfelkelssel hoztk kapcsolatba (Brouwer 1982,166; Jenkis 1985, 157 e felkels pusztulsi r-tegei gyakran tartalmazzk e csng tpust ld.pldul: Fahr 2005, 129). A hromlevel phalera-csngk a Kr.u. 80-as vek kzepe tjtl kez-denek lassan kiszorulni a hasznlatbl (Bhme1978, 213; Oldenstein 1985, 87). A fels germa-niai-raetiai limes castellumaibl vagy ms Tra-ianus-kori tborok leletanyagbl mr teljesen hi-nyoznak. Ugyanezek a keltezsi kritriumok iga-

    Deschler-Erb 1997, 43 [with further sites]) fromNorth England (Newstead) through Hispania(Boube-Piccot 1964, 159 Fig. 1, 6) and the Mauri-tanian provinces (Volubilis, Thamusida: Boube-Piccot 1964; Mackensen 1991, 166175) to East-ern Syria (Dura Europos, Nawa). These pendants

    are not rare in the provinces of the Middle DanubeRegion, their known sites are in Noricum: Magda-lensberg (Austria) (Deimel 1987, Taf. 83 / 2 3), Lau-

    riacum (Lorch/ Enns) (Kloiber 1957, 88; Taf. 53,7ab); and Maribor (Slovenia) (Sagadin 1979, 324kat. 169170 T. 10/ 1011). Four items have beenpublished from Dalmatia that stationed a majormilitary force in the Flavian period: two from Salona(Ivcevic 2009, 86 87 n. 3 4) one from Tilurium(Gardun, Croatia) (Separovic 2003, 243 T. 5/ 2;Ivcevic 2004a, 172 n. 19; 166 Tab. 1/ 19) and onefrom Narona (Ivcevic 2004b, 237, 241 Fig. 9). The

    fifteen Pannonian occurrences are summarized firstin the table below (Fig. 1 and Fig. 5).The majority of finds in Pannonia belong in the

    simpler and somewhat longer used group II (Fig.1: cat. 1 2, 4 8, 13, 15). No item has beendocumented from Pannonia which is similar, dec-orated as that and of such a quality work as theone from Biatorbgy. However, at least two mo-re unpublished decorative pendants of the sametype are known from Carnuntum (Fig. 1: cat.9 10). Its Pannonian sites are the auxiliary fortsestablished mainly in the first century AD (Car-

    nuntum, Arrabona, Albertfalva, Burgenae) andthe rural settlements in the hinterland (Budars,Biatorbgy) (see below).Date: On the basis of its occurrence in Mag-dalensberg, the form was already developed notlater than around 40 AD (Mackensen 1995, 174).It started to be used under the rule of Claudiusand its usage was the most common under therule of Nero and the Flavians (Bhme 1978, 213;Oldenstein 1985, 87; Mackensen 1995, 174 175). This is well illustrated by the sites of the pen-dants. These are most frequently found in militarycontext in such forts that were built in the mainareas of the military expansion of the Flavian peri-od (North England, Wales) or in connection withthe new Flavian frontier defence conception(Bhme 1978, 213). The hiding of the finds of Xan-ten and Doorenwerth was connected with theBatavian uprising in 69/ 70 AD (Brouwer 1982,166; Jenkis 1985, 157 the destruction layerscaused by this uprising often contain this pendanttype see for example: Fahr 2005, 129). Usage ofthe trifid phalera pendants declined from the mid-dle of the 80s AD (Bhme 1978, 213; Oldenstein1985, 87). They are completely missing from the


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    zak Pannonira is, ahol a hromleveles csngka Flavius-korban vagy korbban ptett castel-lumokbl ismertek (mint Carnuntum, Arrabona,

    Albertfalva, Burgenae), mg eddig nem kerltekel egyetlen Traianus-kori vagy ksbbi auxiliristborbl sem.

    J. Oldenstein megksrelte elklnteni a ma-gas technikai sznvonalon kszlt, gazdagon d-sztett, nttt csngk (itt I. csoport) s az egy-szerbb lemezcsngk (itt II. csoport) keltezst.Szerinte az elbbiek a Claudius-kora Flavius kor-ban kszltek, mg az utbbiak a ks Flavius-kor termkei s csak utnoztk a korbbicsngket (Oldenstein 1985, 86 87). Vlem-nyt ersti az a tny is, hogy a II. csoporthoz tar-

    find material of the forts built along the Upper Ger-man-Raetian Limes or from the finds of other Tra-

    janicforts. The same dating criteria are true in the

    case of Pannonia as well, where the trifid pendantsare known from the forts built in the Flavian periodor earlier (for example Carnuntum, Arrabona, Al-bertfalva, Burgenae), none of these have beenfound in Trajanic or later auxiliary forts until now.

    J. Oldenstein tried to separate the dating of therichly decorated, cast pendants manufactured at ahigh technical standard (here group I) from the dat-ing of the simpler sheet pendants (here group II).

    According to him the former were made in the Clau-dianEarly Flavian period while the latter were theproducts of the Late Flavian period and only copy-


    K..SZ. vknyv / F.S.C.H. Yearbook 2008

    1. bra. Bishop 1. tpus csngk Pannoniban s kzvetlen krnyknFigure 1. Phalera Pendants of the Bishop 1 type in Pannonia and its direct surroundings

    Kat / Cat. Lelhely/ SiteTpus (Bishop 1988 alapjn) / Csoport / Irodalom/

    Type after Bishop 1988 Group References

    1. Albertfalva (Budapest, XI. ker. /district) 1r IIa Nagy 1960, 24; 13. kp.

    2.Arrabona, auxiliris castellum/auxilia ry fort (5. bra 8/ Fig. 5. 8)

    1r IIa Sznyi 1992, 17. kp

    3. BiatorbgyKukorica-dl (3. bra /F ig. 3) Besorolhatatlan/Unclassifiable Ia itt kzlve /Published here

    4.Budars Kamaraerdei-dl, rmai-kori vicus /Roman vicus (5. bra 9/ Fig. 5. 9)

    1r IIa Mrv s. a., kat. 1.

    5. Burgenae (Novi Banovci, Szerbia/ Serbia) 1r IIaStrena Buliciana 1924, 219;Koscevi c 1991, 52 n. 304.

    6.Carnuntum, auxiliris castellum/ auxiliary

    1r IIaHumer (Hrsg.) 2006, 160

    fort (5. bra 5 / Fit. 5. 5) Kat. Nr. 518; Abb. 227

    7.Carnuntum, auxiliris castellum/ auxiliary 1r

    1r IIaHumer (Hrsg.) 2006, 160

    fort (5. bra 6 / Fit. 5. 6) Kat. Nr. 519; Abb. 226 /519.

    8.Carnuntum, auxiliris castellum/ auxiliary

    1r IIaHumer (Hrsg.) 2006, 160

    fort (5. bra 7/ Fig. 5. 7) Kat. Nr. 520, Abb. 226 /520.

    9. Carnuntum 1h IaJobst 1992, 198 Nr. 154(fot, rajz nlkl)

    10. Carnuntum 1p IaJobst 1992, 198 Nr. 155(fot, rajz nlkl)

    11.Dunntl / The Transdanubia)

    1r? Ib Kzletlen / Unpublished(5. bra 2/Fig. 5. 2)

    Ismeretlen dl-dunntli lelhelyrl / From12. an unknown site of South Transdanubia 1l Ib Kzletlen / Unpublished

    (5. bra 4/Fig. 5. 4)

    Ismeretlen dl-dunntli lelhelyrl /13. From an unknown site of South Transdanubia IIb. Kzletlen / Unpublished

    (5. bra 10 / Fig. 5. 10)

    Siscia(Sziszek, Horvtorszg / Croatia) Tredkessge miatt besorolha- Strena Buliciana 1924,14.

    (5. bra 3/Fig. 5. 3)tatlan/ unclassifiable because Ib? 170; Koscevic 1991,of its fragmentary condition 51-52, T. 15 / 220.

    15. Carnuntum? 1r IIaKleiser 2007, 86 Kat.Nr. 26, Taf. 3 / 26.

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    tz darabok Pannoniban mg nagyobb szm-ban ismertek a Domitianus-kori (Kr.u. 89 krli)carnuntumi auxiliris castellumbl (Humer [Hrsg.]2006, 160 Kat. Nr. 518 520). Az egyszerbblemezveretekbl ll lszerszm-garnitrk ol-cssguk miatt szorthattk ki idvel teljesen a

    tvoli, specializldott mhelyekben kszlt, d-szes s minden bizonnyal lnyegesen kltsge-sebb veretekbl ll garnitrkat. A Flavius-korelejig azonban mg valszn a kt csoport pr-huzamos hasznlata. Ezt mutatja kt, cca. Kr.u.40 el keltezhet magdalensbergi csng, ame-lyek kzl az egyik nttt s nielloberaksos(Deimel 1987, 313 Kat. Nr. 83 / 3; Taf. 83,3) (Ib)(itt 5. bra 1), mg a msik lemezcsng s fel-lete csak poncolssal dsztett (Deimel 1987, 313Kat. Nr. 83 / 2; Taf. 83,2 cf. Mackensen 1995,174) (IIb).

    Mindezt figyelembe vve a biatorbgyi phalera-csngt esetleg Nero, valsznbben a kora Fla-vius-korra keltezem (cca. Kr.u. 50 70).

    3. Veternok a Biatorbgy Kukorica-dlben

    fekv csszrkori vicusban

    3.1 A biatorbgyi phaleracsng a lszerszm-veretek azon csoportjba sorolhat, amelyek M.C. Bishop meghatrozsa szerint a Kr.u. 1. sz-zadban a rmai hadsereg htaslovainak szer-szmgarnitrjhoz tartoztak (Bishop 1988, 67,klnsen 91 cf. Mackensen 1991, 170).

    Megllaptst a lovas katonk sremlkeinekbrzolsain (Bishop 1988, 68 91) s a veretek-re poncolt feliratokon kvl altmasztja az a tnyis, hogy a cinezett vagy ezstlemezzel bevont,niello- illetve vrsrz-beraksos lszerszm-garnitrk klnbz tpus veretei, kztk aphaleracsngk leggyakrabban kzvetlen vagykzvetett katonai krnyezetbl, legitborokbl,auxiliris castellumokbl s azok teleplseirlkerlnek el (Brouwer 1982, 158 163, katalgu-sban a lelhelyek felsorolsval). Jl mutatjkezt a jelensget a pannoniai leletek is: Egy kisebb

    mret nielloberaksos korongot az arrabonaicastellum palnkperidusnak egyik rtegbentalltk (Sznyi 1992, 17. bra) (6. bra 5). Vteltjn kerlt 1904-ben Ad Militare (Kisk-szeg / Battina, Horvtorszg) castellumbl aMagyar Nemzeti Mzeumba kt fmberaksosphalera (mindkett mr csng nlkl) (Sellye1939, IV. tbla 7 8) (6. bra 1, 3). Salbl (Za-lalv) egy phalera (Szab 1978, 414 Kat. Nr. 40;

    Abb. 72 / 5 [tvesen bronzedny tredkekntazonostva]; Deschler-Erb 1997, 49 cf. Kat. Nr.1907) (6. bra 6), Mursellbl (rps, Dombifld)

    ing the earlier pendants (Oldenstein 1985, 86 87).His opinion is supported by the fact that the itemsof the second group are known in even larger num-bers in Pannonia from the auxiliary fort of Carnun-tum built in the Domitianic period (around 89 AD)(Humer [Hrsg.] 2006, 160 Kat. Nr. 518 520). For

    their cheapness, the harness sets made of simplersheet mounts could gradually but entirely drive outthe decorative sets manufactured in distant, spe-cialized workshops, and in all probability beingmade of significantly more expensive mounts. Nev-ertheless, the parallel usage of the two groups waslikely until the beginning of the Flavian period. This isillustrated by two pendants of Magdalensberg thatcan be dated to c. 40 AD. One of them is cast andhas niello inlay (Deimel 1987, 313 Kat. Nr. 83 / 3;

    Taf. 83,3) (Ib) (here Fig. 5. 1), while the other one isa sheet pendant and its surface is only decorated

    with punching (Deimel 1987, 313 Kat. Nr. 83 / 2; Taf.83,2 cf. Mackensen 1995, 174) (IIb).Taking all these into consideration the pendant

    of Biatorbgy can be dated either to the rule ofNero, or more likely to the Early Flavian period (c.5070 AD).

    3. Veterans in the vicus situated at Biatorbgy


    The phalera pendant of Biatorbgy can beclassified into that group of horse gear whichbelonged to the horse harness set of the saddle-

    horses of the Roman Army in the first century ADaccording to M. C. Bishops definition (Bishop 1988,67, especially 91 cf. Mackensen 1991, 170).

    His statement is underpinned by the depictionsof the tombstones of the cavalrymen (Bishop1988, 68 91) and the inscription punched on themounts. Besides the fact, that the different types ofthe tinned or silver sheet plated mounts of the har-ness sets with niello and red copper inlay, amongstthe phalera pendants have been found most fre-quently in direct or indirect military context, in le-gionary fortresses, auxiliary castella and their settle-

    ments (Brouwer 1982, 158163 with the list of sitesin its catalogue); the above also supports his sug-gestion. The Pannonian finds also illustrate well thisphenomenon: a smaller sized roundel with nielloinlay was found in one of the layers of the earth andtimber period of the auxiliary fort of Arrabona (Sz-nyi 1992, Fig. 17) (Fig. 6. 5). The Hungarian Nation-al Museum purchased two phaleras with metalinlay from the castellum of Ad Militare (Kiskszeg/Battina, Croatia) in 1904 (both of them alreadywithout a pendant) (Sellye 1939, Tbla IV. 7 8) (Fig.6. 1, 3). One phalera from Sala (Zalalv) (Szab


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    pedig egyelre egy csng s egy szegecs sorol-hat a korai nielloberaksos lszerszmveretekkz (6. bra 7). Mindhrom lelet egy-egy felvo-nulsi tvonal mentn ll korai castellumhozkthet (Sala: Red 2005, 133144; Mursella:Szab 2007, 71, 79; Br et al. 2007, 67 78).

    Kzvetett katonai kontextusbl szrmazik egynielloberaksos phalera tredke, amelyet az al-bertfalvai (Budapest, XI. ker) auxiliris vicus egyflig fldbemlytett hznak betltse tartalma-zott (Szirmai 1997, 171 177) (6. bra 4). AClaudius-Nero kori Saintes-i (Charente Maritime,Franciaorszg) kocsisr htaslovnak niellobe-raksos lszerszmveretei (Bouchette et al.1998, 56 67) alapjn azonban E. Deschler-Erbhangslyozta, hogy nyugaton ilyen dszts l-szerszm-garnitrk civil krnyezetben is elfor-dulhatnak (Deschler-Erb 2000, 386 387). A

    Saintes-i lszerszm katonasgtl teljesen fg-getlen rtelmezse nem kizrlagos lehetsg,mivel annak tulajdonosa akr egy kiszolglt kato-na is lehetett.

    A biatorbgyi csngt a fent emltettekkel el-lenttben nem egy katonai tborban vagy annakvicusban, hanem egy htorszgban fekv vid-ki civil telepls terletn talltk. A Kr.u. 1 2.szzadban ugyanis a Biatorbgy Kukorica-dllelhelyen a Hosszrti patak mellett hosszanelterl, nagykiterjeds slakos falu fekdt. Mamg nem dnthet el, hogy a telepls a kskelta idszaktl folyamatosan lakott, vagy csak armai foglals utn beteleplt falu volt. A telep-ls legkorbbi csszrkori peridust flig fldbemlytett hzak jellemzik, amelyekbl csak kevskorai importru kerlt el. A Kr.u. 1. szzadraegyelre csak nhny fibula s rem (Tiberius,Claudius, Domitianus veretei) keltezhet. A falu amarkomann hbork alatt elpusztult, helynlegksbb a Severus-korban egy villagazdasgplt (Miklsity 2009, 152). Sem a falubl, semkrnykrl nem ismernk katonasg idszakosvagy tarts llomsozsra utal objektumokat(pldul fosst, fa-fld szerkezet vdmveketvagy barakkokat), ezrt a phaleracsngvalsznleg nem kzvetlen katonai kontextusblszrmazik. Ezzel a lelkrlmnnyel a biatorbgyicsng nem ll plda nlkl, mivel hasonl tpu-s fmberaksos katonai lszerszm-garnitrkvagy azok egyes veretei gyakran kerlnek elolyan leletsszefggsbl, amelyek els ltsranem kthetk kzvetlenl a katonasghoz, gy s-rokbl, szentlyekbl vagy szent helyekrl s leg-gyakrabban vidki civil teleplsekrl, villkbl.

    A nielloberaksos lszerszm-vereteket tartal-

    1978, 414 Kat. Nr. 40; Abb. 72 / 5 [it was identifiedas a bronze vessel fragment by mistake]; Unz andDeschler-Erb 1997, 49 cf. Cat. Nr. 1907) (Fig. 6.6) and one pendant and rivet from Mursella(rps Dombifld) now can be classified amongthe early horse gear with niello inlay (Fig. 6. 7). Each

    of the three finds can be connected to an earlyearth-timber fort situated next to a military route(Sala: Red 2005, 133144; Mursella: Szab2007, 71, 79; Br et al. 2007, 67 78). A fragmentof a phalera with niello inlay derives from indirectmilitary context. It was found in the infill of a partlysubterranean house of the auxiliary vicus at Albert-falva (XI. District, Budapest) (Szirmai 1997,171 177) (Fig. 6. 4). On the basis of the horse gearwith niello inlay of the saddle-horse of the wagonburial of Saintes (Charente Maritime, France) of theClaudian-Neronian period, E. Deschler-Erb em-

    phasized that harness sets with this kind of deco-ration could also occur in civil environment in theWest (Deschler-Erb 2000, 386 387). The interpre-tation of the harness of Saintes as fully independ-ent from the Roman army is not an exclusive pos-sibility, since the owner could also be a veteran.

    The pendant of Biatorbgy was not found in afort or in its vicus, but in the territory of a rural civilsettlement in the hinterland, in contrast with theabove mentioned. An extensive native village waslying alongside the Hosszrti stream at the site ofBiatorbgy Kukorica-dl in the firstsecond cen-tury AD. It cannot be decided yet whether the set-tlement had been inhabited continuously from theLate Celtic Age or it only became inhabited afterthe Roman conquest. The earliest imperial phaseof the settlement is characterized by partly subter-ranean houses, in which only few early importwares were found. For the time being, only a fewfibulas and coins (coins of Claudius and Domitian)can be dated to the first century AD. The villagewas destroyed during the Marcomannic and Sar-matian wars of Marcus Aurelius; a villa estate wasbuilt in its place in the Severan period at the latest(Miklsity 2009, 152). Features that refer to the tem-porary or to the permanent stationing of the armyare neither known from the village, nor from its sur-roundings (for example a fossa, defensive earthand timber works or barracks) therefore thephalera pendant probably does not derive from adirect military context. The pendant of Biatorbgyis not unique as far as these find-circumstancesare concerned. Similar military harness sets withmetal inlay or mounts of these often occur inassemblages which cannot be directly connectedto the army at first sight, thus for example from


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    maz temetkezsek legjellemzbb pldja aNawa-i kamrasr (Tell Oum Hauran, Szria), amelykzel teljes lszerszm-garnitrt tartalmazott(Abdul-Hak 19541955; Boube-Piccot 1964,156 158; Brouwer 1982, 162 163). Az elhunytegy illustre guerrier volt, aki mell lovnak hom-

    lokpncljn kvl kt sisakjt, lncpncljt sfegyvereit is elhelyeztk. Thrkiban tbb koraikocsisrban is talltak ilyen tpus csngt, ter-mszetesen lszerszm-garnitrk rszeknt(pldul Svilengradban [valsznleg jrafelhasz-nlva]: Dtkrjd 19401942, 201 Abb. 281; Kara-novo: Ignatov 2009, 40 41 fig. 2325). Ugyan-csak srbl kerlt el egy lauriacumi (Lorch /Enns, Ausztria) lemezcsng (Kloiber 1957, 88;

    Taf. 53, 7ab), azonban ezt bizonyosan nem sr-mellkletknt kell rtelmeznnk. A temetkezsugyanis a Kr.u. 4. szzadra keltezhet, a csng

    pedig e sr betltsben fekdt. (Hasonlkppenmagyarzhat Intercisban egy Kr.u. 1. szzadittrt nyereglemez ks rmai srbl val el-kerlse: Radnti 1957, 230, 234 Taf. 47/ 20;Cseh s Prohszka 2007, 542). Tarracbl (Tar-ragona, Spanyolorszg) tbb csng is teme-tben kerlt el (Boube-Piccot 1964, 158 160fig. 1/ 5 7). Emonban (Ljubljana, Szlovnia) pe-dig a Titova cestaHotel Graiser terletn fekvtemetbl szrvnyleletknt kzltek egy csn-gt (Petru 1972, 167; Taf. XCV/ 21).

    A biatorbgyi lelethez hasonlan phaleracsn-gk a htorszg civil teleplsekrl is elkerlhet-nek. Csak felttelesen sorolhat ezek kz a ktmagdalensbergi lelet, mivel ott tartsan llom-sozott katonasg (Alfldy 1974, 64 65) s fegy-vergyrt mhely is mkdtt (Dolenz et al.1995, 51), csakgy mint Alsiban (ld. feljebb). Aleletek gy e mhelyek hagyatkai is lehetnek (Fis-cher 2002, 15). Vrosi krnyezetbl szrmazikpldul az aventicumi (Avenches, Svjc) csng(Voirol 2000, 72 73 kat. no 101; Pl. 11 / 101 cf.Bishop 1991), egy villa terletn talltk az ewijk-it (Hollandia) (Haalebos 2000, 20 24). A vidkiteleplseken elkerlt csngk kzl a Wijk bijDuurstede-i (Hollandia) faluban elkerlt kt da-rab mellett (Nicolay 2002, Fig. 3/ 8 9) elg meg-emlteni a biatorbgyival szomszdos Buda-rs Kamaraerdei-dlben tallt phaleracsngt(5. bra 9), amely a korai nielloberaksoscsngknek a leegyszerstett, olcsbb vltoza-tt kpviseli.

    3.2 A nem katonai kontextusbl elkerlt fegy-verek s katonai felszerelsi trgyak tartozkai-nak egy rsze kzvetlenl a hadsereghez, aktv

    graves, sanctuaries or from sacred places, andmost frequently from rural civil settlements, villas.

    The most characteristic example of the burialscontaining horse gear with niello inlay is the cham-ber tomb of Nawa (Tell Oum Hauran, Syria) whichcontained an almost complete harness set (Abdul-

    Hak 19541955; Boube-Piccot 1964, 156158;Brouwer 1982, 162163). His two helmets, chainmail, weapons, besides his horses parade cham-frons were placed next to the dead who was an il-lustre guerrier. Pendants of the same type werefound in Thracia in several early wagon graves, ofcourse as part of harness sets (for example inSvilengrad [probably it was reused]: Dtkrjd19401942, 201 Abb. 281; Karanovo: Ignatov2009, 40 41 fig. 2325). A sheet pendant (Kloiber1957, 88; Taf. 53, 7ab) of Lauriacum (Lorch / Enns,

    Austria) was also found in a grave, but it definitely

    cannot be interpreted as a grave good. The burialcan be dated to the fourth century AD and the pen-dant was found in the infill of the grave. (The occur-rence of an openwork saddle sheet of the first cen-tury AD in a Late Roman grave at Intercisa can beexplained similarly: Radnti 1957, 230, 234 Taf.47/20; Cseh and Prohszka 2007, 542). Severalpendants were found in cemeteries in Tarraco (Tar-ragona, Spain) (Boube-Piccot 1964, 158160 fig.1/ 5 7). A pendant was published from Emona(Ljubljana, Slovenia) from a cemetery lying in thearea of the Titova cesta Hotel Graiser as a scatterfind (Petru 1972, 167; Taf. XCV/21).

    Similarly to the find of Biatorbgy, phalera pen-dants may also come to light in the civil settlementsof the hinterland. The two finds of Magdalensbergcan be classified into these only conditionally, sincemilitary forces were stationed there permanently(Alfldy 1974, 64 65) and a weapon manufactur-ing workshop also operated there (Dolenz et al.1995, 51) just as in Alsia (see above). Thus, thefinds can be the heritage of this workshop (Fischer2002, 15). The pendant of Aventicum (Avenches,Switzerland) derives from a town environment(Voirol 2000, 72 73 cat. no 101; Pl. 11/ 101 cf.Bishop 1991), the one of Ewijk (Holland) was foundin the territory of a villa (Haalebos 2000, 20 24).

    Among the pendants found in rural settlements,the phalera pendant of Budars Kamaraer-dei-dl (Fig. 5. 9) as the neighbour of the Biator-bgy example has to be mentioned, besides thetwo that were revealed in the village of Wijk bijDuurstede (Holland) (Nicolay 2002, Fig. 3 / 8 9).

    The former represents the simplified, cheaperversion of the early pendants with niello inlay.


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    katonkhoz vagy paramilitris erkhz (a Kr.u. 3.szzadban akr felfegyverzett civilekhez) kthet(Pfahl s Reuter 1996, 134 140; Fischer 2002,13 14). Ezek magyarzhatk tbbek kztt t-vonul, hosszabb-rvidebb ideig polgri telep-lseken llomsoz katonk jelenltvel (kln-

    sen ftvonalak mentn, nagyobb vrosokban)s fegyvergyrt mhelyek (Fischer 2002, 15)vagy pusztulsi rtegekbl val elkerlskesetben utcai harcok hagyatkaknt is (Fischer2002, 1516). Msik, lnyegesen nagyobb h-nyadukat azonban veternok birtokolhattk, akika polgri letben a militaria trgyakat eredeti ren-deltetsktl eltren, jobbra presztzstrgyknthasznltk. Ezt J. Nicolay a katonai felszerelsitrgyak n. trsadalmi hasznlatnak (social useof equipment) nevezte (Nicolay 2002, 57 Fig. 6,62 63; Nicolay 2007, 173206). Egyes veter-

    nok az rzelmileg szmukra fontos, sajt tulajdo-nukat kpez fegyvereiket s felszerelsi trgyai-kat (MacMullen 1966, 2340; Speidel 1992,131 134; Nicolay 2002, 60 61; Nicolay 2007)leszerelsk utn is megtartottk. Ezeket vagyfelajnlottk egy szentlyben, kultuszhelyen vagyemlktrgyknt (memorabilia) tovbbra is a vete-rn birtokban maradtak. A lszerszmveret Bia-torbgyon val elkerlse minden bizonnyal akatonai felszerelsi trgyak trsadalmi hasznla-tval magyarzhat. Tulajdonosa ezrt leg-valsznbben egy kiszolglt lovas katona lehe-tett, aki ebben az esetben nem egy szentlyben,szent helyen ajnlotta fel lovnak egykori dszesszerszmt, hanem azt (taln kedvenc lovvalegytt) tovbbra is megtartotta s vlasztott j la-khelyre is magval vitte. gy magyarzzk azewijk-i (Hollandia) villa terletn tallt phalera-csngt is (Haalebos 2000, 20 24), amelyen abeponcolt LEG. IX HISP. felirat utal egykori eques

    legionis tulajdonosra, aki veternknt szereztefldbirtokt (Nicolay 2002, 58 59).

    Egy katona szmra fegyverei s egyes felsze-relsi trgyai szimbolikus jelentsggel brtak, mi-vel egy privilegizlt trsadalmi csoporthoz, a had-sereghez val tartozsuk, katona- ksbb vete-rnsttuszuk jelkpei voltak. Egy gyalogos sz-mra elssorban a fegyverve (cingulum), kardjas esetleg az vn viselt tre, mg egy lovas ka-tonnak fleg a sisak s a lszerszm jelentettkfegyvernemnek alapvet szimblumait (Nicolay2002, 61 62). Ezt a megklnbztetett szimb-lumrtket ismerhetjk fel nemcsak abban, hogyfelszerelsknek ltalban ezek voltak a legd-szesebb darabjai, hanem abban is, hogy szolg-latuk utn a gyalogosok leginkbb az vket, alovasok pedig a sisakjukat s a lszerszmot tar-

    3.2 A part of the weapons and the accessoriesof the military equipment found in a non militarycontext can be connected directly to the army,active soldiers or to paramilitary forces (or evenarmed civilians in the third century AD) (Pfahl andReuter 1996, 134140; Fischer 2002, 13 14).

    These can also be explained by the presence ofweapon manufacturing workshops (Fischer 2002,15), or soldiers passing through who were sta-tioned for shorter or longer periods at civil settle-ments (especially along highways and major cities),or the presence of destruction layers, seen asremains of street-fighting (Fischer 2002, 1516).

    The other, significantly greater proportion of theseobjects could be possessed by veterans who usedtheir former militaria objects in the civil life different-ly from their original function, mainly for the sake ofprestige or personal memorabilia. This was called

    the social use of equipment by J. Nicolay (Nico-lay 2002, 57 Fig. 6, 62 63; Nicolay 2007, 173206). Certain veterans kept the emotionally impor-tant weapons and items of equipment as their pri-vate property (MacMullen 1966, 2340; Speidel1992, 131 134; Nicolay 2002, 60 61; Nicolay2007) after their discharge. These were offered in asanctuary or in a cult place, or remained in the vet-erans possession as personal memorabilia. Theoccurrence of the military horse gear at Biatorbgycan be explained by the social use of militaryequipment in all probability. It is most likely, that itsowner was a retired cavalryman who did not offerhis horses decorative equipment in a sanctuary, asacred place, but kept it (may be together with hisfavourite horse) and took it along to his newly cho-sen home. The phalera pendant found in the terri-tory of the villa of Ewijk (Holland) may be explainedthis way too (Haalebos 2000, 20 24), on thatitem, the punched LEG. IX HISP inscription refersto its former eques legionis owner who obtainedhis property as a veteran (Nicolay 2002, 58 59).

    His weapons and certain items of his equip-ment had symbolic importance for a soldier, sincethese were the symbols of his belonging to a priv-ileged social group, the Roman army. These werealso the symbols of his soldierhood and later onhis veteran state. In the case of an infantry soldierfirstly his weapon belt (cingulum), his sword, andmaybe his dagger worn on his belt were symbolic,while in the case of a cavalryman mainly the hel-met and the harness symbolized the servicebranch (Nicolay 2002, 61 62). This distinguishedsymbolic value is underpinned not only by the factthat these were the most decorative pieces of theequipment, but also by the fact that infantry sol-diers kept mostly their belts, while cavalrymen


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    tottk meg, az utbbi esetben minden bizonnyallovukkal egytt. Jl tkrzdik ez a szomszdosbudarsi vicus terletn tallt, veternok ltal bir-tokolt korai militaria leletek szszettelben is,mivel azok elssorban hadseregben hasznlatoslszerszm- s vveretekbl llnak (Mrv s. a) (7.

    bra).A biatorbgyihoz hasonl gazdagon dsztettlszerszm megvsrlsa bizonyosan komolykltsggel, leszerels utni megtartsa pedig egynagyobb sszegrl val lemondssal jrt, ame-lyet csak kevesek engedhettek meg maguknak.

    A Xanten-i lelet poncolt feliratai kapcsn felme-rlt, hogy a lszerszm egykori birtokosa az ak-kor mg auxiliris praefectusknt szolgl id.Plinius volt (Jenkins 1985, 154156; legutbbReuter s Scholz 2004, 35 Nr. 57). A vonatkozfelirat(ok)nak azonban ms rtelmezse is lehet-

    sges, ezrt ez a vlemny tovbbra is bizonyta-lan. Radsul egy fegyver vagy felszerelsi trgydsztettsgbl inkbb tulajdonosnak anyagihelyzetre semmint rangjra kvetkeztethetnk.Egy alexandriai klcsnszerzds (Harrauer-Seider 1979, 109 120) arra figyelmeztet, hogydszes fegyverzetet, ha meg tudtk vsrolni akregyszer katonk is birtokolhattak (Nicolay 2002,60). Ezrt pusztn rtke alapjn nem dnthetel, hogy a biatorbgyi lszerszm tulajdonosa lo-vas katonaknt milyen rangban szolglt, csak azttudjuk, hogy meg tudta vsrolni ezt a drga gar-nitrt s ahhoz leszerelse utn is ragaszkodott.

    A veternok halla utn a hazavitt, rtkesebbfegyvereit s felszerelsi trgyait az utdok, ha azelhunyt vetern tlvilghite, azonossgtudata gykvnta, mellkletknt srjba helyeztk vagy ahogy ezt nhny fennmaradt vgrendelet tan-stja (Dixon s Southern 1992, 106108; NICOLAY2002, 60) rkltk, s gy azok csaldi ereklye-knt tovbbra is a leszrmazottak birtokbanmaradtak. Az utbbi esetben a genercikkalksbb jelentsgt veszetett trgyakat az r-ksk vagy egyszer nyersanyagforrsknthasznostva beolvasztottk, illetve talaktottkvagy haszontalan lomknt kezeltk s kidobtk.

    Valsznleg ez lett a sorsa a biatorbgyi phalera-csngnek is, amely vgl telepls leletknt v-gezte.

    Birodalom szerte ltalnosan kimutathat ten-dencia, hogy a veternok vagy szlhazjukbatrtek vissza vagy kzvetlenl utols lloms-helykn, illetve olyan vidki teleplsen, flegfalvakban telepedtek le elszeretettel, amelyekkzel fekdtek egykori szolglatuk helysznhez(Birley 1982 1983, 265 276; Roxan 2000,307 326; Nicolay 2002, 58 59; Wesch-Klein

    their helmets and harnesses after their service, inthe case of the latter in all probability together withtheir horses. This is well illustrated by the compo-sition of the early militaria finds possessed byveterans found in the territory of the neighbouringvicus of Budars, since the material consists

    mainly of horse gear and belt mounts used in thearmy (Mrv in press) (Fig. 7).The purchase of such a decorative harness as

    the one of Biatorbgy definitely had serious costsand keeping it in ones possession after dischargerequired a larger sum to dispose of. Only fewcould afford this. In connection with the punchedinscription of the find of Xanten, it emerged thatthe former owner of the harness was Pliny theElder who served as an auxiliary prefect at thattime (Jenkins 1985, 154156; recently Reuterand Scholz 2004, 35 Nr. 57). Nevertheless, the

    inscription(s) concerned have other possible read-ings as well, therefore this assumption is stilluncertain. In addition, rather the financial situationthan the rank of the owner can be deduced fromthe decoration of the weapon or the equipment.

    An Alexandrian loan contract (Harrauer-Seider1979, 109120) informs of the fact that decora-tive weaponry can also be possessed by plainsoldiers, if they could buy it (Nicolay 2002, 60).

    Therefore, it cannot be decided which rank theowner of the harness of Biatorbgy had as acavalryman only on the basis of the value. It mayonly imply that he could buy this expensive set andhe was still devoted to it after his discharge.

    The valuable weapons and equipment thatremained in the possession of the veteran wereplaced into his grave as a grave good by thedescendants, if the dead veterans beliefs in theafterlife and his identity required this. The weaponsand the equipment could also be inherited, thusthey remained in the descendants possession asfamily relics , as illustrated by a few remained tes-taments (Dixon and Southern 1992, 106108;NICOLAY2002, 60). In the latter case the inheritorsmelt in the objects that had lost their importancefor the later generations as simple raw material, orthey transformed them, or else handled them asuseless junk and threw them away. Probably, thishappened to the phalera pendant of Biatorbgy aswell which ended up as a settlement find.

    It was a general tendency all over the Empirethat the veterans either returned to their mother-land or preferred to settle down directly at their laststation or such rural settlements, mainly villagesthat were situated close to the location of their for-mer service (Birley 19821983, 265 276; Roxan2000, 307 326; Nicolay 2002, 58 59; Wesch-


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    2007, 446; az eraviscus s azalus veternokkapcsn: Mirkovic 2007, 329 334). Elnys fek-vse miatt ilyen telepls lehetett a Biatorbgykukorica-dli slakos falu, ksbb villa. Kzvet-len szomszdsgban, tle 6 km-re keletre fe-kdt a szkebb krnyk legjelentsebb telepl-

    se, a Budars Kamaraerdei-dl falva, vicusTeuto(), amely Aquincum municipiumnak meg-alaptsa utn apagus Herc() kzponti telepl-se lett (Mrv s Ottomnyi 2005, 79 90 ehheztartozhatott a biatorbgyi falu is). Az elkerltnagyszm korai militaria alapjn a budarsivicust bizonyosan sok vetern vlasztotta lak-helyl (Mrv s. a). Budarshz hasonlan a bia-torbgyi vicus is a Duna hatr kzvetlen htor-szgban fekdt, tgabb krnykn tbb korai,

    jobbra lovas vagy lovastott csapatnak helyetad auxiliris castellum plt. A ks Tiberius-

    Claudius kori Bem tri (Budapest-Vzivros, I. ker)castellumot 13 km, a Vespasianus-kori budaiala tbort (Budapest, III. ker) 14 km, az albertfal-vai auxiliris castellumot (Budapest, XI. ker) pediglgvonalban csak 12 km vlasztja el a biatorb-gyi falutl. Az ala vagy cohors equitata lloms-helyl szolgl albertfalvi castellum nemcsak alegkzelebbi katonai llomshely volt, hanem itttorkollott a Dunba a Hosszrti-patak, amelybiztostotta mind a biatorbgyi, mind a budarsivicusszal termszetes sszekttetst (2. bra).

    A patak vlgyben valsznleg egy t is futott,amely a Rzsavlgybl (Budapest, XI. s XXII.ker) kilpve az albertfalvai castellum portadecumanajig vezetett. Taln a biatorbgyi csn-g tulajdonosa egykor az albertfalvi castellumbanszolglt s ezrt vlaszthatta j lakhelyl a ko-rbbi llomshelytl csak nhny rnyi jrsrafekv biatorbgyi falut. Biatorbgyon kvlBudarsrl s Albertfalvrl is elkerlt egy-egyBishop 1. tpus, de egyszerbb kivitel phalera-csng (ld. 1. bra: kat. 1, 4), amelyek mindh-rom teleplsen aktv vagy vetern lovaskatonk

    jelenltre utalnak. (Az alberfalvi vicusbl mgegy nielloberaksos phaleratredket is isme-rnk: Szirmai 1997). Br veternokkal kapcsola-tos Kr.u. 1. szzadra keltezhet feliratos forrsok,mint katonai diplomk vagy korai srfeliratok ed-dig nem kerltek el Biatorbgyrl, az itt tallt ko-rai katonai lszerszm-veret nmagban is bizo-nytja legalbb egy vetern faluban val megtele-pedst.

    3.3 A hatrprovincikban a helyi slakos civil la-kossg s a hadsereg az let majd minden ter-letn sszefondott, amelynek kvetkezmnye ahatrvidk militris vonsokat visel katonai tr-

    Klein 2007, 446; in connection with the Eravisciand Azali veterans: Mirkovic 2007, 329 334). Thenative village of Biatorbgy Kukorica-dl, laterthe villa could be such a settlement because of itsbeneficial location. The most important settlementof the region was the village of Budars

    Kamaraerdei-dl, the vicus Teuto() situated in itsimmediate neighbourhood six km to the eastwhich became the central settlement of thepagusHerc() after the founding of the municipium of

    Aquincum (Mrv and Ottomnyi 2005, 79 90 the village of Biatorbgy could belong to this aswell). On the basis of the numerous early militariafinds, the vicus of Budars was definitely chosenas a dwelling by many veterans (Mrv in press).Similarly to Budars, the vicus of Biator-bgy lay in the direct hinterland of the Danube bor-der, in its broader surroundings several early auxil-

    iary forts were built mainly for cavalry or partlymounted troops. Bem Square (I. District,Budapest Vizivros) is situated 13 km, the ala fortat buda (III. District, Budapest) of the Vespasian-ic period 14 km, and the auxiliary castellum of Al-bertfalva (XI. District, Budapest) only 12 km awayfrom the village of Biatorbgy in a straight line. Thecastellum of Albertfalva that was the station of anala or cohors equitata, was not only the closestfort, but the Hosszrti stream which served as anatural connection to the vicus of Biatorbgy, andalso to the vicus of Budars, entered the Danubehere as well (Fig. 2). Probably, a road also ran inthe valley of the stream and led to the portadecumana of the auxiliary fort of Albertfalva leavingRzsavlgy (XI. and XXII. Districts, Budapest).Maybe the owner of the pendant of Biatorbgyserved formerly in the fort of Albertfalva, thereforehe could choose to live in the village of Biatorbgyonly within a few hours walking distance from hisformer station. Besides Biatorbgy a phalera pen-dant of the Bishop 1 type (see Fig. 1: cat. 1, 4), butwith simpler workmanship than the one of Biator-bgy was found at Budars and Albertfalva aswell. The occurrences of the phalera pendantsimply the presence of active or veteran cavalry-men. (Apart from these, a phalera fragment withniello inlay is also known from the vicus of Albert-falva, Szirmai 1997). Although, no inscriptionssuch as military diplomas or early tomb inscriptionsof the first century AD were found at Biatorbgy,the occurrence of this early horse gear proves thatat least one veteran settled down in this village.

    3.3 In the border provinces, the local, nativeinhabitants and the army were entwined almost inall walks of life, which resulted in a military soci-


    K..SZ. vknyv / F.S.C.H. Yearbook 2008

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    sadalma lett. A leszerelt s hazjukba visszatrt,rmai polgrjoggal rendelkez egykori katonk armai uralom lojlis tmaszai, s a rmai kultralegfontosabb hordozi voltak (Alfldy 1988,12 13; Alfldy 1995, 30 32). Bellk kerlt kiaz slakossg vagyonosabb kzprtege (Hanel1999), akik a Kr.u. 1 2. szzadban az slakos

    ety. The discharged soldiers, who returned totheir native land as a Roman citizen, became theloyal supporters of the Roman rule and the mostimportant bearers of Roman culture (Alfldy 1988,1213; Alfldy 1995, 30 32). They formed thewealthy middle class of the native inhabitants andthey rose from the native community not only as


    Tanulmnyok / Essays

    2. bra. 1 2. A Biatorbgy Kukorica-dl rmai teleplsnek fekvse; 3. Dl-Buda s krnyke aKr.u. 1. szzadban.

    Figure 2. 1 2. The location of the Roman settlement of Biatorbgy Kukorica-dl; 3. South Buda and its surround-ings in the first century AD

    Jelmagyarzat/ Legend:1. Falvak/ Villages;2. Auxiliris castellumok/ Auxiliary forts; 3. Temetk vagy korai sremlkeklelhelyei / Sites of cemeteries or early graves; 4. Korai militaria leletek/ Early militaria finds; 5. Katonai diplomk

    lelhelyei / The sites of military diplomas

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    kzssgekbl nemcsak polgrjoguk, hanem ve-ternprivilgiumaik rvn is kiemelkedtek(Wesch-Klein 2007, 447; Nicolay 2009,262 264). Egy vetern szmra a megkln-bztetett sttusznak s nem utols sorbanharcos mltjnak legltvnyosabb kls kife-

    jezi ereklyeknt rztt egykori fegyverei, felsze-relsi trgyai voltak. Erre szolglhatott a katonailszerszm-garnitrhoz tartoz biatorbgyiphaleracsng is, amely kiemelked trgyi ha-gyatka az szakkelet-Pannonia Kr.u. 1. szzadimegszllsban rszvev lovascsapatoknak s ahelyben megtelepedett veternoknak.

    Ksznm Miklsity Szke Mihlynak, hogy azsatsn elkerlt phaleracsngt kzlsre ten-gedte s hogy feltrsnak elzetes eredmnye-ire hivatkozhattam. Kln ksznet Mrton And-rsnak, akivel a fegyverekkel s katonai felszere-lsi trgyakkal kapcsolatos problmkat megbe-szlhettem. A csngt Dbrentei Szilvia restau-rlta, a 3. bra fotja Kenz Pl felvtele, akiknekmunkjt ezton ksznm. A rajzokat s a 4.bra 3. festmnyt a szerz ksztette.

    Roman citizens, but also by the means of theirveteran privileges (Wesch-Klein 2007, 447). Themost spectacular symbols of their distinguishedstate let alone their military past were their for-mer weapons and equipment kept as relics. Thephalera pendant of the military harness of Biator-

    bgy could be such a symbol. This pendant is anoutstanding piece of the heritage of the cavalryunits that took part in the occupation of North-East Pannonia in the first century AD and of theveterans who settled in this region.

    I am deeply grateful to Mihly Miklsity Szke forallowing me to publish the phalera pendant fromhis excavation and for allowing me to refer to thepreliminary results of the excavation. I am espe-cially grateful to Andrs Mrton with whom I coulddiscuss the problems that emerged in connectionwith the weapons and the military equipment. Thependant was restored by Szilvia Dbrentei, thefirst photo of Figure 3 was taken by Pl Kenz. Iwould like to express my gratitude to them on thisoccasion. The drawings and the paintings of Fig-ure 4 and Figure 3 were prepared by the author.


    K..SZ. vknyv / F.S.C.H. Yearbook 2008

    3. bra. Biatorbgy Kukorica-dl: A phaleracsng fotja s rajza (fot Kenz Pl, rajz: Mrv Zsolt)Figure 3. Biatorbgy Kukorica-dl: Photo and drawing of the phalera pendant (photo: Pl Kenz, drawing: Zsolt


    Ksznetnyilvnts / Acknowledgements

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    Tanulmnyok / Essays

    Irodalom / References

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    K..SZ. vknyv / F.S.C.H. Yearbook 2008

    4. bra 1. Vetera (XantenFrstenberg, Nmetorszg) niello beraksos phalera s csng (Jenkins 1985, fig. 2, 4.utn); 2. Doorwerth (Hollandia) Phalera s a zsanros megoldssal rgztett csng (Brouwer 1982, Abb. 18b utn);

    3. Flavius-kori rmai lovaskatona, Mrv Zsolt festmnye 1994; 4 5. Flavius-kori lszerszmzat rekonstrukcija(Bishop 1988, fig. 30 31. utn)

    Figure 4. 1. Vetera (XantenFrstberg, Germany) phalera and pendant with niello inlay (after Jenkins 1985, Fig. 2, 4);2. Doorwerth (Holland) phalera and a pendant fastened with hinge (after Brouwer 1982, Abb. 18b); 3. Roman

    cavalryman of the Flavian period, painted by Zsolt Mrv 1994; 4 5. The reconstruction of a harness of the Flavianperiod (after Bishop 1988, Fig. 30 31)

    1 2



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    Tanulmnyok / Essays

    5. bra. Bishop 1. tpus phaleracsngk Pannonibl s krnykrl: 1. Magdalensberg (Ausztria); 2. Ismeretlen pan-noniai lelhelyrl (ltsz.: MNM RR 46.1878.32); 3. Siscia (Sziszek, Horvtorszg) (Strena Buliciana 1924, 170 utn);4. Ismeretlen dl-dunntli lelhelyrl (MNM); 5 7. Carnuntum, auxiliris castellum (Humer [Hrsg.] 2006, 160 Kat.Nr. 518-520 utn); 8. Arrabona (Gyr), auxiliris castellum; 9. Budars Kamaraerdei-dl; 10. Ismeretlen dl-dunn-

    tli lelhelyrl (MNM)Figure 5. Phalera pendants of the Bishop 1 type from Pannonia and its surroundings: 1. Magdalensberg (Austria);

    2. From an unknown Pannonian site (Inv. no.: MNM RR 46.1878.32); 3. Siscia (Sziszek, Croatia) (after Strena Buliciana1924, 170); 4. From an unknown South-Transdanubian site (MNM); 5 7. Carnuntum, auxiliary castellum (after

    Humer [Hrsg.] 2006, 160 Kat. Nr. 518 520); 8. Arrabona (Gyr), auxiliary castellum; 9. Budars Kamaraerdei-dl;10. From an unknown South-Transdanubian site (MNM)











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    K..SZ. vknyv / F.S.C.H. Yearbook 2008

    6. bra. Niello s vrsrz beraksos lszerszmveretek Pannonibl (rajz: Mrv Zs.): 1, 3. Ad Militare(Kiskszeg / Battina,Horvtorszg); 2. Budars Kamaraerdei-dl; 4. Budapest, XI. ker. Albertfalva; 5. Arrabona