Mr. Holland's Opus - Fun Facts and Information

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    Fun Trivia : Mr. Holland's Opus


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    Interesting Questions,Facts and Information

    There are a total of 35general entries. We are selecting 30 for display.

    Interesting Questions, Facts, and Information

    Mr. Holland's Opus

    Is Mr. Holland left handed? Mr. Holland's Opus

    Yes. As one lefty to another, he and I must be the only ones in our "right minds"!

    What was the name of the symphony Glen wrote a bit at a time over the years? Mr. Holland's Opus

    The American Symphony.. It was played for the first time at Mr. Holland's going away party-not a dry eyein the place!

    Who was the Master of Ceremonies for the going away party for Mr. Holland? Mr. Holland's Opus

    The Honorable Gertrude Lang, Governor of the state. ...and Kennedy High School alumni.

    What was the mascot for Kennedy High School? Mr. Holland's Opus

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  • the eagle. You only see the reference to the mascot once during the movie...about 1/2 way through themovie.

    Phil Meister, Glen's friend at Kennedy High was the phys ed teacher and footballcoach. What did he minor in during college?



    modern dance. ..."and I'll make those football players look better then the June Taylor dancers." He didthat-they clean up real well!

    What did Glen do to show Cole he really did love him? Mr. Holland's Opus

    He put on a show with music and flashing lights for Cole's school.. AND he sang and signed a song byJohn Lennon. He apologized for anyone with out hearing difficulties. Anyone who was deaf wouldappreciate having hearing difficulties.

    Lewis Russ was the boy Mr. Holland taught to play the drums so that he could get intothe marching band-so he could stay on the wrestling team-so he could go to college andmake something of himself. What happens to him?



    He was killed in Vietnam. Lewis was one of Mr. Holland's first success stories- "Mr Russ, you have thebeat". He did get to college on a wrestling scholarship.

    What was the name of the ingenue that had the lead in the musical? Mr. Holland's Opus

    Rowena Morgan. Rowena wanted more then a teacher/student relationship. It is good that nothinghappened.

    When Glen came to school to gather his possessions out of his class room for thelast time, what did the football coach say he had a load of in the spin cycle?



    jock straps. Of course the real reason he was there would become apparent later on.

    What kind of car was Glen driving when he pulled into the school parking lot thefirst day he taught?

    Mr. Holland'sOpus

    a Corvair. ...and at the end of the movie, 30 years later, the car was still around. Cole had it and Glencouldn't have it back-"it's a classic" I assume Glen got another car...hopefully before the "tires fell off".

    What kind of senior musical program did Mr. Holland pull together that was goingto make money for the school?

    Mr. Holland'sOpus

    A George and Ira Gershwin musical review.. Involving the football players in tuxes and ladies in long,fancy dresses, and yes, it did make money!

    What was the name of the first class Mr. Holland taught? Mr. Holland's Opus

    Music Appreciation. Those kids didn't seems to appreciate anything. Did Mr. Holland ever change theirminds! Years later, former students would tell them how fun and interesting the classes had been.

    What gave Glen and Iris the first clue that their son might be deaf? Mr. Holland's Opus

    he didn't react when the fire whistle was blown during the parade. It most certainly hurt everyone else'sears, but Cole slept through it all. As it turned out he had a 90% hearing loss.

  • What is the name of the high school Mr Holland taught at? Mr. Holland's Opus

    John F. Kennedy High School. The name was getting changed on the building that first day Mr. Hollandcame to teach.

    What was the name of the very first student Mr. Holland had tutoring sessions withbefore the school day started?

    Mr. Holland'sOpus

    Gertrude Lang. Gertrude wanted to be good at something. She had a sister going to college on a balletscholarship, a brother going to Notre Dame on a football scholarship, a mother who does beautiful watercolor paintings, and a father who sings for a living. 30 years later did she ever find her place in life - thegovernor of the state!

    What did Mrs. Jacobs give to Mr. Holland when she told him she was retiring? Mr. Holland's Opus

    a compass. he would know which direction to go in life. It used to be her father's compass.

    Who did Glen and Iris name their son after? Mr. Holland's Opus

    John Coltrane. John Coltraine was a jazz musician...I've never heard his music, but apparently it issomething that grows on you...such as when Iris tells Glen she is pregnant.

    What did Mr. Holland do over the summer instead of composing when he and hiswife decided it was time to buy a house?



    taught driver's education. ...or as Mr. Holland called it the year that Mrs. Jacobs retired, the ClydeCrashcup School of Driver's Ed! Does anyone really drive like that during the behind-the-wheel portion ofDriver's Ed?

    Among everything Mr. Holland said over the the years, he said it is considereduncouth to do what?

    Mr. Holland'sOpus

    empty your spit valve on the floor, especially on the shoes on the person next to you. During the"goodbye" get together at the end of the movie, you will see the man he was talking about, doing just that- right onto the floor!

    Why did Mr. Holland say he got his teaching degree? Mr. Holland's Opus

    So he could compose in his free time.. As it turned out, Mr. Holland rarely had free time. This is true of allteachers. You don't go into teaching for the money or the free time you'll have!

    Finally, what was the title of the piece, composed by Mr. Holland, that wasperformed by his former students at the end of the movie?

    A Quiz on the Movie"Mr. Holland's Opus"

    American Symphony. Mr. Holland worked most of his career on this piece.

    What two sports did the student who eventually died in theVietnam War play?

    A Quiz on the Movie "Mr. Holland'sOpus"

    Football and Wrestling. He was taken off the football team because he didn't have the grades, so Mr.Holland taught him to play the drums, giving the student, Louis Russ, the credit that he needed to wrestle.

    What was the name of the boy who Mr. Holland threatened to suspend afterhe complained about having to write a paper as punishment?

    A Quiz on the Movie"Mr. Holland's Opus"

  • Michael. Michael Stadler (I think that's how you spell the last name) thought that he knew everythingthere was to know about music. He said that he didn't have to put any effort into the class because heknew the material, so Mr. Holland told him to prove it by writing the paper. Mr. Holland: ...

    What was the name of the girl who could not play clarinet very well untilMr. Holland told her to "play the sunset?"

    A Quiz on the Movie "Mr.Holland's Opus"

    Gertrude. Mr. Holland asked Gertrude which attribute of herself she was proudest of. Gertrude said that itwas her hair, because her father always said that it reminded him of the sunset, so Mr. Holland told her to"play the sunset." In the movie, Gertrude went on to become the governor of Oregon.

    What was the name of the girl who starred in Mr. Holland'smusical?

    A Quiz on the Movie "Mr. Holland'sOpus"

    Rowena. Mr. Holland encouraged Rowena to do whatever she wanted after she graduated, so Rowenadecided not to work in the restaurant that her family owned, but instead to go New York and sing there.

    What is the title of the musical that Mr. Holland and the footballcoach help organize?

    A Quiz on the Movie "Mr.Holland's Opus"

    An Evening with Gershwin. The musical was put on so that the school could make the money that theylacked at the time.

    When the principal of the school leaves, what does she give Mr.Holland?

    A Quiz on the Movie "Mr. Holland'sOpus"

    A compass. Earlier, when she noticed that Mr. Holland didn't seem like he wanted to be there, she hadsaid that a teacher should be able to give direction to a student's life, so she gave Mr. Holland a compassas a meaningful gift before she left.

    What is wrong with Mr. Holland's son? A Quiz on the Movie "Mr. Holland's Opus"

    Deaf. Iris finds out that Cole is deaf when they are at a parade in which Mr. Holland is leading themarching band. A fire truck sounds its horn very loudly, and everyone winces, except for Cole, whoremained asleep in his stroller.

    What is the name of Mr. Holland's son? A Quiz on the Movie "Mr. Holland's Opus"

    Coltrane. In the scene when Coltrane (or Cole, as they call him) is being born, Mr. Holland is in a carteaching driver's education to some students. He speeds the car to the hospital, doing things with a carthat a driver's ed. teacher would not want to teach his students.

    What subject does Mr. Holland teach over the summer? A Quiz on the Movie "Mr. Holland's Opus"

    Driver's Education. He teaches Driver's Ed. so that he can make extra money to get a bigger place to livebecause his wife had just become pregnant.

    What is the name of Mr. Holland's wife? A Quiz on the Movie "Mr. Holland's Opus"

    Iris. Iris is played by Glenne Headly.

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