Morris d facilities plan1_a

Harlem Middle School 375 W. Forrest Street Harlem, GA 30814 Media Center Facility Plan Presented by: Dolly Walker Morris FRIT 7132 Administration of the Instructional Media Program Fall 2011 Instructor: Dr. Chester Georgia Southern University



Transcript of Morris d facilities plan1_a

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Harlem Middle School375 W. Forrest Street

Harlem, GA 30814Media Center Facility Plan

Presented by: Dolly Walker MorrisFRIT 7132

Administration of the Instructional Media Program

Fall 2011Instructor: Dr. Chester

Georgia Southern University

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Table of Contents

“To be information literate, an individual must recognize when information is needed, and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the information needed.” Presidential Committee on Information Literacy. Final Report. American Library Association, 1989


P. 1, Title P. 2, Table of Contents P. 3, School Demographics P. 4, School Vision; Student Motto P. 5, School Mission P. 6, District Media Mission Statement Principles P. 7, School Improvement Plan Focus P. 8, School Improvement Plan Focus Cont. P. 9, Instructional Expectation’s Delivery Timeline P. 10, HMS Media Center Facts P. 11, Key Media Survey Data Composites & Policy Implications P. 12, Key Media Survey Data & Policies Cont. P. 13, Key Media Survey Data & Policies Cont. P. 14, Key Media Survey Comments

Existing Facility Plan and Tour

P. 15, Current HMS Media Center Floor Plan P. 16, Harlem Middle School – Main Entrance P. 17, Breezeway – Media Center Hall P. 18, Media Center Hall Entrance P. 19, Media Center Entrance P. 20, Media Center – Upon Entry P. 21, Media Center – Upon Entry (Electrical Room) P. 22, Media Center P. 23, Media Center P. 24, Media Center P. 25, Media Center P. 26, Storage Closet P. 27, Media Center – Exit from Storage Closet P. 28, Media Center Student Computers P. 29, Media Center Catalog Computer P. 30, Media Center Student Computers

Existing Facility Plan and Tour

P. 31, Side Office – SPED IEP Mtgs. & Print Reference Section P. 32, Side Office – SPED IEP Mtgs. & Print Reference Section P. 33, Side Office – SPED IEP Mtgs. & Print Reference Section P. 34, SLMS & Media Clerk Office P. 35, Circulation Desk P. 36, Circulation Desk – Back View P. 37, Circulation Desk – Opposing View P. 38, Side Office – Book Repair P. 39, Side Office – Book Repair P. 40, Side Office – Book Repair

Proposed New Facility Plan and Changes

P. 41, Never Forget P. 42, Proposed HMS Media Center Floor Plan P. 43, Needs Elaborated P. 44, Potential Circulation Desk P. 45, Potential Personal Computer Workstations P. 46, Potential Learning Commons P. 47, Potential Classroom Space P. 48, A New Beginning P. 49, Done P. 50, Facility Changes P. 51, Facility Changes P. 52, Facility Changes P. 53, Facility Changes P. 54, Facility Changes P. 55, Facility Changes P. 56, The End

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School Demographics 2011-12

HMS 6th, 7th, & 8th GradesEnrollment:TOTAL 547 Pupils

Am. Ind./Ak. Native 5

Asian 3

Blk./Af. American 86

Hawaiian/Pac. Is. 0

Hispanic/Latino 11

Multi-Racial 24

White 418


• Title 1 fully-funded middle school (40% or higher free/reduced lunch)

• 11% student population from single-parent households

• Median family income ($36,307)

• Well below state average ($46,282)

• Significantly below county median ($55,682)

• Fifty-five percent student population qualifies for free and reduced lunch

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School Vision

Every Child, Every Chance,

Every DayStudent Motto

“As I enter these doors, I am prepared to learn.”

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School Mission

Prepare students to become successful, productive members of society by instilling self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, and the skills necessary for life-long learning.

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District Media Mission Statement Principles

o Supports the philosophy, goals, and instructional programs of the Columbia County Schools. o A service agency and a resource center and should be an integral part of the instructional program. o Library media specialist is responsible for the design and delivery of an effective media program. o Program should emphasize a planning philosophy

that stresses the specific needs of the school curriculum and the students.

o Media program should be changing and evolving in response to societal, economic, and technological demands on education.

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School Improvement Plan Focus 2011-12

A. INSTRUCTION: Designing and implementing teaching-learning-assessment tasks and activities to ensure that all students achieve proficiency relative to the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS).

Target StandardInstruction Standard 2: Researched-based instruction is standard practice.

B. STUDENT, FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT and SUPPORT: The school as a community of learning involves parents and community members as active participants. There is consistent and growing evidence of parental involvement and volunteerism, participation in workshops and enrichment activities, and a process of two-way communication. Everyone collaborates to help the school achieve its continuous improvement targets and short-and long-range goals.Target Standard

SFCIS Standard 1: The school reinforces the continuous improvement process through active and sustained involvement of student, family, and community

SFCIS Standard 2: The school has organizational structures and processes to ensure that students, families, and community members play an active and sustained role in school governance, decision-making, and problem solving.

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School Improvement Plan Focus Cont. 2011-12

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Instructional Expectation’s Delivery Timeline 2011-12

• Standards Based Classroom ScheduleDaily Lesson 100 Minute Block

Hwk. Review / Activator 10-15 mins.

Review Standard(s) / Vocabulary

10-15 mins.

Mini-lesson / Whole-class Instruction

20-30 mins.

Work Sessiona. Flexible Groupsb. Small Group Intervention

20-25 mins.

Closure/Summarizer 5-10 mins.

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HMS Media Center Facts

• MC original “add-on” in 1970s to what was then used as the existing high school facility (built, 1929)

• 2011-12 first year of “wireless” capability in MC & ten student computers added

• MC furnishings are leftovers from high school facility furnishings; never updated; big & “fixed”

• MC primarily used for book checkout, student research, test make-ups, and faculty/staff meetings

• 2011-12 first year of MC website linked to school web page (new web software implementation district wide; many “kinks” to work out)

• Small MC for enrollment; limited common learning space; no classroom space; limited virtual collection & access to technology/virtual collection

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Key Media Survey Data Composites & Policy Implications

• 73% feel that the MC is not the “hub” of learning at the school• 68% want the MC to be the center of learning at the school

– Toor & Weisburg (2007) concur for students to expand their understanding of “learning” beyond the classroom walls & earning grades - to increase personal growth as the knowledge they gain via topic exploration becomes a part of who they are.

– Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), promotes a SLMC learning space policy that is conducive to active & participatory learning, rich resource-based learning, and facilitates collaboration with teaching staff.

• 56% want the MC to have a more prominent web presence with research resources accessible outside school hours– Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), endorses a SLMC policy that maintains a library website to

provide 24-7 access to digital information sources, instructional interventions, reference services, intra-library links, and exemplary student work.

– Also supports HMS 2011-12 School Improvement Plan which seeks to provide academic intervention resources during “Work Session” of Standards Based Classroom Instructional Schedule

– Hamilton (2009), further includes new “digital literacies” as legitimate “authoritative information sources” for today, whereby students develop social skills through digital collaboration and networking, no matter the time of day.

• 92% want more attractive & larger MC physical space– Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), advocates a SLMC policy that creates a friendly, comfortable,

well-lit, aesthetically pleasing, and ergonomic space that is centrally located and well-integrated with the rest of the school (p.33).

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Key Media Survey Data & Policies Cont.

• 88% feel the MC would benefit from a designated classroom space– Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), promotes policy that

designs learning space that accommodates a range of teaching methods, learning tasks, and learning outcomes.

• 76% do not want to participate in a media committee• 56% believe a media committee is necessary– Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), advocates policy that

seeks input from appropriate members of the school community when developing SLMP policies, needs, and fund appropriation.

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• 65% want more involvement from SLMS in instruction– Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), policy analyzes the school’s instructional

program, and resulting support documents (School Improvement Plan & Achievement Data) to determine appropriate staffing patterns.

– Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), promotes a SLMC learning space policy that is conducive to active & participatory learning, rich resource-based learning, and facilitates collaboration with teaching staff.

• 96% want newer equipment: Elmo document cameras, wireless throughout school, poster maker, working remotes & pointers for LCD projectors, Smart slates– Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), policy advocates funding through strategic

planning to support priorities and make steady progress towards defined goals & material needs

– Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), policy provides space and seating that encourages and enhances technology use, leisure reading and browsing, and the use of all formats of materials easily.

Key Media Survey Data & Policies Cont.

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Key Media Survey Comments

Re: Furnitureo 6th Grade Student: “Furniture is too hard! Chairs aren’t comfortable. We’re so crammed in here.”o 7th Grade Student: “Carpet is ugly and stained; need new.”o 8th Grade Student: “Can’t talk across these tables, they’re too wide, and it’s so dark in here.”o Paraprofessional: “The whole space is so blah; need new paint & plants!”

Re: Collectiono 6th Grade Student: “Need more Bone books.”o 7th Grade Student: “We need iPad books or Kindles. I want to be able to use mine I got for BD.”o 8th Grade Student: “I need to be able to get to the research databases from home.”o Teacher: “We need books. I’d like to see us do a Book Birthday Club.”

Re: Technologyo 6th Grade Student: “Can we get iPads?”o 7th Grade Student: “We need jump drives. The school store doesn’t sell them anymore. Help!”o 8th Grade Student: “I wish everything on the computers wasn’t “blocked”; what’s wrong with

facebook?”o Teacher: “I need more technology professional development. I love the new online calendars!”

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Current HMS Media Center Floor Plan•Back Offices Separated from MC & Each Other by Concrete Walls•Only Natural Light Source for MC Through These Office Windows•SLMS & Media Clerk Offices Located Here & Closed Off from Cntr.•No Classroom Space or Defined Learning Commons for Lessons•No Wireless Technology

“Storage” Closet w/Bookcases Runs Entire Length of Center

Electrical Room

Main EntranceMain Exit •Media Center too LONG & Narrow w/Anchored Oversized Furniture•Too Many Bookcases•No SmartBoard or Wireless Technology•No Learning Commons•Limited Comfortable Reading Areas & Social Interaction Space•Computer Seating Desks/Space Inappropriate for Age Group

•ONLY Source School/MC Print News•NEED BIG SCREEN TV

MC Flooring = Drab, Dark Carpet

Find floor plan online here:

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Harlem Middle – Main Entrance

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Breezeway – Media Center Hall(6th Grade Hallway)

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Media Center Hall Entrance

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Media Center Entrance(From 6th Grade Hallway)

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Media Center – Upon Entry(Doorway Leads Outside b/twn Buildings)

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Media Center – Upon Entry(Doorway to Electrical Room)

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Media Center

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Media Center

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Media Center

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Media Center

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Storage Closet

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Media Center(Upon Exit from Storage Closet)

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Media Center – Student Computers(One Table for All)

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Student Catalog Computer(Old Card Catalog Used as Desk)

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Media Center – Student Computers(One Table for All)

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Media Center – Side Office(SPED IEP Mtgs. & Reference Print Materials)

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Media Center – Side Office(Used for SPED IEP Meetings)

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Media Center – Side Office(Opposing View, SPED IEP Meeting Room & Reference Print Materials; Door Opens

to SLMS & Clerk’s Office)

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SLMS & Media Clerk’s Office

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Circulation Desk

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Circulation Desk

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Circulation Desk(Opposing View)

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Side Office – Book Repair

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Side Office – Book Repair

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Side Office – Book Repair

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Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Never Forget…

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Proposed HMS Media Center Floor Plan

Find floor plan online here:

New MC Classroom Area

Learning Commons & Readers’ Theater/Storytelling Area

Natural light streams from existing windows once existing office walls removed; bright colors, light wood flooring, moveable seating.

Raised floor, wireless capable; 10 personal student computer work stations with appropriate work station desks; smaller bookcases

New Circulation Desk

Reduced storage; smaller bookcases

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Needs Elaborated

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PotentialCirculation D



odern, clean lines, bright, w


CHANGES: Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), advocates a SLMC policy that creates a friendly, comfortable, well-lit, aesthetically pleasing, and ergonomic space that is centrally located and well-integrated with the rest of the school (p.33).

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PotentialPersonal Com

puter W



odern, comfortable

seating, well-lit

Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), policy provides space and seating that encourages and enhances technology use, leisure reading and browsing, and the use of all formats of materials easily.

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Potential Learning Com


•Bright colors, com

fortable seating, w

ireless compatible

Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), promotes a SLMC learning space policy that is conducive to active & participatory learning, rich resource-based learning, and facilitates collaboration with teaching staff.

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modates range of

teaching methods,

learning tasks, learning outcom


Empowering Learners, AASL (2009), promotes policy that designs learning space that accommodates a range of teaching methods, learning tasks, and learning outcomes.

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A New Beginning…

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret to getting started is

breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and then

starting on the first one.~Mark Twain

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• The following SIX slides showcase no-cost changes that have been made for the 2011-12 school year to the existing HMS SLMC in response to the Media Survey

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New Bulletin Board @ Entry

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New Décor & “Sessy”, aka Miss Success, @ Entry

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New Individual Computer Workstations

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New Individual Computer Workstations

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New Comfortable Seating Area

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New Break Room/Lunch Area Side Office(Former Book Repair Area)

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