Morrill Review 2014

Hello Friends, Our last newsletter ended with the announcement of our first child :) John Lee Morrill was born July 1, 2014. We are hap- py to report that he had no complications and neither did Casie. He has done remarkably well and con- tinues to fill our hearts with joy and our minds with amazement at his progress physically, verbally, and mentally. Casie is happy to report a quiet first 5 months. Yes he sleeps well for the most part and is a paci baby; he loves that thing!!! His first Christmas will be an experience as we plan to drive to California and visit family. Lil Morrill Hits the Scene Oh yea, the House too! We purchased a house just about the same time we found out about the baby! It has a pool that Nate fought with for a while, but still made summer an enjoyable sea- son!! Nate’s mom came to live with us for a few months and she lovingly painted, up- dated the hardware on the kitchen cabinets, and created beautiful landscapes in the front and backyard. We owe a lot of the aesthetics of the house to her, because Casie was forbidden to handle such things as paint or heavy lifting ;;) Volume 1, Issue 3 December 2014 MORRILL REVIEW This special issue of Morrill Review is full of pictures that document John’s journey thus far.


Christmas Newsletter for 2014

Transcript of Morrill Review 2014

Page 1: Morrill Review 2014

Hello Friends,

Our last newsletter ended

with the announcement of

our first child :)

John Lee Morrill was born

July 1, 2014. We are hap-

py to report that he had no

complications and neither

did Casie. He has done

remarkably well and con-

tinues to fill our hearts

with joy and our minds with

amazement at his progress

physically, verbally, and


Casie is happy to report a

quiet first 5 months. Yes

he sleeps well for the most

part and is a paci baby; he

loves that thing!!!

His first Christmas will be

an experience as we plan

to drive to California and

visit family.

Lil Morrill Hits the Scene

Oh yea, the House too! We purchased a house just

about the same time we

found out about the baby!

It has a pool that Nate fought

with for a while, but still made summer an enjoyable sea-

son!! Nate’s mom came to

live with us for a few months

and she lovingly painted, up-dated the hardware on the

kitchen cabinets, and created beautiful landscapes in the

front and backyard.

We owe a lot of the aesthetics

of the house to her, because Casie was forbidden to handle

such things as paint or heavy

lifting ;;)

Volume 1, Issue 3

December 2014


This special issue of Morrill Review is full of pictures that document

John’s journey thus far.

Page 2: Morrill Review 2014

Page 2

The first 5 months have flown by!!


Pictures Are Worth a

Thousand Words

First week home

First weekend


Months old

First time to enjoy tummy time

First Thanksgiving and meeting great-

grandparents for the first time!

The State Fair’s prize Jack-o-


Page 3: Morrill Review 2014

Morrill Review

emails, Facebook, parties, phone calls,

gifts and prayers! You helped her contin-ue to feel blessed and ultimately ready to

welcome our sweet baby boy into the world! Without your love things would

have been very stressful!!

Other special moments of course include

beating Lufkin! And making it to the playoffs! A moment we are anticipating is

John’s first long car ride to spend

There have been many special moments in our lives since last Christmas. The

experience of pregnancy and birth of course tops the list. Nate continues to

say that our lives are changed forever and he’s right. He still talks about the mo-

ment they put John in his arms with sweet

tears in his eyes. It was very special to Casie that you all poured out your love in

the many varied forms that you did: cards,

Christmas with Nate’s family and friends in

southern California. Keep a weathered eye on Facebook for the photo bomb I’m sure is to

occur during our stay. We can’t thank enough those who are already willing with wide open

arms to take us in and let us have a magical

first Christmas with our sweet baby boy.

Along the way we plan to stop at as many fami-ly and friends as we can. We are kinda excited

for him to meet the people in our lives that

have helped us along the way.

Page 3

Nacogdoches Dragon


Special Moments

Dragon Football has come a

long way in the past 20 odd years. And for the second time

in a row, something that has not been done since 1930,

1931; We beat Lufkin AGAIN!!! It was a nail biting game that

went touchdown for touch-

down answered and replied by the Dragons and Panthers.

Our season ended in the first playoff game against Marshal. Nate has

taken a break from coaching varsity foot-

Letting God lead the way! We are just along for the ride!

We beat Lufkin


The Golden N shines again!

Page 4: Morrill Review 2014

508 Esther Blvd

Nacogdoches, TX 75964


The Tale of John Lee

John took almost 6 hours to make his arrival at

Nacogdoches Medical Center. He was delivered by Dr. Glymph. Casie was induced by 7:00 am

and yes she had the epidural! Nate was very calm and collected throughout the process. John

did not want to center up so the birth was slightly

assisted but no Caesarean

was necessary. People present include of course Casie and Nate, but also her mom Lisa and his

mom Sherry, Cristy Sorrells, and Miranda Little. Casie’s Dad Billy came off the rig and joined the

family 3 days later; the same day the small family were released from the hospital. John was born

with LOTS of hair and continues to have lots of hair! He stayed in premie clothes for a few

weeks. He is a very pleasant and content baby. His major meltdowns are mostly for food (go fig-

ure!) He has come a long way from touching his hands together (since the minute he was born) to

staring a hole in your head, laughing, rolling from his back to his tummy and back again and just

recently eating off a spoon. He continues to amaze us by mimicking us and growing big and

strong. We also believe that teeth are on the


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!