Montana post (Virginia City, Mont.) 1868-05-02 [p...

The EubmPOL ownU At. A. 3. EKai, i Wr A M J3._ 0 J.hW j haw al flrszsor, m U . 5. !Ro b Wa. aim Pa. Gonna YI IL CL *u Jas am synod' Cab. !Q a Gmt J. a WnUSAA K I irR O. L F. m amli- w h CA. IL Mumma=- J 1. .1se ur >aji1 biv. No w 3.7.saiyuna~ aa. 8 C. Wumaow. Dom. Osy. guoma M. 3inK. Umekm, 3 T DA S Wua S 3ear. Cin. T. arrw ss t G rho news of the wit sor t qeprained o sad lever fmekmtdesai.. of dis eubate. lWa* - on ate .Iwe o. thiule shn-eprict o.i uismin o(p upIislpi. 1Rlefr. ut';u i snd ewuem shat, hrabe brig and tre~mie .in sae inr- na fa ifa, mc to aiti unaoutieu.L The il miole mast gist il 1mUctg Jut auentiom .mdprw mint she cundu.- * f the Twrrvitwg ouh -ee Amsid '.wiud imwdi(dualemr uewtdwuernag yt memuwdp ; *1who is adds immw or is prod Themin it wvsmdoa ide um is al Cas esha regueutaI be fdun. Our uhunh - due ei the maw/ ,elustmy oewtepuuiemi i/ the Pon in the w rieu C rne unda runi s q thfirfast r, ptctf J a .eM TO oulawA z $. Al Saheadhwt toe WZ.LY POST wil etr~ede thawlr dm merto glamih*r re aiR/ ellr, to is- imm fttrhe/for the les of the eom numbe duriun the remes l if skit prixa4m ethaelihuseut. is the f/urs, as imlt peh, the PONT sill he maile d si the a vurt qloqt* psadui em Any irrevu- Larit r in te receipt of our p wil be rmtdied, if is oem posew, wats seeFtd sheaef. BEN R. DITTZ& Tak.e Neoee.. Plak & 8t rt have so thrther eomtto with me whaLsver. . W . CAZPENTER. N. B. All letters and packages lateaded or me ahoald be easefuly direeed to E W. CARPENTER, oenesal Bnune Aget, MOnrrTa PoTr. Belea, April 27, 18I1. FENIAN BOTHBERHOOD CONVNTION. -Andrew O'Conael, Distriet Centre of the Feels Brotherhood for the Territory of Montana, has or- dered the anal Conventioa to asemble Ia Beles on the S6th of May. It is expected there will be full delegations present from the various Cirles in the Territory, as ther will be an election or Distriet Center, the time dMr. O'Co.nell expiring at that time, sad other busnes of importance to the Order will come up for eoestdeetlioa. From Wedaneday's Daely. WHAT'S IN A NAMEl?-Seeral yeTar residence on the Pacific coast has made as hmiliar with uncouth and original nomenclatures for towns. streams and quartz ledges. We flattered ourselves that we had heard everything that could be imag- ined or dreamed of in the way of a name. We have Jast heard of another which we think entitled to a plao high ia the list of western Idioms. A gentleman entered the Land Ome lately and oe- quested to be shown the papers in the applieatoo for Mineral Land Entry No. 18. The Register- who at the time was in all the bustle of preperation for a trip to Deer Lodge-produced the desired pa- pers and stood tattooing impatiently on the coen- ter whilst the documents were oarefully and slow ly examined. He at length ventured to inquire what information was desired, and was informed by the inspector of the papers that he hbad been deputed by a number of the ettisens of Bitter Boot valley to asoertain whether or not said application No. 18 -which is for miners' land in Flint Creek District -interfered with the rights of his Bitter Root friends in and to certain claims of theirs on the Biarw Pill Lode. The Register flushed for a mo- ment, thinking his official dignity was being trifled with, but being genially assured by the solemn earnestae.= of the gentleman from Bitter Root, he gave the required information, donned his over. cost, mounted a caynse and wended gaily to Deer Lodge FORT ELLIs GARRIsoN.-As the In- di dilfficulties in the Gallatin are likely to bring the garrison of Fort Ellis into prominent notice, we give below a roster of the command and the strength of the companies. Those of the ofioers whom we have met are accomplishe~ gentlemen, and we doebt not will discharge their fighting du- ties valiantly should circumstances require-Capt. RobertS La Mottee, commanding Co D, 13th In- fantry, and Post. First Lieutenant Martin O Cod- ding, 13th Infantry, A A Q M and A C S. Second Lieutenant Wm Kapus, 13th Infantry, Post Adju- tant. Captain Emory W Clift, 13th Infantry. Bre- vet Major U 8 A, absent on detached service. Captain Joseph S Horr,13th Infantry, Brevet Major, U 8 A. commanding Co F. First Lieutenant Jno SO(seen. 13th Infantry, commanding Co G. First Lieutenant Oeeola A Thompson, 13th Inantry. SeLond Lleutenant Jesse C Chance, 13th Infaatry. Seeead Lieutenant Wm L Wana, Jr, absent on de tached service. Dr N H Marsellis A AA urgeo. Co D, 13th Iafatry, 71 enlisted men; Co F, 13th lafanary, 73 enlisted men: Co G, 13th Ianftry, 74 *alis a men DEMONsTR•TSD.-Mr. Louis Bugher, of the Silver Hill Mining Co., reoently made a very senesasfal experiment with aores from the fa-mes Ramley-Bmgher lode, in Flint Creek die.- t •ct The Company some time since ereted a -seam amstra to erush ore from that lode, but were set •meesesal in smving the silver, and operatteme ww sespendet antil additionemal machinery better dept• Mo the perpose could be o•bised. While eagetadg for a sett of Wheeler pans, a ma- eperlmetiag pa., lined with quicksilver , was eonstret-. Inthis Mr rBDagr last wet e 400o peends or less oa palp (vieialry .e) whih i was t•ruthg the aVnsteL The pea was ebrd with a small qeanity of salt, -n' stared. 'I prodee was u eoass at IVW, wero Or O lra isia oearmey. TIds weaml anhea- amo workti• yWIe dos4o per sea. aet enm spsam s, and Is. we beliere, the largest y~ d ,k f ry .t etsa. It to snr m. to and o s e• m .rlft peas wll net he d mde )y e was ta eesm.y., Wesa-r 3gu ien. malmey, Kea. agherand OCm.y Jo War.-W* hIam the beet mat 1a 1tr t• iwr Was ast egmm wetee ati ehta r -Thewal m the te m m raf MWa at Ca b l at s a bw ea ul r s.I a gar ameo a m f Sea.OINMO -, ~M .la a SL. i Ufrn M -4F S c i~ -p am am Dw -~~~a Mwu IS. II s .. p Tr -MW Fern Dhow IS I -t I I :m 1r lUeepl_.twls fbum s - od e wes Sinew Chew.J! ~% 9s hm mfewnw DUar 4140, ara rt m% yii. e u. t. 13 dysmslbw aL Gbeesold aesa .4..r" bu ses ta Apmfi -bJ N Mremle be haIs ok ws e ay Jeh .. ebernlhlam a In sa ssa ss ._ s f days md elk ofq;JmAmeg m .pTem ewt, UKt e as ekel wind;MewedKellyt -. Ns e m, ef U es0. 3. Mrty, tress bwaia1t y a5--- Maim Iwpbr le... Itr~. A..ban Mt dskCl ii.ks* i. lstatw.ttears Jobsy; Jab. ?e..r dne. ___l__ De; dN KW& Gshe s, de :.R Aaa-.rsplt r ,, i. lost; .. rs .'r. m abe w ; N Clue a. ts fas wsdsa t the s ; 0. H. solsrty .... r Ys lis f N eye; J. Peardts. asam;abbe Ds iser"; IL AI rs.r --- ~r h Pi' "r h. BLrr or. XAuxzavm.-W. give the sinswg ntepds et iet plm in St. 1~bwi e Apri 1st, e baest daiss we hav reelsued. riser -a3 er r e nad r miaem s lower ae rbat --- rs amebae. Where sea Id at fa--n ris red ad whire wier t 0Mt 1 Peak Anm w-lI se eirUrr sa at d0 75* eas Bnlk .oats laer s ldheMe seW as 101., rib dies lii. elr ides 13., sed 3l000 posees elear rib atbesge at l1b. Basms-Clear ides we higher st 15 1, eler sl ib l14 14t. should e s t11., asserm• s ear smedr hms 18e. eIs-Very l t. tie dlg-eheee stisw ls, keg 17. Grerlee- Com, iseve sad higher m Stt beads--ets Rso sss . L air and prime 5w,25ls. lwer ri es -1~9sl per psnid-suar uall, esuleama u aSta banis Ut1s, ptm eal eols Peat. Rie eslr .• at 14* 155, smples -e tble . d Cuba to arrive o amd at 31 *131.(le a ri se 1 ItiOt, or- ge" 10el1 eo-plabtatioy molses 7•re85.. eur rnes 75., uaser Se.. Feigt Esek St Loaris to hee we learn of f esmseets benlag madebut pre. hiy will epen arr 3 et 4 esat, so utpms msm see. oast ad blght em arntses given abele. VL RAxuasuumt.$-Mr. J. B. Chapin, "mise hat of the well kept Planters," V'gnl•, md Mr. Cnted, eof tlhe ea burl , arrived yester day per esoh by way of Cow Creek. Ni.. otaer pmesem ernm by s m e rot. The dlmaesey m Virgini to Rmadbcs is 75 males; time 12 ors; ar. 15 ourrenmey. Fish's a epress makes se-weekly trips. The disaoe from Rademburg to Helm is 53 mi es; he., 7 50 eurrsemey; time 7 urs. b) Doambue & Leach's oomebes, making aly trips. They deseribe the route as exaellest. uzoept the kill coming out of Virgilai. See semery, god ar. sad the Suiditles smooth. We greet you. ay your shadows inrease until an elephant oould unpak hi trunk and make his tolleste anywhere n yoeur viainity without gettln g sunburt. REIGo NT. -The Herald is petulant beooause we "had the funeral sermon on the death o Kinlg Theodore," yeserday. Cam't serve you all at oe, yeou know. We publish yours thi morning. Please excuse as having give Theodore the preference. It is not seeeiary to bury so quickly in the North Temperate as in the Torrid Zone. Jon Pm nTroG.-We are prepared to do all kinds of Poeter printing-from a 10th heet to forty beet streamer," in one or more eolers, and of any deseription. Call aeand and eamine our material and specimem. Charges reasenable and satisfation guareuteed in every instance. THE LAST BUTTON FROM THE CABLE came last evening at ti o'clock. Weight, 418 oz.; value, $7,942; dimensions, that of a son struck watermelon. Can be neam at the banking house of Memes. Nowlan & Weary. From Thursday's Daily. MAIL ROUTES-By last evening's mail we received from our ever vigilant Representative in Congress, the following list of mail routes estab- lished in Moatana, which we place before our readers: From Virginia ety,via Reod Mountain City,Butte city. Silver Bow, Der Lodge, and Phillipeburg, to Bear Town. From Beaverrhed Omayea, down Beaverhead river to its jamtion with Big Hole or Wisdom river. thence p said river to Divide rweek, thee up said creek and threegh Der Lodge Pase to Silver Bow, and thence down Deer Lodge river to Deer Lodge city. From Fleecer's Statio to Red Mountain city. From Silver Bow, by the mouth of German and French gnlches, to the mouth of Warm spring creek, theneo up said ereek to Oable eity, thence down Flint Creek to Phiillipebrg, thence down mid Flint Creek to Emmettaburg. and thence to Bear Town. From Blacekeot ety to Washington glh,thenc to Jeewoor guloh, thence to M eIllan guch, and tbhee to Lineol gullh. Freom Bele • W ashagto•,, Jeemeen, sad Lijuoln gulches, to Reynolds ity. rm Helena, via rech Bar, Cave gulch, and New York, to Ruby aity. .From Cave guleh, via El Dorado Bar, to He- leb. Free Virginia t, via Sterling, Wilewr *nk and 8 prInvll, to Heles. rom Cold Okeek via Emmettsbrg. Phiips burg, and Cabl e ty to Helena. From Helena, vie Ra.erdeurs. Gallatin eity,ad Mrse's 8te. to r mea cty. eree BNaneek eift,tn the Tr•sry of Mota , via ort L•mhi. IL eLty. and amoa ty, to Bolr city, in the Terr•ry at Ideho. From Helena via er oily, Trinity Rsleh. Gravelly Range, and Plsga gulh, to Attlade a'or BHale, Nto Ulaielrs.-Ge,. STARTKD, Thomp sos & Co. have artued up their eieam plmeor mh lfstituteio os elat M*. 5 beow diseeery eon La• Chase, sad yeatdy edema ap ver 0M fr a portio of a day's rin. Ts isa deeidealy Mw idea I plmweer a O e eemwtr, ad as ab complete meoeem, mIe sad " set plms~ very expesive. it will dmbUml be adespo a I - my loeales wbm the we ,i•k dep dAgg ad sca-e ay lln er amp e. he pay dlrt Is elevated some M er aly faet the pit by ears draws up two teM melw"s by sd pew r, where It is eiupted Ie the sditm w the who)*le slhbeihead• be d Wr dmmpig. The eathe eaet of mMMry, temle wieek, es, te. dM aset e• am e m he - a m ws p" Ow "wheetag" last sns. Tk Is wlt s wed Is AIdr gah te,•sm eat NU Mbum wealt. ALARM or Fa.-A alarm wM sad- *d yrem d Iremi em r•U t, I .a ml by the basLa egi atr d Tamey e*M Is PI i b hr A Boeme'* "eme o TeUOb IN - Sa - bin seeism les A ee-jpreh, semew r I eaulw every bwees ben Is Uownm ow be=a , w Vary e .. W*oeisea~gle , ha. aw weoadd eaese P. A Ls smen amnat aema .oa &m a% wem of amAr h..•m an .inkt wgus hoe "agg gams Io 8 amgm IMS ame dang deft Oma k ais pa CAlr&3-J&oh W. WI l•ai, a US - - M y_ - m-els 4%andr ses at I I* Wbbeam aI te eMsM bam soemt m appsuamm % @a". ato oi"mi as mSeover 9 fm a Wm o " * * -* "LOU" l~ Is US Um l pe wLLm -ih 0 f'M mg d' img M nita r 16 rl0 yr an- 6080b. and -e - emsn his mwina be ab mo fti fm PIM MAKL.-- WlW d of %bte M -- pe- a& fe tbelna ~sor e a d ' lmudirg "LOW" MA 1 4 dIMPO S-E P610% WOO -eas D oen h 'bame atn -aso. hoy 2ehey shap ,.-- veto" sesa" most dedao amd "wh, wap& ar hem ser mm, at hse emai mde dfor Ia DU . t-Thu e Herald of w last oev- Lag premseS " Ir we give them on mre bb Mlmt d hish moralg" tbey will "e mlim w" thisem Doub il•p eat laRwel do yoegoI . t yo umesa, boweve, tat yoe will my emsythbiag snout ths PoT got .. yeur hame ; lw.o by the beas•&.fd the Prop et we'll cive y ou "t~he1s" ater ad thicker then you wot O m AT I.--We are obligated to " TA-. Weekly " eir h eowmmnltes fAleMt•a the e•M of thoe esee omm e ssS ad •e r s-a e With the Crews at work l the Gaiaeb and tm leekhs•st em UIe Migemmmwees em " D. W." a- "Tr-Weekly " to keep our readers galesky r- amhed with aMble hisematles. uplemat tho It my be. The plsdedlems e the Daet papers tast Indias essgee would begla about the ase -I Apl a ppems to be ashappily vedded. CoUccIL or BL a . M.-The MaoIa. who have takes e R•eal ean Slest Master -de rse, ums time dane peoioedf r a Charter r -a Ceuasell this plMs. On Ts*dasy evesrag. April 27th, Hse esaC meel of A. & IM., was oramlaed ader dlrpeete, sad the k ilewagr esaes elee- teds John Potes TIO MK; . Ime, Deputy TI O M; Julas Wa e C t W; r. JBelad ,O o G. C. Hegoese a; H Horsaog,eearder; J.Croeker, Tryesrer; J. W., Tyler. Low WATla-Captaln Nick. Wall ar- rired o. PFort Shaw last oeen ad re pre- smee the Misai ri~er very low. All the tribe -i'nmam else at a low se sad as peespeete of ay immedIate ise. Old redeses repesesnt that e Msimsst has -m ldm If ever bee ses low at this mens-e-- the peoebaMfl .etesy but the lightest draft bte resehag Dees me very poor Iadeed. ExAr srv.-We Sad In n eastern ehaage, nader the beead of "eodesed tee- grams," the lbowlag: "The yield of the gold and diver mimes of Moetst Territory will be tea ti- larger this year than last." Glad t ber It; but - gealda't yao "eoadewe" the Jest a lit- tle more. NEAnUL. CoxYPITrr .- From Roches- ta quarts distrit we lears that the mil ther be- lag erected will be coespleld i a shert time nd another rich and exteusve istrit thoraghly test- d. Roeester gulch mpts from the Highland sage some eight mile above Silver Star Distrit into the Joeae lork of the Misosri river. Frem Friday's Daily. WAsn•aorTox ITMs.-" -hiel,'" our Washingto Speelal," seeds the fbnowing ad deeds to a commsioaetion dated Aprl 13. lHope the " escort" and almatled " d " will arrive saly: SLSONAL.-Two ladle rwho mre desirous of Svislag Mneama wish to imeet two gentlee wha-. gcig these, sad who will et as as escort. Address J. M, box E, Eveaiag Express Omoe. The above we clipped fom a wee et number of the sewas Zrpress-a Democt Joorual pub. lished I. this ei. Weaderstand that two pm- iaest Moutas e snow here have very gal- lastly tendered their servies. which hae bee aseed, sad will me that these ladies will have a ae odues t to Th ritory, sad a tho h pr tessties from the ooyates, preire dog sad other similar varmlits that laset the coantry and make the tns so damgeroms. a peasau-a prominent Republcan halling from the same sphere Is ossa- slosally asein the ladies gallery of the Semate In company with Mrs. Sentor 8prague, the daegbter of the Cief Jse, sad the aoparell of Wash- toa--oo that it will be sea that the proverbial l try of mounta•a mei is fully sustaiaed by teir reprewmtatives heb . Messrs. Clle, Lladdese and Trumbull, of Heleaa; Hubbell. of Beston; Wilkinsus, of Furt 1.o1; and Bruce, of Virgima, are now in this city. Colonel W. F. 8oders is tem p-or.rily sojourang In New York, while Col•eL eClure. Wkitlateh and Hershield were Is Philhs- delphl on the 10th last. TIE WALDoOn 's.-"Bro. Stenhouse," of the Salt Lake TelejrepA, thus mentions Mr. Geo. Waldron, on last Saturday ; " We had the pleas ure of a visit to-day fom Mr Waldron, and in con- versation had a rambling sketeh of his wanderings ineo ho left here two years ago. He played two or three Star engagements in several eties sad i- New York; was with MoVloker, in Chiosg,a year, during wbhich bosustaied the great Booth in the leadlag characters played by the great tragedins. To Booth's lago he playd' Othello and on a sub-. quest vaolnag played Ingo to Booth's Othello. He played the em with Charles Dllo. After this eagagemeat, he went to Loulsville, Ketaeky,and Memphis, Teamessee. He came oom Memphis hers and ois n his way to Montan, where be has a egagemen(t with Mr Leagrishe. Mrs Waldrou has bees in the proetsslos sveral years sad ao- •paies her leige lord northward. They will probably play but a shrt esgagemet, as they are obliged to be Is Mosta•a on a ertain ladte. COuT• Y JAIL.-Our County Prison, located as ir ~s amon out-housw, pi-stes ad sur- rounded by all manner of putrid matter-disa slops, the vapors of a brewery, and other ftid rub- bilb, would not stad a fair comparioa with the Jerey risYa Slp, Ur the Black Hole of Calcutta It is a poeitive diagrae to eommualty ad ou boasted metropoli Helea. The attentio of bu- maltartas, from tbk aes of Joh Howard to the pre t, has been direted to the mailr ooeditio 0 the plces of abod*e r priso•mr d hob es of peal srrvitaudet an the verdt efer ane beea that prioer of all ela ses are eUtldto nmane trestset whoaoeme de ad alfth quarts. Sl-l iMteie suen oe ts see toward these who have only been -a--med odeee agiast the law sad await ezana•katio. We ar t awar o(f te alsee d y statuae h Am i ari eseribtag paa- at by &on& ftm s etastee bebtse Z.iaHuof MIN RrvIm ImNU e-The Bt. Joe Uniem of Apll 14, ns: The Pole& fs rBaten ram p at 3 p. m. yesOtedMy, dwrg tiased a alf bet Of weaer. seOee MWe* eek o d peeo merOemm e- v•a AM FWS ea madeN a bmag. M eA dight Mad l i PseGim . e Aeek es be•ed d. 1 ,---L uI- ,--- -- u <-- ----- i. penssLmo ma • s•t ents o SI at I Al en iMa to Imu a -efim Ml w MA 1 Je Md m• Usde i a 0,e eeam, Cedms a -&en-d ame bee maW Se 4a. ev. s a eft e r m oeftnf B***y 46109 b n 11 KM . s senda II a b U M Dmm , sae Wi s.-Tw. IalvM-a ak auiheg l to eneot epems, peas ___ - '- _ - - --- l oeT ane *aud" Wbe* .!la"sle ass" Ital. rssa I anaMssel. 'ifs edma - e d of /- 0m ltme m "lml ed- in' tea i tuUme .li an saM- imes -a•aemset Smm 1ee t w~eiawessess wo aswlsa mslams a sw base alss to HM 1rplw pe-aa 4 me et Sma.....a of .n, he amoe hbom s. Thes - Um h, sheh' s ane Basitr* TIkh, ll R d AIls d, A Dot. s lhoS n a as; bah woetdiwr., Som m- t sse Io the aobppooe moes..a whk ass u*me -*** asm es~i asmsgwErhe• a am nis e•- m ee tel of the "l m. " ua,. The• n " mis- ses mpaeis sin aIti dIkS.g a.ryebs Ibamsm tIanm•llw, uand gat hr,," hut dln't lhk t 'palid." Mr. Jonbs ahteu., a isd ot minipeI ashd es~d e ad -lsm, sad thek a Ita "*Ys" sad "•m" wm *at t o Order," =4d mo a moetlos" br "div ," wMb was as- msentoad * tm gmna - Stial wakemed mda slped ; Suea. hflew- t utrwub-es 4. m, "dd *e o. w em queatlams "em dwmaeid amt. Stat -hatir * et-Ol damPd, eealdst asM; swewapes Nema etesed the asgn- meN the presesest Iby diseesing that S" tout wmuti't tae a squae tig, sad be was as am- pInim ar if .he deh, 't tio thik as." The erowd aarined Sad went ltea em ti.ave satrie.a the whblky blL H]tLo A BOARD ow BxmoxMs met at 13 a.- m. yMturday. The following remsolaude was adopted: "Ru..ld, That thi-s .erd ado-a sWh- Jet to tbhe cll of the Presmdat, sad that the 8ee. mtary pro ass. beatberied to colleot del.aquest nsm.imesWt, ieve the reporto of eeamittees, sad EAesT w eTAess of W. F. & Co., will lsvo irom nad amw this date aitera te days at ! P. N. Paseagers for the LEast will met pass throagh Virgina City, but eosneetios will be made with the easters coseb at Daily's rasoh is Stiekingwater vat ley. sad so time will be lost by laylag ever os the whebe roate- Mr. W.H. Taylor, Superlateedest, wim arnve by next coeeh, having bees detslme on the road by illus, whe we will be embled to publish the al sehabdule. Oa the 39th last, to the whb of G. W. Brod,. a KPssau-Lov-r.-At Washao Squre, N. E. Church, New York City. Mr. Cb . Key. er, of Nelson Guleh, M. T., and ise Arna A. Lovett, o ew York City. Virginia Locals. FITnc.-On Sunday night,about dark a llvely e•ceater took place on Cover street, be tweeo two amateur disples of the istio art. All about a woman. Amateur dislple No. I apploed avery disrespeoltal epithet to No. ,and to make his woreeds more emphati, planted a soerkdolager ia the viienity of of No. s visual organs, making the latter stagger for a momeat sad causlag him to soee probably several ooastelations of stars, whose names have nover been recorded in the books. Gathering himself p. howeyer, he unhitohed his right, sad, by a spasmode contraction of the msoles sueednoe g in nltroduclng his mauley to the smeller of No. 1, bringlng the claret out band. somely. No 1 now made a dash at his -5ppooent, but stumbled sad blL whin he was immediately boarded by No t who ealled for a cessation of •estilities, whih after some sw words had passed, was agreed to and the parties returned to their re* pective homes, the one to bathe his peeper and bleach out its eurtan as mueh as possible; .the other to apply oooling rmedies to his masa organ, which was rapidly increasing in size and blushing like a rose. Nzaw D• Im.- J. L. Corbett began this morning the survey of a ditch, commecinOg near the head of Granite creek and entering Alder gualch two miles or more above this city. The ditch will cross the divide about one sad a half miles east of the Mapleton lode, back of Nevada, and following around the foot hills, will probably go near if not through the eastern partof Virginia and be when completed, eleven miles in length. It will carry water enough to supply all the miners in the gulch working below the point where it enters, together with all working bar and hill claims. Th, esti- mated cost is about $20 000, a third at least of which has already been furnished. The under- taking meets with universal approbation both among miners and merchants, and also among many other business men in town, all of whom will contribute liberally to carry on the work, so that there is no danger of the projcet hfaling for want of means. Upon the whole, we heartily wish the projectors and organizers of the company, Messrs Corbet,Knox and Kilbury,and others whose names we have not, ample success, and trust that when the subscription books shall be opened, whiih will be shortly, all the stock ma by e speedily takes. FOR AROENTA.-To-morrow a party ooasting of Messrs. C. Weary, J. R Boyee, Sen., P. A. Largey, J. M. Castaer, J. Cotney and Jadge oamer starts for Argenta to take a look at the silver mines na that vicinity. Some of the above named geatlemen who own property in Rattlesnake Dstrlet will, before their return, make arrange- meats for the speedy development of some one lode apor which they are interested, probably the Ana coeds, which is spokes of very highly by those who have sres it. They will ke gnee about a week, sad during their abseee intead to thorough- ly examine the different ledges ear Argeata, and at-iey themeslves of the vales of the ore. We wish them a pleasant trip, and hope their expecta- 1 !ons may be ly realined. I FROM TEB VALLEY.-From Mr. Fran- cie, of Gallatin Valley, who arrived to-day, we learn that the Indiana are maanifeti ooulnaerable hostility in tbh violtnty of Bosmea. He reports that Ma Friday last a man was killed by the Crows aboat six or seven dmle fimn Beman. He did not lear te Iame of the mndesd man, but sates that darlig the pat witer be had been at work for a Mr. Frasier nl the valley. On the ae day the body of Caw er mas who bhd evdetly been killed by IdUlas but a shot time pereous, was hued brreughtat BomemMa and burted On th evening of te samM day a bad of th sd devls enteredd ta towm sad ste nely all thk ines tiher, n- Of whith ba beam omad up to the lUm of Mr. Psl-m-' levars. ITaXL-rmom the Democrat we learn tat the Alse sad Jewd RHoo, hitherto np- Spme byiem• to be two Msepmte ledges b Mbes by bmesng the o eer. pw ee be om- and i thsme. As th Atlame wa t-fimntdl ed tme ume•ams ewsas em tas Jewel s enem tBt w* m east m th~wr pe Opme•ialrve r** Wo by em *M le w•let the wver t pre- SrMuIL...Owr eomm mayer, Dr. Deae, as tkm a tNSmW ~ ms fr bb aLr anbsms, M r. hmC a. irf he >esw m tm ew messes lI tmo wE we I e, ad we plsese eit o oe•-p bawmte o vur wit e et Pae Iam w al , q-pe Se OMee tU der vies In a whely Sun AAuAULT.-Tbhoas J. Moft, who resiM at ilver Star, *ame Into w tow -day, and made eplmat be Judge MeMath aaiat one Jeseph eeker, do the mse pais, stating that s--er es m tad him with a kalb with lttet to M, ISWlO a swes wnd In his arm. A war- me ww -led i the ease but bh set be re SALw or Gxoczuras.-The sale of 's propety eJo 8b o.klllUow. deeeosdeam of on Satarway at soording to the advertie- met. The bidding wer lively, the poperty sell- lng on a average for what it is worth. The moaEt of Sles ovrra the appraisment some- thing like a hnded dolla. The dwellng bose has o et rbeRe sold and wi prably be dis- peed ofat phrate sale. MAcxr=Aws.-Mr. W. It Reed, who reside oa the Jefersou river above Pars's Bridg e , ntetnds seedli a leet of mackinaws down the river to the State every moth If passener eough apply to make it an object. He already has enough to All one boat and will start them down May 15th. LZWrW3 LIST. taes m maL elaimed ia th. Post Ooee, Hehe City. Apui 18R8- A ADl. ims H Arthur This Amen Jco Arn I D Ar nmhirm O roldC HC Angell 8 A A Alien J W Abee Ime Alle H Adams A 11lae Jai Alim Levi Baker JM Barlow J 8 Bmmer B rigAs AJ Msa•ny L Brown G W Bando JO Brown H P Brewer J B Barpow W Brown J Barudeo. E Baker J M weama Barry Nick Baker A T Blimer Phil Beamer Ed Beleber H Boeber Mr Butly H H BW•lUi Cpt Blair W A Barden R as H C Blevens H Bambeart May •iglew Do Borde. A P Bird B Ball Jno Beosett L Barrows A'B RLdwin a V Boeset F 8 Baly DD Balse E W Brown J P C Canrey J Coohran I Cook J E (Ctse L V Cook N R Coltin T H Cole W A Corad OB Cord•E H Cowan Jao Coreless P Cooper P R Cole E H Copeland J M Collapy Jas Coaable Crrier A Crawford J W Crpoo P Curmwhite. Crae E G Cummis 8 A Curtis M Clapper H CheFott Ed Claytoo J Clighton Wm Chapman A Corma 8 H Camero. J R Carlina H Carroll M W Caldwell Jes Crter 8 Cahill Wm Carln F Campbell I H Carman H D Dresler DB Dwight J M Dyme 8 H Darffy Doran P Daffy A lx Damesa R F Davis R Day F Dexter Ed Davidson C H Delang Joe Desalis A H Demeon Joe Dixon C G Delon J Desire I Dean ER Divas. Jas Dearon R Estell J A Fletcher T Foly M Fora y A Foster W 8 Fletcher W C Fleter T A Foval C B Farwell 8 W Pitrgerrold Jao Fargo 8 J Fitagerrold M Frackler Joe Fisher C Fltasmmoms J Poyeet Jas Foyoett J P Ferguao. R 8 Fraser Thos Ferguson Thos Fenegan A Fusny J C Frasell W Fuller W Oibeso N Gerard m Gibbous J Gay Jno Grelnell W C Gear Sam Grases W P Grenevoid T Graves G M Gri inT Gray H Glass G W Goald 8 J Grita JE Groves H C Gallop Jno Galliber G George C T Gillett H F Gibson AA Gay Jas Gang T C Henry J H Hill Matilda Hickman H Haghes Jno Hales I Hudson H Holoombe CP Hill H Hoks G R Hleks Jas Hubbard Jno Horst Joe Horlow P A Barrington T Hapgood G Hay J M Huckshaw E HaMas CB Hostaill Sam Hormer B Hanson L Houghton H 8 Hormer J Harlan W B Haster F R Harris K Hatcher E Harmoed D Hamilton W Harmony J Hanson H Harrison H I Irersosa Ingersoll G D Irvine F J Johns Joo Jones C D Jones R Johns J C Jcooe P R Jackson H Jordon T A Jenkins J D Johbson R 8 Johnson 8 A Jones Jno Jobason Wm John•ms Jan Jm•s Y A ML Kruler 8 Konannon H Klntz W 0 Killop W King J T Knlp Wm Kolly T Kelly W F Keith N Kerr R B Kohln 8 Knight A L Losa Wm Lee J C Larry P A Leal W H Lake 8 II Lewis J 8 Liagren E Little R J Lukens J H Lyster A W IWddle T J Lake Jno Lookridre L W Loyd P Lorenson J Lowe H F Long R S Morrow M Moorehouse J KMoore J M Morse W AE Morelen C W Miloeu WH Moe A Moon Mrs A Martin W Maklney Geo Martin J P Mahan A Magill WV Malbin B Mercer Nick Mee Isaac Marden Cbas Mahar I' Maxwell J D Me. W Mahannar J Miller B Milligan J C Miller A Meamy K Myers J Menoy D Miller E E Manly (G W Miller T B Munward T A Malony J W Miller D Miller H Murphy Jno Ogg W T Obrine J C 'Otterstrom Ed Olin J 8 Orsborn 8 P Phillips E Philips E C Parker W L Parker W H Parker Chas E Pearoe Jas Paddock A G Painter Jno Payne 11 Price E Pool Jas Pouly I H Pool B Powell R 4 Quin Baruey bueenell P Quin Wm Quin Jno Reynolds Wm R•un RE Rexford M 8 Ratoliff I A Reilly Pat Reeves B Rigs L D Ritz J Reed NC Rowler Sopha Remman A Richards Geo Reeves J w Riolards Mrs E Reed Joo Rankin L Richards Wm Romain Jno Rodgers I 8 Robinson G P Rossiler R Rowe 8 Rodgers M D Rusic Aug Russell G A 8 Smith Rorialdo Smith Chas Smith C W Smith D T Smith Pat Smith Ge6o F Smith Austin Sears Jno Soel8 a P Sanders Jno 8bSer J SBers Wm 8eldm Robt Sohmey F V SchamUn Jno Scott CR Sharp A Sharp Rebeca Sh•• W A Sboekwell J H Shaw X Sm amoue Ed Bites J W Slaymam G L Shobe 8 Short J G Silarstane H Shoddoe H Simmons R F 8henma Phil 8bidlds N Shaw T M Sommervllle J C South Cas Booth C •r 8imm D T Sabrick C U8tles D R Steves W 8 Sepines H I Slew T SlMvely I Stime Jao Stager J E Stewart C H Smith L Stewart Jao Strickland T Swa A 8wam E Sweetland J M Sargent F Sullivan Sam Suammons A T Taylor D K Trombly AM Troot J H Treathall Wm Trombly Chas Tredo P Tibbit Geo Trebbe M Tompkiln E S Trems D TrSesl Fred Tomo.o Theo TIelga 3 Tuak Jno Terrill M Thomas P P Tes o TGo T Thomas WM Themp.e. RkPe W Thbme Wm Themos Jao Tay I. V Thiug 8 Uloy Jae Um.tead L Upson G V Vamaikees A Veroma J VaIdlai W H Vemiresm W Veml P Vah P VI P 'a. Nasebt V e sL Velk W n W-l. t P Wr u W PW W' eeds? V1egs " Wdge Jmesum.i W rM w M-Ww i.n, P. !. Helena Market Re rOUTANA Po $15 00 per saes.) UsaaNA Apri la, SL Lodt P Seiek...................... . Weserm Ap•ilM. NEn............ ... .......... Xla1ir t M Uil ........ ............. aea B H , ., .. ..... , ... .. Bee.. ..... ..... ...... U `., !ersa,.d ..... - ,li ewam c b.m.... .... .aa........ M.el, Ids rem. Seis............... etter.......... 5e, Plse...... e ls ides 110 L .................... .. mu s. 90 k. .............. -...... 8aS, do 40 G!ner a.... ro etMe .. 1 i .................... alD. .LARD. .. Laiw Cam......"28 a30 I 8ma1 ca..... WPrk's C<liasad i ............. Corubad....................... Gtt r .. ........... ...................... .-. Bow. ........ .............. ...... ... Browdred d .................... A reased do S hoe ................................ Ordi nar do ................... 1 b paper, Heleas gron..d.... TEAS. Imperial I ..................................... I Youag Hyso i a ............. ......... - Japanese, in apers, ..................... 1 oYrgTRs. Field's Steamed ase............. .... . Other Brands............................... SADIOINE. Scase sie boxes ...... .. .... I boxes...... ............. ....... a CAN FRUIT Peaches case ...... $26 Peas ...... ... a. , Pine Apples............ 16 Peacb Marmalade trawberries......... 94 Corn ..................... Tomatoes......... 18'd2U Blackberries ....... Cranberries ......................................... CANDT. tek, ................................. ..................... Fancy (French) l ................................. FRUITS. Dried Apples ...................... 4b States Peaches e ... I ............. Balt Lake Pea c Is........................ Baspberries do ........... Currants do .......... Cherries do ........................ round Cherries ..................... Prunes•................................. 3 RaIns P 94-l box. ........... ..... ... $1 I boxe. . ...... .... . e A B boxes ............................. 4.% TYRUPS Belober's Golden 9 10 gal. ker .............. $4... 0 H MY 10 gal keg............................ Sorgum 9 gal ....................... ............. 3 oI BUTTER. Salt Lake p' b...45600o Ranch $ ib . HONEY. In 1 lb cans...... 405 Casen 2 don bottlestl2 Cr Blasting P keg............................. 14 4 !id p keg .................................... id i Double tape P ft 6e Cotton............ 3t4 IRON. b b.................... 35o Cast steel .............. j& WOOD. Scord.......................................... 5S LUMBER. Merchantable 9 ft... 50o Sluice.................. Sheeting .......................................... .............. , TOBACCO. Lewis & Bro's Eld. Extra P b............ e 2 do do Premim ................... ....... 1 Natural Leaf............e......................... 1 a Ordinary Grades,....................... 8&0l ! BROOMSI. 1dozen ....................... $6 @( MATCHEI. Telegraph, per Gross ....................... 9 00 120 Per case 2 doz boxes........................ . WRAPPING PAPER. CORN MEAL. WHITE LEAD. 25 b 3 keg.... ---....-------....-................... OIL. Coal 9 gal....... 86 00 Iard .................. 4 5 Linseed ............. 2 50 Neat foot...............6 0- GLASS. iox 50 feet.................. .................... 61:x22 PUTTY BAR LEAD. 1lb...... 35 @ 45 I sack ....... 22c BOT 8STARCH. s.ack.......6 50@7 Greenfield lb 20c NAILS. ;d add 6d P keg .............................. 25c Horse Shoe Nails, "Grifirh '............................Xl CIREAM TARTAR MUSTARD. lIb............ 40c •3box 2 doz.. . 6 C GINGER. PEPPER. Jamaica 201b box $14 Grain.......... 40c Root plb..c...... 7 Ground 201b box $12 PICKLS. Scasee i gal...16 ,918 10 gal kegs....... do , do... 10 12 5 do .......... l: SODA. Babbit's......... . ........................... 0.. . CHILsa. EGGS. Reserve 1F lb 371 Ranch 90c English, 40 Salt Lake 7bc SOAP. Palm .......... ....... .. ....................... 2n0 25 Chemial Erasive.................................... 25 Castile................................................. a 400 California............ 400 White............... 30c SALT. In bulk ' Us .................................. .. 1.0 10 sack .......................................... ic' WHISKY. CL.I.•, r. ' gal ......... $5 0008 00 P ' case....................$1 BRANDY. CHAMPAGNE. Imported..-." 00•12 00 Ileidsick ........ $30 Domestic....5 5008 00 Sparkliug.......... 25 GIN. AXES. Domestic......... $6 b 8 P box 1 dozen.. 24 00 AX IIEI.VE8. Shared P dos.... 10 50 Common.... 6 @ 7 50 $ROVELS. Per dozen, Spring Point .................. 2 00 do St;ff do .................. 2 00 PICK HANDLES. PICKS, Handled P dos...... 60 P 9 do ................ )60 SLUICE FORKS. ROPE. _ do ................... 30 " Allsizes P lb 230c YEAST POWDERS. HAY. Preston P dos.........3 50 1 ' ton............... r20 I BEEF CATTLE. BRICK. Oa foot................ 4o I thousand............ $25 SHINGLES. LATH. 9 thouawd........ 4 50: Sthousand......... 1000 STOLEN HOIUSIES. 'NOTICE is berby %vet :nt on Sunday, the 1t 0 I h day of April. 18 at Bentoo City, .• T., I took from a war party of Plegan Indians the fol- lowing describld amarlas w hicshe y had in their possessiom sad which I am satisiSd they stolea ftrn white mee, vis : One dark iron gray stallion, two ears old, white hind eet ; on gray mare t -andet 'P" on lef bshoulder, with hrom grey colt; one su rel hone, with bald oee, palh bread, left hip; on bay mare, so brands, rht hind foot white; Shorse, four years id, braded " W " on le hip. The owem ca have aid property by allln a g, proving property aad ga1.m rw. Demaem City, ApeD 21, Igl apB4.5-43w Wanted. A KAN who has dsier ciw in Weer pa. Good s ssi r e rt d. KORACO OOUrTU$TAZ m &tw Rwh

Transcript of Montana post (Virginia City, Mont.) 1868-05-02 [p...

Page 1: Montana post (Virginia City, Mont.) 1868-05-02 [p 8]… ·  · 2013-08-09J. a WnUSAA K I irR O. w L F. m amli- CA.h IL Mumma=-

The EubmPOLownU At.

A. 3. EKai, i Wr A MJ3._ 0 J.hW j

haw al flrszsor, m

U . 5. !Ro b Wa.aim Pa. Gonna YI


*u Jas am synod' Cab. !Q a GmtJ. a WnUSAA K I irR O.L F. m amli- w h CA.

IL Mumma=- J 1. .1se ur >aji1biv. No w 3.7.saiyuna~

aa.8 C. Wumaow. Dom. Osy.guoma M. 3inK. Umekm, 3 TDA S Wua S 3ear. Cin.

T. arrw ss t Grho news of the wit sor t qeprained o sad

lever fmekmtdesai.. of dis eubate. lWa* -on ate .Iwe o. thiule shn-eprict o.i

uismin o(p upIislpi. 1Rlefr. ut';u i sndewuem shat, hrabe brig and tre~mie .in sae inr-na fa ifa, mc to aiti unaoutieu.L The ilmiole mast gist il 1mUctg Jut auentiom .mdprw

mint she cundu.- * f the Twrrvitwg ouh -ee

Amsid '.wiud imwdi(dualemr uewtdwuernagyt memuwdp ; *1who is adds immw or is

prod Themin it wvsmdoa ide um is al

Cas esha regueutaI be fdun. Our uhunh

- due ei the maw/ ,elustmy oewtepuuiemi i/ thePon in the w rieu C rne unda runi s qthfirfast r, ptctf J a .eM

TO oulawA z $.

Al Saheadhwt toe WZ.LY POST wil etr~ede

thawlr dm merto glamih*r re aiR/ ellr, to is-

imm fttrhe/for the les of the eom numbe duriunthe remes l if skit prixa4m ethaelihuseut. is the

f/urs, as imlt peh, the PONT sill he maile d sithe a vurt qloqt* psadui em Any irrevu-Larit r in te receipt of our p wil be rmtdied, ifis oem posew, wats seeFtd sheaef.


Tak.e Neoee..

Plak & 8t rt have so thrther eomtto withme whaLsver. . W . CAZPENTER.

N. B. All letters and packages lateaded or meahoald be easefuly direeed to

E W. CARPENTER,oenesal Bnune Aget, MOnrrTa PoTr.Belea, April 27, 18I1.

FENIAN BOTHBERHOOD CONVNTION.-Andrew O'Conael, Distriet Centre of the Feels

Brotherhood for the Territory of Montana, has or-

dered the anal Conventioa to asemble Ia Beleson the S6th of May. It is expected there will be

full delegations present from the various Cirles

in the Territory, as ther will be an election or

Distriet Center, the time dMr. O'Co.nell expiring

at that time, sad other busnes of importance to

the Order will come up for eoestdeetlioa.

From Wedaneday's Daely.

WHAT'S IN A NAMEl?-Seeral yeTarresidence on the Pacific coast has made as hmiliar

with uncouth and original nomenclatures for towns.

streams and quartz ledges. We flattered ourselves

that we had heard everything that could be imag-

ined or dreamed of in the way of a name. We

have Jast heard of another which we think entitled

to a plao high ia the list of western Idioms. A

gentleman entered the Land Ome lately and oe-

quested to be shown the papers in the applieatoo

for Mineral Land Entry No. 18. The Register-

who at the time was in all the bustle of preperation

for a trip to Deer Lodge-produced the desired pa-

pers and stood tattooing impatiently on the coen-

ter whilst the documents were oarefully and slow ly

examined. He at length ventured to inquire whatinformation was desired, and was informed by the

inspector of the papers that he hbad been deputed

by a number of the ettisens of Bitter Boot valley

to asoertain whether or not said application No. 18

-which is for miners' land in Flint Creek District

-interfered with the rights of his Bitter Root

friends in and to certain claims of theirs on the

Biarw Pill Lode. The Register flushed for a mo-

ment, thinking his official dignity was being trifled

with, but being genially assured by the solemnearnestae.= of the gentleman from Bitter Root, he

gave the required information, donned his over.

cost, mounted a caynse and wended gaily to Deer


FORT ELLIs GARRIsoN.-As the In-di dilfficulties in the Gallatin are likely to bring

the garrison of Fort Ellis into prominent notice, wegive below a roster of the command and thestrength of the companies. Those of the ofioerswhom we have met are accomplishe~ gentlemen,and we doebt not will discharge their fighting du-ties valiantly should circumstances require-Capt.RobertS La Mottee, commanding Co D, 13th In-fantry, and Post. First Lieutenant Martin O Cod-

ding, 13th Infantry, A A Q M and A C S. SecondLieutenant Wm Kapus, 13th Infantry, Post Adju-tant. Captain Emory W Clift, 13th Infantry. Bre-

vet Major U 8 A, absent on detached service.Captain Joseph S Horr,13th Infantry, Brevet Major,U 8 A. commanding Co F. First Lieutenant JnoSO(seen. 13th Infantry, commanding Co G. First

Lieutenant Oeeola A Thompson, 13th Inantry.

SeLond Lleutenant Jesse C Chance, 13th Infaatry.

Seeead Lieutenant Wm L Wana, Jr, absent on detached service. Dr N H Marsellis A AA urgeo.Co D, 13th Iafatry, 71 enlisted men; Co F, 13thlafanary, 73 enlisted men: Co G, 13th Ianftry, 74*alis a men

DEMONsTR•TSD.-Mr. Louis Bugher,of the Silver Hill Mining Co., reoently made avery senesasfal experiment with aores from the

fa-mes Ramley-Bmgher lode, in Flint Creek die.-

t •ct The Company some time since ereted a-seam amstra to erush ore from that lode, but wereset •meesesal in smving the silver, and operattemeww sespendet antil additionemal machinery betterdept• Mo the perpose could be o•bised. While

eagetadg for a sett of Wheeler pans, ama- eperlmetiag pa., lined with quicksilver

, was eonstret-. Inthis Mr rBDagr lastwet e 400o peends or less oa palp (vieialry

.e) whih i was t•ruthg the aVnsteL Thepea was ebrd with a small qeanity of salt,-n' stared. 'I prodee was u eoass atIVW, wero Or O lra isia oearmey. TIds weamlanhea- amo workti• yWIe dos4o per sea. aetenm spsam s, and Is. we beliere, the largest

y~ d ,k f ry .t etsa. It to snr m. to ando s e• m .rlft peas wll net he d mde)y e was ta eesm.y., Wesa-r

3gu ien. malmey, Kea. agherand OCm.y

Jo War.-W* hIam the beet mat1a 1tr t• iwr Was ast egmm wetee ati

ehta r -Thewal m the te mm raf MWa at Ca bl at s a

bw ea ul r s.I a gar ameo a m fSea.OINMO -, ~M .la

a SL.

i Ufrn M -4F S

c i~ -p am am Dw

-~~~a Mwu IS. II s ..pTr -MW Fern Dhow IS I -t I I :m

1r lUeepl_.twls fbum s - od e wes Sinew

Chew.J! ~% 9s hm mfewnw DUar 4140,ara rt m% yii. e u. t. 13dysmslbw aL Gbeesold aesa .4..r"

bu ses ta Apmfi -bJ N Mremle behaIs ok ws e ay Jeh .. ebernlhlam aIn sa ssa ss ._ s f days

md elk ofq;JmAmeg m

.pTem ewt, UKt e as ekel wind;MewedKellyt-. Ns e m, ef U es0. 3. Mrty,

tress bwaia1t y a5--- Maim Iwpbrle... Itr~. A..ban Mt dskCl ii.ks* i.

lstatw.ttears Jobsy; Jab. ?e..r dne.___l__ De; dN KW& Gshe s,de :.R Aaa-.rsplt r ,, i.

lost; .. rs .'r. m abe w ; N Clue

a. ts fas wsdsa t the s ; 0. H. solsrty

.... r Ys lis f N eye; J. Peardts.asam;abbe Ds iser"; IL AI rs.r

--- ~r h Pi' "r h. BLrr

or. XAuxzavm.-W. give thesinswg ntepds et iet plm in St. 1~bwi eApri 1st, e baest daiss we hav reelsued. riser

-a3 er r e nad r miaem s lower ae rbat---rs amebae. Where sea Id at fa--n risred ad whire wier • t 0Mt 1 Peak Anmw-lI se eirUrr sa at d0 75* eas Bnlk.oats laer s ldheMe seW as 101., rib dies lii.elr ides 13., sed 3l000 posees elear rib

atbesge at l1b. Basms-Clear ides we higherst 15 1, eler sl ib l14 14t. should e s t11.,

asserm• s ear smedr hms 18e. eIs-Very l t.tie dlg-eheee stisw ls, keg 17. Grerlee-Com, iseve sad higher m Stt beads--etsRso sss .L air and prime 5w,25ls. lwer ri es-1~9sl per psnid-suar uall, esuleama u aSta

banis Ut1s, ptm eal eols Peat. Rie eslr.• at 14* 155, smples -e tble .d Cuba to arriveo amd at 31 *131.(le a ri se 1 ItiOt, or-ge" 10el1 eo-plabtatioy molses 7•re85.. eur

rnes 75., uaser Se.. Feigt Esek St Loaris to

hee we learn of f esmseets benlag madebut pre.hiy will epen arr 3 et 4 esat, so utpms msm

see. oast ad blght em arntses given abele.

VL RAxuasuumt.$-Mr. J. B. Chapin,"mise hat of the well kept Planters," V'gnl•,

md Mr. Cnted, eof tlhe ea burl , arrived yesterday per esoh by way of Cow Creek. Ni.. otaerpmesem ernm by s m e rot. The dlmaeseym Virgini to Rmadbcs is 75 males; time 12ors; ar. 15 ourrenmey. Fish's a epress makesse-weekly trips. The disaoe from Rademburg

to Helm is 53 mi es; he., 7 50 eurrsemey; time 7urs. b) Doambue & Leach's oomebes, makingaly trips. They deseribe the route as exaellest.uzoept the kill coming out of Virgilai. See semery,

god ar. sad the Suiditles smooth. We greet you.ay your shadows inrease until an elephant oouldunpak hi trunk and make his tolleste anywheren yoeur viainity without gettln g sunburt.

REIGo NT. -The Herald is petulantbeooause we "had the funeral sermon on the deatho Kinlg Theodore," yeserday. Cam't serve youall at oe, yeou know. We publish yours thimorning. Please excuse as having give Theodorethe preference. It is not seeeiary to bury soquickly in the North Temperate as in the TorridZone.

Jon Pm nTroG.-We are prepared todo all kinds of Poeter printing-from a 10th heetto forty beet streamer," in one or more eolers,and of any deseription. Call aeand and eamineour material and specimem. Charges reasenableand satisfation guareuteed in every instance.

THE LAST BUTTON FROM THE CABLEcame last evening at ti o'clock. Weight, 418 oz.;value, $7,942; dimensions, that of a son struckwatermelon. Can be neam at the bankinghouse of Memes. Nowlan & Weary.

From Thursday's Daily.

MAIL ROUTES-By last evening's mailwe received from our ever vigilant Representativein Congress, the following list of mail routes estab-lished in Moatana, which we place before ourreaders:

From Virginia ety,via Reod Mountain City,Buttecity. Silver Bow, Der Lodge, and Phillipeburg, toBear Town.

From Beaverrhed Omayea, down Beaverheadriver to its jamtion with Big Hole or Wisdom river.thence p said river to Divide rweek, thee upsaid creek and threegh Der Lodge Pase to SilverBow, and thence down Deer Lodge river to DeerLodge city.

From Fleecer's Statio to Red Mountain city.From Silver Bow, by the mouth of German and

French gnlches, to the mouth of Warm springcreek, theneo up said ereek to Oable eity, thencedown Flint Creek to Phiillipebrg, thence downmid Flint Creek to Emmettaburg. and thence toBear Town.

From Blacekeot ety to Washington glh,thencto Jeewoor guloh, thence to M eIllan guch, andtbhee to Lineol gullh.Freom Bele • W ashagto•,, Jeemeen, sad

Lijuoln gulches, to Reynolds ity.rm Helena, via rech Bar, Cave gulch, and

New York, to Ruby aity..From Cave guleh, via El Dorado Bar, to He-

leb.Free Virginia t, via Sterling, Wilewr *nk

and 8 prInvll, to Heles.rom Cold Okeek via Emmettsbrg. Phiips

burg, and Cabl e ty to Helena.From Helena, vie Ra.erdeurs. Gallatin eity,ad

Mrse's 8te. to r mea cty.eree BNaneek eift,tn the Tr•sry of Mota ,

via ort L•mhi. IL eLty. and amoa ty, toBolr city, in the Terr•ry at Ideho.

From Helena via er oily, Trinity Rsleh.Gravelly Range, and Plsga gulh, to Attlade

a'or BHale, Nto Ulaielrs.-Ge,.

STARTKD, Thompsos & Co. have artued up their eieam plmeor mhlfstituteio os elat M*. 5 beow diseeery eon La•Chase, sad yeatdy edema ap ver 0M fr aportio of a day's rin. Ts isa deeidealy Mwidea I plmweer a O e eemwtr, ad as abcomplete meoeem, mIe sad " set plms~very expesive. it will dmbUml be adespo a I -my loeales wbm the we ,i•k dep dAggad sca-e ay lln er amp e. he pay dlrtIs elevated some M er aly faet the pit byears draws up two teM melw"s by sd pewr, where It is eiupted Ie the sditm w the

who)*le slhbeihead• be d Wr dmmpig. Theeathe eaet of mMMry, temle wieek, es, te.dM aset e• am e m he -a m ws p" Ow"wheetag" last sns. Tk Is wlt s wedIs AIdr gah te,•sm eat NU Mbum wealt.

ALARM or Fa.-A alarm wM sad-*d yrem d Iremi em r•U t, I .a ml bythe basLa egi atr d Tamey e*M Is PI i b hrA Boeme'* "eme o TeUOb IN -

Sa - bin seeism les A ee-jpreh, semew r Ieaulw every bwees ben Is Uownm ow be=a, w Vary e .. W*oeisea~gle ,ha. aw weoadd eaese • P. A Ls smen amnataema .oa &m a% wem of amAr h..•m an .inkt

wgus hoe "agg gams Io 8 amgm IMSame dang deft Oma k ais pa

CAlr&3-J&oh W. WI l•ai, a

US - - M y_ -m-els 4%andr ses at I I* Wbbeam aI te

eMsM bam soemt m appsuamm % @a". atooi"mi as mSeover 9 fm a Wm o " * * -*

"LOU" l~ Is US Um l pe • wLLm-ih 0 f'M mg d' img M nita r

16 rl0 yr an- 6080b. and-e -emsn his mwina be ab mo fti fmPIM MAKL.-- WlW d of %bte M--pe- a& • fe tbelna ~sor e a d ' lmudirg"LOW" MA 1 4 dIMPO S-E P610% WOO-eas D oen h 'bame atn -aso. hoy 2eheyshap ,.-- veto" sesa" most dedao amd "wh,

wap& ar hem ser mm, at hse emai mde dfor

Ia DU .t-Thu e Herald of w last oev-Lag premseS " Ir we give them on mre bb

Mlmt d hish moralg" tbey will "e mlim w"thisem Doub il•p eat laR wel do yoe goI .t yo umesa, boweve, tat yoe will my emsythbiag

snout ths PoT got .. yeur hame ; lw.o by thebeas•&.fd the Prop et we'll cive y ou "t~he1s"

ater ad thicker then you wot O m

AT I.--We are obligated to " TA-.Weekly " eir h eowmmnltes fAleMt•a thee•M of thoe esee omm e ssS ad •e r s-a eWith the Crews at work l the Gaiaeb and tm

leekhs•st em UIe Migemmmwees em " D. W." a-"Tr-Weekly " to keep our readers galesky r-amhed with aMble hisematles. uplemat thoIt my be. The plsdedlems e the Daet paperstast Indias essgee would begla about the ase -IApl a ppems to be ashappily vedded.

CoUccIL or BL a . M.-The MaoIa.who have takes e R•eal ean Slest Master -derse, ums time dane peoioedf r a Charter r -a

Ceuasell this plMs. On Ts*dasy evesrag. April27th, Hse esaC meel of A. & IM., was oramlaedader dlrpeete, sad the k ilewagr esaes elee-

teds John Potes TIO MK; . Ime, Deputy TIO M; Julas Wa e C t W; r. JBelad ,O o G.C. Hegoese a; H Horsaog,eearder; J.Croeker,Tryesrer; J. W., Tyler.

Low WATla-Captaln Nick. Wall ar-rired o. PFort Shaw last oeen ad re pre-smee the Misai ri~er very low. All the tribe-i'nmam else at a low se sad as peespeete of

ay immedIate ise. Old redeses repesesnt thate Msimsst has -m ldm If ever bee ses low at this

mens-e-- the peoebaMfl .etesy but the lightestdraft bte resehag Dees me very poor Iadeed.

ExAr srv.-We Sad In n easternehaage, nader the beead of "eodesed tee-

grams," the lbowlag: "The yield of the goldand diver mimes of Moetst Territory will be teati- larger this year than last." Glad t ber It;but - gealda't yao "eoadewe" the Jest a lit-tle more.

NEAnUL. CoxYPITrr .- From Roches-ta quarts distrit we lears that the mil ther be-lag erected will be coespleld i a shert time ndanother rich and exteusve istrit thoraghly test-d. Roeester gulch mpts from the Highlandsage some eight mile above Silver Star Distrit

into the Joeae lork of the Misosri river.Frem Friday's Daily.

WAsn•aorTox ITMs.-" -hiel,'" ourWashingto Speelal," seeds the fbnowing ad

deeds to a commsioaetion dated Aprl 13. lHopethe " escort" and almatled " d " will arrivesaly:

SLSONAL.-Two ladle rwho mre desirous ofSvislag Mneama wish to imeet two gentlee

wha-. gcig these, sad who will et as as escort.Address J. M, box E, Eveaiag Express Omoe.The above we clipped fom a wee et number of

the sewas Zrpress-a Democt Joorual pub.lished I. this ei. Weaderstand that two pm-iaest Moutas e snow here have very gal-lastly tendered their servies. which hae beeaseed, sad will me that these ladies will have aae odues t to Th ritory, sad a tho h pr

tessties from the ooyates, preire dog sad othersimilar varmlits that laset the coantry and makethe tns so damgeroms. a peasau-a prominentRepublcan halling from the same sphere Is ossa-slosally ase in the ladies gallery of the Semate Incompany with Mrs. Sentor 8prague, the daegbterof the Cief Jse, sad the aoparell of Wash-

toa--oo that it will be sea that the proverbiall try of mounta•a mei is fully sustaiaed by

teir reprewmtatives heb . Messrs. Clle, Lladdeseand Trumbull, of Heleaa; Hubbell. of Beston;Wilkinsus, of Furt 1.o1; and Bruce, of Virgima,are now in this city. Colonel W. F. 8oders is tem

p-or.rily sojourang In New York, while Col•eLeClure. Wkitlateh and Hershield were Is Philhs-

delphl on the 10th last.TIE WALDoOn 's.-"Bro. Stenhouse,"

of the Salt Lake TelejrepA, thus mentions Mr. Geo.Waldron, on last Saturday ; " We had the pleasure of a visit to-day fom Mr Waldron, and in con-versation had a rambling sketeh of his wanderingsineo ho left here two years ago. He played two

or three Star engagements in several eties sad i-New York; was with MoVloker, in Chiosg,a year,during wbhich bosustaied the great Booth in theleadlag characters played by the great tragedins.To Booth's lago he playd' Othello and on a vaolnag played Ingo to Booth's Othello. Heplayed the em with Charles Dllo. After thiseagagemeat, he went to Loulsville, Ketaeky,andMemphis, Teamessee. He came oom Memphishers and ois n his way to Montan, where be hasa egagemen(t with Mr Leagrishe. Mrs Waldrouhas bees in the proetsslos sveral years sad ao-•paies her leige lord northward. They willprobably play but a shrt esgagemet, as they areobliged to be Is Mosta•a on a ertain ladte.

COuT• Y JAIL.-Our County Prison,located as ir ~s amon out-housw, pi-stes ad sur-

rounded by all manner of putrid matter-disaslops, the vapors of a brewery, and other ftid rub-bilb, would not stad a fair comparioa with theJerey risYa Slp, Ur the Black Hole of CalcuttaIt is a poeitive diagrae to eommualty ad ouboasted metropoli Helea. The attentio of bu-maltartas, from tbk aes of Joh Howard to thepre t, has been direted to the mailr ooeditio0 the plces of abod*e r priso•mr d hob es ofpeal srrvitaudet an the verdt efer ane beeathat prioer of all ela ses are eUtldto nmanetrestset whoaoeme de ad alfth quarts.Sl-l iMteie suen oe ts see towardthese who have only been -a--med odeeeagiast the law sad await ezana•katio. We ar

t awar o(f te alsee d y statuae h Am i arieseribtag paa- at by &on& ftm s etastee

bebtse Z.iaHuof MINRrvIm ImNU e-The Bt. Joe Uniem of

Apll 14, ns: The Pole& fs rBaten ram p at3 p. m. yesOtedMy, dwrg tiased a alf bet Ofweaer. seOee MWe* eek o d peeo merOemm e-v•a AM FWS ea madeN a bmag. M eA

dight Mad l i PseGim . e Aeek es be•edd. • 1 ,---L uI- ,--- -- u <-- ----- i.penssLmo ma • s•t ents o SI at I Al

en iMa to Imu a -efim Ml w MA 1 Je Mdm• Usde i a 0,e eeam, Cedms a -&en-dame bee maW Se 4a. ev. s a eft e r

m oeftnf B***y 46109 b n 11 KM .s senda II a b U M

Dmm , sae Wi s.-Tw. IalvM-aak auiheg l to eneot epems, peas

___ - '- _ ----- l oeTane *aud" Wbe* .!la"sle

ass" Ital. rssa I anaMssel. 'ifs edma -e d of /- 0m ltme m "lml ed-

in' tea i tuUme .lian saM- imes -a•aemset Smm 1ee t

w~eiawessess wo aswlsa mslams a swbase alss to HM 1rplw pe-aa 4 me etSma.....a of .n, he amoe hbom s.

Thes - Um h, sheh' s ane Basitr*TIkh, ll R d AIls d, A Dot. s lhoS n a

as; bah woetdiwr., Som m- t sse Io theaobppooe moes..a whk ass u*me -***asm es~i asmsgwErhe• a

am nis e•- m eetel of the "l m. " ua,. The• n " mis-

ses mpaeis sin aIti dIkS.g a.ryebsIbamsm tIanm•llw, uand gat hr,," hut dln'tlhk t 'palid." Mr. Jonbs ahteu., a isd ot

minipeI ashd es~d e ad -lsm, sad thek a Ita"*Ys" sad "•m" wm *at t o Order," =4dmo a moetlos" br "div ," wMb was as-

msentoad * tm gmna - Stial wakemedmda slped ; Suea. hflew- t utrwub-es 4.m, "dd *e o. w em queatlams "em dwmaeidamt. Stat -hatir * et-Ol damPd,

eealdst asM; swewapes Nema etesed the asgn-meN the presesest Iby diseesing that S" toutwmuti't tae a squae tig, sad be was as am-pInim ar if .he deh, 't tio thik as." The erowd

aarined Sad went ltea em ti.ave satrie.a thewhblky blLH]tLo A BOARD ow BxmoxMs met at

13 a.- m. yMturday. The following remsolaude wasadopted: "Ru..ld, That thi-s .erd ado-a sWh-Jet to tbhe cll of the Presmdat, sad that the 8ee.mtary pro ass. beatberied to colleot del.aquestnsm.imesWt, ieve the reporto of eeamittees, sad

EAesT w eTAess of W. F. & Co.,will lsvo irom nad amw this date aitera te daysat ! P. N. Paseagers for the LEast will met passthroagh Virgina City, but eosneetios will bemade with the easters coseb at Daily's rasoh isStiekingwater vat ley. sad so time will be lost bylaylag ever os the whebe roate- Mr. W.H. Taylor,Superlateedest, wim arnve by next coeeh, havingbees detslme on the road by illus, whe we willbe embled to publish the al sehabdule.

Oa the 39th last, to the whb of G. W. Brod,. a

KPssau-Lov-r.-At Washao Squre, N.E. Church, New York City. Mr. Cb ., of Nelson Guleh, M. T., and ise Arna A.Lovett, o ew York City.

Virginia Locals.

FITnc.-On Sunday night,about darka llvely e•ceater took place on Cover street, betweeo two amateur disples of the istio art. Allabout a woman. Amateur dislple No. I apploedavery disrespeoltal epithet to No. ,and to makehis woreeds more emphati, planted a soerkdolageria the viienity of of No. s visual organs, makingthe latter stagger for a momeat sad causlag him tosoee probably several ooastelations of stars, whose

names have nover been recorded in the books.Gathering himself p. howeyer, he unhitohed hisright, sad, by a spasmode contraction of themsoles sueednoe g in nltroduclng his mauley tothe smeller of No. 1, bringlng the claret out band.somely. No 1 now made a dash at his -5ppooent,but stumbled sad blL whin he was immediatelyboarded by No t who ealled for a cessation of

•estilities, whih after some sw words had passed,was agreed to and the parties returned to their re*pective homes, the one to bathe his peeper and

bleach out its eurtan as mueh as possible; .theother to apply oooling rmedies to his masa organ,which was rapidly increasing in size and blushinglike a rose.

Nzaw D• Im.- J. L. Corbett began thismorning the survey of a ditch, commecinOg nearthe head of Granite creek and entering Alder gualchtwo miles or more above this city. The ditch willcross the divide about one sad a half miles east ofthe Mapleton lode, back of Nevada, and followingaround the foot hills, will probably go near if notthrough the eastern partof Virginia and be whencompleted, eleven miles in length. It will carrywater enough to supply all the miners in the gulchworking below the point where it enters, togetherwith all working bar and hill claims. Th, esti-mated cost is about $20 000, a third at least ofwhich has already been furnished. The under-taking meets with universal approbation bothamong miners and merchants, and also amongmany other business men in town, all of whomwill contribute liberally to carry on the work, sothat there is no danger of the projcet hfaling forwant of means. Upon the whole, we heartily wishthe projectors and organizers of the company,Messrs Corbet,Knox and Kilbury,and others whosenames we have not, ample success, and trust thatwhen the subscription books shall be opened, whiihwill be shortly, all the stock ma by e speedilytakes.

FOR AROENTA.-To-morrow a partyooasting of Messrs. C. Weary, J. R Boyee, Sen.,P. A. Largey, J. M. Castaer, J. Cotney and Jadge

oamer starts for Argenta to take a look at thesilver mines na that vicinity. Some of the abovenamed geatlemen who own property in RattlesnakeDstrlet will, before their return, make arrange-meats for the speedy development of some one lodeapor which they are interested, probably the Anacoeds, which is spokes of very highly by thosewho have sres it. They will ke gnee about aweek, sad during their abseee intead to thorough-ly examine the different ledges ear Argeata, andat-iey themeslves of the vales of the ore. We

wish them a pleasant trip, and hope their expecta- 1!ons may be ly realined. I

FROM TEB VALLEY.-From Mr. Fran-cie, of Gallatin Valley, who arrived to-day, welearn that the Indiana are maanifeti ooulnaerablehostility in tbh violtnty of Bosmea. He reportsthat Ma Friday last a man was killed by the Crowsaboat six or seven dmle fimn Beman. He didnot lear te Iame of the mndesd man, but satesthat darlig the pat witer be had been at work fora Mr. Frasier nl the valley. On the ae day thebody of Caw er mas who bhd evdetly been killedby IdUlas but a shot time pereous, was huedbrreughtat BomemMa and burted On th eveningof te samM day a bad of th sd devls entereddta towm sad ste nely all thk ines tiher, n-Of whith ba beam omad up to the lUm of Mr.Psl-m-' levars.

ITaXL-rmom the Democrat we learntat the Alse sad Jewd RHoo, hitherto np-Spme byiem• to be two Msepmte ledges b

Mbes by bmesng the o eer. pw ee be om- andi thsme. As th Atlame wa t-fimntdl edtme ume•ams ewsas em tas Jewel s enem tBtw* m east m th~wr pe Opme•ialrve r**Wo by em *M le w•let the wver t pre-

SrMuIL...Owr eomm mayer, Dr. Deae, astkm a tNSmW ~ ms fr bb aLr anbsms,M r. hmC a. irf he >esw m tm ew messes lItmo wE we I e, ad we plsese eit o oe•-pbawmte o vur wit e et Pae Iam w al , q-peSe OMee tU der vies In a whely Sun

AAuAULT.-Tbhoas J. Moft, whoresiM at ilver Star, *ame Into w tow -day, and

made eplmat be Judge MeMath aaiat one

Jeseph eeker, do the mse pais, stating that

s--er es m tad him with a kalb with lttet to

M, ISWlO a swes wnd In his arm. A war-

me ww -led i the ease but bh set be re

SALw or Gxoczuras.-The sale of's propety eJo 8b o.klllUow. deeeosdeamof on Satarway at soording to the advertie-

met. The bidding wer lively, the poperty sell-

lng on a average for what it is worth. The

moaEt of Sles ovrra the appraisment some-

thing like a hnded dolla. The dwellng bose

has o et rbeRe sold and wi prably be dis-peed ofat phrate sale.

MAcxr=Aws.-Mr. W. It Reed, whoreside oa the Jefersou river above Pars's Bridge ,

ntetnds seedli a leet of mackinaws down the

river to the State every moth If passener

eough apply to make it an object. He already

has enough to All one boat and will start them down

May 15th.

LZWrW3 LIST.taes m maL elaimed ia th. Post Ooee,

Hehe City. Apui 18R8-

AADl. ims H Arthur This Amen Jco

Arn I D Ar nmhirm O roldC HCAngell 8 A A Alien J WAbee Ime Alle H Adams A

11lae Jai Alim Levi

Baker JM Barlow J 8 Bmmer BrigAs AJ Msa•ny L Brown G W

Bando JO Brown H P Brewer J BBarpow W Brown J Barudeo. EBaker J M weama Barry NickBaker A T Blimer Phil Beamer EdBeleber H Boeber Mr Butly H HBW•lUi Cpt Blair W A Barden Ras H C Blevens H Bambeart May

•iglew Do Borde. A P Bird BBall Jno Beosett L Barrows A'BRLdwin a V Boeset F 8 Baly DDBalse E W Brown J P

CCanrey J Coohran I Cook J E(Ctse L V Cook N R Coltin T HCole W A Corad OB Cord•E HCowan Jao Coreless P Cooper P RCole E H Copeland J M Collapy JasCoaable Crrier A Crawford J WCrpoo P Curmwhite. Crae E GCummis 8 A Curtis M Clapper HCheFott Ed Claytoo J Clighton WmChapman A Corma 8 H Camero. J RCarlina H Carroll M W Caldwell JesCrter 8 Cahill Wm Carln FCampbell I H Carman H

DDresler DB Dwight J M Dyme 8 HDarffy Doran P Daffy A lxDamesa R F Davis R Day FDexter Ed Davidson C H Delang JoeDesalis A H Demeon Joe Dixon C GDelon J Desire I Dean ERDivas. Jas Dearon R

Estell J A Fletcher T Foly MFora y A Foster W 8 Fletcher W CFleter T A Foval C B Farwell 8 WPitrgerrold Jao Fargo 8 J Fitagerrold MFrackler Joe Fisher C Fltasmmoms JPoyeet Jas Foyoett J P Ferguao. R 8Fraser Thos Ferguson Thos Fenegan AFusny J C Frasell W Fuller W

Oibeso N Gerard m Gibbous JGay Jno Grelnell W C Gear SamGrases W P Grenevoid T Graves G MGri inT Gray H Glass G WGoald 8 J Grita JE Groves H CGallop Jno Galliber G George C TGillett H F Gibson AA Gay JasGang T C

Henry J H Hill Matilda Hickman HHaghes Jno Hales I Hudson HHoloombe CP Hill H Hoks G RHleks Jas Hubbard Jno Horst JoeHorlow P A Barrington T Hapgood GHay J M Huckshaw E HaMas CBHostaill Sam Hormer B Hanson LHoughton H 8 Hormer J Harlan W BHaster F R Harris K Hatcher EHarmoed D Hamilton W Harmony JHanson H Harrison H

IIrersosa Ingersoll G D Irvine F

JJohns Joo Jones C D Jones RJohns J C Jcooe P R Jackson HJordon T A Jenkins J D Johbson R 8Johnson 8 A Jones Jno Jobason WmJohn•ms Jan Jm•s Y A

MLKruler 8 Konannon H Klntz W 0Killop W King J T Knlp WmKolly T Kelly W F Keith NKerr R B Kohln 8 Knight A

LLosa Wm Lee J C Larry P ALeal W H Lake 8 II Lewis J 8Liagren E Little R J Lukens J HLyster A W IWddle T J Lake JnoLookridre L W Loyd P Lorenson JLowe H F Long R S

Morrow M Moorehouse J KMoore J MMorse W AE Morelen C W Miloeu WHMoe A Moon Mrs A Martin WMaklney Geo Martin J P Mahan AMagill WV Malbin B Mercer NickMee Isaac Marden Cbas Mahar I'Maxwell J D Me. W Mahannar JMiller B Milligan J C Miller AMeamy K Myers J Menoy DMiller E E Manly (G W Miller T BMunward T A Malony J W Miller DMiller H Murphy Jno

Ogg W T Obrine J C 'Otterstrom EdOlin J 8 Orsborn 8

PPhillips E Philips E C Parker W LParker W H Parker Chas E Pearoe JasPaddock A G Painter Jno Payne 11Price E Pool Jas Pouly I HPool B Powell R

4Quin Baruey bueenell P Quin WmQuin Jno

Reynolds Wm R•un RE Rexford M 8Ratoliff I A Reilly Pat Reeves BRigs L D Ritz J Reed NCRowler Sopha Remman A Richards GeoReeves J w Riolards Mrs E Reed JooRankin L Richards Wm Romain JnoRodgers I 8 Robinson G P Rossiler RRowe 8 Rodgers M D Rusic AugRussell G A


Smith Rorialdo Smith Chas Smith C WSmith D T Smith Pat Smith Ge6o FSmith Austin Sears Jno Soel8 a PSanders Jno 8bSer J SBers Wm8eldm Robt Sohmey F V SchamUn JnoScott CR Sharp A Sharp RebecaSh•• W A Sboekwell J H Shaw XSm amoue Ed Bites J W Slaymam G L

Shobe 8 Short J G Silarstane HShoddoe H Simmons R F 8henma Phil8bidlds N Shaw T M Sommervllle J CSouth Cas Booth C •r 8imm D TSabrick C U8tles D R Steves W 8Sepines H I Slew T SlMvely IStime Jao Stager J E Stewart C HSmith L Stewart Jao Strickland TSwa A 8wam E Sweetland J MSargent F Sullivan Sam Suammons A

TTaylor D K Trombly AM Troot J HTreathall Wm Trombly Chas Tredo PTibbit Geo Trebbe M Tompkiln E STrems D TrSesl Fred Tomo.o TheoTIelga 3 Tuak Jno Terrill MThomas P P Tes o TGo TThomas WM Themp.e. RkPe WThbme Wm Themos Jao Tay I. VThiug 8

Uloy Jae Um.tead L Upson GV

Vamaikees A Veroma J VaIdlai W HVemiresm W Veml P Vah PVI P 'a. Nasebt V e sLVelk W n

W-l. t P Wr u W PWW' eeds? V1egs "

Wdge Jmesum.i WrM w M-Ww i.n, P. !.

Helena Market RerOUTANA Po

$15 00 per saes.)

UsaaNA Apri la,

SL Lodt P Seiek...................... .Weserm Ap•ilM. NEn............

... ..........

Xla1ir t M Uil ........ .............aea B H , ., .. ..... , ... ..

Bee.. ..... ..... ......U `., !ersa,.d ..... - ,liewam c b.m.... .... .aa........M.el, Ids rem. Seis...............etter.......... 5e, Plse......

e ls ides 110 L ...................... mu s. 90 k. .............. -......8aS, do 40 G!ner etMe .. 1 i ......................

alD. .LARD. ..

Laiw Cam......"28 a30 I 8ma1 ca.....WPrk's C<liasad i .............Corubad.......................Gtt r .. ........... ...................... .-.

Bow. ........ .............. ...... ...

Browdred d ....................

A reased do

S hoe ................................

Ordi nar do ...................1 b paper, Heleas gron..d....

TEAS.Imperial I ..................................... IYouag Hyso i a ............. ......... -Japanese, in apers, ..................... 1

oYrgTRs.Field's Steamed ase............. .... ..Other Brands...............................

SADIOINE.Scase sie boxes ...... .. ....

I boxes...... ............. ....... aCAN FRUIT

Peaches case ...... $26 Peas ...... ... a. ,Pine Apples............ 16 Peacb Marmalade

trawberries......... 94 Corn .....................Tomatoes......... 18'd2U Blackberries .......Cranberries .........................................

CANDT.tek, ................................. .....................

Fancy (French) l .................................FRUITS.

Dried Apples ...................... 4bStates Peaches e ... I .............Balt Lake Pea c Is........................

Baspberries do ...........Currants do ..........Cherries do ........................

round Cherries .....................Prunes•................................. 3RaIns P 94-l box. ........... ..... ... $1I boxe. . ...... .... . e

A B boxes ............................. 4.%TYRUPS

Belober's Golden 9 10 gal. ker .............. $4... 0H MY 10 gal keg............................

Sorgum 9 gal ....................... ............. 3 oIBUTTER.

Salt Lake p' b...45600o Ranch $ ib .HONEY.

In 1 lb cans...... 405 Casen 2 don bottlestl2 Cr

Blasting P keg............................. 14 4!id p keg .................................... id i

Double tape P ft 6e Cotton............ 3t4IRON.

b b.................... 35o Cast steel ..............j&WOOD.

Scord............................................... 5SLUMBER.

Merchantable 9 ft... 50o Sluice..................Sheeting .......................................... ..............,

TOBACCO.Lewis & Bro's Eld. Extra P b............ e 2

do do Premim ................... ....... 1Natural Leaf............e............................... 1 aOrdinary Grades,....................... 8&0l !

BROOMSI.1dozen ....................... $6 @(

MATCHEI.Telegraph, per Gross ....................... 9 00 120Per case 2 doz boxes........................ .



WHITE LEAD.25 b 3 keg.... ---....-------....-...................

OIL.Coal 9 gal....... 86 00 Iard .................. 4 5Linseed ............. 2 50 Neat foot...............6 0-

GLASS.iox 50 feet.................. .................... 61:x22

PUTTY BAR LEAD.1lb...... 35 @ 45 I sack ....... 22c

BOT 8STARCH.s.ack.......6 50@7 Greenfield lb 20c

NAILS.;d add 6d P keg .............................. 25cHorse Shoe Nails, "Grifirh '............................Xl

CIREAM TARTAR MUSTARD.lIb............ 40c •3box 2 doz.. . 6 C

GINGER. PEPPER.Jamaica 201b box $14 Grain.......... 40cRoot plb..c...... 7 Ground 201b box $12

PICKLS.Scasee i gal...16 ,918 10 gal kegs.......

do , do... 10 12 5 do .......... l:SODA.

Babbit's......... . ........................... 0.. .CHILsa. EGGS.

Reserve 1F lb 371 Ranch 90cEnglish, 40 Salt Lake 7bc

SOAP.Palm .......... ....... .. ....................... 2n0 25Chemial Erasive.................................... 25Castile................................................. a 400

California............ 400 White............... 30cSALT.

In bulk ' Us .................................. .. 1.010 sack .......................................... ic'

WHISKY. CL.I.•, r.' gal ......... $5 0008 00 P ' case....................$1

BRANDY. CHAMPAGNE.Imported..-." 00•12 00 Ileidsick ........ $30Domestic....5 5008 00 Sparkliug.......... 25

GIN. AXES.Domestic......... $6 b 8 P box 1 dozen.. 24 00

AX IIEI.VE8.Shared P dos.... 10 50 Common.... 6 @ 7 50

$ROVELS.Per dozen, Spring Point .................. 2 00

do St;ff do .................. 2 00PICK HANDLES. PICKS,

Handled P dos...... 60 P 9 do ................ )60SLUICE FORKS. ROPE.

_ do ................... 30 " Allsizes P lb 230cYEAST POWDERS. HAY.

Preston P dos.........3 50 1 ' ton............... r20 I •BEEF CATTLE. BRICK.

Oa foot................ 4o I thousand............ $25SHINGLES. LATH.

9 thouawd........ 4 50: Sthousand......... 1000


'NOTICE is berby %vet :nt on Sunday, the1t0I h day of April. 18 at Bentoo City, .• T.,

I took from a war party of Plegan Indians the fol-lowing describld amarlas w hicshe y had in theirpossessiom sad which I am satisiSd they stolea ftrnwhite mee, vis : One dark iron gray stallion, two

ears old, white hind eet ; on gray mare t -andet'P" on lef bshoulder, with hrom grey colt; one su

rel hone, with bald oee, palh bread, left hip;on bay mare, so brands, rht hind foot white;Shorse, four years id, braded " W " onle hip. The owem ca have aid property byalllna g, proving property aad ga1.m rw.

Demaem City, ApeD 21, Igl apB4.5-43w

Wanted.A KAN who has dsier ciw in

Weer pa. Good s ssi r e rt d.KORACO OOUrTU$TAZ

m &tw Rwh