MOL Presentation to: Customer Name Location YEAR.

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Transcript of MOL Presentation to: Customer Name Location YEAR.

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  • MOL Presentation to: Customer Name Location YEAR
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  • 2 Business Review Agenda About Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Introduction MOL Global Fleet Size and Market Position About MOL Liner Introduction Service Network Terminals MOL Environmental
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  • Head Office Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd. (MOL The MOL Group) Company Name Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd. Founding 1884 (Osaka Shosen Kaisha : O.S.K. Line) Capital 65,400 million yen Consolidated Revenue 1,729 billion yen (FY2013) Consolidated Ordinary Income 54.9 billion yen (FY2013) Head Office Tokyo, Japan President Koichi Muto Total No. of MOL Group Companies 430 Total No. of MOL Group Employees 10,289 MOL Group Operating Fleets 894/62.9 m. tons(no./deadweight tons) MOL serves a diverse business portfolio: Ship Operation & Chartering Ship Management & Manning Ferry Operation Ship Agencies Tugboat Operations Terminal / Harbor Operation Cargo Forwarding Warehousing & Logistics Real Estate Finance & Insurance
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  • President Koichi Mutos Message For the midterm management plan STEER FOR 2020, we have issued a rudder command. Our course stands in direct contrast to a business model that relies on rising markets to lift marine shipping. Instead it is set toward long-term, stable profit growth as we endeavor to capture new opportunities in cargo flows, meet customers needs and maintain their trust, and differentiate ourselves through safe operations and technical capabilities President Muto selected as Lloyds List 100 the 100 most influential people in shipping industry 4
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  • As a multi-modal transport group, we will actively seize opportunities that contribute to global economic growth and development by meeting and responding to our customers' needs and to this new era We will strive to maximize corporate value by always being creative, continually pursuing higher operating efficiency and promoting an open and visible management style that is guided by the highest ethical and social standards We will promote and protect our environment by maintaining strict, safe operation and navigation standards MOL Website: HOME > About MOL > Corporate PrinciplesHOMEAbout MOL MOL Group Corporate Principles (established in April, 2001)
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  • New Midterm Management Plan STEER FOR 2020 (as of March, 2014) 6
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  • MOL Global Fleet Size (Source from: MOL Annual Report 2014) Source: MOL - Investor Guidebook May 2013
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  • MOL Fleet Composition (as of January, 2015 /consolidated) Source: MOL - Investor Guidebook May 2013
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  • MOL Market Position (Source from: MOL Annual Report 2014) Source: MOL - Investor Guidebook May 2013
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  • MOL Market Position (Source from: MOL Annual Report 2014) Source: MOL - Investor Guidebook May 2013
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  • Strategically Balanced Portfolio Source: MOL - Investor Guidebook May 2013
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  • Strategically Balanced Portfolio
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  • MOL Liner One of the MOL Group businesses operating a fleet size of more than 100 containerships covering the world with 90+ weekly services. The company hires more than 4,000 dedicated staff worldwide. Global Headquarters: Hong Kong Headquartered in Hong Kong, MOL Liner operates a comprehensive network of regional and local offices in all major cities to ensure Personal attention for customers. G6 and TNWA memberships Provide MOL Liner with unparalleled port coverage and transit Count On MOL. MOL Liner initiated industrys first Count On MOL campaign to provide customers with its key performance indicators (KPIs) in various fronts. website:
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  • Count On MOL. Global KPIs Global KPIs Global KPIs Operations Oct-Dec14 Vessel On-Time Performance 100% Asia-U.S. West Coast68% 100% Asia-U.S. East Coast56% 100% Transatlantic64% 100% Asia-Europe52% 100% AsiaMediterraneanN/A (service suspended since Apr) 100% AsiaECSA (CSW)92% 100% Asia-Mexico/WCSA (CWL)100% 100% Intra Asia (CHS, HS3, CBE, CBW)57% Long-Time Operational Stoppage 08 Environmental CO2/Nox/Sox Emissions per TEU-Mile FY2013 vs FY2012 1% Annually4.5% 1% Annually4.5% 1% Annually6.0% *North America figures ** Calculation based on global transactions Safety 2014
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  • MOL Liner Organization (as of February, 2015) 15
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  • Executive Sponsors (J. Ikeda, T. Konishi, Y. Hinooka) Global Sales Committee (T. Mukai /P.J. Dartois/J. Galligan/ R. Jung /G. Santos) HKGLGL Secretary General (Kennedy Li) Sales Manager A Global Account A Sales Team A Global Account Team Spanned Across 4RHQs mirroring customers organization MOL Europe RHQ Sponsor (T. Tomitaka) MOL Asia RHQ Sponsor (M. Akasaka) MOL America RHQ Sponsor (R. Craig) Sales & Customer Service Process Owner (Philippe J. Dartois) Sales & Customer Service Process Owner (James Galligan) Global Accounts Scheme (as of June, 2014) Sales & Customer Service Process Owner (Gilberto Santos) Sales & Customer Service Process Owner (Richard Jung) MOL Brasil RHQ Sponsor (T.Kadooka)
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  • MOL Containership Fleet (as of February, 2015) CapacityNos.Remarks (main trades) 14,000TEU5* Asia Europe *All five delivered between Apr 2013 - Apr 2014 10,000TEU10* Asia Europe, Asia - N. America *Four to be delivered in 2014, four in 2015 and two in 2016 8,000-9,000TEU10 Asia Europe, N. America and Middle-East 6,000-7,000TEU21 Asia Europe, Asia - N. America Over Panamax (5100-6000TEU) 13 Asia - S. America Panamax (4250-5100TEU) 26 Asia - N. America, Intra-regional Feeder class36 Intra-regional Total121
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  • 18 MOL Liner Worldwide Offices (as of March, 2015) MOL Liner Worldwide Offices (as of March, 2015) 18
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  • 2 Transatlantic 16 + 2 Transpacific 6 + 1 Asia Europe/ Med Intra-Asia (including West Asia) 34 Intra-Americas 5 1 Intra-Europe 6 Asia Oceania 3 Asia Latin America 4 Europe - Africa 5 Asia Africa # = No. of service 2 Intra-Oceania (Feeder) 3 Asia N.America (via Suez) MOL + G6 service MOL service G6 service Total no. of service = 90 MOL Liner Service Network (as of March, 2015) MOL Liner Service Network (as of March, 2015) 19
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  • MOL Liner in South America 1908 KASATO MARU 1908 first japanese imigrants arrived in Santos port, in Brasil, on board of KASATO MARU vessel. 1917KASATO MARU 1917 KASATO MARU was the first vessel used by MOL to transport cargoes between Japan/Asia and Brazil. Company Name MOL (Brasil) Ltda. Founding November 13 th, 1992* Head Office So Paulo, Brasil President Taku Kadooka MOL Brasil is the representative office responsible for all MOL groups liner activities in South America involving Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. *Starting activities in January 1993
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  • 21 MOL Liner South America Offices (as of July 2014) MOL Liner South America Offices (as of July 2014) Regional Headquarters Local Offices ( including agency ) MOL South America MOL offices So Paulo, BR Itaja, BR Curitiba, BR Manaus, BR Belm, BR Santiago, CL Lima, PE Agents Wilsons Sons, BR Sudocean, AR Transmar, PY JR Williams, UY Ultramar, CL Tecnapo, PE* Gerleinco, CO Remar, EC *Port agent
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  • MOL Liner South America Offices (as of July 2014) MOL Liner South America Offices (as of July 2014) East Coast West Coast
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  • MOL Liner Services (as of March, 2015) MOL Liner Services (as of March, 2015) TradesServices Asia Africa (5) AEF MZX SAC SAS WA1 Asia North America (22) BHE CC1 CC3 CC4 JAS MNX NP1 NP2 NP3 PA1 PN1 SC1 SC2 SE1 SE2 TSX AZX CEC NCE NYE/SCE combo PA2-TPEC /CNY SVS Europe Africa (3) ARN ARX SRX TradesServices Intra-Europe (1)BSF Intra-Asia (22) AJ2 AJ3 AJS BHS CBE CBW CHS CV2 CVT HS3 HS4 JSV MNS MSS NKS SES SSX SYX VH2 VH3 VSS WKS Intra Oceania (2) Pacifica Feeder (FAS) x 2 Intra Americas (5) ACW CX1 CX2 GPX MSX TradesServices Asia Europe (5) LP1 LP4 LP5 LP6 LP7 Asia Mediterranean (2) EUM UAM Transatlantic (1)AX1 Asia Oceania (6) AAB AAT AU1 AU2 CNZ NZX Asia Latin South America (3) AME CSW CWL West Asia (9) CMI CMX IBS LWX NKX RSX SCS SMX TCX Total No. of Services: 86 23
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  • 24 MOL Terminals (as of March, 2015) 24
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  • MOL Liner Terminals used in South America (as of January 2015) MOL Liner Terminals used in South America (as of January 2015)
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  • MOL Environmental Moving commerce is our business, protecting the environment is our responsibility Operational safety is the most important step in preventing pollution: Opened Safety Operation Supporting Center in 2007 to monitor vessels and provide support 24/7 Conducted annual emergency response drills to ensure preparedness for marine accidents & oil spills Established two proprietary Environmental Management Systems, MOL EMS21 & Group Environmental Target System Certified all vessels for ISO14001 environmental management Promoted the development & use of environmentally safe technology Produced publicly available environmental & social report annually since 2000 Joined United Nations Global Compact first Japanese shipping company to support a strategic policy initiative committed to aligning global operations and strategies with 10 principles in areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption Joined BSR - Clean Cargo Working Group in March 2012 MOL reorganized the Environment Committee into the CSR and Environment Committee to further strengthen CSR activities in 2014
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  • MOL Liner Environmental and Social Activity Overview 2015 Highlights of some MOLs social contribution and environmental protection initiatives in the containership business Contributing to Society through Business MOL Liner Value Chain Governance Safe Operation Environmental Protection Environmental Measures Social Contribution Activities & Human Resources Development Results, Partnerships & External Recognition
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  • 28 Top 30 Carriers Source: Alphaliner (January 1, 2015)
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  • MOL Websites For further information on MOL, please access:
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  • Agency Websites South America For further information on Agency, please access:
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  • Thank You