Transcript of MODULE 3-IE



It is the systematic examination of the methods of carrying activities so as to improve the effective resources and to set up standards of performance for the activities being carried out

Importance /objectives of work studyIncreases productivity by reorganisation of the work Used to determine the standards of performance Follows a systematic approach which ensures no factor is overlooked Results in better work place layout and improved safety Results in better human and material resources

Advantage of work studyUniform and improved production line Higher productivity and reduced costs Fast and accurate delivery dates Better employee employer relations Better service to customers Job security and job satisfaction Higher wages to workers

Work study procedureSelect-process to be studied Record-collecting the details Examine-analyzing the details Develop-most economical method Measure-time and work involved Define-new method and standard time Install-the new method Maintain-new method as agreed above

Two techniques of work studyMethod study-it is the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed way of doing things in order to make improvements and establishing the best way of doing the job and by reducing the over all cost. Time study- will find out the time required for completion of the job

Method study

Work studyTime study

Higher productivity

Method study

it is the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed way of doing things in order to make improvements and establishing the best way of doing the job.

Objectives of method studyImprovement of processes ,procedures Improvement in the flow of production To standardize the best method Effective material handling Better use of men, materials and m/cs Reduction of scrap and improvement in quality Reduces manufacturing costs

Basic procedure in method studySelect-process to be studied Record-collecting the details Examine-analyzing the details Develop-most economical method Measure-time and work involved Define-new method and standard time Install-the new method Maintain-new method as agreed above

Recording techniques for method study

The purpose of recordingTo enable the process to be clearly understood To present the existing facts for analysis To guide supervisors regarding detailed operating instructions

Process chartsA process chart records graphically or diagrammatically in sequence the operations connected with the process It helps on better understanding and examining process with a purpose to improve the same. Three types of process charts- outline chart , flow process chart and two handed process chart

Process chart symbols

Operation- it indicates the main steps in a process , method or procedure Symbol -

facing , drilling are the examples

Inspection it is an act of checking for correctness of the quantity and quality Symbol-

checking the flatness or measuring the diameter of the work piece

Transport indicates the movement of workers , materials or equipment Symbol-

gear blank from lathe to milling machine

Delay when something stops the process and product waits for next event Symbol

power failure and machine break down

Storage indicates when any object is intentionally retained in a location and removal of object requires proper order. Symbol

finished goods ready for selling

Out line process/ operations process chartIt is a process chart giving an over all picture by recording in sequence only the main operations and inspections OPERATION AND INSPECTIONS are required for preparing this chart . It helps to visualize the complete sequence of operations and inspection in the process

Objectives of operations chartHelps to decide whether a further and more detailed record is needed. Used in the design stage to assist the plant lay out design Shows the clear relationship b/w various parts and materials with enter the final assembly Helps to visualize the process for examination and in better improvement

Construction of operations chart

A start is made by drawing an arrow to show the entry of the main materials Writing above the descriptions of the components and below the line of the description of the condition After inspection , symbol is entered and numbered in sequence During assembly the major process is charted towards the right hand side of the chart and the subsidiary process on left side

Then they are joined to each other and to the main trunk at the place of entry of the material The chart doesnt show where the work takes place , performs it

Flow process chartGives the sequence of flow of work in detailed manner Defined as graphical representation of all operations , inspections , transportations delays and storage occurring during a process or procedure which includes information regarding time, quantity and distance moved.

Types of flow process chartA. B. C.

Man type- records what the worker does Material type- records what happens to the material Equipment type- records how the equipment is used

Objectives of flow process chartTo visualize the complete sequence of events during a process To study the events in a systematic way for the complete analysis To improve the lay out and material handling To reduce delays and compare two alternative methods To select operations for detailed study

Two handed process chartIt is a chart in which the activities of a workers hand are recorded in their relationship to one another. It is commonly used in short and repetitive operations Gives graphical representation of sequence of manual activities of the worker. Same symbols are used ,but meanings are different

ProcedureConsists of two charts, one for the left hand and other for the right hand. Simultaneous activities are recorded opposite to each other on the chart This helps to analyze what right hand is doing and when left hand is working and vice-versa

constructionBefore start of recording , study the operation cycle for a few minutes Observe one hand at a time and record Record few symbols at a time Start observing and recording at a position which could be easily distinguished Care must be taken while observing and recording, no activities should be


To visualize the complete sequence of activities in a repetitive task To study the work station lay out

Multiple activity chartIt uses when a number of workers work in a group or an individual operator handles two or more machines, their activities have to be co-ordinate for achieving proper results. It records all the activities for workers and machines on a common time scale and thus shows the inter relation b/w them

Objectives of multiple chartTo detect idle times being enforced on machines and workers To decide the number of workers in a group To balance the work teams To optimize the work distribution To make effective labour control and cost reduction

Construction of multiple activity chartsA separate vertical bar is there to represent each subject A common time scale is provided for all subjects Activities are marked in realtion to each other Previously conducted time studies provide the time values for each chart Brief description of each activity is marked on the chart

Applications of multiple activity charts

Uses in plant repair and maintenance , construction jobs

DiagramsOperations chart indicates only the sequence of activities but dont show the movements while the flow chart records the movements but doesnt provide a clear picture. The above problems can be solved by using diagrams Two types- Flow diagrams String diagram

Flow diagramIt is a drawing or diagram which is drawn to scale. It shows the relative position of production machinery ,jigs , fixtures and marks the path followed by workers and materials. All routes followed by different items are shown by joining the symbols with straight lines

Steps in drawing flow diagramThe lay out of the work place is drawn to scale Relative positions of the machines and other things are marked on the scale Path followed by the subject under study is traced by drawing lines Each movement is serially numbered and indicated by arrow of direction Different colours can used to denote different movements

String diagramWhen paths are many and repetitive , a flow diagram becomes congested and it wont be easy to trace The string diagram is a scale plan or model on which a thread is used to trace and measure the path of workers , materials during a specified sequence of events.

Construction of string diagramA lay out of the work area is drawn to scale and positions of machines are drawn Mount this scaled drawing on a soft board and strike pins or pegs at all the places which form the path of the workers and materials A continuous coloured unstrechable length of thread is then taken and tied around the pin at the starting point of the movements

Each movement b/w the work piece is indicated by laying the thread around the corresponding pins driven on the lay out Repetitive movements are indicated by laying the thread in layers around the pin The distance covered by the object is determined by subtracting the left over length of the thread with original length

Uses of string diagramsUseful in dealing with complex movements and plant lay out Indicates clearly back tracking , congestion and under utilized paths on the shop floor Measures the distance involved and points out whether a station is suitably located or not Helps in determining the most economical way of doing work

Micro motion studyIt is a set of techniques intended to divide the human activity into groups of micro motions and the study of such movements helps to find for an operator, one best pattern of movements that consume less time and requires less effort to accomplish the task It is the most accurate method of work analysis for job improvement

Objectives of micro motion studyHelps in finding the most effective way for doing work To train the operator in motion economy It is a permanent means of keeping record of method It helps in collection of motion time data for synthetic time standards Helps to study repetitive short cycle operations which cant studied by other methods

Procedure of micro motion study

Filming the operation to be studied Analysis of the data from the films Charting the results of analysis Developing the improved method

Job evaluationJob Evaluation is a process of determining the relative worth of the various jobs within the organization so that differential wages may be paid to jobs of different worth . Job evaluation is the process of analyzing and assessing the various jobs systematically to ascertain their relative worth in an organization

Objectives of JEDecides the relatives values of different jobs Helps to create a sound wage system Clearly define the line of authority and responsibility Provide a basis for recruitment, selection and training. Adds to job satisfaction and promote a good employee-employeer relation

Procedure of JEIdentify the job to be evaluated Describe and analysis the requirements and responsibilities of the job Compare the job with the preidentified key jobs and decides its value Use the above information and arrive at a suitable wage structure for the job

Objective of JE


Job Description

Job Specification

JE Program

Methods for JENon quantitative method Ranking method Classification method

Quantitative method Factor comparison method The point rating method

Ranking method

In this method, jobs are arranged depending upon their requirements, responsibilities and importance to the organisation are placed from top to bottom

AdvantagesThe method is simple and fast It can easily mastered and administrated The method doesnt involve expenses

Dis -Advantages

Commonly accepted for deciding ranks Not very accurate Not useful for large organisations

Classification methodJobs are classified in groups based on difficulty , responsibility and other requirements Each job is broken into a number of grades and each grades carries an appropriate monetary scale

advantagesThe method is simple and fast It is more accurate compared to ranking method Dis advantages Not useful for large organizations doesnt involve detailed job analysis Sometimes difficult to correlate the grades

Factor comparison methodIt employs a five factor scale for analysis , comparing and evaluating different jobs The five factors are skill, mental effort , physical effort , responsibility and working conditions


Select key jobs (say 15 to 20), representing wage/salary levels across the organisation. The selected jobs must represent as many departments as possible. Find the factors in terms of which the jobs are evaluated Rank the selected jobs under each factor (by each and every member of the job evaluation committee) independently. Assign money value to each level of each factor The wage rate for a job is apportioned along the identified factors. All other jobs are compared with the list of key jobs and wage rates are determined

advantagesJobs are compared on a common scale Directly the money value of the job is obtained Applicable for very large organisations This method can be used for determining the new wage system Takes in account all the factors that constitute the job

DisadvantagesComplicated method and not easily understood Method depends upon subjective judgment , different persons may attach different monetary value with each factor for the same importance Difficult to divide each factor into large number of sub factors

Point rating method

It evaluates the jobs based on the carefully selected factors such as education, experience , physical effort , responsibilities for machines and materials which are common to majority of the jobs

procedureDecide the types of jobs to be studied Select the factors Definition of factors Define the degrees for each factor Assigning weight ages for each factor Preparing the JE manual Preparing job descriptions and rating Placing job into grades

AdvantagesSince the method involves points, so considered to be as more accurate More precise than any other methods Can be understood with out much difficulty Dis advantages Analysis of factors and grades involves greater work

Limitations of job evaluationJob evaluation is a time consuming and expensive process Its not an complete answer for wage problems Human considerations are to be taken in account

Merit ratingMerit rating assesses the merit of the person doing the job Defined as the systematical and orderly approach to asses the relative worth of an employee working in an organisation in terms of his job performance , integrity , leadership , intelligence , behavior

Objectives of merit ratingIt provides a record of the worth of the employees It helps in employee improvement, because it unfolds the limitations of the employee It forms the basis of wage increase, promotion , training , transfer and incentives

Methods of merit rating

Ranking method Employee comparison method Forced choice method Check list method

Advantages of merit ratingDevelops the ability of a rater Meritorious employees are encouraged Good employee-employeer relation It is easy to deal with the unions as merit rating is a systematic method to rate the employees Involves lesser calculations as compared to other incentive schemes

Disadvantages of merit ratingIt entails halo effect Merit rating doesnt not reward employees immediately for their performance A rater, if he doesnt have any personal contacts with each employee cannot rate them correctly A rater may play safe and tend to impart average grade to an employee who otherwise deserves unsatisfactory rating