Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller...

Model-View-Controller Architecture

Transcript of Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller...

Page 1: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

Model-View-Controller Architecture

Page 2: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

Model-View-Controller Architecture

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

Heavily used by Apple in writing iOS apps, so understanding it is critical.

MVC divides the objects in your program into three “camps”.


Model View

Page 3: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

Model: Encapsulates data and basic behaviors

Holds an application’s data and defines the logic that manipulates that data.

Responds to requests for information about its state, and responds to instructions to change state.

May notify other objects when its state changes.

Can be as simple as a single integer data member, or as complex as a collection of classes interacting with a database.


Model View

Page 4: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

View: Presents information to the user

Knows how to display, and might allow users to edit, data from the application’s model.

Multiple views can exist for a single model for different purposes.

A view should not be responsible for storing the data it displays.

In iOS, each “screen full” of information is typically a view.

UI elements such as buttons, sliders, text fields, etc. are also typically view objects.


Model View

Page 5: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

Controller: Ties the Model to the View

Acts as an intermediary between the application’s view objects and its model objects.

Receives user input from view objects and initiates a response by making calls on model objects.

When the state of the model changes, the model communicates that change to the controller, which then requests one or

more view objects to update themselves accordingly.


Model View

Page 6: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

It’s all about managing communication and separating concerns

Limiting and structuring communication makes it easier to design programs.

Separating concerns allows Models and Views to be re-used in different applications.


Model View

Page 7: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

Controllers can always talk directly to their Model

Controller usually maintains object references (pointers) to Model objects.

Object references allow Controller code to send messages to the Model objects.


Model View

Page 8: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

Controllers can also talk directly to their View

A Controller usually maintains a special type of object reference (called an outlet) to View objects.

Outlets allow Controller code to send messages to the View objects.


Model View


Page 9: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

The Model and View should not speak to each other!


Model View


No communication!

Page 10: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

Can the View speak to its Controller?

Yes, to some degree.

Communication is “blind” and structured.

There are several common patterns of communication allowed.


Model View



No communication!

Page 11: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

1. Target-Action Pattern

An action is a message emitted automatically by a Cocoa UIControl interface object (a View object called a control)

when the user does something to it, such as tapping the control.

The various user behaviors that will cause a control to emit an action message are called events.


Model View

Outlet Target-Action

No communication!

Page 12: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

1. Target-Action Pattern

Controller needs to define the action message (as a method of one of the Controller classes).

Controller needs to inform the control of three things:

o What event should trigger the sending of an action message.

o What instance should be sent the action message.

o What the action message’s name should be.

When the event occurs, the control sends the action message to the specified instance, which can then take appropriate



Model View

Outlet Target-Action

No communication!

Page 13: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

2. Delegate Pattern

Sometimes the View needs to synchronize with the Controller.

The Controller sets itself as the View’s delegate.

The View has an object reference that can point to any object that conforms to a particular delegate protocol.

The Controller must conform to that protocol (implement the methods that it defines).

That allows the View to call those methods in the Controller without knowing the Controller object’s exact data type.


Model View

Outlet Target-Action Delegate

No communication!

Page 14: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

3. Data Source

Views do not own the data that they display.

A data source is a type of delegate that allows a View to acquire data it needs to display.

Controllers are almost always the data source, not the Model itself.

Controllers interpret/format Model information for the View.


Model View

Outlet Target-Action Delegate Data Source

No communication!

Page 15: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

Can the Model talk directly to the Controller?

No. The Model should be UI independent.

So how does the Model inform other objects that its state has changed?


Model View

Outlet Target-Action Delegate Data Source


No communication!

Page 16: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

The Model can use a “radio station”-like notification mechanism to “broadcast” changes to interested objects (called


Key-value observing is another mechanism that allows observer objects to be notified of changes to specific properties

of an object.

Controllers (or another Model) “tune in” to interesting stuff.

A View might “tune in”, but probably not to a Model’s “station”.


Model View

Outlet Target-action Delegate Data source

Notification & Key-Value Observing

No communication!

Page 17: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.

Larger iOS applications consist of many MVC “triads”, all working together.

Page 18: Model-View-Controller Architecture · Model-View-Controller Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern, a standard design in the field of software architecture.


APPLE INC., 2010. Cocoa fundamentals guide.

BUCK, E. M. AND YACKTMAN, D. A., 2010. Cocoa Design Patterns. Addison Wesley, Upper Saddle River, NJ.