Mobile Oslo 2012 okt

Search on Mobile Organic John Arne Sæterås Twitter: @jonarnes Head of innovation at Mobiletech mandag 8. oktober 12


Presentation fro Mobile Oslo 2012

Transcript of Mobile Oslo 2012 okt

Page 1: Mobile Oslo 2012 okt

Search on MobileOrganic

John Arne SæteråsTwitter: @jonarnes

Head of innovation at Mobiletech

mandag 8. oktober 12

Page 2: Mobile Oslo 2012 okt

Depending on the source,

search from mobile devices will

surpass desktop search between

2014 and 2016

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Nearly 50% Of Olympics-Related Searches Came From Mobile Devices

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Almost 50% use search on mobile daily (Desktop search is about 70%)

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How big is mobile

search today?

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1st, Where is the volume?


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2nd, What is the volume?

Google serve ∼100 bill. searches per month

About 30% come from mobile devices

Depending on source. Ranges from 15 to 30

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30 000 000 000

1 000 000 000 pr day

42 000 000 pr hr .

700 000 pr min

12 000 pr sec

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0" 10" 20" 30" 40" 50" 60" 70" 80"










3rd, What are we searching for?

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SEOfor m


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Google recommend...

•Create a “Responsive site”

•Create a separate mobile site

•Create one site to serve all devices

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“Standard SEO” still apply!

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Consider new key words due

to search suggestions

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Consider this for mobile

• Sitemaps

• Avoid duplicate content

• Google Places

• Micro formats

• Page speed

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Sitemap<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xhtml=""><url><loc></loc><xhtml:link rel="alternate" media="only screen and (max-width: 640px)" href="" /></url></urlset>

Google support both a mobile site map, for feature phones, and device agnostic site map, for RWD sites.

Manage this in Google Webmaster tools

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <urlset xmlns="" xmlns:mobile=""> <url> <loc></loc> <mobile:mobile/> </url></urlset>

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Avoiding duplicate content

<link rel="alternate" media="only screen and (max-width: 640px)" href="" >

<link rel="canonical" href="" >

On Desktop page:

On mobile page:

<link rel="alternate" media="handheld" href="" >

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Register on Google Places

• >30% of mobile searches have a local intent

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Micro formats

• Mobile searches are more specific. Help Search engines read your content.

• Add more meta data

<div  class="location  vcard">   <span  class="fn  org">     Shakespeare's  Pub     </span>        <div  class="adr">          <div  class="street-­‐address">         314  East  6th  Street     </div>          <div  class="locality">             Austin,  TX  78701          </div>   </div></div>

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Page speed

71% of mobile users expect page to load as fast or faster than desktop sites Source: Compuware/Gomez

Speed is considered when ranking a given site

Mobile searches are focused and impatient

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It’s not mobile becoming “desktop like”.

The web is becoming mobile aware.

mandag 8. oktober 12