MM Supplements Summary - Supplements Summary.pdfMM...

MM Supplements Summary This document summarizes information on benefits of specific supplements and herbs that Medical Medium has revealed to us while suggesting their use in order to support some specific protocols. The information has been gathered from the MM book, and radio shows, and is being updated as Anthony William and Spirit release more knowledge. It is not intended to address supplement/herbs dosages, but to illustrate the specific beneficial effects one would expect from using them. For the up-to-date recommended types and brands (which can vary as manufacturers modify their manufacturing processes and/or components) the reader should always refer to MM’s webpage: Abbreviations used throughout the document: CNS Central Nervous System EB-V Epstein-Barr virus HCl Hydrochloric acid IS Immune System MSG Monosodium glutamate UTI Urinary tract infection This is the link to access the most updated version of this document: http://spiritsarchive/MM Supplements Summary.pdf It is always more efficacious to take the following supplements separate from meals and other supplements: Vitamin B12, Silver hydrosol, Zinc. Reminder: Wild blueberries (pull MSG and heavy metals from the brain). A top anti-mucus, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant food that enhance every nutrient, supplement and amino acid to make best use of it. 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan): Bolsters neurotransmitters. Taken with bananas before bed, heightens the tryptophan in the fruit and gets them directly into neurotransmitters, helping sleep. 5-MTHF (5-methyltetrahydrofolate): Helps strengthen the endocrine system and the CNS. Strengthening of the CNS reduces strain in the adrenal glands. Supports the CNS, and helps restore the nerves for people with fibromyalgia. Supports reproductive health that has been threatened by EB-V (infertility, PCOS, and endometriosis). Strengthens the endocrine and CN systems. Promotes methylation and reduce homocysteine levels. ALA (alpha lipoic acid): Helps repair damaged neurons and neurotransmitters. Also helps mend the myelin nerve sheath. Boosts the liver’s ability to store and release glucose. Antioxidant that repairs and fortifies the areas of the nervous system that have been damaged by the shingles virus. Ashwagandha: Bolsters the thyroid and adrenal glands and helps stabilize the endocrine system. Helps balance the production of testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol. Aids the endocrine system including the thyroid and the adrenal glands. Minimizes adrenal surges than can feed EB-V (overproduction of fear-based hormone bleds)

Transcript of MM Supplements Summary - Supplements Summary.pdfMM...

MM Supplements Summary

This document summarizes information on benefits of specific supplements and herbs that Medical Medium has

revealed to us while suggesting their use in order to support some specific protocols. The information has been

gathered from the MM book, and radio shows, and is being updated as Anthony William and Spirit release more

knowledge. It is not intended to address supplement/herbs dosages, but to illustrate the specific beneficial

effects one would expect from using them. For the up-to-date recommended types and brands (which can vary

as manufacturers modify their manufacturing processes and/or components) the reader should always refer to

MM’s webpage:

Abbreviations used throughout the document:

CNS Central Nervous System EB-V Epstein-Barr virus HCl Hydrochloric acid

IS Immune System MSG Monosodium glutamate UTI Urinary tract infection

This is the link to access the most updated version of this document:

http://spiritsarchive/MM Supplements Summary.pdf

It is always more efficacious to take the following supplements separate from meals and other supplements:

Vitamin B12, Silver hydrosol, Zinc.

Reminder: Wild blueberries (pull MSG and heavy metals from the brain). A top anti-mucus, anti-inflammatory

and antioxidant food that enhance every nutrient, supplement and amino acid to make best use of it.

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan): Bolsters neurotransmitters. Taken with bananas before bed, heightens the tryptophan in the fruit and gets them

directly into neurotransmitters, helping sleep.

5-MTHF (5-methyltetrahydrofolate): Helps strengthen the endocrine system and the CNS. Strengthening of the CNS reduces strain in the adrenal

glands. Supports the CNS, and helps restore the nerves for people with fibromyalgia. Supports reproductive

health that has been threatened by EB-V (infertility, PCOS, and endometriosis). Strengthens the endocrine and

CN systems. Promotes methylation and reduce homocysteine levels.

ALA (alpha lipoic acid): Helps repair damaged neurons and neurotransmitters. Also helps mend the myelin nerve sheath. Boosts the

liver’s ability to store and release glucose. Antioxidant that repairs and fortifies the areas of the nervous system

that have been damaged by the shingles virus.

Ashwagandha: Bolsters the thyroid and adrenal glands and helps stabilize the endocrine system. Helps balance the production

of testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol. Aids the endocrine system including the thyroid and the adrenal glands.

Minimizes adrenal surges than can feed EB-V (overproduction of fear-based hormone bleds)

Astaxanthin: Antioxidant that helps restore brain tissue and nerves damaged by viruses.

Astragalus: Strengthens the immune system and the whole endocrine system.

Atlantic Dulse: In addition to mercury, this edible seaweed binds to lead, aluminum, copper, cadmium, and nickel. Unlike other

seaweeds, Atlantic dulse is a powerful force for removing mercury on its own. Atlantic dulse goes into deep,

hidden places of the digestive tract and gut, seeking out mercury, binding to it, and never releasing it until it

leaves the body.

Bacopa monnieri: Supports thyroid hormone production and T3 T4 conversion.

Barley Grass Juice Extract Powder: Contains micro-nutrients that feed the CNS. Also helps feed brain tissue, neurons, and myelin nerve sheath.

Increases the HCl in the stomach, which strengthens the adrenal glands. Cleanses the liver, aids digestion, and

promotes alkalinity. Helps restore the CNS. Good for gut issues involving pathogens. Great for gastrointestinal

tract issues. It is really bioavailable, gets into the cells, gets into the thyroid and binds onto poisons. This product

removes metals in the thyroid explicitly. The thyroid loves certain nutrients and antioxidants in barley grass, so it

is driven deep into the tissues and starts to correct cells, pushes out pathogens, grabs onto the toxins and pulls

them out. It prepares the mercury for complete absorption by the spirulina. This nutritive grass has the ability to

draw heavy metals out of your spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, thyroid, and reproductive system. Contains

specific alkaloids that prevent thyroid from atrophying and blocks EB-V from feeding off toxic heavy metals

inside the thyroid.

B-complex: Essential vitamins for the endocrine system, though their crucial role is in supporting the CNS which gets

bombarded by EB-V neurotoxins. Sustains the CNS. Nourishes and sustains the brain and brain stem. Supports

cognitive function and strengthens neurotransmitters. Helps protect all areas of the body from being injured by

an emotional crisis. Provides essential vitamins for the reproductive system.

Biotin (vitamin B7): Helps stabilize glucose levels in the blood and supports the CNS.

Bladderwrack: Provides easily assimilated iodine (antiseptic against viruses and bacteria) and trace minerals for the thyroid.

Removes toxic heavy metals from intestinal tract.

Butterbur: Fortifies the basophils (type of white cell) during migraine attacks.

California poppy: Reduces inflammation and calms nerves which helps stop nerves from swelling or going into spasm. Calms

overactive neurons and supports neurotransmitters. Good for any type of addiction.

Cat’s claw: Reduces EB-V and cofactors strep A and B. Good for gut issues involving pathogens. Good for fighting

Streptoccocus bacterial infections/condition. With phytochemicals specially geared to destroy all viruses and

bacteria that cause inflammation, it has a wonderful anti-inflammatory effect. It helps reduce enlarged spleens,

livers, and thyroids and also knocks down EB-V caused nodules, tumors, and cysts.

Cayenne pepper: Alleviates pain and helps maintain histamine balance.

Chaga mushroom: Helps liver and bile production. It is a viral killer and helps get rid of Aluminum for some reason. Pulls and draws

impurities from the thyroid. Kills off EB-V, driving it out of the thyroid and liver. Stimulates the liver elevating it

out of stagnation and sluggishness. Awakens the thyroid allowing to improve function. Strengthens the adrenals.

Helps break down and dissolve EB-V biofilm byproduct that can be behind some heart palpitations.

Chaste tree berry: Helps stabilize the menstrual cycle (for those still menstruating).

Chromium: Helps stabilize the endocrine system. Sustains the pancreas and adrenal glands and helps stabilize insulin levels.

Augments the strength of the adrenal glands, thyroid glands, and pancreas, and aids liver function.

Chrysanthemum tea: Calms allergy based reactions, reducing histamine.

Coenzyme Q10: Reduces inflammation and boosts the nerves’ ability to send messages. Good for heart conditions.

Cordyceps: Renews the strength of the gallbladder and liver so they can more effectively process excess cortisol in the


Copper: This is one mineral Anthony doesn’t recommend often, because people are already too high in copper (both

trace mineral and toxic heavy metal form). Bring only very low levels of ionic copper at the same time you

actively detox heavy metals. Kills EB-V cells and augments the effectiveness of iodine. Very small dosage of high

quality ionic mineral copper can hel loosening up and removing toxic heavy metal copper in the body.

Curcumin: Helps strengthen the endocrine system and CNS. Strengthens the peripheral NS. Component of turmeric that

reduces inflammation of the CNS and relieves pain. Good for heart conditions. Helps with edema (fluid

retention). Reduces nerve swelling caused by EB-V neurotoxins.

Dandelion root tea: Flushes the liver and lymphatic system.

Dulse: In addition to mercury, this edible seaweed binds to lead, aluminum, copper, cadmium, and nickel.

Unlike other seaweeds, Atlantic dulse is a powerful force for removing mercury on its own. It goes into

deep, hidden places of the digestive tract and gut, seeking out mercury, binding to it, and never

releasing it until it leaves the body.

Elderberry: Antiviral, strengthens the IS.

EPA & DHA (eicosapentaenioic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) [only plant based version]: Omega-3 fats that help protect and fortify the myelin nerve sheath. Fortify the endocrine system and nervous

system. Help heal insulin resistance. Repair and strengthen the areas of the nervous system that have been

damaged by the shingles virus. Help repair and grow neurons. Repair and strengthen the CNS. Nourish deep

tissue in the reproductive organs. Help recover from injuries. Makes the CNS less susceptible to damage from

excessive amounts of adrenaline.

Ester-C: It is especially effective because it contains important complementary bioflavonoids that support our health,

along with the Ester-C itself. It’s also very gentle on the system, so if someone has digestive issues or is very

sensitive, this may be the best supplement choice. This form of vitamin C helps remove histamines from the

bloodstream to provide more oxygen to needed areas. It also strengthens de immune system. Flushes EB-V

toxins from the liver. Gets the poisons out of the blood. This particular form of Vitamin C soothes and bolsters

the adrenal glands. This form of Vitamin C lowers inflammation and soothes adrenal glands that have become

enlarged from overexertion. In this form it helps repair damaged neurotransmitters and boost the adrenal

glands. It also helps cleanse the liver and remove toxins from the system. Cleanses liver, blood, and lymph. It

supports the lymphocytes of the immune system. It breaks apart EB-V and pushes it out of the system. Stops

scarring of the liver, and bilirubin from going off the charts. Fundamental for recovering from injuries with viral

condition (3000 to 6000 milligrams per day will help get rid of the viral inflammation). Good for heart conditions

to cleanse the liver and thin the blood. Taken with rosehips tea, ignites the vitamin C benefits. The calcium

compound in this form softens the bacteria in UTI infections, and battles it but does not irritate the linings.

General comments on Vitamin C benefits: Strengthens the entire IS, especially the killer cells that go after

pathogens. One of the goals of EB-V stage 4 is to deplete the body’s vitamin C levels, so we need enough of it to

balance viral activity. This vitamin destroys EB-V in the liver, flushes out toxins that build up there, balances

platelet production, and helps restore the CNS from neurotoxin damage. Also helps reduce thyroid nodules,

tumors, and cysts (both cancerous and benign), and supports the adrenal glands.

Eyebright: Good antiviral.

Feverfew: Helps keep blood vessel expansion balanced during crisis such as migraine attacks. Reduces inflammation in the

nervous system.

Folic acid Helps replenish the uterus.

GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid): Strengthens neuropeptides and neurotransmitters, and calms the CNS. Strengthens neurotransmitters and

calms an overactive mind. Take with asparagus or celery to enhance effect.

Ginkgo biloba: Calms allergy-based reactions, reducing histamine. Helps remove mercury from the brain and reduces

inflammation there. Contains powerful alkaloids that feed neurons and strengthen and grow neurotransmitters.

Golden seal: [It is always recommended in repeated cycles of two weeks on and two weeks off]. Good for gut issues involving

pathogens. With cystic acne, you can take it in periodic healthy dosage of 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. It’s the

antibiotic of choice for cystic acne without the strep getting immune to it. Spells the worms out of the body, and

gets rid of strep or shingles virus that could be causing problems in the gut.

Grapeseed extract: Antibacterial and antifungal.

Gymnema sylvestre: Helps lower glucose levels in the blood and stabilize insulin levels.

Hawthorn berry: Aids the ovaries. Good for heart conditions (kills the viruses that get into the heart)

Honeysuckle: Balances and helps regulate glucose.

Iodine (in the form of Detoxadine): Essential for the thyroid, it is antimicrobial, antipathogenic, anti-microbial, and will be drawn in and minimize

any inflammation due to pathogens. A critical cancer preventative, helping to stave off thyroid cancer, breast

cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, and cancers of the mouth and

jaw, among others. Since most cancers are pathogen-caused, iodine is your ally, because it is an antiseptic to

those pathogens. It’s not uncommon to have an iodine deficiency passed along at birth. As a result, a person can

have a lifelong iodine deficiency that contributes to a susceptibility to cancer. It’s a valuable tool in slowing

down and killing off EBV so that your body has the opportunity to heal, bringing your thyroid back to better

functioning. A thyroid with little to no iodine is more likely to become infected and inflamed by EBV, causing

symptoms such as Hashimoto’s. It is an antiviral agent that reduces any sort of viral load in the thyroid and the

rest of the body, plus it protects the thyroid from radiation.

Kava-kava: Soothes tense nerves. Calms the CNS and reduces stress.

Lemon balm: Reduces inflammation and soothes the central nervous system. Also kills viruses that may be inflaming the

nerves. Antiviral and antibacterial. Kills EB-V cells and strengthens the immune system. Kills EB-V cells in the

thyroid and dampens the nodule growth. Replenishes the nervous system and helps regulate the production of

insulin. Kills viruses, bacteria (including strep), and funguses that may be inflaming the intestinal tract and

causing food allergies. Kill cofactors of the viruses behind Lyme symptoms, including the bacteria Streptoccocus,

E,coli, Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Chlamydophila pneumoniae, plus the fungus Candida,

thus reducing the strain in the IS. Beneficial to soothe the nerves and kill viruses after injury. Good for fighting

Streptoccocus bacterial infections/condition, since it lowers the bacterial load. Anti-inflammatory for the brain.

It relaxes and strengthens the CNS. It is very powerful in tea form. It kills off and repels viral and bacterial cells in

the thyroid, liver, and spleen, while also strengthening lymphocytes of the IS. It will also dampen nodule growth.

Licorice root: [It is always recommended in repeated cycles of 3 to 4 weeks on and one week off] Lowers EB-V production and

strengthens adrenals and kidneys. Kills EB-V in the thyroid and aids the adrenal glands. Helps balance the body’s

levels of cortisol and cortisone. Very effective at impairing shingle virus cells to move and reproduce. Supports

the endocrine system, including the thyroid and adrenal glands. Impairs the ability of viral cells to move and

reproduce. Helps restore the pancreas. Hits all the herpes family of viruses. It can act like a glue to help

prevent herpes viruses from feeding, reproducing, or moving locations. It is fantastic for viral issues from

shingles and HHV6. Destroys EB-V cells in the thyroid, liver, spleen, and reproductive system. It tames EB-V’s

mononucleosis stage, as well as 2nd and 3rd EB-V’s cycles in different parts of the body as the virus is killed in its

old home. Powerful herb to restore adrenals. Offers kidney support. Lowers strep and any of the related

inflammation in the intestinal tract (like IBS).

L-glutamine: Amino acid that removes toxins such as MSG from the brain and protects neurons. Helps support brain function

and neural health. One can take a lot more than it says on the package. Helps nerves in the brain and removes

MSG pockets and bad calcium deposits—coming from dairy and getting in the wrong places: gallbladder, kidney

stones, brain. When taken together with mango (even with frozen one) it heightens the absorption of subgroups

of Mg in the mango, helping reduce MSG toxicity and providing restful sleep. When taken with cilantro (which

binds onto toxic heavy metals and MSG), the herb boosts MSG removal and metal detoxification.

Lion’s mane: Medicinal mushroom that helps protect the myelin sheath and support neuron function.

L-lysine: Lowers EB-V load and acts as a CNS anti-inflammatory. Impairs the ability of the shingles virus and other virus

cells to move and reproduce. One can use a lot of it in order to have a positive effect in shingles infections (it is

more effective in combination with good vitamin C). Acts as an anti-inflammatory to the entire CNS by inhibiting

and reducing EB-V viral load (especially good for the vagus and phrenic nerves that get targeted by EB-V


Lobelia: Kills the shingle virus on contact.

Lomatium root: Helps flush viral and bacterial excrement and toxins, and the toxic corpses of dead virus and bacteria cells, out of

the body’s system.

L-tyrosine: Helps increase the production of thyroid hormones. Feeds healthy thyroid tissue even when the gland is under

attack from EB-V, allowing it to continue hormone production.

Magnesium: (Glycinate form) Reduces the tension in and around the trigeminal nerves. Helps stabilize (neither under-, nor over- production

of) thyroid hormone T3. Soothes digestive issues caused by an underperforming pancreas. Also calms stressed

adrenal glands. Lowers anxiety and calms an overactive nervous system, reducing adrenal gland stress. Reduces

inflammation and calms nerves, which helps stop them from swelling or going into spasm. Also supports the

muscles near damaged nerves. Helps the ability to think, learn, remember, read, and speak. Also calms the CNS.

Calms the CNS and relaxes muscle tension. Helps recover from injuries. Helps restore the CNS. Good for heart

conditions (as well as Mg-citrate). Good for gut issues involving pathogens. When used alongside with

pomegranates (anti-mucus and anti-inflammatory food which binds to unwanted acids in the body - including

lactic acid which can give cramps) enhances muscle relaxing power of the supplement. Combined with licorice

root, the herb ignites the chemical compounds of the supplement bringing back and rejuvenating adrenals at a

faster pace. When taken with garlic, this herb’s powerful anti-inflammatory of the mucous membranes and

bronchial tubes engage the supplement for a better breathing response.

Magnesium L-threonate: Boosts cognitive function and helps lower hypertension. Take with asparagus or celery to enhance effect in CNS.

Manganese: Critical for production of thyroid hormone T3. Supports the pituitary gland.

Melatonin: Reduces inflammation in the brain. Also helps repair and grow fresh neurons, and is not addictive. Helps repair

brain tissue. Take together with cherries or with their juice to multiply the effect. When taken with sweet

potatoes, their form of glucose that stimulates the development of neurotransmitters glycine, dopamine, GABA,

and serotonin, this food’s nutrients bind onto the supplement easing its absorption in the brain; this

combination also helps stop oxidation of toxic heavy metals in the brain.

Monolaurin: Antiviral, breaks down EB-V load and reduces cofactors, and pushes them out of the body. Fatty acid that kills

virus cells, bacteria cells, and other bad microbes (e.g. molds) including in the brain. Good for fighting

Streptoccocus bacterial infections/condition.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane): Compound that reduces inflammation and relieves pain. Restores nerves that have tightened up from

inflammation to a healthy level of pliability and flexibility. Beneficial for injuries. Helps repair the nerves

damaged by the shingles virus. Great detoxifier of the liver and other organs. Seems to support joint and

arthritic conditions in pets.

Mullein leaf: Helps get rid of shingles infections.

N-acetyl cysteine: Amino acid that reduces inflammation and relieves pain.

Nascent iodine: Supports (stabilizes and strengthens) the endocrine system, including the thyroid and adrenal glands. Also kills

viruses and fortifies the IS. It is good not just for the thyroid but for the liver (one needs iodine in the liver)

Nettle leaf: Adaptogenic herb. Provides vital micronutrients to the brain, blood, and CNS. The herb contains alkaloids that

can reduce inflammation specific to EB-V. Reduces the pain and inflammation of shingles rashes. Helps regulate

and support an over-active endocrine system. Reduces inflammation in the reproductive system. Beneficial to

recover from injuries. Helps repair the nerves damaged by the shingles virus. Builds up the immune system over

the months. It is an incredible anti-inflammatory for the nervous system and organs infected with EB-V. It will

calm down the nerves and bring back homeostasis including to the LS, liver and blood.

Olive leaf: Kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Also promotes blood circulation. Beneficial when recovering from injuries with

viral inflammation. Helps get rid of shingles infections. Gets rid of worms and other parasites as well as their

eggs in the intestinal tract.

Panax ginseng: Enhances the body’s ability to react and adapt, which helps prevent the adrenal glands from overreacting to

fear, stress, and other intense emotions. Fortifies the adrenal glands.

Peppermint tea: Is a gentle heavy metal detoxifier for those that have too many heavy metals that react badly to metal detox.

Pharma GABA: Good to restore the CNS.

Probiotics (choose whatever natural and high quality brand you like): Balance and support the digestive system, which in turn boost the IS.

Propoleus: Amazing for the immune system. Nothing comes on when you put it right down the throat.

Pocket-Gym: Balances the hormones. It is such an easy 10-12 minute exercise that is life-changing. Helps regulate the endocrine systems including the thyroid and pituitary, cardiovascular system, releases deeper toxins.

Purslane: Strengthens the pancreas and its production of digestive enzymes.

Raspberry leaf tea: Provides phytonutrients that regulate the hormonal systems. Supports both women’s and men’s reproductive

health. Regulates labor contractions (drink before and during labor to help induce and regulate contractions and

speed-up delivery). Topically good for skin conditions. Good mouth-wash for gingivitis.

Red clover: Cleanses the liver, lymphatic system, and spleen of EB-V neurotoxins. (blossoms): Helps flush out unhelpful

hormones stored in organs. The tea cleanses the blood, which helps people who have a difficult time cleansing

no matter what. It also cleanses the liver to help recover from so called “autoimmune” conditions.

Red marine algae: Powerful antiviral that removes heavy metals such as Hg and reduces viral load.

Reishi mushrooms: Builds up lymphocytes, platelets, and neutrophils, which strengthen the IS.

Resveratrol: Good for heart conditions.

Rhodiola: Optimizes adrenal function. Strengthens the endocrine system, including the thyroid and adrenal glands. Also

stabilizes the vascular system.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2): Aids nerve function.

Rose hips: Lowers inflammation, soothing adrenal glands that have become enlarged from overexertion.

Rosemary leaf: Helps protect the blood vessels.

Rubidium: Helps stabilize thyroid hormone production. Support adrenal glands.

Sage: Helps protect the cervix from abnormal cell growth.

Schisandra: Helps suppress kidney spasms, which in turn reduces adrenal gland stress. Helps flush excess estrogen from the


Selenium: Strengthens and protects the CNS. Stimulates the production of thyroid hormone T4 (and T3 from [TH] book).

Restores damaged nerves near the skin, like tissue damaged by acne in strep infection. Protects thyroid tissue

from scarring by the virus. It boosts the IS.

Siberian ginseng: Bolsters the adrenal glands and helps stabilize the endocrine system. Enhances the body’s ability to react and

adapt, which helps prevent the adrenal glands from overreacting to fear, stress, and other intense emotions.

Fortifies the adrenal glands. Strengthens and balances the endocrine system. Offers adrenal support at any level

of functionality. Reduces adrenal surges that feed EB-V and burn out neurotransmitters.

Silica: Helps stabilize the pancreas’ release of insulin. Living silica (is much better than calcium) to help heal injuries.

Living silica is easily absorbed by the body. It can be helpful for bone, skin, hair, teeth, tendon,

ligament, and connective tissue.

Silver hydrosol: Lowers EB-V viral load especially during the virus’ mono phase when active in the bloodstream. Kills viruses,

bacteria, and other microbes on contact. Supports the IS.

Skullcap: Soothes tense nerves.

Spirulina (preferably from Hawaii): Rebuilds the CNS and eliminates heavy metals. Provides critical micronutrients for the thyroid and the endocrine

system. Helps stabilize glucose levels in blood and aids the adrenal glands. Contains high levels of superoxide

dismutase (SOD) and chromium, which re-inforce adrenal strength. Critical for removing heavy metals and other

toxins from the brain and CNS. Helps grow fresh neurons and strengthens neurotransmitters. Helps restore

brain tissue and supports the CNS. Helps recover from injuries. Secret weapon for all thyroid conditions. Grabs

onto mold in the body and pulls it out. It is also the most easily assimilable multi-vitamin that takes care of a

number of deficiencies. It is a phenomenal bioavailable multi-vitamin, much more superior than any

multivitamin product, and essential for survival and healing. This edible blue-green algae draws out heavy

metals from your brain, central nervous system, and liver, and soaks up heavy metals extracted by barley grass

juice extract powder. Rebuilds the CNS and removes heavy metals such as mercury and toxic copper from the

liver, reproductive system, intestinal tract, thyroid, and brain. Its critical micronutrients feed healthy thyroid

tissue and its iodine acts as an antiseptic against EB-V cells in the thyroid reducing its load. Can also reduce the

growth of nodules, tumors, and cysts (both cancerous and benign).

Star anise: Antiviral; helps destroy EB-V in liver and thyroid.

Thyme: Kills viruses on contact. It is especially important because it crosses the blood/brain barrier – that is, it travels

beyond the bloodstream to attack virus cells that have invaded the brain stem and spinal fluid. Helps restore the


Valerian root: Relaxes the vagus nerve and reduces hypertension associated with migraine pain.

Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin and/or adenosylcobalamin) [Nearly everyone is deficient in this] Protects the entire body against EB-V neurotoxin damage. Strengthens the

CNS. Repairs and strengthens the areas of the nervous system that have been damaged by the shingles virus.

Bolsters the brain and central nervous system (CNS). Restores nervous system, so eliminates the symptoms

resulting from EB-V infection. Essential to recover from injuries when viral inflammation is present. Good for

heart conditions. It will stop people’s hair loss, aches and pains, and their bodies falling apart. The body uses this

B12 to counteract the methylation issues that we have therefore reducing homocysteine levels. It can even

reverse n MTHFR gene mutation diagnosis because it fixes the damage in the body that triggers off false

positives in the test. Good for gut issues involving pathogens. It is needed at the right levels in the CNS and some

organs. Without the right forms and the right amounts the life of the person shortens. It is crucial in the

methylation processes. Deficiency of it in liver shows in very dry skin. Helps restore the pancreas. Critical for gut

issues, including low hydrochloric acid. The nervous system starves for this vitamin when one has had nerve

associated pain for many years. Critical for nerve damage associated with the pudendal nerve. The Adenosyl-

cobalamin co-factor helps resolve low platelets, any type of white count issue, thyroid problems. Supports and

repairs the endocrine system and help strengthen neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain. Bolsters the IS, and

boosts the person mentally and emotionally.

Vitamin D3: Helps stabilize the immune system and its responses (prevents IS from over-reacting to invaders like Eb-V).

Bolsters the pancreas and adrenal glands, and reduces inflammation. Strengthens the endocrine system,

including the thyroid and the adrenal glands. Also kills viruses and reduces inflammation. Helps stabilize the

reproductive and IS. [Don’t overdo it , megadoses are NOT productive)

Vitamin E: Supports the CNS. Promotes blood circulation and strengthens the CNS.

Wheat-grass powder: Really cleanses the liver. Flushes out DDT. Good for heavy metals and breaking them up in the liver. Gets rid of

high copper that builds up in the liver (which could have come from old copper water pipes).

White willow bark: Lowers inflammation and reduces pain.

Wild yam: Helps stabilize levels of estrogen and progesterone.

Zinc: Strengthens the IS and protects the thyroid from EB-V inflammation. Kills EB-V cells, strengthens and stabilizes

the thyroid, and helps protect the endocrine system. Supports the pancreas and adrenal glands and helps

stabilize glucose levels in blood. Lowers inflammatory reactions to the neurotoxin produced by the shingles virus

and in the herpes family. Fortifies the endocrine system – including adrenal glands, thyroid, and thalamus –

which in turn support neurotransmitters. Defense from viral inflammation when recovering from injuries.

Prevents and kills viral infections in the liver. Stops EB-V from proliferating. Helps enormously with

hypothyroidism and Graves’ disease. Essential to build up the IS. Supports lymphocyte production, basophils,

neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages, and monocytes; so they can seek out and destroy EB-V. The right kind of

Zinc doesn’t lower the good copper that stores in the body. If Zinc removes something it is only the hard

copper. It helps restore the pancreas. The more pollutants we get, the more Zn we use. It protects us from every

disease (including heart disease). The liquid zinc sulfate is especially effective. It immediately enters the

lymphatic system and begins to help kill off viruses, strengthen the immune system, support the

thyroid, pancreas, and adrenal glands, and more. It’s the ideal zinc to use at the first signs of a cold or

flu, and ideally for everyday use for most people. Zinc itself suppresses viral growth and reduces

inflammation as well as the growth of nodules, tumors and cysts (both cancerous and benign). Not

everyone can tolerate the liquid zinc sulfate right away. In these cases, the zinc picolinate is the next

best option to support the immune system and organs. It’s typically best to start with a small amount

of the zinc sulfate and see how it feels for you, and then work up the dosage yourself or with your

health practitioner. If you feel nauseous, you can have it after food. If the zinc sulfate doesn’t feel like

the right one for you, you can try the zinc picolinate.

MM Suggested Supplements [in Order of Importance] for Specific Conditions

Don’t feel overwhelmed because of the length of supplement lists below. Try incorporating the first 5 (five) for a

particular goal/condition. Widen the scope by selecting others following down the list according to descriptions

that match particular health needs if finances allow.

For the MM recommended supplement forms and trusted brands click on the following link:

EB-V Infection (General) From [TH] Healing from EB-V:

1 Vitamin B12

8 L-lysine

15 Ashwagandha

22 Selenium

29 Siberian Ginseng

2 Zinc

(liquid sulfate)

9 Chaga mushroom

16 Red Marine Algae

23 Curcumin

30 Star Anise

3 Vitamin C (Ester C)

10 5-MTHF

17 Nettle Leaf

24 Chromium

31 Copper

(ionic form)

4 Spirulina

11 Barley Grass

(juice powder)

18 B-complex

25 Vitamin D3

32 Rubidium

5 Cat’s Claw

12 Monolaurin

19 Magnesium

26 Manganese

33 Bacopa

6 Licorice Root

13 Silver Hydrosol

20 EPA and DHA

27 Elderberry

7 Lemon Balm

14 L-tyrosine

21 Bladder wrack

28 Red Clover

Recommended Supplements for Various Conditions

Notice: In the tables that follow, there are some conditions marked with and asterisk (*), and which are

primarily due to EB-V infections. This marking indicates therefore that the fundamental supplementation for EB-

V control (given in the table above) as well as diet anti-viral/detox protocol should be addressed, and that the

supplements listed for the conditions are specifically intended to relieve associated uncomfortable/painful


All supplements are listed in order of importance (1 being the highest)

Adrenal Fatigue ADHD & Autism Depression Diabetes T2 Fibromyalgia & CFS

1 Licorice root Spirulina Vitamin B12 Zinc Cat’s claw 1

2 Spirulina Vitamin B12 Spirulina Chromium Silver hydrosol 2

3 Ester C Ester C Nascent Iodine Spirulina Zinc 3

4 Chromium Zinc Melatonin Ester C Vitamin B12 4

5 Siberian Ginseng Melatonin Ester C ALA Licorice root 5

6 Schisandra Lemon balm Licorice root Silica Lemon balm 6

7 Ashwagandha Magnesium Ginkgo leaf Purslane 5-MTHF 7

8 Magnesium Ginkgo Biloba Lemon balm Siberian Ginseng Selenium 8

9 5-MTHF GABA Ashwagandha Panax Ginseng Red marine algae 9

10 Cordyceps B-complex Vitamin D3 EPA & DHA L-lysine 10

11 Panax Ginseng Ginseng GABA Biotin Spirulina 11

12 Rose Hips Probiotics EPA & DHA B-complex Ester C 12

13 Barley grass

(juice powder) EPA & DHA 5-HTP Gimnema Nettle leaf 13

14 Astragalus B-complex Magnesium Monolaurin 14

15 Lemon Balm Magnesium Vitamin D3 Elderberry 15

16 Rhodiola California poppy Red clover 16

17 Kava-kava Star anise 17

18 Vitamin E Curcumin 18

19 Rhodiola 19

Hashimoto’s Lyme Menopause

& PMS Migraines M.S. (*)

(nerve pain relief)

1 Zinc Thyme Silver hydrosol Chrysanthemum

tea EPA & DHA 1

2 Spirulina Lemon balm Zinc Feverfew L-glutamine 2

3 Bladder wrack Zinc Licorice root Butterbur Lion’s mane 3

4 Chromium Licorice Root L-lysine Magnesium ALA 4

5 L-tyrosine L-lysine Vitamin B12 Ester C Monolaurin 5

6 Ashwagandha Lomatium Nascent Iodine Ginkgo Curcumin 6

7 Licorice root Reishi Ashwagandha White willow

bark Barlet grass

(juice powder) 7

8 Siberian Ginseng Silver hydrosol Barley grass

(juice powder) Lemon balm 8

9 Lemon balm Astaxanthin Olive leaf Rosemary leaf 9

10 Manganese Nascent Iodine Monolaurin Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)


11 Selenium Spirulina CoQ-10 11

12 Vitamin D3 Ginseng Cayenne pepper 12

13 B-complex Skullcap 13

14 Magnesium Valerian root 14

PTSD R.A. (*)

(pain relief)

Reproductive Issues

Shingles (rash & non-rash)

1 L-glutamine Curcumin Nettle leaf ALA 1

2 5-MTHF Nettle leaf Wild yam Magnesium 2

3 B-complex Turmeric Schisandra berry MSM 3

4 Ginkgo biloba N-acetyl cysteine Hawthorn berry Vitamin B12 4

5 GABA MSM Chaste tree berry EPA & DHA 5

6 Spirulina Red clover blossom

Lobelia 6

7 Honeysuckle Sage Feverfew 7

8 Nettle leaf Folic acid California poppy 8

9 Magnesium L-threonate

B-complex Licorice root 9

10 Siberian Ginseng Vitamin D3 Zinc 10

11 Vitamin E L-lysine 11

12 EPA & DHA Selenium 12

13 Nettle leaf 13