Mistaken Identity.docx

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  • 7/27/2019 Mistaken Identity.docx


    Mistaken IdentityNow you see me.

    I am here. Perhaps in the flesh, perhaps in spirit. Or perhaps, I am not here at all, but your conscience

    convinced you that I am.

    The human mind conjures more than Merlin can ever imagine. It creates, dreams and wishes.

    It forms love, yet it forms hatred.

    Enlightens, yet destroys.

    It supports, yet it insults the helpless.

    No one can ever comprehend nor explain the mind. Can you explain your existence? Can you explain why

    you understandwellanything? Are you awakeor even alive? Are you hereor thereor nowhere at all?Are youyou?

    All human action solidifies through the mind, we do its bidding, we are controlled, we are hypnotised. Do

    you believe me? Why do you believe me? How did I make you believe?

    Now pick a card.

    My eyes drilled themselves into hisI will not let him drift off. Hes now in my domainHe shall not escape

    without my consent.

    The trembling hand reached forwardIt hovered over the fan of cards that faced him. His lips lifted, as his

    hand rested on a card. That one. He muttered.

    Good, now remember itOk, you remembered it? Alright, now, show it to everyone, except me of

    course. I waitedengaged audience nodded at meGood...

    Now, flick it away. Come on now dont be shy, flick it as far as you can. The man chuckled lightly, he

    turned around, with his index and middle finger securing the card. It sailed across the room like a shuriken.

    I reproduced my deck of cards; spread them across my palms to form a circular shape. Can you see yourcard there? The man shook his head. I snapped the cards shut, shuffled it, and spread it again in front of

    his face, Look closer.

    He did my bidding againThe man inspected the deck, a surprised face appeared from behind the cards

    and nodded. My lips widened to produce a smile. When you see more, you see the answer. The deck of

    cards shifted to my left hand with a flick of my wrist, I drew the top two cards; one above the other, and

    showed him the bottom card.

    Is that your card? The card revealed to be an Ace of Hearts.

    The man shook his head.

  • 7/27/2019 Mistaken Identity.docx


    Really? I interjected, with a flick of my thumb, the front card switched with the back, revealing an Eight of


    The man nodded his head in amazement. A arousing applause sounded from the crowd below me.

    Of course, seeing is believing. With a click my fingers, the Eight of Spades flipped into an Eight of

    Diamonds. But are you seeing what you are looking at? I asked.

    The blank faces of the audience mirrored the mans. A moment of silence followed.

    Conveniently, a table materialised between us, the cloth which covered it slithered into the dark corners of

    the tiny stage. The three revealed cards were spread across the red-painted surface. Ahthe ace of

    heartsA rare honour indeed

    I covered my right palm over the ace, and slid my hand down the table. The entire heart set appeared in a

    vertical row, Out of all theseThe king revealed itself I gazed up at the man, Youve had the chance of

    ultimate passion and loveYou seeThe Ace of Hearts is a rare tarot. If drawn, suggests success in the

    clients love lifeOr the desire for success. A wink from me triggered several wolf-whistles amongst the

    audience and a redden face from the man.

    But The abrupt word silenced the room. You chose the Eight of Spades. You are a person who strive

    for financial and business success; you crave happiness in materials and you intend to sacrifice everything

    to achieve itIncluding love.

    The side of the mans lips twitched, as he tugged at his velvet suit.

    The row of Hearts disappeared into my sleeves, leaving just the Seven and Nine of Hearts. HmmThese

    two cards remained as well The mans secrets were now mine!

    I pushed forward the Seven of Hearts and asked the man, This card tells me that someones love for you

    was unreliable. Who left you? Who gave you this lovesickness?

    Perhaps that wasnt the best idea. A barely audible whimper came from the mans lips, like a dog begging

    for a bone.


    But sad to watch.

    Who was she? I asked again.


    Sighing, I looked to the Nine of Hearts, So you desire something? Something that you couldnt live

    without? But no cards preceded this