'MISS HAYES_A BRIDE. *riU3TTV niCHSIO.VO Gllli/W^nSMK. \V arccLiocGU^ of 1 \u25a0 h- BRIGHT ; DAI -IK -SOCIETY. iiiclitnond -/ Beneficlafica \u25a0 -'Under tlie ; Measure— Prospect Tliat They "Will V; Nol7 .'Obtain : Their liOns-Delayetl .:\u25a0 Dues—iVaslilngton /Persohnls.^ 001, HARWOOD HAPPY MCCII EJiCOtItAGED IX MATTER. -OF : COMMERCEDEPARTMESTP.;: TELLERiCLnIMS^BILfe REPORTED; \u25a0'C 4- c - ' Death Rate Reduced During: 1899^ £ \u25a0MITED STATES HEALTH' REPORTS Claim that This: Was Due to the Use of the New Dry Air Germicide, '.„._'.,-. \u25a0 :-. : \u25a0' ' - , ,- '\u25a0 ..-...,.",.--. . \u25a0 '- .;:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .:\u25a0 .- •\u25a0\u25a0-, -\u25a0 .: \u25a0. \u25a0- .- . " :\u25a0\u25a0. -. .- '-.. ->— •-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 :i: i The Uni ted States Health : Reports, - pnblisli'ed January , sth7,say that '.the^^ great, reduction-' in tlie .• 'death^rate, from ,; respiral.orj'- diseases during the.past year was entirely due : to the use of the Dry /Air Germicide bythe;r people/ and advise: all .who are afflicted: with Catarrh, ; Eroiichilis, r and Consumption, to /use.' this newtreatnient, : and no bUicn /. " " - \u25a0.-"\u25a0 -;'. \Y.'T. Mann Cnrei of Consmnptlon. The R. T, Booth Comfant: "..'.' . 'Dear Sirs.— l .'•was taken July Ist •.\u25a0with"; a severe attack, of-, the/ Grippe which"teiminnted in Consumption. .Iliad the bestpby- ; siclans I could possibly get. They all said the same thing;, my left lun"- was badly congegted, and my right: one conposted at t he top --'-Tli ree doctors gave me np and = snirl I must d ie with consumption. 1 had chilis and fever. I had the very worst kind:, of niehtawcats every, night -for : \ twelve "•.•w-eekg.V I have had to chanire my clothinpaa many as seven times in one nijrht. I sent for your liihaler and then .weighed 119 pounds : I now weijrli i-iS. I know I hnvf been snatched from the gisive.. Everybody tainks lam a waliving miracle": : ' : -,^ Y r ?,H 131 3 l^ff o ,?"^'' \u0084 v . , . \u25a0 :iW. I . MANM , A\ alton, 7S.i . Catarrh Bronchitis, Consumption. Coughs,: Colds, and. A'stUmw Ca:inot Kxist "Where IIYOMEIisUsed. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail. Hyomei, outfit '.-, complete, $1.00. iTrial outfit. 25c. ; Five days' treatment of Hvomeifree; send 2c. stamp for postage. THE R. T. BOOTH COMPANY, 'Ithaca, N.Y.,. (CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE.) \u25a0 Powcfs^Rcbckatf Bell," MarVJain^Sara.' S^^^c^^T&^ Va!;; Waddev,. Berilley, andothers., \u25a0•••'V7^ .-"\u25a0-.-\u25a0 \u25a0'• '.^ -\u25a0 .-- *'.'*.- « ; -^ .\u25a0< .\u25a0*--'\u25a0 -\u25a0-.---.\u25a0\u25a0 1 Wro. '-Sam Vcoiicn entertained the:mem- be^of tfcuSS>ala«b> o^odncsd^.: artefnoon: at the: Jefferson 4HoteL .intci during theflrn part of Ib^cvcnin^g.rhe. prizes AveYe won as fonows:.^llssirma Kosenbaum. the ilrst l>r^. a^cut-^abs powder-box, mounted; in :#'«SS was -.won= by Miss Schafneivor Uoveland ;i nn onyx, bust. Inthe game or Old: Gloi >^, Mi« 3 Mabel Sycle wortitheSflrst; prize,, a Kold bonbon spdon. : \u25a0 vrlth the : name.of -tho. "cKb^ngruvcd on »t. and the second prize, was drawn for_ by >even yo u i^Mf|| Miss Florence Greenwald being, tne suc- cessful winner. - . An elegant; supper was served 5n one of the Jefferson s private dining-rooms after : the : gamc'r;ji. ;:.. , - ; .: The decoraUons for the table-were A-ery. beautiful,, being composed^of Madame Testout roses, maidenhair ana shaded lamps: and candles. Jif, \Z- "\u25a0•''. J. " Mrs. Cohen's guests were Misses Hattle Schnffhcr. Byrdie Asher, Marionc.Schirer, Mariam Lovenstein. Irma Rosenbaum. Saldie WhiUock. Mabel : Sycle;";>iariam Rosenbaum, Mariam Millhiser, Rosa Greentree, Saidie Thalhimer, ;_ Corinne Straus. Amelia Kahnweiler, * Florence Greenwald, and Fannie Mlchelbacher. Mrs. Edgar D. Taylor -gave a bea:utiful luncheon yesterday in honor of her ; sis- ter, Mrs. Llewellyn .Nicolson, of; George- town. The table was beautifully -deco- rated with pink carnations and migno- nette Pink candles in exquisite silver can- dlesticks stood at the four corners, and threw a roseate glow over the handsome Sl &^ .^loX S Sts •xverc.' Mesdames Nicolson. Hugh Taylor, Gunst, Cameron, 11. W. Powers; Jr.. Gerchart J M Taylor, Virginius: Hall, F. D. \Ml- liams, and J..G. Anderson. * *'\u25a0*\u25a0'\u25a0 " \u25a0" '\u25a0 ' •The anVual musicaie of the Saturday Afternoon Club was given last evening at S o'clock at the residence of Mr. ana Mrs. B B Munford. on oast Grace- street. Twcntv musicians were on the pro- gramme, which was splendidly rendered. After the concert an elegant supper was served. . .": -Mr Hell od ore P. Picard", of New York, is visiting Richmond, and stopping^ at Alurnhy's Hotel. He is making a tour or the foufhern States, -and will. go from Richmond as far South as \ icksburg, Miss. ... Mr T W. Tanner, of Norfolk, is at the Jefferson. Sir. Tanner comes to at- tend the llayes-McCullough marriage. Mr. and Mrs. EwingCaches of Louis- ville, and Miss Parsons of .^Natural Bridge, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Walker." c> Dr William F. Lockwood, of Balttmore, Is the guest of Mrs. Davidß. Tennant. Miss Pancake, of Romney, W. Va., is the guest of., Miss Carrie Lee Campbell, on west Grace street. of Commons yesterday, but was not made public. Itis reported that the call i 3 for SIOO 000 000, which would make tho cost or the' war up to that date 5150.C00.000. ,The maintenance of 200,000 men at. the front, it is estimated, costs between $10,C00,0W and ?50,000,000 per month. SHELLS F.*L,L ;.SBAR BUIiLEII. Dentli of Mrs. Emma Holmes. Mrs. Emma Holmes, wife of Mr Wil- liamll. Holmes, died at l^.o^^' 5 morning at her residence, No. 220 south JefTerson street; aged 59 years. Death re- sulted from an attack of typhoid-fever. Mrs. Holmes had been illsince Christmas. The deceased was a daughter of the late George Parrott. of Norfolk, but was born in Richmond, where she had spent her whole life. Her 59th birthday was .cele- brated only the. day before her death. Her marriage to Mr. Holmes in 1873. One daughter, Mrs. M. L. Buuon survive? besides her husband. A Bister is Mrs W. B. Harwood. of south Pme street. She was a consistent member^ol the first Baptist church, and a most estl- mT^ hoSr"f = tho funeral has not been decided upon. The funeral arrangements will be made to-day. Ttto Mnlesin the Doclc. A cart, having two mul?s attached, was backed into the dock at the foot ol Flt- toeivth street yesterday morning. Ihe animals and the cart were ,; gotten out without damage to cither. They belonged to J. C. Boxley, No. 307 west Clay street. The driver, a" colored man, was Robert Robertson. E. C. Taylor, agent of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,- and the bystanders aided great- ly in freeing tho animals from a rather dangerous bath. soon' after the war. His uncle, .Mr. Charles ' Maurice Smith, and h!s motner and brothers "reside in this city, and an- other uncle, Mr. E.^H.' Smith, lives' "m Richmond.' /. V / .; NORTH CAROLINA NOTES. House Committeo on 'Elections No. 2 will ' to-morrow hear arguments in the Dockery-Bellamy contest, ;Irom-the .Wil- mington District of North Carolina. ; The Senate Committee "on :Fisheries to- day, reported favorably the Wll authoriz- ing the establishment at some point In North Carolina of a station for, the in- .vestigation of . problems relating to the marine interests of the Middle and South Atlantic coast. . \u25a0 ' PERSONAL. Mr. Robert Warren Winborne, a native of North Carolina, who Is an ex-member of the Legislature of that State, but who now resides at ;Buena Vista, Va., where ho is in business, is in the city, stopping at the Raleigh.. „_ Mr.T.J. Crowder, of Staunton, wlio js the inventor - of an; electrical' apparatus to be used in the delivery of mails, and which will soon be Put into PracUejsl operation, is here, quartered at the How- ard House.- : - . J. -H. Mehan and wife, Newport News, Va.; John S. Hawkins, Charlottesville; Evangelist W. P. Fife and wife, Char- lotte.'N. C; A. S. Segar, Newport News; J. A. Herron, : North Carolina; . C. A. Mathews and wife, Cliarlotte, N. C; J. D. Eggrleston, Jr., Asheville, N". C; ~F. C. Moon, Lynchburg; J. M. 'Bausserman, Woodstock, Va.; B. W- Grubbs and %vlfe, Richmond; JuniusD. McCance, Rich- mond; W. P. Simpson, T. C. Smith, Vir- ginia; J. R. Chamberlain and wife, Vir- ginia Metropolitan. M. F. Dowling, John A. Frick, Norfolk; M. L. Mott, Wilkesboro', N. C.;"A. H. Price, H. N. Moss, North Cdrolina; It. J.. Williams, Clinton, N. C; W. E. Reid, John Roe Starbuck, Greensboro', N. C— National. \H. B. Hogle, Richmond— St. James.. L. R. Love, Petersburg; W. E. Thomas, Danville; Charles -E.Hammner, Harri- sonburg; .A. B. Sutherland, Richmond; J. Gutman, J. R. Castell, Saltville, Va.— Howard House. POSTAL. Mary B. Mullins has been commission- ed fourth-class postmaster at Dwale, Va,, and Jordan S. Lyons at Edmonds, N. C. A new post-office has been established at Longr Mountain, Amherat county, Va., with William IL Ogden, -Jr., as postmas- ter. - . RECIPROCITY WITH ITAIiY. Br. Sicel'.i Lecture. Dr S. A. Steel had a v.cry good-sized audience at the Young Men's Christian Association Hall last night' to hear his lecture on "Home Life in Dixie During the War." The lecture was well re- ceived, the speaker being many times interrupted by applause. The musical programme, which embraced some of the sweetest airs in music, was also well rendered. , " : . A Warm "Winter Day. Yesterday was one of the warmest days of the winter. There was light rain In the early part of the day, but the sun came out in the afternoon and the stars were shining at night. The cold-wave flag floating from the Chamber of Commerce foretells a change that is expected to-day. Trenty Signed— We Obtniif Reduc- tion on Cottonseed-Oil. WASHINGTON. February S.-Special Plenipotentiary Kasson, for tho United States, and Baron Fava, the Italian Am- bassador, for his government, at the State Department, to-day, signed "a reci- procity arrangement under the third sec- tion of the Dingley act. This arrange- ment does not require the action of the Senate, but it does need the ratification of the Italian Chambers. Until tLat has been attained it is deemed well to with- hold the text of the agreement from pub- lication. It is stated, however, that the United States gains a considerable reduc- tion on cottonseed-oil, of which Italy is a heavy consumer, and other staples, while Italy,in return, secures the abate- ment of duties on still wines, argots, and works of art. permitted by the third sec- tion of the tariff act. Second Day of \u25a0 tlie Battle of Vatil Ivrnntz. r LONDON,: February o.—The Daily Tel- egraph has received the "following dis- patch, dated Tuesday, February 6th, from Spearman's Camp: . "This is the second day of the battle, and the fighting has been fiercer than it was yesterday. At dawn «ie Boers.-be- gan the action by shelling our bivouac with their 'Long Tom' and pompon guns from Doornv Kloof. Their - G-inch shells fell near the -spot where General Buller and his staff were;watching tho engage- ment. . One shell burst amiqVa squadron of the Thirteenth Hussars, but not a soul was touched. "Our guns- from Z warts. Kop and on the plain soon silenced the enemy's artil- lery,- but repeatedly the Boers brought back their guns; popped them iia^o work over tho hills, fired a few rounds, and then again changed their position. WARM TIME FOR LYTTLETOiN. / . "During the morning our gunners suc- ceeded in blowing up the enemy's ammu- nition wagon upon Dporm Kloof. Gene- ral Lyttleton's brigade was shot at from three sides, and had a warm time upon Vaal Krantz. \u25a0'\u25a0 "Desperate' efforts v were made by- -the Boers to recover the smoking hill. The Durham LightInfantry, the King's Royal Rifles, and the Scottish Rifles gallantly charged, and cleared the position. Gene- ral Hildyard's brigade relieved General Lyttleton's brigade toward sunset. _/: BOER LOSS HEAVY. "Fighting continued until 9. Several prisoners have been taken. They declare that ' the Boers yesterday lost heavily. The enemy suffered severely to-day"". ItIs reported that among their dead in the trenches armed Kaffirs were found.'.' BOER ATTACK IN ZULULAND.. :' DURBAN, February S.— A large force of Boers attacked Nordweni, in Zululand, destroyed the public buildings, and ;took numerous prisoners. . '- ; A force of volunteera, with artillery, has been dispatched there to support the scouts, and to oppose a further advance by tho BoersN. >Iv Sisma Rlio Hall. The renovated and beautiful 1 hall of the 1 Mv Sigma Rho Society of Richmond Col- lege will be opened to-night with delight- ful exercises. The committee in charge is composed of Messrs. Josiah MoseS, Robert Pollard, and Julian Rawles: The public is invited. Exercises begin at 8:15: THE STEADIER AUGUSTA. STAY OF CARTER'S SEXTEXCE. cast, while the baleagurcd garrison itself, according to the latest' dispatches^ should bo able to -create a potential, diversion when- GeneraK Buller. has overcome the initial difficulties which lie in the kopjes immediately north; of the "Tugela. : OONCENTRATION AT COLESBERG. Turning, from the transcendent interest in Ladysmith, 'the: whole war area, pre- sents a scene of important activity. The Boer attack on General Gatacre's forces, reported February 7th, failed, . the artil- lery, of .the Burghers, after shelling, the camp, retiring upon' the arrival of British reinforcements. The affair : scarcely warrants. being called a "skirmish. The British casualties were .one man killed and four men wounded. The latest ad- vices. from Sterkstrom announco that Gen- eral Gatacre's cavalry is in pursuit of the Boers. ' . \u25a0'-. Whilo nothing has resulted from this affair, it indicates that' the Burghers are fully alive to the importance of the-con- centration, which is on -the verge of tak- ing place, between the forces 'of Generals Gatacre, Kelly-Kenny, and- French,: and they do,not hesitate to take tho aggres- sive against established positions in an attempt to thwart it, though it is be- lieved ' that d sufficiently' large ; body of troops wiirsoon' be /massed at Colesburg to/ensuro the unopposed advance of tho invading army, when it is ready to start. That it is not prepared for this move. at present, and. thatiall this activity is mere- ly preliminary to what is known as "Field-Marshal Lord Roberts's main movement," is -evidenced by a dispatch from Cape Town, under date of February 7th, announcing that the transportation department was advertising for oxen and drivers.' Without these it would be hope- less to carry on the invasion, and it must be a month before they are ready.: ;, Another "preliminary '\u25a0\u25a0 is that . General ' Roberts has only just sanctioned the for- mation . of. tho new;; Colonial Yeomanry, consisting of a troop of 100 men. fpr each district of the Colony, to protect the loyal farmers. This force will be officer- ed" from among , the; local- yeomen. •' . METIIUEN TO ADVANCE? Opinion is divided as to whether Field- Marshai Lord Roberts and General Kitch- ener, have, gone to the Modder river or to Sterkstrom: General- Mac Donald's": ac- tivity in the former locality, combined with the; belief that the Colesberg mov.e- inent is to draw off a portion of the Free State force, has given rise to the hope that General Methuen will shortly be en- abled to make a successful attack, re- sulting in the relief of Kimberley, while tho gradually-thinning forces surround-, ing Mafeking will altogether melt away. Sir John Gordon. SPrigg, the former Premier of Capo Colony, has cabled to Mr. Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary, in' behalf of the imperialists' of Cape Colony, . congratulating him on the.gov r ernment's overwhelming majority in the House of Commons, and; declaring that the government's ' "policy, if steadfastly pursued, will secure to South Africa, un- der British supremacy, permanent pros- perity." UECEXT BRITISH.; CASUALTIES. Mules and Food for British. NEW ORLEANS, February B— The Bri- tish steamer Magician, Captain "Wood, cleared to-day for. Cape Town, Africa, with 1,000 v mules for tho British Govern- ment and a large lot of foodstuff. ; STEAMER GATE CITY AGROUXD. j IHI Lull sJiLLIUhLL La I (CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE.) " i _ ''' " : : ,- " - : =;'.. ! | petitions will be heard in the- United :; States Court Appeals bsxl iron^ \u25a0 afternoon. ' \u25a0 TAYLOR SOT TO SIGN? Some Say He Will Xot— Collier Pum' clinsiDß Ammunition. LONDON, KY., February S.— At 10:05 A, M. tho Senate, in executive session, ad- = joumed until noon to-morrow. The seni* ; ;.- tors would not reveal what had trans-/ | pired. other than that no resoluticm ! J were .'xdopted. ' i At 1:30 P. M. the House executive sea* j sion ended and the open session, rcas x**} sumed. The following telegram fntji Frankfort was read: "Taylor has not signed. Some say a* \ will not. Collier .is purchasing ammuni-* f tion." At1:15 P. 51. the House adjourned uatiS 10 o'clock to-morrow. The members ct the House absolutely refused to say whsjr j had taken place in the secret meeting. The Senate requires six more memivrj '• for a quorum. It is understood thai th*' \ sergeant-at-arms has been furnished witlr I the names of absentees to be sent Tar / A committee to draft resolutions on xti ; death of former Representative Sse!fl, «J ; Richmond, was appointed. I ~n>. lETTERTUOM JUSTUS GOT3UEL. ! :J He Calls on Iventnckisna to TnniiH . Ills Brother's As«<si.Hsin. FRxVNKFORT, KY., February S.-Jas» tvs Goebel, brother pi the dead Governor, I issued an oPen letter to-night, in w&icit \ he calls on Kentuckians to- swear bj- bii [ brother, "to see justice done to thos» \ concerned in his foul taking off. I'yoij . fail in this, then your laws are dead let- .: ters." He says: "Jf he could speak, he w&l . say now, as often before: "Let ?he la^* I take its course.' Will designing men o: . high station he permitted to uso !hi \t- ' norant outlaw to further their anb:':!r r \u25a0 and when that mission Is disap?ni': f rl || turn the murderer loose under tlia ve'j* | roof of the Executive Mansion?" STKET- AXD TIX-riiATE COMBISSi \ Recent Humors and. Conflrmatnni "\ Facts— C.'ipitnlization, $l-tU.COO,OOi). NEW YORK, February B.— The -Mali ': and Express says: "Rumors of an industrial combination^ including under one management the Na- tional Steel. American Steel Hoop. an 3 American Tin-Plate companies, hava Vf cently been current In Wail street. Tft* f; facts that W. K. Moore ha3 coma to .-it# ;t in New Ycrk, that the three compmiea :'| v/ero promoted by him and' are control!*! \u25a0 by the same set of men, and that a!* tliree have taken ofHces in the nf.xr Pat- 1 tery Park building, on State street, wi given as indications of the truth of tta storj". . - " , "W.E. Rels. president of the .Vafr^i. Steel Company, is also in town, and Jloore and Mr. Reis have been in "?r I quent conference with Prcs!c!e".t C. >\u25a0+ J Guthrie. of {be American .Stesl-H'Wii Company. . >j "From an inside source It was iti'^i to-day that the three compani-3 will coz* |: solidate. Itwaastated, however, t- 3^^ / consolidation would not be' brought a-^ | before next May, by which ' ;».n> ""|| three corporations v/ill .have !ltt^ d upon their second business year To threo organizations represor.t a capitaJr zation of §HO.OOO,W>, and hr^ve ;prsctiC3- > control of their specialties." _ i DEATHS'. HOLMES.— Died, at this m 0 " !™ ; ;; of typhoid-fever, at the residence of neaj husband. No. 220 south Jefferson <reeu , Jlrs. EMMA HOLIIES, Wife of V»lU&?M 11. Holmes. . | Faneral notice in the afternoon pap.«4j \u25a0 \u25a0"-"' , \u0084- _. 1<: Two Offleers Killed; Fifteen WoTina- ed—2lG 3leii Killed anil Wounded. LONDON, February 8.— 1:13 P. M.—Gen- eral Buller has cabled to the War (Juice that the approximate British casualties in the fighting at Potgieter's Drift up to noon- Tuesday were: Ollicers—Two killed and fifteen wound- ed.. \u25a0 , . : \u25a0\u25a0; Non-commissioned officers and men- Two hundred and , sixteen killed and wounded. . ' In Xo -Great Danger, But Women - Passcngrers Trt.lcen.- Arfsiore. ; , NEW YORK, February.'S.— The steam-- ship. Gate City, of the Ocean Steamship Cotirt of AppculH Defers to the Su- preme Court. NEW YORK. February B.— Former Cap- tain Oberlin M. Carter, United States army, who is now in Castle William, the military Drison on Governor's Island, in this^harbbr, will remain there- until the United States Supreme Court decides what aqtion it will take on the applica- tion for a writ' of certiorari in the pri- soner's behalf. : . "-\u25a0'.- ' : .. .-.'.- Carter asks the higher court to.review the "decision of the United States Court of -Appeals, affirming Judge Lacombe's action dismissing the habeas corpus pro- ceeding which was taken after his con- viction by court-martial. - - -The United States Court of Appeals, as a matter of courtesy to the. United States Supreme Court, in a decision handed down to-day, stayed the issuance of the mandate ointil the application for a writ of certiorari is decided. This stay pre- vents Carter's removal- to the .military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. CHIXESE EMPRESS FOR OI.D WAYS. The. officers killed were Major Johnson- Smyth and Lieutenant: Shaf to, . both of the Durham Light InfantrjC' The \u25a0' officers' wounded include ' Colonel Fitzgerald, of the Durham Light Infantry; : Colonel 1 A. J. . aidntgomery, of the Royal Artillery, and Lieutenant Sir T. A.- A. Cunning- hame, of the Rifle Brigade. , ARMED -NATrV-ES WITH BOERS.. A dispatch to the London Times from Spearman's Camp, says that" when /the DurhamsTeached the top of Vaalkrantz, "over fifty of the enemy, who were still defending the position, fled," and "more than half of these were armed natives." A cable, dispatch from Spearman's Camp, under, to-day's date, says: -r.X "Buller holds his position. .\u25a0• Relief is certain." . " . :; J -. .. \u25a0. \u25a0- ISIPOHTAXT XEAV r S EXPECTED. Aljolition. of : Stndy of "Depravetl Subjects of Western Schools." . PKKIN,; February B.—The Dowager Empress of China, it is asserted, appears to be determined . to relapse into tho an- cient conservatism; .Yesterday * she issued an edict "commanding; a return to tho' old manner ./of . study, according to- thejteachings of Confucius, for examina- tions for.official rank, ordering the aboli- tion" of the study of the-"now depraved and erroneous subjects -/of the western schools," and ..threatening with punish- ment the teachers of such subjects. "\u25a0 ;The closing: of the new university at Pekin is expectedito speedily -follow. // / - DELAGOA BAY IIAILKOAD. Company, went on the outer bar, three miles east of the Moriches Life-Saving Station, Long Island, about 9 o'clock to- night. .' ': . : -.. .' .'. /;. " / _ - '.. There was a dense fog at the "time, and it is stated" that the steamer was driven hard into the sand of the outer shoal.'; At Present she is lying easy, in a compara- tively: smooth sea. ..-'-'. : The Gate City, had on board forty-nine persons, three- of whom were women. .When 'she went aground her whistle sig- nalled to the Life-Saving Station, and ;the ci-ew at once launched: a surf-boat;: They found the vessel in no great danger, but the cap tain, of the.life-savers volunteered to take off .'the passengers. ' The women decided to go/ ; ashore, aria they were taken to the beach; and. given possession of the station-house. , . / The surf -boat immediately, put out again .to the stranded: steamer, with the inten- tion of bringing.any ot : the male passen- gers ashore: that desired to be taken/off the/steamer. //The- Gate City:, is 'lying In the. sand,- in a sea /that is steadily rising-/ There-is danger from the dense t'og./and: the/steamer .would-be. in a dangerous'po- sition in case of a storm. The- surf-boats will probably lie alongside r _the steamer, during the "remainder of the night,/ unless . she ; is floated. ,- " . // ; , -. : .The Gate: City has 3,000 bales of cotton on board. ' ; -;\u25a0 \u25a0.' :; ' /.'\u25a0: "; '-' ' /Two .'. of; the womeli passengers . landed from.: ; the* Gate ; City,- were /Miss .'Louise Lyles and- Miss Elizabeth L. Lyles.Tfrom. Florida. -'.\u25a0'- " , .. .. ' .'/ ' \u0084 MONDAY NiGHT, HOYT'S HILARIOUS .'. JAMES R.*HcCUH y AS lIAVKRICK BRAXDEK, and the Ori K ina: T«as JtevT Q«« telte^ A COMPLKTE PKOOLCTION-. . Regular prices. Sale of seats r»» : -fe "9-lt * ;jjt^aD.EMY' TUESDAY, FEBeilifHfeSi^f Smltn&'P.lcc will Present the Com** 3 ... IN HIS OWN NEW FARC^I /MR. - the" comedy hit "of the season. &L*'~£ -' sentedin NewVi'orX and C 2 > \7^.i-.rjo2.i-.rjo2. A Great Cast >ami Elaborate . . ; iSCAUK OF ;i*KICKS icoGfj % Night-Orchedtra, 51 and JL3O: ca 11- 50 and 73c.' ~ ;. /-Matinee— 2s to i'3c- . \u0084 j-it X'Sale: begins FrUlay. . _^^—-^r^ /^•Whatvwould you do if taken ?oV cholera- znqrbus. : when >'our P^Vj W«lW«l iisfawaylfrom "home, and tbc *T,«z:cf" ? aro closed?. \: ; Af ter/i ont> such \u25a0 eta*' » yoa T wm always : keep Chatr.btir^K^ , I Cholera.^ and RemedJ »£. £ .hem*, 'but why.wait un«t tha_ «^ y. t , "" >len before -you: lock-the sta \^i j f One of- {he' most beautiful weddings of \u25a0 /the season, aiid one holding great\j)ro;ni- •^jicncc, due/ to; the high social^poEition.'of "the contracting parties, iva?v solemnised / last, night at] 9 o'clock, when""M|ss : Vir- , gJnia Carter Haycs^ became the wife of Z Mr. Francis ' ;. "SVhcatlejr McCullough, of \u25a0Korfolk. \u25a0 . , ; - , "' .. -• \u25a0 , .'.' \u25a0 The wedding, which, occurred at the -, residence of the bride's parents, SCO west "Franklin street,, was one of the most bril- ;lsant of the -winter.* The entire houso •ivas * profusely decorated ; wHh* palms, ferns, pink roses, and Smilax twined around the balustrade of 'the broad stairs; tho mirrors were half-hid- den behind curtains of crisp green, and "the chandeliers were wrtathed with it. Between the windows of the front parlor en altar, was. erected. .Back -of this altar stood a bank of palms, against its snowy wliuencss shone .3n \u25a0 clear relief. The altar bore pure white -bride's roses and lilies, and, was ablaze ..with.'many caadles.' The ceremony was .'performed befcrd this altar by Rev. A. S. -IJoyd. formerly, of .St. . lake's church, / Norfolk, but now of New York, \ The bride entered from the library with /" her maid of honor, and was :net at tho altar by the groom and his best man. rHer father, Mr. James Hayes, gave here ""away. The bride was gowned in a crea- tion of white chlfron over white taffeta, \u25a0the bodice draped with rare point lace, and with garniture of - orange blossoms. Mier veilwas fastened with a diamond ; r-unburst. the gift of tho groom, and she carried a shower bouquet of lilies of .the valley. -Her sieter. Mrs. Lucy Champe Hayes, was her maid of honor. She was \u25a0Ircwned in rose-pink chiffon over liberty, .and carried Madame Testout roses. The" bride is tho daughter of Mr. and •Mrßi~.Tames 'Hayes, and has been noted as; 'a belle and beauty since her debut. She has. been greatly admired, and lias re- ceived much attention, not only in Rich- mond, but wherever she has .visited. Mr.' HjJcCullough is a wealthy young business- , "man of Norfolk, where he is prominent . socially, as well as in business circles. AN ELEGANT "RECEPTION. After the ceremony an cJegant recep- -tion was held. The color scheme of the i "dlnlnc-room was also pink and white. /Festoons of smllsx came from the chande- IJcr to the four corners oj the table, i whore they were caught with large bov.-s \u25a0of pink satin ribbon. A large boy.-l of Madame Testoul roses formed the centre- \u25a0"plece and pink-shaded lamps and can- dles gave a rosy light to the ecene. imong the out-of-town guests were -ur. tfflßa' Mrs. James Walker; Mr. and Mrs. lowing Eaches. Louisville. Ky.; Mrs. M. 'A, Downman, Fredericksburg;..Va.;..Mr|.;; A. A. McCullough. Ncrfolk;-Mr. James H. . itownman, New York; Mr. and Mrs. YWl- liara "VVheatley, AVashington, D. C.; -\lr-. and "Mrs S" G. "Whoatlty, Washington, D- C; tho Misses Whoatley, •Washington, D. C - Messi' a V%"heatley, AVashington, D. C; B'r.'aad lirs. Hemy C. Eno, New York; Mr George Henry Eno, New York; Mr. George Dominiclt, New York,; Dr. William F Lockwood. Baltimore; Colonel and Mrs. George Taylor. Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs^ * George Mclntosh, Norfolk; Mr. Tench , Tilghiaan, Norfolk; Mr. Hugh Whitehead. NoriJDlk;. Mr. and" -Mrs. V^. 11. Doyle, Mr. J. Saunders Taylor, Mr.. Vv-altc- Taylor, Mr. Richard Taylor, Mr. Montgomery Osborn, Mr. Key Compton, \u25a0 Mr. Thomas Tannor, Mr. Krank Wllcps." Mr. Theodore -Williams, Mr. D. Puller, ; Mr. Watlington Hardy, all of Norfolk; Vir John Whitehead. Johns Hopkins uni- versity Dr. W. L. Harris, Virginia Beach; Mr and Mrs-I R. E. Bo.vkin, Smithfleld; Mr' and Mrs. -Prank Deford. Baltimore; \u25a0Mrland Mrs. Henry Fairfax, Lonoon; Mr. ar.d Mrs. David Tennant, London; Mr. Theodore. Garnett, Norfolk; Mr. Dan Morton, Baltimore. *\u25a0'." , ; - . Mr McOollough and his bride will lake a Wedding journey to 'the. Bermudas. After their return they will be at home, "at ISC Freemason street, _ Norfolk. " Miss Edna Forbes gave a^Uglitful tea iS^nvSc^^^^l^b^ /ftlllack lacker white taffeta, and Miss ' Loo gowncfin tucked rose-pink mous- : 6< In n^he O «inmg-room tho table was es- I nuisitely decorated with: pink roses and lilies of the valley. In Urn centre lay a irn?at bow- of pink taffeta, and peeping irom even- opening were lilies of the valley At each end of the table Etood ' Blender %-ase's of roses. Punch was served : SL Ethel Paco and Miss Annie Lee ; Alfriend. The young, ladies In . tho dn- \u25a0' inc-rbom- were Miss Alene StoKCs; Miss. llcVitty of Philadelphia; Miss Madelaine idmrlish. and Miss Ansley, of Alexandria. -•The guests were Misses Pace, Mrs. Ecbols. Mips Young. Mrs. Glasgow. Miss Handy, Misses Branch, Mrs. John K. « nn rts Miss- Hobson, Mrs. Graham Hob- \u25a0 ton Mr? Gwathmey. Miss Talbott, Miss 80-her Misses Wcllford, Tcnnnnt, Holli- ;: iav Mr<=- A. C/Small, Misses Ross, Misses Tompkins. Miss Shields. Misses Grant, Mrs. J Junes Walker, Miss Tanner, Mrs. ""Whit Bovd Miss Emcie Pegram, ' Boylcln 6f Smithfield; Mrs.. Thomas N. Jones, of Isle of Wight; Mrs. William Parrish, Mrs. Lucien Tatum, Mrs. Ulett, Miss .Berta Noltlng, Mieaes :T>ier. Miss Leary, Misses Gray, Misses Phronie Pc- Bram, Cal\-in Bragg, Hayes. Mrs. Grundy, Mrs A. : JD. Donnan, Mrs. Lancaster Wil- liam's, Misses Watkins, Elizabeth Daven- por-t, MiFses Page, Misses Atkinson, Mrs. Groner. Sirs. William Todd, Miss Kathe- rine Mcintyre; Miss Watkins; Grace \u25a0 tstreet; Miss : Maria. Williams. Misses Camm i Miss j Gordon, -Misses- Meredith, Miss Addison, Misecs Thomas, Miss Kop'er, . Mrs. Allen Potts, Miss- Mary Ponnan. Misses Hill. Misses Boyd, Miss -B&jrby. Miss Aug-ustine,' Miss Maud Miller, iSeSs Hartz, Misses Sieger. Miss White, Mrs Bettie^ Mayo, Miss Judith -Dcane, blisses Ellerson. Mrs.. Caperton, Miss I Jackson, Mieses ' Bin'ford, - Mrs. 131anken- Klilp Misses Jennings, Misses Morgan , MU;s- Morfiecal. Misses Cameron, MrSj Landon Cabeli, Misses - McGuire, Miss ; Montagtie, Misses Mclctosh, Miss Morton.; MargU£rit6- Warwick, Miss' Beulah^ Pat- --teraoik^ Mrs". . Travers, Misses . Harris, X.ily " TJrQu3iart. Lelia Meyers, Mrs! Moncuro pQckiaa, Mrts. Ashton Starke, Mrs. J. A. %relch,-Miss TaUcy. MiESiMcLeod, Mre. BoyalL Mies Pau44ne»Poweru. Miss; Janse fWingo. > Mrs. Stephen , Puliicy, Mrs; V Bcott Parrish,MJsses Stokes; Miss Agnes Mc- r C&rtrry.Miss Mabel Walker, Miss Lucille Nelson, tbo Misses Jlooro, Mrs. Adclphus AVillixms, Srt6s*,"VvHllianis, Mrs. JUuek, Miss "Helen Cameron... ' \u25a0 ./' .. \u25a0 --.- : - " \u25a0\u25a0;; / - ':\u25a0"\u25a0-• •-.• •'- •"" ;\u25a0 :" -' /-',. /\u25a0Sirs. Howard: D. Hoge and her two Quests, Misses Sarah ; Harrison and-Lan- don Harrlßon. "wero "at home"- informally. ;yeeterday from;s:to,7/P."M/Mr6: Hoge : was 'assieted: in* iccclvhiff by. the: Misses Harrison, lira. Jolin Harrison poured the , chocosat» and the: young; ladles serving r were '-Miases. LouisevM^ayo.-Harriet Field ; 515 1 Llglitloot.V abd * Ruthi Kobins. /? A: /lurgsl numbor: of -ladlea" called,* and: the; occasion- 1was a'Tnoßt delightful ; one;' Among: thoso . ; who'erJlc-d'%vere Meßdame3 ? Luther Daw- iaoii: L'N I ::'Jonts: J. ; H.c Anderson;. "James ; MasonMHkr, of Sta«oton: :W.vCr:Bent T : ley, -*- H. •:•:,- A. s CJ al borne, / Maria - Moore,: \u25a0\u25a0 Charlea T; O'Fcrrall,; Pl?aßontoniLr v Conr. ' quest," Jcnes. "vJames : Allison;• ''Hodges,- diaries' Gideon Uosher, Ii ; B. ? Jannev. Allen Bernurdl Fersruson,, / Elrnore \u25a0 «Delo» i Hotchkisß;. Powers,' liamberlin.v Ab- fbott,- I^ewis^Ayiett^Fratik :Haughton;vJE.' •iß.^-TliomaKson.^Preston.H.'v MooredEver- : ,i ett-: Wadt3ey, Johni W; Kiclj-^Jn Hf Hunter; : y^r^tJi 1 :AV: AV GHlagpro-K'; jHelcniandfMary 'Mor. : rifion/iGeorffe = C? Jackeon. Warner. Moore, ? ; Lancaster. J.e R: V. A;/ KliliiHoiia<ißy.-sTV: DJ^Barksdale^ Dashicll, C: /W;;P;/ W; ; P; :Brock,r S:iT^ > L aiarUn,vVlrKlnlus;Hall; Chrlstopher/romp-^ / Uins.Uohji c. IJlalr, J, A; 'H.v \u25a0|S/f Srotth;-:-' J.VArs White, M; yfi Cox^Wlrt; j; Henry..! and. Janies^Lyons^MiPsesiDuri-- ittilnirton;. Caroline n ; Co!eraan;p Nannie '(2 Bo ; § Ellentewis J ones,/ Boiher;?PauSinq ''Xrt Elcffant Tea; : Given liy MI«« \u25a0Forbes— 3lr«. Horc's A<-llomci Jin«l '- \u25a0 . -.-'\u25a0/.\u25a0" ; . i~ ~">c^ : Mrs. Taylor's. I,nni'Tieon--TTnec«ia \u25a0"/ ; ..'\u25a0"' .'- -— . \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 , :^: '-* Z. Clnb-KxKcrJaixicsl— Vcriionni. -.'•. ainsnilicent Kcav Vessel for the Yorlc-Rivcr Line.. OBaltimore American, Sth.) The magniflcent new steamer Augusta, for passenger and freight service between Baltimore and Norfolk,-- on«».the York- Kiver Line, will leave \u25a0Philadelphia to-day for Baltimore. Captain Bennett is in charge of ths steamer. •; The Augusta is 26'J feet in length, 46 feet beam, and 15 feet draught. She is equip- ped with the finest design of -triple-expan- sion engines, driving a singlet screw,, and her speed is eighteen knots per hour. She is a sister ship to the Atlanta, which is now running In. the Norfolk route, but willhavea larger caiiacity, and wiil be in many respects much finer. Arrange- ments for handling her cargo will be as perfect as possible, and effort being made to greatly.'reduce the time- of loading and unloading. Tho furnishings, of the cabins and saloons are sumptuous. The decora- tions of the ladies* cabin will be white and gold, and the furniture and carpet- ings will harmonize with the general color scheme.: Especial attention will be paid to the comfort of the passengers, of whom there will be accommodations for 300. The vessel will be. lighted throughout with electricity by powerful dynamos, and she will have a searchlight of great power. Her exterior will be painted in accordance: with' the style of the coni- pany, the hull belnsr^black and the super- structure white. When she. is'placedin commission the Charlotte will be retired from the regular run, and held as an emergency or auxiliary- steamer. The Augusta registers 1,000. tons net. She was built by Neafie & Levy, of Phila- delphia. 3\L ,V. O'Neal will adjust the Augusta's compass on her run to Baltimore. / Telesraiiliic. Briefs. - New Orleans.— The German steamer Ve- netian Captain Schulke.-^for; Hamburg,: in groing 1 down/the river, and when flfty miles below the city, had her rudder disabled, and is being towed back to pprt for re- pairs.".'- ----/:•': ; : : -/; r : ..' : :"'; : London.— The Hongkong: correspondent of <tho Daily Mail says thnt a serious. re- bellion has broken out in Swatau, in the Province; of :;Kwang-Tung. The Viceroy ha? .sent troops .and a gunboat "to sup- press Mho.insurrection: ' ; FREE TRIAL TREATMENT FOR F To any man seeking rs- j liof from oUects or early findUcretionv-past - ! ex- 4c,;ve will send 'without charge, a supply of <rur:aotea retnedies. ' New; Btreneth auj vigor - impartftil. Modern scien- ,tiflcmethod*.; Skilful ser- iTice.i-by-physician 8' ot highest b tan d 1 n(,•. Wo " treat cWcflyby absorption, uvoiJini; Blcmach de-. . Rmgement. -';.;. •i \u25a0\u25a0 *•\u25a0 .<, =? >.:{. i 'Varicocele; cored \u25a0pain. VTealcneEKS and diposFes of men our specialty, for past twenty, years. Our intereM.inj: and lnstnietiva bock, "I'nvato Guide for Hen," seat freo with trial treatment. \u25a0\u25a0.IVrltoto-dar."-- ; -^.v-i'' ; ;;-:--r.-..'f:-i:---.--.-.:--rs;.- rlUDilxuil \u25a0•' UluJLliunij bU,| : . K;Y.ciTy. i ' - \u25a0 (fe Vf-Jb';tsj . AVliole War Area, Presents a Scene ' , of Activity.-.' ; ' ..LONDON. February S-2:15. P. M.— News of -tho greatest importance 1 may arrive at any moment, yet here there is. more doubt than; exultation; for,', even, if the recollection, ;of x General Buller's two dis- astrous"' failures :after auspicious starts wero not keen in the mind of the public, the/ list, of casualties published - to-day would, -be \u25a0, a \u25a0"• sufficient ' reminuetC of-/ the tremendous difficulties •-' of ; his .task. J: His occupation of Vaalkrantz, \u25a0.; the! key, J to the lower / ridges, .^vhile a ; praiseworthy and gallant' achievement, by,.no means signi- fies / that ;he and General White will in- evitably join /hands. \u25a0' » . : : : . ; : . Before : General ./-Buller- there": are'.seve-- raldays/of Hard! flghtingr/and any attempt to forecast the /result .would ;be valueless; If,'; based on precedent, s which can hardly, be - done in - warfare, it/ would/ bcVbound: to. be ;in\ favor of the^ Boers,'/ for, /appa- r rontly, . the i. conditions^ have 'not /materially altered since /theUastsf ruitless^attempt;- On the'other . hand, - yie BritishHtroops: are smarting, under . defeat, and.AyiH'undoubt- ediy : bo - ,merved : .to" :/- more :>. desperate efforts vthan^ever before, /and; if;' furious ; gallantry Ccan; : .carry % General-; Bulier/ovor itHe;kopJes;thatr face'- him; Ladysmithlwlll be* .relievedj within /; a But, •.'\u25a0' so ?far,?- \u25a0British/bravery/; has ...been ;-~ in "-Xhe: maih;^ most --; effectually .• .' " ?:/; It' ; is : moretthanillkely/ that /General : I3ar- :ton;|'aH;Chieveley,vfwill-.soons: be? strong enough . to' advance, "on \u25a0' tho': Tugela /'and render valuable asslstahce : ff6mUhe south-: FATAIi ;_-.Wliisck .^'iTf..' MICriIGAjV. Nine Persons. Killt-Ml— •Xine Injnred— - \u25a0 Three Reported aliasing. . / : y ESCANABA,Y MICH.^ February. -S.^Chl-; cago '.:. and \ Northwestern "-. Passenger .-Train r Nor; 21, k"howri :' as % the -Welch-. Mountain; accGmmbdation,>/which;:runs\,betweenVthiSj -city' and Metropolitan; was; wrecked': in ; a'l rear-endr collision at i" Ford-River.; switch;, at : ; 6:30^t0-nisht:-^ -Nine "persons ilwere -killed, ;ithree<:are ?;reported - missing,,- andj •fi"ye ; ;were':serlou3lv.and four; slightly; in- : -jured. ' '"=>Tho i deads are/VVT. /L.^Hill. = baggagemaii : of 'the/: accommodation;. train ;'i AVi!liam ": Dlllbri, :Eacanaba, brakeman; ; \u25a0Miss •;• Seymour;': Section - P.* Delta^qpjimtyyj ;Mich:; a Charles .•Maftln"jr;':Escanaba;;S civil : \ englneer ; i ; : George ">R: Visßlack^s Escanaba^j ?clvilv ; . engineer; 8 SamS* Green;* tNegauhee.l : agent ; of \u25a0;• the .Upper *PenJnsula .Brewing, | Company ; %tw6 *' unknown!men ; jsunknbwnj s unknbwn i Delay of . Ayrardrr ßrlti-sli -Eirectivcß ,-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0" .in Soutli Africn, 1OI,«OU." LONDON/ February. S.— ln reply "to a series of /questions in the'^Hou'sercf Com- mons-to-day, on the subject of the Uela- gqa Bay-railroad. Mr.,Broderick.vParHa- ;m"ehtary Secretary - of , tlie Foreign: OKlce, said the -government had not been,vouch- safed..any. reasbn : -or explanation for. the "delay, in the delivery of.the award by the tribunal considering .the ; .George Wyhdam;vParllirnehtary Secre- tary. : 0f ... *. the War. Oitices. "\u25a0_", 'announced that: 1 /: 2.235 .'••'-"\u25a0- officers, -and ;m'en of the ;Briti3h. v /army ./"-\u25a0• \.were mtssinj^ but it ;is uncertain \how. many .or ithem were at Pretoria. : As -toUheir^prqr tectlon in- caserthe -British ibesiegediPre-, toriai Mr. . Wy ndaih .s. sa jd : the; government' left that to the- discretion of Lord 110-< \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -. v - > -. . _ - ;\u25a0. •_• : . : another i question, /Slr./Wyh-^ dam ; saidi that^ in: addition -to1 tho IS.OOO troops Am ; South :iAfrica, ; ~srecently,-inen-' [tlone.d ; iii'i his 'speech, [the ; government! Aa'd; 'decided- to 'send jseventQen'; more "ibattallohs' of ': .'milt tiaif and \ 3,OOO.Vsreomanry, ; maklngr a .. total >f or Sthb^ mill tlai of i{over,i 2o,ooo i men" and/?f or^vthe^Yeomanry %o,li%Ss&. . - -Tho grandStotaOlnfiSoutiV; Afr'c:!; liv" sv:!ilc<lv WASHINGTON, V. -.' C., February/ :s.—_ (Special. )-^The National , Legislative, Com- miti.ee of fthe Travellers' .Protective : Ass- ociation, of which Colonel-/ John "-S7 Har- vfood,of Richmond, is the chairman, held: a meeting this morning, at the Metropoli-. tan , Hotel, and transacted; considerable routine business. The bill creating a de- partment of commerce and manufactures wW/ discussed, and all : of ;tfie members; present stated that the measure had the endorsement "of the merchants, comracr- cial men, ; and manufacturers throughout \u25a0the. country. -.-., •\u0084\u25a0\u25a0..-\u25a0\u25a0 . ' - ./ ' ''y \u25a0 On the^ adjournment of this meeting',; and Accompanied -by. Representative -Lairib, Colonel Harwood and his: commit- tee" appeared before- the Committee on Interstate ; ahel 'Foreign "Commerce of . the. House .of Representativea.:. \u25a0-• Captain^ .Lamb introduced Colonel ; Harwood and his associates to/chairman ' Hepburn and- .liis colleagues, -and a hearing- of some, ihirtyminutes was granted. Colonel Har- wood made an earnest appeal :in .be- half .. 'of- the: Department of Commerce bill, now under consideration by Repre- sentative Hepburn's, committee, , and framed; along "the lines indicated in the Dispatch " of to-day. He was flattered; and gratified :by the acknowledgment of Chairman Hepburn and other: members of the committee that his argument was almost unanswerable, and ;that they were in daily receipt, of pounds of mail mat- ter \u25a0•. \u25a0' urging an immediate and favorable •report on -the bill. Mr. Hepburn pro- mised to have a special meeting: to con- sider ./\th'e"-. measure as soon "as possible, and all the members present expressed themselves as favorableto the bill. Colonel Harwood and his committee left very much, pleased, with their recep- tion and the success of their mission to the capital. FAVORABLE SENATE- ; REPORT. The- Senate Committee on Commerce to-day made a favorable . report on the bill ' to create the. department asked for_ The bill, among other: things, gives ..to tho new .department general jurisdiction over foreign and internal commerce, ex- cept internal revenue and customs; over transportation, facilities by land and water, except in cases under the jurisdic- tion of the Interstate Commerce Com- mission; over the geological survey, the mining industries, and the fisheries, in- cluding fur sealing, and over manufac- turing industries, including the securing of foreign markets. ; RICHMOND CLAIMS. \u25a0Senator.- .Teller to-day reported his claims bill from the Committee on Claims, without amendment, and as "the mea- sure is now expected to pass, the.publi- cation "of the Virginia claims, so long outstanding, may' be "of interest. The bill authorizes the Secretary of the Trea- sury to pay to the several persons named tho sums mentioned in connection with their names, the same being ac- cepted in each case as a full and final dis- charge of the- claims. The items are as follows: To Isaac. Davenport, Jr., surviving partner of Edmond & Davenport, for the use and occupation of two large ware- houses on Seventeenth, street, in the city of Richmond, and r also of a/large wharf in the lower end of said city, from 'April'3, ISCS,- to April 3, .ISG6, 54.797.C4/ To George D. Harwood, for the use and occupation of building situated on the corner of Twenty-sixth and Main streets, in the said city, from April 3, 18ti5, to May 22, 1866, $1,300. ' / :To Thomas W. McCance, /surviving partner of Dunlap, Moncure & Co., for the use and occupation of wharf property at Rocketts, in said city, from April 9, 1565, to October 10, 1866. 53,075. . \u25a0To-D.T. Madigan," surviving partner of Fabian & Madigan, for use and occupa- tion of wharf for storage purposes from April 3, 1565, to September o, 1865, §'J25. : To Oreed Thomas, for use and occupa- tion of house, corner of Broad and Eighth streets, in said city, from April 3, ISBS, to September '3, IS'3B, $1,127:50. To W; H. Palmer, executor of "William Palrneiv. deceased, for use and occupation of warehouse, comer of Nineteenth and Car-y streets,' in said city, from Aprils, 1565,t0 July 3, ISGB, $1,620. . To John E. Robinson, for use and oc- cupation of building from April 3, "1565, ; to October 3, ISS7, £1.620./ ./\u25a0 . " To John Ehders, . executor of "William Greanor, for use and occupation of fac- tory on Twenty-second street, -in said city, from April 10, 1565, to August 16, IS6— ,- $1,200. ."\u25a0"-..'To -Mary "W. Bailey, executrix of Samuel M. Bailey, for use~and occupation of fac- tory, corner of Cary and Seventh streets, In said city, April3, ISCS, to June 18, ISGS, 5375/- To; Garret t F. Watson, surviving partner of Ludlam &.. "Watson, for use and occupa- tion of wharf-house and wharfs in said, city, from. April. Z, 1565, to April 3, ISCG, $4,972. :' •' ; " ' .'"\u25a0'- " -. .-\u25a0 :. \u25a0 : \u0084•': To the estate of R. : O. Ha'skiris, for use and. occupation of wharf property in said elly from April3, ISG3, to August 3, "1565, 5540,' ' -.-\u25a0 , \u25a0" " . -'. - ' '. : To Ann E. Grant, administratrix of James 11. Grant, for use and occupation of, warehouse on Tenth street, . April 16,. 12SK, /to' .January ..l 6, ISGG, SI.SOO. v ';. •;To Samuel P. Lathrop. agent : for Eugene Carrington, administrator of 'George M. Carrington. deceased; for use and occu- pation of a certain lot of land, with im- provements, In said city, from April 3. 1805. to February ; 3."" ISG3.--' 51,150. - To."\V. Ben. Palmer, executor of George S. -"-Palmer, for rent of two warehouses. in said city, April 3J ISGS, to June 21. 1565. $351.- ' V : ' ' \u25a0 '" ". To John Bowers, surviving partner of Charles D. Yale &. Co.. for rent of house on Carv street, in said city, from April 3, IStw, to September 3, ISC3, 5400. - To John Enders, f or .-. use and ' occupa- tion of two warehouses and . a stable in said city, from - -, 51,110. : \u25a0/\u25a0; ' ".To E. M.;Garnett,- assignee " of Joel B. ,Watkins. for use.' and 'occupation" of --house on the corner of Tenth and .Capitol streets, in said city, from April 10, ISSo, to 'August 10;; ISG6. -§2.CCO. ' '"\u25a0To Richmond College, located at Rich- mond, Va., : ,tlie sum .of 525,000, to reim- ; burse said college for: the occupation "of its '" buildings -and grounds \u25a0/ by TJnf ted States troops and officers^ for ths pariod :of- eight -months, ' : said ; :occupation: com- mencing' in April, ISGS, and: for injury to. . and^destruction ; of .the buildings, the" ap- paratus, libraries,;; arid other property. ; of saidJcollcge'by .said troops and; officers: Provided, .that no money-be so paid ex- cept upon accounts of such/ /occupation, injury, ':•: and destruction ; and C the, damage : caused .'thereby:; duly; verified; and ; .prbven; P-.These': claims/. have :. been' repeatedly, urged by;; Representativ e; Lamb, who .< in- troduced bills : in /the. House for their pay- ment.'- Pie was unceasing; in. his efforts.^to secure the . payments, and co-operated Senator /.Teller and". the -Virginia senators in' per f ecting thejbill which was reported tor-day. ' '.: :. N •; ..'..\u25a0 ;v WILL OF LIEUTENTANT. 'SMITH."! \u25a0 The will of; the late ;Lieutenaritj,Charie3 'Maurice: Smith^Uriited-States army,XwhoV 'was .^killed - recently/ int battle ijln i- ; the';Phllr'j| ippihes,* -.was :t filed ; yesterday.; for; probate."- ; By'^its:- terms"? the sbequeaths: all . of : ;lilsi estate vtq his- twO;=b'rothers^Johiv; : Lewia-"- 1 Smith ,'andK John withiUho'lf exception "ipt j?SO//vyhichjheYdi-- rects:shallibe:used;io' purchase a-present for|hi3|nephewii the "sonrof : his-;sistef,- Mrs.: Charles. M. .Towson.. The two bro- thors aro named as executors. i|Ljeuten^tjSmith^waal^eiScmxqf^thej; jlate^JohnrAtnbler^Smith^Tvhoirepresent^; ed the Richmond: District: In Consresa^ WTW T


Page 1: 'MISS HAYES A BRIDE. MarVJain^Sara.' HARWOOD …...'MISS HAYES_A BRIDE. *riU3TTVniCHSIO.VO Gllli/W^nSMK. \V arccLiocGU^ of1 \u25a0 h-BRIGHTDAI-IK-SOCIETY. iiiclitnond-/Beneficlafica

'MISS HAYES_A BRIDE.*riU3TTVniCHSIO.VO Gllli/W^nSMK.\V arccLiocGU^ of1



iiiclitnond-/Beneficlafica \u25a0 -'Under tlie

; Measure— Prospect Tliat They "Will

V;Nol7.'Obtain :Their liOns-Delayetl

.:\u25a0 Dues— iVaslilngton /Persohnls.^




' Death Rate Reduced During:1899^ £\u25a0MITED STATES HEALTH'REPORTSClaim that This: Was Due to the Use of the

New Dry Air Germicide, '.„._'.,-.\u25a0 :-. : \u25a0'

' - , ,- '\u25a0 ..-...,.",.--.. \u25a0 '- .;:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .:\u25a0 .- •\u25a0\u25a0-, -\u25a0 .: \u25a0. \u25a0- .- • . " :\u25a0\u25a0. -. .- '-.. ->— •-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0

:i:iThe United States Health :Reports,-pnblisli'ed January ,

sth7,say that '.the^^ great,reduction-' in tlie.• 'death^rate, from ,;

respiral.orj'- diseases during the.past year was entirely due :to the use of the Dry /Air Germicide bythe;rpeople/ and advise: all .who are afflicted: withCatarrh, ;Eroiichilis,rand Consumption, to /use.' this newtreatnient, :

and no bUicn /." " -

\u25a0.-"\u25a0 -;'. \Y.'T.Mann Cnrei of Consmnptlon.

The R. T, Booth Comfant: "..'.' .'Dear Sirs.—l.'•was taken July Ist•.\u25a0with";a severe attack, of-,the/

Grippe which"teiminnted inConsumption. .Iliad the bestpby- ;

siclans Icould possibly get. They all said the same thing;, my

left lun"- was badlycongegted, andmy right:one conposted atthe top --'-Tliree doctors gave me np and =snirlImust die withconsumption. 1had chilis and fever.Ihad the very worst kind:,

of niehtawcats every, night -for:\ twelve "•.•w-eekg.VIhave had tochanire my clothinpaa many asseven times inone nijrht. Isentfor your liihaler and then .weighed 119 pounds :Inow weijrlii-iS.IknowIhnvf been snatched from the gisive.. Everybody tainkslam a walivingmiracle": :' :

-,^Yr?,H1313 l^ffo,?"^'' \u0084 v. , . \u25a0 :iW. I.MANM,A\alton, 7S.i.

Catarrh Bronchitis, Consumption. Coughs,: Colds, and.A'stUmw Ca:inot Kxist"Where IIYOMEIisUsed.

Sold by all druggists or sent by mail. Hyomei, outfit'.-,

complete, $1.00. iTrialoutfit. 25c. ; Five days' treatmentof Hvomeifree; send 2c. stamp for postage.

THE R. T. BOOTH COMPANY, 'Ithaca, N.Y.,.


\u25a0Powcfs^Rcbckatf Bell,"MarVJain^Sara.'

S^^^c^^T&^ Va!;;Waddev,. Berilley, andothers.,

\u25a0•••'V7^ .-"\u25a0-.-\u25a0 \u25a0'• '.^ -\u25a0 .-- *'.'*.- «;-^ .\u25a0< .\u25a0*--'\u25a0 -\u25a0-.---.\u25a0\u25a0 1

Wro.'-Sam Vcoiicn entertained the:mem-be^of tfcuSS>ala«b> o^odncsd^.:artefnoon: at the: Jefferson 4HoteL .intci

during theflrn part of Ib^cvcnin^g.rhe.prizes AveYe won as fonows:.^llssirmaKosenbaum. the ilrst l>r^. a^cut-^abspowder-box, mounted; in:#'«SSwas -.won=by Miss Schafneivor Uoveland ;i

nn onyx,bust. Inthe game or Old:Gloi>^,Mi«3Mabel Sycle wortitheSflrst; prize,, a

Kold bonbon spdon.:\u25a0 vrlth the:name.of -tho."cKb^ngruvcd on »t. and the second prize,

was drawn for_ by >even youi^Mf||Miss Florence Greenwald being, tne suc-cessful winner.

- .An elegant; supper wasserved 5n one of the Jefferson s privatedining-rooms after :the :gamc'r;ji. ;:.. , -

;.:The decoraUons for the table-were A-ery.

beautiful,, being composed^of MadameTestout roses, maidenhair anashaded lamps: and candles. Jif, \Z- "\u25a0•''.J."

Mrs. Cohen's guests were Misses HattleSchnffhcr. Byrdie Asher, Marionc.Schirer,Mariam Lovenstein. Irma Rosenbaum.Saldie WhiUock. Mabel :Sycle;";>iariamRosenbaum, Mariam Millhiser, RosaGreentree, Saidie Thalhimer, ;_CorinneStraus. Amelia Kahnweiler, * FlorenceGreenwald, and Fannie Mlchelbacher.

Mrs. Edgar D. Taylor -gave a bea:utifulluncheon yesterday in honor of her ;sis-

ter, Mrs. Llewellyn.Nicolson, of;George-town. The table was beautifully -deco-rated with pink carnations and migno-

nette Pink candles inexquisite silver can-dlesticks stood at the four corners, andthrew a roseate glow over the handsomeSl&^.^loXSSts •xverc.' MesdamesNicolson. Hugh Taylor, Gunst,Cameron, 11. W. Powers; Jr.. GerchartJ M Taylor, Virginius:Hall, F. D. \Ml-liams, and J..G. Anderson.* *'\u25a0*\u25a0'\u25a0 "

\u25a0" '\u25a0 '

•The anVual musicaie of the Saturday

Afternoon Club was given last evening atS o'clock at the residence of Mr.ana Mrs.

B B Munford. on oast Grace- street.

Twcntv musicians were on the pro-gramme, which was splendidly rendered.After the concert an elegant supper was

served. . .":

-Mr Hellod ore P. Picard", of New York,

is visiting Richmond, and stopping^ at

Alurnhy's Hotel. He is making a tour orthe foufhern States, -and will.go from

Richmond as far South as \icksburg,

Miss. ...Mr T W. Tanner, of Norfolk, is at

the Jefferson. Sir. Tanner comes to at-

tend the llayes-McCullough marriage.

Mr. and Mrs. EwingCaches of Louis-ville, and Miss Parsons of.^NaturalBridge, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.

James Walker." c>Dr William F. Lockwood, of Balttmore,

Is the guest of Mrs. Davidß. Tennant.

Miss Pancake, of Romney, W. Va., is

the guest of.,Miss Carrie Lee Campbell,

on west Grace street.

of Commons yesterday, but was not madepublic. Itis reported that the calli3for

SIOO 000 000, which would make tho cost orthe' war up to that date 5150.C00.000. ,The

maintenance of 200,000 men at. the front,

it is estimated, costs between $10,C00,0W

and ?50,000,000 per month.


Dentli of Mrs. Emma Holmes.Mrs. Emma Holmes, wife of Mr Wil-

liamll. Holmes, died at l^.o^^'5morning at her residence, No. 220 southJefTerson street; aged 59 years. Death re-sulted from an attack of typhoid-fever.Mrs. Holmes had been illsince Christmas.

The deceased was a daughter of the lateGeorge Parrott. of Norfolk, but was bornin Richmond, where she had spent her

whole life. Her 59th birthday was .cele-brated only the. day before her death.

Her marriage to Mr. Holmes in

1873. One daughter, Mrs. M. L. Buuon

survive? besides her husband. A Bister is

Mrs W. B. Harwood. of south Pme

street. She was a consistent member^olthe first Baptist church, and a most estl-

mT^ hoSr"f = tho funeral has not been

decided upon. The funeral arrangements

will be made to-day.

Ttto Mnlesin the Doclc.

A cart, having two mul?s attached, wasbacked into the dock at the foot ol Flt-

toeivth street yesterday morning. Ihe

animals and the cart were,;gotten out

without damage to cither. They belonged

to J. C. Boxley, No. 307 west Clay street.The driver, a" colored man, was RobertRobertson. E. C. Taylor, agent of theSociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to

Animals,- and the bystanders aided great-ly in freeing tho animals from a ratherdangerous bath.

soon' after the war. His uncle, .Mr.Charles


Maurice Smith, and h!s motnerand brothers "reside in this city, and an-other uncle, Mr. E.^H.' Smith, lives' "mRichmond.' /. V / .;

NORTH CAROLINA NOTES.House Committeo on 'Elections No. 2

will' to-morrow hear arguments in theDockery-Bellamy contest, ;Irom-the .Wil-mington District of North Carolina.; The Senate Committee "on:Fisheries to-day, reported favorably the Wll authoriz-ing the establishment at some point InNorth Carolina of a station for, the in-.vestigation of.problems relating to themarine interests of the Middle and SouthAtlantic coast. . \u25a0


PERSONAL.Mr. Robert Warren Winborne, a native

of North Carolina, who Is an ex-memberof the Legislature of that State, but whonow resides at ;Buena Vista, Va., whereho is in business, is in the city, stoppingat the Raleigh.. „_

Mr.T.J. Crowder, of Staunton, wlio jsthe inventor

-of an; electrical' apparatus

to be used in the delivery of mails, andwhich will soon be Put into PracUejsloperation, is here, quartered at the How-ard House.- : - .

J. -H. Mehan and wife, Newport News,Va.; John S. Hawkins, Charlottesville;Evangelist W. P. Fife and wife, Char-lotte.'N. C; A. S. Segar, Newport News;J. A. Herron, :North Carolina; . C. A.Mathews and wife, Cliarlotte, N. C; J.D. Eggrleston, Jr., Asheville, N". C; ~F. C.Moon, Lynchburg; J. M. 'Bausserman,Woodstock, Va.;B. W- Grubbs and %vlfe,Richmond; JuniusD. McCance, Rich-mond; W. P. Simpson, T. C. Smith, Vir-ginia; J. R. Chamberlain and wife, Vir-ginia


M.F. Dowling,John A. Frick, Norfolk;M. L.Mott, Wilkesboro', N. C.;"A. H.Price, H. N. Moss, North Cdrolina; It.J.. Williams, Clinton, N.C; W. E. Reid,John Roe Starbuck, Greensboro', N. C—National.\H. B. Hogle, Richmond— St. James..L. R. Love, Petersburg; W. E. Thomas,

Danville; Charles -E.Hammner, Harri-sonburg; .A. B. Sutherland, Richmond; J.Gutman, J. R. Castell, Saltville, Va.—Howard House.

POSTAL.Mary B. Mullins has been commission-

ed fourth-class postmaster at Dwale,Va,, and Jordan S. Lyons at Edmonds,N. C.

A new post-office has been establishedat Longr Mountain, Amherat county, Va.,with William ILOgden, -Jr., as postmas-ter. - .


Br.Sicel'.i Lecture.

Dr S. A. Steel had a v.cry good-sizedaudience at the Young Men's ChristianAssociation Hall last night' to hear hislecture on "Home Life in Dixie During

the War." The lecture was well re-ceived, the speaker being many timesinterrupted by applause. The musicalprogramme, which embraced some of thesweetest airs in music, was also wellrendered. , • "

:.A Warm "Winter Day.

Yesterday was one of the warmest daysof the winter. There was light rain Inthe early part of the day, but the suncame out in the afternoon and the starswere shining at night.„

The cold-wave flag floating from theChamber of Commerce foretells a changethat is expected to-day.

Trenty Signed— We Obtniif Reduc-tion on Cottonseed-Oil.

WASHINGTON. February S.-SpecialPlenipotentiary Kasson, for tho UnitedStates, and Baron Fava, the Italian Am-bassador, for his government, at theState Department, to-day, signed "a reci-procity arrangement under the third sec-tion of the Dingley act. This arrange-ment does not require the action of theSenate, but it does need the ratificationof the Italian Chambers. Until tLat hasbeen attained it is deemed well to with-hold the text of the agreement from pub-lication. It is stated, however, that theUnited States gains a considerable reduc-tion on cottonseed-oil, of which Italy isa heavy consumer, and other staples,

while Italy,in return, secures the abate-ment of duties on still wines, argots, andworks of art. permitted by the third sec-tion of the tariff act.

Second Day of \u25a0 tlie Battle of VatilIvrnntz. r

LONDON,:February o.—The Daily Tel-egraph has received the "following dis-

patch, dated Tuesday, February 6th, fromSpearman's Camp: .

"This is the second day of the battle,

and the fighting has been fiercer than it

was yesterday. At dawn «ie Boers.-be-gan the action by shelling our bivouac

with their 'Long Tom' and pompon guns

from Doornv Kloof. Their - G-inch shellsfell near the -spot where General Bullerand his staff were;watching tho engage-ment. .One shell burst amiqVa squadron

of the Thirteenth Hussars, but not a soulwas touched.

"Our guns- from Zwarts. Kop and onthe plain soon silenced the enemy's artil-lery,- but repeatedly the Boers brought

back their guns; popped them iia^o workover tho hills, fired a few rounds, andthen again changed their position.

WARM TIME FOR LYTTLETOiN. /. "During the morning our gunners suc-ceeded in blowing up the enemy's ammu-nition wagon upon Dporm Kloof. Gene-ral Lyttleton's brigade was shot at fromthree sides, and had a warm time uponVaal Krantz.\u25a0'\u25a0 "Desperate' efforts v were made by- -theBoers to recover the smoking hill. TheDurham LightInfantry, the King's RoyalRifles, and the Scottish Rifles gallantlycharged, and cleared the position. Gene-ral Hildyard's brigade relieved GeneralLyttleton's brigade toward sunset. _/:

BOER LOSS HEAVY."Fighting continued until 9. Several

prisoners have been taken. They declarethat

'the Boers yesterday lost heavily.

The enemy suffered severely to-day"". ItIsreported that among their dead in thetrenches armed Kaffirs were found.'.'

BOER ATTACKINZULULAND.. :'DURBAN, February S.—A large force

of Boers attacked Nordweni, in Zululand,destroyed the public buildings, and ;tooknumerous prisoners. . '- ;

A force of volunteera, with artillery,has been dispatched there to support thescouts, and to oppose a further advanceby tho BoersN.

>Iv Sisma Rlio Hall.The renovated and beautiful 1

hall of the1

Mv Sigma Rho Society of Richmond Col-lege willbe opened to-night with delight-ful exercises. The committee in chargeis composed of Messrs. Josiah MoseS,Robert Pollard, and Julian Rawles: Thepublicis invited. Exercises begin at 8:15:



cast, while the baleagurcd garrison itself,according to the latest' dispatches^ shouldbo able to-create a potential, diversionwhen- GeneraK Buller. has overcome theinitial difficulties which lie in the kopjesimmediately north; of the "Tugela. :

OONCENTRATION AT COLESBERG.Turning, from the transcendent interest

in Ladysmith, 'the: whole war area, pre-sents a scene of important activity. TheBoer attack on General Gatacre's forces,reported February 7th, failed, .the artil-lery, of .the Burghers, after shelling, thecamp, retiring upon' the arrival of Britishreinforcements. The affair : scarcely

warrants. being called a "skirmish. TheBritish casualties were .one man killed

and four men wounded. The latest ad-vices. from Sterkstrom announco that Gen-eral Gatacre's cavalry is in pursuit of theBoers.

' . \u25a0'-.Whilo nothing has resulted from this

affair, it indicates that' the Burghers arefully alive to the importance of the-con-centration, which is on -the verge of tak-ing place, between the forces 'of GeneralsGatacre, Kelly-Kenny, and- French,: andthey do,not hesitate to take tho aggres-

sive against established positions in anattempt to thwart it, though it is be-

lieved'that d sufficiently' large ;body of

troops wiirsoon' be /massed at Colesburg

to/ensuro the unopposed advance of thoinvading army, when it is ready to start.

That itis not prepared for this move. atpresent, and. thatiall this activity is mere-ly preliminary to what is known as"Field-Marshal Lord Roberts's mainmovement," is -evidenced by a dispatch

from Cape Town, under date of February7th, announcing that the transportationdepartment was advertising for oxen anddrivers.' Without these itwould be hope-

less to carry on the invasion, and it must

be a month before they are ready.:;, Another "preliminary '\u25a0\u25a0 is that . General


Roberts has only just sanctioned the for-

mation .of. tho new;;Colonial Yeomanry,consisting of a troop of 100 men. fpr eachdistrict of the Colony, to protect theloyal farmers. This force will be officer-ed" from among ,the; local- yeomen. •'

. METIIUEN TO ADVANCE?Opinion is divided as to whether Field-

Marshai Lord Roberts and General Kitch-ener, have, gone to the Modder river or toSterkstrom: General- MacDonald's": ac-tivity in the former locality, combinedwith the; belief that the Colesberg mov.e-inent is to draw off a portion of the FreeState force, has given rise to the hopethat General Methuen willshortly be en-abled to make a successful attack, re-sulting in the relief of Kimberley, whiletho gradually-thinning forces surround-,ing Mafeking will altogether melt away.

Sir John Gordon. SPrigg, the formerPremier of Capo Colony, has cabled toMr. Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary,

in' behalf of the imperialists' of CapeColony,. congratulating him on the.govrernment's overwhelming majority in theHouse of Commons, and; declaring thatthe government's

'"policy, if steadfastly

pursued, will secure to South Africa, un-der British supremacy, permanent pros-perity."

UECEXT BRITISH.;CASUALTIES.Mules and Food for British.

NEW ORLEANS, February B—The Bri-tish steamer Magician, Captain "Wood,cleared to-day for. Cape Town, Africa,

with 1,000 vmules for tho British Govern-

ment and a large lot of foodstuff. ;



i_ ' ' ' " : :,- " - :=;'..!|petitions will be heard in the- United :;

States Court o£ Appeals bsxl iron^ \u25a0




Some Say He Will Xot—Collier Pum'clinsiDß Ammunition.

LONDON, KY., February S.—At10:05 A,M. tho Senate, in executive session, ad-

=joumed until noon to-morrow. The seni* ;

;.- tors would not reveal what had trans-/|pired. other than that no resoluticm !J were .'xdopted.


i At 1:30 P. M. the House executive sea*jsion ended and the open session, rcas x**}sumed. The following telegram fntjiFrankfort was read:

"Taylor has not signed. Some say a* \willnot. Collier .is purchasing ammuni-* ftion."

At1:15 P. 51. the House adjourned uatiS10 o'clock to-morrow. The members ctthe House absolutely refused to say whsjr jhad taken place in the secret meeting.

The Senate requires six more memivrj '•for a quorum. It is understood thai th*'\sergeant-at-arms has been furnished witlrIthe names of absentees to be sent Tar /A committee to draft resolutions on xti;

death of former Representative Sse!fl, «J ;Richmond, was appointed.

I ~n>.

lETTERTUOM JUSTUS GOT3UEL. !:J He Calls on Iventnckisna to TnniiH .

Ills Brother's As«<si.Hsin.FRxVNKFORT, KY., February S.-Jas»

tvs Goebel, brother pi the dead Governor, Iissued an oPen letter to-night, in w&icit \he calls on Kentuckians to- swear bj-bii [brother, "to see justice done to thos» \concerned in his foul taking off. I'yoij.fail in this, then your laws are dead let- .:ters."

He says: "Jf he could speak, he w&l.say now, as often before: "Let ?he la^* Itake its course.' Will designing men o: .high station he permitted to uso !hi \t-


norant outlaw to further their anb:':!r r \u25a0

and when that mission Is disap?ni': frl ||turn the murderer loose under tlia ve'j* |roof of the Executive Mansion?"


Recent Humors and. Conflrmatnni "\Facts— C.'ipitnlization, $l-tU.COO,OOi).

NEW YORK, February B.—The -Mali ':and Express says:

"Rumors of an industrial combination^including under one management the Na-tional Steel. American Steel Hoop. an 3American Tin-Plate companies, hava Vf

cently been current In Wail street. Tft* f;facts that W. K.Moore ha3coma to.-it# ;t

in New Ycrk, that the three compmiea :'|v/ero promoted by him and' are control!*! \u25a0

by the same set of men, and that a!*

tliree have taken ofHces in the nf.xr Pat-1

tery Park building, on State street, wi

given as indications of the truth of ttastorj". . - " ,

"W.E. Rels. president of the .Vafr^i.

Steel Company, is also in town, andJloore and Mr. Reis have been in "?r Iquent conference with Prcs!c!e".t C. >\u25a0+ JGuthrie. of {be American .Stesl-H'WiiCompany. . >j

"From an inside source Itwas iti'^ito-day that the three compani-3 will coz* |:solidate. Itwaastated, however, t-3^^ /consolidation would not be' brought a-^ |before next May, by which

';».n> ""||three corporations v/ill .have !ltt^dupon their second business year Tothreo organizations represor.t a capitaJr

zation of §HO.OOO,W>, and hr^ve ;prsctiC3- >

control of their specialties." _iDEATHS'.

HOLMES.—Died, at 1« this m0"!™ ;;;

of typhoid-fever, at the residence of neaj

husband. No. 220 south Jefferson <reeu ,

Jlrs. EMMA HOLIIES, Wife of V»lU&?M11. Holmes. . |

Faneral notice in the afternoon pap.«4j\u25a0 \u25a0"-"' ,\u0084-



Two Offleers Killed; Fifteen WoTina-ed—2lG 3leii Killed anil Wounded.LONDON, February 8.—1:13 P. M.—Gen-

eral Buller has cabled to the War (Juicethat the approximate British casualtiesin the fighting at Potgieter's Driftup tonoon- Tuesday were:

Ollicers—Two killed and fifteen wound-ed..

• \u25a0 , . : \u25a0\u25a0;Non-commissioned officers and men-

Two hundred and ,sixteen killed andwounded. . '

In Xo -Great Danger, But Women-Passcngrers Trt.lcen.- Arfsiore. ; ,

NEW YORK, February.'S.— The steam--ship. Gate City, of the Ocean Steamship

Cotirt of AppculH Defers to the Su-preme Court.

NEW YORK. February B.—Former Cap-tain Oberlin M. Carter, United Statesarmy, who is now in Castle William, themilitary Drison on Governor's Island, inthis^harbbr, will remain there- until theUnited States Supreme Court decideswhat aqtion it will take on the applica-tion for a writ' of certiorari in the pri-soner's behalf. :. "-\u25a0'.-

':...-.'.-Carter asks the higher court to.review

the "decision of the United States Courtof -Appeals, affirming Judge Lacombe'saction dismissing the habeas corpus pro-ceeding which was taken after his con-viction by court-martial.

- --The United States Court of Appeals, asa matter of courtesy to the.United StatesSupreme Court, in a decision handeddown to-day, stayed the issuance of themandate ointil the application for a writof certiorari is decided. This stay pre-vents Carter's removal- to the .militaryprison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.


The. officers killed were Major Johnson-Smyth and Lieutenant: Shaf to, .both ofthe Durham Light InfantrjC' The \u25a0' officers'wounded include

'Colonel Fitzgerald, of

the Durham Light Infantry; :Colonel1A.J. .aidntgomery, of the Royal Artillery,and Lieutenant Sir T. A.- A. Cunning-hame, of the Rifle Brigade. ,

ARMED -NATrV-ES WITH BOERS..A dispatch to the London Times fromSpearman's Camp, says that" when /theDurhamsTeached the top of Vaalkrantz,"over fifty of the enemy, who were stilldefending the position, fled," and "morethan half of these were armed natives."A cable, dispatch from Spearman's

Camp, under, to-day's date, says: -r.X"Buller holds his position. .\u25a0• Relief is

certain." . " . :;J -. .. \u25a0. \u25a0-


Aljolition. of :Stndy of "DepravetlSubjects of Western Schools.". PKKIN,; February B.—The Dowager

Empress of China, it is asserted, appearsto be determined . to relapse into tho an-cient conservatism; .Yesterday * sheissued an edict "commanding; a return totho' old manner ./of .study, according to-thejteachings of Confucius, for examina-tions for.official rank, ordering the aboli-tion"of the study of the-"now depravedand erroneous subjects -/of the westernschools," and ..threatening with punish-ment the teachers of such subjects. "\u25a0 ;Theclosing: of the new university at Pekin isexpectedito speedily -follow. // / -


Company, went on the outer bar, three

miles east of the Moriches Life-Saving

Station, Long Island, about 9 o'clock to-night. .' ':. : -.. .' .'. /;. "

/ _ -'.. There was a dense fog at the "time, andit is stated" that the steamer was drivenhard into the sand of the outer shoal.'; AtPresent she is lying easy, in a compara-tively:smooth sea. ..-'-'.: The Gate City,had on board forty-ninepersons, three- of whom were women..When 'she went aground her whistle sig-

nalled to the Life-Saving Station, and ;theci-ew at once launched: a surf-boat;: They

found the vessel in no great danger, butthe cap tain, of the.life-savers volunteeredto take off .'the passengers.

'The women

decided to go/ ;ashore, aria they weretaken to the beach; and. given possessionof the station-house. , . /

The surf-boat immediately, put out again

.to the stranded: steamer, with the inten-tion of bringing.any ot:the male passen-gers ashore: that desired to be taken/offthe/steamer. //The- Gate City:,is 'lyingInthe. sand,- in a sea /that is steadily rising-/There-is danger from the dense t'og./and:the/steamer .would-be. in a dangerous'po-sition in case of a storm. The- surf-boatswill probably lie alongside r_the steamer,during the "remainder of the night,/ unless.she ;is floated. ,- " . // ; ,-.:.The Gate: City has 3,000 bales of cottonon board.

'; -;\u25a0 \u25a0.' :;

'/.'\u25a0: "; '-' '

/Two .'. of; the womeli passengers . landedfrom.:;the* Gate ;City,- were /Miss .'LouiseLyles and- Miss Elizabeth L. Lyles.Tfrom.Florida. -'.\u25a0'- ",.. . . '.'/ '

\u0084 MONDAY NiGHT,




and the OriKina: T«as JtevT Q««telte^A COMPLKTE PKOOLCTION-..

Regular prices. Sale of seats r»»:-fe "9-lt


;jjt^aD.EMY'TUESDAY, FEBeilifHfeSi^fSmltn&'P.lcc willPresent the Com**3...


-the" comedy hit "of the season. &L*'~£-' sentedin NewVi'orX and C2>\7^.i-.rjo2.i-.rjo2.A Great Cast >ami Elaborate. . ;iSCAUK OF ;i*KICKS icoGfj% Night-Orchedtra, 51 and JL3O: ca11-

50and 73c.'~

;./-Matinee— 2s to i'3c- . \u0084 j-itX'Sale:begins FrUlay. . _^^—-^r^

/^•Whatvwould you do if taken

?oV cholera- znqrbus. :when >'our P^VjW«lW«liisfawaylfrom "home, and tbc *T,«z:cf"?aro closed?. \:;After/iont> such \u25a0 eta*'»

yoaTwm always :keep Chatr.btir^K^,

ICholera.^ and RemedJ »£.£.hem*, 'but why.wait un«t tha_ «^y.t,""

>len before -you: lock-the sta \^ij

f One of- {he'most beautiful weddings of\u25a0/the season, aiid one holding great\j)ro;ni-•^jicncc, due/ to;the high social^poEition.'of"the contracting parties, iva?v solemnised/ last, night at]9 o'clock, when""M|ss :Vir-, gJnia Carter Haycs^ became the wife of

ZMr. Francis';. "SVhcatlejr McCullough, of

\u25a0Korfolk. \u25a0 . ,;-,"' .. -•

\u25a0 , .'.'\u25a0 The wedding, which, occurred at the-,residence of the bride's parents, SCO west

"Franklin street,, was one of the most bril-;lsant of the -winter.* The entire houso•ivas

*profusely decorated ;wHh* palms,

ferns, pink roses, and Smilax

twined around the balustrade of'thebroad stairs; tho mirrors were half-hid-den behind curtains of crisp green, and

"the chandeliers were wrtathed with it.Between the windows of the front

parlor en altar, was. erected. .Back -of

this altar stood a bank of palms, against

its snowy wliuencss shone .3n\u25a0 clear relief. The altar bore pure white-bride's roses and lilies, and, was ablaze

..with.'many caadles.' The ceremony was

.'performed befcrd this altar by Rev. A. S.-IJoyd. formerly, of .St. . lake's church,

/ Norfolk, but now of New York,

\ The bride entered from the library with/"her maid of honor, and was :net at thoaltar by the groom and his best man.

rHer father, Mr. James Hayes, gave here""away. The bride was gowned in a crea-tion of white chlfron over white taffeta,

\u25a0the bodice draped with rare point lace,

and with garniture of-

orange blossoms.Mier veilwas fastened with a diamond;r-unburst. the gift of tho groom, and

she carried a shower bouquet of lilies of

.the valley. -Her sieter. Mrs. Lucy Champe

Hayes, was her maid of honor. She was

\u25a0Ircwned in rose-pink chiffon over liberty,

.and carried Madame Testout roses.The" bride is tho daughter of Mr. and

•Mrßi~.Tames 'Hayes, and has been noted as;

'a belle and beauty since her debut. She

has. been greatly admired, and lias re-ceived much attention, not only in Rich-mond, but wherever she has .visited. Mr.'

HjJcCullough is a wealthy young business- ,

"man of Norfolk, where he is prominent .socially, as well as in business circles.

AN ELEGANT "RECEPTION.After the ceremony an cJegant recep-

-tion was held. The color scheme of the i"dlnlnc-room was also pink and white.

/Festoons of smllsx came from the chande-IJcr to the four corners oj the table,

iwhore they were caught with large bov.-s

\u25a0of pink satin ribbon. A large boy.-l of

Madame Testoul roses formed the centre-\u25a0"plece and pink-shaded lamps and can-

dles gave a rosy light to the ecene.imong the out-of-town guests were -ur.

tfflßa' Mrs. James Walker; Mr. and Mrs.lowingEaches. Louisville. Ky.; Mrs. M.

'A, Downman, Fredericksburg;..Va.;..Mr|.;;A. A.McCullough. Ncrfolk;-Mr. James H.

.itownman, New York; Mr. and Mrs. YWl-

liara "VVheatley, AVashington, D. C.; -\lr-.and "Mrs S" G. "Whoatlty, Washington, D-C; tho Misses Whoatley, •Washington, D.


Messi' a V%"heatley, AVashington, D.C;

B'r.'aad lirs. Hemy C. Eno, New York;

Mr George Henry Eno, New York; Mr.George Dominiclt, New York,; Dr. WilliamF Lockwood. Baltimore; Colonel and Mrs.

George Taylor. Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs^*George Mclntosh, Norfolk; Mr. Tench

, Tilghiaan, Norfolk;Mr.Hugh Whitehead.NoriJDlk;. Mr. and" -Mrs. V^. 11. Doyle,

Mr. J. Saunders Taylor, Mr..Vv-altc- Taylor, Mr. Richard Taylor, Mr.Montgomery Osborn, Mr. Key Compton,

\u25a0 Mr. Thomas Tannor, Mr. Krank Wllcps."

Mr. Theodore -Williams, Mr. D. Puller,; Mr. Watlington Hardy, all of Norfolk;

Vir John Whitehead. Johns Hopkins uni-versity Dr.W. L.Harris, Virginia Beach;

Mr and Mrs-I R. E. Bo.vkin, Smithfleld;

Mr' and Mrs.-Prank Deford. Baltimore;

\u25a0Mrland Mrs. Henry Fairfax, Lonoon;

Mr. ar.d Mrs. David Tennant, London;

Mr. Theodore. Garnett, Norfolk; Mr.DanMorton, Baltimore. *\u25a0'.",; - .

Mr McOollough and his bride will lake

a Wedding journey to 'the. Bermudas.After their return they willbe at home,

"at ISC Freemason street, _ Norfolk."

Miss Edna Forbes gave a^Uglitful tea

iS^nvSc^^^^l^b^/ftlllack lacker white taffeta, and Miss'Loo gowncfin tucked rose-pink mous-


«inmg-room tho table was es-Inuisitely decorated with:pink roses and

lilies of the valley. In Urn centre lay airn?at bow- of pink taffeta, and peeping

irom even- opening were lilies of • thevalley At each end ofthe table Etood'Blender %-ase's of roses. Punch was served

:SL Ethel Paco and Miss Annie Lee; Alfriend. The young, ladies In. tho dn-


inc-rbom- were Miss Alene StoKCs; Miss.llcVitty of Philadelphia; Miss Madelaineidmrlish. and Miss Ansley, of Alexandria.-•The guests were Misses Pace, Mrs.

•Ecbols. Mips Young. Mrs. Glasgow. MissHandy, Misses Branch, Mrs. John K.«nnrts Miss- Hobson, Mrs. Graham Hob-

\u25a0 ton Mr? Gwathmey. Miss Talbott, Miss80-her Misses Wcllford, Tcnnnnt, Holli-

;: iav Mr<=- A. C/Small, Misses Ross, MissesTompkins. Miss Shields. Misses Grant,

Mrs. JJunes Walker, Miss Tanner, Mrs.""Whit Bovd Miss Emcie Pegram,' Boylcln 6f Smithfield; Mrs.. Thomas N.

Jones, of Isle of Wight; Mrs. WilliamParrish, Mrs. Lucien Tatum, Mrs. Ulett,

Miss .Berta Noltlng, Mieaes :T>ier. MissLeary, Misses Gray, Misses Phronie Pc-Bram, Cal\-in Bragg, Hayes. Mrs. Grundy,

Mrs A.:JD. Donnan, Mrs. Lancaster Wil-liam's, Misses Watkins, Elizabeth Daven-por-t, MiFses Page, Misses Atkinson, Mrs.Groner. Sirs. William Todd, Miss Kathe-rine Mcintyre; Miss Watkins; Grace

\u25a0 tstreet; Miss :Maria. Williams. MissesCamm iMiss jGordon, -Misses- Meredith,

Miss Addison, Misecs Thomas, MissKop'er, .Mrs. Allen Potts, Miss- Mary

Ponnan. Misses Hill. Misses Boyd, Miss-B&jrby. Miss Aug-ustine,' Miss Maud Miller,

iSeSs Hartz, Misses Sieger. Miss White,

Mrs Bettie^ Mayo, Miss Judith -Dcane,

blisses Ellerson. Mrs.. Caperton, MissIJackson, Mieses

'Bin'ford, -Mrs. 131anken-

Klilp Misses Jennings, Misses Morgan,MU;s-Morfiecal. Misses Cameron, MrSjLandon Cabeli, Misses

-McGuire, Miss

;Montagtie, Misses Mclctosh, Miss Morton.;MargU£rit6- Warwick, Miss' Beulah^ Pat-

--teraoik^ Mrs"..Travers, Misses .Harris, X.ily"TJrQu3iart. Lelia Meyers, Mrs! MoncuropQckiaa, Mrts. Ashton Starke, Mrs. J. A.%relch,-Miss TaUcy. MiESiMcLeod, Mre.BoyalL Mies Pau44ne»Poweru. Miss;Janse

fWingo. >Mrs. Stephen ,Puliicy, Mrs;V BcottParrish,MJsses Stokes; Miss Agnes Mc-rC&rtrry.Miss Mabel Walker, Miss LucilleNelson, tbo Misses Jlooro, Mrs. AdclphusAVillixms, Srt6s*,"VvHllianis, Mrs. JUuek,Miss "Helen Cameron...

'\u25a0 ./' .. \u25a0

--.- :- "\u25a0\u25a0;; /

-':\u25a0"\u25a0-• •-.• •'- •"" ;\u25a0 :" -' /-',.

/\u25a0Sirs. Howard: D. Hoge and her twoQuests, Misses Sarah ;Harrison and-Lan-don Harrlßon. "wero "at home"- informally.

;yeeterday from;s:to,7/P."M/Mr6: Hoge:was 'assieted: in* iccclvhiff by. the: MissesHarrison, lira. Jolin Harrison poured the

,chocosat» and the: young; ladles servingr were '-Miases. LouisevM^ayo.-Harriet Field;5151 Llglitloot.Vabd

*Ruthi Kobins. /? A:/lurgsl

numbor: of-ladlea" called,* and: the; occasion-1was a'Tnoßt delightful;one;' Among: thoso .;who'erJlc-d'%vere Meßdame3 ?Luther Daw-iaoii: L'NI::'Jonts: J.;H.cAnderson;. "James ;

MasonMHkr, of Sta«oton: :W.vCr:Bent T:ley, -*- H.•:•:,- A. s CJ alborne, / Maria


\u25a0\u25a0 Charlea T; O'Fcrrall,; Pl?aßontoniLr vConr.'quest," Jcnes. "vJames :Allison ;•

''Hodges,- diaries' Gideon Uosher, Ii;B.? Jannev. Allen Bernurdl Fersruson,, /Elrnore \u25a0

«Delo»iHotchkisß;. Powers,' liamberlin.vAb-fbott,- I^ewis^Ayiett^Fratik :Haughton;vJE.'•iß.^-TliomaKson.^Preston.H.'v MooredEver- :,i ett-:Wadt3ey, Johni W; Kiclj-^JnHfHunter;:y^r^tJi1:AV:AV GHlagpro-K'; jHelcniandfMary 'Mor.:rifion/iGeorffe = C?Jackeon. Warner. Moore, ?

;Lancaster. J.e R: V. A;/KliliiHoiia<ißy.-sTV:DJ^Barksdale^

Dashicll, C: /W;;P;/ W;;P; :Brock,rS:iT^>LaiarUn,vVlrKlnlus;Hall; Chrlstopher/romp-^/ Uins.Uohji c. IJlalr, J, A; 'H.v\u25a0|S/f Srotth;-:-' J.VArsWhite, M;yfiCox^Wlrt;j;Henry..! and. Janies^Lyons^MiPsesiDuri--ittilnirton;.Caroline n;Co!eraan;p Nannie '(2Bo;§ Ellentewis J ones,/ Boiher;?PauSinq •

''Xrt Elcffant Tea;:Given liy MI««

\u25a0Forbes— 3lr«. Horc's A<-llomci Jin«l'- •

\u25a0 . -.-'\u25a0/.\u25a0" ;. i~ ~">c^ :Mrs. Taylor's. I,nni'Tieon--TTnec«ia

\u25a0"/ ; ..'\u25a0"' .'- -—. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 , :^:'-*

Z. Clnb-KxKcrJaixicsl— Vcriionni. -.'•.

ainsnilicent Kcav Vessel for the

Yorlc-Rivcr Line..OBaltimore American, Sth.)

The magniflcent new steamer Augusta,for passenger and freight service betweenBaltimore and Norfolk,-- on«».the York-Kiver Line, willleave \u25a0Philadelphia to-dayfor Baltimore. Captain Bennett is incharge of ths steamer.

•; The Augusta is 26'J feet inlength, 46 feetbeam, and 15 feet draught. She is equip-ped with the finest design of -triple-expan-sion engines, driving a singlet screw,, andher speed is eighteen knots per hour. Sheis a sister ship to the Atlanta, which isnow running In.the Norfolk route, butwillhavea larger caiiacity, and wiil bein many respects much finer. Arrange-ments for handling her cargo will be asperfect as possible, and effort being madeto greatly.'reduce the time- of loading andunloading. Tho furnishings, of the cabinsand saloons are sumptuous. The decora-tions of the ladies* cabin will be whiteand gold, and the furniture and carpet-ings willharmonize with the general colorscheme.: Especial attention will be paidto the comfort of the passengers, ofwhom there will be accommodations for

300. The vessel will be. lighted throughoutwith electricity by powerful dynamos, andshe will have a searchlight of greatpower. Her exterior will be painted inaccordance: with' the style of the coni-pany, the hull belnsr^black and the super-structure white. When she. is'placedincommission the Charlotte will be retiredfrom the regular run, and held as anemergency or auxiliary- steamer.

The Augusta registers 1,000. tons net.She was built by Neafie &Levy, of Phila-delphia.

3\L ,V. O'Neal willadjust the Augusta'scompass on her run to Baltimore. /

Telesraiiliic. Briefs.-New Orleans.— The German steamer Ve-netian Captain Schulke.-^for; Hamburg,: ingroing1 down/the river, and when flftymilesbelow the city, had her rudder disabled,and is being towed back to pprt for re-pairs.".'- ----/:•': ;:: -/; r: ..' ::"';:London.— The Hongkong: correspondent

of<tho Daily Mail says thnt a serious. re-bellion has broken out in Swatau, in theProvince; of:;Kwang-Tung. The Viceroyha? .sent troops .and a gunboat "to sup-press Mho.insurrection:

' • • ;


F To anymanseeking rs-jliof from oUects or earlyfindUcretionv-past -!ex-

4c,;ve willsend'without charge, a supplyof <rur:aotea retnedies.'New;Btreneth auj vigor-impartftil. Modern scien-

,tiflcmethod*.; Skilfulser-iTice.i-by-physician 8' othighest b tand1n(,•. Wo"treat cWcflyby absorption,uvoiJini; Blcmach de-..Rmgement. -';.;. •i \u25a0\u25a0 *•\u25a0 .<, =? >.:{.i 'Varicocele; cored \u25a0pain.

VTealcneEKS and diposFes of men our specialty, forpast twenty,years. Our intereM.inj: and lnstnietivabock, "I'nvato Guide for Hen," seat freo with trialtreatment. \u25a0\u25a0.IVrltoto-dar."-- ;-^.v-i'';;;-:--r.-..'f:-i:---.--.-.:--rs;.-

rlUDilxuil\u25a0•'UluJLliunij bU,| :.K;Y.ciTy.i' -\u25a0

(fe Vf-Jb';tsj .

AVliole War Area, Presents a Scene', of Activity.-.';

'..LONDON. February S-2:15. P. M.—Newsof-tho greatest importance 1 may arriveat any moment, yet here there is.moredoubt than; exultation; for,', even, if therecollection, ;of

x General Buller's two dis-astrous"' failures :after auspicious startswero not keen in the mind of the public,the/ list, of casualties published


would,-be \u25a0,a \u25a0"• sufficient'reminuetC of-/ the

tremendous difficulties •-' of;

his .task. J:Hisoccupation of Vaalkrantz, \u25a0.; the!key,J to thelower /ridges, .^vhile a;praiseworthy andgallant' achievement, by,.no means signi-fies / that ;he and General White will in-evitably join /hands. \u25a0' » . :::. ;:

. Before :General ./-Buller- there": are'.seve--raldays/of Hard!flghtingr/and any attemptto forecast the /result .would ;be valueless;If,';based on precedent, s which can hardly,be

-done in

-warfare, it/would/ bcVbound:

to. be ;in\ favor of the^ Boers,'/ for, /appa- r

rontly,.thei.conditions^ have 'not /materiallyaltered since /theUastsf ruitless^attempt;-On the'other .hand,

-yie BritishHtroops: aresmarting, under . defeat, and.AyiH'undoubt-

ediy : bo-,merved :.to":/- more :>.desperate

efforts vthan^ever before, /and; if;'furious ;gallantry Ccan;:.carry %General-; Bulier/ovoritHe;kopJes;thatr face'- him; Ladysmithlwlllbe*.relievedj within/;a But, •.'\u25a0' so ?far,?-\u25a0British/bravery/; has ...been ;-~ in"-Xhe: maih;^most --; effectually .• .'


?:/; It';is:moretthanillkely/ that /General :I3ar-:ton;|'aH;Chieveley,vfwill-.soons: be? strongenough .to' advance, "on \u25a0' tho': Tugela /'andrender valuable asslstahce :ff6mUhe south-:

FATAIi;_-.Wliisck .^'iTf..'MICriIGAjV.

Nine Persons. Killt-Ml—•Xine Injnred—-\u25a0 Three Reported aliasing. . /

:yESCANABA,YMICH.^February. -S.^Chl-;cago '.:. and \Northwestern "-.Passenger .-Train r

Nor; 21, k"howri:'as%the -Welch-. Mountain;accGmmbdation,>/which;:runs\,betweenVthiSj-city'and Metropolitan; was; wrecked': in;a'lrear-endr collision ati"Ford-River.; switch;,at :;6:30^t0-nisht:-^ -Nine "persons ilwere-killed,;ithree<:are ?;reported

-missing,,- andj

•fi"ye;;were':serlou3lv.and four; slightly;in-:-jured. ''"=>Thoideads are/VVT. /L.^Hill.=baggagemaii :of 'the/:accommodation;. train;'iAVi!liam":Dlllbri, :Eacanaba, brakeman; ;

\u25a0Miss •;•Seymour;': Section-P.*Delta^qpjimtyyj

;Mich:;a Charles .•Maftln"jr;':Escanaba;;S civil:\englneer ;i;:George ">R:Visßlack^s Escanaba^j?clvilv;. engineer; 8SamS* Green;* tNegauhee.l:agent ;of \u25a0;• the .Upper *PenJnsula .Brewing,|Company ;%tw6 *'unknown!men;jsunknbwnjsunknbwn i

Delay of . Ayrardrrßrlti-sli -Eirectivcß,-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0" .in Soutli Africn, 1OI,«OU."

LONDON/ February. S.—ln reply "to aseries of /questions in the'^Hou'sercf Com-mons-to-day, on the subject of the Uela-gqa Bay-railroad. Mr.,Broderick.vParHa-;m"ehtary Secretary

-of,tlie Foreign: OKlce,

said the -government had not been,vouch-safed..any. reasbn :-or explanation for. the"delay, in the delivery of.the award bythe tribunal considering .the;.George Wyhdam;vParllirnehtary Secre-tary. :0f... *.the War. Oitices. "\u25a0_", 'announcedthat:


/: 2.235 .'••'-"\u25a0- officers, -and ;m'en ofthe ;Briti3h. v /army ./"-\u25a0• \.were mtssinj^

but it ;is uncertain \how. many .orithem were at Pretoria. : As -toUheir^prqrtectlon in-caserthe -British ibesiegediPre-,toriai Mr..Wyndaih .s. sa jd:the;government'left that to the- discretion of Lord 110-<

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -. v-

> -. • . _ -;\u25a0. •_• :.

:another iquestion, /Slr./Wyh-^dam ;saidi that^ in:addition -to1tho IS.OOOtroops Am;South :iAfrica,


~srecently,-inen-'[tlone.d ;iii'ihis 'speech, [the;government! Aa'd;'decided- to 'send jseventQen'; more "ibattallohs'of':.'milttiaifand \3,OOO.Vsreomanry, ;maklngr a.. total >forSthb^ milltlaiofi{over,i2o,oooimen"and/?for^vthe^Yeomanry %o,li%Ss&. .- -ThograndStotaOlnfiSoutiV; Afr'c:!; liv"sv:!ilc<lv

• WASHINGTON, V.-.' C., February/ :s.—_(Special. )-^The National ,Legislative, Com-miti.ee offthe Travellers' .Protective :Ass-ociation, of which Colonel-/ John "-S7 Har-vfood,of Richmond, is the chairman, held:a meeting this morning, at the Metropoli-.

tan ,Hotel, and transacted; considerableroutine business. The bill creating a de-partment of commerce and manufactureswW/discussed, and all :of ;tfie members;present stated that the measure had the

endorsement "of the merchants, comracr-cial men, ;and manufacturers throughout

\u25a0the. country. -.-., •\u0084\u25a0\u25a0..-\u25a0\u25a0 . '-./ ' ''y \u25a0

On the^ adjournment of this meeting',;

and Accompanied -by. Representative-Lairib, Colonel Harwood and his: commit-tee" appeared before- the Committee onInterstate ;ahel 'Foreign "Commerce of. the.

House .of Representativea.:. \u25a0-• Captain^.Lamb introduced Colonel ;Harwood and

his associates to/chairman'Hepburn and-

.liis colleagues, -and a hearing- of some,

ihirtyminutes was granted. Colonel Har-wood made an earnest appeal :in .be-half .. 'of- the: Department of Commercebill, now under consideration by Repre-

sentative Hepburn's, committee, ,andframed; along "the lines indicated in theDispatch

"of to-day. He was flattered;

and gratified :by the acknowledgment of

Chairman Hepburn and other: membersof the committee that his argument wasalmost unanswerable, and ;that they werein daily receipt, of • pounds of mail mat-ter \u25a0•.\u25a0' urging an immediate and favorable

•report on -the bill. Mr. Hepburn pro-mised to have a special meeting: to con-sider ./\th'e"-.measure as soon "as possible,

and all the members present expressed

themselves as favorableto the bill.Colonel Harwood and his committee

left very much, pleased, with their recep-

tion and the success of their mission tothe capital.

FAVORABLE SENATE- ;REPORT.The- Senate Committee on Commerce

to-day made a favorable .report on thebill' to create the. department asked for_

The bill, among other: things, gives ..totho new .department general jurisdictionover foreign and internal commerce, ex-cept internal revenue and customs; overtransportation, facilities by land andwater, except in cases under the jurisdic-tion of the Interstate Commerce Com-mission; over the geological survey, themining industries, and the fisheries, in-cluding fur sealing, and over manufac-turing industries, including the securing

of foreign markets. ;

RICHMOND CLAIMS.\u25a0Senator.- .Teller to-day reported his

claims bill from the Committee on Claims,

without amendment, and as "the mea-sure is now expected to pass, the.publi-

cation "of the Virginia claims, so longoutstanding, • may' be "of interest. Thebill authorizes the Secretary of the Trea-sury to pay to the several persons namedtho sums mentioned in connectionwith their names, the same being ac-cepted in each case as a fulland final dis-charge of the- claims. The items areas follows:

To Isaac. Davenport, Jr., surviving

partner of Edmond & Davenport, forthe use and occupation of two large ware-houses on Seventeenth, street, in thecity of Richmond, andralso of a/large

wharf in the lower end of said city, from'April'3, ISCS,- to April 3, .ISG6, 54.797.C4/

To George D. Harwood, for the use andoccupation of building situated on thecorner of Twenty-sixth and Main streets,

in the said city, from April 3, 18ti5, toMay 22, 1866, $1,300. '/:To Thomas W. McCance, /survivingpartner of Dunlap, Moncure &Co., for theuse and occupation of wharf property

at Rocketts, in said city, from April 9,1565, to October 10, 1866. 53,075. .

\u25a0To-D.T. Madigan," surviving partner ofFabian & Madigan, for use and occupa-tion of wharf for storage purposes fromApril3, 1565, to September o, 1865, §'J25.

:To Oreed Thomas, for use and occupa-tion of house, corner of Broad and Eighthstreets, in said city, from April 3, ISBS,

to September '3, IS'3B, $1,127:50.

To W; H. Palmer, executor of "WilliamPalrneiv. deceased, for use and occupationof warehouse, •comer of Nineteenth andCar-y streets,' in said city, from Aprils,1565,t0 July 3, ISGB, $1,620. .

To John E. Robinson, for use and oc-cupation of building from April 3, "1565, ;

to October 3, ISS7, £1.620./ ./\u25a0 . "

To John Ehders, . executor of "WilliamGreanor, for use and occupation of fac-tory on Twenty-second street, -in saidcity, from April 10, 1565, to August 16,IS6—,- $1,200.

."\u25a0"-..'To -Mary "W. Bailey, executrix of SamuelM.Bailey, for use~and occupation of fac-tory, corner of Cary and Seventh streets,In said city, April3, ISCS, to June 18, ISGS,5375/-

To;Garret tF. Watson, surviving partnerof Ludlam &.."Watson, for use and occupa-tion of wharf-house and wharfs in said,city, from. April.Z, 1565, to April 3, ISCG,$4,972. :' •' ;" '


-. .-\u25a0 :. \u25a0

:\u0084•':To the estate of R.:O. Ha'skiris, for use

and. occupation of wharf property in saidelly from April3, ISG3, to August 3, "1565,5540,'

'-.-\u25a0 ,

• \u25a0"". -'. - ' '. :

To Ann E. Grant, administratrix ofJames 11. Grant, for use and occupationof, warehouse on Tenth street, .April16,.12SK,/to'.January ..l6, ISGG, SI.SOO. v ';.•;To Samuel P. Lathrop. agent:for EugeneCarrington, administrator of 'George M.Carrington. deceased; for use and occu-pation of a certain lot of land, with im-provements, In said city, from April 3.1805. to February ;3."" ISG3.--' 51,150.

-To."\V. Ben. Palmer, executor of George

S.-"-Palmer, for rent of two warehouses. insaid city, April 3J ISGS, to June 21. 1565.$351.- ' V :

' '\u25a0


To John Bowers, surviving partner ofCharles D. Yale &. Co.. for rent of houseon Carv street, in said city, from April3, IStw, to September 3, ISC3, 5400.

-To John Enders, for .-.use and


tion of two warehouses and .a stable insaid city, from

-—-, 51,110. • :\u25a0/\u25a0; '

".To E. M.;Garnett,- assignee"

of Joel B.,Watkins. for use.' and 'occupation" of--house

on the corner of Tenth and .Capitolstreets, in said city, from April10, ISSo, to'August 10;; ISG6. -§2.CCO.


'"\u25a0To Richmond College, located at Rich-mond, Va.,:,tlie sum .of 525,000, to reim- ;burse said college for:the occupation "ofits

'"buildings -and grounds \u25a0/ by TJnf ted

States troops and officers^ for ths pariod:of- eight -months,

':said ;:occupation: com-mencing' in April, ISGS, and: for injury to..and^destruction ;of.the buildings, the" ap-paratus, libraries,;;arid other property. ;ofsaidJcollcge'by .said troops and; officers:Provided, .that no money-be so paid ex-cept upon accounts of such/ /occupation,injury,':•:and destruction ;and C the, damage

:caused .'thereby:; duly;verified; and;.prbven;P-.These': claims/. have :. been' repeatedly,urged by;;Representativ e; Lamb, who.< in-troduced bills:in/the. House for their pay-ment.'- Pie was unceasing; in.his efforts.^tosecure the . payments, and co-operated

Senator /.Teller and". the -Virginia

senators in'per fecting thejbill which wasreported tor-day.

''.: :.


•;..'..\u25a0;v WILL OF LIEUTENTANT.'SMITH."! \u25a0

The will of;the late ;Lieutenaritj,Charie3'Maurice: Smith^Uriited-States army,XwhoV'was .^killed


;the';Phllr'j|ippihes,* -.was :tfiled;yesterday.; for;probate."- ;

By'^its:-terms"? the sbequeaths: all.of:;lilsiestate vtq his- twO;=b'rothers^Johiv;:Lewia-"-1Smith ,'andK JohnwithiUho'lfexception "iptj?SO//vyhichjheYdi--rects:shallibe:used;io' purchase a-presentfor|hi3|nephewii the "sonrof :his-;sistef,-Mrs.:Charles. M..Towson.. The two bro-thors aro named as executors.i|Ljeuten^tjSmith^waal^eiScmxqf^thej;jlate^JohnrAtnbler^Smith^Tvhoirepresent^;ed the Richmond: District: In Consresa^