Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the...

www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the Community Pavilion, Llys Ben, Northop Hall on Tuesday 12 th November, 2019 at 7.00pm. Present: Councillors John Golledge, Linda Thew, Peter Gibson, Hilary Astbury, Bill Tait, Graham Cook, Martin Richardson, Steve Robinson, Elaine Price and John Lamb. In attendance: Sue Lovell - Clerk 1. Apologies for Absence The Clerk had received no apologies. 2. Members Code of Conduct - Declarations of Interest Councillor Richardson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in a matter relating to correspondence received from Councillor Astbury (Agenda Item 17). Councillor Cook declared a personal and prejudicial interest in matters raised in an open letter, that he had sent to the Clerk and which would be discussed under Correspondence (Agenda Item 17). 3. Ten Minute Public Participation Session in accordance with Standing Orders There were no members of the public present at the meeting. 4. Police Matters There were no Police representatives present at the meeting. The Clerk had been forwarded a copy of the Police report and copies were shared with all Members at the meeting and there were no comments raised regarding the report. The Clerk reported that she had written to Inspector Steve Owen, South Flintshire Police, to enquire as to whether the Flintshire Police Liaison meetings were continuing and if so, why the Community Council had not been made aware of the meeting dates for several months. To date no response has been received. Signed................................................................... 110/19

Transcript of Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the...

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the Community Pavilion, Llys Ben, Northop Hall on Tuesday 12th November, 2019 at 7.00pm. Present: Councillors John Golledge, Linda Thew, Peter Gibson, Hilary Astbury, Bill Tait, Graham Cook, Martin Richardson, Steve Robinson, Elaine Price and John Lamb. In attendance: Sue Lovell - Clerk 1. Apologies for Absence

The Clerk had received no apologies.

2. Members Code of Conduct - Declarations of Interest

Councillor Richardson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in a matter relating to

correspondence received from Councillor Astbury (Agenda Item 17). Councillor Cook declared a

personal and prejudicial interest in matters raised in an open letter, that he had sent to the Clerk

and which would be discussed under Correspondence (Agenda Item 17).

3. Ten Minute Public Participation Session in accordance with Standing Orders

There were no members of the public present at the meeting.

4. Police Matters

There were no Police representatives present at the meeting. The Clerk had been forwarded a copy of the Police report and copies were shared with all Members at the meeting and there were no comments raised regarding the report. The Clerk reported that she had written to Inspector Steve Owen, South Flintshire Police, to enquire as to whether the Flintshire Police Liaison meetings were continuing and if so, why the Community Council had not been made aware of the meeting dates for several months. To date no response has been received.



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Councillors expressed their disappointment at the non-attendance of a Police representative at the Community Council meetings recently. Councillor Gibson proposed, seconded by Councillor Price that the Clerk write to the Chief Inspector, with a copy being sent to Inspector Steve Owen, to clarify whether the Police Liaison meetings are continuing and what working relationship the Community Council expect from the Police. A vote was taken, with nine members in favour and one abstention. Motion Carried 5. Minutes - To Approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the 8th October, 2019. The Minutes of the 8th October, 2019 had been circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting, with the meeting papers. Councillor Thew had highlighted three amendments, relating to Agenda Item 8 (paragraph one) page100/19, under the same Agenda Item (paragraph two) page 100/19 and Agenda Item 12 (paragraph four) page 102/19. The amendments were made by the Clerk prior to the meeting. Regarding Agenda Item 20 (paragraph one) page 106/19,Councillor Astbury stated that she had

not said that the footpath had been encroached upon but had said that ‘it was very close to the

footpath’ and suggested the Footpaths Officer at Flintshire County Council be contacted for his

opinion. Councillor Golledge stated he had used the term ‘encroach’ but was happy to amend the

minutes to reflect Councillor Astbury’s wording. It was agreed that the footpath needs to be

brought back up to standard.

In relation to Agenda Item 10 page 101/19, Councillor Robinson felt that the minutes did not reflect his part in the discussion regarding the three quotes for the CCTV. Councillor Robinson would like it to be minuted, that he had stated that all three quotes received, need to be submitted against the same specification and that he had noted that they were all different. Councillor Cook proposed that the Minutes reflected a true and accurate record of what had transpired at the meeting, subject to the above amendments being made and this was seconded by Councillor Price. A vote was taken, with nine Councillors in favour and one abstention. Motion Carried 6. Matters Arising There were no matters arising. Signed.....................................................................


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7. Heritage Group Report Update Councillor Thew updated members on recent remembrance events.

• On Sunday 3rd November, 2019 several local gardening volunteers helped tidy up the War Memorial area. Thanks are extended to all the villagers who gave up their time to help, with special thanks to Mr Mike Williams, who maintains the site free of charge and also to Ms Claire Jones, who organizes volunteers to maintain the Remembrance garden.

• On Friday 8th November, 2019 the Remembrance Walk took place through the village, stopping at servicemen’s homes to play tribute to each one. Candles were also lit in memory of each soldier at the War Memorial.

• Remembrance Services were organised on Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day, with the help of Mr John Golledge and Mr Dave Norton. Thanks are extended to those who read out the servicemen’s names and to Nicola MacDonald, who read out her own remembrance poem. Thanks also to the Northop Hall Women’s Institute, who laid their own handcrafted wreath at the War Memorial, with the name of each soldier in the centre. The Community Council hopes to forge closer working links with the village Women’s Institute in the future.

• The Community Spirit Group helped organise the refreshment events and villagers were entertained by the village choir, Joyful Sounds.

• Councillor Thew also wished to thank Alex Lewis Community Support Officer at Tesco, Broughton Park for her kind donations to the Remembrance refreshment events.

• Having liaised with Jonathan Hodgins Presbyterian Minister, Mr John Golledge and Mr Dave Norton conducted the services at the War Memorial, following the Church services on Monday 11th November, 2019. Councillor Thew had received an expression of thanks from Mrs Mel Williams and Mr Michael Williams from Northop Hall CP School, who were very appreciative that the Cenotaph services had been undertaken by the Chairman and Mr Norton. The Chairman had been contacted by Mr Michael Hughes, Chairman of the Board of Governors who felt it had been an extremely positive experience working closely with the Community Council and hoped that it could continue in the future.

The Chairman noted that all events had been well attended. Councillor Gibson proposed, seconded by Councillor Price, that the Community Council thank Councillor Thew for all her hard work and determination in ensuring that the village remembrance events had taken place. A vote was taken, with eight Councillors in favour and two abstentions. Motion Carried Councillor Golledge had also received a message of thanks from Mrs Mel Williams thanking the Community Council and stating that the school would like to continue to work together and support each other in the future. Councillor Thew suggested that the school may like to be involved with the Digital Trail and it was agreed that the Clerk would write to Mel Williams to enquire as to whether they wish to be involved in the project. Signed.....................................................................


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The Chairman suggested that the Community Council may wish to consider extending a more formal link with the school, by looking into the possibility of having a second representative of the Community Council on the Board of Governors. Councillor Cook felt it would be courteous to clarify with Glenis Jones whether she wished to continue to represent the Community Council on the Board of Governors and report back. The Chairman agreed to undertake this. Councillor Price had received the kiosk contract from BT today. A £1 will need to be paid to BT and Councillor Price will update Sarah Jones, Cadwyn Clwyd. Councillor Price requested whether more plants could be purchased for the village planters from the garden maintenance budget, as winter plants were now required and the planters need tidying up. The Chairman proposed that Councillor Price, Councillor Thew and Mr Mike Williams be authorised to spend up to £200 in Spring and £100 Autumn, (a total of £300 per annum) to maintain the village planters and flower beds at the Cenotaph site, without recourse to the Community Council, ensuring appropriate invoices of purchases are provided. This was seconded by Councillor Tait. A vote was taken, with all Councillors in favour. Approved Unanimously Councillor Price wished to thanks Mrs Joan Cook for maintaining the planter at Vinegar Hill. Councillor Astbury asked whether members of the community are able to plant items in the village planters. Councillor Price stated that they are able to contribute plants if they wish to do so, however it would be more appropriate if a member of the Heritage Group plant them, to avoid the risk of losing already planted bulbs. It was discussed that Mr Mike Williams is willing to repair the fence near the Cenotaph and 2 St. Mary’s Drive at a cost of £650 (with no labour charge). This would be at a cost of £325 to the Community Council and £325 to the resident at 2 St. Mary’s Drive. It was agreed that the written consent of the resident would be required, as well as a written specification from Mr Williams stating what work will be undertaken and also clarification as to who will be responsible for future maintenance of the fence. Councillor Thew proposed, seconded by Councillor Tait, that subject to the above being completed, Members will pass a resolution at the next meeting. A vote was taken, with nine members in favour and one abstention. Motion Carried 8. Review of the Clerk’s Contract Councillor Golledge reported that both he and Councillor Richardson had liaised with the Clerk regarding hours worked and the Clerk’s contract. The Clerk is currently contracted to work 40 hours per month however, in recent months it has become apparent, that her hours worked have far exceeded the contracted hours. The Clerk has completed detailed timesheets and the additional time worked, reflects time the Clerk has required to undertake the external audit, updating the Community Council website, general filing, sorting the Bank Mandate and other uncompleted tasks. Signed.....................................................................


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The Chairman informed members that he felt, that the additional hours worked by the Clerk in September and October 2019 should be claimed as overtime and that they have authorised by himself and Councillor Richardson.The Chairman has requested that the Clerk, continue to complete detailed monthly timesheets and that he and the Vice Chairman will review the hours worked by the Clerk, on a monthly basis The Chairman would also like to review the rate of pay for the Clerk, as the Community Council had queried whether the existing rate of pay was sufficient at the point of appointing the Clerk. Councillor Golledge finally stated that any proposals would be made to the Community Council for ratification. Councillor Lamb queried whether it was practical for overtime to be agreed in advance and suggested that the Clerk prioritise her workload, to ensure that overtime was not required. The Chairman highlighted that there were a number of tasks including updating the Community Council website that had not been done previously and that all tasks were priority. Councillor Cook expressed his view, that there has to be an element of trust in these matters and that he had no concerns that the Clerk’s additional hours, had not been worked. 9. CCTV for the Pavilion Councillor Cook stated that following the discussion at the previous meeting regarding the quotes and having considered all three quotes, the best value for money seemed to be that provided by GP Fire and Security. A full and detailed discussion took place considering issues relating to specification, warranty and company accreditation. Councillor Cook had liaised with all three companies, had undertaken site visits and discussed the specification required in detail. Councillor Cook proposed that the Community Council purchase the required CCTV System from GP Fire and Security, at a cost of £1260 which includes supply and installation, subject to a satisfactory warranty. This was seconded by Councillor Price. A vote was taken, with eight Councillors in favour and two abstentions. Motion Carried 10. Purchase of NHCC Laptop Following the significant discussion at the previous meeting, regarding the purchase of a new laptop, it had been decided that either Elite Systems or Amazon were the best purchase options. In subsequent discussions with the Clerk it was agreed, that although Amazon offered the lowest price, should anything go wrong with the laptop and it need to be returned, the Community Council could be without the use of a laptop for an unknown period. The Clerk’s preference on the basis of convenience would be Elite Systems, as should anything go wrong this company is local and would be able to provide an immediate response and they had agreed to transfer all the data onto the new laptop and have it ready to use, within the quoted price. Signed.....................................................................


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There was some discussion amongst Councillors as to whether this was included in the quote, with Councillor Robinson stating that Elite Systems only quoted for the laptop purchase and not data migration. Councillor Cook stated that he had liaised with Elite Systems regarding the service agreement and that all the above support was covered in his quote. Councillor Cook proposed that the Community Council purchase the equipment from Elite Systems subject to Elite Systems confirming that the quote included data migration. This was seconded by Councillor Price. A vote was taken, with seven Councillors in favour and three abstentions. Motion Carried Councillor Lamb requested to view the documentation from Elite Systems. 11. Llys Ben Playground

Following on from the discussion at the previous meeting, the Clerk had liaised with Mr Richard Roberts, Aura who required confirmation of interest in the Match Funding Scheme urgently. Councillor Golledge and Councillor Richardson attended an onsite meeting with Mr Roberts, where he identified that the tyre swing needed replacing, as did the sand under the swing which was contaminated. To replace it with a Mega swing and provide a replacement modern soft landing area, would cost approximately £10,000 and would require £5,000 match funding from the Community Council. Councillor Richardson also noted that the Mega swing was the new modern version of the tyre swing and that there was no alternative.

Councillor Lamb questioned whether this option was best value for money and Councillor Astbury asked whether any other Council had a similar play area item that could be viewed by members. Councillor Richardson felt that measured against other Community Council’s, it was a good offer and one which may not be available for match funding next year. The Vice Chairman also noted that as the tyre swing had been assessed as unsuitable, it would be necessary to replace it as soon as possible, with match funding or not.

The Chairman noted that there was no time to investigate and view similar play structures, as Mr Roberts required confirmation as to whether Northop Hall Community Council wished to proceed with the match funding scheme as soon as possible.

Councillor Robinson proposed that the expression of interest in the match funding scheme for the

Children’s Play Area at Llys Ben be ratified by members and this was seconded by Councillor Astbury. A vote was taken, all Councillors in favour.

Unanimously Agreed Signed...................................................................


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12. Representative for St. Mary’s Church Councillor Robinson suggested that he felt it would be appropriate for The Chairman and Vice Chair to discuss with Glenis Jones whether she wished to continue to represent the Community Council on the Board of Governors at Northop Hall CP School and Councillor Golledge agreed to discuss the matter with Glenis Jones. Councillor Gibson suggested Councillor Richardson as a possible future representative. 13. Clerk’s Report and Consideration of the Action Log The Clerk had prepared a Clerk’s report and shared it with Councillors, along with the meeting papers, prior to the meeting. In addition, the Clerk also reported:

• The Code of Conduct Training on the 13th November, 2019 at Pentre Halkyn Community Centre 6pm - 9pm and provided a map for those attending;

• The Clerk had contacted Tomos Hughes Wales Ambulance Service regarding the cost to purchase a defibrillator and he had agreed to provide a written quote.

Councillor Richardson stated that agreement had already been given to install a defibrillator and that quotes had been obtained. It had been agreed by members that the best value for money was the defibrillator provided by the Wales Ambulance Service. It was agreed that a revised quote should be obtained.

14. Budget Report The Clerk had circulated a copy of the Budget Report to those Councillors on email prior to the meeting and provided a copy to Members not on email at the meeting and highlighted the payments to be made this month. There were no other matters raised by the Members regarding the budget report. 15. Bank Reconciliation The Clerk advised Members that she had been able to complete the bank reconciliation for the quarter 1st July - 30th September, 2019 as the bank statements had been received from the previous Clerk. The paperwork for the change of bank mandate had been completed again however, having liaised with Barclays Bank, the Clerk informed members that the form had not been processed by the bank, as they had sent it to the incorrect department to deal with it. The Bank had assured the Clerk that the mandate change would be given urgent attention and completed by the 18th November. Signed....................................................................


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16. Precept 2020/21 The expenditure estimates for 2020/21 were shared with those members on email, prior to the meeting and shared with those Councillors not on email at the meeting. Councillor Golledge explained the expenditure estimate figures for 2020/21 and requested that members look over the budget amounts prior to the next meeting and consider what they feel should be spent/or not spent on each individual budget. The matter can then be discussed in greater detail at the next meeting prior to the budget for 2020/21 being put forward again in January 2020. 17. Correspondence Received The Clerk had provided all Councillors with a copy of the correspondence received with the meeting papers. Correspondence that required a response included: The Clerk had received several emails from Mr Rushforth, resident of Northop Hall regarding a serious incident which had occurred on Village Road in which a mother and child were nearly knocked down. The Clerk shared the content of the emails with the members and the traffic concerns were discussed. It was agreed that the Clerk should invite Mr Geraint Roberts and Mr Wayne Jones Streetscene, Flintshire County Council and Sergeant Newby, to attend the December meeting, to discuss the traffic issues throughout the village and to ensure that the proposed ‘round table’ meeting, which had been previously agreed in principle by all parties, does go ahead. Councillor Robinson stated that immediate action can be undertaken by the Community Council by ensuring that the Radar Speed Sign is erected and agreed to undertake this work himself. Councillor Price informed members that Flintshire County Council has readvertised the position of School Crossing Patrol and that she had shared the advert locally on the Northop Hall NewsLink Facebook page. The Clerk had received an open letter from Councillor Cook. Prior to the open letter being read to members at the meeting, Councilor Cook wished it to be known, that prior to his letter being submitted to the Clerk, he had made the Investigating Officer from the Ombudsman’s Office and Mr Gareth Owen, Monitoring Officer at Flintshire County Council aware of his letter and its’ contents and they had edited it. The Clerk then read the open letter which is detailed below: “ I am writing this as an open letter under general correspondence and wish it to go on file and be open for public record : I wish it to be recorded that I recently received correspondence from the Ombudsmans office dated the 5th July2019 : This letter was to inform me that councilor Hillary Astbury had made a complaint against me, alleging a breach of the code of conduct, with the letter I received a redacted copy of the complaint which contained detailed evidence of the said complaint; details of which I cannot disclose as “it may prejudice any evidence in any investigation” (Ombudsmans words) :Since this first letter I have received further correspondence from the Ombudsman dated the1st August 2019 stating “The Ombudsman has decided not to investigate this complaint and that the file on this complaint is now closed:”(Ombudsmans words): If the complainant is dissatisfied with this decision they can ask for a review: After speaking to the investigating officer; to date no review has been requested. Signed...................................................................


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I am sending you this letter to keep yourself and the council up to date: I will, of course declare an interest in the event that this letter is discussed at a council meeting and will leave the room whilst it is being considered.” Yours Sincerely Councilor Mr S Graham Cook Councillor Cook had already declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item at the beginning of the meeting and he left the room at 9.17pm. Councillor Astbury declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the matter and also left the room at this time. Councillor Gibson proposed that Councillor Cook’s letter be endorsed in its entirety and further proposed, that it be noted that the letter could have been replicated by all the other eight Councillors, who had also had significant complaints made against them and who would also like it to be publically recorded, that the Ombudsman had found that there was no case to investigate and that all nine Councillors involved had been totally exonerated.This was seconded by Councillor Richardson. A vote was taken. Approved Unanimously Councillor Lamb queried why Councillor Cook and others had no case to answer. The Chairman stated that the Ombudsman had looked into the complaints had decided not to investigate. Councillor Lamb then asked how a distinction could be drawn between this situation and the occasion when Councillors had made a complaint to the Ombudsman previously, regarding himself and Councillor Astbury. The Chairman stated that this was irrelevant, as the matter being discussed presently, related to the outcome of Councillor Astbury’s complaints to the Ombudsman. Councillor Lamb then declared a personal and prejudicial interest and left the room at 9.22pm. Councillors Cook, Astbury and Lamb returned to the room at 9.23pm and the Chairman advised them of the proposal and outcome. Councillor Golledge proposed that the meeting be extended past 9.30pm to ensure all business was discussed and this was seconded by Councillor Tait. A vote was taken, with eight Councillors in favour, one against and one abstention. Motion Carried The Clerk had received a late email from Ann Thomas at the Presbyterian Church Lunch Club requesting a donation towards the cost of providing a free Christmas lunch for local residents who are living alone and socially isolated .Although no donation amount was specified, the request had stated that the cost of providing a free Christmas meal was approximately £100. Signed...................................................................


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Councillor Thew proposed that the Community Council make a donation of £100 to cover the cost of providing a free Christmas lunch and this was seconded by Councillor Price. A vote was taken, with eight Councillors in favour (Councillors Golledge, Richardson, Tait, Price, Cook, Thew, Robinson and Gibson) and two abstentions (Councillors Astbury and Lamb). Councillor Astbury wished it to be minuted that she had abstained, as she was a member of the Church and did not wish to vote. Motion Carried

Resolution to Exclude the Press and Public from this Item A resolution made under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 that the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of this item and the publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest was proposed by Councillor Tait and seconded by Councillor Richardson. 18. Planning Matters A Planning application had been received: 060441 - Outline planning application for the erection of a new dwelling at Nateby, Wepre Lane, Northop Hall, Flintshire. CH7 6LD Members considered the planning application and raised no objections. Councillor Golledge had attended the Planning Consultation meeting regarding the Plas Ifan proposed development and reported that the planning application had been rejected by Flintshire County Council.

19. Highway Matters Councillor Thew stated that a traffic survey had been undertaken on Monday 4th November, 2019 at the junction of Smithy Lane between the hours of 7.30am - 9am and 3pm - 5.45pm. There had been 1,920 cars counted using that particular junction. Councillor Thew stated that consideration should be given to an independent traffic survey being undertaken, assessing the whole of Northop Hall village.

20. Street Lighting Matters There were no street lighting matters raised. 21. Report From Meetings or Training Attended

There were no reports from meetings or training attended by members this month. Signed...................................................................


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22. Items Relating to Footpaths and Stiles There were no matters regarding footpaths or stiles raised at the meeting.

23. Accounts for Payment

Members discussed the following payments to be made. It was noted by the Chairman, that the cheque for the donation of £250 to the Scouts Group for the Firework Display and the cheque for £340 to Councillor Golledge for the remainder of his Chairman’s Allowance were to be cancelled, as the event had been cancelled. Resolved Councillor Cook proposed that the payments scheduled should be authorised and this was

seconded by Councillor Price. A vote was taken with all members in favour

Unanimously Agreed

Susan C Lovell Clerks Salary £938.75 Chq 101709

Susan C Lovell Flowers for G. Jones £40.00 Chq 101710

Susan C Lovell Wreath for Remembrance Service

£19.25 Chq 101711

Susan C Lovell Clerk’s Expenses £134.64

Chq 101712

Flintshire County Council

Street Lighting August & September 2019

£176.30 Chq 101714

Flintshire County Council

Summer Playscheme 2019

£1,373.95 Chq 101715

Flintshire County Council

Play Area Rent £1.00 Chq 101716

Northop Hall Presbyterian Church

Donation for Christmas Lunch

£100.00 Chq 101717



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24. Duration of Meeting

The meeting finished at 9.58pm



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Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the Community Pavilion, Llys Ben, Northop Hall on Tuesday 12th November, 2019 at 7.00pm Below are the new Declarations of Interest made at this meeting.

Member Item Agenda No Refers

Cllr Martin Richardson

Personal and prejudicial interest relating to a matter of correspondence.


Cllr Graham Cook Personal and prejudicial interest relating to a matter of correspondence.


Cllr Hilary Astbury Personal and prejudicial interest relating to a matter of correspondence.


Cllr John Lamb Personal and prejudicial interest relating to a matter of correspondence.


Cllr Hilary Astbury Personal and prejudicial interest relating to a matter of correspondence.


Cllr John Lamb Personal and prejudicial interest relating to a matter of correspondence.




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