Mindmap Tourist Experiences

 Tourist Experiences  Pleasure Recreational Entertainement & Relaxation Inauthent ic, commercialized displays of the culture, custome, craft and landscape Beaches or Islands  Diversionary Escape from boredom and routine Lifes more monotonous and meaningless Festivals  Modern Pilgrimage Experiential Finding the authentic through others Aware of their rightful place within their own society Visit an ashram but no intention to practice it Experimental Engage in a quest for an alternative life of others Sampling other cultures but remain as an outsider Fascinated with the Eastern philosoph ies, decide to stop involve with these sorts of things.  Existential Perceived Discrepency Realistic Idealists willing to concede and achieve self-realization Starry-eyed Idealists Seek perfection in the center but refuse to face the reality of life Critical Idealists Attract to ideal of the center but reject the reality when they visit it Spiritual sustenance  Traded in their native culture and adopted what they see as more authentic Bali  Center Spiritual Individual symbolizes ultimate meanings Religious or Cultural


Tourist Experiences

Transcript of Mindmap Tourist Experiences

  • TouristExperiences Pleasure


    Entertainement & Relaxation

    Inauthentic, commercialized displaysof the culture, custome,

    craft and landscape

    Beaches or Islands



    Escape from boredomand routine

    Lifes more monotonous and meaningless



    Modern Pilgrimage


    Finding the authentic through others

    Aware of their rightful placewithin their own society

    Visit an ashram but no intentionto practice it


    Engage in a quest for analternative life of others

    Sampling other culturesbut remain as an outsider

    Fascinated with the Eastern philosophies, decide to stop involve

    with these sorts of things.

    . Existential Perceived Discrepency

    Realistic Idealists

    willing to concede and achieve self-realization


    Seek perfection in the center but refuse to face the reality of life


    Attract to ideal of the centerbut reject the reality

    when they visit it

    Spiritual sustenance

    Traded in their native culture and adopted what they see

    as more authentic





    Individual symbolizesultimate meanings

    Religious or Cultural