Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Jan. 25-31, 2016

Founded 2006 mindanaoexaminer.com P10 Jan. 25-31, 2016 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS, PLEASE CALL (062) 9925480 or (082) 2960658 ARMM Eastern Mindanao Western Mindanao Cebu Manila RUSH SALE Honda CRV P350,000 Call 0917-7103642 Zamboanga City Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry Kusug Tausug (Pagbaugbug Ha Kamaruan Iban Martabbat) Listen to MINDANAO EXAMINER HOUR, 5-6 p.m. daily on RPN-dxXX Zamboanga 1008 kHz ARMERS AND CIVILIANS hav ARMERS AND CIVILIANS hav ARMERS AND CIVILIANS hav ARMERS AND CIVILIANS hav ARMERS AND CIVILIANS have ar e ar e ar e ar e armed themselv med themselv med themselv med themselv med themselves to fight off the jihadist es to fight off the jihadist es to fight off the jihadist es to fight off the jihadist es to fight off the jihadist gr gr gr gr group BIFF or B oup BIFF or B oup BIFF or B oup BIFF or B oup BIFF or Bangsamor angsamor angsamor angsamor angsamoro I o I o I o I o Islamic F slamic F slamic F slamic F slamic Freedom F eedom F eedom F eedom F eedom Fighters follo ighters follo ighters follo ighters follo ighters following a spate wing a spate wing a spate wing a spate wing a spate of deadly attacks on mostly Chr of deadly attacks on mostly Chr of deadly attacks on mostly Chr of deadly attacks on mostly Chr of deadly attacks on mostly Christian ar istian ar istian ar istian ar istian areas in the r eas in the r eas in the r eas in the r eas in the restiv estiv estiv estiv estive r e r e r e r e region of egion of egion of egion of egion of Mindanao in souther indanao in souther indanao in souther indanao in souther indanao in southern P n P n P n P n Philippines hilippines hilippines hilippines hilippines. F Hundreds of men from different towns in central Mindanao have armed and formed them- selves into a vigilante to defend their communi- ties and farmlands from further attacks by the BIFF, which pledged alle- giance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or ISIS. BIFF had killed doz- ens of innocent civilians in random, but sustained terror attacks in the re- gion, and bombed power pylons aimed at weaken- ing Mindanao’s economy and bring fear to the door- steps of Christian commu- nities. In a clandestine show of force to the regional newspaper Mindanao Ex- aminer and a few selected journalists, the vigilantes - now calling themselves as group called Red God’s Defenders - burned an ISIS flag as a challenge to the BIFF and their deter- mination to protect their own from terrorism. A spokesman for the group, Asiong, said the BIFF attacks on innocent civilians and attempts by its allies and supporters to grab lands owned by farm- ers must stop immediately. “Pagod na kami sa mga karahasan ng BIFF, sa mga atake sa aming komunidad at sakahan. Hindi na kami papayag at lalaban na kami upang protektahan ang aming mga sarili at lupain,” he told the Mindanao Examiner. He said military forces cannot protect civilian communities at all times and they have to do some- thing to defend themselves from BIFF at- tacks. Now, he said, even other Muslim groups wanted to take away their lands, saying, it belong to their ancestors. The vigilantes were armed with high-powered weapons, mostly M16 and M203, and even Barrett sniper rifles and AK-47 assault rifles. It was un- known where they sourced or bought the weapons, but many of these were unlicensed or illegal firearms. Continue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 Vigilantes calling themselves Red God’s Defenders set on fire a flag of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria during a clandestine gathering recently in Mindanao. The vigilantes vow to fight Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters - who pledged allegiance to ISIS - following the spate of deadly attacks on civilian communities in the restive southern Philippine region. (Mindanao Examiner Photo - Mark Navales) Higher wages for ARMM private sector workers COTABATO CITY – Workers in the private sector in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) will soon receive higher wages after the Regional Tri- partite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) issues its wage ad- justments order due this year. Muslimin Jakilan, ARMM’s Secretary of the De- partment of Labor and Employment and chairman of the RTWPB, said the order will be based on Republic Act 6727, otherwise known as the Wage Rationalization Act, which introduces re- forms in minimum wage fixing, specifically the Two- Tiered Wage System. Jakilan said since 2003, ARMM has been adopting a “one-wage, or uniform wage” rate system for mini- mum wage earners involved in non-agriculture and agri- culture employment. Non-agriculture sec- tor jobs refer to those in manufacturing, commer- cial and academe, while those in the agriculture sector cover plantation and non-plantation farm workers. “It is about time to is- sue another order so that workers in ARMM could cope with the current socio-economic condition in the region,” Jakilan said. Continue to page 5 ontinue to page 5 ontinue to page 5 ontinue to page 5 ontinue to page 5 One of NGCP power pylons in southern Philippines. (Mindanao Examiner Photo) Read stor ead stor ead stor ead stor ead story on page 4 y on page 4 y on page 4 y on page 4 y on page 4


Jan. 25-31, 2016

Transcript of Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Jan. 25-31, 2016

Page 1: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Jan. 25-31, 2016

Founded 2006 mindanaoexaminer.com P10 Jan. 25-31, 2016FOR ADVERTISEMENTS, PLEASE CALL (062) 9925480 or (082) 2960658

ARMM Eastern Mindanao Western Mindanao Cebu Manila



Call 0917-7103642Zamboanga City

Jesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry

Kusug Tausug (Pagbaugbug HaKamaruan Iban Martabbat)

Listen to MINDANAO EXAMINER HOUR, 5-6 p.m. dailyon RPN-dxXX Zamboanga 1008 kHz

ARMERS AND CIVILIANS havARMERS AND CIVILIANS havARMERS AND CIVILIANS havARMERS AND CIVILIANS havARMERS AND CIVILIANS have are are are are armed themselvmed themselvmed themselvmed themselvmed themselves to fight off the jihadistes to fight off the jihadistes to fight off the jihadistes to fight off the jihadistes to fight off the jihadistgrgrgrgrgroup BIFF or Boup BIFF or Boup BIFF or Boup BIFF or Boup BIFF or Bangsamorangsamorangsamorangsamorangsamoro Io Io Io Io Islamic Fslamic Fslamic Fslamic Fslamic Frrrrreedom Feedom Feedom Feedom Feedom Fighters folloighters folloighters folloighters folloighters following a spatewing a spatewing a spatewing a spatewing a spateof deadly attacks on mostly Chrof deadly attacks on mostly Chrof deadly attacks on mostly Chrof deadly attacks on mostly Chrof deadly attacks on mostly Christian aristian aristian aristian aristian areas in the reas in the reas in the reas in the reas in the restivestivestivestivestive re re re re region ofegion ofegion ofegion ofegion ofMMMMMindanao in southerindanao in southerindanao in southerindanao in southerindanao in southern Pn Pn Pn Pn Philippineshilippineshilippineshilippineshilippines.....F

Hundreds of menfrom different towns incentral Mindanao havearmed and formed them-selves into a vigilante todefend their communi-ties and farmlands fromfurther attacks by theBIFF, which pledged alle-giance to the Islamic

State of Iraq and Syria orISIS.

BIFF had killed doz-ens of innocent civiliansin random, but sustainedterror attacks in the re-gion, and bombed powerpylons aimed at weaken-ing Mindanao’s economyand bring fear to the door-

steps of Christian commu-nities.

In a clandestine showof force to the regionalnewspaper Mindanao Ex-aminer and a few selectedjournalists, the vigilantes -now calling themselves asgroup called Red God’sDefenders - burned anISIS flag as a challenge tothe BIFF and their deter-mination to protect theirown from terrorism.

A spokesman for thegroup, Asiong, said theBIFF attacks on innocentcivilians and attempts byits allies and supporters tograb lands owned by farm-ers must stopimmediately. “Pagod nakami sa mga karahasan ngBIFF, sa mga atake saaming komunidad atsakahan. Hindi na kamipapayag at lalaban na

kami upang protektahanang aming mga sarili atlupain,” he told theMindanao Examiner.

He said military forcescannot protect civiliancommunities at all timesand they have to do some-thing to defend

themselves from BIFF at-tacks. Now, he said, evenother Muslim groupswanted to take away theirlands, saying, it belong totheir ancestors.

The vigilantes werearmed with high-poweredweapons, mostly M16 and

M203, and even Barrettsniper rifles and AK-47assault rifles. It was un-known where theysourced or bought theweapons, but many ofthese were unlicensed orillegal firearms.

CCCCContinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6

Vigilantes calling themselves Red God’s Defenders set on fire a flag of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria during a clandestine gathering recently in Mindanao. The vigilantes vow to fightBangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters - who pledged allegiance to ISIS - following the spate of deadly attacks on civilian communities in the restive southern Philippine region. (MindanaoExaminer Photo - Mark Navales)

Higher wages for ARMMprivate sector workers

COTABATO CITY – Workersin the private sector in theAutonomous Region inMuslim Mindanao (ARMM)will soon receive higherwages after the Regional Tri-partite Wages andProductivity Board(RTWPB) issues its wage ad-justments order due thisyear.

Muslimin Jakilan,ARMM’s Secretary of the De-partment of Labor andEmployment and chairman

of the RTWPB, said the orderwill be based on RepublicAct 6727, otherwise knownas the Wage RationalizationAct, which introduces re-forms in minimum wagefixing, specifically the Two-Tiered Wage System.

Jakilan said since 2003,ARMM has been adopting a“one-wage, or uniformwage” rate system for mini-mum wage earners involvedin non-agriculture and agri-culture employment.

Non-agriculture sec-tor jobs refer to those inmanufacturing, commer-cial and academe, whilethose in the agriculturesector cover plantationand non-plantation farmworkers.

“It is about time to is-sue another order so thatworkers in ARMM couldcope with the currentsocio-economic conditionin the region,” Jakilan said.

CCCCContinue to page 5ontinue to page 5ontinue to page 5ontinue to page 5ontinue to page 5

One of NGCP power pylons in southern Philippines.(Mindanao Examiner Photo)

RRRRRead storead storead storead storead story on page 4y on page 4y on page 4y on page 4y on page 4

Page 2: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Jan. 25-31, 2016

Jan. 25-31, 20162 The Mindanao Examiner

DSWD-ARMM: Focus onfood sufficiency, livelihood

crucial for poverty alleviationCOTABATO CITY - The De-partment of Social Welfareand Development in theAutonomous Region inMuslim Mindanao haslaunched the pilot run of itsApat Dapat program, ananti-poverty initiative thatwill focus on 600 ofARMM's poorest families.

The program will focuson key interventions con-cerning four basic needs ofevery family, namely food,lighting, water and sanita-tion, and shelter. Thebeneficiaries of the ApatDapat program’s pilot runare among the poorest ofthe poor in the region. “Wehope that the Apat Dapatprogram’s focused ap-proach will prove to be agood fit alongside thebroader approaches takenby our existing anti-povertyinitiatives, all of which arecommunity-driven devel-

opment projects,” DSWD-ARMM Secretary RahimaAlba said.

Accoording to Alba, en-suring food sufficiency andlivelihood, the first of thefour components of theApat Dapat program, in-volves four modalities.These are (1) satisfying ev-ery families’ recommendeddietary allowance for pro-tein and energy, (2)identifying what livelihoodis best for the families andproviding the necessarylivelihood training, (3) en-couraging families to putup small livelihood activi-ties such as backyardgardening and poultry rais-ing that can support foodsufficiency, and (4) gradu-ally transitioning thelivelihood activities frombeing food security mea-sure to also being a sourceof income for the families.

“Along with continuedsupport in construction ofsolar dryers and ware-house, as well as theprovision of equipmentand machineries, we aremaking sure that every fam-ily in a community can livea life where their needs aremet through the Apat Dapatprogram,” Alba said.

Technical assistancehave been provided by theWorld Food Program to en-sure the sustainability of thefood security program, withinput from the World Bankwhich has been consistentin being ARMM’s partner inpoverty alleviation. TheDSWD-ARMM is lookinginto a partnership with theDepartment of Health’s ru-ral health units and localnutritionists to make surethat food sufficiency andsecurity goals are met. (Bu-reau of Public Information)

Zamboanga spends P600 millionin security, health and educationZAMBOANGA CITY –Close to P600 millionhave been spent by thelocal government ofZamboanga in support topeace and order from2013 to 2015 and much ofthe funding went to thelocal police force, healthand education.

And with that sup-port, the police reportedthat crime volume de-creased by 22%; and sowere the index crimes –with 25% decrease in re-ported crimes - andnon-index crimes alsowent down by 19%.Crimes against personsalso decreased by 28%;crimes against propertydecreased by 23; and thatthe average monthly in-dex crime rate also wentdown by as much as 27%,including the averagemonthly crime ratewhich decreased by 24%.

Mayor Beng Climacosaid the police force per-formed better because ofthe support of the resi-dents and the peace anddevelopment efforts ofthe local government.

Climaco said whenshe took over as mayor in2013, her top priority wasto improve the peace andorder condition inZamboanga which wasmarred with daily kill-

ings, kidnappings andbombings by rebelgroups.

She said during herleadership, she haddoubled the citygovernment’s investmentin the peace and orderprogram and the fundingfor this - P595.316 million- is the highest ever in-vested by anyadministration in thepast, including Rep.Celso Lobregat and hermother, also a former so-lon Maria Clara Lobregat,who served as mayor ofZamboanga the past 2decades.

Climaco – who is run-ning for a second term -said the city governmentturned over 50 units ofmotorcycles to the policeand provided additionalfirearms and ammuni-

tion, and nearly P30 mil-lion more for the ongoingconstruction of the newZamboanga Central Po-lice Office building.

“To translate that lovefor Zamboanga, security,health and education re-main our thrust andquantitatively with God’sgrace and everyone’s sup-port, we have achieved aquantum leap,” she said.

Climaco – a key leaderof the ruling Liberal Partyof President BenignoAquino - said the massivesupport she is gettingboth from nearly a millionresidents and members ofthe city council – the lo-cals can expect “biggerthings” to come toZamboanga this 2016 andthe years to come. Shesaid general welfare of thepeople has always beenfundamental to her ad-ministration.

Under her adminis-tration, she managed tobring many investors, in-cluding KCC Mall, CityMall, Yubenco Mall,among others, includingbanking institutions andcar manufacturers.Robinsons Land Corp.and SM Prime Holdings,Inc. are also planning toput up malls inZamboanga City.(Mindanao Examiner)

Zamboanga City MayorBeng Climaco

Rebels raid military postsin Southern Philippines

MAGUINDANAO – Rebelforces simultaneously at-tacked two military postsin the restive province ofMaguindanao in the Mus-lim autonomous region,sparking firefight withgovernment troops.

There were no reportsof casualties from eitherside, but the clashes in-volved the groups ofBangsamoro Islamic Free-dom Fighters (BIFF) andMoro Islamic LiberationFront (MILF), whichsigned a peace deal withManila in 2014.

MILF soldiers fromthe 106th Base Commandunder Haron and Diegoattacked the1stMechanized Battalionin the village of Bagan inGuindulungan town lateSunday and the fightinglasted over one hour.

The attack was be-lieved to be in retaliationto a military operationagainst a group of armedmen in Kitapuk villageearlier on Sunday. Troopsrecovered weapons andammunition in the areafollowing a firefight.

The BIFF also report-edly attacked a militarypost in Kabengi in DatuSaudi Ampatuan town onSunday night and en-gaged troops in a clashwhich lasted over 40 min-utes. The BIFF, whichpledged allegiance withISIS, is fighting for a sepa-rate Islamic state in thetroubled region.

There was no immedi-ate statement from the 6thInfantry Division and offi-cials did not answerphone calls by journalists.(Rose Muñeza)

Page 3: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Jan. 25-31, 2016

Jan. 25-31, 2016 3The Mindanao Examiner


‘Pagbaugbug Ha Kamaruan Iban Martabbat’

‘In defense of Honor and Dignity’

Zamboanga expands ‘Bahay Kubo’ projectZAMBOANGA CITY –Zamboanga City is set tolaunch again – the secondsince last year – the so-calledBahay Kubo farming con-cept in villages in an effortto revive and promote back-yard vegetable gardening.

City AgriculturistDiosdado Palacat said thegarden will make availablenutritious vegetables for thefamily and reduce malnutri-tion incidence. He said theywill tap the villages with high

incidence of malnutritionInitiated last year,

Palacat said the Bahay Kuboconcept, which aptly mod-els a typical Filipino nipa hutwith all the green and yellowleafy vegetables in the back-yard, kicked off with onemodel or pilot area in eachof the 6 agricultural areas –Vitali, Curuan, Manicahan,Culianan, Tumaga andAyala.

Palacat said the City Ag-riculturist Office will provide

the germinated seedlingsand extend technical assis-tance – from the planting toharvest and even up to themarketing.

He said not only theprogram would provide asustainable food supply, itwill also reduce malnutri-tion incidence, increaseincome of the family andensure available source ofvegetables. (Mindanao Ex-aminer. With a report fromSheila Covarrubias)

Sulu Governor Totoh Tan presides over a meeting with municipal and barangay leaders recently held at the Provincial Capitol Office. The hardworking governor, who is seeking re-election inthe May polls, personally works at the grass-root level of governance to ensure the welfare of the people and peace and development of the province. (Sulu Provincial Government)

Diabetes, hypertension patients get free medicines in ARMMCOTABATO CITY - Resi-dents in the AutonomousRegion in MuslimMindanao (ARMM) suffer-ing from diabetes andhypertension are thankfulafter receiving free mainte-nance medicines from theregion’s Department ofHealth (DOH-ARMM). Thedistribution of free medi-cines in the region startedthis month.

Joery Amad, regionaldiabetes educator, said themedicines will help com-bat diabetes andhypertension – two interre-

lated conditions – and thecomplications broughtabout by these two ill-nesses.

“Mape-prevent ng mgagamot na maipapamahaginatin ang mgakomplikasyong dala ng dia-betes at hypertension (Thefree medicines will helpprevent the complicationsthese two conditionsbring),” Amad said.

The patients, however,should become membersof DOH Hypertension andDiabetes Club to availthemselves of the free medi-

cines. Patients must go tothe nearest health centerand undergo assessment,screening, and manage-ment through thePhilippine Package of Es-sential NCD(non-communicable dis-ease) Interventionprotocol.

When diagnosed withhypertension or diabetes,or both, the patient will beenrolled in the club. Amadadded the patients can ac-cess metformin, amaintenance medicine fordiabetes, and losartan,

amlodipine, andmetoprolol, which are forhypertension cases, at theregional office here and inrural health units on amonthly basis.

Diabetes, a non-com-municable disease, isamong the top causes ofdeaths in the Philippinesaccording to the WorldHealth Organization. Of thetotal health-related deathsmonitored in 2008, 57% aredue to the “fatal four”NCDs, namely cardiovas-cular disease, cancer,diabetes, and chronic respi-

ratory disease.While diabetes posts a

risk to most Filipinos, itsrate of prevalence in theARMM is among the lowestin the country with 3.8%alongside with NorthernMindanao (Region X) andIlocos (Region I) with 3.3%and 4.0%, respectively. Thenumbers are based on the8th National Nutrition Sur-vey conducted by theDepartment of Science andTechnology (DOST).

The survey also showedthat ARMM is among theregions with the lowest hy-

pertension prevalence at17.3% with the neighboringZamboanga (Region IX) ata lower rate 17.2%.

The DOST survey wasconducted from June 2013to April 2014, covering all 17regions of the country, 79provinces, 45,047 house-holds and 172,323individuals.

It also showed that theprevalence of hypertensionslightly decreased whilethat of diabetes increasedfrom 2008 to 2013 nation-wide. (Bureau of PublicInformation)

Page 4: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Jan. 25-31, 2016

Jan. 25-31, 20164 The Mindanao Examiner

‘Plastic’ rice mula Chinanaipuslit sa Cagayan de Oro City

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY –Nadiskubre sa Cagayan deOro ang umano’y mgapekeng bigas na galing pa saChina, ngunit hindi agadmabatid kung gaanonkaraming sako ng bigas angnakapasok sa naturanglungsod.

K a s a l u k u y a n gnagiimbestiga ang mgaawtoridad sa nasabing ulatmatapos na mag-reklamoang isang ginang na mayhalos plastic na bigas saisang sakong nabili nito sapalengke sa Barangay

Carmen na isa sapinakamalaki sa Cagayande Oro.

Maging ang City Coun-cil at ang National FoodAuthority ay nababagabagsa naturang rebelasyon atiimbestigahan umano angpagpasok ng mga pekengbigas sa Cagayan de Oro.Natunton na rin angnagbenta ng bigas atNangako ang may-ari nitona makikipagtulungan saanumang imbestigasyon.

Nagbabala naman angawtoridad sa publiko na

mag-ingat sa mga bigas nakanilang binibili at kungmay duda ay huwag naitong bilhin at isumbongagad sa pulisya o sa mgaopisyal ng barangay o samarket administrator.

Unang inulat noonnakaraang taon angpagkalat ng pekeng bigas saDavao City. Ngunitpinabulaanan naman ito ngmga opisyal doon atsinabing walang palsi-pikadong bigas mula Chinaang nakapasok sa Davao.(Mindanao Examiner)

Militias kill teenager inSouthern Philippines

DAVAO CITY – A teenagerwas shot dead by pro-gov-ernment militias whosegroup has been linked byhuman rights workers to thespate of attacks on tribalgroups in southern Philip-pines, thenon-governmental organi-zation Save Our Schools(SOS) said.

It said members of theAlamara paramilitary groupattacked Alibando Tingkas,15, in Palma Gil village inDavao del Norte’s Talaingodtown. Two of Tingkas’ com-panion managed to flee andreported the weekend attackto tribal leaders.

SOS – which con-demned the killing - saidTingkas, a grade three pupilof Salugpongan ElementarySchool, was heading homewhen the gunman attackedhim. It said the teener is the29th child victim of extraju-dicial killing in the region. Itsaid a tribal leader - DatuManliro Landahay - a coun-cil member of SalugponganLumad Organization inTalaingod was also killed byAlamara in November lastyear.

“We are enraged andsaddened by this incident.The paramilitary group andtheir military cohorts will notstop from attacking and evenkilling lumads in the name oftheir counter-insurgencyoperations, even children arenot spared anymore,” RiusValle, spokesperson of theSOS Network in SouthernMindanao, said in a state-ment sent to the regionalnewspaper Mindanao Ex-aminer.

He said witnesses to theattack tagged the Alamara asbehind the killing. The bodyof Tingkas was recovered byvillagers, according to Valle,who fears the militias wouldlaunch more attacks againstindigenous people who arenot supporting thegovernment’s anti-insur-gency operations in theSouth.

Valle said teachers ofSalugpongan ElementarySchool are also receivingdeath threats after militiasaccused them as members ofthe NPA.

He said militias in Sep-tember last year also brutallykilled a school principal and

two tribal leaders in Liangatown in Surigao del Sur prov-ince, and also the forcibleclosure and demolition of aFr. Fausto Tentorio MemorialSchool in Bukidnon’sKitaotao town on suspicionthey were used as front of thecommunist rebel group.

“SOS will be conduct-ing further investigation ofthis matter. We urge the lo-cal government ofTalaingod to investigate andapprehend those respon-sible in the killing of theteenager, and for the na-tional leadership to takeheed lest things go out ofhand and they will also suf-fer the consequences,” Vallesaid, adding, “we are now fo-cusing our efforts to securethe victim’s family, the wit-nesses and the teachers atthe Salugpongan school.”

There was no immedi-ate statement from themilitary and police on themurder of Tingkas, but secu-rity officials had previouslydenied funding or support-ing militia groups in theregion, and blamed the at-tacks on tribal war.(Mindanao Examiner)

Tagum heist, who did it?TAGUM CITY – A week af-ter gunmen killed asecurity guard following adaring robbery at 2 jew-elry shops inside a mall inTagum City in Davao delNorte province, police areyet to come up with solidleads about the gang.

Police said the gun-men swooped down onthe shops after overpow-ering the guards, but onemall security tried to fightoff the raiders and was fa-

tally shot.Inspector Anjanette

Tirador, of the local policeforce, said the guard wasstill rushed to the hospital.

The gunmen also firedshots in the air before es-caping on motorcycles.Policemen, who re-sponded to the scene,pursued the robbers, butdid not catch up withthem.

Police mounted asearch for the gunmen

and investigators were re-viewing footage from themall’s security cameras inan effort to identify themembers of the gang.Probers said they also re-covered empty casings ofbullets fired from auto-matic pistols and riflescarried by the gunmen.

It was unknown howmuch worth of jewelrieswere taken by the gunmenfrom the heist. ( JaysonMag-usara)

Policemen stand outside the NCCC Mall in Tagum City in Davao del Norte province followinga heist that left one security guard dead in a shootout. (Mindanao Examiner Photo - JaysonMag-usara)

Tight security in ZamboangaSECURITY FORCES are inheightened alert inZamboanga City followingthe recovery of improvisedexplosives from a motor-ized boat on Sacol Island.

The recovery of thebombs raised suspicionthat rebels may be plan-ning to launch attacks inthe southern port city.

Chief Insp. RogelioAlabata, a spokesman forthe regional police force,said the improvised explo-sives were made fromammonium nitrate andfuel oil mixed gasoline andpacked with iron nails.

He said the boat wasabandoned on the shore-line of Sacol Island – justseveral nautical milesfrom Zamboanga - andwas spotted by a securitypatrol over the weekend. Itwas unknown whether theexplosives belonged to theAbu Sayyaf or Moro Na-tional Liberation Frontrebels.

The recovery of the ex-plosives came the sameweek that Mayor BengClimaco banned any rallyof the Moro National Lib-eration Front inZamboanga City and or-dered authorities to stayalert following a recentplenum by the formerrebel group in nearby Suluprovince.

Climaco met with se-nior police and militaryofficials and discussed

with them on how to se-cure Zamboanga whichhad been attacked twiceby MNLF rebels despite apeace accord with manilain September 1996.

She security forceshave been alerted on pos-sibility that someindividuals may try tohold so-called peace ral-lies or gathering inZamboanga. She said suchrallies will not be allowedin the as this might disturbZamboanga anew.

“I am giving you a cat-egorical no, you must notdisturb Zamboanga any-more. If you want to comeup with your rally, make itin your area, Zamboangawill not welcome a rally byMNLF, not at this time be-cause you still have to beaccountable with the kill-ings and devastations weare suffering from,”Climaco said.

Nur Misuari, chieftainof the MNLF, is wanted byauthorities after his forcesattacked Zamboanga City– first in 2001 and the sec-ond was in 2013 – that leftover 300 people dead andwounded in three weeks ofstreet battles.

“The destructionwrought by the 2013 siegecontinues to linger, as in-ternally displaced persons- both Muslims, Christiansand Lumads, most ofwhom are those whoeluded the conflicts in

Sulu and Basilan - havesuffered the brunt of theMNLF attack inZamboanga three yearsago,” Climaco said.

MNLF members hadbeen intercepted inZamboanga on their wayto attend the January 8plenum in Sulu. But manyMNLF members are resid-ing in Zamboanga andduring the siege many ofthem, including women,had joined the fightingthat displaced over120,000 people.

In 2001, Misuari’sloyal forces and formerMNLF rebels who joinedthe Philippine Army fol-lowing the September1996 peace deal with Ma-nila, attacked a keymilitary base in Jolo townand civilian targets inZamboanga City in an ef-fort to stop thegovernment from callingan election in the Muslimautonomous region inMindanao where Misuariwas then the governor.

Misuari then escapedby boat to Malaysia, wherehe had been arrested anddeported to the Philip-pines and was eventuallypardoned and released byPresident Gloria Arroyo inexchange for MNLF sup-port to her election bid aswell as her allies in theSenate and Congress in2004. (Mindanao Exam-iner)

Bombings continue on MindanaoMAGUINDANAO – Thebombings of power pylonscontinu in southern Philip-pines despite a supposedlytight security being imposedby the military on theMindanao grid.

Just last week, anothersteel pylon was bombed -the second attack in a spanof four days - in the restivesouthern Philippine regionof Mindanao where securityforces are battling separatistinsurgents.

The privately-ownedNational Grid Corporationof the Philippines (NGCP)operates dozens of powerpylons in Mindanao andmost of the attacks - blamedon various rebel groups andextortionists – occurred inthe Muslim autonomous re-gion and nearby provinces.

Elizabeth Ladaga,NGCP’s spokeswoman, saidthe blast hit the Tower 50 ofthe Agus 2-Kibawe 138 kilo-volt line in Lanao del Sur’sDimayon Bubong town onMonday. She said the repairof the tower would startsoon. “Restoration of Tower50 will commence as soonas the area is secured,” shetold the regional newspaperMindanao Examiner.

Last month, Tower 25

also of the Agus 2-Kibawe138 kilovolt line in Ramaintown in Lanao del Norteprovince was also toppledby a bomb explosion andsince then remainsunrepaired.

On January 14, a powerpylon of the Kabacan-Sul-tan Kudarat 138 kilovolt linewas also bombed in Aleosantown in North Cotabatoprovince. Two improvisedexplosives had been deto-nated by suspected rebels,but they failed to topple thesteel tower, although theblast seriously damaged thetransmission facility, buteventually repaired recently.

No individual or groupclaimed responsibility forthe latest bombing, but theregion is a known lair of sev-eral rebel groups - theBangsamoro Islamic Free-dom Fighters, the MoroIslamic Liberation Frontand jihadists.

It was unknown whyNGCP failed to detect orstop the latest bombing de-spite repeated attacks sincelast year, but it appealed tothe military to protect thetowers. The 6th Infantry Di-vision said NGCP has itsown personnel guarding thesteel pylons.

NGCP also repeatedlyblamed owners of privatelands where the towers arelocated and accusing themof preventing their person-nel to repair bombed powerpylons. The NGCP proposedto “criminalize the plantingof trees and other activitiesbeneath transmissionlines.”

NGCP said it hasteamed up with local gov-ernments in Mindanao tosolve the escalating right-of-way violations in theregion by lobbying for thepassage of a provincial or-dinance to back up itsproposals. It said the inten-tional planting of treesunder transmission linesadversely affects power de-livery to the provinces ofLanao del Norte, Lanao delSur, Zamboanga Sibugay,Bukidnon, North Cotabato,Maguindanao, ZamboangaCity, and the rest of the grid.

Land owners have re-peatedly rejected NGCP’sdemand unless it paysthem for the use of their es-tate. NGCP holds the25-year concession con-tract to operate thecountry's power transmis-sion network. (MindanaoExaminer)

Page 5: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Jan. 25-31, 2016

The Mindanao Examiner 5Jan. 25-31, 2016

The Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry concerts and crusades - from the Philippines to the United Arab Emirates - with Minister Wilde James Almeda, Jr. and Annaliza AlmedaSmith and evangelist Luke Smith with the Almeda Sisters and the JMCIM Choir. (Photos from Brothers Danny Cuarteros and Andy Binas)

CCCCContinued frontinued frontinued frontinued frontinued from page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1He added the Board is

set to decide on the newwage adjustments applyingthe First Tier, which consti-tutes the minimummandatory wage rate inARMM on Wednesday,January 20, after a series ofconsultations conducted.

Currently, minimumwage earners in ARMM arereceiving P250 daily. “Usingthe regional poverty thresh-old as a major reference data

Higher wages for ARMMprivate sector workers

for the region, the Board islooking for some strategiesto address the prevailingminimum wage gap,” hesaid.

On top of the manda-tory wage adjustments,workers will also receiveproductivity bonuses andincentives subject to anagreement with their em-ployers as advocated in theSecond Tier adjustmentscheme, Jakilan added.

As of April 2015, there

are more or less 566,945 pri-vate workers in the regionawaiting a wage adjustmentdecision from the Board,which is chaired by theARMM’s Labor Secretary,the Director of the RegionalPlanning and DevelopmentOffice and Department ofTrade and Industry-ARMMSecretary as vice-chairmen,as well as representativesfrom the workers and em-ployers. (Bureau of PublicInformation)

Page 6: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Jan. 25-31, 2016

Jan. 25-31, 20166 The Mindanao Examiner

The Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaperis published weekly in Mindanao, Philippines.

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CCCCContinued frontinued frontinued frontinued frontinued from page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1Police and military offi-

cials did not give anystatement about the newvigilante group, althoughother Christian groups arealready operating secretly inmany areas in centralMindanao – others openlyand publicly admitting theyare members of the so-called old anti-communistsquad Ilaga.

Because of the BIFFatrocities, thousands of ci-vilians remain in differentevacuation areas in

Civilians Arming SelvesVs. BIFF, JihadistsMindanao – scared of re-turning homes for fear thatrebels would launch an-other attacks on the militaryor villagers, especially inSultan Kudarat province, aswell as in nearbyMaguindanao, one of fiveprovinces under the restiveMuslim autonomous re-gion.

About a dozen peoplehad been killed in attackslaunched by the BIFF whoare fighting for the establish-ment of a strict Islamic statein southern Philippines.

The rebels have at-tracted a number ofsympathizers and recruits,although the army contin-ues to downplay thecapability of the BIFF tolaunch a major assault.

The army had the BIFFon the run following a mas-sive campaign last year, butthe rebels managed to re-group and recruit moremembers and armed themwith automatic weaponsbought from illegal gundealers.

There were suggestions

from various groups to openpeace talks with the BIFF,whose members weremostly former guerrillas ofthe larger Moro Islamic Lib-eration Front which signeda peace deal with Manila in2014.

But many BIFF mem-bers were also radicalizedwith links to Malaysian andIndonesian jihadists beingcoddled by rogue Moro Is-lamic Liberation Frontcommanders in thetroubled region. (MindanaoExaminer)

Vigilantes calling themselves Red God’s Defenders set on fire a flag of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria during a clandestinegathering recently in Mindanao. The vigilantes vow to fight Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters - who pledged allegianceto ISIS - following the spate of deadly attacks on civilian communities in the restive southern Philippine region. (MindanaoExaminer Photo - Mark Navales)

Page 7: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Jan. 25-31, 2016

The Mindanao Examiner 7Jan. 25-31, 2016

HEALTH: Gout, Arthritis at Uric AcidPayo ni Dr. Willie T. Ong

ANG GOUT ay isangpangkaraniwang sakit. Angsintomas ng gout ay angmatinding pamamaga atpananakit ng mga kasu-kasuan ng mga daliri ngpaa, kamay at tuhod.Sobrang sakit ang gout.

Para malaman kunggouty arthritis nga angsakit, kailangan natinsuriin ang Uric Acid saisang blood test. Kapagmataas ito, gout angdahilan ng iyong arthritis.Iba kasi ang gamutan nggout sa ordinaryong arthri-tis lamang.

Nakukuha ang gout sa2 bagay: (1) Lahi - Namanasa magulang, (2) Pagkain -Mahilig kumain ng mgapagkaing mataas sa uricacid.

Ano ang pagkaingdapat iwasan ng isangtaong may gout?

Sa mga gulay, iwasanang pagkain ng asparagus,cauliflower, mushroom atspinach. Mataas ito sa uricacid. OK lang ang kanin,pero dapat bawasan angoatmeal at whole grain ce-reals.

Pagdating naman sa

Dr. Willie T. Ong

ulam, dito tayo nagkakatalo.Umiwas sa mga lamang loob(bituka, atay, utak, puso atkidneys), sisig, beans, sar-dines, tunsoy, tamban, dilis,bagoong, tahong at lahat ngklaseng mani. Ang gravy,patis, at lechon liver sauce aymataas din sa uric acid. Atpara sa mga alcoholic,umiwas sa pag-inom ng beerat alak kung ayaw mongatakihan ng sakit na gout.

Ano na lang ba angpuwede kainin? Puwedenaman ang lahat ng gulaypuwera sa mga nabanggit kona. Ang gatas, keso atpaminsan-minsan na karneay pinapayagan din. Angcoffee, tea, gelatin at lahat ng

prutas ay hindi bawal sagout.

Ano ang mga gamot sagout?

Kapag inatake na nggout, hindi na sapat angpagdi-dyeta sa pagkainlamang. Kailangan ngmaintenance na gamotpara bumaba ang iyonguric acid levels sa dugo.Nagrereseta kami ng Al-lopurinol 100 mg o 300 mgtablet bawat araw dependesa taas ng iyong uric acid.Inumin ito araw araw parahindi umatake ang gout.Kailangan po ito.

Sa oras ngpagsumpong ng gout,nagbibigay kami ngColchicine tablets, 4 nabeses sa maghapon.

Isang mahalagang tiplang po: Bawal ang Al-lopurinol tablets habangmatindi ang atake nggout. Inumin lang angmaintenance na Allopu-rinol kapag humupay naang sakit pagkalipas ng 2araw.

Ganito lang po anggamutan ng mga doktorsa gout. Magpa-check-upsa inyong doktor.

TECH TIPS: 13 really usefulFacebook for Android tips and tricks

IT’S the world's biggest so-cial network — with 1.49billion users to its name —but even if you spend a lot oftime inside Facebook's An-droid app, you may not haveexplored everything it has tooffer. We're here to changethat with a comprehensivelist of tips, tricks and featuresto look out for.

Whether you're runningFacebook on a Samsung Gal-axy S6 Edge or a trusty Nexus7, you'll find these tips help-ful for sorting through yournews feed, improving the se-curity of your account,finding the best contentfaster and sharing status up-dates more easily, plus morebesides.

1. U1. U1. U1. U1. Use the widgetse the widgetse the widgetse the widgetse the widgetFacebook's widget is

simple but useful. It gives youa scrollable window for tap-ping through your friends'status updates without theextra adverts and other bag-gage in the full app.

You can update yourown status from the widgettoo, by tapping Share. It's ahandy way of getting impor-tant information right thereon your home screen.

2. M2. M2. M2. M2. Manage yanage yanage yanage yanage your notifica-our notifica-our notifica-our notifica-our notifica-tionstionstionstionstions

Drowning in a deluge ofupdates and alerts from yourfriends? You'll be relieved tohear that Facebook actuallymakes it pretty easy to switchparticular types of notifica-tions on and off.

Head to App settings >Notification settings andyou'll be able to enable ordisable alerts for wall posts,messages, comments, friendrequests, photo tags, eventinvites and more.3. F3. F3. F3. F3. Find interind interind interind interind interesting placesesting placesesting placesesting placesesting places

nearbnearbnearbnearbnearbyyyyyThe Facebook app for

Android can do certain tricksthat the desktop site can't —such as making better use ofyour location. ChooseNearby Places to find placesaround you that have theirown Facebook Page.

It's a handy way to dis-cover restaurants, bars,shops or other venues ifyou're in an unfamiliar partof the world. Tap on any en-try for more informationabout that place.

4. F4. F4. F4. F4. Filter the news feedilter the news feedilter the news feedilter the news feedilter the news feedYou don't have to settle

for the standard news feedlist of updates. The Facebookapp gives you access to yourcustomized lists from themain menu too. To changethe list someone appears in,simply head to their profile

and tap Friends > Edit FriendList.

If you want to add or re-move any whole lists('family' or 'best friends', forexample), you'll need to dothis from a computer.

5. S5. S5. S5. S5. Sharharharharhare fre fre fre fre from other appsom other appsom other appsom other appsom other appsSharing across apps is

one of Android's greatstrengths, so make use of it:tap the Share button whileyou're viewing a photo gal-lery, web browser oranything else, and Facebookwill appear as one of the op-tions.

This is a great way ofsharing something to yourtimeline without having toactually go into Facebook,and you still get all the usualstatus update options.

6. S6. S6. S6. S6. Stop videos frtop videos frtop videos frtop videos frtop videos fromomomomomautoplayingautoplayingautoplayingautoplayingautoplaying

One of the most usefulentries in the Facebook appsettings is Video Auto-play. Itlets you turn autoplay on oroff, or enable it when you'reon a Wi-Fi connection only.

This will save on datausage while you're out andabout, as well as stop yournews feed turning into a diz-zying list of looping cat clipsand funny animations.

7. S7. S7. S7. S7. Savavavavave videos and linkse videos and linkse videos and linkse videos and linkse videos and linksfor laterfor laterfor laterfor laterfor later

So many friends tobrowse through, so little timein the day... luckily there's asolution to this problem. Ifyou tap on the drop-downarrow next to a news feedpost containing a video orlink, you can save the con-tent to come back to later.

Bookmarked content iskept under the Saved head-ing on the main app menu(tap See All under Apps if itisn't visible) so you can re-turn to it at your leisure.

8. Check y8. Check y8. Check y8. Check y8. Check your accountour accountour accountour accountour accountsecursecursecursecursecurityityityityity

From inside theFacebook app, tap AccountSettings, Security and ActiveSessions — here you can seeall of the places and devicesassociated with yourFacebook account.

If you spot anything sus-picious, click on the crossicon to log out from it. It'sbetter to be safe than sorry: ifyou make a mistake and logout from one of your owndevices or browsers, you canstill log back in again.

9. D9. D9. D9. D9. Disable chat headsisable chat headsisable chat headsisable chat headsisable chat headsMessenger is now a

separate app on Android,and one of its most distinc-tive features is the wayconversations appear as'chat heads' above other

apps on your device.If you don't like this be-

havior, you can turn it off —tap the cog icon inside theMessenger app to access itssettings, then tap Chatheads to enable or disablethe feature and tweak theway it works.

10. Pick y10. Pick y10. Pick y10. Pick y10. Pick your favour favour favour favour favorororororiteiteiteiteitefrfrfrfrfriendsiendsiendsiendsiends

Your list of onlinefriends is accessible via a tapon the portrait icon in thetop-right corner of theFacebook app.

Select Edit and you canbring the contacts you inter-act with most often to thetop of the list, saving you thetime and effort of huntingthrough the list to find yourfavorite friends.

11. H11. H11. H11. H11. Hide a fride a fride a fride a fride a friend's feediend's feediend's feediend's feediend's feedSometimes you may

wish to stop seeingsomeone's updates withoutactually unfriending themor blocking them. You maywish to keep up the pretensethat you are friends despitenever wishing to see or hearfrom them again.

To do this, go to theirpage, tap on Following, thenselect Unfollow. They won'tknow it, but you'll never seetheir posts, or posts they aretagged in again.

12. P12. P12. P12. P12. Prrrrrioriorioriorioritizitizitizitizitize a fre a fre a fre a fre a friend'siend'siend'siend'siend'sfeedfeedfeedfeedfeed

If you want to do the op-posite of above, you canchoose to see a certainfriend's posts before all oth-ers. Simply go to their page,tap Following, and then SeeFirst.

Any posts that thisfriend makes will jump tothe top of the news feed sothat you never miss them.

13. U13. U13. U13. U13. Use a lighterse a lighterse a lighterse a lighterse a lighter, thir, thir, thir, thir, third-d-d-d-d-parparparparparty appty appty appty appty app

The Facebook app isnot only enormous, but it isalso a resource hog. You cansave space and memory byusing an alternative app,such as Metal or Tinfoil,which are basically customskins for the web version ofFacebook. Metal is a bit pret-tier and offers more features,such as a notification tab,and floating window.

Otherwise, you can justadd a shortcut to theFacebook website on yourhome screen and use that.In Chrome, you can also al-low notifications from thesite by heading to Settings >Site settings > Notificationsand making sure they'returned on and unblockedfor Facebook. (David Nield,AndroidPIT)

RECIPE: Suman sa Lihiya with Latik


INSTRINSTRINSTRINSTRINSTRUCTIONS:UCTIONS:UCTIONS:UCTIONS:UCTIONS:Prepare the Rice- Combine the two types of rice, rinse twice and drain. Put enough water just to coverrice and soak for at least an hour.- After an hour, drain rice and add 4 cups of fresh water. Add the Lihiya (lye) and mixwell. Water will turn pale yellow.- Cook rice about 30 to 35 minutes. If using rice cooker, let the equipment time itselfPrepare the leaves- In an open flame, run over your banana leaves one at a time to wilt and steam it abit. We do this so leaves will not break when we wrap the rice later. Set aside.Prepare the Syrup- In a sauce pan, combine all ingredients except for the butter. Mix well until lumpsfrom glutinous rice flour are gone.- Under low flame, simmer mixture until thick, about 5 minutes. Careful not to boil.Why? We do not want the coco milk to coagulate, we are looking for a syrupy texturejust like that of a maple syrup- Before your 5 minutes ends, add the butter and mix well. Set aside.Let's go back to the rice- Once rice is cooked, remove from heat and add coco cream and sugar. Mix welluntil well blended. Careful not to burn yourself.- Measure 1/2 cup of prepared rice and place them on the lighter green side of thebanana leaf. Wrap it up like you would your sandwich. Do this to the remaining rice.- When you are done wrapping everything, let's tie them up together. Why? So theywill not burst and keep their shape. Get two pieces and place them together wherethe flaps of the leaves are in between the two suman.- Using the cotton string, tie one end and then the other. There is no exact sciencehere, just tie it up however you want, although it's suggested you use a knot where itcan be pulled off easily later on. Do this to the rest of the suman.- Using a steamer or a make shift one, it does not matter as long as you can steamthese babies, steam the suman for 10 minutes. Make sure to give room for thesuman to expand, for it will. Just a few centimeters apart.- After 10 minutes, remove suman from heat and allow to cool a bit.- Unwrap a suman and pour over coco butter syrup on top. You may also serve thiswith grated coconut meat as an option.

FFFFFor the Rice Cor the Rice Cor the Rice Cor the Rice Cor the Rice Cakeakeakeakeake2 cups glutinous rice (malagkit)2 cup whole grain ricewater for soaking rice4 cups water

1 Tbsp Lihiya or Lye (food grade)1 cup coconut cream1 cup brown sugar (segunda in Filipinoor the partially refined sugar)

FFFFFor the Cor the Cor the Cor the Cor the Coco-Boco-Boco-Boco-Boco-Butter Sutter Sutter Sutter Sutter Syryryryryrupupupupup1 cup coconut milk1 cup muscovado sugar or raw sugar;you can also use grated panucha orhardened sugar1/4 cup salted butter1 tbsp glutinous rice flour

fresh banana leaves, cut into about6"x10", about 16 pieces, have extra justin case one or two tears apart16 pieces cotton strings cut about 14inches in length.grated coconut meat (optional)

Page 8: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Jan. 25-31, 2016

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The Asia Journalism Fellowship program,which is also supported by Temasek Foundation, isbringing in 15 journalists from all over Asia to stay inSingapore for three months as journalism fellows.

The fellowship will be fully funded and fellows will getto work with our experts here for research orinvestigative projects. The fellowship will run from July18 to October 7, 2016.

If you are interested in applying or know of anyone whowill be interested, please visit our website:


Walay plaka sa mga sakyanannga ipagawas human gibasura

sa COA ang apela sa LTOWALAY ipagawas nga mgalisensyadong plaka sa mgasakyanan human gibasurasa Commission on Audit(COA) ang apela sa LandTransportation Office (LTO)nga ipalibkas ang notice ofdisallowance ngagipagawas sa komisyonniadtong Hulyo 2015 sapagpahunong sa kontratatali sa Dutch-Filipino con-sortium nga PPI-JKGPhilippines sa pag-suplayog plaka.

Ang kompanyangDutch-Filipino angnakakuha sa P3.8 bilyongkontrata nga mo-suplay sa

LTO sa mga vehicle licenseplates sa tuig 2013.

Duha ka tuig angmilabay, ang COAmipagawas og notice of dis-allowance ug nimando saLTO sa pagpahunong sapagbayad sa suppliertungod sa kalapasan sa pro-cedures nga gimando ubossa Republic Act 9184 o angGovernment ProcurementReform Act.

Apan gi insister satigpamaba sa LTO nga si Ja-son Salvador nga angbidding alang sa maongkontrata walay lipudlipod.Ang LTO nagsulay pa usab

og resolbar sa laingproblema kalabot sa sup-plier sa driver’s licensecards.

Ang Manila RegionalTrial Court nimando saLTO sa pagpahunong saaward ug pagbayad saP336 milyong driver’s li-cense card suplay ngaproyekto sa Allcard PlasticsPhilippines Inc. Matud panga ang solusyon lamangnga mahimong himuon saLTO mao ang pagpangitaog laing supplier alang samga plaka sa mgasakyanan. (Elvira C.Bongosia)

Gamay nga SSS pensyon tungodusab sa gamay nga kontribusyon

GIDAYEG sa Social Se-curity System (SSS) anggihimong pag-veto niPresidente BenignoAquino sa House Bill5842 nga nagtinguhangpun-an og P2,000 angpensyon sa mgaretiradong miyembroniini.

Sa gipahigayongpress briefing karongadlawa, gipasabot niSocial Security Com-mission Representativefor the General PublicMichael VictorAlimurung nga gawasnga mabangkarote angSSS paghidangat sa

2027, maapektuhan usabsa maong balaodnon anguban pang benepisyongginahatag sa ahensiya samga miyembro niini.

Tungod niini,gitataw ni Alimurungnga angay tun-an ogmaayo ang maong SSSpension hike. Gi-angkonni Alimurung nga gamayang tigdawat ngapensyon sa mgamiyembro sa SSS tungodna usab sa gagmay ngakontribusyon.

Matud pa ngamokabat sa P26 bilyonang maalkansi sa SSS saunang tuig pa lamang

kun dugangan og P2,000ang pension sa mga SSSretirees.

Giingong mga P56bilyon angkinahanglanon aronmahatag ang dugangP2,000 benefit alang sa2.15 milyong pensionersmatag tuig.

Matud pa usab sapangulo sa SSS nga siEmilio de Quiros, angmaong pension increaseadunay sangpotana sa2.15 milyongkasamtangang pension-ers ug 31 milyongmiyembro niini. (ElviraC. Bongosia)

Liboang job vacancies sa mgaahensiya sa gobyerno, pagabuksan

GIPAHIBALO sa pipilaka ahensiya sa gobyernoang liboang trabaho ngabuksan duha ka bulansa dili pa magsugod angelection ban sa hiring oappointment sa employ-ees.

Nipahibalo ang De-partment of Health(DOH) nga plano nilangmang-hire og 21,000doctors ug uban panghealth workers karongtuig.

Matud pa ni MaryRuth Politico, planningug standards division

medical officer sa DOH,nga nanginahanglan paang ilang ahensiya ogmga doctor, nurses, den-tists ug medicaltechnologists nga e-de-ploy sa mgagovernment-run healthfacilities sa tibuok nasud.

Gawas sa DOH,mang-hire usab ogempleyado and Depart-ment of Education(DepEd), Department ofSocial Welfare and Devel-opment, Department ofFinance, Department ofTransportation and Com-

munication ug ang PublicPrivate Partnership Cen-ter.

Ang DepEd giingongnanginahanglan og mgaabogado samtang angDepartment of Energynanginahanglan og ad-ministrative officers.

Ang ubang ahensiyausab nanginahanglan ogmga engineers, planningofficers, information sys-tem analysts, economists,financial analysts, infor-mation officers,accountants ug clerks.(Elvira C. Bongosia)

Unsaon pagkuha og librengmedication alang sa hypertension

ug diabetes gikan sa DOHKUNG may hyperten-sion o diabetes ka,mahimo kangmahatagan sa Depart-ment of Health (DOH)og libreng maintenancemedication.

Matud pa ni DOHSec. Janette Garin, tar-get sa buhatan ngamakahatag og librengtambal sa tulo kamilyong hypertensivepatients ug usa kamilyong diabetic pa-tients.

Gipasabot ni Garinnga gikan sa estimatenga gihimo sa mga pro-gram director base anggidaghanon sakinahanglang tabangansa ilang maintenancemedication. Alang samga adunay hyperten-sion, manghatag ang

DOH og Amlodipine,Losartan ug Metoprolol.Kun diabetic usab,Metformin angipanghatag.

Aron makadawatniini, giingongkinahanglan lamangmagpasusi ug magpalistasa rural o urban healthcenter. Kun nalista nadidto, ipasa sa regionalang ngalan ug ipaapilusab sa regional officengadto sa national officeang pangalan aronmaapil kini sa database.

Sa higayong maapilna sa database, matag-buwan nang makadawatog libreng tambal angmga pasyente sa ilangpinakaduol nga regionalhealth unit o urbanhealth center.

Nunot niini, gi-aghat

ni Garin ang tanang localgovernment units sapagmugna og “hyperten-sive and diabetes clubs."

Gikan sa maongpondok nga mamugna,adunay mga mosunodpang programang ilusadang buhatan. Matud panga usa na niini angmailhan ang mga diabeticnga nanginahanglan oginsulin.

Giingong mayipahigayon usab ngaregular nga pakig-pulongang mga tinugyanan saDOH alang sa padayonnga paghatag ogkasayoran sa sama salifestyle change, diet ugkun unsa man ang mgaposibleng ikatabang sabuhatan ngadto sapamilya. (Elvira C.Bongosia)