Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Feb. 22-28, 2016

Founded 2006 mindanaoexaminer.com P10 Feb. 22-28, 2016 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS, PLEASE CALL (062) 9925480 or (082) 2960658 ARMM Eastern Mindanao Western Mindanao Cebu Manila (Pagbaugbug Ha Kamaruan Iban Martabbat) Kusug Tausug Partylist Listen to MINDANAO EXAMINER HOUR, 5-6 p.m. daily on RPN-dxXX Zamboanga 1008 kHz RUSH SALE Honda Civic P365,000 Call 0917-7103642 Zamboanga City Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry Isla ng Siasi, nagdiwang ng ika-112 anibersaryo Si Gov. Toto Tan sa pagbisita nito sa isla ng Siasi. (Kuha ni Ahl-franzie Salinas) SULU – Dinumog ng napakaraming tao si Gov. Toto Tan ng bumisita ito kamakailan sa island- municipality ng Siasi upang pasinayaan ang ika-112 na anibersaryo ng naturang bayan. Isa ang Siasi sa pinakamaganda at malaking bayan sa Sulu at kinabibilangan ito ng mga isla ng Laminusa, Tara, Silumpak, Bulikullul, Punungan, Parangan, Yaro, Pandugas, Paturuan, Puh Tainga, Liguisan, Suucan, Tutupika, Sibihing, Sunba-Sumba, Kalumang at Kansina. Mistulang artista si Gov. Toto sa kapal at dami ng mga taong sumalubong sa kanyang pagdating at kasama rin nito ang mga mayors ng ibat-ibang munisipyo at provincial board mem- bers. Pinangunahan ni Siasi Mayor Mussah Muksan ang mainit na pagtanggap kina Gov. Toto. Sa mensahe ni Gov. Toto ay binati at pinuri nito ang mga taga-isla at opisyal ng Siasi sa pananatili ng kagandahan at pag-unlad ng bayan at maayos na pamamalakad nito. “I congratulate all the officials and community leaders of the municipality of Siasi as you commemo- rate the 112th founding anniversary of this beauti- ful island. We are glad to note that Siasi is on the right track with the holding of the event with a notable theme of - Community In- volvement: Factors toward Peace and Development – and as Tausug, we have more reasons to strive for excellence in all fields of endeavor and break the shackles that seem to arrest our march towards a brighter horizon.” Continue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 Jesus Miracle Crusade shines at 41 THE JESUS MIRA THE JESUS MIRA THE JESUS MIRA THE JESUS MIRA THE JESUS MIRACLE CR CLE CR CLE CR CLE CR CLE CRUSADE I USADE I USADE I USADE I USADE Inter nter nter nter nternational M national M national M national M national Min- in- in- in- in- istr istr istr istr istry has celebr y has celebr y has celebr y has celebr y has celebrated r ated r ated r ated r ated recently its 41st Chur ecently its 41st Chur ecently its 41st Chur ecently its 41st Chur ecently its 41st Church ch ch ch ch Anniv Anniv Anniv Anniv Anniversar ersar ersar ersar ersary and thousands of people flocked to y and thousands of people flocked to y and thousands of people flocked to y and thousands of people flocked to y and thousands of people flocked to Amor Amor Amor Amor Amoranto S anto S anto S anto S anto Spor por por por ports C ts C ts C ts C ts Complex in Q omplex in Q omplex in Q omplex in Q omplex in Que ue ue ue uezon City on City on City on City on City. ential church, one of the biggest in the Philippines. Marcos, son and namesake of former Presi- dent Ferdinand Marcos, spoke during the anniver- sary and was cheered by the huge crowd. “We can make our nation great again in Jesus name,” he said. In his speech before some 40,000 members who attended the celebra- tion, Marcos said the long years of existence of the JMCIM whose members have stayed together as brethren is a sign of miracle. He also cited the outreach programs of the JMCIM to help others here and abroad as symbols of strong faith. Continue on page 4 ontinue on page 4 ontinue on page 4 ontinue on page 4 ontinue on page 4 No less than senator and vice presidential candi- date Ferdinand “Bong-Bong” Marcos at- tended the anniversary celebration led by Minister Wilde J. Almeda Jr and his wife, Christine, and the Minister’s eldest daughter Sister Rachel Almeda- Esguerra and her husband, Minister Jun Esguerra, and the Almeda children and ordained preachers, pasto- ral workers, prayer warriors, choir members, among others. Evangelist Pastor Wilde Estrada Almeda, who founded the JMCIM, was also present during the an- niversary where members testified the miracles and glory they received from God since joining the influ- China 'puts surface-to-air missiles' on disputed island CHINA HAS deployed an advanced surface-to-air missile system to one of the disputed islands it controls in the South China Sea, of- ficials in the US and Taiwan said. Taiwan defence minis- try spokesman Major General David Lo told the Reuters news agency on Wednesday that the missile batteries had been set up on Woody Island, part of the Paracels chain, which is under Chinese control but also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam. "Interested parties should work together to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea re- gion and refrain from taking any unilateral measures that would increase tensions," Lo said. A US military official also confirmed the "appar- ent deployment" of the missiles, first reported by Fox News. Images from civilian sat- ellite company ImageSat International show two bat- teries of eight surface-to-air missile launchers as well as a radar system, according to Fox. News of the missile de- ployment came as Obama and leaders of the Associa- tion of Southeast Asian Nations wrapped up a sum- mit in California, where they discussed the need to ease tensions in the region but did not include specific mention of China's pursuit of its claims in the South China Sea. Al Jazeera's Marga Ortigas, reporting from the meeting in Rancho Mirage, said the move marked the first time China had taken such strong military mea- sures in the disputed waters and the deployment would not go unnoticed by the US. Continue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 ontinue on page 6 Senator and vice presidential candidate Ferdinand Marcos Jr is being prayed over by Minister Wilde James Almeda during the 41st Church Anniversary celebration of the influential Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry.


Feb. 22-28, 2016

Transcript of Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Feb. 22-28, 2016

Page 1: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Feb. 22-28, 2016

Founded 2006 mindanaoexaminer.com P10 Feb. 22-28, 2016FOR ADVERTISEMENTS, PLEASE CALL (062) 9925480 or (082) 2960658

ARMM Eastern Mindanao Western Mindanao Cebu Manila

(Pagbaugbug HaKamaruan Iban Martabbat)Kusug Tausug Partylist

Listen to MINDANAO EXAMINER HOUR, 5-6 p.m. dailyon RPN-dxXX Zamboanga 1008 kHz

RUSH SALEHonda Civic


Call 0917-7103642Zamboanga City

Jesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry

Isla ng Siasi, nagdiwangng ika-112 anibersaryo

Si Gov. Toto Tan sa pagbisita nito sa isla ng Siasi. (Kuha ni Ahl-franzie Salinas)

SULU – Dinumog ngnapakaraming tao si Gov.Toto Tan ng bumisita itokamakailan sa island-municipality ng Siasiupang pasinayaan angika-112 na anibersaryo ngnaturang bayan.

Isa ang Siasi sapinakamaganda atmalaking bayan sa Suluat kinabibilangan ito ngmga isla ng

Laminusa, Tara,Silumpak, Bulikullul,Punungan, Parangan,Yaro, Pandugas,Paturuan, Puh Tainga,Liguisan, Suucan,Tutupika, Sibihing,S u n b a - S u m b a ,Kalumang at Kansina.

Mistulang artista siGov. Toto sa kapal at daming mga taongsumalubong sa kanyangpagdating at kasama rinnito ang mga mayors ngibat-ibang munisipyo atprovincial board mem-bers.

Pinangunahan ni

Siasi Mayor MussahMuksan ang mainit napagtanggap kina Gov. Toto.

Sa mensahe ni Gov.Toto ay binati at pinuri nitoang mga taga-isla atopisyal ng Siasi sapananatili ng kagandahanat pag-unlad ng bayan atmaayos na pamamalakadnito.

“I congratulate all theofficials and communityleaders of the municipalityof Siasi as you commemo-rate the 112th foundinganniversary of this beauti-ful island. We are glad tonote that Siasi is on theright track with the holdingof the event with a notabletheme of - Community In-volvement: Factors towardPeace and Development –and as Tausug, we havemore reasons to strive forexcellence in all fields ofendeavor and break theshackles that seem to arrestour march towards abrighter horizon.”

CCCCContinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6

Jesus Miracle Crusadeshines at 41

THE JESUS MIRATHE JESUS MIRATHE JESUS MIRATHE JESUS MIRATHE JESUS MIRACLE CRCLE CRCLE CRCLE CRCLE CRUSADE IUSADE IUSADE IUSADE IUSADE Internternternternternational Mnational Mnational Mnational Mnational Min-in-in-in-in-istristristristristry has celebry has celebry has celebry has celebry has celebrated rated rated rated rated recently its 41st Churecently its 41st Churecently its 41st Churecently its 41st Churecently its 41st ChurchchchchchAnnivAnnivAnnivAnnivAnniversarersarersarersarersary and thousands of people flocked toy and thousands of people flocked toy and thousands of people flocked toy and thousands of people flocked toy and thousands of people flocked toAmorAmorAmorAmorAmoranto Santo Santo Santo Santo Sporporporporports Cts Cts Cts Cts Complex in Qomplex in Qomplex in Qomplex in Qomplex in Queueueueuezzzzzon Cityon Cityon Cityon Cityon City.....

ential church, one of thebiggest in the Philippines.

Marcos, son andnamesake of former Presi-dent Ferdinand Marcos,spoke during the anniver-sary and was cheered bythe huge crowd. “We canmake our nation greatagain in Jesus name,” hesaid.

In his speech beforesome 40,000 memberswho attended the celebra-tion, Marcos said the longyears of existence of theJMCIM whose membershave stayed together asbrethren is a sign ofmiracle. He also cited theoutreach programs of theJMCIM to help others hereand abroad as symbols ofstrong faith.

CCCCContinue on page 4ontinue on page 4ontinue on page 4ontinue on page 4ontinue on page 4

No less than senatorand vice presidential candi-date Ferdinand“Bong-Bong” Marcos at-tended the anniversarycelebration led by MinisterWilde J. Almeda Jr and hiswife, Christine, and theMinister’s eldest daughterSister Rachel Almeda-Esguerra and her husband,Minister Jun Esguerra, andthe Almeda children andordained preachers, pasto-ral workers, prayerwarriors, choir members,among others.

Evangelist Pastor WildeEstrada Almeda, whofounded the JMCIM, wasalso present during the an-niversary where memberstestified the miracles andglory they received fromGod since joining the influ-

China 'puts surface-to-air missiles' on disputed islandCHINA HAS deployed anadvanced surface-to-airmissile system to one of thedisputed islands it controlsin the South China Sea, of-ficials in the US and Taiwansaid.

Taiwan defence minis-try spokesman MajorGeneral David Lo told theReuters news agency onWednesday that the missilebatteries had been set upon Woody Island, part ofthe Paracels chain, which is

under Chinese control butalso claimed by Taiwan andVietnam.

"Interested partiesshould work together tomaintain peace and stabilityin the South China Sea re-gion and refrain from takingany unilateral measures thatwould increase tensions," Losaid.

A US military officialalso confirmed the "appar-ent deployment" of themissiles, first reported by Fox

News.Images from civilian sat-

ellite company ImageSatInternational show two bat-teries of eight surface-to-airmissile launchers as well asa radar system, according toFox.

News of the missile de-ployment came as Obamaand leaders of the Associa-tion of Southeast AsianNations wrapped up a sum-mit in California, where theydiscussed the need to ease

tensions in the region but didnot include specific mentionof China's pursuit of itsclaims in the South ChinaSea.

Al Jazeera's MargaOrtigas, reporting from themeeting in Rancho Mirage,said the move marked thefirst time China had takensuch strong military mea-sures in the disputed watersand the deployment wouldnot go unnoticed by the US.

CCCCContinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6

Senator and vice presidential candidate Ferdinand Marcos Jr is being prayed over by Minister Wilde James Almeda duringthe 41st Church Anniversary celebration of the influential Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry.

Page 2: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Feb. 22-28, 2016

Feb. 22-28, 20162 The Mindanao Examiner

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MR. RIC SAN JUAN0905-419.1398 / 0977-317.3897

Feb. 22-28. Issue 1

Happy 79th Dia de Zamboanga!

Rep. Celso LobregatDistrict 1 Congressman

Zamboanga City

Happy 79th Dia de Zamboanga!

Rep. Lilia M. NuñoDistrict 2 Congresswoman

Zamboanga City

Happy 79th Dia de Zamboanga!

Page 3: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Feb. 22-28, 2016

Feb. 22-28, 2016 3The Mindanao Examiner

Page 4: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Feb. 22-28, 2016

Happy 79th Dia de Zamboanga!

Feb. 22-28, 20164 The Mindanao Examiner

CCCCContinued frontinued frontinued frontinued frontinued from page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1"Alam ko po na kasama

sa inyongpananampalataya angpagmamahal sa lahat nginyong kapwa. Angpagmamahal at pagtulongkagaya po sa madamingginagawang outreach po ngJesus Miracle Crusade hindilamang dito sa Pilipinaskung hindi sa iba't-ibanglugar sa buong mundo," hesaid.

He reiterated the needfor all the Filipinos to uniteand help one another tobring progress to the coun-try. He said solutions to thelingering problems of theFilipinos are available andneeded only to be imple-mented by a unitedPhilippines in order to suc-ceed.

Minister Wilde JamesAlmeda also led a group ofministers in praying overMarcos, who praised theJMCIM for its steadfast andstrong religious following inthe country. Marcos alsopaid his respect to PastorWilde Estrada Almeda andother senior ministers be-fore shaking hands andgreeting JMCIM members.Marcos vowed strong sup-port to JMCIM and urgedFilipinos to continue serv-ing God.

Sister Ruth Almeda-Awas, daughter of PastorWilde Almeda said she washonored to have Marcosgrace the 41st Church An-niversary.

“I rarely get excitedover public figures, but thistime, being a Ferdinand

Jesus Miracle Crusade shines at 41Marcos fan and admirer, Ijust had to meet his son. It'sno secret that I am an ad-mirer of our formerPresident FerdinandMarcos' iron-clad, strong-arm rule. I've alwaysbelieved that his style ofleadership is what the Phil-ippines needed and stillneeds,” she said.

She added that herbrother, Minister WildeJames, and Minister JunEsguerra and otherpreachers prayed overMarcos after a talk withhim inside the tent.

“We pray that the rightperson will get one of thehighest seats in the govern-ment. Our dearest Papaand Mama have alwayssupported Marcos albeitany human rights viola-tions during the latter daysof martial law (which cameout of the Marcos regime)is something our dearestPapa and Mama opposed.Albeit I am hoping some-one with the sameleadership style as formerPresident FerdinandMarcos will again lead ourcountry. I know throughthe prayer of our belovedPapa, if it's the Lord's will,the rightful candidate willwin,” said Sister Ruth –whose husband MinisterFilmore Awas, is a profes-sor at the Benguet StateUniversity in La Trinidadtown.

The JMCIM Choir alsoperformed beautiful songsof worships in the packedstadium.

Just in December, the

JMCIM also launched a se-ries of concerts andevangelism in the Philip-pines and the United ArabEmirates. The concert inAbu Dhabi held at theGrand Millennium AlWahda – dubbed RevivalCrusade – was spear-headed by Minister WildeJames Almeda, who trav-elled all the way from thePhilippines to the UnitedArab Emirates for the 15thanniversary of JMCIMchurch there. He was as-sisted by prayer warriorBrother Danilo Cuarterosand his wife and otherJMCIM members while inthe UAE. He also led theevangelism in the UnitedKingdom after UAE.

Minister Wilde Jamesalso participated in con-certs in Manila – ChristmasConcert at the SM AuraPremier Mall at theBonifacio Global City inTaguig, and at theAmoranto Sports Complexdubbed as GLOW or GoLight Our World; and alsoat the Liceo University inCagayan de Oro City innorthern Mindanao. Theconcerts were also partici-pated by the AlmedaSisters, and AnnalizaAlmeda-Smith and Ameri-can Evangelist Luke Smithand Jermaine Smith.

He said they are look-ing at South Korea for theirupcoming evangelism. Healso regularly holds ser-vices in at least 8 outreachmissions in Canada; andthe Middle East, amongother countries.

During the latest anni-versary celebration,Minister Wilde JamesAlmeda took the opportu-nity to call on the publicand JMCIM members allover country and abroad tosupport the advocacy “Yesfor Peace – Bayanihan parasa KKK (Kapayapaan,Kaunlaran atKasaganahan) “ in supportto President BenignoAquino’s peace efforts.

The JMCIM launchedthe “Yes for Peace” at theUniversity of the Philip-pines in Quezon City andpeace advocates, includ-ing the police and militaryand government officialshave praised the launchingof this and renewed sup-port to the JMCIM.

The advocacy aims to

achieve permanent cessa-tion of armed hostilitiesbetween the governmentand all armed groups; con-duct of peace negotiationsanywhere here in the Phil-ippines instead of abroad;and promote Bayanihan orthe collective involvementand participation for theimplementation of pro-grams and projects thathave been or will be agreedupon in peace talks.

Minister Wilde JamesAlmeda is actively involvedin the peace advocacy, say-ing, it is part of the gospel.The Yes for Peace is beingsupported by Departmentof Education; the Philip-pine Postal Corporation,the Presidential Commu-nications OperationsOffice; the Philippine In-

formation Agency; thePhilippine News Agency;and the National PrintingOffice, among othergroups.

E d u c a t i o nUndersecretary MarioDerequito also remindedall school division superin-tendents and school heads,including regional direc-tors of the Department ofEducation to support theYes for Peace advocacy.

He ordered the displayof banner in every schoolsindicating “This School is aZone of Peace” to remind allconcerned to considerpublic schools as neutralgrounds or peace zonesand must not be used asbattlegrounds and targetsof violence. (Mindanao Ex-aminer)

Perfect PurePurified Drinking WaterEstrada Street, Tetuan

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Happy 79th Dia de Zamboanga!From:

Alright & ChineseDrugstore

Tomas Claudio, Zamboanga City

Call us:

(062) 992 - 4906

Senator and vice presidential candidate Ferdinand Marcos Jr poses with Minister Wilde JamesAlmeda and other ministers as tens of thousands of people flock to the JMCIM 41st ChurchAnniversary last week.

Page 5: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Feb. 22-28, 2016

The Mindanao Examiner 5Feb. 22-28, 2016

Atty. Aminola AbatonLTO-9 Regional Director

Pagadian CityWestern Mindanao

Happy 79th Dia de Zamboanga!

ZAMCELCO Officers, Staff and Personnelheaded by

Engr. Ed AnchetaOIC, General Manager

andMr. Omar Sahi

President, Board of Directors

Happy 79th Dia de Zamboanga!

Juan Climaco “Kim” Elago IIDistrict 2 Councilor

Zamboanga City

Happy 79th Dia de Zamboanga!

PatronsMiguel “Mike” Alavar III

District 2 CouncilorZamboanga City

BG B. Guingona IVDistrict 2 Councilor

Zamboanga City

Percival RamosDistrict 2 Councilor

Zamboanga City

Roel NatividadDistrict 2 Councilor

Zamboanga City

Jun GracianoBarangay Captain, Tugbungan /

Council Aspirant, District 2Zamboanga City

Kit BarredoFormer CSWDO/

Council Aspirant, District 2Zamboanga City

Charlie MarianoDistrict 1 Councilor

Zamboanga City

Myra Paz V. AbubakarDistrict 1 Councilor

Zamboanga City

Luis R. Biel IIIDistrict 1 Councilor

Zamboanga City

Luis Vicente DespaloCity Engineer

Zamboanga City

Rodrigo RebollosAssistant City Engineer

Zamboanga City

Dr. Art OnrubiaExecutive Assistant For

Barangay AffairsZamboanga City

Bebot CortezCity Barangay Affairs Head

Zamboanga City

Atty. Bernardino FerrerCity Legal OfficeZamboanga City

Dr. Elmeir ApolinarioCity Disaster Risk Reduction

Management Office Head/Acting City Administrator

Zamboanga City

Jerry PerezLiga ng Mga Barangay President

Zamboanga City

Page 6: Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Feb. 22-28, 2016

Feb. 22-28, 20166 The Mindanao Examiner

The Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaperis published weekly in Mindanao, Philippines.

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The Sulu Provincial Women Council headed by its president, Hajja Nurunisah Tan, who is ruuning for vice governor in Suluprovince, held its annual general assembly attended by members from the 19 municipalities there. Hajja Nurunisah Tan, anurse by profession, is a known philanthropist in Mindanao and is one of the most respected women in the Muslim autonomousregion in Mindanao. (Sulu Provincial Government)

CCCCContinued frontinued frontinued frontinued frontinued from page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1“True peace and

meaningful developmentare preconditioned onour cohesiveness as apeople and on our resolveto effect the changes thatwe seek for Sulu. For morethan a century since itsfounding Siasi has tooksteady steps to grow froman isolated island to whatit is now - a shining jewelin the Sulu Sea. I join thelocal government andconstituents of Siasi intheir eventful celebra-tions,” ani Gov. Toto.

Ilang beses rinnaputol ang talumpati ni

Isla ng Siasi, nagdiwang ng ika-112 anibersaryo

Gov. Toto dahil sa lakas atpaulit-ulit na palakpakanat hiyawan ng mga tao. SiGov. Toto ay mulingtumatakbo sa parehongposisyon sa nalalapit naeleksyon. Inaasahanglandslide pa rin angmagiging panalo nitodahil sa malaking suportanito sa mga mamamayanat tiwali sa kanya ngpubliko.

Maging si Vice Gov.Sakur ay nagparating rinng mensahe dahil hindiito nakasama sa dami ngmga inaasikasongtrabaho.

“I rejoice with the con-

stituents and local govern-ment unit of Municipalityof Siasi in their celebra-tions of the 112thfounding anniversary. Theinvolvement of all stake-holders in the peace, unityand development effortsleading to harmoniousand forward-looking citi-zenry will vouch for thesuccess of the governmentendeavors.”

“I hope that thepeople of Siasi and the lo-cal government will keepalive the flame of inspira-tion as they move forwardtowards the noble aspira-tion of putting in place a

responsive and pro-activegovernance,” sabi pa niVice Gov. Sakur natumatakbo bilang gover-nor ng AutonomousRegion in MuslimMindanao sa darating nahalalan at suportado ngmga governors ng ARMMat mga civil societygroups, religious at busi-ness sectors, bukod sa ibapa.

Kasama rin ng mgaopisyal sa naturangpagdiriwang ang mgalider ng pulisya at militar,at mga kinatawan ng ibat-ibang sektor sa Sulu.(Ahl-franzie Salinas)

CCCCContinued frontinued frontinued frontinued frontinued from page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1"President Obama

did say the United Stateswas duty bound to keepthe region stable by ensur-ing freedom of navigation,which meant they wouldcontinue with military pa-trols and flybys.

"Something like thisby China will definitely beseen as a provocativemove not just by theUnited States but all thecountries in the region."

Beijing claims nearlyall of the South China Sea,

China 'puts surface-to-airmissiles' on disputed island

including small islandsthat are hundreds ofkilometres from its south-ern coast.

Four countries inSouth-East Asia have un-resolved territorialdisputes with China overthe South China Sea,which has important ship-ping lanes and potentialoil and other natural re-sources.

In January, a US war-ship sailed into the area ofsea containing the ParacelIslands group. (Al Jazeera)

ARMM distributes P39.2M worth ofassistance to farmers in Lanao Sur

COTABATO CITY – TheDepartment of Agricul-ture and Fisheries in theAutonomous Region inMuslim Mindanao (DAF-ARMM) distr ibutedrecently a total of P39.2million worth of farm in-puts and equipment todifferent farmers’ coop-eratives in Lanao del Surto help boost agriculturalproduction in the area.

The equipment in-cluded 4 farm tractors, 13floating tillers, 5 cornplanters, 4 corn shellers,10 cassava graters, acombined harvester and

a corn hammer mill. Thefarmers also received16,400 bags of hybrid riceand corn seeds.

ARMM GovernorMujiv S. Hataman led thedistribution and was as-sisted by Lanao del SurGovernor Mamintal A.Adiong, Jr, DAF-ARMMSecretary AlexanderAlonto, Jr. and ProvincialDirector AlexieBalindong at the Lanaodel Sur Provincial Capitolin Marawi City.

Hataman said the as-sistance is part of thegovernment’s efforts to

improve the socio-eco-nomic condition offarmers.

He said the presentadministration of Presi-dent Benigno Aquino IIIhas poured-in variousmulti-million develop-ment packages into theregion to benefit thou-sands of beneficiaries.

He added that theARMM has never seenthis record sum ofprojects in its entire his-tory and the regionalgovernment wants to en-sure that the projectsredound to the benefit of

the people.Hataman urged the

officials and farmer ben-eficiaries in the provinceto support and help sus-tain the programs andprojects in their area.

The provision of farmequipment and inputs tofarmers is part of theAgri-Pinoy Rice and CornProgram of the Depart-ment of Agriculture. In2015, the DAF-ARMMalso provided similarequipment and inputs tofarmers in Maguindanao.(Bureau of Public Infor-mation)

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Corn feeds shortage maytrigger hike in poultry pricesA DROUGHT due to theworsening El Niño phe-nomenon could affectagricultural productionand shortage of corn sup-ply may hike prices ofchicken in the market, theDepartment of Agricul-ture said.

Dr. Raul Migriño, aDA veterinarian, said thatit is highly likely that costsof poultry will rise oncethere is corn scarcitywhich is the main ingredi-ent for chicken feeds.

“The main ingredientof chicken feeds is 50 to 70per cent corn,” Migriñosaid during a recent fo-rum in Cebu of theAssociation of Govern-ment InformationOfficers-Philippine Infor-mation Agency thattackled the NewCastledisease and impact of ElNiño to poultry and live-stock production.

Newcastle disease isan infection of domesticpoultry and other birdspecies with virulentNewcastle disease virus. Itis a worldwide problemthat presents primarily asan acute respiratory dis-ease, but depression,

nervous manifestations,or diarrhoea may be thepredominant clinicalform.

At present, Migriñoassured there is sufficientsupply of chicken in themarket with Cebu havingthe highest productionrate in the region peggedat 40 per cent, followed byNegros Oriental andBohol at 30 per cent eachwith the remaining tenper cent being producedby Siquijor.

Cebu, Negros Orien-tal, and Siquijor, on theother hand, are part of the29 provinces throughoutthe country affected by ElNiño, but this numbercould still go up by April.

As early as Octoberlast year, DA conductedinformation caravansfrom town to town in theentire region to educatelocal government unitsand farmers on the im-pact of El Niño to crops,poultry and livestock.

“We have told thefarmers to plant drought-resistant crops likecassava, sweet potatoesand yam because their by-products can also be fed

to animals,” saidMigriño, adding, farm-ers were also taught onsilage where the goodgrass is cut and pre-served and kept inanticipation of the wors-ening drought thatcould wither the grass,which is the main foodfor cattle.

Migriño said duringextreme humid weather,animals must be rehy-drated at all timesbecause a decline in im-munity makes animalssusceptible to variouskinds of diseases, in-cluding Newcastle.

He said pigs are ini-tially vulnerable to ElNiño because of theirbody fats and duringpregnancy, could expe-rience either abortion orpremature delivery.

DA has launchedmitigating measures toprotect poultry and live-stock by giving out freede-worming medicinesand injectable vitaminsand advised farmers tovisit the nearest DA of-fice in their area fortechnical assistance.(Fayette C. Riñen)