Mexico is about one-fifth the size of the United States. Spain ruled Mexico as part of the...

Mexico By: Daian Vargas

Transcript of Mexico is about one-fifth the size of the United States. Spain ruled Mexico as part of the...


By: Daian Vargas

How Mexico grew

Mexico is about one-fifth the size of the United States. Spain ruled Mexico as part of the viceroyalty. September 16, 1810 Mexico became independent. It wasn't recognized until September 27, 1810.

Mexico's education

Children of wealthy families go to private schools with plenty of funding for books and materials, while children of poor families attend schools with less money to spend on education. Some kids only last to 5th grade or others keep going to colloge.

Mexican foods

People in Mexico always eat different foods all the time. Mexicans love spices on any type of food. The most famous foods that Mexicans eat are Enchiladas, burritos, Quesadillas, and tacos. The most people use is tortillas that are for tacos or Quesadillas

Type of drinks

There are a lot of drinks in Mexico. One that most people drink is a milky white, sweet beverage that was introduced to Spain by the Moors. Called agua de horchata. Another one is called a jarrito. There are many different flavors.

Type of Mexican dances

There are all kind of different dances in Mexico. When I was young I danced for the lady of Guadalupe in church called la danza de Guadalupe. Ballet Folklórico de México is a folkloric ballet ensemble in México City. They usually dance it during Cinco de Mayo.

Type of sports

There are all different kind of sports the one they play the most is soccer. They play Baseball, Bullfighting, Boxing. There is many more games they play in Mexico. Some people even play tennis there. It is almost the same sports they play here.

Money in Mexico

Money in Mexico is very different from here. They are called pesos not dollars. They come in $100, $200, $300 and more the coins are $.25, or $.50 they are $1.00, $2.00 and $5.00.