Media eval

EVALUATION 2 How did you attract/address your audience Caught him out

Transcript of Media eval

EVALUATION 2 How did you attract/address your audience

Caught him out

The Audience are made to want to know who’s shoes they can see and who’s putting them on. What is the character getting ready for.The fact it’s the first character visible suggests it is the protagonist which draws an audience to the actions of the character.The Audience will want to know who’s getting ready, who’s clothes they are looking at.This creates a feel of tension/interest to who it is/what kind of atmosphere they going to cause. As the face is not revealed, only limbs and back profile, it suggests the arrival of the character will be dramatic. They may not know whether it is a protagonist or whether it’s two different people getting ready. Makes them want to watch it closely incase anything is revealed.

As school kids run across the main subject of the scene, it blocks the action and view of the characters that the camera is shooting. This will attract an audience as they will be awaiting the reveal of what’s happening behind the kids running about. The busy set/ mise-en-scene filled up with posters would also attract them as they will want to know the reasoning behind it. The idea that it is a busy setting will make the audience feel involved and that they are part of it .

The slow zoom onto the first fully visible characters creates an intrigue for the audience. They will want to know what they are doing, are they main characters, what relation do they have to the narrator. As the narration explains them as ‘weird, ugly and odd’ they will want to see the evidence for this and therefore watch their actions while addressing the types of characters they are.

The freeze frame on the main characters draws the audience attention to them and will make them observe them to see if they fit with what the narration has said about them and will probably make a decision as to whether they are a good character or notThe black and white colouring creates a contrast and old school look making an audience memories the characters as it’s different to the other shots.

The slow tracking shot craning up onto the main character builds a dramatic tension to see what the character looks like after a long wait and big build up. The fact it starts at her feet and takes 8-10 seconds for it to get to a shot of her face to reveal her appearance will make the audience feel impatient and excited for the exposing of the long awaited character. The fact this is when the narration stops also creates a sense of bringing the character to life into the life of the audience.

The first dialogue between the protagonist and minor characters will interest the audience as they get to see what types of relationships Bea has with people.High brightness and light colours will draw the audience attention.Return of familiar characters will make the audience feel comfortable

Introduction of new character will keep the audience gripped as they don’t know about him and will try and work out who it is and what relations he has.He is against a plain white background and appearance doesn’t give anything away.

The change of shot angle/shot type (Close ups, mid shots, long shots, 180 degree rule) through the 30 seconds of speech makes it fast-paced and exciting and stops the audience loosing interest. It also gives a perspective from both characters and also makes it easier to follow for the audience.

The final scene where Bea and Bianca walk down a long empty corridor gives the film a sense of journey which will appeal to an audience to watch the rest of the film to see the journey expand and storyline develop

The dark lighting surrounding Bea contrasts with how bright her appearance is which attracts the audience by making them think she may turn things wrong or bad as black connotes evil/bad. The contrast of the brightness of her and the background also makes her stand out to the audience so they start to notice what she is doing e.g. promoting herself for prom queen

Overall I have attracted my audience by showing them the conventions of a Teen comedy so it will appeal to my targeted audience making them enjoy the film. I have also used a range of editing techniques, camera shots/angles paired with a storyline portrayed through a narrative to arouse tension, humour and anticipation in my audience.