Q3 media eval

Q2. How effective is the combination of you main product and ancillary tasks? By Liam Gilliver

Transcript of Q3 media eval

Q2. How effective is the combination of you main

product and ancillary tasks? By Liam Gilliver


In both my main product and ancillary tasks I used thesame font (Hill House) that I downloaded from dafont.com - using typography to link my three products together and give the impression they are from the same producer. I also took photos during filming to be used in my digi-pack to prevent them from differentiating. Taking screen shots of

my video would have resulted in poor quality images which would have a detrimental effect on the professionalism of the CD Cover.

SIMILARITIES Using screen shots of my music video from YouTube, you can see the similarities of the two products; the photos from my digi-pack have also been incorporated into my website as a

‘gallery’ page. The notion of looking is depicted throughout my music video and on the front cover- I chose this image as many other artists such as FKA Twigs have their own face as a front cover- this follows Goodwin’s music video analysis that states there is a fixation

on the artist.

I purposely used the candle-lit symbol for its ascetically pleasing appearance. Additionally, this controversial rebellion against

religion will appeal greatly to my target audience (teenagers) and reflects the style of music. This symbol is also used in the TV

Show ‘American Horror Story’ which brings an element of intertextuality, potentially enticing a much larger fan base.

I chose this photo as part of my middle cover as it provides a fetishistic treatment of the female body which is also apparent in my music video. This adheres to feminist theories such as Mulvey’s ‘Male Gaze’ that states media texts are from the retrospective of a heterosexual male and aims to fulfil their ego through sexual pleasure. Arguably, I would personally state that my music video is not a

degrading portray of females but an empowering embrace of beauty as the male character is clearly showed being seduced with the iconic ‘lipstick’ kiss on his neck. A post-feminist media critic would agree with my production work being voyeuristic but not derogative.

The main (and probably only noticeable) difference between these two products is the contrast in colours. On Photoshop CS6 I desaturated the images to create a black and white effect; this links with the dark and rather grungy persona of Lauren O’Conell. Whereas in my music video there is no editing of colour - apart from clips I have brightened due to bad lighting- this was to

symbolise how the lyrics ‘bring the song to life’. I feel like if the video was in black and white- it would be overly lifeless and dull.