Measuring Engagment

1 Telecoms HR Summit The Changing Role Of The HR Team In Down Turn Economy December 7 th & 8 th , 2009 Dubai- UAE Measuring Employees Engagement in High Performance Organizations By : Mona Munieb HR du Telecom
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Transcript of Measuring Engagment

Page 1: Measuring Engagment


Telecoms HR SummitThe Changing Role Of The HR Team In Down Turn Economy

December 7th & 8th , 2009Dubai- UAE

Measuring Employees Engagementin High Performance Organizations

By : Mona MuniebHR du Telecom

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“If you want 1 year of prosperity,grow grain.

If you want 10 years of prosperity,grow trees.

If you want 100 years of prosperity,grow people.”

— Ancient Chinese Proverb

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The Challenge

How Do You Get Your Team

Members To Be Motivated At Every Given Opportunity?

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The Business


TheMarket Scan

WhyDo Survey ?

HowTo Survey



Final Word

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Strategic Value


Financial Value


Operat-ionalValue Driver



How HR Drives Company Value?

Revenue FlowsSales GrowthInnovationBrand ActivationWhite Spaces RolloutSupply Chain

Operating Expenses to SalesReturn on Net AssetsWorking CapitalOverheadsMargin Enhancement Projects

Reward SystemCorporate CultureValues & BehavioursEmployee Satisfaction/EngagementSafety & Work Place EnvironmentEnterprise Culture & Can Do

Capital StructureInvestment Return >Cost of CapitalExchange Rate Leverage

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Through HR Many Roles Value Is Added

Adding Value

Resource Champion• Find The Right

Balance Between Demand & Resources

Administrative Expert• Improve The

Efficiency Of The Work

Strategic Partner• Translate Business

Strategy Into Action

Change Agent• Master the Theory

& Practice Of change

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..Therefore, Human Resources in High Performing Organizations

• Fully link HR strategy and practice to the organization’s strategic priorities

• Ensure the organization has the people capacity to execute its strategic priorities

• Measure effectiveness of HR strategy• Add value

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You must be the change you wish to see in the world”


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The Nature of Motivation

• Motivation1. The psychological forces that determine:

• Direction—possible behaviors the individual could engage in

• Effort—how hard the individual will work• Persistence—whether the individual will keep

trying or give up2. Explains why people behave the way they

do in organizations

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You want to do itEX






ts y

ou to



POSITIVEMotivation towards a goal

NEGATIVEMotivation away from something

“Write this report and you get a


“I really want to write this report!”

“Write this report or you get fired!”

“I really don’t want to write this report!”

4 Kinds of Motivation: Why we do the things we do

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Many Companies Don’t Measure Motivation At All !

• 34% of companies have an employee communications measurement strategy

• 46% of large companies (>10,000 employees) have a measurement strategy

• 47% of top UK companies don’t do regular research on employee motivation, morale or engagement

Communication measurement report - 2004

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Regional Breakdown

Communication measurement report - 2004

Region PercentageAsia Pacific Just Over 25%North America 38%United Kingdom 39%

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Yes, leadership is about vision. But leadership is equally about creating a climate where the truth is heardand the brutal facts confronted. There is a huge difference betweenthe opportunity to “have your say”and the opportunity to be heard.The good to great leadersunderstood this distinction, creating a culture wherein people had a tremendous opportunity to be heard, ultimately for the truth to be heard.

– Jim Collins “Good to Great”

Why You Need To Know Employee Opinions ?

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It is one of two Methods to Measure Employee Opinion

– Interviews/Focus Groups (Qualitative)

– Surveys/Questionnaires (Quantitative)

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Why do an Employee Opinion Survey ?

• Employee satisfaction is a key indicator of:

– Organization success (recruitment & retention)– Employee engagement

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I- An Integral part of Developing the HR Plan

• Provides Critical Assessment of HR Division• Review of HR Best Practices • Ensure Strategic Alignment • Measures Progress

Business Strategy

TechnologyLegal Environment

Labor Markets

Organizational Design/Work Processes

Behavioral/Role Requirements

HR Employee Satisfaction

MeasurementHRM Systems

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2- Facilitate Moving to a High Performance Culture

• Developing integrated processes to promote a high performance culture through individual, unit & organizationalperformance




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Preservethe core


Enabling Culture

Right Place for Right People

3- Ensure Strategic Initiatives alignment

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4- It Is Reality Check To Employee & Management

• More than lip service• The right place for the right people• Alignment and commitment• Open and honest discussions of problems• Data-based decision making• Accountability for results• Return on investment

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Measuring Employee Engagement

• Measuring employee engagement demonstrates an "I care" attitude on behalf of management to the employees.

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..And The Company Benefits

• Employee engagement drives customer satisfaction, leading to profit for an organization.

• Research shows engaged employees are far better than unsatisfied ones at delivering excellent customer service, hence enhancing customer satisfaction with the organization's products & services.

Employee Engagement

Service Excellence

Positive Public Image

Increased Staff


Reduced Recruitment

CostAttract Talent

(Employer Of Choice)

Develop Effective


Retain Intellectual


Catalyst For Change

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How To Develop the Survey

• Commit to a future described “Inspirational Objectives”

• Survey employees for their opinions on work environment issues– Diversity, engagement, alignment with values

• Confidential, web-based process• Use results to develop and/or improve

programs and services to support healthy, productive and diverse workplaces

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First Year

• Establish A base line • Openly shared and broadly

communicated• Full report on web-site• Identified issues impeding organization

progress• Focus on the importance of effective


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Second Year

• Same questions• You will see increased response rate • Compare results to baseline data • Develop action plans by unit• Compare aggregate data across units• Use outcomes to support planning


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Survey Communication Strategy

• Building credibility• Alignment of HR with company strategy• Updating HR policies• Sharing results • Communication of action plans

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Focus on the basicsCompany ( Values, Direction, Outcomes)



Good Communication & Feedback

Engagement & Building The Culture

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What We do With Results ?

1. The feedback information needs to lead to improvements.

2. Making the employees aware of the findings and establishing action plans to continue the learning and application of the survey results is critical.

3. Implement methods to increase employee engagement.

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Measurement Costs

• The costs associated with conducting the survey are the following:

– Number of employees involved in the survey Hourly / salary– Hours/minutes – Amount of time to work on the project– Overhead costs and supplies and material

Formula:Salary X hours worked + overhead + supplies

= Costs to conduct survey

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The Process Map For Identifying Employee Engagement

HR Create Measuring Methods

Management Approves Methods

Employee Complete


HR Collects Survey

Analysis Is Conducted

Improvement Are discussed

Improvements Methods Are Implemented

Periodical Review


Management Continuous


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Things to Remember

1. Gaining high levels of participation in the survey requires your employees to trust that their responses will be confidential & of value.

2. Letting employees know how the survey will be designed & used, and how they will be protected from any possible punishment is critical.

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‘I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.’

- Albert Einstein


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Job engagement is a characteristicwhere an individual approaches his orher work with enthusiasm, energy,passion, focus, and commitment suchthat the person is entirely present inhis/her work and is able to bring his orher full potential to the work effort.

What is Engagement?

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Satisfied Vs. Engaged

• Being satisfied with your job doesn’t meanthat you’re engaged with it (you can be happyat work but do a poor job of it!)

• If you’re engaged with your work you will notonly be more satisfied with it, but you will alsobe more productive, create higher qualityresults, and demonstrate better customerservice

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Satisfied Employees

ComfortableContentGratified Pleased

Engaged Employees

Deeply connected to their workWork environmentTeam/colleaguesSense of OwnershipCommitment

Satisfied vs. Engaged

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Satisfaction Dimensions• My workload is about right.• I like the people I work with.• I have the tools that I need to do

my job well.• I receive the skill and knowledge

training that I need to do my jobwell.

Engagement Dimensions• I feel energized by the work I do• My co-workers and I help each other out

when the pressure is on• Our company vision and mission is

clear to me• I feel responsible for my own success



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1. Engaged • Employees work with passion & feel profound connection to their

company. They drive innovation and move the organization forward

2. Not-engaged• Employees are essentially checked out. They are sleepwalking through their

workday, putting time-but not energy or passion- into their work. They are satisfied about the organization, but would the organization be satisfied about them?

3. Actively Disengaged• Employees are not just unhappy at work, they are busy acting out their

unhappiness. Everyday, these workers undermine what engaged coworkers accomplish

The Three Types Of Employees

Each organization has all three types. The task is to keep the engaged, move the not-engaged to be engaged & eliminate the disengaged

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Source Of Engagement

Individual Engagement

Nature Of The


Nature Of The Job

Personal Character

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How Engaged Are We??

The Gallup Management Journal's semi-annual Employee Engagement Index puts the current percentage of

• Truly "engaged" employees at 29%• A slim majority, 54%, falls into the "not

engaged" category, • While 17% of employees are "actively


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39 39

• Diagnostic tool for

employee engagement

include -


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Best Practices Facilitating Engagement

1. Leadership concern2. Talent Management System3. Freedom to contribute to their own job and

progress4. Clear and accessible HR Policies5. Periodic Performance reviews6. Active Participation in decision making7. High Levels of team work8. Least biased and discriminated Work

environment9. Proper exchange of Information

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And For Employees…

1. At work, do your opinions seem to count ?2. Does the mission/purpose of your company

make you feel your job is important? 3. Do you have a best friend at work? 4. In the last six months, has someone at work

talked to you about your progress? 5. In the last year, have you had opportunities at

work to learn and grow?We can also have a HR folder or an intranet for employeeswhere you have sections like motivational stories, quotes,Support grievances jokes, etc... Some entertainmentfor employees

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Key Employee Engagement Outcomes Metrics

2 Company Performance

4 Profitability

3 Customer Satisfaction

1 Employee Retention

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Final Remarks

• Employees are the most valuable assets to every organization (And you better believe it !)

• Conducting surveys is a useful tool for management to retain the workforce and improve the quality and quantity of its work performance

• Team Work is a great manifestation of engagement

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• Don’t create a monster of a survey – just do it!

• Don’t hide the truth• Prepare the organization• Communicate, communicate,

communicate • Moving to action by taking the Elevator

Principle & avoiding the Propeller Effect

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The Propeller Effect*

Non- aligned HR activities negate each others and tear apart the company culture, making the sum Less than the total.

Company Culture

* Unpublished Paper – “Brand transformation” by Ayman Hamed

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The Propeller Effect*

Non- aligned HR activities negate each others and tear apart the company culture, making the sum Less than the total.

Company Culture

* Unpublished Paper – “Brand transformation” by Ayman Hamed

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The Propeller Effect*

Non- aligned HR activities negate each others and tear apart the company culture, making the sum Less than the total.

Company Culture

* Unpublished Paper – “Brand transformation” by Ayman Hamed

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The Elevator Principle*

Aligned HR activities reinforce each others and build the company culture making the sum more than the total.

Company Culture


rt E



* Unpublished Paper – “Brand transformation” by Ayman Hamed

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The Elevator Principle*

Aligned HR activities reinforce each others and build the company culture making the sum more than the total.

Company Culture


rt E



* Unpublished Paper – “Brand transformation” by Ayman Hamed

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The Elevator Principle*

Aligned HR activities reinforce each others and build the company culture making the sum more than the total.

Company Culture


rt E



* Unpublished Paper – “Brand transformation” by Ayman Hamed

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“If You Aren’t Fired With Enthusiasm,

You Will Be Fired With Enthusiasm”

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