Mealybugs & Mealybug Look-Alikes of the Southeastern United States

Mealybugs & Mealybug Look-Alikes of the Southeastern United States

Transcript of Mealybugs & Mealybug Look-Alikes of the Southeastern United States

Mealybugs & Mealybug Look-Alikes of the Southeastern United States

This publication was produced and distributed by USDA-CSREES Integrated Pest Management •Centers in cooperation with the National Plant Diagnostic Network, APHIS, the National Plant Board, and the Land Grant Universities. USDA-CSREES Critical Needs grant 2005-1763-02 ‘Early Detec-tion and Rapid Response System for the Pink Hibiscus Mealybug through Education, Training, and Implementation of Integrated Pest Management’, by J. VanKirk, G. Wisler, R. Hammerschmidt, and S. Ratcliffe, funded graphic design and printing for this publication. Content development was funded through the USDA-CSREES Southern Plant Diagnostic Network, the University of Florida, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, and the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry.

Publication Information

For further information regarding the development of this document, contact Amanda Hodges at •[email protected](352)392-1901ext.199

Susan Ratcliffe• , University of Illinois, NCIPMC, Project Coordinator

Scott Martin• , University of Illinois, NCIPMC, Graphic Design

321INCHES5 64321MM

Amanda Hodges• , SPDN, University of Florida, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, Ento-mology & Nematology Department

Gregory Hodges• , Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry

Lyle Buss• , University of Florida, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, Entomology & Nema-tology Department

Lance Osborne• , University of Florida, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, Mid-Florida Research & Education Center


Photo CreditsLyle Buss, University of Florida, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, Entomology & •Nematology Department - 001c,001d,005,008,009,010,011,012,013,014a,014c,015,016,017,019a,019b,020a,021a,022a,022b,023b,026,027,028,029a,029b,030,031,032,034,036,037,038a,039,CoverPhoto

Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry •001a,002,004,007,014b,018,020b,021b,023a,024,025,033,035,040

Lance Osborne, University of Florida, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, Mid-Florida •Research & Education Center - 001b

Catharine Mannion, University of Florida, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, Tropical •Research & Education Center - 003, 006

Mike Merchant, Texas A&M University, Texas AgriLife Extension Service - • 038b

Page 001Mealybugs (Family Pseudococcidae)

Page 022Cottony Cushion Scale & Related Species (Family Margarodidae)

Page 024Soft Scales (Family Coccidae)

Page 038Felt Scales (Family Eriococcidae)

Page 040Cochineal Scales (Family Dactylopiidae)

Mealybugs & Mealybug Look-Alikes of the Southeastern United States

What are mealybugs?Mealybugsareplantpeststhatfeedbypiercing-suckingmouthparts.Theyareclassifiedin•thefamilyPseudococcidae.Mealybugs,alongwithsoftscales(Coccidae)andarmoredscales(Diaspididae),arethemostcommonfamiliesofscaleinsects(Hemiptera:Coccoidea).

Approximately11ofthe21speciesofexoticscalesandmealybugsthathaveestablishedinthe•United States during the past 20 years are currently considered problematic pests. Four of these speciesaremealybugs:pinkhibiscusmealybug,miscanthusmealybug,papayamealybug,andvinemealybug.



Mealybugs of the Southeastern United States

Why are mealybugs important?

How do you identify mealybugs?Thecommonname“mealybug”isderivedfromthefinepowderyto“mealy”waxthatcoversthe•body.Adultfemalemealybugsarewinglessandthebestlifestageforidentification.Adultmalemealybugsarewinged,buttheyarerarelyseenexceptwithspecificchemical-basedtrappingsystems.Mostadultfemalemealybugsaresmall(afewmillimeterstotypicallylessthan1/2inch),and a hand lens is useful for scouting. The immature or active “crawler” stage of mealybugs is typically less than half a millimeter and may be readily dispersed to new plants via wind currents.

Body shape, size, and color.•Thenumberofwaxfilamentsprotrudingfromthesideofthebody.•Presenceandlengthofwaxfilamentsattheendofthebody(i.e.,terminalwaxfilaments).•Colorofeggs(ifpresent).•Presenceofanovisac(awaxymasscoveringtheeggs).•Stripes on the body.•Coloroffluidswhencrushed.•


Becausemealybugsfeedonplantjuicestheyproducehoneydew.Honeydew(asugary,sticky•substance)promotesthegrowthofblacksootymold.Sootymoldmayinhibitplantphotosynthesis.Other signs of plant damage may include stunted plant growth, wilting, and crinkled leaves. Mealy-bugscommonlyfeedonnewplantgrowth.Thepinkhibiscusmealybugalsoinjectsatoxicsalivawhile feeding, and a characteristic known as “bunchy top” is often seen on its preferred host plant, hibiscus.

Plant damage

Chemical and biological control options may be available for some mealybug and scale insect •species.Ageneralwebsitefocusingonmealybugsisavailableat,andchemi-cal recommendations may vary depending on pest species or local recommendations. Your local countyextensionserviceisthebestsourceforinformationregardingchemicalcontrolsinyourarea.

General mealybug integrated pest management

Both biological and chemical control options are available for pink hibiscus mealybug. Once this •pest has established in the landscape, biological control options are most often recommended. The most common natural enemies of pink hibiscus mealybug include the mealybug destroyer, Cryptolaemus montrouzieeri, and the parasitic wasps, Anagyrus kamali and Gyranusoidea indica. Incontrast,chemicaloptionsmaybetheonlychoiceinacommercial/nurserysetting.

General mealybug integrated pest management

Pink hibiscus mealybug is considered a regulatory pest of concern; subsequently, there is a zero tol-•erance for shipment of infested plant material. Please refer to the Pink Hibiscus Mealybug website management.


Warning! This deck is not a comprehensive listing of all mealybugs. Although useful as a •fieldscreeningtool,fieldidentificationisnotdefinitivefornewcounty,host,state,orconfi-dentialrecords.Slidemountingofspecimensandidentificationbyaspecialistisnecessaryforspecies-levelconfirmation.


Exotic:NotnativetotheUnitedStates,buthasinvaded.1. Native:NativetotheUnitedStates,orduetoitswidespreaddistributionandlong-termestablish-2. ment in the United States, its origin is uncertain.

001001E X O T I C

Maconellicoccus hirsutus

Pink Hibiscus Mealybug

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field RecognitionBodycolorpink,about3mmlong,notofewlateral(side)waxfilaments,bodyfluidredtopinkincolor.Ovisacsarepresentcoveringpinktoorange eggs. Feeding from pink hibiscus mealybug can cause twisted or distorted foilage. High populations may result in leaf drop.

Over 200 known hosts occur, but the most common host detected to-date is Hibiscus. Pink hibiscus mealybug could be a problematic pest for some of major agronomic crops in the southeastern U.S. if estab-lished populations are nearby. Cotton, a close relative of hibiscus, is of particular concern.


Pink Hibiscus MealybugMaconellicoccus hirsutus

Bunchy Top

001001E X O T I C

Maconellicoccus hirsutus

Pink Hibiscus Mealybug

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field RecognitionBodypink,about3mmlong,notofewlateral(side)waxfilaments,bodyfluidredtopink.Ovisacsarepresentcoveringpinktoorangeeggs.Feeding from pink hibiscus mealybug can cause twisted or distorted foil-age. High populations may result in leaf drop.

More than 200 known hosts occur, but the most common host detected to date is hibiscus. Pink hibiscus mealybug could be a problematic pest for some of major agronomic crops in the southeastern United States if established populations are nearby. Cotton, a close relative of hibiscus, is of particular concern.


Pink Hibiscus MealybugMaconellicoccus hirsutus

Droplet of Red Body Fluid

001001E X O T I C

Maconellicoccus hirsutus

Pink Hibiscus Mealybug

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

Bodypink,about3mmlong,notofewlateral(side)waxfilaments,bodyfluidredtopink.Ovisacsarepresentcoveringpinktoorangeeggs.Feeding from pink hibiscus mealybug can cause twisted or distorted foil-age. High populations may result in leaf drop.

More than 200 known hosts occur, but the most common host detected to date is hibiscus. Pink hibiscus mealybug could be a problematic pest for some of major agronomic crops in the southeastern United States if established populations are nearby. Cotton, a close relative of hibiscus, is of particular concern.


Pink Hibiscus MealybugMaconellicoccus hirsutus

White Wax on Abdomen

001001E X O T I C

Maconellicoccus hirsutus

Pink Hibiscus Mealybug

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

Bodypink,about3mmlong,notofewlateral(side)waxfilaments,bodyfluidredtopink.Ovisacsarepresentcoveringpinktoorangeeggs.Feeding from pink hibiscus mealybug can cause twisted or distorted foil-age. High populations may result in leaf drop.

More than 200 known hosts occur, but the most common host detected to date is hibiscus. Pink hibiscus mealybug could be a problematic pest for some of major agronomic crops in the southeastern United States if established populations are nearby. Cotton, a close relative of hibiscus, is of particular concern.


Pink Hibiscus MealybugMaconellicoccus hirsutus Eggs

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field Recognition

Jatropha, Hibiscus, and Plumeria.

Established in Florida.


Papaya MealybugParacoccus marginatus

E X O T I C002002

Papaya MealybugParacoccus marginatus

Yellow Immatures

Field Recognition

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Jatropha, Hibiscus, and Plumeria.

Established in Florida.


Papaya MealybugParacoccus marginatus

E X O T I C002002

Papaya MealybugParacoccus marginatus

Field Recognition

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

N A T I V E003003

Wide host range, may vary in local areas but common on Croton, Coleus, and Hibiscus.

Considered cosmopolitan in greenhouses and interior landscapes throughout the southeastern United States. Outdoor populations estab-lished in Florida.

Bodygrayunderneaththewaxysurfaceandwithmanylateralwaxfila-ments. Body has two darker lengthwise strips on the body surface and size is about 3 mm long. Ovisacs present with yellow eggs.

Madeira MealybugPhenacoccus madeirensis

Madeira MealybugPhenacoccus madeirensis Lengthwise Dark Stripes

Many Lateral Wax Filaments

Common Hosts

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

004004N A T I V E

Phenacoccus solenopsis

Solenopsis Mealybug


Florida and Mississippi.

Most common on Hibiscus and other malvaceous hosts.

Solenopsis MealybugPhenacoccus solenopsis

Dark Stripes

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field Recognition

005005E X O T I C

Ferrisia virgata

Striped Mealybug

Widehostrange,commononcopperleaf(Acalypha), Alternanthera, silverbuttonwood(Conocarpus),andHibiscus.

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi.

Bodygray,about4-5mmlong,withoutside(lateral)wasfilaments.Two“thick”waxfilamentsarisingfromtipofabdomen.Ovisacsnotpresent.Twodarklengthwisestripesontopsurfaceofbody.Thincrystal-likefila-ments protruding from sides and top of body.

Striped MealybugFerrisia virgata Crystal-Like Filaments

Two Filaments Protruding from Abdomen

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field Recognition


Widehostrange,commononCitrus.SPECIALNOTE:ThePacificmealybug(Planococcus minor)cannotbeseperatedinfieldfromcitrusmealybug.TherearenoknownpopulationsofPacificmealybugoccurringintheUnitedStates.ThePacificmealybugisalsoknownasthe passionvine mealybug.

Common on ornamental plants in interior landscapes and greenhouses. Does occur outdoors in Florida.

Body color light yellow to grayish yellow, about 3 mm long, with many side(lateral)filaments.Ovisacspresent,eggsyellow.Onecentralizeddarkstripeondorsum(topsurfaceofbody).

Planococcus citri

Citrus MealybugE X O T I C

Citrus MealybugPlanococcus citri

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field Recognition

007007E X O T I C

Pseudococcus longispinus

Longtailed Mealybug

Body gray in adults, about 3 mm long, yellowish in immature stages, withmanylateralwaxfilaments.Fourlongfilamentsarisingfromtipof abdomen, middle pair being very long. One centralized dark stripe located in center of abdomen. No ovisac.

Common species found in interiorscapes and greenhouses. Does occur outdoors in Florida.

Wide host range, common on Sago palms in Florida.

Longtailed MealybugPseudococcus longispinus

Lengthwise Dark Stripes

Four Anal Wax Filaments

Common Hosts

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

008008E X O T I C

Polyphagous species, most common in Florida on tropical fruit.

Not common, does occur outdoors in Florida.

Bodylightorangetopink,about3mmlong,withmanylateralfilaments.Twolongfilamentsarisingfromtipofabdomen.Bodyfluidsbrownish.Ovisac present, but not entirely covering body.

Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi

Jack Beardsley Mealybug

Jack Beardsley MealybugPseudococcus jackbeardsleyi

Two Anal Filaments

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

Field Recognition


Polyphagous species, common on cacti.

Not common, occurs in Florida.

Bodypinktolightpurple,about3mmlong,withmanyside(lateral)filaments.Verysimilar in appearance to Jack Beardsley mealybug, but body tends to be more pinkish.Bodyisoval.Twolonganalfilamentsarisingfromtheabdomen.Nostripe on top surface of body. Eggs light colored, gray to yellow. Ovisac present, but not entirely covering body.

Pseudococcus viburni

Obscure Mealybug009N A T I V E

Obscure MealybugPseudococcus viburni

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

010010E X O T I C

Literature reports that this mealybug can occur in cacti. However, in Florida the most common hosts are Portulaca and Alternathera species.

Established in Florida.

Bodyredtopink,about3mmlong,withoutlateralfilaments.Bodyfluidsreddish. Oval to round-shaped body. No ovisac, but produces large amountsofwax.Feedingtendstoclusteratnodalregionsofplants.

Hypogeococcus pungens

Hypogeococcus pungens

Adult Female

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field Recognition


Polyphagous species, common in Florida on roots of many of the palms.

Florida and Louisiana.

Bodygray,about2-3mmlong,withmanylateralwaxfilaments.Nostripes on body. Occurs both above and below ground.

Dysmicoccus brevipes

Pineapple MealybugE X O T I C011

Pineapple MealybugDysmicoccus brevipes

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

012012N A T I V E

Oracella acuta

Acute Mealybug


Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, SouthCarolina,Texas,andVirginia.


Acute MealybugOracella acuta

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

013013E X O T I C

Noxious Bamboo Mealybug

Restricted to bamboos.

Common species, occurring throughout Southeastern region where bamboo is grown.

Adultbodybrown,about2-3mmlong;immaturestages(i.e.,crawlers)yellow. Generally found at the nodal regions of various bamboos. Sooty moldoccurringatthenodalregionsandlongwaxfilamentsarising from nodal areas is a common symptom.

Antonina pretiosa

Noxious Bamboo MealybugAntonina pretiosa

Long Wax Filaments

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

014Nipaecoccus nipae

Polyphagous species, most common on palms.

Florida and Louisiana.

Bodymaroontored,about3mmlong,withfewside(lateral)waxfila-ments.Dorsalwaxfilamentsoccurring.Bodyroundtooval.Noovisacproduced, males common.

Coconut MealybugE X O T I C014

Coconut MealybugNipaecoccus nipae

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

014Nipaecoccus nipae

Polyphagous species, most common on palms.

Florida and Louisiana.

Bodymaroontored,about3mmlong,withfewside(lateral)waxfila-ments.Dorsalwaxfilamentsoccurring.Bodyroundtooval.Noovisacproduced, males common.

Coconut MealybugE X O T I C014

Coconut MealybugNipaecoccus nipae

Male Puparia

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

014Nipaecoccus nipae

Polyphagous species, most common on palms.

Florida and Louisiana.

Bodymaroontored,about3mmlong,withfewside(lateral)waxfila-ments.Dorsalwaxfilamentsoccurring.Bodyroundtooval.Noovisacproduced, males common.

Coconut MealybugE X O T I C014

Coconut MealybugNipaecoccus nipae

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

015015E X O T I C

Most commonly encountered on sugarcane but Andropogon and Miscanthus grasses also may be hosts.

Established in Florida.

Bodypinktored,about4mmlong,bodyelongatedandlackinglateralwaxfilaments.Usuallyfoundonstalksorbeneathsheathsonbladesofhost plants.

Pink Sugarcane MealybugSaccharicoccus sacchari

Pink Sugarcane MealybugSaccharicoccus sacchari

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

016016E X O T I C

Varies,butgenerallypolyphagous.SPECIALNOTE:Therearemanyspecies within both Rhizoecus and Ripersiella. All may be considered pestsandsomemayrequirequarantineactions.Expertidentificationisrequired.

Varies depending on species but many are common throughout the Southeastern region.

Verysmallmealybugs(1to2mminlength),bodywhitetoyellow-ishwhite,lackingside(lateral)waxfilaments.Rootswithinfestationsofgroundmealybugsgenerallyhaveareasofwhitewaxpresentandmealybugs may be visible with use of a hand lens.

Ground MealybugsRhizoecus & Ripersiella

N A T I V E&

Ground MealybugsRhizoecus & Ripersiella

E X O T I C Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

017Vryburgia amaryllidis

Lily Bulb Mealybug017



Not established in Southeastern region, but established in California.

Lily Bulb MealybugVryburgia amaryllidis

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts



Not established in Southeastern region, but established in Arizona and California.

Vryburgia brevicruris

Short-Legged Mealybug


018E X O T I C

Short-Legged MealybugVryburgia brevicruris

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

019019N A T I V E

Most common host is fakahatchee and muhlygrass.

Established in Florida.


Stemmatomerinx acircula

Stemmatomerinx acircula

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

019019N A T I V E

Most common host is fakahatchee and muhlygrass.

Established in Florida.


Stemmatomerinx acircula

Stemmatomerinx acircula



Wax FilamentsCrawler

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common HostsBamboo.

Established in Florida.

Bodygrayishpink,about3mmlong,withlargeamountsofwhitewaxvisibleonhostplant.Bodywithfewside(lateral)waxfilaments.Noovisacproduced.SPECIALNOTE:Thisspeciesisfoundunderneath sheaths of bamboo. It can be a severe pest.

020020E X O T I C

Palmicultor lumpurensis

Palmicultor lumpurensisAdult


Field Recognition

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution


Established in Florida.

Bodygrayishpink,about3mmlong,withlargeamountsofwhitewaxvisibleonhostplant.Bodywithfewside(lateral)waxfilaments.Noovisacproduced.SPECIALNOTE:Thisspeciesisfoundunderneath sheaths of bamboo. It can be a severe pest.

020020E X O T I C

Palmicultor lumpurensis

Palmicultor lumpurensis

Infested Bamboo

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

021021E X O T I C

Various palms.

Established in Florida.


Palmicultor browni

Palmicultor browni

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

021021E X O T I C

Various palms.

Established in Florida.


Palmicultor browni

Palmicultor browni

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

022022E X O T I C

Icerya genistae


Established in Florida.

Wide host range, commonly collected on legumes.

Field Recognition

Icerya genistae

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

022022E X O T I C

Icerya genistae


Established in Florida.

Wide host range, commonly collected on legumes.

Field Recognition

Icerya genistae


023023E X O T I C Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common HostsPolyphagous species, common on Citrus and Pittosporum.

A common species. Distribution scattered throughout the Southeastern region at different periods.


Cottony Cushion ScaleIcerya purchasi

Cottony Cushion ScaleIcerya purchasi

Ladybugs Feeding on Cottony Cushion Scale

023023E X O T I C Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common HostsPolyphagous species, common on Citrus and Pittosporum.

A common species. Distribution scattered throughout the Southeastern region at different periods.


Cottony Cushion ScaleIcerya purchasi

Cottony Cushion ScaleIcerya purchasi


Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts


Maples, hollies, and dogwoods.

Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, NorthCarolina,SouthCarolina,Tennessee,Texas,andVirginia.

Body light brown to yellowish brown with young adults, dark brown on olderfemales.Body2.5-4.5mmlong.Ovisacproducedandgenerally found on underside of leaves.

Pulvinaria acericola

Cottony Maple Leaf ScaleN A T I V E024

Cottony Maple Leaf ScalePulvinaria acericola

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

025Pulvinaria ericicola

Azalea, lowbush blueberry and rusty lyonia.

Alabama, Florida, and Virginia.


Cottony Azalea Scale025N A T I V E

Cottony Azalea ScalePulvinaria ericicola

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

026E X O T I C026 Pulvinaria psidii

Green Shield Scale

Wide host range, common on Pittosporum, Citrus, Ficus species, and mango.

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi.

Adultfemalelightgreen,body2.0-4.5mmlong,ovisacproducedandwithoutnoticeablegrooves,approximately3xlengthofbody.Bodycoloris usually green but may seem somewhat brown depending on the host plant.

Green Shield ScalePulvinaria psidii

Ants Tending Scales for Honeydew


Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

027E X O T I C027 Pulvinaria urbicola

Urbicola Soft Scale

Body of adult female brown to green, body 1.5 - 3.0 mm long, ovisac producedandwithoutnoticeablegrooves,approximately1.5-3xbodylength. Occurs on foliage but also near root line.


Common on seagrape, guava, and Alternanthera species.

Urbicola Soft ScalePulvinaria urbicola

Grooved Ovisac

Brown Body

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

028N A T I V E028

Neopulvinaria innumerabilis

Cottony Maple Scale

Largescale(3-6mmlong)withcolorpatterndifferingdependingonhost, often blending in with host bark. Ovisac produced, but grooves areusuallynotclearlyvisible.Ovisac2xbodylength.Generallyfoundon woody portions of host plant material.

Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Polyphagous, common on dogwoods, maples and pecans.

Cottony Maple ScaleNeopulvinaria innumerabilis


Female Body

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field Recognition

029E X O T I C029 Philephedra tuberculosa

Philephedra Scale

Largescale(3-6mmlong).Youngfemalesaregreensimilartogreenshieldscale.Ovisacsarelong(3-5xbodylength)andusuallyhavea“wet” appearance.


Wide host range but common on Acalypha, Codiaeum, and Conocarpus species.

Philephedra ScalePhilephedra tuberculosa


Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

029E X O T I C029 Philephedra tuberculosa

Philephedra Scale

Largescale(3-6mmlong).Youngfemalesaregreensimilartogreenshieldscale.Ovisacsarelong(3-5xbodylength)andusuallyhavea“wet” appearance.


Wide host range but common on Acalypha, Codiaeum, and Conocarpus species.

Philephedra ScalePhilephedra tuberculosa

Green Female Body

Immature Scales

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

030E X O T I C030 Protopulvinaria pyriformis

Pyriform Scale

Body varies from tan to green to brown. Body about 2.5 mm long, pyriform. Ovisac produced, small and located beneath the scale insect. Long triangular anal plates visible in middle of top surface of body. Found on foliage of hosts.

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas,andVirginia.

Wide host range, commonly found on Pittosporum, Ficus species, Schefflera, and tropical fruit.

Pyriform ScaleProtopulvinaria pyriformis


Triangular Anal Plates

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field Recognition

031E X O T I C031 Milviscutulus mangiferae

Mango Shield Scale

Very similar to that of pyriform scale, body yellowish green, body size 2 - 3.5 mm long, pyriform. Ovisac produced and located beneath adult female. Found on foliage of hosts.


Polyphagous species, commonly found on Citrus, Ficus, Gardenia, jasmine and tropical fruit.

Mango Shield ScaleMilviscutulus mangiferae

Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field Recognition

032E X O T I C032 Ceroplastes ceriferus

Indian Wax Scale

Bodyred,coveredinathickwhitewetwax,normallywithananteriorprojecting “horn.” Body size 3-12 mm long. Found on woody portions of host plants.

Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, NorthCarolina,SouthCarolina,Tennessee,Texas,andVirginia.

Wide host range, common on hollies, camellias, and magnolias.

Indian Wax ScaleCeroplastes ceriferus

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

033E X O T I C033 Ceroplastes rusci

Fig Wax Scale

Similar in appearance to barnacle scale. Body red, covered in a thick pinkishwhitewax.Waxcoveringseemsplatedfromlateralview.Body2-3 mm long. Occurring on foliage and woody portions of host plant material.


Wide host range, most commonly collected on Ficus species.

Fig Wax ScaleCeroplastes rusci

Plated Wax Cover

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

034E X O T I C034 Ceroplastes cirripediformis

Barnacle Scale

Bodymaroontored,coveredinathickbuff-coloredwax.Withoutananterior projecting horn. Appearing “plated” from lateral view. Body 1-6 mm long. Immatures maroon. Found on woody portions of host.

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, SouthCarolina,andTexas.

Wide host range, common on Ficus species, Pittosporum, hollies and Citrus.

Barnacle ScaleCeroplastes cirripediformis

Maroon Immature Stages

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

035E X O T I C035 Ceroplastes dugesii

Duges Wax Scale

Bodyred,coveredinthickgrayishwhitetobuffcoloredwaxcover.Body3-8 mm long. Found on woody portions of host plants.


Wide host range, common on Bursera and Piper species.

Duges Wax ScaleCeroplastes dugesii

Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

036E X O T I C036 Ceroplastes floridensis

Florida Wax Scale

Bodyred,coveredinathickgrayishtopinkishwhitewax.Generallyflat.Body2-4mmlong.Immaturesoftenresemblesmallwhitestars.Foundon twigs and foliage of hosts.

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, SouthCarolina,Texas,andVirginia.

Wide host range, common on hollies, Schefflera, Pittosporum, cycads, Citrus, and tropical fruit.

Florida Wax ScaleCeroplastes floridensis

Adult Female


Field Recognition

Known Southeastern Distribution

Common Hosts

037E X O T I C037 Ceroplastes rubens

Red Wax Scale

Bodyred,coveredinathickredtopinkwax.Body2mmlong.Waxpentagonal in dorsal view. Occurring on foliage of host plants.


Wide host range, common on Citrus and other tropical fruit.

Red Wax ScaleCeroplastes rubens


Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field RecognitionN A T I V E038 Eriococcus azaleae

Azalea Bark Scale

Body dark red to purple. Eggs and immature crawler stages pink. Bodyapproximately3-4mmlong,ovisacproducedandisashinywhite(almostsilvery).Generallyfoundinnodalareasor“forks”oftwigsandbranches.

Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, NorthCarolina,SouthCarolina,Tennessee,Texas,andVirginia.

Wide host range but most commonly collected on Azalea.

Azalea Bark ScaleEriococcus azaleae


Common Hosts

Known Southeastern Distribution

Field RecognitionN A T I V E038 Eriococcus azaleae

Azalea Bark Scale

Body dark red to purple in color. Eggs and immature crawler stages pink.Bodyapproximately3-4mmlong,ovisacproducedandisashinywhite(almostsilvery).Generallyfoundinnodalareasor“forks”oftwigsand branches.

Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, NorthCarolina,SouthCarolina,Tennessee,Texas,andVirginia.

Wide host range but most commonly collected on Azalea.

Azalea Bark ScaleEriococcus azaleae

Adult Female

Pink Immatures

Adult Female

039N A T I V E039 Eriococcus quercus

Oak Eriococcin

Field RecognitionBodyisdarkredtopurple.Bodyapproximately3-4mmlong,ovisacproducedandisashinywhite(almostsilvery).

Known Southeastern DistributionAlabama,Florida,Georgia,Louisiana,Mississippi,Texas,andVirginia.

Common HostsOaks.

Oak EriococcinEriococcus quercus

040Dactylopius confusus040


California Cochineal Scale

Field RecognitionBodymaroontopurple,coveredwithsticky-stringywax.Bodyfluidsred. Found on pads of cacti.

Known Southeastern DistributionFlorida,Georgia,andTexas.

Common HostsOpuntia cacti.

California Cochineal ScaleDactylopius confusus