May June 2020 The HOPE Letter · 2020-07-10 · May-June 2020 In This Issue: The HOPE Letter The...

May-June 2020 In This Issue: The HOPE Leer The Hope For The Future Ministries Newsletter In Loving Memory: Mary Louise Lathuras My Marly Boy Happy Birthday Rita Web Site & PayPal Word From The Pastor Closing Credits: Publisher and Editor: Rev. Diane Dunne Assistant Editor: Rev. Deborah Mitchell Article Interviews and Stories: Rev. Diane Dunne 2 3 4 Quote Of The Month “Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” . Isaiah 41:10 Distributing Compassionate Hope In The Midst of Covid Chaos In spite of a desperate shortage of volunteers during this Covid lock- down, HFTF continues to serve hot food and pantry out of our Farmingdale, Long Island ware- house. We are servicing large new families, many of whom nev- er thought that they would be standing on a pantry line; Hard working yet out of work, not know- ing when or if they will be called back, or when their next pay check will be coming in. We have serviced hundreds of new people in the last two months. During the COVID pandemic we moved Thursday’s Long Island out- reach from inside the warehouse to the outdoors, re- quiring social dis- tancing rules be followed. NYC distribution is be- ing done by ap- pointments only.

Transcript of May June 2020 The HOPE Letter · 2020-07-10 · May-June 2020 In This Issue: The HOPE Letter The...

M a y - J u n e 2 0 2 0

In This Issue:

The HOPE Letter The Hope For The Future Ministries Newsletter

In Loving Memory: Mary

Louise Lathuras

My Marly Boy

Happy Birthday Rita

Web Site & PayPal

Word From The Pastor

Closing Credits:

Publisher and Editor:

Rev. Diane Dunne

Assistant Editor:

Rev. Deborah Mitchell

Article Interviews and Stories:

Rev. Diane Dunne




Quote Of The Month “Don't be afraid, for I

am with you. Don’t be discouraged,

for I am your God. I will strengthen you

and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious

right hand.” . Isaiah 41:10

Distributing Compassionate Hope

In The Midst of Covid Chaos

In spite of a desperate shortage of volunteers during this Covid lock-down, HFTF continues to serve hot food and pantry out of our Farmingdale, Long Island ware-house. We are servicing large new families, many of whom nev-er thought that they would be standing on a pantry line; Hard working yet out of work, not know-ing when or if they will be called back, or when their next pay check will be coming in. We have serviced hundreds of new people in the last two months.

During the COVID pandemic we

moved Thursday’s Long Island out-

reach from inside the warehouse to

the outdoors, re-quiring social dis-

tancing rules be followed. NYC

distribution is be-ing done by ap-

pointments only.

Every church, youth, and scout

leader, as well as pastor alike

that has served at HFTF for the

last 2 and ½ decades has heard

Mary’s voice on the telephone.

She wouldn’t take maybe for an

answer. She was relentless as a

volunteer coordinator these

many years. Each Friday both

Mary and her husband George

would come into the warehouse

and office volunteering their

time. George would fill the vans

with gas, and then offer assistance wherever needed while Mary would work the

phones. Without her persistence we would not have had the help that was needed

to serve many a weekend. During the last eight months Mary had been recovering

from heart surgery, when she had taken a turn for the worse. She slipped quietly

to her eternal reward on April 25th, leaving behind her loving husband of 62 years,

a son, Jack, and three daughters Ari, Christine, and Meg, along with 6 of her 7

grandchildren. Mary was rich in faith and enjoyed an active social life. It was her

love for helping people that fueled much of her activities. She not only volun-

teered at Hope For The Future, but also at St. Killians Outreach, BOCES of Massa-

pequa, and Pax Christi, as well as being a supporter of Mama’s House. Our minis-

try won’t be the same without her service. Due to the COVID lockdown, a proper

service has to wait. I know that Mary enjoyed a very wide circle of friends that

would want the chance to give their loving farewell, as well as condolences to the

Lathuras family. Mary, truly you are missed already. Ω

Page 2 Volume 33 Issue 2

My Marly Boy

1934-2020 Mary Louise Lathuras

Mary working diligently as

HFTF’s most faithful Volunteer

Coordinator, booking teams and

individuals to serve at our out-

reaches each week, while her

husband filled the vans with gas,

and helped load them for out-


Mary’s favorite picture of George & Mary

Lathuras, married 62 years. Faithful volun-

teer, wife, sister, mother, grandmother.

At first the call came from Deborah, Marly’s Mom. Her beloved son had passed away. Initially she was told that her son had died of the virus, but, just before the printing of this newsletter we received report that it wasn’t Covid, but rather, an infection in his gums that traveled to his heart. While his mother was in the hospital suffering with pneumonia he was hospitalized and put on a respirator. He died within the week. Twen-ty-six years old, Jermarl D. Henderson was known to those at Church Without Walls as Marly. He suffered so much having been diagnosed with DiGeorge Syndrome, which is a genetic disorder whose symptoms sometimes overlap with those of autism. Because of this syndrome Marly struggled with some social difficulties, developmental delays and learning disabilities. His heart was affected as is the case with those struggling with this disease, having gone through nine open heart surgeries, as well as other procedures that kept him in and out of hospitals in his young life. Marly had to be fed through a tube. He couldn’t speak, as that is often the case due to distinct facial and palate features of those with DiGeorge. It affects their ability to speak clearly. However, he could make certain sounds and could sign. With all this against him, he still loved coming to ser-vices at HFTF, and found purpose in helping at the outreaches. Pastor Diane put him to work and wouldn’t let him stay seated doing nothing. He would have a fit with his mother if she didn’t come to outreach on any given Wednesday or Saturday. Pastor Di-ane loved to call him “My little buddy,” or, “My Marly Boy.” They had a special com-munication between each other. We know he is seated in heavenly places getting the reward due him for being such a faithful servant. What an impact we would make should we all serve with the zeal and joy that Marly had in the service of the Lord. Ω

Page 3

Giving Online Made Easier!

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remembering? Good news!

Giving has just been made easier!

Go to our website and with just a few clicks

set up your monthly support.

It’s giving made simple!

Oh yeah, and then you can take the string off

your finger!

Check out our website

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PLEASE GIVE WHAT YOU CAN...IN JESUS NAME...THANK YOU! Enclosed, please find my contribution in the amount of: (please check one)

$25.00 $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 $_________ Other Amount


Street Address:____________________________________________________________

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Or Give Online:

Thank you and May the Lord bless you!

Help Stamp Out Hunger One Act Of Kindness At

A Time! Volunteers Needed


Food Pick Up


Outreach Program

Call us: 631-752-5771

HFTF has a serious

group of senior volun-

teers. Rita celebrated

her 86th birthday this

past March in the midst

of the lockdown. She

continues to manage the

Thursday evening food

pantry ministry without

missing a beat! Happy

Birthday Rita! May God

continue to bless and

keep you as you fight the

good fight of faith!

131 Verdi Street

Farmingdale, NY 11735

Phone: 631-752-5771

Fax: 631-752-3814

Email: [email protected]

We’re on the Web!

131 Verdi Street

Farmingdale, NY 11735

Ma y-June 2020

Phone: 631-752-5771

Fax: 631-752-3814

Email: [email protected]







A Word From The Pastor’s Desk Dear Friends,

As the lockdown from COVID-19 continues for many of our states, especially for N.Y., more particularly NYC, Hope For The Future continues to experience a lack of volunteers needed for our outreach, food pick-ups and rotations. Throughout this shut–down we have continued to distribute food pantry and hot meals out of the warehouse location in Farmingdale, NY. We are feeding many people (large families) who would have never dreamed of taking a handout before this calamity.

A few weeks before the quarantine occurred, a friend of the ministry called us, warning of the coming shut-down. Her ex-husband lives in China and had called her to say that things were much more dangerous than be-ing reported. He told her to stock up on supplies. He was facing complete bankruptcy and looking at severe food shortages and riots in China. So with that head start, I began warning our NYC Church Without Walls that a quar-antine was coming. I brought out about 6 weeks supply of food pantry for fear that we would be unable to get into the City. Once the quarantine went into effect, I scheduled food pantry deliveries by appointment only for those in dire need. I also went in with hot meals in tins for the guys in the park. But we had to stop that as well because it was attracting folks to come and form lines. Until the Mayor lifts the bans on congregations gathering with more than ten people, we are staying put. But, honestly, I’m more busy with the load of work now, than before, because of the lack of volunteers flowing into the ministry.

Most of us in NY either know someone who’s caught this virus or worse, passed away from it. And we’ve all been affected by this pandemic, whether it’s not being able to visit loved ones, especially those in hospitals or nursing homes, or it’s the loss of loved ones, with the added pain of not being able to give a proper funeral ser-vice. It has really been a horrific time. My own father had to be rushed to the hospital at the writing of this news-letter, as he was suffering with a severe lung infection and congestive heart failure. Praying for his safety and healing without any COVID complications proved to be a daunting experience. But, to quote Rita, our Farming-dale pantry coordinator who is 86 years young, “I refuse to live in fear. I don’t have the time. That’s not to say I won’t use the brain God gave me, but I don’t have time to live in fear!” Thankfully my Dad is now out of the hospi-tal, in a rehab center. (Many thanks to all of you who prayed.)

But, oh how we need to fight the fear and enter into the rest of the Lord. He promised He would give us His peace. His peace is not like the peace the world gives. His peace keeps us in faith in the midst of the storm. I’m reminded of the words of the late Billy Graham, “The storm was raging. The sea was beating against the rocks in huge, dashing waves. The lightning was flashing, the thunder was roaring, the wind was blowing; but the little bird was sound asleep in the crevice of the rock, its head tucked serenely under its wing. That is peace: to be able to sleep in the storm! In Christ we are relaxed and at peace in the midst of the confusions, bewilderments, and per-plexities of this life. The storm rages, but our hearts are at rest. We have found peace-at last!” These words spoke to me during his hospitalization and they continue to speak to us in the midst of these strange times.

I know the systemic effects of financial devastation have hit all of us. Every church and ministry out there is suffering. So, it is with a heart of appreciation and gratitude that I say ‘thank you’ to all of our partners who have been graciously, and for some, sacrificially faithful in your giving. We are meeting the urgent needs of our neigh-bors in a tangible way through your consistent and prayerful support. May the God of peace bless and keep you and yours.

Sincerely in His Service, Pastor Diane Dunne

“For I know the plans that I

have for you...plans to

give you a hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11