Maximizing twitter for broadcast content creation

MAXIMIZING TWITTER FOR BROADCAST OPERATIONS by @FemiBellos for @businesstv Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.

Transcript of Maximizing twitter for broadcast content creation

  1. 1. MAXIMIZING TWITTER FOR BROADCAST OPERATIONS by @FemiBellos for @businesstvCommunicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  2. 2. Twitter just like every other social media tool, is a channel/medium of expression. Twitter is an online platform classifiable under micro- blogging. Provides opportunity for an expression worth 1000 words using 140 characters only. Another unique characteristic is its real-time conversational nature. What TWITTER is Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  3. 3. TWITTER, the nitty-gritty. Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  4. 4. Your handle should be identifiable with you and should not be seen to promote a conflicting brand identity. A tweet is that which you pass across within 140 characters or less. As a media organization, how punchy your tweet is determines the number of clicks your link gets. On twitter, you follow and get followed . Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  5. 5. A Retweet (RT) is the twitter term for share as you have on Facebook or YouTube. Your timeline shows your tweets starting from the most recent. Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  6. 6. Use dedicated hash tags for tweets relating to a particular issue/matter/event. #sanusispeaks #5000note #fuelsubsidy. Note that they are never spaced when containing more than one word. Carry tweet descriptors where necessary [INFOGRAPHIC] [pictured] [download] [video].This is important so as to let the reader know the nature of information contained in the link. Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  7. 7. It can be used to increase viewership since it is a veritable tool for publicity and promotion of broadcast content. It can be used for breaking the news because of its instantaneous, real-time impact. In broadcast, today, more media organizations take viewer/listener/reader interaction beyond the traditional media, into the digital space. Feedback gotten through interaction can be used to improve content. Why Twitter for broadcast? Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  8. 8. The only way for ESPN to stay in the game now is to become a leader in the Twitter sports community, same with Channels TV, Punch newspaper, Dana Air, etc. Also, it is a good platform for feeling the pulse of the audience. Audience segmentation People are informed even when they are not in front of their TV sets. Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  9. 9. WHY SHOULD THEY FOLLOW YOU AT ALL? All we are saying is Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  10. 10. Content determines followership. For business TV, your niche should be business news and business related content. In Nigeria, we do not have strong business news handles on twitter compared to other specializations. CONTENT IS KING! Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  11. 11. TWITTER IS UNIQUE. TWITTER IS SOCIAL. Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  12. 12. CREATING AN ENGAGING PLATFORM VIA: Daily updates News headline recap Dedicated hash tags for each programme Live-tweeting during live shows/interviews ENGAGEMENT! Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  13. 13. Sign up to twitter or modify your account. Follow those you know especially those in your field Using Twellow, Tweepsearch etc. Follow prominent twitter influencers and get them to follow back. Get a referral from top influencers e.g. a RT. Start tweeting. Tweet a useful link. Create content, tweet it! Tools to use include Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, etc. So what next? Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.
  14. 14. Olufemi Bellos Executive Director, COMMENTHUB Follow me: @FemiBellos Read me: Call me: +234-806-242-0519 *Speaker*Trainer*Compere*Writer*Events & PR* Social Media savvy* Thank you! Communicators Enterprise (c) 2013.