Mass Intentions -…  ·...


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Page 1: Mass Intentions -…  · Web viewNext weekend there will be a presentation on Word. ... Bishop Joseph Martino

Saint Anselm Church12670 Dunks Ferry RoadPhiladelphia, PA 19154

Parish Center SchoolPhone 215-637-3525 215-632-1133Fax 215-637-4915 215-632-3264Parish Website: www.stanselmparish.comSchool Website:


Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00; 10:00 AM; 12:00 Noon


Monday – Friday 8:30 AM8:00 AM (Saturday)

Twenty-Eighth Sundayin Ordinary Time

October 12, 2014

PARISH CENTER HOURS Monday thru Thursday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

PASTORAL & ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFReverend Thomas J. Dunleavy.……………..Pastor.…………….......ext. #11…………[email protected] David M. Friel.……………………Parochial Vicar……...ext. #14…………[email protected] John E. Fitzgerald ……………….Resident……………….ext. #23…………[email protected] Gerald J. Whartenby ………………Pastoral Associate.......ext. #12…………[email protected] Dennis P. Warner.…………………..Pastoral Associate.......ext. #17…………..deacon.warner@ stanselmparish.comMrs. Geraldine Murphy……………………..Principal…………………………………[email protected]. Diane Leonetti..………………………...Director of Music…....ext. #29…………..dleonetti@ stanselmparish.comMr. Dennis Mueller..………………………...Religious Education...ext. #15…………..dmueller@ stanselmparish.comMrs. Theresa Grillo..………………………...Business Manager.......ext. #13…………..tgrillo@ stanselmparish.comMrs. Kathleen Zaremski..…………………...Parish Secretary……..ext. #16…………[email protected]. Joanne Jackson………………………...Receptionist…………..ext. #10.………....jjackson@ stanselmparish.comMrs. Ronnie Harkins ………………………..Receptionist….............ext. #10….……....rharkins@

BAPTISMSBaptisms are every Sunday at 1:00 PM. Parents are asked to call the Parish Center and speak with the Priest or Deacon who is on call and who will assist them in registering their child for Baptism. The Church assists the parents by offering instruction on the meaning, importance, and responsibilities of the sacrament of Baptism. A Pre-Jordan Baptismal Program for helping parents prepare for the spiritual birth of their child is held on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Spirituality Center following the Noon Mass.


Couples planning to marry are asked to contact a Parish priest to make arrangements for a wedding.

C ONFESSION SCHEDULE Saturdays 3:30-4:30 PM

DEVOTIONS Rosary 8:00 AM Daily

6:30 PM Monday Divine Mercy 3:00 PM Monday (Chapel) Eucharistic Exposition 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Monday - Chapel Benediction 6:50 PM Monday (Chapel)

Legion of Mary 7:00 PM Monday

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Charismatic Prayer Mtg. 7:00 PM Tuesday Miraculous Medal Novena 8:00 AM Mass Saturday

Recognizing & Celebrating the Seven Essential Characteristics found in a Vital Parish

Our seven-week series in preparation for our Parish Assembly on Thursday, November 6th, continues. A member of our Pastoral Council will speak at every Mass after Communion this weekend on Leadership. Next weekend there will be a presentation on Word.


Effective parish leadership requires a shared leadership among clergy and laity which calls forth the gifts of visioning, planning, empowering, and evaluating. These gifts are placed at the service of the community for the fulfillment of the parish mission. While the pastor bears the ultimate responsibility and authority within a parish, the gifts of the laity “as each one has received” (1 Pt 4:10) are needed as one has received (1 Pt 4:10) are needed and welcomed in the service of the parish as well.

Those called to serve on the Parish Pastoral Council as well as the Pastoral Staff, Finance Council, Heads of Organizations, Board and Committee Members, exercise their gifts to vision, plan, empower, and evaluate the parish’s programs and initiatives in light of the parish mission. Each of these people will carry out that responsibility in a unique way, based on his or her own gifts, talents, and style of leadership. All in leadership positions place their gifts at the service of one another and of the parish community.

Specific to these basic expectations is that each parish provide:Physical Resources1) worship space of adequate size and sacred design and environment 2) facilities adequate to house the priests and religious of the Parish 3) space adequate for the education and formation of parish members and for parishioners social needs4) space (such as a center, hall or auditorium) adequate for parishioner’s social needs5) space adequate for staff work areas, meetings, and larger gatherings of persons6) office equipment/supplies (i.e., computers, copiers and fax machines) adequate to function effectively7) facilities in good condition and properly maintained, and, where possible, accessible to all parishionersPersonnel Resources/Parish Staff1) office and other support services adequate to operate effectively2) custodial service adequate to care and maintain all the property and buildings3) staff, such as housekeeper and/or cook, to allow the priests to be attentive to pastoral responsibilities4) a Parish Business Manager, paid or volunteer, to handle administrative and plant concerns5) effective communication among staff on a regularly scheduled basis to ensure the sharing of timely and

accurate information, cooperation and collaboration on the part of every staff member6) compliance with all governmental laws and regulations as well as Archdiocesan policies and procedures

related to personnel, both salaried and volunteer, including appropriate background checksConsultative Bodies1) an active and effective Parish Pastoral Council2) an active and effective Parish Finance CouncilParishioner Access to Clergy and Staff1) parishioners should be able to contact clergy (and other staff) throughout the normal day and evening hours,

and at other times without excessive difficulty. Telephone service should be adequate to accept all calls. Every effort must be made to ensure that people who call speak with a member of the parish staff. Whenever possible, there should be an avoidance of the use of “voice mail” during ordinary business hours

Sufficient Financial Resources1) a developed plan to achieve financial stability2) an effective program of sacrificial giving (tithing, increased offertory, etc.)3) a development or endowment committee to assist in parish fund raising needs, establishing of endowments for

Catholic Education, Capital Needs, etc.4) meets financial obligations including assessments, pension funds, health care plans, special collections, etc.5) an annual balanced operational budget6) an annual parish financial report to the Archdiocese and parishioners7) compliance with all governmental laws and regulations as well as Archdiocesan policies and procedures

Reflection & PrayerIn light of the above, ask yourself the following questions and give thought and prayer to your reflection.

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Does the leadership of Saint Anselm Church enable the parish to fulfill its mission? Do those in leadership positions keep their focus on Christ and His Gospel? #1-016

Anointing of the Sick- Next weekend (Oct. 18/19) – All Masses

Who should be anointed?

All who suffer terminal or chronic disease such as diabetes, arthritis, lung or heart disease, alcoholism, etc. should be anointed. Anyone who is in a weakened condition due to age or infirmity should be anointed. All who suffer physically, mentally, spiritually should be anointed.

Anointing with oil expresses our faith and prayer

The characteristics and uses of oil express our belief in what God can do and also express our prayer for what we ask God to do in those who are anointed. Just as oil – in suntan oil PROTECTS the skin, just as – oil PRESERVES car engines to keep them running, just as – oil STRENGTHENS to prevent a diaper rash, irritation, and infection, so oil is used in the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. In this sacrament, Jesus is truly present to protect, preserve and strengthen all who are anointed.

What does it mean to be anointed?

To be anointed means to be consecrated. To be consecrated means to be set aside for something special. As Catholic Christians, we know that bread and wine are consecrated, that is, set aside to become a dwelling place for Jesus in the Eucharist. People who are anointed are set aside to be a person in whom the Holy Spirit will hover over to protect, preserve, and strengthen.

Humility and Inspiration

In a spirit of humility, the person to be anointed acknowledges their need for God to grace and help them.

Those who are not being anointed can find inspiration as they watch people process forward to be anointed. As they see people expressing their faith in Jesus, their own faith is enriched. As the healthy watch people being anointed, they have an opportunity to say a prayer of gratitude to God for the blessing of good health.

Block Collection & Census EnvelopeThe Block Collection is an important source

of revenue for the parish. Updating the census is very important for our statistical reports and

programming. Please make your return as soon as possible. Thank you.

Mission Sunday – October 19 th Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday.

World Mission Sunday invites us to be conscious of the Missionary work of the Church to make Christ and his Gospel known to all people. The 2nd Collection next weekend is for the Missions.

Youth Mentoring ProgramOur Youth Mentoring Program invites the

youth of our parish to share their gifts, to apply their Catholic faith to their daily lives, and to develop a strong personal relationship with Jesus.

Actively participating in Church ministry can change the life of a young person. This happens when adults take part in ministry with our youth, and our young people are given an opportunity to lead.

As adults, we have the responsibility of making our young people feel welcome. We need to work with them side by side, encourage them, and give them a voice in our parish community.

Our youth, in Grades 8 thru 12, are invited to participate in our Parish as:LectorsCARES (After School Program)Mass for the Deceased ParishionersChristmas BazaarChurch Decoration

(Thanksgiving, Advent & Christmas)Thanksgiving LiturgyParish Advent Penance ServiceLive Nativity Tableau (Christmas Eve)

These activities will also satisfy “community service” obligations at school. If you would like to participate in any of the activities listed above, call Fr. Dunleavy or Fr. Friel.

Concerns for the HomeboundDuring the Parish Visitation, we discovered

some parishioners who have become homebound due to age or infirmity and who are no longer able to attend Sunday Mass. We offered to bring Holy Communion to these people in their home. They were thrilled.

We are concerned that there are other parishioners who are homebound and living in homes that we did not visit this year. If you know of someone – a neighbor or a family member – who is

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no longer able to attend Mass due to age or infirmity, please call the Deacon or one of the priests. We will be happy to bring them Holy Communion.

#2-016October Count

At all weekend Masses throughout the month of October, the number of people attending Mass will be counted. This October Count is being conducted in cooperation with the Archdiocesan Office for Research and Planning. The count will be taken during the first collection.

Announced Mass Intentions 2015Monday, November 3rd

9:00 – 11:00 AM Church Hallafter 11:00 AM Parish Center

We will follow the procedures as in previous years.

So that+ the opportunity to arrange for Announced Mass

Intentions may be available to more people+ people who are homebound + people who are working and are not able to be here on Monday, November 3rd at 9:00 AM,there will be a limit of three requests per family and, of the three requests, the person will be limited to only one request for a Saturday evening or Sunday Mass Intention.

This limit will last from Monday, November 3rd until Monday, November 17th. During this time, the homebound and people who work may come to the Parish Center and arrange for Mass Intentions.

Beginning on Tuesday, November 18th any person who already has arranged for three Mass Intentions may request more weekday Mass Intentions if they wish.

Please limit each Intention to one name unless it is for a deceased couple or for the Deceased Members of “The Doe Family”.

Camilla Hall – Campaign for ExpansionCamilla Hall, a retirement home and

infirmary for IHM Sisters needs to expand and upgrade its facility to respond to the needs of their elderly and infirmed Sisters.

A major fundraising campaign is underway. The I.H.M. Sisters are most grateful for your support by buying their raffle chances and your free will donations the weekend of September 27/28 which amounted to $1,540. You also may donate by visiting


Celebration of Confirmation

Thursday, October 16 th 4:00 PM 58 Students being confirmed!

Bishop Joseph Martino will preside at the Liturgy of Confirmation on Thursday, October 16th

at 4:00 PM. There are 27 students in our School, 30 in our CCD and 1 of our parishioners in Nazareth Academy who will be confirmed. (During the 1st

Confirmation ceremony in Saint Anselm Church on March 9 1965, 704 students were confirmed by Bishop McDevitt.)

Our Confirmandi began their immediate preparation for Confirmation one year ago. With the guidance of their teachers and catechists, they made a serious study of Confirmation. When they announced their candidacy for Confirmation this past spring, they said that they wanted to become better friends with Jesus. They also accepted the challenge to do the study, prayer and service necessary so that they would be spiritually prepared for Confirmation.

Our Confirmandi have scrutinized their lives. They prayed, asking Jesus to help them see what is right and good within them, so that the Holy Spirit may strengthen these qualities; they also prayed to know what is weak, defective or sinful in them so that the Holy Spirit will heal, strengthen and make these things right within them.

They have celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation regularly and have received Holy Communion frequently. Our candidates spent a day in retreat at the shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel. The retreat helped them see how the Holy Spirit was at work in Saint Katharine Drexel – a confirmed Christian. These candidates, imitating the charity of many in this faith community, provide for the poor and serve those in need throughout the year.

A few weeks ago in September, these candidates celebrated a rite of election for Confirmation. They heard God electing – choosing, selecting them to be a person in whom the Spirit of Jesus would dwell. On Thursday, they are

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responding to the call by becoming confirmed followers of Jesus.

Let us rejoice and give thanks for the Holy Spirit of God at work among us in our Confirmandi. Please remember them in your prayers.

2013 – 2014 Financial Report

Our Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2013 – 2014, comparing it with the previous four years was printed in last Sunday’s Bulletin. If you did not receive a copy and would like one, you may get a copy at the Parish Center.

The Fiscal report notes that all our bills are paid and that Saint Anselm Parish has no debt.

The total cost of operating the Parish last year was 2.2 million dollars, $200,000 more than the previous year.

It cost $700,000 to operate the Church and $1.5 million to operate the school.

Last year, there were large and expensive increases in the operating budget which amounted to $194,000.

Dramatic increases in Unemployment Compensation, Health Insurance, Pension Fund Contribution, Property Insurance, Maintenance were the driving force behind the increases as listed in last week’s bulletin.

However, due to the generosity of those who contribute financially to Sunday and Church collections; due to those who rallied behind the Carnival, Race for Education, and other fundraisers; due to the generosity of 273 school families who paid more than 1.1 million dollars in tuition and fees, we were able to pay all of our expenses and were only $108 in deficit spending.

The report also notes the toll that increased tuition costs and expenses are having on the school. There are 50 fewer students in the school this year. Our school enrollment Kindergarten thru 8th grade is 302 students with another 27 in Pre K. Our CCD enrollment is 209 students which means that when combined with

the school enrollment that there are 511 children receiving religious education.

God bless you,Father Dunleavy

World Meeting of Families

The World Meeting of Families will be held in Philadelphia from September 22 to 27, 2015. In 1994, Saint John Paul II celebrated the first World Meeting of Families which aimed to strengthen the sacred bonds of family around the globe.

Saint John Paul II and Saint Gianna have been named as the Patron Saints for the gathering. Saint John Paul II has a connection to Philadelphia because of his visits here when he was alive and also because he began the World Meeting of Families. Upon his canonization, he was declared “the pope of the family.” Saint Gianna is best known for her selfless love as a mother, giving her life to bear her fourth child in 1962. Saint Gianna is the patron saint of mothers, pediatricians, and unborn children.

Prayer for World Meeting of Families

God and Father of us all,in Jesus, your Son and our Savior,you have made us your sons and daughtersin the family of the Church.

May your grace and lovehelp our familiesin every part of the worldbe united to one anotherin fidelity to the Gospel.

May the example of the Holy Family,with the aid of your Holy Spirit,guide all families, especially those most troubled,to be homes of communion and prayerand to always seek your truth and live in your lovethrough Christ our Lord. Amen.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us.

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Mass Schedule Sunday, October 12

8:00 AM Rosemary Whalen r/b The Thackrah Family10:00 AM The People of St. Anselm Parish12:00 PM Robert Stocklin, 25h Anniversary

r/b The Stocklin Family

Monday, October 138:30 AM Rosemary Whalen

r/b Tony & Anne Marie Wengraitis

Tuesday, October 14 8:30 AM Al Lake r/b Marie & Ed Hughes

Wednesday, October 15 8:30 AM Rosemary Whalen

r/b Kathleen & Keith Rieser

Thursday, October 16 8:30 AM Jane Tarde r/b Peg & Kathy

Friday, October 17 8:30 AM David Keeton r/b Eleanor Keeton

Saturday, October 18 8:00 AM Living Members of the Legion of Mary

r/b Our Lady Queen of Peace Praesidium 5:00 PM Richard Jeral r/b Helen & Bob Jeral

Sunday, October 19 8:00 AM Joseph Scanlon r/b His Family10:00 AM The People of St. Anselm Parish12:00 PM Darren & Ralph Citrino

r/b Ralph & Margaret Citrino


October 4, 2014

Stephanie Drum and Timothy Wallace


October 5, 2014

Riane Kathleen, daughter of Patrick & Maura Fox


Pray For Our Sick… Lorraine Apice, wife of Edward ApiceWilma Appolo, friend of Caroline CzepialTom Barr, brother of Margie & Jerry BarrJohn Carr, brother of Robert CarrMargaret & Mark Citrino Bob Clark, husband of Pat ClarkJoan Clark, friend of Mary Lou KleinDebbie Collins, niece of Peg BreckerMichael DiMauro, brother of Carmella MorrisJoey Dougherty, brother of Debbie PerusoEric Eisemann, relative of Agnes & Gerard SmithJohn Fritz, husband of Anna FritzCassy Giardina, aunt of Melissa Freer & Bob DoughertyNicki Goodwin, friend of Bill & Lauren LoveCarol Grimes, mother of Melissa Baker MooreCourtney Gross, daughter of Nina ErvinTim Hill, son of Kathy HillBob Jeral, husband of Helen JeralAndrea Keegan, wife of Shaun KeeganJoseph Keenan, Sr., friend of John & Dolores WalshEd Lafferty, husband of Peg LaffertyNicholas Lamina, son of Joseph & Carol LaminaJessica Lepp, grand niece of Andy & Jean DobronMarie Macready, mother of Joyce MacreadyNeil Madden, friend of Kristilynn MelloyErin Martin, granddaughter of Tom & Anita MurphyNora Mastyl, sister of Kathy NiceJeanne McDonough, aunt of Ann GrippoJoe McGrenehan, husband of Tina McGrenahanMickey Melnyk, wife of Joe MelnykJoseph MeskillChris O’Driscoll, husband of Michelle O’DriscollBonnie Oldham, sister of Mary Ellen LoweryPeg Paulino, sister of Corrine KellyDebbie Pierce, sister of Donna CarrollRelatives of The Tarquin Pirolli FamilyArt Poupard, husband of Mary Ann PoupardDianna Pryor, friend of John & Dolores WalshGus Quatrone, friend of Jim & Ellen CoyleBob Pride, husband of PegArt Rausch, husband of Judy RauschBrian Simmonds, grandson of Rose MiletiAgnes Smith, wife of Gerard SmithMarion Smith, wife of Walt SmithMeg Smithuysen, sister of Eileen SavageMadison Grace Solis, friend of The Grippo FamilyBetty Beck Tierney, sister of Rita VaxnerEdward Woehlcke, husband of Donna Woehlcke

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Pray For Our Deceased…Kimberly Gable BujakRobert Foley, sister of Ann DeanJoseph Garvey, husband of June GarveyLarry Harkins, husband of Ronnie HarkinsRay Reichenbach, husband of Susan ReichenbachMary Scott, aunt of Thomas HowellCatherine Zollner, mother of Terry Clark

Weekly ScheduleSunday, October 12

9:00 AM SCRIP Sales – Parish Center 10:00AM Liturgy of the Word for Children (K-4) 12:00 PM Secular Franciscans – Spirituality Ctr. 5:00 PM AA Meeting – School 6:30 PM HS CYO Youth Night – Room A

Monday, October 13 9:00 AM Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet – Chapel 6:30 PM Rosary & Benediction – Chapel 6:30 PM AA Meeting – Room B 7:00 PM Legion of Mary Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr. 7:00 PM Cub Scouts Mtg. – Parish Hall 7:00 PM Theology on Tap – Maternity BVM Church

…followed by Gearo’s Grille

Tuesday, October 14 9:15 AM SCRIP Sales – Room B 9:15 AM Confessions Grade 6 12:45 PM Confirmation Rehearsal – School & CCD 2:00 PM Confessions - CCD 6:45 PM CCD Classes 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr. 7:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B 7:00 PM CCD Confessions – Levels 5 & 6 7:30 PM Ladies of St. Anselm General Mtg.

…Parish Hall

Wednesday, October 15 6:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B 7:00 PM Parkwood Civic Association – Parish Hall 7:00 PM Information Session on

…2015 World Meeting of Families – OLV 7:15 PM AA Meeting – Room B

Thursday, October 16 12:00 PM Senior Citizens’ Mtg. – OLV 4:00 PM Confirmation 5:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B 6:30 PM SCRIP Sales – Room B 7:00 PM Boy Scouts’ Mtg. – Parish Hall

Friday, October 17 6:30 PM AA Meeting – Room B

Saturday, October 18Anointing of the Sick – 5 PM Vigil Mass

9:00 AM Ladies of St. Anselm New York Trip

12:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B


Our next Youth Night will be this evening at 6:30 PM in the History Room. The purpose of our monthly Youth Nights is to have a discussion or presentation, along with some fun & food. All students in grades 9-12 are invited. Questions? Contact Fr. Friel or check out

Theology on Tap Northeast

Young adults (21-35) are invited to the fall series of “Theology on Tap Northeast.” The next three Monday evenings will include casual eating, drinking, and faith-related discussion. Come one week or every week. The topics will be:

October 13h Forty Hours DevotionsMeet at 7 PM at Maternity BVM(Fellowship to follow at Gearo’s)

October 20th Living the Gospel in 3-DFr. Dennis Billy, C.SS.R

October 27th Going Organic with MarriageLamar Edwards & Catie Payne

We will meet at Gearo’s Grille (1913 Welsh Road, Phila. 19115), beginning at 7:30 PM. There is no cover charge.

Churches & Cheesesteaks

All high school students are invited to join us on Sunday, October 19th for “Churches & Cheesesteaks.” We will begin with the 12 Noon Mass at St. Anselm before boarding a school bus bound for South Philly. After a lunch stop at Pat’s & Geno’s, we will explore the beautiful National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia.

This event has been planned for teens by teens. Contact Fr. Friel with questions ([email protected]). Please join us for an afternoon of faith, food, and fun!

CYO High School Boys Basketball Registration

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Registration for boys in grades 9-12 interested in participating for St. Anselm this season will be held every Tuesday in October from 8:30 – 10:30 PM in Victory Hall. For more information, contact [email protected]. You must be a member of St. Anselm Parish in order to participate in the program


Wanted! High School Students

We are seeking two high school students to serve as aides in our Level 1 CCD classes. Responsibilities include assisting the teacher in the classroom, working one on one with students, and assisting students with the completion of class work. Applicants should be dedicated, responsible, and enjoy working with children. The length of the commitment is once a week on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 PM, September through the first week of May. This volunteer service will fulfill service requirements for high schools. Interested teens should contact Mr. Dennis Mueller, 215-637-3525, ext. 15 or [email protected]

Home & School News…

Join us for dinner…

Burger KingFranklin Mills

October 13th – 4:30 – 8:30 PMSaint Anselm School will receive 10% of all purchases during these hours. Please remember to tell Burger King you are supporting SAINT ANSELM SCHOOL. Bring your family and friends.

Mark your calendar…

Home & School is sponsoring a program called Straight Talk for Parents on Wednesday, November 12th at 7:00 PM in Our Lady of Victory Hall. This program is offered by the nonprofit group, Drug Free Pennsylvania and is designed to educate parents about emerging drug trends; signs and symptoms of teen drug

use; and assists parents in the development of communication skills to speak and listen to their children about substance abuse. Mr. Scott Serafini will be our guest speaker.


Vincentian Message…In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus say: “Many are invited, but few are chosen.”

To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent DePaul?

LOAVES & FISHES SUNDAYOctober 19, 2014

The St. Vincent DePaul Society extends its thanks to all our parishioners for their continued support and concern for those less fortunate. Suggested items needed for our parish pantry this month include: breakfast cereals, pancake mix & syrup, coffee and tea, canned fruit and juices, canned vegetables and meats, tuna fish, canned soups, peanut butter & jelly, rice, pasta and sauce, bath soap and dish detergents, soap for washing machines, flour, sugar, toilet paper, paper towels, and baby food. May God bless you always for your kindness and generosity.

Join Friends Helping FriendsTuesday, October 21, 2014


A 25% off Shopping Pass is now available at the Parish Center for $5.00 only! Enjoy early Christmas Shopping and SAVE! There will be free refreshments and you can register to win prizes, including three $500 Shopping Sprees.

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Proceeds benefit the Saint Vincent DePaul Society.

St. Vincent DePaul Clothing DriveOctober 25, 2014

9:00 AM – 2:00 PMSaint Anselm Schoolyard

If I haven’t worn it, or do I really need it? Does it even fit? Pass it along and benefit the work of the Society of St. Vincent DePaul. Ladies of Saint Anselm…

Ladies’ General MeetingTuesday, October 14, 2014

7:30 PMSt. Anselm Parish Hall

All ladies of the Parish are invited to attend this meeting. Refreshments will be served.


Busses for our New York Trip will depart Saint Anselm promptly at 9:00 AM on Saturday, October 18th. Please park around the fence line in our schoolyard. Any questions, call Betty, 215-637-5319.

Ladies’ Night OutSaturday, November 1, 2014

7:00 – 10:00 PMOur Lady of Victory Hall

All Ladies of the Parish, your family and friends are invited to join us in our gym for an exciting evening. Pre sale tickets are available at the Parish Center now through October 30th @ $10.00 each. Tickets purchased at the door will be $12.00 each. The ticket price includes food, and beverages. “Spirits” will be available to purchase. Begin your Christmas shopping early. Call your family and friends and experience an enjoyable evening of shopping and socializing! There’s something for everyone.

We are currently accepting reservations from vendors. Tables are $30.00. All vendors are welcome; we hope to have a variety of items to

offer our guests. For reservations, please contact Denise, 215-327-9808.

Mark your calendars…

Archbishop Ryan High School’sFall Open House

Thursday, October 16, 20146:30 – 8:30 PM

All 6th, 7th and 8th grade families are welcome to attend.

CYOHayride & Haunted House Trip

Join us Saturday, October 25th (rain date is Saturday, November 1st). Buses depart from our schoolyard following the 5 PM Mass for Sleepy Hollow. The cost is $35.00 and includes transportation, the hayride, haunted house and bonfire ($10 for chaperones doing the bonfire ONLY). Permission slips have been distributed to St. Anselm & CCD students – you must be a CYO member to attend. Reservation deadline is October 15th.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!St. Anselm Prayer Garden Clean-up

Saturday, October 18, 2014Please join our regular gardeners from 10 AM until 2 PM. It’s a big job and we can use all the help we can get. Boy Scouts and CYO High School Members are encouraged to take part. Please wear old clothes and shoes (long sleeves and pants are encouraged). We will have some tools, but please bring heavy gloves and, if you have them, clippers (tag them w/your name). If you have any questions, call Mary Lou Klein, 215-637-8667. Thank you.

Sunday Collection – October 5, 2014Envelopes $12,699.00

Loose $ 469.54

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High School Students $ 75.00 Grade School Students $ 23.00

Total $13,266.54

Second Collection – October 5, 2014Building & Grounds $ 1,546.00

Second Collection – October 19, 2014Mission Sunday



(featuring Coach & Vera Bradley Bags)Friday, November 7, 2014St. Anselm Gymnasium

Tickets are now available at the Parish Center for an exciting night of Bingo. Join us at 7:00 PM (doors open at 6:00 PM). Your $30.00 donation includes 15 games of Bingo, coffee and desserts. If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation, it will be gratefully accepted at the Parish Center. All proceeds benefit Blessed Margaret Home for Crisis Pregnancies.


St. Anselm Parish HallBeef & Beer

Saturday, November 8, 20147:00 – 11:00 PM

Ticket Price: $30.00 eachThere will be a buffet, beer, soda, dancing and a silent auction. You must be 21 years of age to attend! Proceeds of this event benefit the Memorial Scholarship presented to a student at St. Anselm 8th Grade Graduation.

For tickets, call Jen, 215-990-5623.

Saint Anselm Senior Citizens invite you to join their group…

Join us most Thursdays from September through May from Noon until 3:00 PM (please arrive by 11:30 AM). Dues are $20.00 now and again in January which entitles you to a free doughnut or Danish, coffee or tea at most meetings. We also enjoy specials, such as chicken pot pie, pizza, a ham & cheese sandwich as well as Christmas, Anniversary and closing buffets. For $6.00 you can play bingo all afternoon. You do not have to be a St. Anselm parishioner, Catholic or even from our neighborhood to join. All adults 55 or older are welcome. Your first visit is free. Come, give us a try and feel free to bring a friend. For more information, please call Carolyn, 215--676-0323. Thank you and we hope to see you soon.


Our Lady of CalvaryWednesdays, Now thru November 12

7:30 – 9:00 PMMeetings are held in the Lower Church meeting room. Various topics discussed. No registration is necessary. Come to some or all sessions.


The Blessed Margaret Home is looking for individuals who are able to make a serious commitment one or two evenings a month to help us with our needs. For more information, please call Melissa or Pat, 215-245-8039.


As the need for assistance becomes greater, and the Fall and Winter months approach, we encourage you to continue to provide meals and we would welcome new participation. If you are able to make extra when preparing your dinners, there are containers in Room B in which to place a meal and provide dinner for someone in need.


Page 11: Mass Intentions -…  · Web viewNext weekend there will be a presentation on Word. ... Bishop Joseph Martino

Week #5

October 2 – 6, 2014

Winner #2 St. Pius $200.00

Winner #4960 Martin Gallagher $ 50.00
