Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation

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  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation


    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

    Global Market Strategy

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    London August 7, 2007

    Ruy M. RibeiroAC

    (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

    Jan Loeys(44-20) 7325-5473

     jan .loeys@jp

        I    N    V    E    S    T    M    E    N    T    S    T    R    A    T    E

        G    I    E    S   :    N    O .

        3    5

    • Classical mean variance portfolio optimization, conceived by Harry

    Markowitz in 1952, is used frequently for long-term strategic asset

    allocation, but not for tactical asset allocation.

    • We show, however, that adding Markowitz to a momentum-based tactical

    asset allocation significantly enhances returns.

    • This Dynamic Markowitz strategy produced a Sharpe ratio of 1.37 since

    1994, compared to 1.13 for a basic cross-market momentum strategy and0.77 for an equally weighted portfolio.

    • JPMorgan has developed a new family of dynamic asset allocation indices

    based on Dynamic Markowitz.

    Starting with cross-market momentum

    Last year, we launched a tactical asset allocation strategy based on relative

    return momentum1. Given a choice of 10 asset classes, the strategy invests

    equally in the five that performed best over the past 6 months and ignores

    the rest. The strategy has performed well out of sample, earning 15.3% pa

    since Jan 2006, or 3.7% over the equally weighted portfolio of various equity, bond, credit, EM, real estate, hedge funds, and commodity asset classes (see

    Table 1, next page). This excess return is in line with the strategy’s 4.5% in-

    sample alpha.

    Within sample, the cross-market momentum strategy was robust to many

    alternative specifications and periods. One potential enhancement that we

    did not examine and that is receiving strong interest from investors is

    applying mean variance portfolio optimization based on Harry Markowitz’

     path-breaking work 2. Markowitz optimization involves calculating an efficient

    frontier of all possible portfolios that provide the highest expected return for 

    each level of portfolio risk. In practice, investors do not make much use of 

    mean variance optimization as they find the results too sensitive to inputs(See Box 1). When they use it, it is for long-term strategic asset allocation but

    never for shorter-term asset allocation around a given benchmark. We find

    here, to our satisfaction as economists, that when combined with our

    momentum-based tactical asset allocation strategy, Markowitz optimization

    does have significant added value.


    Starting with cross-market momentum 1

    Persistence in risk and return 2

    Data, methodology and results 3

    Comparing with component strategies 5

    Long-short versions 7

    Robustness Analysis 7

    When does this strategy work well? 9

    Longer periods and intra-asset class 9

    Volatility timing/risk budgeting in asset allocation10

    Conclusion 10

    The certifying analyst is indicated by an AC. See page 11 for analyst

    certification and important legal and regulatory disclosures.

    We thank Vadim di Pietro for valuable comments and discussion.

  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation



    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

    This Dynamic Markowitz strategy, as we call it, performed

    well over our 1994-2007 sample period. Using returns and

    risks data for only the previous six months, the strategy

    delivered an annualized return of 15.6% with annualized

    volatility of 7.9%, significantly outperforming equallyweighted portfolios, as well as those based solely on long-

    term Markowitz, or exclusively on return momentum.

    The performance of the Dynamic Markowitz strategy comes

    from three sources:

    1. Momentum in asset class returns – as best performing

    asset classes in the recent past are also more likely to

    outperform in the near future.

    2. Persistence (clustering) in asset class volatility and


    3. Stability in total risk exposure – as we can combine asset

    classes to maintain a reasonably constant total volatility,thus introducing a volatility timing feature in the strategy.

    This paper is organized as follows. First, we rehearse the

    reasons why returns and risk should be persistent. Second,

    we describe the data, the testing methodology and our 

    choices of alternative strategies that serve as points of 

    comparison. Third, we test the Dynamic Markowitz strategy

    using a diversified set of asset classes. Fourth, we consider 

    two long-short versions of the strategy. Fifth, we analyze the

     performance over time and in relation to market conditions.

    Sixth, similar strategies are tested using longer data or 

    international portfolios of bonds or equities only.

    Persistence in returns and riskPersistence in performance and risk is an empirical question.

    Loosely speaking, a variable that exhibits persistence is one

    1. See Ribeiro and Loeys, Exploiting Cross-Market Momentum, Investment

    Strategies No. 14, Feb 2006. Please visit for an

    updated version (revised Table 1, Chart 4 and Chart 5).

    2. Harry Markowitz, Portfolio Selection, Journal of Finance, Volume 7, pp. 77-

    91, 1952.

    Table 1. Cross-market Momentum: out of sample; Jan 06 - May 07

    Statistic Value

     Average Return 15.29%

    Excess Return over EW 3.71%Standard Deviation 6.72%

    Sharpe Ratio 1.43

    Max (monthly) 4.95%

    Min (monthly) -2.57%

    Source: JPMorgan. In this table, we perform an out-of-sample analysis of the cross-market relative

    momentum strategy proposed in Ribeiro and Loeys, Exploiting Cross-Market Momentum, Investment

    Strategies No. 14, Feb 2006.

    Box 1. Drawbacks in standard portfolio optimiza-

    tion and possible solutions

    Many portfolio allocation applications assume stationarityin asset returns. The structure of both expected returns and

    covariances are estimated with long data. This implicitly

    assumes an i.i.d. process for returns. There is, however,

    strong evidence of predictability in stock returns when

    conditioned on price ratios and other predictable compo-

    nents in other asset classes.

    There are many other drawbacks as well. This allocation

    methodology has a backward-looking bias as it indirectly

    computes the optimal static portfolio for a particular past

    sample. Another negative feature of mean variance

    optimization is that allocations are very sensitive to parameters estimates, making the likely estimation error of 

    expected returns and covariances a serious issue. Another 

    unfortunate feature of this approach is that, at certain

    horizons, we find that expected and realized returns are

    negatively related, as decreases/increases in prices may

     just reflect an increase/decrease in long-term expected

    returns (but not for the horizons we are considering in this


    There are two sets of solutions to these problems. The first

    type of solution addresses the problems directly. This can

     be achieved, for example, with the use of shrinkage

    methods for the estimation of the covariance matrices (via

    factor models, principal components, etc.) and the use of 

    equilibrium returns for the base scenario of expected

    returns above which views can be added (i.e. the Black-

    Litterman model). The second type of solution just hides

    the dirt under the carpet by using, for instance, portfolio

    constraints. This approach implicitly acknowledges that

    inputs are poorly estimated and tries to minimize the impact

    of possible parameter misspecification.

    For simplicity and transparency, in this paper we use the

    “dirt under the carpet” approach. It should be stressed,

    however, that we are using very noisy measures of 

    expected returns. For example, even if momentum is indeed

    a feature of the markets considered here, nothing tells us

    how the magnitude, sign, or relative rank of past returns

    relates to the magnitude of expected future returns. For the

    case of the covariance matrix, using daily returns helps

    reduce estimation error. However, as with expected returns,

    the estimated covariance matrix is but a noisy forecast of 

    true future risk.

  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation



    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

    and/or may suffer from data quality issues, such as hedge

    funds and high-yield. Results for alternative portfolios

    including these asset classes are available upon request.

    Our analysis takes the point of view of a USD based

    investor. All returns are daily and all statistics are annualized

     based on daily information. We use two different data sets to

    account for limitations in availability of reliable series for 

    certain asset classes. In both cases, the time series end in

    June 29, 2007.

    Our aim is to replicate the current potential choices of a

    typical pension fund with a focus on easily tradable assets:

    1) 1994-2007, 9 asset classes, daily4;

    2) 1971-2007, 6 asset classes, daily5.

    Table 2 shows the basic statistics for the 9 asset classes,

    considered in the shorter sample. We initially focus on this

    sample in order to compare to the results in our previous

     paper. They are USD cash (3-month Libor), global govern-

    3. We apply a similar concept by using both realized volatility and correlation

    in daily returns. Recent research has shown that realized risk based on

    high frequency data can be superior to using parametric models of the

     ARCH family. We compute standard deviations using rolling windows of 

    past months (for example, 125 daily returns). We also used an iterative

    GARCH-approach that adds new data as we advance in time. In the

    GARCH case, standard deviations will tend to revert to a “long-term” meanthat is constantly updated.

    4. Table 2 includes the bloomberg codes for all the total return indices used.

    Whenever they were not available for the full sample we used the closest

    proxy. Details available upon request.

    5. In this case, the strategy allocates into US equities (Fama-French market

    factor series), World ex US equities (Datastream), Bonds (GBI US, and

    before that, a return series constructed using Constant Maturity 10-year 

    bond yield), Commodities (DJAIG, and before that, GSCI), Real Estate

    (NAREIT) and Cash (JPMorgan Cash Index, and before that Fama-French

    Cash Return). Other variations are available upon request. NAREIT is

    monthly in the beginning of the sample.

    Table 2. Basic Statistics – Asset Classes – 1994-2007%, Bloomberg codes in capitals

    Statistic Annualized Returns Standard Deviation

    MSCI North America – NDDUNA 10.5 16.5

    MSCI Europe – NDDUE15 11.3 16.8

    MSCI Asia Pacific – NDDUP 3.0 18.8

    MSCI EM – NDUEEGF 5.3 17.8

    Real Estate – GPRJPPLU 13.6 10.9

    EMBI – JPEMCOMP 11.4 14.2

    Commodities – DJAIGTR 9.6 13.4

    Global GBI – JHDCGBIG 6.4 2.8

    Cash – JPCAUS3M 4.4 0.2

    Source: JPMorgan.

    that tends to remain above (below) its long-run mean when it

    is currently above (below) its long-run mean. For the case of 

    returns, the term momentum is often used to describe this

     phenomenon, whereas the term clustering is used in refer-

    ence to volatility. The stronger the persistence, the longer it

    takes for the variable to return to its long-run mean. If both

    returns and risk are persistent, we will benefit from using

    more timely information in an allocation model.

    In fact, empirically, there is strong support for persistence in

     both returns and volatility. For example, in a cross-market

    momentum paper ( Exploiting Cross-Market Momentum), we

    tested for the persistence in returns (i.e., momentum), and

    found supporting evidence. The evidence for the case of 

    volatility is even stronger. The standard modelling of 

    volatility in asset returns relies on autoregressive processes.These models account for mean-reversion as volatility is

    expected to revert to a mean level, but are also consistent

    with volatility clustering, as periods of higher/lower than

    average volatility are likely to be followed by high/low


    As usual, the “why?” is harder to answer. For the case of 

    returns, behavioural finance arguments appear to provide

    the most convincing explanations. Two basic cognitive

     biases are commonly suggested as reasons for momentum:

    underreaction and overreaction. With underreaction, prices

    are slow to react to news, and returns exhibit positive serialcorrelation. In the case of overreaction, investors use past

     price movements to infer future price movements, and push

     prices in the same direction as previous price moves, again

    resulting in positive autocorrelation. Despite the empirical

    evidence, momentum in stock returns remains somewhat

    controversial as it implicitly implies market inefficiency.

    The idea that risk is persistent is less controversial, as is

    not inconsistent with market efficiency. Moreover, it is

    widely agreed that shocks to volatility have persistent

    effects. One possibility is that the magnitude of the

    economic shocks change in a persistent way. Additionally,

    the investor’s uncertainty on information provided by the

    economic news flows may also vary over time depending on

    the underlying state of the economy.

    Data, methodology, and resultsIn our previous paper, we included all components that are

    usually considered asset classes by market participants, but

    here we take a more conservative stance. We drop the less

    liquid asset classes that may also have shorter time series

  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation



    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

    returns in these asset classes. To this end, we run regres-

    sions of quarterly returns on past 60-, 125-, 185-, 250-day

    returns and repeat the process for volatility. In both cases,

    we use an report coefficients and t-statistics based on

     Newey-West adjusted standard errors to account for the

    overlapping nature of the regressions. Table 3 shows that

    most of the indices exhibit positive (and mostly statistically

    significant) autocorrelations in both returns and volatility.

    The second feature of our strategy is executed by calculat-

    ing an efficient frontier of these 6-month rolling returns and

    risks, and picking a point along it at the 8% risk level6. This

    vol cap is intentionally very close to the volatility of the

    equally-weighted benchmark.

    We will not discuss here the practical issues in implementing

    traditional portfolio optimization and reserve Box 1 for ashort summary. In particular, since our measures of expected

    Box 2. Risk Budgeting in Asset Allocation

    Here we discuss one of the multiple interpretations of risk 

     budgeting, an allocation strategy defined in terms of risk 

    exposure per asset or asset class. We will not discuss risk 

     budgeting in its general context, only its application to

    asset allocation.

    Risk budgeting is certainly an important organizational and

    managerial tool, especially when investment decisions are

    not fully centralized. It also provides a simple way to define

    target exposures of alpha strategies expected to have low

    correlation. For example, we use this approach in our 

    GMOS  publication.

    In fact, later we will show that a simple risk budgeting

    approach outperforms the optimal static mean variance

    efficient portfolio. However, we also show that risk 

     budgeting underperforms full-blown dynamic asset

    allocation because the former ignores important changes in

     both expected returns and correlations.

    6. Or less if the maximum risk portfolio has less than 8% risk. In this

    optimization, we are ignoring three small but relevant results in portfolio

    optimization. First, we wrongly assume that the volatility of the risk-free rate

    is indeed risk (time variation in rates is not risk as the cashflow of the risk-

    free investment is known in advance regardless of the rate level). Second,

    we ignore the two-fund separation property. Third, we use past return

    information for the risk-free asset, even though current yield is sufficient to

    determine future performance. The reason is that these “simplifying”

    assumptions have minor effects, but make the problem simpler to readers

    less familiar with the results of traditional portfolio optimization.

    ment bonds hedged in USD (JPMorgan’s GBI), emerging

    market bonds (EMBI), four equity markets (North America,Europe, Asia Pacific, and emerging markets, all in USD), real

    estate, and commodities.

    The Dynamic Markowitz strategy is based on two principles:

    momentum and mean variance optimization. The first

    exploits the empirically documented predictability of risk and

    return over medium-term horizons, executed in our base case

     by using returns and risks over the past 6 months (125

     business days). Accordingly, our first task is to test the

    empirical support for momentum (persistence) in risks and

    Table 3. Regression coefficients and t-stats (in italics)3-month returns/volatility on past x-business day returns/volatility

    Asset Classes 125-day 185-day 250-day


    MSCI North America 0.17 0.28 0.38

    0.83 2.04 2.61

    MSCI Europe 0.06 0.11 0.32

    0.21 0.77 1.67  

    MSCI Asia Pacific 0.13 0.22 0.12

    0.93 1.56 0.72  

    MSCI EM 0.03 0.01 0.04

    0.38 0.10 0.29

    Real Estate 0.31 0.27 0.27

    2.47 3.14 1.91

    EMBI -0.23 -0.03 0.09

    -2.13 -0.18 0.62  

    Commodities 0.27 0.14 0.16

    1.60 0.64 0.63

    Global GBI 0.06 0.09 -0.08

    0.54 0.72 -0.42  


    MSCI North America 0.71 0.75 0.73

    8.84 9.30 7.63

    MSCI Europe 0.58 0.58 0.60

    6.56 5.37 4.67  

    MSCI Asia Pacific 0.38 0.34 0.45

    4.18 3.90 5.06  

    MSCI EM 0.45 0.49 0.41

    3.44 3.75 3.14

    Real Estate 0.48 0.60 0.58

    2.04 2.76 2.27  

    EMBI 0.39 0.51 0.53

    3.83 4.49 4.35  

    Commodities 0.74 0.81 0.86

    6.84 9.97 10.44

    Global GBI 0.38 0.53 0.54

    2.00 3.16 2.89

    Source: JPMorgan

  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation



    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

    return and risk are noisy, due to estimation error and possi-

     ble misspecification, we introduce portfolio constraints.

    Specifically, we compute a constrained solution that sets

    weights for risky asset classes between 0% and 25%. We

    allow up to 50% investment in the proxy for cash in order to

    guarantee that the volatility constraint will always be

    satisfied. Therefore, at any point in time the portfolio is

    invested in at least 3 asset classes and there is no short

    selling7. The constraints are modified in the robustness

    section of this paper.

    The Dynamic Markowitz strategy outperforms each of theindividual asset classes, both in total returns and on a risk-

    adjusted basis, as illustrated in Chart 1. Table 4 shows that

     performance is stronger for the 125-business day lookback 

     period, but this result is particular to the more recent data

    used here, as we will examine in more depth later on. The

    strategy’s delivered volatility is close to but below our target

    volatility in all cases, reflecting the fact that past volatility

    does indeed provide a reasonable forecast of future volatil-

    ity. Chart 3 presents the strategy’s average monthly alloca-

    tions, showing the strategy uses all selected assets over 


    Comparing with component strategiesOur Dynamic Markowitz (DM) strategy provides strong

    results, but how good are they compared to other strategies

    and where do the returns really come from? To answer these

    Table 5. Comparison Strategies

    Equally- Static Risk

    Statistics Weighted Markowitz Budgeting

     Average Excess Return 5.7% 7.2% 5.8%

    Total Return – Geometric Average 10.3% 11.9% 10.5%

    Standard Deviation 7.3% 7.0% 5.2%

    Sharpe Ratio 0.77 1.03 1.12

    Max (monthly) 6.10% 6.70% 6.4%

    Min (monthly) -13.9% -13.8% -6.5%

    Source: JPMorgan

    Table 6. Comparison to Momentum Strategies

    Relative Risk-ad justed Rel .

    Statistics Momentum Momentum

     Average Excess Return 10.3% 9.8%Standard Deviation 9.2% 8.3%

    Sharpe Ratio 1.13 1.19

     Alpha (DM over Mom) 4.1% 2.5%

    T-stats 3.64 3.01

    Beta (DM on Mom) 0.73 0.88

    Source: JPMorgan. DM stands for Dynamic Markowitz strategy and Alpha shows the alpha of the DM

    strategy over each of these simple momentum rules resulting from the regression (Jensen’s Alpha).

    Table 4. Dynamic Markowitz – Basic Statistics for different lookbacks

    Statistics 125-day 185-day 250-day

     Average Excess Return (over cash) 10.7% 8.7% 7.7%

    Total Return – Geometric Average 15.6% 13.4% 12.5%

    Standard Deviation 7.8% 7.9% 7.7%

    Sharpe Ratio 1.37 1.10 1.00

    Max (monthly) 6.0% 6.3% 6.8%

    Min (monthly) -9.4% -7.3% -7.4%

    Source: JPMorgan. This table present basic statistics of the DM strategy when parameters are based on

    three distinct lookback periods.

    Chart 1. Cumulative Performance of DM Strategy

    Source: JPMorgan









    1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006





    Source: JPMorgan

    Chart 2. Average Portfolio

    MSCI North America10%

    MSCI Europe


    MSCI Asia Pacific




    Real Estate14%





    Global GBI



    MSCI North America10%

    MSCI Europe


    MSCI Asia Pacific




    Real Estate14%





    Global GBI



    7. In order to make the solution faster and more reliable, we use discrete steps

    in the weights. For example, a 5% step implies that the possible weights

    are 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. Results with continuous weights

    are marginally different.

  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation



    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

    questions, we build a number of comparison portfolios that

    contain some, but not all of the elements of the DM strategy.

    As a reference point, we also report the returns to a simple

    equally-weighted portfolio (EW).

     Next come two portfolios that contain elements of mean

    variance optimization. The first is what we call Static

    Markowitz. It is a fixed allocation calculated from an efficient

    frontier that uses the full period risks (sample covariance

    matrix) and delivered returns of the component asset classes.

    By definition, this strategy represents the most efficient

    constant-weight portfolio that an investor could haveselected. This strategy is not feasible in the sense that

    investors could not have known ex ante the returns and risk 

     parameters. A related comparison portfolio is one based on

    Risk Budgeting where the investors maintains constant risk 

    allocations to each asset class, using rolling recent

    volatilities, but not returns (see Box 2). The fixed-risk 

    allocations are based on the portfolio weights from the Static

    Markowitz strategy in conjunction with the average full

    sample volatility of each asset class. Once again, this is a

     proxy for the most efficient risk-weighted portfolio, but it is

    not feasible ex ante.

     Next, we present two comparison portfolios based on

    momentum in recent asset class returns (Relative

    Momentum) or in Sharpe ratios (Risk-Adjusted Relative

    Momentum). First, we apply the simple relative momentum

    approach where we go long only 4 best performers out of the

    9 asset classes using equal weights. Second, we apply a

    modified version of the relative momentum approach, where

    we rank asset classes by the past normalized excess return,

    i.e. recent Sharpe ratios.

    Table 7a. Information Ratios for DM against comparison strategies

    Comparison Strategies 125-day 185-day 250-day

    Equally-weighted Portfolio 0.94 0.57 0.40

     Average Portfolio 0.95 0.59 0.41

    Static Markowitz 0.58 0.27 0.10

    Risk Budgeting 0.94 0.58 0.40

    Source: JPMorgan. This table shows information ratios for the Dynamic Markowitz strategy against different

    comparison strategies. Average portfolio is the portfolio that uses constant portfolio weights equal to the

    allocation shown in Chart 2. These calculations do not account for differences in volatility/beta as we do in

    7b and 7c.

    Table 7b. Alpha relative to different comparison strategies

    Comparison Strategies 125-day 185-day 250-day

    Equally-weighted Portfolio (regression) 6.4 4.4 3.8

    Equally-weighted Portfolio (exc. return) 4.7 2.8 2.0

     Average Portfolio (regression) 6.5 4.5 3.8 Average Portfolio (exc. return) 4.8 2.9 2.1

    Static Markowitz (regression) 5.7 3.2 2.8

    Static Markowitz (exc. return) 3.3 1.4 0.6

    Risk Budgeting (regression) 3.0 0.8 0.3

    Risk Budgeting (exc. return) 4.7 2.8 2.0

    Source: JPMorgan. This table shows two alternative measures of alpha against different comparison

    strategies. In one case, we simply compute the excess return over the respective comparison. In the other 

    case, we use the intercept of an OLS regression on the respective comparison strategy (Jensen’s Alpha).

    The regression accounts for the difference in risk of the strategies that is clear in the different level of 

    volatility. Average portfolio is the portfolio that uses constant portfolio weights equal to the allocation shown

    in Chart 2.

    Table 7c. Alpha t-stats

    Comparison Strategies 125-day 185-day 250-day

    Equally-weighted Portfolio (regression) 4.6 3.2 2.7

    Equally-weighted Portfolio (exc. return) 3.3 2.0 1.4

     Average Portfolio (regression) 4.6 3.2 2.8

     Average Portfolio (exc. return) 3.3 2.1 1.4

    Static Markowitz (regression) 3.6 2.2 1.9

    Static Markowitz (exc. return) 2.0 0.9 0.4

    Risk Budgeting (regression) 2.1 0.6 0.2

    Risk Budgeting (exc. return) 3.3 2.0 1.4

    Source: JPMorgan. This table shows the t-statistics of the alphas reported in table 7b. Average portfolio is

    the portfolio that uses constant portfolio weights equal to the allocation shown in Chart 2.

    These comparisons allow us to investigate the sources of 

    the added value in our Dynamic Markowitz strategy. As

    depicted in Chart 3, both mean variance optimization and

    momentum make significant contribution to the improvement

    in Sharpe ratios, with momentum being more important.

    Additionally, all these strategies have a higher Sharpe ratio

    than the equally-weighted basket. Tables 5 and 6 on the

     previous page summarize the performance statistics of these

    five portfolios over the period 1994-2007.

    Source: JPMorgan

    Chart 3. Comparing with Component StrategiesSharpe ratio




















































  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation



    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

    Each of the panels in Table 7 reports additional metrics of 

    outperformance with respect to the non-momentum strate-

    gies. Similar results hold with respect to momentum strate-

    gies, but excluded for the sake of conciseness. Panel A

    reports that the information ratios of DM with respect to the

    alternative strategies are all positive. Panel B shows that DM

    excess returns over the non-momentum strategies are all

     positive, and even more so when the differences in volatility/

     beta are accounted for. Panel C reports corresponding t-

    statistics indicating that those alphas are statistically


    Long-short versionsThe benchmark strategy is long-only because it is easier to

    implement for most investors. In this section, we analyse the

    implications for alpha of long-short strategies. We consider two variations.

    First, we compute a constrained non-directional excess-

    return portfolio, that we call Vol-cap long-short. This

    strategy selects weights of between -25% and 25% such that

    the sum of the weights on the risky assets is zero and all

    capital is invested in cash. This portfolio is said to be non-

    directional because the net exposure to risky assets is zero.

    We set a volatility cap of 6%. Second, we compute a more

    flexible version, we call Flexible long-short, where we

    remove the vol limit. The leverage of this portfolio is free to

    move over time, only limited indirectly by the portfolioconstraints above. In this case, we reintroduce the standard

    Sharpe ratio maximization.

    Table 8 shows that the long-short strategies have a smaller 

    Sharpe ratio than the long-only version, but the reason for 

    this is the lack of exposure to the overall market. One could

    add beta to the strategy to increase the Sharpe ratio, but this

    hides the true alpha. Since the long-short strategies are

    constructed to be non-directional, their Sharpe ratios are infact equal to their information ratios.

    Robustness analysisWe will show that the optimal rule above is only one of the

    many rules that work , reassuring us that the idea makes

    sense and that the above results do not arise from pure luck.

    There is no theory to tell us exactly when we should

    rebalance the portfolio or how many months should be used

    to compute past risk and return. Hence, as a robustness test,

    we report the performance of the DM strategy for slightly

    altered rules.

    The following robustness checks are considered:

    1. changing observation period, rebalancing frequency and

    portfolio and volatility constraints: We increase and

    Table 8. Long-short Strategies

    Statistics Vol-cap LS Flexible LS

     Average Excess Return 5.3% 4.8%

    Standard Deviation 5.4% 5.6%

    Sharpe Ratio 0.97 0.85

     Alpha – EW 4.5% 5.2%

    T-stats 2.99 3.26

    Beta – EW 0.12 -0.07

    Source: JPMorgan

    Source: JPMorgan

    Table 9. Robustness to change in parametersAlpha Beta


    60   3 8% 25% 5.7% 8.0% 0.71 0.7% 0.52 0.87

    125   3 8% 25%   1 0.7% 7.8% 1.37 5.7% 4.13 0.83

    185   3 8% 25% 8.7% 7.9% 1.10 3.7% 2.68 0.84

    250   3 8% 25% 7.7% 7.7% 1.00 2.9% 2.14 0.82

    125   1   8% 25% 11.2% 7.5% 1.49 6.6% 4.78 0.78

    125   2   8% 25% 10.3% 7.5% 1.37 5.7% 4.15 0.79

    125   3   8% 25%   1 0.7% 7.8% 1.37 5.7% 4.13 0.83

    125   6   8% 25% 9.9% 8.1% 1.22 4.6% 3.35 0.89

    125 3   6%   25% 9.4% 6.4% 1.47 5.3% 4.64 0.67

    125 3   7%   25% 10.2% 7.2% 1.42 5.6% 4.34 0.76

    125 3   8%   25%   1 0.7% 7.8% 1.37 5.7% 4.13 0.83

    125 3   9%   25% 11.3% 8.4% 1.35 5.9% 4.00 0.89

    125 3 8%   20%   9.9% 7.4% 1.33 5.0% 4.01 0.81

    125 3 8%   25% 10.7% 7.8% 1.37 5.7% 4.13 0.83

    125 3 8%   33%   11.0% 8.1% 1.35 6.0% 3.91 0.83

    125 3 8%   50%   11.5% 8.4% 1.37 6.6% 3.87 0.80

    Sharpe Ratio t-statVolatility Constraint



    Observation Period


    Rebalancing Frequency




    Average Exc.

    Return (cash)

  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation



    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

    decrease the number of months used to compute recent

    risk and recent performance and the rebalancing fre-

    quency. We consider the effect of relaxing or tightening

    the portfolio or volatility constraints.

    2. excluding asset classes: We consider the effect of 

    excluding some of the asset classes, showing that theresults do not rely on any one particular asset class.

    Changing observation, rebalancing, constraints...

    Table 9 reports the effect of changing the assumed values of 

    four basic parameters: ranking period, rebalancing period,

    volatility constraint, and portfolio constraints. We consider a

    reasonable range of parameters that are compatible with both

    momentum and the fluctuations in risk and we also avoid

    extreme allocations.

    Table 10. Effect of excluding asset classes

    Average Exc. Return Information

    Excluding Asset (cash) Ratio (EW)

    MSCI North America 8.9% 0.56

    MSCI Europe 9.9% 0.75

    MSCI Asia Pacific 11.7% 1.11

    MSCI EM 9.4% 0.69

    Real Estate 9.1% 0.61

    EMBI 10.3% 0.87

    Commodities 10.3% 0.85

    Global GBI 10.5% 0.97

    No exclusions 10.7% 0.93

    Source: JPMorgan

    The return statistics remain positive and attractive even

    when we depart significantly from the benchmark param-

    eters. The alpha against the equally-weighted portfolio is

    statistically and economically significant in almost all

    reported cases and remains significant even outside the

    reported ranges. The Sharpe ratio is above 1.0 in almost all

    cases, with the exception of the rules with very shortlookback periods. Our base case scenario (shaded) is not

    even the optimal strategy in this sample, as other variations

    have higher alphas, though sufficiently close. For example,

     both more frequent rebalancing and lower volatility

    constraints appear to be beneficial.

    Excluding asset classes

    A strategy is robust when it is not highly sensitive to the

    asset classes that are used. Our analysis shows that not one









        M    S    C    I    N   o   r    t    h    A   m

       e   r    i   c   a

        M    S    C    I    E   u

       r   o   p   e

        M    S    C    I    A   s    i   a    P   a

       c    i    f    i   c

        M    S    C    I    E    M

        R   e   a    l    E   s    t   a    t   e


        M    B    I

        C   o   m   m   o    d

        i    t    i   e   s

        G    l   o    b   a    l

        G    B    I

        N   o   e   x   c    l   u   s

        i   o   n   s

    Chart 4. Effect of excluding asset classes on Sharpe ratios

    Source: JPMorgan

    Chart 5. DM information ratio vs past asset class dispersionIR

    Source: JPMorgan. DM Information ratio is the information ratio of the DM strategy with respect to the

    equally-weighted portfolio computed using 250 business days and dispersion is the 250-day average of the

    cross-sectional standard deviation in asset classes returns based on daily information.

    y = 41.054x - 0.1071R2 = 0.1235












    0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025

    Past Dispersion

    Chart 6. DM information ratio vs past EW volatilityIR

    Source: JPMorgan. DM Information ratio is the information ratio of the DM strategy with respect to the

    equally-weighted portfolio computed using 250 business days.

    y = -9.4171x + 1.0844

    R2 = 0.1742











    0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12

    Past Volatility - Equally-weighted Portfolio

  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation



    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

    Longer periods and intra-asset classWe also tested the strategy, with a longer sample, starting

    in 1974. In this test, we use allocations of between 0% and

    33.3% as we only have 6 asset classes. Even though we are

    forced to use fewer assets because of lack of data, perform-

    ance remains interesting with an alpha above 2% a year for

    longer lookbacks. Table 11 reports the main statistics for 

    this new strategy. Using longer lookback periods delivered

    higher returns. In general, the DM strategy performs only

    slightly worse with this smaller set of asset classes.

    The contribution of momentum in international allocation

    within an asset class has been previously analyzed in the

    academic literature, particularly for equities8. Here we test

    whether we can add value by using this optimization

    of the asset classes are essential for the performance of 

    this strategy. We compute the returns of the strategy when

    only 7 out of 8 risky asset classes are included (risk-free is

    always used) and consider all 8 possible combinations. Table

    10 shows the average excess return over cash and

    information ratios for all possible exclusions, while Chart 4

     provides a visual test of the stability of Sharpe ratio stability.

    When does this strategy work well?The strategy outperforms its equally-weighted and more

    active benchmarks almost always and its alpha has weak correlation with market returns in most cases. Here we look 

    at the relation between DM’s alpha (above equally-weighted

     portfolio) and the return and volatility of the equally-

    weighted portfolio, as well as with the dispersion in returns

    of the underlying asset classes (see Charts 5 - 7). This allows

    us to understand which market conditions are most

    conducive to positive performance and not directionality, as

    we compare to the past realization of these variables. There

    is a more clear correlation to dispersion (positive) and

    volatility (negative).

    Chart 8 shows a steady decrease in dispersion and, there-

    fore, an increase in correlation among asset classes over this

     period. Even though information ratios may remain positive,

    excessive correlation is overall the least favourable scenario

    for a momentum strategy. The negative relation to volatility

    may be partially mechanical as the volatility cap may become

    too restrictive when overall volatility is very high.

    Table 11. Basic Statistics – DM with Longer Sample for differentlookback periods

    Statistic 125-day 185-day 250-day

     Average Return 13.8% 15.2% 15.5%

    Sharpe Ratio 0.95 1.18 1.23

     Alpha (over EW) 0.88% 2.00% 2.36%

    t-stats 1.24 2.71 3.18

    Standard Deviation 5.9% 5.7% 5.8%

    Max (monthly) 7.3% 7.4% 7.5%

    Min (monthly) -12.1% -8.2% -8.2%

    Source: JPMorgan

    Chart 7. DM information ratio vs past EW returnIR

    Chart 8. Rolling 250-day dispersion in performance

    Source: JPMorgan. 250-day dispersion is the 250-day average of the cross-sectional standard deviation in

    asset classes returns based on daily information.

    y = -2E-06x + 0.105

    R2 = 0.8728







    1995 1998 2001 2004 2006


    Source: JPMorgan. DM Information ratio is the information ratio of the DM strategy with respect to the

    equally-weighted portfolio computed using 250 business days and past EW return is the return of the

    equally-weighted portfolio in the past 250 business days.

    y = 0.8393x + 0.3364

    R2 = 0.0614












    -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

    Past Return - Equally-weighted Portfolio

    8. For international equities using indices, see for example Bhojraj, S. and

    Swaminathan, B, Macromomentum: Returns Predictability in International

    Equity Indices, The Journal of Business, volume 79 (2006), pages 429–

    451. For international equities momentum using individual stocks, see for 

    example Rouwenhorst, K.G., International Momentum Strategies. Journal 

    of Finance, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 267-284, February 1998.

  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation



    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

     procedure. We do this for international country equity

    indices (Datastream indices) and also short-term bond

    indices (1-year or 2-year constant maturity JPMorgan

    Country Indices, for example). We choose these bond

    indices as previous work shows that short-term bonds are

    more prone to momentum9, as they are more sensitive to

    short-term changes in economic expectations. In both cases,

    we use the full available sample of daily total returns for 

    Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the

    UK and the US. Once again, we set the volatility cap close to

    the volatility of the corresponding equally-weighted basket.

    In general, for the intra asset class cases we find that adding

    recent volatility/risk information does not improve perform-

    ance vis-à-vis a simple momentum signal10. However, DM

    and the relative momentum-based strategy both outperforma passive benchmark, with Sharpe ratios of slightly above 1

    in the case of equities, versus 0.65 for the corresponding

    equally-weighted equity portfolio. Similar results hold when

    restricting attention to bonds, with DM showing a slight

    edge over the simple relative momentum strategy when

    using 185- or 250-day lookback periods.

    One of the reasons both strategies perform similarly is that

    movements in volatility within an asset class are more highly

    correlated than those between asset classes. A principal

    component analysis of asset volatilities shows that the first

     principal component explains only 54% percent of the time-series variation in variances in the cross-market case, versus

    81% for the stocks-only case (where performance in DM and

    relative momentum are more similar). Furthermore, there is

    also less dispersion in the levels of risk within an asset class,

    and, therefore, volatility information is somewhat less useful.

    9. See Salford, G., Momentum in Money Markets, Investment Strategies No.

    32, JPMorgan for an analysis of momentum in individual bond markets.

    10.These strategies have a strong currency component as we are usingunhedged returns. Results with hedged returns are also available.

    11.Fleming, J. , Kirby, C., and B. Ostdiek, The Economic Value of Volatility

    Timing, The Journal of Finance, Vol LVI, No. 1, Feb 2001

    12.Johannes, M., Polson, N., and J. Stroud, Sequential Optimal Portfolio

    Performance: Market and Volatility Timing, Working Paper, Columbia

    Business School, 2002.

    13.Related to the empirical risk-return trade-off (negative) which contradicts the

    theoretical risk-return trade-off (positive). It is beyond the scope of the paper 

    to discuss problems with the interpretation of the empirical trade-off, but it is

    our view that better use of filtering and conditional information can explain

    this apparent puzzle. Recent academic literature supports this view.

    Volatility timing/risk budgeting in assetallocationThere have been many practitioner publications analyzing

    the benefits of risk budgeting in asset allocation. In our 

    opinion, some of these studies exaggerate the contrast

     between asset and risk allocation, implicitly making the

    wrong assumption that asset allocation has to be a static

     problem. Several academic papers have also analyzed these

    issues and the benefits of using timely volatility information.

    For instance, Fleming et al (2001)11 analyze a portfolio

    allocation problem with equities, bonds, gold and cash using

    constant expected returns but a time-varying covariance

    matrix in a rule that rebalances daily. Johannes et al (2002)12

     perform a similar analysis with the S&P 500 index and cash

    and attempts to model the persistence in expected returns. A

    word of caution, however, is warranted. Part of the return inthese strategies is attributable to return persistence and its

    correlation to changes in risk and not risk itself 13.

    ConclusionThis analysis shows that it makes sense to exploit return

    and risk momentum/persistence in standard mean variance

    asset allocation, when considering a diversified set of asset

    classes. Nonetheless, the same caveats that we raised in

     Exploiting Cross-Market Momentum apply here.

    For example, persistence in risk and momentum in returns

    may disappear or change over time, as investors takeadvantage of these empirical regularities. And if they do, the

    direction of a possible transformation is not clear. Moreover,

    an asset allocation decision should not be based solely on

    persistence/momentum arguments. Value considerations,

    for example, are also vital to optimal asset allocation. One

    should view the dynamic rules presented in this paper as an

    overlay strategy to an existing portfolio, creating a separate

    and important source of alpha.

  • 8/17/2019 Markowitz in Tactical Asset Allocation



    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

    [email protected]

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    Global Market Strategy

    Markowitz in tactical asset allocation

     August 7, 2007

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

    Ruy Ribeiro (44-20) 7777-1390

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    17.  JPMorgan FX Hedging Framework , Rebecca Patterson

    and Nandita Singh, March 2006

    18.  Index Linked Gilts Uncovered , Jorge Garayo and Francis

    Diamond, March 2006

    19. Trading Credit Curves I , Jonny Goulden, March 2006

    20. Trading Credit Curves II , Jonny Goulden, March 2006

    21. Yield Rotator , Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, May 2006

    22.  Relative Value on Curve vs Butterfly Trades, Stefano Di

    Domizio, June 2006

    23.  Hedging Inflation with Real Assets, John Normand, July


    24. Trading Credit Volatility, Saul Doctor and Alex Sbityokov,

    August 2006

    25.  Momentum in Commodities, Ruy Ribeiro, Jan Loeys and

    John Normand, September 2006

    26.  Equity Style Rotation, Ruy Ribeiro, November 2006

    27.  Euro Fixed Income Momentum Strategy, Gianluca Salford,

     November 2006

    28. Variance Swaps, Peter Allen, November 2006

    29.  Relative Value in Tranches I , Dirk Muench, November 


    30.  Relative Value in Tranches II , Dirk Muench, November 


    31.  Exploiting carry with cross-market and curve bond 

    trades, Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, January 2007

    32.  Momentum in Money Markets, Gianluca Salford, May


    33.  Rotating between G-10 and Emerging Markets Carry,

    John Normand, July 2007

    34.  A simple rule to trade the curve, Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou,

    August 2007

    1.  Rock-Bottom Spreads, Peter Rappoport, Oct 2001

    2. Understanding and Trading Swap Spreads, Laurent

    Fransolet, Marius Langeland, Pavan Wadhwa, Gagan

    Singh, Dec 2001

    3.  New LCPI trading rules: Introducing FX CACI , Larry

    Kantor, Mustafa Caglayan, Dec 2001

    4.  FX Positioning with JPMorgan’s Exchange Rate

     Model , Drausio Giacomelli, Canlin Li, Jan 2002

    5.  Profiting from Market Signals, John Normand, Mar 

    20026.  A Framework for Long-term Currency Valuation,

    Larry Kantor and Drausio Giacomelli , Apr 2002

    7. Using Equities to Trade FX: Introducing LCVI, Larry

    Kantor and Mustafa Caglayan, Oct 2002

    8.  Alternative LCVI Trading Strategies, Mustafa

    Caglayan, Jan 2003

    9. Which Trade, John Normand, Jan 2004

    10.  JPMorgan’s FX & Commodity Barometer , John

     Normand, Mustafa Caglayan, Daniel Ko, Nikolaos

    Panigirtzoglou and Lei Shen, Sep 2004

    11.  A Fair Value Model for US Bonds, Credit and Equi-

    ties, Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou and Jan Loeys, Jan 2005

    12.  JPMorgan Emerging Market Carry-to-Risk Model ,

    Osman Wahid, February 2005

    13. Valuing cross-market yield spreads, Nikolaos

    Panigirtzoglou, January 2006

    14.  Exploiting cross-market momentum, Ruy Ribeiro and

    Jan Loeys, February 2006

    15.  A cross-market bond carry strategy, Nikolaos

    Panigirtzoglou, March 2006

    16.  Bonds, Bubbles and Black Holes, George Cooper,

    March 2006

    Investment Strategies Series

    This series aims to offer new approaches and methods on investing and trading profitably in financial markets.