Marketing - The 5 Ways to Growth

Marketing The 5 Ways To Growth Lawrence Kirsch Faculty Member Senior 1


This presentation focuses on the creative application and careful integration of the key marketing fundamentals many companies (large and small) neglect in their strategic and tactical planning. As exciting new tactics such as Social Media take center stage, it is critical to carefully identify market segments, understand audience desires, and align differentiation strategies with resonating value propositions to increase lead generation and conversation rates, expand market share, and achieve maximum profit at minimum cost.

Transcript of Marketing - The 5 Ways to Growth

  • 1. Marketing The 5 Ways To Growth
    Lawrence Kirsch
    Faculty Member
    Senior Consultant

2. Our Agenda For Today

  • 5 Ways to Grow

3. Differentiation 4. Market Research 5. Tactics2
6. What Is Marketing?
Understanding the wants and needs of a target market
developing and implementing a strategy to introduce, build awareness of, and promote the product or service to this target.
7. 5 Ways To Grow
Increase the business you receive from past and current customers.
8. 5 Ways To Grow
Increase the number of prospects within your current markets
9. 5 Ways To Grow
Increase your conversation rate of prospects to paying customers.
10. 5 Ways To Grow
Increase the product and service offerings to your current markets.
11. 5 Ways To Grow
Increase your exposure to new and different markets.
12. Grow Using All 5 Ways
Implement marketing tactics that impact each of the 5 ways to grow.

  • 1, 2, 3, 4 = focus on current markets

13. 5 = focuses on new markets