Marketing design

Marketing design and innovation is the most applicable course when referring to the latest market trend all around the world .everything is changing, as globalization is slowly consuming everything and consumption trend is speedily changing. As the information is exchanging on a daily basis there is more competition in the markets .As competition is more so is the profit. Consumers want more variety and quality products so day to day technology and other improvements are being done to offer them quality products according to their interest n needs. Learning from the Module Consumer interest is the most important thing so those companies focusing on consumer needs and interests are more profitable in order to stay alive cell phone companies had to keep up innovating, this was learned during this assignment. As until now the big cell phone companies are serving due to the latest technology they are innovating, for eg. Samsung & apple. Previously Nokia lacked due to not coping up with technology which now it has been able to do and have succeeded in research


Marketing design and innovation is the most applicable course when referring to the latest market trend all around the world .everything is changing, as globalization is slowly consuming everything and consumption trend is speedily changing. As the information is exchanging on a daily basis there is more competition in the markets .As competition is more so is the profit. Consumers want more variety and quality products so day to day technology and other improvements are being done to offer them quality products according to their interest n needs.Learning from the ModuleConsumer interest is the most important thing so those companies focusing on consumer needs and interests are more profitable in order to stay alive cell phone companies had to keep up innovating, this was learned during this assignment. As until now the big cell phone companies are serving due to the latest technology they are innovating, for eg. Samsung & apple.Previously Nokia lacked due to not coping up with technology which now it has been able to do and have succeeded in research and development unlike previously where all of its costs was spend on being socially responsible towards the environment .Moreover innovation is not just focusing on innovation on the consumer product level but with businesses dealing in industrial products like Corning which mingles with its business partners to develop new products and improve itself.Innovation- a Pertinent ToolWhen studying this particular course one can really understand that innovation is not only coming up with new products, there is a lot more which has to be learnt. Innovation can also be used in our business processes, advertising products, and motivating consumers to be convinced.. This course was challenging as it gave an opportunity to think of examples of Nokia and Samsung which are one of the largest companies. The challenge was seen in communication, commoditization, consumerism and patents when we studies these concepts under innovation and marketing design. Innovation: Deep Analysis There was a new approach discovered when we learned these concepts. It was learned that communication plays as a very important role when designing new innovative products. An error in this during the day would halt the normal processes and lead to problems in prototype and delays in product release .this is not good for a fast changing market as all efforts ,money go to waste if competitor acts up fasts than you .we can relate this to a collage assigned assignment in which if failure of communication being passed on properly is not taken care then everyone in different teams will work differently according to their limited information and risk of same work being done twice .The concept of consumerism also tells a person to think what had happened in the past instead of realizing it has a name .Having a coffee cup leads to having another one and the when one becomes addicted to it becomes as a necessary part of his life. Our lifestyle is made is this way that we have this unnecessary and unneeded expense added in our lifestyle. After learning one becomes aware of this and becomes conscious when buying products ,trying to be free of this cooperate advertising ,gaining the power to say no when these cooperation’s try to get them .When learning importance of patenting we know things which seem easy to make or duplicate can’t be done this easily .companies spending so much money in order to protect the customers from paying excess money .companies should continue researching on this to make it easier to protect like apple has done to its I tunes giving its consumers easy access with affordable music.ConclusionLastly in closing remarks, I will say that I have learned various applications and practicalities which an organization deals with in their normal life. I understood that in order to win the customer satisfaction and the target market it’s highly imperative to understand the targ

Transcript of Marketing design

Marketing design and innovation is the most applicable course when referring to the latest market trend all around the world .everything is changing, as globalization is slowly consuming everything and consumption trend is speedily changing. As the information is exchanging on a daily basis there is more competition in the markets .As competition is more so is the profit. Consumers want more variety and quality products so day to day technology and other improvements are being done to offer them quality products according to their interest n needs.Learning from the ModuleConsumer interest is the most important thing so those companies focusing on consumer needs and interests are more profitable in order to stay alive cell phone companies had to keep up innovating, this was learned during this assignment. As until now the big cell phone companies are serving due to the latest technology they are innovating, for eg. Samsung & apple.Previously Nokia lacked due to not coping up with technology which now it has been able to do and have succeeded in research and development unlike previously where all of its costs was spend on being socially responsible towards the environment .Moreover innovation is not just focusing on innovation on the consumer product level but with businesses dealing in industrial products like Corning which mingles with its business partners to develop new products and improve itself.Innovation- a Pertinent ToolWhen studying this particular course one can really understand that innovation is not only coming up with new products, there is a lot more which has to be learnt. Innovation can also be used in our business processes, advertising products, and motivating consumers to be convinced.. This course was challenging as it gave an opportunity to think of examples of Nokia and Samsung which are one of the largest companies. The challenge was seen in communication, commoditization, consumerism and patents when we studies these concepts under innovation and marketing design. Innovation: Deep Analysis There was a new approach discovered when we learned these concepts. It was learned that communication plays as a very important role when designing new innovative products. An error in this during the day would halt the normal processes and lead to problems in prototype and delays in product release .this is not good for a fast changing market as all efforts ,money go to waste if competitor acts up fasts than you .we can relate this to a collage assigned assignment in which if failure of communication being passed on properly is not taken care then everyone in different teams will work differently according to their limited information and risk of same work being done twice .The concept of consumerism also tells a person to think what had happened in the past instead of realizing it has a name .Having a coffee cup leads to having another one and the when one becomes addicted to it becomes as a necessary part of his life. Our lifestyle is made is this way that we have this unnecessary and unneeded expense added in our lifestyle. After learning one becomes aware of this and becomes conscious when buying products ,trying to be free of this cooperate advertising ,gaining the power to say no when these cooperations try to get them .When learning importance of patenting we know things which seem easy to make or duplicate cant be done this easily .companies spending so much money in order to protect the customers from paying excess money .companies should continue researching on this to make it easier to protect like apple has done to its I tunes giving its consumers easy access with affordable music.ConclusionLastly in closing remarks, I will say that I have learned various applications and practicalities which an organization deals with in their normal life. I understood that in order to win the customer satisfaction and the target market its highly imperative to understand the target market and manufacture the product in accordance with it. Due to globalization the needs and wants of the customers have changed drastically due to which various organizations are opting for high technology and investing in their research and development programs. However, technology and innovation has proven to be the backbone of the organization and without innovation the growth of the company will be stagnant. There is less which could be said against the lectures in the course whatever is learned is practical and can be implemented easily. We can all see it happening around us. There is no way of denying the facts. this will be more helpful in future in regards to now as the demands will increase at a high rate .The arising different concepts of marketing design will let companies focus on innovation. These concepts such as the importance of information transparency, the different steps in designing process, the importance of patenting etc, .everything will be implemented in the future and in order to avoid errors and to be successful like Steve jobs and other big names we hear.